
한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집

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세계곤충학회(ICE2012)1주년 기념 공동 심포지엄 및 2013 추계학술발표회 (2013년 10월) 429

2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Chungbuk province has number of management honey bee(Apis cerana) colonies. A. cerana produce honey, and are pollinators with in agricultural crops and natural environmental ecosystems. Korean Sacbrood Virus(SBV) causes colony collapses of A. cerana Feb. in Korean apiaries from 2009 years. It causes a fatal disease(sacbrood) of honeybee larvae, which fail to pupate, change color and shape, and finally die. We thus conducted a molecular survey of honey bee RNA viruses, Nosema microsporidia, Foul broods and fungal disease(Chalk brood and Stone brood) associated with environmental conditions in apiaries and differential type(Traditional and Modern) of A. cerana hives in Chungbuk province. We found the presence of Israel Acute Paralysis Virus(IAPV), Nosema apis, and Sacbrood virus(SBV) was detected in the tested samples. IAPV were detected from mordern hive. Nosema apis, and Sacbrood virus(SBV) was detected from traditional hives. Our results demonstrate that honey bee RNA viruse(SBV) and N. apis are present in Traditional hives. It can suggest SBV and other disease might be related environment conditions(Type of hives).
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Jeon-Nam province has the largest number of managed honey bee(Apis cerana) colonies before 2009 years ago, which produce the highest quantity of honey in the Korea; however, almost colony were collapsed by Sacbrood Virus(SBV) in jeon-nam apiaries. We thus conducted a molecular survey of honey bee RNA viruses, Nosema microsporidia, Foul broods and fungal disease(Chalk brood and Stone brood) associated with environmental conditions in apiaries and differential A. cerana hives in Joun-nam province. We found the presence of black queen cell virus (BQCV), Israel Acute Paralysis Virus and Nosema apis. Sacbrood virus(SBV) was detected in the tested samples. Our results demonstrate that honey bee RNA viruses and N. apis are present in joen-nam province apiaries, and some might be related environment conditions(temperature and moisture).
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
꿀벌 교미는 공중에서 이루어져평야지의 경우에는 반경 8∼12km, 산야지역에 서는 3∼5km의 격리가 요구된다(Xue, 2001). 국내의 꿀벌밀도는 1㎢ 당 약 18군으 로 세계 최대의 밀도를 보이고 있어 내륙지역에서 이러한 격리공간을 찾는 것은 쉬 운 일이 아니다. 우리나라의 도서는 약 3,200여개로 많은 수의 도서지역 중에서 기 존에 교미장으로 이용하는 지역에 대하여 육종장으로서의 가능성을 알아보았다. 육종장의 구성요건은 4개의 기본적인 요구조건이 선행되어야 한다. 풍부한 밀원자 원, 격리된 지역, 완벽한 꿀벌인공수정기술, 고급기술을 갖춘 충분한 인적자원 등 이다. 이중 자연적인 조건인 밀원자원과 격리조건에 대하여 도서지역의 밀원식물, 봉군 발육 및 꿀저장량, 교미율 등을 알아보았다. 먼저 격리 조건의 경우 육지로부 터 약 14km가 떨어져 있어 교미격리로서는 충분하다고 할 수 있다. 가장 중요한 요 인인 밀원식물의 조건을 알아보기 위하여 봄철부터 초여름까지의 월별 보조 밀원 자원 및 주 밀원을 조사한 결과 3월 하순 사스레피나무·동백나무, 4월 하순 산벚나 무, 5월 하순 찔레나무, 때죽나무, 6월 초순 다래나무 등이었다. 특히 5월과 6월에 봉군발육 특성, 꿀저장량, 교미율 등을 조사한 결과 봉군발육은 5월 봉군당 19,600 마리, 6월 25,600마리로 30.3%의 증가를 보였으며, 꿀저장량은 5월 봉군당 13.2kg, 6월 15.4kg으로 5월보다 6월이 17% 증가하였다. 또한 교미율은 5월 75.0%, 6월 66.7%로 나타났다. 조사 결과 교미율은 다소 낮은것으로 나타났지만 이는 실험자와 원거리에 위치 하여 10여일 간격으로 관리가 이루어져 관리상의 문제로 여겨지며, 이문제만 해결 된다면 육종장으로서의 자연적인 조건에 충분하다고 판단된다. 앞으로도 다른 도 서지역의 경우에도 풍부한 밀원식물이 갖추어져 있다면 꿀벌 육종장으로 이용 가 능성이 높다 할 수 있다.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
아까시나무는 우리나라 최대의 밀원수로서 5월 초순 남부지방에서 개화하여 6 월 초순 중북부지역의 비무장지대까지 약 1개월간 꿀 수확이 가능하며, 개화기간 은 약 10여일이다. 꿀 수밀력이 우수한 것으로 육성중인 1개 계통과 수준이 높은 농 가 봉군, 수준이 낮은 농가봉군 2개 지역의 일반 양봉농가에서 수집한 봉군과의 비 교를 통하여 아까시나무 개화기간 동안 꿀 수밀력을 일일 간격으로 비교 조사하였 다. 조사 결과 육성계통이 2개의 비교집단보다 각각 31%, 51% 높았으며, 성충 1마 리의 수밀력 비교에서는 육성계통이 비교집단보다 각각 19%, 43% 높은 것으로 나 타났다. 또한 봉군의 발육정도를 비교하기 위하여 벌집대비 일벌 개체수 변동, 유 효산란수, 봉개밀집도, 벌집수, 번데기형성율 등을 비교한 결과에서도 육성계통이 비교계통보다 양호한 것으로 나타났다.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
