The activities of three class, five acaricides (Permethrin, Deltamethrin, Fenitrothion, Chlorpyrifos, Imidacloprid) againstHaemaphysalis longicornis nymph, a major vector for Severe Fever with Thrombo cytopenia Syndrome (SFTS) and Lymedisease. The ticks distribute at vast open fields and various kind of habitats. Five acaricides were applied to ticks collectedform four areas(Gapyeong, Paju, Chuncheon, Wonju) to confirm the effect of acaricide. This areas was the area whereSFTS disease occurred and a large nember of ticks were collected. As a result, All areas is the most acaricidal effectto Deltamethrin. And two areas(Gapyeong, Paju) has the lowest acaricidal effect to Imidacloprid and two area(Chuncheon,Wonju) has the lowest acaricidal effect to Permethrin. Futher study will need to compare the acaricidal efficacy of theremaining seven province.
The species of the genus Elasmostethus Fieber, 1860, belonging to the family Acanthosomatidae, occurring in the KoreanPeninsula are reviewed. Through this study, six species are recognized; the occurrence of four previously recorded species,including E. brevis Lindberg, 1934, E. humeralis Jakovlev, 1883, E. interstinctus (Linnaeus, 1758), and E. nubilus (Dallas,1851) are confirmed; two species, E. rotundus Yamamoto, 2003, and E. yunnanus Hsiao & Liu, 1977, are recorded forthe first time from the Korean Peninsula. The record of E. kansuensis Hsiao & Liu, 1977, is based on misidentificationof E. yunnanus. Therefore E. kansuensis is deleted from the Korean fauna. Photographs of habitus and genital segmentsof the two newly recorded species are included, and diagnoses and a key to the Korean species are provided.
The members of the genus Flavivirus are noteworthy, as they cause infectious diseases in humans, such as Zika, denguefever, yellow fever, West Nile, and Japanese encephalitis. Due to the increased awareness of the public health risk posedby flavivirus-infected mosquitoes, mosquito collections were performed in six urban parks of South Korea, as the parksare designated for human recreation but also provide suitable habitats for mosquitoes. We examined the diversity andabundance of mosquito species and conducted molecular diagnostics for the detection of flavivirus infections. Monthlycollections were carried out in each park from March to August in 2017. A total of 4,851 mosquitoes (5 genera and13 species) were collected using BG-sentinel traps and then investigated for flavivirus infections. Pathogenic flavivirusinfections causing human diseases were not observed in the field-collected mosquitoes. However, insect-specific flavivirus(ISF) infections were detected in several mosquito pools. ISF has been previously known to enhance or suppress the replicationof medically important flaviviruses in co-infected mosquito cells. In this study, partial sequences of ISF were analyzed.However, further studies are needed in order to determine its genetic characterization and biological function in vivo.
The intracellular endosymbiont bacterium Wolbachia is currently known to be the most common in arthropods. It mayleads to male-killing, cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis and feminization of genetic males with large impacton host ecology and evolution in mosquitoes. Mosquitoes was collected in four areas with various ecological conditionsusing black light traps and Wolbachia detection from the collected mosquitoes was carried out by PCR using WSP andFtsZ genes primers. A total of 385 individual mosquitoes were screened. 213 mosquitoes (55.3%) belonging to four specieswere positive for Wolbachia infections. Aedes albopictus showed the highest infection rate (100%). Wolbachia infectionand type were firstly reported in Aedes in Korea.
West Nile Virus (WNV) is transmitted by infected mosquitoes. Vector mosquitoes usually acquire these pathogens fromfeeding on an infected host, and transmit the pathogens to a naive host during feeding events. To understand the virustransmission dynamics and to survey WNV throughout country, the present study has been conducted. We collected mosquitoesat urban parks in Seongnam, Wonju, Gunsan, Daegu, and Tongyeong using CDC light trap with Dry ice from April toSeptemper in 2017 (mosquito collecting is on going). Among collected mosquitoes, blood-fed mosquitoes were conductedblood meal identification assay and the other mosquitoes were subjected to virus detection using real-time PCR method.A total of 2,290 mosquitoes representing 6 genera and 15 species were collected. The most dominant species was Culexpipiens complex (42.1%) followed by Aedes albopictus (15.1%), Ae. vexans nipponii (14.6%), Ochlerotatus koreicus (9.8%),Cx. orientalis (6.5%), and Armigeres subalbatus (4.4%). The blood meal source were of mammal (93.3%), and birds (6.7%).So far, no WNV has been detected in any mosquitoes.
