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        검색결과 2,261

        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to develop the products that the Lamp and Ballast are combined for the purpose of easy installation to complement the difficulty of the installation process due to the structure of existing product which the lamp and the Ballast are separated, and that have 8-wavelengths dual-lamp structure such as solar, an advantage of more than 3 times longer life than fluorescent lamp and immediately lighting. This study developed the commercialized products that can prevent the environmental pollution caused by low efficiency and short life time of existing Lamps, and can replace the LED Lighting products which has high Glare index with high price, has also developed the variety of application for industrial, commercial, indoor and military. The applied product are Street lights, Security lights, Flood lights, Indoor lights and lights for fishing. This study solved the optimum distribution and placement of components considering the lightest weight first and thermal interference caused by combination of lamp and ballast by thermal release through applying the double bulkhead design of ballast box, and implemented the high efficiency Eco-friendly products with excellent visibility which can be applied and used for indoor and outdoor both place through high temperature and high humidity test, which has an advantage of 8-wavelengths of same spectrum of solar through the initial trial production.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study carried out and analyzed survey data on captains and mates of Korean coastal large trawlers in order to examine factors affecting body abnormalities and fatigue on bridge teams from work and environment at bridges of trawlers. The summarized result may be summed up as follows: multiple regression analysis with body pain and fatigue as dependent variables yields t-values of –2.559 (p<0.05) and –3.928 (p<0.05) respectively. From the result, environment at bridges (views, spaces and exhaust) were negative factors in affecting bridge workers’ pain and fatigue. Thus, it is determined to secure available spaces to improve the workers’ views through windows in front of, besides and rear bridge and create more pleasant atmospheric environment at bridge.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study describes the effects of polyurethane/loess powder (PU/LP) nanofiber thin films composite produced from electrospun for absorption volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air. Environmental issue has become a focus with improving people's living quality. The VOCs are one of the factors that affect the environmental safety. So, in order to improve the environment and safety for people, many air cleaning techniques have been investigated. One of the methods is nanofiber filtration technology. In this study, the PU nanofiber thin film has been studied that it has the adsorption of VOCs capacity, and LP nanoparticles (NPs) can be used as an additive to load into PU nanofiber thin film by electrospinning. For studying PU/LP nanofiber thin films's absorption of VOCs capacity, 4 samples (0, 10, 30, and 50 wt% LP with respect to PU) were manufactured, respectively. The results show that PU composite mats containing 30 wt% LP NPs has the highest VOCs absorption capacity, and the adsorption capacity for toluene was the highest compared to benzene and chloroform.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we aimed to develop a mixed tea prepared with roasted mulberry leaf and fruit using response surface methodology (RSM). Roasting of mulberry leaf was by 6 stages, as shown in Fig. 1; and mulberry fruit was roasted in 4 stages, as shown in Fig. 2. Subsequently, physicochemical measurements such as total polyphenol content, nitric oxide production content, and α-glucosidase inhibitory effect were obtained for each sample. Central composite design was applied to prepare samples containing varying contents of roasted mulberry leaf (RoML) and roasted mulberry fruit (RoMF); subsequently, sensory evaluation was conducted. The total polyphenol content of roasted samples (RoML and RoMF) were significantly higher than that of raw samples (RaML and RaMF), respectively. The nitric oxide (NO) production of roasted samples were significantly lower than that of control (LPS induced RAW 264.7 cell). The α-glucosidase inhibitory effect of roasted samples was significantly higher than that of raw samples, respectively. Based on the RSM estimation for determination of optimum ratio by sensory evaluation (taste, color, and flavor) among 13 mixed samples, the optimum mixing ratio of RoML and RoMF for taste, color, and flavor were 1.64 g (RoML) and 0.88 g (RoMF), 1.35 g (RoML) and 0.92 g (RoMF), 1.65 g (RoML) 1.03 g (RoMF), respectively. Based on results of three sensory evaluations, mixing ratio comprising 1.54 g of RoML and 0.92 g of RoMF is desirable for delicious tea with functionality.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objectives of this study, which filled gaps in previous studies, were: (1) to find the optimal mixing condition of nanoemulsions containing oleoresin capsicum (OC), Tween 80, propylene glycol (PG), and sucrose monostearate (SES) by microfluidization; (2) to investigate their properties and stability depending on such factors as pH, temperature, and heating time; (3) to measure the effect of adding ascorbic acid. In order to test these objectives, the following three experiments were conducted: Firstly, in order to find the optimal mixing ratio, nanoemulsions containing OC - the mean diameter of which is smaller than 100 nm - were prepared through the process of microfluidization; and their mean particle size, zeta potential, and capsaicinoids were measured. The test results indicated that the mixing ratio at OC : Tween 80 : PG + water(1:2) = 1 : 0.2 : 5 was optimal. Secondly, the properties and stability of nanoemulsions were investigated with varying parameters. The test results illustrated that single-layer nanoemulsions and double-layer