The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, is one of the most widespread insect pest worldwide. We documented all behaviors of this species during the pre-reproductive period to understand the behavioral repertoire, organization of behaviors, and the context in which they occur. The behaviors that we observed include honey-dew production, walking, wagging, and molting. Honey-dew production occurred regularly at every 30-60 min throughout all nymphal stages. Walking seemed to occur when the host condition was not good, probably related to searching for a new host. Wagging, which was the turning of abdomen with the stylet in the plant, was also frequently observed, but the function of this behavior was unclear. We also noted the frequency and the amount of time for each behavior at different nymphal stages.
The bumblebee, Bombus ignitus (Hymenoptera: Apidae), is a valuable natural resource that is one of the most notably utilized for greenhouse pollination in Korea. In order to understand the nature of genetic relationships, gene flow, and population structure of the species we sequenced a partial COI gene of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) corresponding to “animal barcode” region and the complete internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) collected from Korean localities. Although the 658-bp long mtDNA sequence provided only six haplotypes with the maximum sequence divergence of 0.61% (4 bp), the ITS sequences provided 84 sequence types with the maximum sequence divergence of 1.02% (21 sites), confirming better applicability of the ITS sequences to the study of intraspecific variation. The complete ITS2 sequences of B. ignitus were shown to be longest among known insects, ranging in size from 2,034 bp ~ 2,052 bp, harboring two duplicated repeats. Overall, a very high per generation migration ratio, a very low level of genetic fixation, and no discernable hierarchical population/ population group were noted to exist among populations of B. ignitus on the basis of both molecules, thus suggesting that the B. ignitus populations on the Korean peninsula are panmictic, which is consistent with our understanding of the dispersal capability of the species
단감 수출재배단지에서 발생하는 깍지벌레류의 주요 우점종과 이들의 단감 수체 내에서와 과수원내에서 분포를 조사하여 방제에 활용코자 조사를 수행하 였다. 단감 재배단지는 순천시 외곽의 농가, 진주시 문산면, 창원시 동읍에서 단감재배 10농가 선정하여, 농가 당 10주 정도를 깍지벌레가 주로 활동하는 5 월부터 10월까지 매월 간격으로 조사하였다. 감나무 수체에서 발생하는 깍지 벌레류는 과실, 잎, 가지, 주간에서 조사하였다. 과원 내에서 발생하는 깍지벌 레류는 과원 중심에서 외곽으로 3방향을 나누고 다시 각각의 방향 별로 5등분 한 지점을 중심으로 9월에 조사하였다. 주로 발생하는 깍지벌레 종은 식나무깍 지벌레로 향후 주요해충으로 방제할 필요가 있었다. 그 외 깍지벌레류로 감나 무주머니깍지벌레, 거북밀깍지벌레, 뿔밀깍지벌레가 조사되었고 검역해충인 온실가루깍지벌레는 관찰되지 않았다. 단감 수체 내에서 식나무깍지벌레는 잎, 과실, 4년생 이하의 가지(세지)에서 주로 발생하였고 주간에서는 발생하지 않았다. 종전까지 주요해충으로 인식되던 감나무주머니깍지벌레는 잎, 과실, 가지, 주간 등에서 모두 발생하나 주로 주간에서 발생하였다. 과원 내 발생은 외관상 관찰되는 과수원 외곽과 달리 비교적 골고루 분산하여 발생하는 것으 로 나타났다.