본 연구는 여왕벌을 택배나 차량 등으로 이동 시킬 때, 여왕벌의 폐사, 훼손 등을 줄이고 농가의 벌통에 잘 유입하여 여왕벌이 정상적으로 산란할 수 있는 최적의 방 법을 찾고자, 2013년 5월 25일부터 8월 2일까지 경북 예천군 소재 2개 양봉농가에 서 매회 여왕벌 60마리를 택배 및 차량으로 직접 배송하는 방법으로 총 3회에 걸처 수행 되었다. 여왕벌 이동기구는 양봉농가 및 국외 연구소에서 주로 사용하고 있는 소형왕롱 과 소형벌통 2종류를 대상으로 시험 하였다. 시험 결과, 1~2일 정도의 짧은 기간에 는 이동기구의 종류에 따라 여왕벌의 생존율 및 산란일에서 차이가 없었다. 유입성 공율의 경우 소형왕롱으로 이동시킨 여왕벌은 30% 정도로 망실율을 나타났고, 소 형벌통은 상대적으로 공간이 넓고 먹이 및 도우미 벌이 있어 망실율이 10% 이하로 나타났다. 산란능력 검사를 위한 봉개된 육아방수 조사에서는 소형벌통을 이용한 여왕벌 유입군이 이 상대적으로 소형왕롱을 이용한 여왕벌 유입 벌통 보다 봉개된 육아방수가 4~75%까지 많게 나타나 산란능력이 더 높았다. 한편 유입방법 시험의 경우, 소형벌통은 소비1매를 무왕군 봉군에 합봉하는 형 태가 되어 여왕벌 유입에 문제가 없었으나, 소형왕롱 배송을 통한 직접 소문유입의 경우 일벌들의 공격이 다수 발생하여, 소형왕롱을 저밀소비에 하루 정도 부착하여 두어다가 여왕벌을 풀어주는 간접유입이 더 효과적이었다. 그리고 유밀기, 봉충소 비의 발췌, 급이의 풍부, 무왕군의 벌세력 등에 따라 유입 성공율에 차이가 있었다. 본 연구를 통하여, 여왕벌 이동기구의 크기 및 환기, 이동기간, 도우미 벌의 존재 및 먹이의 풍부, 무왕군의 봉충제거 및 세력 등이 여왕벌 이동과 유입에 영향을 끼 치는 주요 요인임을 알 수 있었다.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
신교배종 여왕벌을 농가에 보급하기 전에 어떤 구조의 벌통을 사용하여 여왕벌 을 관리하는 것이 효율적인 방법인지 알아보기 위하여 본 연구를 수행하였다. 시험벌통은 양봉농가 및 국내외 연구소에서 주로 사용하는 스티로폼벌통과 미 니나무벌통 2종류로 실험하였다. 시험 결과 여왕벌 유입률은 미니나무벌통이 스티 로폼 벌통보다 8.4% 높게 나타났고, 산란소요일수는 미니나무 벌통이 3.8일 더 짧 게 나타났다. 유효산란수는 스티로폼 벌통이 미니나무벌통 에 비해 6배 높게 나타 났다. 따라서 스티로폼 벌통은 미니나무 벌통 보다 여왕벌 유입률은 낮고, 산란개시일 은 길게 걸리지만 산란의 압박을 받지 않고 오래 보관할 수 있으므로, 여왕벌을 장 기간에 걸쳐 보관하면서 공급하는 경우에 유리한 것으로 확인 되었다. 반면 미니나 무벌통 실험군은 여왕벌 유입률은 높고, 산란개시일이 짧아 봉개확인 후 바로 보급 될 수 있어, 여왕벌을 농가에 바로 공급할 경우에 유리한 것으로 확인 되었다.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Deformed wing virus(DWV) is one of infectious disease of honey bee that is caused to wings of immature or mutation and death at last. In this study 4 kinds of polyprotein of DWV are compared and then selected 2 kinds of polyprotein, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase(RdRP) and peptidase C3G, which has relatively higher homology than others. Analysis of both RdRP region and peptidase C3G of DWV deposited in Genbank of NCBI showed 99~100% and 95~97% of homology on genomic level, respectively whereas analysis of CRPV-capsid and RNA helicase showed 86~98% and 89~98% of homology, repectively. According to the result of gene analysis, two kinds of polyprotein are constructed and analyzed the homology, resulting in RdRP and Peptidase -C3G showed about 96% and 97% of homology, respectively. It indicated that both region is able to use for generation of specific antibody for the diagnosis of Deformed Wing Virus (DWV).
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Sacbood virus (SBV) is an infectious disease, resulting in failure to pupate and death and kSBV is a disease caused perish Apis cerana of 75% in South Korea. RNA dependent RNA Polymerase(RdRP) is one of polyprotein of viral genome and an enzyme that catalyzes the replication of RNA from an RNA templates and an essential protein encoded in the genomes of all RNA containing viruses with no DNA stages. In this study, recombinant construct with RdRP partial region of kSBV was used for sequence analysis to clarify about Korean SBV. As a result it could be determined that the virus develops by infection of Korean Apis cerana called kSBV. Also, we named Apis cerana-kSBV-region to the name of the unique region of gene that kSBV has. In comparison of the RdRP region of bee RNA virus on nucleotide sequence, its sequence from same species have less variability as well as each virus species has a certainty of RdRp region. It indicated that mutations of RdRP region of each virus species is able to be a useful indicator of honeybee virus detection.