
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,454

        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the quality characteristics of waffles made with coconut extract. Waffles were prepared with the substitution of 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125% of coconut extract. The viscosity of the batter tended to increase with increasing ratio of coconut extract, whereas the spreadability measures were not changed significantly. The baking loss rates tended to increase with increasing ratio of coconut extract while the moisture contents were not changed significantly. The L-value and b-value decreased but the a-value increased. TPA showed that the hardness, springiness, chewiness, cohesiveness, and gumminess tend to increase with increasing amount of coconut extract while the resilience was not changed significantly. The results of the sensory evaluation showed that waffles made with 100% coconut extract were the most preferable in appearance, flavor, taste, texture, and overall acceptability.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        자갈 궤도는 부설 후 궤도틀림이 발생하여 지속적인 유지·보수 작업이 필요하다. 이를 개선하기 위하여 기존의 자갈 궤도 에 급속경화 모르타르를 주입하여 단시간 내에 콘크리트 궤도로 치환할 수 있는 급속경화궤도가 개발되었다. 교량에 부설되 는 급속경화궤도는 교량과 궤도의 거동을 일치시키기 위하여 후설치 앵커를 궤도 세그먼트 중앙부에 시공한다. 본 논문은 앵커로 교량과 연결된 급속경화궤도와 교량의 궤도-교량 상호작용 해석을 수행하여 레일 및 앵커의 안전성을 검토하였다. 이때 앵커의 강성 및 강도, 급속경화 콘크리트의 재령, 급속경화궤도와 교량 사이의 마찰을 고려하였다. 이를 바탕으로 급속 경화궤도 부설 후 적절한 앵커의 설치시기 및 열차 정상운행 가능시기를 검토하였다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was conducted from August to December 2016 in a cylindrical water tank with a diameter of 1 m, a height of 4 m and a capacity of 3,000 L. The field water and sediment from the Nakdong River were also sampled for the experimental culture (field water+sediment) and control culture (field water), respectively. In this study, we aimed to investigate phytoplankton succession pattern using the phytoplankton functional group in the enclosed culture system. A total of 50 species in 27 genera including Chlorophyceae (30 species), Bacillariophyceae (11 species), Cyanophyceae (7 species), and Cryptophyceae (2 species) were identified in the experimental and control culture systems. A total of 19 phytoplankton functional groups (PFGs) were identified, and these groups include B, C, D, F, G, H1, J, K, Lo, M, MP, N, P, S1, TB, W0, X1, X2 and Y. In particular, W0, J and M groups exhibited the marked succession in the experimental culture system with higher biovolumes compared to those of the control culture system, which may be related to the internal cycling of nutrients by sediment in the experimental culture system. The principal component analyses demonstrated that succession patterns in PFG were associated with the main environmental factors such as nutrients (N, P), water temperature and light intensity in two culture systems. In conclusion, the present study showed the potential applicability of the functional group for understanding the adaptation strategies and ecological traits of the phytoplankton succession in the water bodies of Korea.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to obtain the basic quality characteristics, like moisture contents, hunter color value, total polyphenol, starch, amylose, and ash contents and pasting characteristics of sweet potato cultivars according to storage periods. Moisture contents of all the varieties decreased with long storage period, and were lower in dry type than tender and moist type sweet potato. Lightness(L value) of sweet potato flesh was decreased in Shinyulmi, Daeyumi, Shinhwangmi but other seven cultivars showed increasing trend. Redness(a value) was increased in Sinyulmi, Sinhwangmi, Sinjami and yellowness (b value) increased in Yeonjami only. The total polyphenol contents increased in Dahomi, Sinjami up to 4 months of storage and all other varieties showed decrease during storage period. The starch contents also decreased with storage period. The amylose contents showed different by the cultivars. The ash contents in all varieties ranged from 1.1 to 1.7%, and there was no difference among varieties and storage periods. There was no change in pasting temperature during storage periods. Peak viscosity, through viscosity, breakdown and final viscosity were different according to storage periods and cultivars. But setback tended to increase in all cultivars.