단감 수출에서 종종 문제를 일으키며 주요 해충으로 등장한 식나무깍지벌레 의 방제법을 구명하기 위하여 발육조사를 2009년에 수행하였다. 과원에서 발 육조사를 위하여 2009년 4월 초순부터 11월까지 매주 간격으로 진주시 문산에 서 수행하였다. 발육조사는 식나무깍지벌레가 발생하는 현장에서 감나무의 가 지, 잎, 과실 등을 채취하여 실내에서 실체현미경으로 조사하였다. 식나무깍지 벌레에 대한 방제약제 시험은 사천시 용현에서 2009년 6월 9일부터 일주일 간 격으로 2회 방제후 7월 21일 방제결과를 조사하였다. 월동성충의 산란은 4월 8 일부터 14일 사이에 시작하여 산란 최성기는 5월 8일에 도달하는 것으로 나타 났다. 이때부터 약충이 부화하여 가지나 잎으로 이동하는 것으로 나타났고 5월 14일에 월동세대로부터 부화약충의 발생이 최성기에 도달하는 것으로 나타났 다. 깍지벌레의 특성을 감안하여 방제기간은 이시기를 기준으로 비교적 잔효 력이 우수한 약제를 선정하여 방제하면 방제효과가 높을 것으로 생각되었다. 1 세대 성충에 의한 산란최성기와 가지에서 약충이동 최성기는 7월 27일로 여름 철 고온임을 감안하면 거의 동시적으로 이루어지는 것으로 나타났다. 잎에서 수컷의 우화는 9월 3일 전후로 발생하여 9월 29일경까지 거의 모두 우화하는 것으로 나타났다. 방제시험 결과 뷰프로페진 ․ 디노테퓨란 수화제가 방제가 90% 이상이었다. 당해연도에 발육조사와 방제시험을 동시에 수행한 결과 여 타약제 등에서 약효가 다소 낮았던 것을 고려하면 적기방제로 방제가를 제고 할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
Oral toxicities of 5 Photorhabdus temperata ssp. temperata (Ptt) strains collected in different regions of Korea were determined against the larvae of Plodia interpunctella, Galleria mellonella, Lucilia caesar, Culex pipiens pallens and Paratlanticus ussuriensis. When a diet or water containing culture media of 5 different Ptt strains were ingested to immature insects, mortalities of the first instar larvae of G. mellonella, L. caesar, P. ussuriensis and young nymphs of C. pipiens pallens were rapidly increased and 100% within 3-5 days after treatments. However, mortality of P. interpunctella neonate larvae was slightly slower and 94.4-100% within 7 days after treatments. As controls, a diet containing either water, the medium without culturing bacteria, or E. coli culture medium did not effective on their mortalities. As another control group, the culture medium of P. temperata ssp. laumondii (KACC) were variously effective to mortalities of 4 species, namely, 100, 45.3, 2.8 and 0% to Galleria, Lucilia, Plodia and Culex, respectively. Culture media of Ptt strains inhibited developmental late of late larvae of P. interpunctella. Our results suggest that the oral administration of the culture medium of Ptt symbiotic bacteria was highly effective to control various immature insects.
훈증제 vapormate를 처리하여 여름형과 월동형 점박이응애에 대한 살충효 과를 비교하였다. 여름형 점박이응애는 실험실에서 누대 사육한 것을, 월동형 점박이응애는 경남 산청군의 사과 과수원에서 채집한 것을 사용하였다. Vapormate처리농도는 용적률 0%에서는 65.8, 117.4, 170, 284.4 mg/ℓ, 단감을 채운 용적률 30%에서는 65.2, 118.9, 163.7, 265.8 mg/ℓ이었다. 용적률 0%에서 100% 사충률을 보인 vapormate 농도는 여름형 성충에 대해서는 117.4 mg/ℓ이 상, 월동형 성충에 대해서는 170 mg/ℓ이상이었다. 용적률을 30% 채웠을 경우 에는 여름형이 163.7 mg/ℓ이상에서, 월동형이 265.8 mg/ℓ에서 100% 사충률을 보였다. 두 용적률 모두 여름형보다 월동형이 vapormate에 대해 내성이 높았으 며 훈증처리 후 24, 48시간 간에 사충률 차이는 없었다. 여름형 점박이응애 알 의 부화율은 무처리에서는 94%이었으나 용적율 0%와 30%에서 처리한 모든 농도에서 0%이었다. 훈증용기의 용적을 채울 때 사용한 단감에 대한 약해(무 름정도, 반점발생, 색도변화)는 상기의 모든 처리농도에서 나타나지 않았다.
Plant essential oils from 26 plant species were tested for their insecticidal activities against the Japanese termite, Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe, using a fumigation bioassay. Responses varied with source, exposure time, and concentration. Among the essential oils tested, strong insecticidal activity was observed with the essential oils of ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi), allspice (Pimenta dioica), caraway (Carum carvi), dill (Anethum graveolens), geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), and litsea (Litsea cubeba). The composition of six essential oils was identified by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The compounds thus identified were tested individually for their insecticidal activities against Japanese termites. Responses varied in a dose-dependent manner for each compound. Phenol compounds exhibited the strongest insecticidal activity among the test compounds further, alcohol and aldehyde groups were more toxic than hydrocarbons. The essential oils and compounds described herein merit further study as potential fumigants for termite control.