nanoemulsions coated with alginate were stable, irrespective of all the parameters other than/except for pH 3. Thirdly, the properties of nanoemulsions were then analyzed according to the addition of ascorbic acid. The results demonstrated that the properties of single-layer nanoemulsions were not affected by addition of ascorbic acid. In case of alginate double-layer nanoemulsions, the particle size was reduced, and zeta potential increased with the addition of ascorbic acid. In conclusion, the demonstrated stability of various nanoemulsions under the different conditions in the present study suggests that these findings may constitute a basis in manufacturing various food-grade products which use nanoemulsions-and indicate that food nanoemulsions, if adopted in the food industry, have the potential to satisfy both the functionality and acceptability requirements necessary to produce commercially marketable food-grade products.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we designed the 3-dimensional tire mold according to the A automobile company’s tire model, and analysed the distribution of temperature of mold using the numerical method when the heat flux and heat transfer time at the surface of tire mold were changed. A analysis region of mold was the 1/16 of entire mold, and the grid number was about more than 880 thousand. In order to analyze the temperature change of mold, the thinnest part of the mold was chosen as the research object, and then the temperature of 6 points on the vertical downward direction of the thinnest part was analyzed with the time change. While the numerical condition was that heat flux was 321,200 W/m2, 440,000 W/m2 and 880,000 W/m2, and measuring time was 0.1 second, 0.2 second, 0.5 second and 1 second, respectively. As a result, the temperature difference between the surface temperature and the lowest temperature of mold was 7.3℃ when the heat transfer time was 0.1 second. Also, the minimum temperature difference was almost 0.11℃ when the heat transfer increased to 1 second. It can be explained that the main material of tire mold was aluminum and its thermal conductivity was high (k=140 W/m·K). In addition, when the heat transfer time was more than 1 second, the heat flux of mold surface will be transmitted at the inside of the thinnest part, and the heat transfer will be a marked difference according to the shape of the thinnest part.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Gas hydrate (GH)-based desalination process have a potential as a novel unit desalination process. GHs are nonstoichiometric crystalline inclusion compounds formed at low temperature and a high pressure condition by water and a number of guest gas molecules. After formation, pure GHs are separated from the remaining concentrated seawater and they are dissociated into guest gas and pure water in a low temperature and a high pressure condition. The condition of GH formation is different depending on the type of guest gas. This is the reason why the guest gas is a key to success of GH desalination process. The salt rejection of GH based desalination process appeared 60.5-93%, post treatment process is needed to finally meet the product water quality. This study adopted reverse osmosis (RO) as a post treatment. However, the test about gas rejection by RO process have to be performed because the guest gas will be dissolved in a GH product (RO feed). In this research, removal potential of dissolved gas by RO process is performed using lab-scale RO system and GC/MS analysis. The relation between RO membrane characteristics and gas removal rate were analyzed based on the GC/MS measurement.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Stable Isotope Analysis (SIA) of carbon and nitrogen is useful tool for the understanding functional roles of target organisms in biological interactions in the food web. Recently, mixing model based on SIA is frequently used to determine which of the potential food sources predominantly assimilated by consumers, however, application of model is often limited and difficult for non-expert users of software. In the present study, we suggest easy manual of R software and package SIAR with example data regarding selective feeding of crustaceans dominated freshwater zooplankton community. We collected SIA data from the experimental mesocosms set up at the littoral area of eutrophic Chodae Reservoir, and analyzed the dominant crustacean species main food sources among small sized particulate organic matters (POM, <50 μm), large sized POM (>50 μm), and attached POM using mixing model. From the results obtained by SIAR model, Daphnia galeata and Ostracoda mainly consumed small sized POM while Simocephalus vetulus consumed both small and large sized POM simultaneously. Copepods collected from the reservoir showed no preferences on various food items, but in the mesocosm tanks, main food sources for the copepods was attached POM rather than planktonic preys including rotifers. The results have suggested that their roles as grazers in food web of eutrophicated reservoirs are different, and S. vetulus is more efficient grazer on wide range of food items such as large colony of phytoplankton and cyanobacteria during water bloom period.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research determined priority of quality improvement of public institution's education service by using ASC for importance and applying Topsis, a multi-standard decision-making method simplifying various attributes and scales of evaluation items and deciding the comparative priority for satisfaction and discussed the differences so as to measure the quality of public institution's educational service and examine the priority of education service' quality improvement. This research classified the characteristics of quality improvement. As a result, it's significant to suggest positive direction and method to improve satisfaction and education service's quality from an angle of demander by analyzing educational satisfaction of education service quality of public education institution and effects on the following improvement.
