
T.S.엘리엇연구 KCI 등재 Journal of the T. S. Eliot Society of Korea

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제24권 제3호 (2014년 12월) 5

2014.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Surrealism must have influenced myriads of authors, artists and musicians as it was commonly expected as one of the most socio-culturally influential movement ever. However, it is seldom noted that T. S. Eliot may have close connection with Surrealism. Surrealism was originally an artistic movement that was conducted mainly by the works of artists and poets. Even though surrealism had been mainly regarded as the name tag for those who chiefly worked on paintings, it was originally initiated by a group of poets such as Louis Aragon, Paul Eluard, Guillaume Apollinaire, André Breton, Stéphane Mallarmé, Arthur Rimbaud, and Charles Baudelaire. Considering the culture atmosphere of the time when it was written, The Waste Land, in this respect, may possibly be read as the outcome of surrealistic influence upon T. S. Eliot. As a matter of fact, it must be a mixture of Freudian theory and the aesthetic spirit of rebellion against the traditional concept of art. Even though there was unbridgeable gap between surrealism and Freudian theory, they resonate with each other in their burgeoning period. The surrealist movement was first publicly announced in 1924 by André Breton in his famous “Surrealist Manifesto.” The nascent period was overlapped with that of The Waste Land. That is to say, the formation of surrealism had already begun after the world war I, which gave Eliot the sense of horror and emptiness and got him disillusioned from the hypocritical western civilization which found the elemental frame of The Waste Land.
2014.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
T. S. 엘리엇의 「이스트 코우커」는 다양한 관점에서 해석될 수 있는 다양한 죽음의 이미지들이 있다. 첫째, 물리적 관점으로 해석될 수 있는 죽음의 이미지들이 나온다. 이 죽음은 탄생, 성장, 쇠퇴, 죽음, 그리고 다시 탄생으로 이어지는 자연의 생명 순환의 일부로서 자연의 생명체계 를 유지하는데 필수적인 요소다. 두 번째, 「이스트 코우커」의 죽음은 부 정적 이미지들로서 주로 자연의 섭리에서 벗어나 부조화를 이룰 때 나 타난다. 이 죽음은 도덕적, 영적 죽음이며 신과 단절된 현대의 도시문명 을 상징하고 있다. 세 번째 종류의 죽음은 여러 종교들과 연관된 죽음 의 이미지들이다. 이 다양한 죽음의 이미지들 이면에는 공통적으로 탄 생 또는 부활 속에서의 생명과 연결된다. 「이스트 코우커」에서 엘리엇 은 생과 사의 주제를 예술적 언어를 사용하여 다양한 이미지와 의미를 만들어내고 있다.
2014.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Eliot and Valrie’ ashes are interred in the church, with the inscription, “In my end is my beginning.” After three hundreds years Eliot returned to the home of his forefather, Andrew Eliot, who left East Coker for the Massachusetts Bay Colony of America in 1660. Eliot received the Christian sacraments of baptism and confirmation in Holy Trinity Church at Finstock on the 29th and 30th June, 1927 that belongs to the Church of England. He was made a member of the Holy Catholic Church that belongs to Anglo-Catholicism. Eliot has a doubting belief and finally became an Anglo-Catholic who believes in the doctrines such as Incarnation and Holy Trinity that differ from that of Unitarianism inherited from his family. His conversion was the result of a lifetime skepticism and progression accepting confession, pray, and contemplation for practice not a leap of faith. Eliot underwent a kind of gradual dialectic of reasons for his adopting ideological position throughout one’s earthly pilgrimage. At last Eliot found a historic and religious community of an Anglo-Catholic in East Coker to have certain admiration for the religious belief, for the life of prayer and contemplation, and for those who attempt to practise it.
2014.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Husserl’s philosophical keyword is “consciousness.” His major concerning is how to express the objects in consciousness. It is similar to the way the poet creates his poems. Eliot also depends on speaker’s consciousness to create his poems. Eliot’s creative method is mainly to express the objects in speaker’s consciousness in an effective way. But what is important is that a speaker should recognize what the object is and speak it accurately although it is in his consciousness. Husserl calls this logic “evidence”, classifying hyle, noesis and noema to explain speaker’s conscious process. We can see this process in Eliot’s poems. For Eliot, these processes go forward properly, but sometimes don’t do so. Husserl calls a complete “constitution” when these three processes go well. On the other hand, Husserl demands Epoche’ for us to get to an essential intuition. Eliot also uses it in his poems.
2014.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Biblical Simeon in Luke 2:25-35 is an old and devout Jew who sees Infant Christ by the Holy Ghost. Simeon becomes a unique man. He is between in the pre-Christian world and in the Christian world. Like Simeon, T. S. Eliot begins his new religious life as a result of his conversion in 1927. However, Eliot’s conversion involves rather spiritual agony or pain than joy. In this respect, Eliot dramatizes his conversion through his “correlative” or persona Simeon by adding a dark side of the Christian belief to Biblical Simeon’s narrative in “A Song for Simeon.” In this process, Eliot tries to identify himself with his “correlative” or detach himself from him to explore his Christian faith based on the Bible story. For Eliot, “A Song for Simeon” is a song for an interpretation of his painful religious journey toward a true Christian life through his own Simeon.