The larvicidal activities of 11 Myrtaceae essential oils and their components against Aedes aegypti were tested by the immersion method. We also tested the acute toxicity of 4 active oils and their components against the water flea, Daphnia magna. Further, the aqueous residues of these oils and their components were determined at 2 and 7 days after suspending in water. Among the 11 oils tested, 0.1 mg/mL of Melaleucalinariifolia, M. dissitiflora, M. quinquenervia, and Eucalyptus globulus oils showed strong larvicidal activity against A. aegypti. Among the test compounds, allyl isothiocyanate, γ-terpinene, p-cymene, (+)-limonene, (-)-limonene, γ-terpinene, and (E)-nerolidol showed strong larvicidal activity against A. aegypti. The acute toxicity test revealed M. linariifolia was the most toxic to D. magna. Among test compounds, allyl isothiocyanate was the most toxic to D. magna. Two days after treatment, the residues of M. dissitiflora, M. linariifolia, M. quinquenervia, and E. globulus oils in water were 55.4, 46.6, 32.4, and 14.8%, respectively. Low concentrations of allyl isothiocyanate, γ -terpinene, p-cymene, (-)-limonene, (+)-limonene, and γ-terpinene were detected in the water at 2 days after treatment. Therefore, Myrtaceae essential oils and their components could be developed as control agents against mosquito larvae.
The molecular mechanisms and genetics of abamectin resistance mediated by target site insensitivity in the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, were investigated by comparing two isogenic AbaS and AbaR strains. Cloning and sequencing of full-length cDNA fragments of GABA-gated chloride channel genes revealed no polymorphisms between the two strains. However, sequence comparison of the full-length cDNA fragment of a T. urticae glutamate-gated chloride channel gene (TuGluCl) identified a G323D point mutation as being tentatively related with abamectin resistance. In individual F2 progenies obtained by backcrossing, the G323D genotype was confirmed to correlate with abamectin resistance. Bioassays using progeny from reciprocal crossings revealed that the abamectin resistance trait due to TuGluCl insensitivity is incompletely recessive.
The toxicity of materials derived from rhizome of Cnidium officinale Makino to adults from B and Q biotype of Bemisia tabaci was examined using a leaf-dipping bioassay. Results were compared with those of two currently used insecticides: acetamiprid and thiamethoxam. The active principles of C. officinale rhizome were identified as butylidenephthalide (1), ligustilide (2), and 3-butylphthalide (3) by spectroscopic analysis. These compounds exhibited 100% mortality against both B and Q biotype adults at 2.5 mg/ml. At a concentration of 1.25 mg/ml, butylidenephthalide produced 88 and 92% mortality against B and Q biotype adults, respectively. 3-butylphthalide showed 100 and 89% mortality against B and Q type adults, respectively. Ligustilide exhibited 97 and 100% mortality against B and Q type adults, respectively. The toxicity of these compounds to B type adults was almost equal to that of thiamethoxam and acetamiprid, whereas two insecticides exhibited 40% mortality to Q biotype. C. officinale rhizome-derived materials merit further study as potential insecticides for the control of B. tabaci populations due to global efforts to reduce the level of highly toxic synthetic pesticides.
The vapor phase repellency and toxicity of Zanthoxylum piperitum pericarp steam distillate (ZP-SD), Z. armatum seed oil (ZA-SO), and their 29 constituents to the adult female stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae), were examined using filter paper fumigation bioassay. Results were compared with those of the currently used repellent: DEET. Both of ZP-SD and ZA-SO exhibited vapor phase repellency and toxicity to female flies at 5 to 40 mg/filter paper (0.23 to 1.82 mg/cm3 air) during a 120-min exposure, whereas DEET exhibited neither repellency nor toxicity to the stable fly. At 5 mg/filter paper, vapor phase of ZP-SD and ZA-SO repelled 50 to 67% and 61 to 51% flies, respectively, to control area during 30 to 120 min. At 40 mg/filter paper, vapor phase of ZP-SD and ZA-SO caused 100% and 81% mortality, respectively, after 120 min of exposure. Among the tested volatile constituents, cuminaldehyde was the strongest repellent and toxic compound to the fly and was four times more toxic than ZP-SD and ZA-SO. Cuminaldehyde vapor phase repelled 62% flies to control area after 30 min at 2.5 mg/filter paper and caused 100% mortality after 120 min at 10 mg/filter paper. Based on the structure-activity relationships, the toxicity and repellency of constituents having aldehyde moiety were better than those of alcohol or ether one. Overall, ZP-SD, ZA-SO, and their bioactive constituents could be useful as potential vapor repellents to control stable fly population.
