
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13,655

        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the functionality of fermented black garlic extracts under various conditions. Black garlic powder was prepared by aging for 0~72 hours at 80℃ depending on relative humidity (RH). It showed the highest antioxidant effects among the samples; the total antioxidant activity of black garlic powders at RH 75%, 84%, and 90% for 72 hours was increased 31.9 times, 28.2 times, and 22.6 times compared with that of the fresh garlic powder, respectively. Also, the alliin content was gradually decreased. S-ally-L-cysteine and S-ethyl-cysteine levels were increased; the highest values were 495.9 μg/g and 1,769.7 μg/g after aging for 72 hours at RH 75%. Aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) levels were increased following high fat diet feeding, but the rise was obviously reduced by administration of black garlic extract. The total cholesterol, LDL/VLDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride contents in serum were significantly lower in methionine and choline deficient (MCD) diet treatment groups than in the positive control group. The concentration was increased following the intake of black garlic and fermented black garlic extracts. Therefore, black garlic extracts could be an ideal material as a dietary supplement in healthy functional foods to improve the effects on fatty liver.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        One of the most precise methods of tracking water movement and measuring moisture content during hydration process is the usage of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this study, the target samples were dried “Robusta” green coffee beans, and a series of images was acquired through an MRI system during the entire hydration process. Coffee beans were immersed in a glass bottle and were placed in a 35 mm diameter RF coil throughout the whole experiment. A set of 64 images with a field of view of 26 mm×26 mm was acquired. The hydration process of intact dried green coffee beans lasted for 360 min and image data sets were acquired every 10 min with an optimal GRE pulse sequence developed. The MR images were analyzed in 2D and 3D imaging spaces. The results of 2D analysis showed that the changes in water penetration depth inside coffee beans during the hydration process could be visualized. In addition, the results of 3D analysis presented a clearer understanding of the hydration process of dried coffee beans. This study showed that changes in water distribution and physical dimensions of coffee beans during the hydration process in 2D and 3D imaging spaces were meserable, without disturbing the process, by means of the MRI technique.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        잡곡의 Fusarium 곰팡이독소의 오염 조사를 위해, 총 244개 잡곡시료(귀리, 수수, 율무, 기장)를 수확기 포장에서 2017년과 2018년에 수집하였다. 데옥시니발레놀(DON), 니발레놀(NIV), 제랄레논(ZEA)은 면역친화컬럼법과 UPLC를 이용하여 분석하였으며, 푸모니신(FUM)은 QuEChERS 방법과 LC-MS를 이용하여 분석하였다. 잡곡 시료 중 귀리의 NIV 오염수준은 120.0-3277.0 μg/kg로 다른 잡곡에 비해 가장 높았다. 율무에서는 DON이 최대 730.0 μg/kg 검출되었다. 기장의 NIV과 ZEA의 오염빈도는 각각 61.5% 와 57.9%로 높았으나 평균 오염량은 각각 75.6 μg/kg과 21.5 μg/kg로 안전한 수준이었다. 잡곡 시료 중 수수는 DON, ZEA, FUM의 오염빈도가 가장 높았으며, 2 종 이상의 Fusarium 독소 중복 오염률이 70.0%로 잡곡 평균 29.9%에 비해 높았다. 잡곡 재배포장에서 Fusarium 독소 오염을 안전하게 관리하기 위하여 독소 발생 모니터링과 함께 오염예방기술 개발 연구가 수행되어야 할 필요가 있다.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cabbage is a biennial plant that is native to the shores of the Mediterranean. It contains dietary fiber, minerals, vitamin A, vitamin C, and anticarcinogenic phytochemicals. For the test, cabbage powder was added (5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%) to flour. The addition of cabbage powder significantly increased the specific gravity and viscosity of the batter and pH of both the batter and chiffon cake. The moisture in the chiffon cake increased due to the addition of cabbage powder. Also, the lightness of the cake significantly increased, whereas the redness and yellowness