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Deformed wing virus (DWV) is a serious pathogen of the honeybee, Apis mellifera L., vectored by the parasitic mite Varroa destructor. The virus is associated with wing deformity in symptomatic bees, and premature death and reduced colony performance in asymptomatic bees. In present study a novel micro PCR-based detection method, termed as ultra-rapid real-time PCR (UR-RT PCR), was developed for the fast and quantitative detection of DWV in honeybee. A specific detection primer set (DWV-UR-F3/R3) was used for the amplification of an unique 133-bp DNA fragment of DWV with a rapid real -time PCR system, GenSpector® TMC-1000, which proceed the cycling with fast heating and cooling rates and a small reaction volume. We showed that this method is able to detect DWV with DNA conditions, artificial recombinant DNA, pBX-DWV479 as well as with virus-infected honeybee samples. In application to a DWV-infected honey bee, the minimum detection time was 8 min 50 seconds under 30 cycles and 10min 11 seconds including melting temperature analysis. This optimizing detection method is one of the fastest real-time PCR-based diagnostic tools and is available to be applied to use for the detection in the field and of various persistency pathogens.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Black queen cell virus (BQCV), one of the most prevalent viruse, causes the death of queen larvae and pupae. The RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRPs) are central components in the life cycle of RNA viruses that catalyzes the replication of RNA from an RNA template without DNA stage. Inhibition of RdRP gene is importantly significant for application of monoclonal antibody generation as a diagnosis tool for identifying BQCV infection in honey bee..In this study, the presence of BQCV in honey bee samples was confirmed by PCR using BQCV F/R primer set to multiply of 700 bp DNA fragment. For ampification of BQCV Rdrp gene, a primer set attached BamHI/SalI restriction site was designed based on the best homogenization between BQCV RdRP sequences in NCBI, a PCR product containing BQCV RdRP gene with 1576 bp in length was amplified. Furthermore, BQCV RdRP gene will be cloned into pBlueXcm vector for future researches.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Sacbrood virus (SBV), a causative agent of larval death in honeybees, is one of the most devastating diseases in bee industry throughout the world. Lately the Korean Sacbrood virus (KSBV) induced great losses in Korean honeybee (Apis cerana) colonies. However, there is no culture system available for honeybee viruses, including SBV, therefore, the research on honeybee viruses is practically limited until present. In this study, we investigated the growth and replication of KSBV in cell cultures. The growth of KSBV was demonstrated by RT-PCR, quantitative real-time PCR, TEM and nucleotide sequence analysis. The results demonstrated that SBVshowed the replication signals in mammalian cell lines, including Vero cells without any signs of cytopathic effect (CPE). The results of RT-PCR, quantitative real-time PCR and in vivo infection with KSBV were also indicated the replication. Phylogenetic tree analysis shows our sequence included in distinct group with other SBV strains from China and Korea. It clearly showed the differenciation between field strain and attenuated strain through cell culture. The results of present study demonstrated for the first time that SBV like other animal viruses could be adapted and attenuated in cells through the sequential passages. The sequential adaptation through cell culture could result in discrepancy of pathogenicity of virus and morphological characterization. For this reason, the present results indicated that the cell adapted SBV could be a valuable tool to study the general properties of this emerging virus, including pathogenicity in the future.