
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 12,825

        2008.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the introduction of the video display terminal (VDT), the efficiency and productivity of work has improved. However, VDT syndrome is threatening the health of workers as a side effect of prolonged use of a VDT. Among various VDT syndromes, the musculoskeletal disorder, especially, the cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) is the common research topic related with upper extremities function. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the wrist-hand orthosis (WHO) on fatigue in middle deltoid, anterior deltoid, serratus anterior, and upper trapezius during one-hour computer keyboard typing. Twelve healthy subjects participated in this study. Surface electromyography was used to assess the localized muscle fatigue (LMF), and the LMF was calculated at 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 40 minutes, and 60 minutes in each muscle, with and without the WHO. Data were analyzed by paired t-test with a level of significance of .05. The results of this study are as follows: 1) At 10 minutes, the LMF decreased significantly with applied WHO in the middle deltoid, anterior deltoid, and upper trapezius (p=.001, p=.026, p=.019, respectively). 2) As the computer keyboard typing period increased, there were no significant LMF differences, except for the upper trapezius. Therefore, it can be concluded that the WHO can be applied to decrease the LMF for the initial 10 minute period in the middle deltoid, anterior deltoid, and upper trapezius' but that the long term effect of WHO in reducing the LMF was proven only in upper trapezius during continued computer keyboard typing.
        2008.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in joint moment in the intact limb of uni-transfemoral amputees and to identify the implications of knee osteoarthritis. As an experimental method, three-dimensional gait analysis was performed on 10 uni-transfemoral amputees and 10 healthy males. Kinematics and kinetics at the hip, knee, and ankle joint were calculated. As a statistical method, independent t-tests were conducted to perform a comparison between the transfemoral amputee group and the control group. The results showed that the external knee adduction moment increased in the transfemoral amputee group (.22 Nm/kg) compared with that of the control group (.13 Nm/kg) at terminal stance (p=.008). External knee flexion moment also increased in the transfemoral amputee group (.24 Nm/kg) but this difference was not statistically significant. External hip flexion moment increased in the transfemoral amputee group (1.35 Nm/kg) compared with that of the control group (.45 Nm/kg) at initial stance, and external hip extension moment decreased in the transfemoral amputee group (-.26 Nm/kg) compared with that of the control group (-.76 Nm/kg) at terminal stance. Although external ankle plantarflexion moment of the transfemoral amputee group increased, it