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 판자 컬렉션(Panza Collection)에 나타난 이상주의 미학을 당대의 사회 적 맥락 속에서 폭넓게 조명하고자 한 연구이다. 주세페 판자 디 비우모(Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, 1923-2010)는 1957년부터 1999년까지 다양한 형식의 미술작품을 수 집해왔으며, 그 수는 2,500여 점에 이른다. 지금까지의 판자 컬렉션에 대한 선행 연구 는 미학적인 측면에 대한 논의가 주를 이루거나, 1960년대 이후 변화된 전시 방식의 사례 연구에 그친다. 그러나 판자 컬렉션은 한 개인의 미학과 더불어 당대의 현실이 반영된 것이라는 전제에서 본 연구는 시작되었으며, 따라서 컬렉션의 출발점인 이상주 의적인 미학과 그 이면의 상업적 면모라는 양면성을 전시장과 유통과정을 통해 이를 고찰하고자 하였다. 18세기 바로크 양식으로 지어진 빌라 판자 안에서 색채와 형태의 적절한 구성으로 이루어진 판자의 미니멀리즘 회화는 실내 디자인의 요소이자 추상회화로 이루어진 순수 조형적 공간이라는 양면성을 통합한 독특한 전시공간을 만들어낸다. 빌라 판자의 별채 에 전시된 미니멀리즘 설치 작품 역시 실내장식 혹은 건축적 환경을 조성하면서도 동시 에 물성을 초월하는 경험을 제공하기도 한다. 판자는 실제의 건축적 공간에 형광 튜브 를 설치하거나 건축의 물리적 구조 자체를 작품으로 제시하면서 빌라를 하나의 예술적 공간으로 만들었다. 이를 통해 그 공간은 형광튜브의 물성과 빛에서 오는 비물질적인 경험, 실제 공간에 대한 물리적 체험과 그 안에서의 ‘걷는 행위’를 통한 명상적 체험이 공존하는 장소가 되었다. 그의 개념미술 컬렉션에서 나타나는 문자의 반복 역시 이미지의 복제 시스템을 드러 내면서도 단어의 반복으로 인해 일종의 사유의 과정을 이끌어낸다. 이처럼 판자는 실제 의 건축적 공간에 작품을 설치하거나 건축의 물리적 구조 자체를 작품으로 제시하면서 빌라를 하나의 예술적 공간으로 만들었다. 그는 빌라 판자의 전시공간을 통해 삶의 세 속적인 측면까지도 이상화시킨 예술지상주의를 구현한 것이다. 반면 판자 컬렉션의 유통과정에서는 판자의 이상주의 미학의 이면이 구체적으로 드 러난다. 판자는 자신의 미적 취향에 부합하면서도 합리적인 가격일 경우에만 작품을 구 입했으며, 작품을 매매하거나 교환하기도 하였다. 이후 그는 컬렉션을 미국의 주류 미술관에 판매하였으며 순회전을 통해 국제적 명성을 얻게 되었다. 특히 순회전은‘판자 컬렉 션’이라는 라벨과 작품의 설치 및 변경과 관련된 사항에 대해 판자의 의견을 반영하여야 한다는 계약 조건 하에 이루어졌다. 즉, 그것은 일종의 문화상품처럼 유통된 것이다. 이와 같이, 판자 컬렉션의 전시공간에 드러난 이상주의 미학과 그 이면의 상업적 유 통이라는 현실은 미술작품과 그 컬렉션이 순수한 미적 취향의 구현체일 뿐 아니라 당대 사회와의 관계 속에서 형성된 매우 다원적인 성격의 산물임을 드러낸다. 판자는 현실적 인 면모와 예술적인 감성을 모두 갖춘 후기 자본주의 시대의 전형적 컬렉터였으며, 판자 컬렉션의 전시와 유통과정에서 드러난 이상주의 미학과 그 이면 역시 이러한 당대성을 드러내는 하나의 표본과 같은 것이다. 본 연구는 이처럼 판자라는 한 개인의 미적 취향과 그 예술적 발현으로서의 컬렉션 을 당대의 사회적 구조라는 폭넓은 맥락에서 접근하였다는데 그 의의를 둘 수 있다. 즉 판자의 이상주의 미학의 인문, 사회학적 측면을 재고하게 하였다는 점에서 본 논문의 궁 극적인 의미를 찾을 수 있을 것이다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Simple sequence repeats (SSR), also referred to “microsatellites” consist of tandemly repeated short DNA sequence motifs and have been applied in various marker-based studies. SSRs were isolated and characterized from ‘Heuktari’ and ‘Miso’, which are major oyster mushroom cultivars in Korea, by genome sequencing and bioinformatic analysis. The genome sizes of ‘Heuktari’ and ‘Miso’ were estimated to be 40.8 and 40.3 Mb, respectively, which are larger than those of other P. ostreatus species (PC9 and PC10) and smaller than those of P. eryngii (KNR2312P5). In total, 949 and 968 SSRs were found in the ‘Heuktari’ and ‘Miso’ genomes, respectively. Comparative analysis of five mushrooms including P. ostreatus var. florida (PC9 and PC15) and P. eryngii revealed that the number of SSRs in ‘Heuktari’ and ‘Miso’ were the highest among them. All mushrooms studied showed similar SSR distribution patterns. Tri-, hexa-, and octanucleotide motifs accounted for the top three fractions of all SSRs.