The toxicity of materials derived from seed of Pongamia pinnata Pierre toward to third instar larvae of Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens pallens was examined using direct contact bioassay. Results were compared with those of the currently used insecticides: fenthion and temephos. The active principles of Pongamia pinnata were identified as the karanjin (1), pongamone (2), palmitic acid (3) and karanjachromene (4), by spectroscopic analysis. Based on 24h LC50 values, karanjin (14.61 and 16.13 ppm) was the most toxic compound but less effective than fenthion (0.0031 and 0.068 ppm) and temephos (0.016 and 0.056 ppm) against Ae. aegypti and Cx p. pallens. Moderate toxicity was produced by pongamone (34.50 and 39.53 ppm), palmitic acid (36.93 and 42.96 ppm), and karanjachromene (43.05 and 48.95 ppm). P. pinnata seed derived materials, particularly karanjin, merit further study as potential mosquito larvicides for the control of mosquito populations in light of global efforts to reduce the level of highly toxic synthetic larvicides in the aquatic environment
2009년 경북 군위군 소재 경북대학교 벼 GMO 격리포장에서 곤충 및 생물상 조사가 이루어졌다. 조사는 유전자 조작된 비타민 A 강화벼(황금벼)와 대조벼 인 낙동벼에서 동력흡충기와 포충망을 이용하여 정기적으로 이루어졌고, 두 포장간에 발생밀도, 우점종 구성, 종 다양도 지수등이 비교되었다. 채집된 생물 들은 대부분이 거미강과 곤충강에 속하였고, 낙동벼에서 13목 57과 1,234.2개 체, 황금벼에서 12목 52과 1,369.7 개체가 채집되었다. 두 포장에서 시기별 출 현빈도나 밀도의 변화경향은 유사했다. 분류군수는 본답 후기로 갈수록 증가 한 반면, 개체수는 7월 10일, 8월 25일 조사에서 최고밀도 기록 후, 감소하였다. 두 조사지간에 분류군수와 개체수에서 유의한 차이는 없었다. 이중에서 거미 류는 낙동벼에서 8과 44.8개체, 황금벼에서 8과 54.2개체가 채집되었다. 시기 별로 두 포장간의 거미군집 발달 패턴의 큰 차이는 보이지 않았다. 황금벼와 낙 동벼 모두에서 깔따구, 멸구, 노랑굴파리, 진딧물, 실잠자리가 공통적으로 우점 했다. 종 다양도 지수분석에서 낙동벼에서 생물상이 풍부도, 균등도 다양도등 이 황금벼에 비해 다소 높았다. 주요 해충인 애멸구 발생동태는 두 포장간에 유 의한 차이가 없었다. 흰등멸구의 경우도 8월 25일 조사결과를 제외하고는 비슷 한 밀도변동을 보였다. 본 발표는 1년차 연구결과로 앞으로 추가연구를 통해 GM벼의 영향을 정밀하게 평가할 예정이다.
The Organophosphorus pesticides are widely used for agricultural and domestic purposes due to their relatively low persistence in the environment. Chlorpyrifos-methyl (CM) is used at a rate of over 14 million pounds per year in US agriculture, ranking it as the second most heavily used pesticide. This study aimed at isolating bacteria from soil and determining their ability to degrade CM and identify the intermediates in culture broth. Bacteria capable of degrading CM was isolated by enrichment culture. Chryseobacterium sp. strain KR200 degraded CM up to 91.58% in 7days. Studies with CM in liquid culture of Chryseobacterium sp. strain KR200 demonstrated that the isolate hydrolyzed CM to 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol, and utilized this compound for growth and energy. We performed SDS-PAGE and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identified proteins whose expression pattern is affected by CM using mass spectrometry. The results revealed various proteins that can be grouped according to their respective cellular function. These results highlight the potential of this bacterium to be used in the clean up of contaminated pesticide waste in the environment.