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Sacbrood virus (SBV) is one of the most serious honeybee viruses. The virus causes failure to pupate and death in both larvae and adult bees. Recently, Korean Sacbrood virus (KSBV) caused a great loss in Korean honeybee (Apis cerana) colonies. Although KSBV shows high homology with SBV strains, it has unique motifs and causes different symptoms. Therefore, a simple, sensitive and specific method for detecting KSBV is needed urgently. In this study a reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) and a novel micro PCR-based detection method, termed ultra-rapid real-time PCR (URRT-PCR) were applied for rapid detection for korean sacbrood virus (KSBV) from honeybees (Apis cerana) infected with SBV in Korea. The LAMP could be detect the virus in RT-LAMP reactions containing 102copies of pBX-KSBV within 30 min, which was 10 times more sensitive than a RT-PCR assay. The URRT-PCR showed high sensitivities which were able to detect 10 copies in the standard assays. In the application of URRT-PCR detection to an KSBV-infected honeybee, the shortest detection time was 10 min 12 sec, including reverse transcription. In addition, these methods could be distinguished between KSBV and other closely-related SBV strains, These rapid methods were rapid molecular-based diagnostic tools and useful tool for the rapid and sensitive diagnosis of KSBV infection of honeybees.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Sacbrood virus (SBV) is one of the most destructive honey bee virus. The virus causes failure to pupate and kills honey bee larvae. The infacted larvae`s color is change to brown. At the end, honey bee colony is destructed. Recently Korean Scabrood virus(KSBV) caused a great loss of Korean honey bee(Apis cerena) colonies for short period. Therefore, We need a highly rapid diagnosis method for rapid detection of KSBV. In this study, We need amicro-scale chip-based real-time PCR system (GeneChecker®). This system was developed for rapid, specific PCR based diagnosis. This system has uncommonly fast heating and cooling system. So We was able to detecting of KSBV in Apis cerena in short time. This system needs small reaction volume(total 10ul). This volume include SsoFast™ Evagreen Supermix and serially diluted cDNA templates showed a high sensitivity of 101copies.That machine can setting each PCR stage time. A specific detection primer set (KSBV-123-F/R) was used to amplify a unique 123bp DNA fragment. This PCR assays using serially diluted cDNA templates showed a high sensitivity of 101 copies. When applied to KSBV-positve samples, the result showed high specifity. The minimum diagnosis time was 9m 47s (30cycle). The amplied positive samples appear red fluorescent color. This novel detection method could be used a PCR-based diagnositic tool (GeneChecker®). The results showed high sensitivity and specifity in short time. And this diagnosis method is expected to be applied to rapidly detect various pathogens.