        2016.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        우리나라 표고 생산은 톱밥배지 재배기술이 보급되면서 원목재배에서 톱밥재배로 재배방식이 바뀌어가는 과도기에 있으나 우리나라 실정에 적합한 생산기술이 부족한 상황이다. 현재 표고 봉지재배용 배지는 참나 무톱밥과 미강만을 혼합하여 사용하고 있어 다양한 배지자원의 발굴이 필요하며, 재료의 다변화를 통해 농 가 선택의 폭을 넓혀줄 필요가 있다. 우리원에서는 부존자원을 활용하여 새로운 표고 배지를 개발하고자 본 실험을 진행하였다. 주재료는 참나무톱밥, 미송톱밥을, 영양원으로는 미강, 밀기울, 맥아도정부산물을 선정하였다. 배지조성은 부피비 기준 주재료 80%+영양원 20%로 하고, 각 첨가비율을 달리하여 30처리를 하였으며 품종은 ‘산조701호’와 ‘농진고’ 2품종으로 진행하였다. 배지조성별 표고 균사의 경시적 생장 속도 를 알아보기 위한 컬럼테스트 결과 균사 생장이 빠르고 왕성한 6처리를 선발했다. 선발된 6처리의 배지에 균 접종을 하고 30일간 암배양, 70일간 명배양을 했다. 100일간 배양 후 갈변진행정도를 조사한 결과 ‘산조 701호’, ‘농진고’ 2품종 모두 참나무톱밥 80% + 맥아도정부산물 20% 처리에서 각각 79.8%, 74.6%로 갈변 이 빠른 경향을 나타냈다. 1주기 자실체 생육조사 결과 상품화 버섯 수량은 ‘산조701호’는 대조구에서 59.0g(g/봉)으로 가장 높았으나, ‘농진고’는 참나무톱밥 80%+밀기울 20%에서 64.5(g/봉)으로 대조구 대비 22% 증수하였다.
        2016.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        제주도는 기후, 식생, 토양 등 자연환경이 독특해서 버섯의 종다양성은 내륙지역과는 크게 다를 것으로 예상된다. 제주도 물영아리오름과 곶자왈에코랜드에서 개최된 한국버섯학회 주관 2016년도 버섯생태조 사에서 51속 66종의 버섯이 관찰되었다. 구름송편버섯(Trametes versicolor) 등 5종은 물영아리오름과 곶 자왈에서 모두 발견되었으며, 물영아리오름에서는 털목이(Auricularia polytricha) 등 34속 36종이 발견되 었으며, 곶자왈(에코랜드)에서는 잔나비불로초(G. applanatum) 등 23속 29종이 발견되었다. 독특한 생태 환경을 보이는 제주도에서 발생되는 야생버섯자원은 새로운 소득품목개발과 신품종을 육성하는 매우 중요한 자산이다. 아울러 지속적인 생태조사를 통해 제주도의 자연환경을 보존하고 기후변화를 예측하 고 대비하는 데 기여할 것으로 전망된다. 물영아리오름은 제주도 서귀포시에 위치하며, 상록낙엽수(예 덕나무, 참식나무, 때죽나무 등), 큰천남성, 섬새우란, 금새우난, 사철난, 찔레나무 울타리, 습지식물인 고마리, 물고추나물, 보풀, 세모고냉이 등 식생이 다양하며, 국내 5번째로 람사조약습지로 지정되어 있 다. 곶자왈은 제주와 같이 용암분출로 형성된 지역에 잘 발달할 수 있으며, 난대림과 온대림을 중심으 로 광범위하게 숲을 형성하고 있으며, 식물종 다양성도 비교적 높다. 곶자왈지역에는 600여종 이상의 관속식물이 있으며, 제주고사리삼, 개가시나무, 으름난초, 수채, 제주물부터 등은 멸종위기식물이다. 섬 휘파람새, 직박구리 등 제주텃새와 긴꼬리딱새나 팔색조 등 희귀철새가 번식한다.