The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella is a one of the most important pests of various cruciferous crops and has a geographically wide ranging habitat. The heavy dependence on chemical pesticides has created severe pesticide resistance problems. In recent years, Bacillus thuringiensis product have been widely used for P. xylostella control bus genetic resistance in populations to some B. thuringiensis strains, compounded by cross-resistance to several different B. thuringiensis toxins, has also been identified. Such recent resistance problems serve to emphasize the urgent need for alternative control agents and their use within an integrated pest management approach. Baculoviruses have been used as agents for the biological control of certain insect pest species. the granuloviruses (GVs), based on the structure of the occluded virus and the occlusion body (OB). Several reports have showed P. xylostella granulovirus (PxGV) as a promise control agent for P. xylostella. However, it is very difficult to study GV because its OB, granule, has very small size and could be observed exactly under the electron microscopy (EM). This study was performed to develop rapid quantification method for granule of PxGV. After the exact quantification of granule with latex beads using EM, the universal extraction method of viral DNA was established for consistent experiment. The number of granules was calculated by the quantification of PCR products for granuline gene using spectrophotometer and densitometer. This novel calculation method for granule would be useful to study GV.
Ten novel microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines. The soybean aphid was recently introduced into North America where it has become a serious pest of soybeans. This invasive pest has rapidly spread throughout the midwestern United States and southern Canada since 2000. The isolated loci were polymorphic, with two to 18 alleles in 20 individuals from a single population in Korea. The analyses revealed that 19 individuals had different multilocus genotypes, showing expected heterozygosity values ranging from 0.180 to 0.891. We report the development of microsatellite markers for A. glycines potentially suitable for further studies of population structure, dispersal, and host alternation.
DNA barcode projects in Hexapoda have been initialized and progressed accumulating large number of mitochondrial gene sequences. However, due to large number of data, overview of DNA barcode projects was not conducted until now. Here we reported the current status of DNA barcode projects with the aid of Insect Mitochondrial Genome Database (IMGD; which archives 128,562 partial mitochondrial gene sequences (PMEs) of Hexapoda. Among 37 mitochondrial genes, COI has been used popularly (22,379 PMEs;17.40 %) through all 33 orders. Through 513 researches, different parts of COI PME have been utilized differently along with hexapod orders. Inaddition, by calculating genetic divergences of COI PMEs, intra-species and inter-species in 21 hexapod orders were distinguished by 5% divergence and some of mitochondrial genes in certain order present higher genetic divergences than that of COI. Based on these results, we confirmed that DNA barcode is a use ful tool to identify hexapod species and several mitochondrial genes can be good molecular markers to support COI.
산림곤충이란 산림으로 규정되는 지역에 서식하는 모든 곤충으로써 중요한 생물자원이며, 그 중요성이 점차 증대되고 있는 실정이다. 산림곤충에 관한 연구 는 현재까지 해충위주로 수행되어 왔으며, 이를 제외한 희귀곤충, 산림생태계의 토양분해자 역할, 화분매개자로서의 역할 등 유용곤충이나 의약용으로 활용되는 다양한 여러 산림곤충에 대한 보호관리 차원의 연구 접근은 아주 드물다. 국내 곤충자원 연구는 농촌진흥청을 중심으로 잠업, 양봉, 애완곤충 분야 등, 농가소 득증대 차원의 응용분야나 환경부의 법적보호종 중심의 생물다양성 조사 및 보 전방안에 관한 연구, 국립수목원의 생물표본 및 종의 DB사업 등을 통해서 부분 적으로 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 그러나, 국가적인 곤충자원의 종합적인 보호와 관리 ․ 이용을 위해서는 곤충의 주서식지인 산림을 중심으로 체계적인 분포조사, 수집, 분류, 활용방안, 보호 ․ 관리 등의 종합적․장기적인 기반사업 추진이 절실함 에도 현재까지 산림청내 곤충업무는 산림병해충과를 중심으로 해충 생태 및 방 제위주의 연구를 주로 수행 중이며 국립수목원에서 자생곤충종의 분포연구, 주 요 산림곤충의 분류연구 및 정보화 등 기초연구 수행이 부분적으로 이루어지고 있을 뿐이다. 한편 선진국에서는 국가기관을 중심으로 자국내 곤충자원의 탐색 조사 및 활용성에 대한 연구개발이 활발히 이루어지고 있어서, 미국은 농무성 산 하 「경제곤충연구소」 에서 곤충자원의 조사 및 확보업무가 추진되며, 영국은 국 가생물기록센터가 주축이 되어 곤충을 포함한 다양한 생물의 조사 및 이들에 대 한 정확한 데이터를 수집 ․ 관리함으로써 생물다양성 관리에 활용하며, 일본은 국 책연구과제인 「곤충기능이용기술개발연구(1993-)」를 추진하고 있으며, 네덜란 드 등 유럽에서는 친환경농업을 위한 곤충자원의 활용기술 개발 등 다각적인 곤 충연구가 활성화되어 있다. 