Aedes albopictus is an important vector for yellow fever, dengue fever, chikungunya fever and Zika virus. This mosquitohas been exposed to organophosphates and pyrethroids in Republic of Korea for a long time. Using the direct contactmortality bioassay, susceptibility strain and two field populations of Ae. albopictus from Busan, and Damyang. Insecticidalproperty were indicated to RR ratio values (Resistant ratio to strain of susceptibility) of LC50 (Midian Lethal concentration)to organophosphats and pyrethroids. Genomic DNA was used for Allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR) genotyping of the acethylcholineesterase to detect Gly119Ser mutations and kdr gene to detect Phe1534Cys mutations. Detoxification enzyme activitiesof Ae. albopictus from Busan and Damyang were assessed using microplate enzyme activity assays. Activities of fourdetoxification enzymes eg., glutathione S-transferase(GST), Non specific esterases (α-naphthyl acetate and β-naphthyl acetate),and cytochrome C oxidase were determined for each Ae. albopictus strain. This study might suggest that Ae. albopictuscontrol programs should be prepared for the management of organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticide resistance.
본 연구는 솔수염하늘소 두폭에 대한 기존 연구자료를 다시 분석하고 보완실험을 통하여 솔수염하늘소 유충이몇 령을 경과하는지 확립하고자 수행하였다. 본 연구에서 새로 제시한 1령의 평균 두폭크기 0.934mm은 일본의0.729mm 또는 중국의 1.218mm 보다 합리적으로 보인다. 기존 두 보고는 모두 1령 유충의 수집 오류 또는 큰 개체변이에서 발생한 것으로 추정된다. 또한 1령 두폭 크기의 조정에 따라서 디야르의 비 등을 고려할 때 2령과 3령의 평균두폭은 본 연구의 실측자료인 1.342mm와 1.781mm이 적당하였다. 기존 보고된 영기별 두폭 빈도분포도를 종합적으로고찰할 때 포장상태에서 최소 5령이 나타나며, 따라서 기존 4령 발생의 주장은 수정되어야 한다. 평균 두폭 크기4령과 5령은 기존 보고자료에 따라 각각 2.483~2.632mm와 3.615~3.753mm의 범위에 있을 것으로 추정된다.
전북 부안군 변산면에서 야간 채집한 옥색긴꼬리산누에나방의 발육특성 및 기주식물을 탐색하기 위하여 실내사육을 실시한 결과 채집후 4~5일이내에 산란을 하였고, 암컷 한 마리당 평균산란수는 122.8개였고, 일평균산란수는43.1개였으며, 난기간은 8.3일이었다. 까치박달나무를 먹이로 사육한 옥색긴꼬리산누에나방 유충은 5회 탈피하였고,1령충은 검정, 2령충은 밤색, 3~5령충은 초록색으로 색채변이가 있었다. 유충 발육기간은 1령 3.7일, 2령 6.6일,3령 11.0일, 4령 6.6일, 5령 24.5일이었고, 번데기는 나뭇잎을 엮어 그안에 고치를 짓고 번데기가 되었으며, 21.2일정도 경과하여 성충으로 우화하였다. 옥색긴꼬리산누에나방 유충의 기주식물 선호성을 분석하기 위하여 까치박달나무, 오리나무, 참나무, 단풍나무 잎을 먹이로 각각 개체사육을 실시하고, 한편으로 한 용기에 4가지 잎을 넣고,선호성을 조사한 결과 오리나무와 까치박달나무만 섭식을 하였고, 참나무와 단풍나무잎은 거의 섭식하지 않았으며,오리나무를 가장 선호하였고, 발육기간도 가장 빠르고, 사망률도 적었다.