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        생대추가 신소득 작목으로 부각되면서 재배지가 확대되고 있으나 우리나라 장마기와 최근 이상기후로 인해 대추 수분·수정 및 착과에 문제 가 발생하고 있는 실정이다. 이에 생대추 재배를 위해 도입된 비가림하우스에서 서양종 꿀벌과 서양뒤영벌을 이용하여 화분매개곤충의 활동 특성 과 착과 효율에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 구명하고자 본 시험을 수행하였다. 대추 복조 품종을 대상으로 비가림하우스에 망실을 씌워 서양종 꿀벌 과 서양뒤영벌을 2016년 6월 1일부터 7월 25일까지 약 55일정도 방사하였다. 서양종 꿀벌은 주로 오후에 활동이 많았으나 서양뒤영벌의 활동은 시간에 관계없이 다소 균일하였다. 대추 신초 가지의 착과율을 조사한 결과 방화곤충을 차단한 무처리 5.5% 대비 서양종 꿀벌은 10.2%, 서양뒤 영벌은 8.9%로 대추 비가림하우스내 화분매개곤충 활용시 착과량 증진으로 농가 소득증대에 기여할 것으로 생각된다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        황동규의 죽음을 보는 시인의 자세가 잘 나타나 있는 시는 풍장 연작이 있다. 예이츠의 시 청금석 부조 (“Lapis Lazuli”)에는 무대 위 비극의 절정을 연기하는 배우의 영웅적인 과장된 연출을 지향한다면, 황동규는 죽음으로 달려가며 ‘시계’가 좁 아진 세계를 찾고자 한다. 인생이란 아무런 의미가 없지만, 열정적으로 살아갈 것을 강조한 니체와 예이츠가 가깝고, 삶이라는 것 자체엔 아무 의미가 없으니 열정적으로 사는 것을 지양한 쇼펜하우어와 황동규가 가깝다고 할 수 있다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most people seek a happy life and happiness positively affects sentiment, satisfaction with life, creativity, human relationship, business productivity, and even health and life extension. However, according to a survey in 2013, subjective happiness of adolescents (including university students) was very low compared to other age groups in Korea. Therefore this paper examined the effects of job-seeking stress, appearance recognition, financial situation, trust in government, and locus of control on university students' happiness using SEM (structural equation modeling). 207 university students in Seoul, Korea have been surveyed. At first, an initial experimental SEM model among these variables has been set up and reliability analysis has been conducted. Then multiple regression analyses on job-seeking stress and happiness as well as SEM analysis have been conducted. As a result of these analyses, the SEM model has been revised two times. The final SEM model passed the goodness-of-fit test (using RMR, GFI, NFI, CFI, and IFI indices). The final SEM model showed the followings. First, Higher job-seeking stress (especially sentimental part, rather than environment or action related parts) negatively affects happiness. Second, Trust in government also affects happiness both directly and indirectly. Third, Locus of control is affected both by trust in government and financial situation. Fourth, appearance recognition heavily affects job-seeking stress. In addition, appearance importance is higher than appearance interest, meaning that students who are not very interested in appearance usually recognize the importance of appearance. Finally, happiness is affected neither financial situation nor appearance recognition. Therefore, even either they are in a poor financial situation or not happy with their appearance, they can be happy if they have firm locus of control.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 해결중심 집단상담이 일반 고등학교 학생의 스트레스 대처와 자아존중감에 미치는 효과를 알아보고 현장 적용가능성을 탐색하는데 목적이 있다. D광역시 소재 일반 고등학교 학생 16명을 대상으 로 통제집단과 실험집단에 각각 8명씩 무선배치하고 해결중심 집단상담을 주 1회, 회기별로 90분씩, 총 6회기에 걸쳐 진행하였다. 통제집단과 실험집단에 각각 사전, 사후 스트레스 대처능력과 자아존중감 정도 를 측정하고 수집된 자료는 공변량분석(ANCOVA)을 실시하였으며, 참여자의 자기평가 기록지와 면담 및 연구자의 관찰결과를 종합적으로 분석하여 최종 결론을 도출하였다. 연구 결과, 해결중심 집단상담에 참여한 학생들은 통제집단 학생들에 비해 스트레스 대처능력, 자아존중감이 모두 유의하게 향상되었다. 이 연구는 청소년기 신체적 변화는 물론, 입시 경쟁, 진로문제, 교우관계 및 가치관의 혼란 등 다양한 원인으로 인한 스트레스를 경험하고 있는 고등학생들에게 학교 현장에서 단기 해결중심 집단상담을 적용하여 학생들이 자신의 강점을 인식하고 이를 통해 문제를 해결하도록 도와줌으로써 바람직한 스트레스 대처와 자아존중감 향상을 극대화하도록 하는데 의의가 있다.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A centrifugal cyclone dust collecting apparatus includes a hydro cyclone dust collecting apparatus for separating solid or liquid using liquid or suspension as a medium. In this study, the formation mechanism and improvement of air core and inner air layer were confirmed through Particle Image Velocimetry. These results showed that the modified experimental model was designed in the conventional method suitable for the separation of juvenile fish and eggs. The inlet speed of the multi-stage hydrocyclone dust collector, which can increase the inlet velocity and minimize floatage in the turbulence chamber, was increased from 0.15 to 0.30 m/s. As a result, the air core was stably formed, the inner air layer was increased with increasing speed. In addition, the dust collecting efficiency of egg and juvenile fish was 97.8% on average, It can infer that this system confirmed the ability to efficiently collect particles of 40 μm or more.