또한 유엔 생물다양성협약 (CBD)이 발효된 이후 곤 충의 이용 및 자원화를 위한 국가간 경쟁이 치열해 지고 있다. 우리나라의 곤충 은 90% 이상이 산림 내에 서식하는 주요 산림자원이지만 이들의 활용, 자원화 및 보전에 대한 체계적 관리정책이 미약하며, 산림 곤충자원에 대한 조사, 분류, 산업화, 보호 ․ 관리에 관한 연구를 위한 연구 인프라가 극히 취약한 실정이다. 따 라서 산림청 등 산림을 관리하는 부처에서는 산림곤충을 대상으로 이들의 보호 관리와 이용방안에 대한 체계적인 조사연구를 통해서 산림자원의 보전과 지속적인 활용이란 측면에서 적극 검토되어져야 할 것이다. 본 발표에서는 다음과 같은 내용에 초점을 두고 발표 및 논의하고자 한다: 산 림내에 서식하는 곤충에 대한 보호 ․ 관리 및 자원화를 위한 중장기 마스터플랜 수립; 국토의 64%인 산림의 생물다양성 유지관리를 위한 산림곤충의 종합적 ․ 체 계적 조사 가이드라인 마련; 종합적인 산림곤충의 조사․수집, 보호․증식 등을 위 한 연구인프라 강화 및 민간네트워크 구축방안 연구; 희귀곤충 및 그 서식지 보 호를 위한 정책개발 제안; 국내․외 곤충시장의 조사분석 및 활용기술 적용범위 분석을 통한 유용한 산림곤충의 이 ․ 활용 방안 제안. 이상의 원활한 수행을 위한 산림곤충 업무 추진을 위한 법적 ․ 제도적 근거 마련, 특히「산림자원법」, 「산림보 호법」 등 관련 현행법의 문제점 및 개선할 분야에 관해서 심도있는 분석이 이루 어져야 할 것이다.
The bumblebee is an important pollinator of various greenhouse crops, especially for tomatoes and there has been increasing interest in commercial use of the insects for pollination. Recent advances in commercial rearing of the European bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) made it possible to package bumblebee for crop pollination. Bumblebees are distributed world widely including alpine, cool temperate and even arctic environments of the northern continents. We chose B. ignitus out of seven Korean native bumblebees, because the species showed the best results both in artificial multiplication and in pollinating ability. Now, we are studying an artificial year-round mass rearing of B. ignitus selected as the most reliable native species in crop pollination. Therefore, we investigated the optimum temperature and humidity, effect of photoperiod and CO2-treatment, facilitating effects of helper, and artificial hibernation of B. ignitus to establish year-round mass rearing of B. ignius. The experimental regimes of temperature and humidity were defined as 23℃, 27℃ and 30℃ under a constant humidity of 65% R.H., and 50%, 65% and 80% R.H. under a constant temperature of 27℃, respectively. Among the temperature regimes, 27℃-rearing showed the best results, i.e., the rates of colony initiation, colony foundation and progeny-queen production at 27℃ were 83%, 63% and 46%, respectively, which corresponded to 2.2-5.5 times the respective values at other temperature regimes. The numbers of progeny produced at 27℃-rearing, 164±33 workers, 553±174 males and 33±48 queens were also higher, corresponding to 21.8 and 1.5 times those at 23℃ and 30℃, respectively. In terms of humidity, 65% R.H. was favorable for big colony formation. Under the same humidity, the rates of colony initiation, colony foundation and progeny-queen production were 85%, 70% and 50%, respectively, and the number of progenies reached 180±30 workers, 578±179 males and 35±38 queens. Therefore, 27℃ and 65% R.H. were determined to be the favorable environmental conditions for colony development of B. ignitus in indoor rearing. It was investigated whether developmental characteristics of foundation queens of B. ignitus collected in the 4 localities in Korea would be affected by the first oviposition days of them. The first ovipostion day was classified as 1 - 4 days (immediate early), 5 - 6 days (early), 7 - 10 days (delayed early), 11 - 20 days (medium), 21 - 40 days (late), and above 41days (very late). The queen that had the early first oviposition day, i.e., laid eggs so early after starting to be raised indoors, showed much higher rate of colony foundation and progeny-queen production and much shorter period of colony foundation and worker emergence. Besides, the numbers of worker and progeny-queen emerged from the queen that had the early first oviposition day were higher than those of the queen that had the late first oviposition. In results, the queen that had the early first oviposition day could make colony stronger and could make colony formation period shorter, therefore, the first oviposition day of foundation queen was proved to be a criterion for the selection of super colonies when B. ignitus is raised indoors. It was investigated whether or not such helpers as worker bee, bee-cocoon and egg-cup etc, have any effects on oviposition and colony foundation of the bumblebee queen, B. ignitus. Among the helpers tested, the callow workers