본 연구는 선교사의 심리적 탈진 예방을 위한 새로운 접근 방식인 ‘자기성찰 디브리핑(Debriefing) 모델’의 제안에 초점을 두었다. 기존 의 디브리핑 모델의 외상 경험 이후의 정서 안정화에 초점을 둔 것과 달리 문제 상황 이전에 적응적 대처 전략을 세울 수 있는 예방 모델이다. 선교사의 과거 경험과 현재의 갈등 상황 간 상호 연관성을 강조하며 “미해결 정서”를 인지 및 감각적으로 이해하고 부적응적인 스키마와 대처 전략에 대한 교육을 통해 심리적 탈진을 예방하고 인지적인 변화를 촉진하는 것에 중점을 두고 있다. 이 모델은 기존 디브리핑 모델의 장점을 토대로 심리도식치료와 신경언어프로그래밍(NLP) 이론을 접 목하여 7개의 단계로 구성되었다. 각 단계는 안전지대 형성 단계, 현재 갈등 상황 파악 단계, 과거 미해결 정서 파악 단계, 해석과 통찰 단계, 교육과 인지전략 단계, 긍정적 자원 강화 단계, 그리고 전망 단계로 구성되며, 각각의 단계에서 활용 가능한 접근 방식을 제시한다. 본 연구는 선교사의 심리적 탈진 예방과 이 분야의 디브리핑 실천을 발전시키는 데 기여할 수 있다.
코로나19(COVID-19) 상황으로 감염예방과 관리지침에 따라, 정신간호학 실습을 대면으로 진행할 수가 없어, 긴급하게 온라인 실습으로 전환되었다. 이에 본 연구는 간호대학생의 정신간호학 현장실습 대체 온라인 실습에서 성찰일지를 내용분석하여 온라인 실습 교육과정의 질적인 향상을 위한 기초 자료로 활용 하고자 하였다. 연구 참여자는 2021년 정신간호학 온라인 실습에 참여한 간호대학 3학년 학생 31명의 성찰일지를 분석대상으로 하였다. 참여자의 실습이 종료된 2022년 4월 4일부터 5월 31일까지 자료 수집하 였고, 크리펜도르프(Krippendorff, 2019)의 내용분석에 따라 분석하였다. 정신간호학 온라인 실습 성찰일지 를 내용분석한 결과, ‘자기인식의 중요성을 확인함’, ‘정신건강의 가치를 알게 됨’, ‘정신질환자의 회복에 대해 생각함’, ‘치료적 의사소통 향상에 노력함’, ‘정신질환자에 대한 편견이 감소됨’, ‘온라인 실습에 대한 양가감정이 듦’의 6개의 범주로 도출되었다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 정신간호학 온라인 실습에서의 간호대 학생의 성찰의 의미를 파악할 수 있었고, 이러한 성찰일지를 대면 실습 혹은 정신건강전문가 양성과정에도 활용하여 연구하기를 제안한다.
Virtual reality (VR) has been set with an expectation of becoming the technology to enable new electronic businesses on metaverse platforms. VR is an application of three-dimensional computer graphics to create a convincing virtual environment where users can interact (Cowan & Ketron, 2019). The most used immersive VR devices are head-mounted displays. Importantly, in addition to visual sense, auditory, haptic, and olfactory senses stimulating devices are used in conjunction with head-mounted displays to reach a multi-sensory VR experience (Xi & Hamari, 2021). VR has been part of the brand strategy for various marketing endeavours (Cowan & Ketron, 2019) such as viewing furniture or kitchen setups by IKEA or creating virtual customer experiences in the real estate sector. However, VR’s impact on the consumer thought model has not been thoroughly examined. This extended abstract contributes to this shortcoming.
PURPOSES : A mechanistic-empirical (ME) predictive design logic that can compute the reflective cracking life of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) overlaid on top of a composite pavement is proposed herein.
METHODS : The overlay thickness design and analysis logic of the HMA were formulated based on the ME concept of reflection crack propagation. Climate data, traffic load data, the pavement material properties, and the thickness of each layer of the pavement are the main inputs for the ME-Reflective Cracking Rate (RCR) prediction algorithm. An Microsoft Excel Virtual Basic for Application (VBA) program was created to aid designers in assessing the expected performance of an HMA overlay design. Calibration was done using data from the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) sections. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to compare the results yielded by the program and data from a report by the Texas Transportation Institute.
RESULTS : The predictive model performance effectively generates the dynamic and relaxation modulus curves. The correlation value of the calibration factors, R2, is 0.79. The calibration factors used for the Asphalt Overlay Thickness Design (AOTD) program and the sensitivity analysis, i.e., k1, k2,, and k3,, are set to 5, 5, and 150, respectively. The sensitivity of the AOTD program affords reasonable results. Additionally, the program yields results similar to the trends presented in a report by the Federal Highway Administration.