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Virus infections of the honeybee(Apis mellifera) have been increasingly investigated during the last decade. In general, honeybee viruses are widespread and most of them persist as inapparent infections. We screened honeybee colonies for the presence of several bee viruses, including deformed wing virus(DWV), black queen virus(BQCV), Kashmir bee virus(KBV), Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV), sacbrood virus(SBV), acute bee paralysis virus(ABPV), using uniplex RT-PCR. Frequently simultaneous infections with different viruses are diagnosed in seemingly healthy bee colonies. Therefore we developed a multiplex RT-PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of multiple bee viruses.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Most Korean beekeepers have moved from south to north of Korea to collect nectar from black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) flowers for 2 months. This provided a valuable opportunity to sample bees originating from diverse areas in one location. We initiated a survey of honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies on the blooming period of Acacia to determine the prevalence of Nosema apis and black queen cell virus (BQCV) in 2013. Nosema causes significant losses in population size of honeybees. Sixteenth hives were sampled for this study. Bees were collected on the 4th and 13th of May, 2013. Nosema spore counts ranged from zero to 1,948,333 spores per bee. The average number of nosema spores per bee was calculated to be 450,000. Approximately 94% of the apiaries examined were infected with nosema, based on the presence of spores in the flowering period of Acacia. Also nosema is thought to be associated with black queen cell virus. RT-PCR analysis shows that BQCV infection rate was 100%. This indicates that nosema and BQCV is the predominant species affecting honeybee colonies.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
This study was conducted to establish the optimized protocol for cytoplasm isolation of bee pollen. Data of biochemical parameters and amino acid profiles were obtained from acorn pollen grains treated with pulverization or lyophilization. Contents of moisture, ash, crude protein and crude fat of acorn pollen were 11.7%, 2.6%, 24.1% and 11.8%, respectively. After pulverizing, content of crude protein was decreased to 23.8% while crude fat was 22.5% which means 90% increase. Also content of crude protein was increased to 26.5% in case of the lyophilized pollen. Amino acids such as aspartic acid, glutamic acid, leucine and arginine were extensively found in acorn pollen while histidine, methionine and cystine were infrequent. The pulverized pollen was increased by 2.6% in the total amino acid percentage while the lyophilized pollen increased by 11.8% compared to the untreated pollen.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
In order to use as a new funtional food material, we analyzed the chemical components including the organic compounds, minerals and Vitamic C of jujube honey which were produced in South Korea. The condensed rate of methanol extraction in honey was 87.02% and main organic compounds that extract by organic solvents in GC-MS analysis were trichloromethane, triptane, 2-formylbutane, acetoxyethane, butyraldehyde, butanoic acid, cyclopentane, propanoic acid and so on. Also, main aromatic compounds that extract by organic solvents in SPME analysis were octacosane, pyrobenzol, hexatriacontane, cyclopentasiloxane, pelargonaldehyde, 3-azabenzonitrile, 4-pyridinecarbonitrile, nicotinonitrile, cyclohexatriene and many more. As proximate composition, crude ash content was higher than acacia honey(0.05%) by 0.698%, and crude protein was higher than acacia honey(0.10%) by 0.27%, but crude fat was lower content than acacia honey(0.44%) by 0.26%. Free sugar that analyze by HPLC consisted of fructose 37.47%, glucose 25.22%, and total sugars was 62.69%. Minerals by ICP analysis were detected total 19 kinds, K 12.575ppm > Na 1.8155ppm > Zn 1.3325ppm > Ca 0.6335ppm etc. Vitamin C was not detected and antioxidation test result by DPPH freeradical scavenge effect was hardly but high somewhat compared to acacia honey.