decreased as the amount of cabbage powder increased. The lightness and redness of crumbs from C0 were higher than other samples as each 59.48, -3.17, respectively. Except for the resilience, the hardness, gumminess, fracturability, and adhesiveness showed similar values in the C0, C5, and C10. In terms of consumer perception, the color, softness, flavor and overall consumer preference for the control chiffon cake were higher than C5, C10, C20, and C30. Nonetheless, for those that contain cabbage powder, C5 and C10 had relatively higher consumer preferences than C20 and C30. As a result, the optimum amount of cabbage powder for the chiffon cake would be from 5~10%.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 비브리오 패혈증 예방과 치료에 유용한 항생제를 제시하기 위해 V. vulnificus의 독소유전자 분포와 항생제 내성을 분석하였다. 2015년부터 2017년까지 3년간 전남지역에서 발생한 비브리오 패혈증 환자로부터 분리되어 보관된 18균주와 전남지역에서 채취된 어패류 및 횟집 수족관수에서 분리된 5균주, 총 23균주를 대상으로 하였다. 실험에 사용된 V. vulnificus 23균주 모두 V. vulnificus로 재확인되었다. V. vulnificus 균주의 독소유전자를 분석한 결과, 23균주 중 19균주(82.6%)에서 RtxA 독소 유전자가 확인되었고, 23균주 모두에서 viuB와 vvhA 독소 유전자가 검출되었다. 이러한 결과는 독소유전자의 검출율이 기존 보고에 비해 높은 것이며, 실험에 사용한 모든 V. vulnificus 균주가 1개 이상의 독소유전자를 보유한 것으로 생선회 섭취와 상처를 통한 비브리오 패혈증 감염의 위험성이 상존하고 있었다. 따라서 횟집 종사자 등에 대한 비브리오 패혈증 예방 교육이 필요한 것으로 판단되었다. V. vulnificus에 대한 항생제 내성 실험결과 cefoxitin 항생제에 94.4%가 내성을 나타내었고, chloramphenicol과 tetracycline 등 14종의 항생제에 감수성을 나타내었다. 비브리오 패혈증 치료에 chloramphenicol과 tetracycline 항생제를 사용하는 현 치료법이 유용한 것으로 판단되었다.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        식중독(식품 매개 질병)은 전 세계적으로 심각한 공중 보건 문제와 경제적 손실을 초래한다. 최근 몇 년 간 새로이 발생한 식중독은 주로 동식물에서 유래하는 새로운 박테리아, 바이러스, 원생 동물, 곰팡이독, 그리고 프리온 에서 발생했다. 유해 박테리아, 바이러스, 기생충 또는 화학 물질이나 자연 발생 독소 등으로 오염된 불안전한 음식의 섭취는 질병의 발병률과 사망률을 높인다. 그러나 특정 병원성 또는 화학적 위험요인, 불충분한 보고 사례, 감염 전염 방식 및 시기 진단 등에 대한 식품 소재 귀인(歸因)의 어려움 때문에 식중독의 발병률과 부담을 추정하는 것은 전 세계적으로 큰 도전이며 식중독을 통제하 는 것은 매우 어렵다. 그러므로 종합적인 식품 안전 전략 및 정책의 시행, 관리 감독 강화, 탄력적인 건강 시스템 보장, 안전한 식품 보장 및 식품 매개 질병 예방을 위한 교육 및 훈련 강화에 대해 모두가 책임져야 한다.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to prevent excessive softening of seasoned spinach by heating and freezing through the pre-heating treatment in calcium chloride solution. The pre-heating temperature was set at 60℃, which supports the highest activity of pectinesterase around 60℃. Pre-heating spinach in calcium solution does not affect the chromaticity characteristics of spinach leaves and significantly improves its texture compared to conventional blanching only and pre-heating in water. The improvement of the firmness is related to the formation of strongly cross-linkages between carboxyl groups and Ca2+ by the action of the pectinesterase in spinach. For reheated spinach, the firmness of calcium chloride treated stems were 37.80~44.44 kg, and the control was 28.73 kg. The firmness of calcium chloride treated leaves was 19.73~40.79 kg, and the control was 9.63 kg. Additionally, the total aerobic bacteria in the fresh samples were 3.25~3.99 log CFU/g and 1.97~2.72 log CFU/g in the reheated samples. And the total coliform was not detected in the reheated samples. Considering the color, texture, microbial characteristics and taste quality, the optimum pre-treatment conditions to prevent excessive softening of spinach were 3% calcium chloride solution and 15minutes of treatment.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kombucha is a fermented tea manufactured by adding various microorganisms and sugars to brewed herb tea such as green tea and black tea. Its components and functions vary depending on ingredients, inoculated microorganism compositions, and fermentation conditions. Therefore, this study aims to examine which conditions affect kombucha properties and how these features are affected. Types of substrates, specifically plant-based foods, alter profiles of polyphenol, organic acids, carbohydrates, and protein amounts in kombucha. Long fermentation time raises polyphenol contents and high fermentation temperatures increase sourness in kombucha. Microbial composition of SCOBY, which is the symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast used to inoculate microorganisms, change the kombucha microbiome that contributes to the chemical composition and functions of kombucha. Several studies have discovered that kombucha has health beneficial functions such as antioxidant activity, hepatic protective effects, antimicrobial effects, anti-diabetic effects, anti-inflammatory effects, and cholesterol reducing effects. These findings indicate that kombucha has high potential as a health functional food. However, future studies are needed to further determine the relationship of manufacturing conditions and functional properties of kombucha.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        장내 미생물과 숙주의 면역시스템은 상호 조절을 통해서 공진화 되어 왔다. 미생물은 부분적으로 대사물질을 생산하여 숙주 면역시스템을 조절한다. 면역세포는 대사 특이적인 수용체로서 P2X7, GPR41, GPR43, GPR109A, AhR, PXR, FXR, TGR5 등을 발현한다. 대변 은행은 rCDI 환자 치료를 위해 2013년부터 세계 각국에서 설립되고 있으며, 2017년 유럽에서 기증자 선발, 대변 준비, 대변 전이와 임상 관리, FMT 센터 운영을 위한 기본 요소 기준에 대하여 실무 중심의 의견 보고서를 발표하였다. CDI를 제외한 다른 질병 치료를 위한 FMT의 이용은 미국 식품의약국(FDA)으로부터 시험용 신약(IND) 승인을 받아야 한다. 따라서 FMT는 항생제로 제거가 불가능한 CDI 치료를 위하여 임상 실무에서 이용이 증가하고 있다. 비만에 대한 FMT 이용은 쥐에 대한 결과가 대부분이며, 비만쥐에서 Bacteroidetes가 감소하고 Firmicutes가 증가하였다. 동물의 생산성 향상을 위하여 사람 FMT의 표준 방법을 이용할 수 있다. 동물에서는 대변 미생물의 구강 투여가 적절한 방법이며, 동물 산업의 잠재적 대규모 수요를 충족시키기 위해서 품종에 따른 대변 은행의 설립이 필요하다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the difference of dietary intake behavior between groups of adults aged >20 years with or without dyslipidemia, and comparing the various types of dyslipidemia, based on the Seventh (2016) KNHANES. Men showed higher rate for triglyceridemia and LDL-cholesterolemia than women and subjects in the age group 50-59 years exhibited the highest incidence of triglyceridemia, total cholesterolemia and HDL-cholesterolemia. The ratio of obese people was higher in most types of dyslipidemias. The top five foods in each group of cereal & grain, meat, vegetable, and fruit were selected for analysis, based on the food frequency. The dyslipidemia group showed higher intake frequencies for mixed grains, cabbage kimchi and leafy vegetable than the no-dyslipidemia group, and the group with high blood total cholesterol for mixed grains, apple, and cutlassfish-croaker. Group with high blood triglyceride showed higher intake frequencies of rice and mackerel-mackerel pike than the other groups of high blood triglyceride. No food showed significant difference in the frequencies between groups of LDL-cholesterol. Group with high blood HDL-cholesterol showed higher intake frequency of bibim-fried rice, deep fried chicken, stir fried chicken, apple, tangerine, banana and butter-margarine. These results indicate that people with high levels of blood total cholesterol are more concerned with food having health benefits than those with abnormal levels of other blood lipid. More information on dietary benefits need to be provided to patients having high levels of triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to derive practical improvement measures for the food traceability system that could improve food reliability and secure food safety. To this, in our survey May-June, 2019, 567 adult males and females were analyzed for recognition and experience of the food traceability system, measures to improve the system, and intention to make additional payments to improve the system. In the case of a food safety accident, 2.54 of 5 points were given on if the food was recalled or not. Approximately 77.4 percent of the respondents had never seen indication of a food traceability system, and approximately 93.8 percent had no access to, or experience with, using the system. Most respondents said that the food traceability system should be applied to items that need to be applied. As the volume of data that is recorded and managed by the government is recognized as high, improvement is needed. Finally, it was analyzed that the company intends to pay an additional 1.34% on average to expand its food traceability system. A more sophisticated cost analysis is needed to apply the improvements proposed to complement the plans that are acceptable to consumers and the industry.