CONCLUSIONS : The proposed ME design logic is successfully translated into an Excel VBA program, AOTD, which can perform routine assessments of laboratory tests for HMA overlays. The program can effectively perform numerous iterations and computations to predict an HMA overlay. The predictive model can generate reasonable dynamic modulus and relaxation modulus curves for the characterization of HMA overlays. Under the same asphalt binder grade and HMA type, doubling the HMA overlay thickness yields three times the expected reflective cracking service life.
Purpose: This study explored the reflective experiences of nursing students through online clinical nursing practicum education. Its specific aims were to identify the reflection experiences that these students subjectively perceive as alternative learning for their clinical practicum because of COVID-19 situations and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of these reflective experiences. Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted face-to-face or by phone with 18 fourth-year nursing students from June to October 2021. Data were analyzed using a thematic analysis. Results: The following five themes were identified: (1) looking back and rethinking, (2) applying memories to prepare for the future practicum, (3) requiring efforts to seek and consider real knowledge, (4) using benefits from emotional relaxation and repetition, and (5) limitations of habitual writing without deep thinking. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest the need for the development of an online practical education that vividly reflects the diverse and practical clinical world, which enables the acquisition of new knowledge and changes while actively receiving support, if possible, in the difficult reflection process experienced by nursing students through a mutual communication method involving faculty and students.
본 연구는 2019 개정누리과정에 맞춰 놀이중심 교육과정 실현을 위해 보육교 사의 전문성 신장과 함께 진정한 아동중심 교육 실천을 도모하고자 수행되었다. 보육교사들의 자발적 ‘교사 협의’ 경험은 어떠하며 그 과정에서 보육교사들은 어떠한 반성적 사고와 실천 변화가 나타나는지 살펴보았다. 연구참여자는 충청남도 S시에 위치한 S어린이집의 교사 11명이다. 보육교사들의 자발적인 선택과 참여를 전제로 영아반과 유아반 두 집단으로 구분하여 ‘교사 협의’가 진행되었다. 보육교사들은 ‘교사 협의’를 통해 영유아들의 놀이 지원 시 갈등하고 고민하 던 부분들을 되돌아보며 함께 나누는 일이 곧 스스로 성장하는 배움의 출발점이 었으며, 더 나은 코칭과 교수 방법을 모색하며 동반성장하는 경험을 보였다. 보육교사들은 ‘교사 협의’ 과정에서 영유아들이 몰입하는 놀이에서 의미를 발견하 고자 놀이를 깊이 관찰, 기록하였으며 이를 기초로 동료교사와 협의하고 코칭하는 과정을 통해 상호 신뢰와 존중을 쌓아갔다. 이는 또한 영유아 존중으로 이어지는 변화의 원동력이 되어, 보육교사들은 영유아들의 주도적 놀이를 인정해주고 구체적으로 지원할 수 있도록 공간과 자료를 새로운 방식으로 제공하며 지원하는 과감한 시도를 하는 교수활동의 실천 변화를 이루었다.
평생교육사의 전문성 개발에 대해서는 교과목 확대 및 실습 강화 등 많은 노력을 기울이 고 있다. 그러나 이미 현장에서 실천활동을 전개하고 있는 평생교육사의 전문성 개발에 대한 연구와 지원 은 미흡한 실정이다. 평생교육 현장에는 평생교육사 양성과정을 거치지 않고 평생교육활동에 종사하는 사 람들도 있으며, 앞으로 성인학습이 다양하게 확대되고 평생교육사들의 수도 점차 증가할 것으로 예측된다. 성인학습 지원을 위한 평생교육사의 전문성 개발에 대해 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 평생교육사의 직업사회 화 과정에서는 이론적 지식 습득 뿐만 아니라 성찰적 실천 능력이나 문제해결능력을 중심으로 하는 전문 성 개발 전략이 필요하다. 평생교육사의 전문성 개발과 관련하여 이 논문에서는 성찰적 실천에 관한 논의를 전개하였다. 첫째, 평 생교육사의 실천 능력을 개발하기 위한 성찰적 실천의 의미에 대해 규명하였다. 둘째, 성찰적으로 실천한 결과를 전문성 개발에 활용하기 위한 방안을 탐색하기 위해서는 실천한 결과에 대한 성찰과 실천과정에서 의 성찰이라는 두 가지 개념을 중심으로 논의하였다. 마지막으로, 논의결과를 요약한 다음 성찰적 실천을 통한 평생교육사의 전문성 개발 전략을 제시하였다.