The mosquito is a dangerous disease vector, which transfers various diseases like dengue virus, Zika virus and malaria.This study used an alternative way of mosquito repellent agents rather than chemical repellents such as DEET. We haveemployed a novel emitters of ultra-sonic sounds, which showed repellent effects to mosquito behaviors that avoid ultra-sonicsounds. Using NGS analysis after ultrasonic treatment, we found that some subsets of sensory and other related geneswere affected, indicating that ultrasonic sounds affects gene expression associated with host finding behaviors in Aedesaegypti. Additionally, we performed electrophysiological recording and behavior assay testing repellency in a chamberin Culex pipiens, which is the most common species in Korea.
Pyraustinae and Spliomelinae are one of the largest subfamily in the family Crambidae, They are reported more than5,000 species in the world. The majority of them is distributed in tropical regions, also some species discovered intosubtropical and warm temperate areas. Laos has a tropical climate because it is located in Southeast Asia. but Laos properlyhas not studied moths diversity by the present.In the present study, we provided a checklist of the subfamily Pyraustinae and Spilomelinae from Laos, including adultphotographs, distributions.
The subfamily Yponomeutinae Stephens belongs to the family Yponomeutidae, with over 270 described species in theworld. Among them, about 120 species are distributed in Palearctic Region. In Korea, a total of twenty five species havebeen reported from Korea. First recording of this subfamily species is reported Park (1983), with 6 genera 11 speciesin Illustrated Flora & Fauna of Korea, Vol, 27. Bae & Byun (2003) reported four known species of this group: Yponomeutakanaiella, Y. montanatus, Y. sociatus, and Y. yanagawanus.In the present study, we provided a checklist of the subfamily Yponomeutinae with a newly recorded genus, includingadult and genital photographs in each genus.
Eupelmidae Walker, 1833, belongs to the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with more than 1,000 described species within48 genera worldwide. They are distinguished from other families as following characters: females and some males withlarge and undivided mesopleuron; gaster subsessile; male antenna with seven funiculars and only single anellus.Most species of this family are idiobiont ectoparasitoids or predators of the immature stage of Coleoptera, Homoptera,Lepidoptera, Neuroptera, Orthoptera and even other Hymenoptera, or some species are endoparasitoids of eggs of Araneae,Dictyoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera and Phasmida.In this study, history, descriptions, photos of habitus and a key to genera and species of South Korean Eupelmidaeare provided.
The subfamily Pimplinae comprising more than 1,700 described species within 77 genera worldwide. Sixty-nine specieswithin 20 genera have been recorded from South Korea. Among them, the genus Endromopoda is a small sized groupin the subfamily Pimplinae with 11 described species from Nearctic, Oriental and Palaearctic regions. This genus is newlyrecorded from South Korea for the first time. Genus Endromopoda can easily be distinguished from other genera of Pimplinaeby the following characters: Distinctly depressed ovipositor, with perpendicular teeth on apex; elongated propodeum.In this study, we report three unrecorded South Korean species, Endromopoda arundinator (Fabricius,1804), Endromopoda detrita (Holmgren, 1860) and Endromopoda phragmitidis (Perkins, 1957). In addition,diagnoses, photographs of newly recorded species and a key to the species of South Korean Endromopodaare provided.
살구나무와 매실나무에 발생한 돌발해충의 애벌레를 채집, 실험실 내에서의 사육을 통해 돌발해충의 종 규명과이들에 기생하는 천적곤충을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 대상분류군인 돌발해충은 식식성곤충인 잎벌류로 2016년 충북보은과 청주, 경북 상주 등의 지역에서 발생, 살구와 매실나무의 잎을 갉아 먹어 생육과 과실의 결실에 큰 피해를주었다. 사람과 물품 등의 이동 증가로 인하여 해충이 새로운 지역으로 분산되어 적응할 수 있는 가능성이 높아지고있어 해충의 종 구명 및 확산방지를 위한 천적곤충 탐색 연구가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 돌발해충과 천적곤충의종 규명을 통해 한국에 처음 기록되는 잎벌류를 보고하고자 하며, 잎벌류의 기재, 잎벌류의 발생시기별 생태사진및 천적곤충의 정보를 제공하고자 한다.