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We measured the target strength according to the swimming tilt angle and size change for Pacific herring at the frequency of 70 kHz as the basic database in order to estimate its abundance as well as density in the survey area using the hydroacoustical method. The number of the sample used in this study was 14 individuals, and its size distribution by fork length ranged between 20.3 and 29.8 cm and wet weight was measured between 187.6 and 269.9 g. The variation of TS according to the swimming angle (-30~30°) was measured between 10.3 and 18.8 dB in frequency range, the highest value was measured at head-down of Pacific herring in the tilt angle range between 5 and 9 deg. of its swimbladder. The relationship between TS–FL of herring was the same as TS = 20log10 (FL) – 66.79 when its swimming tilt angle in the daytime (3.8 ± 6.0°) and nighttime (-3.2 ± 13.6°), respectively.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to understand the relationships between fish and zooplankton of distribution in the coastal waters of the East Sea from May to August 2016 using hydroacoustic. To distinguish between fish and zooplankton, we used the time varied threshold (TVT) method at the frequency of 120 kHz. As a result, the mean nautical area scattering coefficient (NASC) of fish was highest at 913 m2/n.mile2 in June and lowest at 315 m2/n.mile2 in July. The mean NASC of zooplankton was highest at 247 m2/n.mile2 in May and lowest at 70 m2/n.mile2 in July. The mean NASC of fish and zooplankton showed a significant difference (P < 0.05) with high correlation (R2 = 0.84). In addition, there was no significant difference in the mean NASC of fishes and zooplankton by depth (t-test, person correction = -0.17, p > 0.05).
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of different types of frying oil on the quality of yakgwa such as expansion rate, color, moisture content and rheological properties. Yakgwa fried with corn oil showed the highest expansion in width and length, and rice bran oil in height. With regard to the overall expansion rate, yakgwa fried with rice bran had the highest value. As for lightness and yellowness, yakgwa fried with soybean oil had the highest lightness (34.74), while yakgwa fried with grape seed oil had the lowest lightness (29.82). As for redness, however, no significant difference was found. Regarding fat content, yakgwa fried with rice bran oil showed the highest value with 18.91%, while yakgwa fried with corn oil and canola oil showed the lowest value. No difference was found in moisture content according to the type of frying oil. In relation to the acid value, yagkwa with soybean oil showed the lowest value of 0.24±0.66; as for peroxide value, yagkwa fried with rice bran oil showed the lowest value of 3.59±1.74 meq/kg. No difference was found in hardness, cohesiveness and resilience according to the type of frying oil. Yagkwa fried with corn oil and canola oil showed the lowest value in terms of adhesiveness and chewiness, respectively. The results of the sensory evaluation showed not significance difference in overall preference, but yakgwa fried with rice bran oil had the highest value of 5.93±1.87.
        2017.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        향신료로 널리 사용되는 후춧가루를 비가열 살균 방법 중 하나인 광펄스 살균 처리를 하는데 있어서 처리용기에 따른 사멸 효과를 살펴보았다. 실험에 사용된 처리용기의 형태는 정치형, 회전 원통형, recycling fluidized bed형의 3가지 처리용기를 사용하였다. 전압1000 V, 펄스수 5 pps, 시료와의 거리 4 cm의 조건에서 10분간 처리하였을 경우 정치형 처리용기의 경우에는 흑후추 80%, 백후추는 84%의 감소효과를 나타내었으며, 정치형 처리용기 내부에 거울을 설치하였을 경우에는 같은 처리조건에서 흑후추는 86%, 백후추는 85%의 감소효과를 보였다. 회전 원통형 처리용기에서는 전압 1000 V, 8 pps, 시료와의 거리 4 cm에서 10분간 처리하였을 경우 일반세균은 흑후추 75%, 백후추 79%의 감소효과를 나타내었고, B. cereus는 흑후추 74%, 백후추 76%의 감소효과를 나타내었다. Recycling fluidized bed형 처리용기를 사용하였을 경우에는 흑후추는 일반세균 71%, B. cereus 60%, 백후추는 일반세균 73%, B. cereus 52%의 감소효과를 보였다. 모든 실험군에서 광펄스 처리 후 후추의 수분함량은 처리시간이 길어질수록 감소하는 경향을 보였으며, 색도에 있어서는 흑후추의 경우 광펄스 처리 후 명도와 적색도에서 유의적인 차이를 나타냈으며, 황색도는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 후추의 지표물질인 piperin은 흑후추의 경우 증가하는 경향을 보인 반면에 백후추의 경우에는 감소하는 경향을 보였으나 유의적인 차이를 보이지는 않았다.