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the status of food specialties in Korea during the Japanese colonial period through『Specialities of Joseon (朝鮮の特産)』. The book recorded a total of 164 areas and 317 specialties, focusing on five railway lines and branch lines on the Gyeongbu, Honam, Gyeongui, Gyeongwon, and Hamgyeong. Among the specialities, 211 species were included, excluding overlapping ones. The food specialties accounted for 100 kinds in 159 regions or 47.4 percent of the specialties. There were 47 food specialties in 47 areas of the Gyeongbu Line, 21 food specialties in 20 areas of the Honam Line, 32 food specialties in 40 areas of the Gyeongui Line, 26 food specialties in 15 areas of the Gyeongwon Line, and 33 food specialties in 42 areas of the Hamgyeong Line. Among the specialties, the amount of fish and their workpiece was overwhelmingly the largest. Next came processed goods of fruits, grains, and vegetables. In modern factories, corn, tomatoes, blueberries, and sardines were made of processed goods. Factories have been constructed for glass noodles, sugar, and soju. Specialities and processed goods produced in each region were brought to Japan during the Japanese colonial period.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, 70 kinds of nutritional composition for five bokkeumbap products(spicy chicken, shrimp(saeu), haemul, nakji, and barbecue bokkeumbap) in high-frequency processed foods were analyzed. Raw data of intake amounts were collected from the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Regarding proximate composition, spicy chicken bokkeumbap had lower water content and higher carbohydrate content than other bokkeumbaps, resulting in the highest total calories. The proximate composition of other bokkeumbaps were all distributed within a similar range. Vitamin content differed according to ingredients added to the bokkeumbaps. Haemul bokkeumbap had high content of vitamins B1 and B2, nakji bokkeumbap had high content of vitamin C and β-carotene, and barbecue bokkeumbap had high content of total niacin, folic acid, and vitamin A. For mineral content, barbecue bokkeumbap showed the highest content distribution, while nakji bokkeumbap showed the lowest content distribution. Regarding fatty acid and fat content, the highest content of fatty acids, saturated fats, and trans fats was detected in shrimp(saeu) bokkeumbap. For amino acid content, barbecue bokkeumbap showed highest content distribution. These results can be used as salient basic data for a food nutrient composition database and to significantly contribute to consumers’ health.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농식품과 생산환경에서 대장균 오염여부를 휴대 전화에서 실시간으로 결과를 확인할 수 있는 IoT 기반 스마트 대장균 검출 장치를 개발하였다. 개발된 대장균 검출기는 온도 조절부, UV 램프, 고해상도 카메라 및 검출 여부를 판단할 수 있는 소프트웨어로 구성된 장치이다. 검출기의 성능을 평가하기 위하여 온도, 대장균 검출 시간 및 검출 한계를 측정하였는데, 개발 된 장치의 설정 온도와 실제 온도의 차이는 약 1.0oC 이내 였다. 또한 검출시간은 1 CFU / 100 mL일 때 15 시간이었고, 대장균 오염농도가 증가할수록 검출시간이 감소하였다. 개발된 스마트 대장균 검출기를 기구, 장갑, 관개 수, 종자 및 채소를 포함한 다양한 시료에 적용했을 때, 대장균의 검출율은 식품공전 법으로 분석하였을 때보다 높았다. 따라서 개발된 대장균 검출기술은 농식품 및 생산환경에서 대장균을 효율적으로 검출할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        건강기능식품의 경우 단성분보다는 복합제품 개발이 우선시되고, 12가지 기본제형이외에도 일반식품형태의 제품으로 범위가 확대되고 있다. 이러한 제품에서 기능성(지표)성분을 효율적으로 분석할 수 있는 방법에 대한 연구가 필요한 실정이다. 복합제품 등에서 정성·정량 가능한 코엔자임Q10을 효과적으로 분석할 수 방법을 확립하기 위하여 본 연구를 수행하였다. 액체크로마토그라프-질량분석기(LC-MS/MS)를 이용하여 건강기능식품 중 코엔자임Q10의 정성·정량시험법을 확립하였다. 확립된 시험법에 대해 특이성, 검출한계, 정량한계, 정확도, 정밀도에 대한 검증을 통하여 유효성을 확인하였다. 또한 시중 유통검체 14 건을 확보하여 시험의 적용가능성도 검토하였다. 직선성에서는 R2>0.999 이상임을 확인하였고, 검출한계 및 정량 한계는 각각 26.0 및 78.9 μg/L이었다. 또한 평균 회수율은 98.6-107.0%로 나타났으며, 반복정밀도는 상대표준편 차 4.0%이하, 실험실간 재현성은 2.4%로 나타나 정확성, 재현성이 우수하였으며 이는 AOAC 가이드라인에서 제시한 기준에 모두 적합한 수준이었다. 시중 유통 제품에 대하여 실험한 결과 84.0-118.7%로 모두 적합하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서 개발된 분석법은 건강기능식품 중 코엔자임Q10의 정성·정량분석에 이용될 수 있으며, 우수한 품질의 건강기능식품유통에 기여할 것으로 판단된다.