of B. ignitus and B. terrestris showed the most remarkable effects on the oviposition rates to 92% and 88%, respectively. The live cocoon as a helper improved oviposition rate over 60%. A narcotized old worker 10 days-aged after emergence, showed similar effects to a callow worker on the colony development such as oviposition rate, colony foundation and progeny-queen production. On the other hand, dried cocoon, callow honeybee worker or egg-cup did not show a positive effect as a helper. In the number of workers recruited to a foundation queen, two workers showed better effect than one worker on the colony development, with no difference between two and more. The effect of photoperiodic regimes on the oviposition and colony development of B. ignitus queens was examined with 0L, 8L, and 16L under 2 7℃ and 65% R. H. Among these photoperiod regimes, the oviposition rate at 8L and 16L was 80.2% and 83.1%, respectively, which was 12-15% higher than that at the dark condition (0L). Duration up to first oviposition at 8L and 16L was 17.5 days and 16.5 days, respectively, which was 2-3 days shorter than that at 0L. The colony foundation rate at 8L and 16L was 9.2% and 10.4%, respectively, which corresponded to 1.7-2.0 fold the value at 0L. In addition, the rate of progeny-queen production at 8L and 16L was also two fold higher than that at 0L. Taken there together, the light conditions (8L and 16L) rather than dark condition (0L) were more suitable for oviposition and colony development for B. ignitus in the indoor rearing condition. We investigated mating conditions of photoperiod, illumination and temperature during mating periods, care temperature of queen before mating, mating period and number of queen per mating cage to improve mating rate of B. ignitus. Among photoperiodic regimes of 12L, 14L and 16L during mating periods, queen mated at 14L showed better results than at 12L and 16L in egg-laying characteristics and colony development. In case of illumination during mating periods, intensity of 1000 lux was more effective than at intensity of 100 lux and 2000 lux in mating B. ignitus queen. Mating temperature and care temperature of queen before mating favorable for B. ignitus queen were 22-25? and 19?, respectively. The period need to mating B. ignitus queen was 3 days, and the number of queen suitable per mating cage of 55× 45× 65 ㎝ was 30. The effect of CO2-treatment on interrupting diapause of B. ignitus was examined to provide a means for year-round rearing of the bumblebee. When mated young queens were exposed to 65% or 99% CO2 for 30 min daily during two consecutive days, oviposition rate increased to 75% and 77%, respectively, comparing 50% in CO2-untreated queens. At the same time, the days needed to first oviposition shortened to 17-18 days in CO2-treated queens, comparing to 30 days in CO2-untreated queens. CO2-treatment at the second day after mating was appropriate to the oviposition and colony development. CO2-treatment showed a positive effect on the oviposition and colony development, but less than them of over-wintered queen in numbers of produced progeny. It can be concluded that CO2-treatment to B. ignitus is insufficient to produce commercial grade bumblebee colony in spite of its capability for promoting oviposition, because the treatment failed to form a big colony. Artificial hibernation is essential for year-round rearing of the bumblebee, B. ignitus that undergoes one generation per year. It is known that keeping the queens in low temperature for two or three months is effective to terminate their diapause and develop the colony. Temperature, time and surroundings to keep the queens during artificial hibernation were investigated. Among the tested temperatures, -2.5°C, 0°C, 2.5°C, and 5°C, the optimum temperature was 2.5°C. At the temperature (2.5°C), survival rate after chilling of the queens was high and colony development thereafter was enhanced. The proper time to initiate chilling queen was 10 to 14 days after adult eclosion, and the survivability of the queens after chilling was good during the upper period. For the surrounding to keep the queen during artificial hibernation, we proposed the method to preserve them in a bottle filled with perlite and keep it around 80% R. H.