도로측구는 도로 노면배수 기능 및 도로포장 양단면에 구조적 지지력을 제공하고, 주행차로로부터 분리된 공간을 확보함으로써 차량이 도보로 침입하는 것을 방지하여 안전성 확보를 하는 기능을 가지고 있다. 하지만, 도로측구는 예상치 못한 차량하중 재하 및 극심한 환경 및 기후조건 등의 영향으로 손상을 입는 경우가 많으며, 특히 측구 시공 시 기존면 처리 미숙으로 인한 반사균열이 발생하는 사례가 많다. 본 연구에서는, 도로측구 반사균열 저감을 위해서 합성 분리막의 적용성을 실내, 수치해석, 현장실험을 통해 평가하였으며, 평가결과 도로측구 시공 및 유지보수에 효율성이 있을 것으로 판단된다.
Silver nanowire (AgNW) networks have been adopted as a front electrode in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin film solar cells due to their low cost and compatibility with the solution process. When an AgNW network is applied to a CIGS thin film solar cell, reflection loss can increase because the CdS layer, with a relatively high refractive index (n ~ 2.5 at 550 nm), is exposed to air. To resolve the issue, we apply solution-processed ZnO nanorods to the AgNW network as an anti-reflective coating. To obtain high performance of the optical and electrical properties of the ZnO nanorod and AgNW network composite, we optimize the process parameters – the spin coating of AgNWs and the concentration of zinc nitrate and hexamethylene tetramine (HMT – to fabricate ZnO nanorods. We verify that 10 mM of zinc nitrate and HMT show the lowest reflectance and 10% cell efficiency increase when applied to CIGS thin film solar cells.
In spite of the benefits of English oral presentations on EFL learners' proficiency and competence, English presentations have not obtained much attention as instructional medium in the field of English education. With the belief that EFL learners' experience of English presentation performance can provide valuable insights for educators and researchers, this study intended to describe how EFL learners perceive their presentation performance through their reflective self-assessment. In particular, adopting Otoshi and Heffernen's (2008) rubric of evaluation, this study examined what a group of Korean EFL learners were concerned in regard to their presentation performances and how they evaluated them. The data collected were 41 reflective self-assessment papers written by 41 Korean college students. The papers were coded, categorized and interpreted. Findings showed that voice quality is the area the students in this paper were most concerned about. Negative evaluations of their presentation performance outweighed the positive evaluations except in the area of Power Point use. Lastly, rehearsal and visual aids education sessions as well as differentiating spoken and written English were suggested as instruction implications for educators.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for developing strategies to improve the learning effect of simulation by analyzing the reflective journaling after the simulation based learning on the nursing of patients with upper gastrointestinal (UGI) bleeding. Method: From September 19–29, 2016, we conducted a simulation of UGI bleeding patient nursing with fourth-year students in the nursing department of University B in City A, and analyzed the data using content analysis. Results: In this study, reflective journaling can be an effective educational method to strengthen nursing competence, such as the self-reflection of nursing students, evidence-based nursing practice, teamwork, and communication ability. Conclusion: Reflective journaling after practice in simulation-based education is an important process in training critical thinking, situational judgment, and reflection of nursing practice content, and needs to be extended to both on-campus practice and clinical practice.
Asphalt pavement overlay method is one of widely chosen construction methods for remodelling existing aged concrete pavement layer. However, in this case reflective cracking is a challenging issue due to movement of transverse joints: built in existing concrete pavement layer with constant interval length. In this paper, collecting field data: collection of displacement and temperature data on existing concrete pavement layer for further complicated pavement performance analysis, was performed. To fulfil this objective, various types of thermometer were embedded into concrete layer with different depth level. Then, movement of existing concrete layer was measured numerically. Each Displacement Measuring Gauge (DMG) along with thermometer was embedded with depth of 3cm and 15cm, respectively. Additional thermometers were embedded at the middle depth of overlaid asphalt pavement layer for further extensive analysis and data collection. Total four testing sites were considered based on different asphalt mixture type and construction method. The 1st site was constructed with conventional construction approach, the 2nd site was constructed with a new pavement equipment contains simultaneous tack-coating function, the 3rd site was similar to 1st site but Guss-asphalt was constructed as a binder course, and in 4th site Noise-Reduction Porous Asphalt (NRPA) was constructed as a surface course and regular Dense Grade Asphalt (DGA) was constructed as a binder course. A field asphalt pavement layer sample coring works: along with basic material property tests, were also performed to acquire not only overlaid asphalt but also existing concrete pavement materials. This gauge measuring work in this study is an initial step therefore, long-term movement data of each pavement layer was not able to be collected, unfortunately. However through collecting and analysing initial data on each test site, two crucial findings were acquired. First, in all four tested site highest temperature variations were observed at the upper asphalt pavement layer and the variation trends decreased with increase of pavement depth (in case of concrete pavement layer, temperature and movement variations also decreased with increase of pavement depth). Secondly, when Guss-asphalt was applied as a binder course temperature variations of existing concrete pavement layer was crucially smaller than those of other comparison cases. These current findings and collected data set can provide successful input information for further pavement structure analysis such as 2D (and/or 3D) Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis as a future study.