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
In order to use as a new functional honey, we analyzed the chemical components including the organic compounds, minerals and vitamic C of hairy vetch that is knowing as eco-friendly green manure crop recently in South Korea. The condensed rate of methanol extraction in honey was 84.48% and main organic compounds that extract by organic solvents in GC-MS analysis were trichloromethan, acetidin, propyl carbinol, methylolpropane, cyclopentane, dipropylmethane etc. Also, main aromatic compounds that extract by organic solvents in SPME analysis were hydrazine, n-dimethylhydrazine, carbamide resin, benzoguanamine, gentanol, cyclotrisiloxane, enanthaldehyde, heptaldehyde, silane, cinchoninaldehyde, quininaldehyde and so on. As proximate composition, crude ash content was higher than acacia honey(0.05%) by 0.2613%, and crude protein was higher than acacia honey (0.10%) by 0.28%, and crude fat was higher content than acacia honey(0.44%) by 0.57%. Free sugar that analyze by HPLC consisted of fructose 35.31%, glucose 26.96%, and total sugars was 62.27%. Minerals by ICP analysis were detected total 22 kinds, K 4.9185ppm > Na 3.4915ppm > Zn 3.178ppm > Ca 1.8575ppm > B 0.8495 ppm > Mg 0.5635ppm etc. Vitamin C was not detected and antioxidation test result by DPPH freeradical scavenge effect was slight compared to acacia honey.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Jujube trees, herbal medicine material, produce not only their fruit but also jujube honey for bee and human’ food sources. Although jujube is an important honey plant after acacia bloom, the research was done with 15-year-old jujube trees grown in ChungDo-Gun, which there was no information on jujube floral nectar. According to the research, jujube nectar secretion mostly happens during dawn and morning for two days. The average number of inflorescence per tree is 638.1 according to the research. And also, the average number of flowers per inflorescence is 64.4. The amount of nectar secretion is 11.6 ul on average per flower, and hypothesized nectar secretion from 15-year-old tree per tree is 476.682 ul. Also,a jujube tree has 545.5ul hypothesized nectar secretion per ha by the research.
2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
About 70% of total honey products produced by Korean bee keepers was acacia honey. The remaining 30% was chestnut honey, jujube honey, snowbell honey, and another honey. False acacia, went down in payability since the middle 2000s because of simultaneous blooming etiolation chlorsis decreases productivity after aging. Therefore, substitution honey plants were necessary. This study estimated nectar secretion amount of each flower and productivity per ha at 14 medical herbs. Each flower, Codonopsis lanceloata, estimated a majority nectar secretion amount at 176.08 ul for each of the 14 medical herbs. Astragalus membranaceus estimated majority nectar secretion amount at 1273.3 L per ha for each of the 14 medical herbs. Medical herbs were hypothesized with valuable honey plants.