Monsoma is a small and rarely collected genus within Allantinae, consisting of four species widely distributed in Palaearcticand Nearctic regions: M. faustum Zhelochovtsev, 1961; M. inferentium (Norton, 1868); M. pallipes (Matsumura, 1912);M. pulveratum (Retzius, 1783). This genus is morphologically similar to Empria Lepeletier & Serville, however, can bedistinguished by the abdominal terga without pale detached paired patches, cross-vein m-cu present and cell M closedon the hind wing.In the present study, the genus Monsoma is reported from South Korea for the first time based on M. pallipes. Adetailed redescription, photographs of the diagnostic characters are provided.
The present study was carried out to assess the perception of entomophagy in the Korean population. 329 respondentsof varying age groups were included in a semi-structured questionnaire survey. Results revealed that altogether 88% ofthe respondents knew ‘entomophagy’ fully or partially which is higher than few other scientific reports examined consumeracceptance in different countries, probably suggesting a rich tradition of using insects for food and medicinal purposesin Korea. Males were found more inclined to accept insect as food while females were neophobic. A similar trend wasobserved in case of using insects as a food ingredient. Acceptance of insect as food and or food ingredients was foundmore among older people in comparison to younger people which could be presumably because of familiarity with ancestralknowledge. Taste or flavor was found the most important determinant factor followed by nutrition and environmental issues.The outcomes of the study advocate ‘awareness’ of food safety, environmental and health issues among consumers canbe an instrument for wide acceptance of entomophagy.
Hallasan is an elliptical volcano on Jeju Island and is the highest mountain in South Korea. A survey was carriedout to investigate soil Gamasina mite composition in the Hallasan National Park during 2016-17. Soil samples were collectedvarious microhabitats from Baekrokdam and Muljangori. We found these eight species; Euparholaspulus primori, Gamasholaspisbrowningi, G. communis, Parholaspulus bregetovae, P. hiasmaticus, P. maturovae, P. orientalis and P. paradichaetes fromsoil. Among these species, Parholaspulus bregetovae, P. hiasmaticus, P. maturovae, P. orientalis and P. paradichaeteswere first records from Baekrokdam and Muljangori, Halla National Park, South Korea.
The attraction of the tomato whiteflies Trialeurodes vaporariorum, to four type of traps combined with a colored stickyboard and an light emitting lamp was investigated in 2016 in an tomato greenhouse. The colors of the sticky boardswere yellow and the peak wavelengths of the light emitting traps were 470nm(blue), 590nm(yellow) and 450~625nm(white).The type of traps was designed to directly illuminate the plants with an light emitting lamp and set along the lowerpart of the crops whose each sticky board was directed to the plants. This experiments showed that T. vaporariorumadults on average preferred (p>0.05) traps in blue lights(110±3.2adults/trap) compared to traps in yellow lights (71±1.4adults/trap)and white light traps(45±1.1adults/trap). The blue light trap(470nm) showed the most attractive to T. vaporariorum adults,followed by a similarly attraction to the yellow light trap(590nm), whereas the control (no light trap) was little attractiveto T. vaporariorum adults.
An immune signal pathway using Toll receptor in response to Gram positive bacterial or fungal challenge induces cellularimmunity and production of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in insects. Here we tested an hypothesis that Toll signal downstreamfactors, MyD88 and Pelle, influence eicosanoid signal by activating phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activity in the beet armywormSpodoptera exigua. We knocked-down MyD88 and Pelle expressions using specific dsRNAs and assessed their effect onPLA2 activity in immune-challenged S. exigua larvae. The RNAi-treated larvae failed to induce AMP gene expressionand PLA2 activity under immune challenge. These results shed light on cross-talk between Toll pathway and eicosanoidsignal.