was not found to be statistically significant. The results suggest that the intact limb joint moment of the uni-transfemoral amputees during walking can be different from that of healthy subjects. In conclusion, it was found that there is a link between the increase of external knee adduction moment and the prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in uni-transfemoral amputees. This result is expected to provide some objective data for rehabilitation programs related to knee osteoarthritis in transfemoral amputees.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        곤충 병원성바이러스의 해충방제 이용확대를 위해 배추좀나방에 대한 배추좀나방과립병바이러스(Plutella xylostella granulovirus)의 병원성을 검정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 배추 유묘검정에서 무처리 피해엽율은 21일 후에 45.8%의 피해를 보였으나 1.0×106에서는 25.8%, 1.0×107,은 11.8%, 1.0×108에서는 5.4%로 낮아졌으며 특히 1.0×108에서는 7일째 70%, 21일째에는 94.3%의 높은 방제가를 보였다. 노지에 배추좀나방 2령 유충을 접종하여 바이러스 살포농도에 따른 밀도변화를 본 결과 무처리에서는 21일째에 접종밀도보다 1.9배가 증가하였다. 그러나 바이러스를 1.0×108, 109, 1010 OBs/㎖ 농도로 살포한 구에서는 0.6배, 0,2배, 0.07배로 배추좀나방 밀도가 낮아졌다. 바이러스 접종농도별로 배추좀나방에 의한 피해엽율은 무처리에서 접종 3일째부터 6.0%의 피해를 보이기 시작하여 12일째에는 44.7%의 높은 피해율을 보였으나 1.0×108에서는 각각 4.7%, 33.3%를 나타냈다. 노지포장에서 배추좀나방 사충수의 변화는 처리 3일째부터 사충이 시작되어 바이러스 농도가 높을수록 높은 사충을 보였다. 무처리에서는 12일까지 거의 죽지 않는데 비하여 1.0×108에서는 12일째에 88.9%의 방제가를 보였다.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        단감 재배단지에서 잎 천공증상의 피해가 심한 곳은 2006년에 30% 이상의 피해잎율을 보이며, 또한 꽃눈을 가해하여 개화전 낙화시켜 생산량 확보에 지장을 초래한다. 이러한 피해가 발생함에도 불구하고 천공증상의 원인과 해충에 의한 낙화의 원인 연구가 부족하고, 방제적기가 구명되지 않은 실정이다. 단감의 잎 천공증상은 장님노린재류로 추정되는 1종이 가해하는 것으로 생각되며, 잎에 천공증상 피해최성기는 2007년에 4월 중하순, 꽃눈의 피해최성기는 4월 하순~5월 상순으로 조사되었다. 잎에 발생하는 천공증상은 전개하는 어린 잎에 갈색반점의 형태를 띠다가 완전히 전개된 잎에는 불규칙하게 구멍이 생기는 증상을 보이며, 꽃눈에는 꽃받침 밑부분을 가해하면 갈색으로 변하며 탈락하게 된다. 2007년 방제적기를 판단하기 위해 티아메톡삼 10% 입상수화제를 4월 10일부터 10일 간격으로 살포하고 피해율을 조사하였는데, 피해최성기인 4월 중하순에 방제하는 것이 낙화 및 잎의 피해를 줄일 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        소리는 포유류, 새, 개구리, 및 메뚜기목의 곤충들이 많이 사용하는 통신 매체이다. 동물의 소리신호는 개체의 정체, 상태, 하고자하는 의도 및 주변 환경에 대한 정보를 포함할 수 있다. 그러므로 많은 동물에서 소리신호는 종인식, 짝짓기, 성선택, 영역방어, 먹이탐색, 경고와 같은 행동을 할 때 반드시 필요하다. 소리신호는 다른 형질과 마찬가지로 환경에 대한 적응의 산물이다. 특히 포식자 탐지, 잡음이 많은 환경에서의 의사소통 및 신호의 효율성은 개체의 생존에 매주 중요하다. 그러므로 소리신호에 영향을 미치는 환경요인을 이해하면 개체, 개체군, 심지어 종에게 작용하는 자연선택의 힘을 이해할 수 있다. 동물의 소리신호는 각 종마다 독특하여 분류 형질로 이용될 수 있는 잠재력이 있다. 유연관계가 가까운 종들은 종종 형태적으로 분별하기 어렵지만 소리신호는 종종 아주 다를 수 있다. 그러므로 소리신호에 대한 형질 수준이 야외에서 보다 더 분류에 유용하게 쓰일 수 있다. 또한 소리신호는 보통 멀리서도 쉽게 들을 수 있다. 심지어 소리를 발생하는 개체가 보이지 않더라고 근처에 숨어 있는 것을 알 수가 있다. 이런 점은 멸종위기종과 같이 흔하지 않은 종의 서식 유무 및 개체군 크기 등의 정보를 조사하는데 소리신호 형질을 이용한 조사가 효율적이고 보존적인 방법이 될 수 있다. 동물들이 사용하는 소리신호를 분류군별로 체계적으로 수집하고 이들 소리신호에 포함된 정보를 이해하면 성선택에 의한 소리신호의 진화, 소리신호의 지역변이, 종분화에서 소리신호의 역할, 소리신호에 영향을 주는 환경요인, 소리신호를 이용한 개체군 크기 조사와 같은 기초학문의 발전뿐만 아니라 학습교재, 체험학습 및 생태문화와 같은 생물자원으로도 개발할 수 있다.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focused on the conflict and missional contextualization in Turkey, between Islamism and secularism. This article aims to analyze and relate to the religion of Turkey and Islam, defined what do they cause by conflict and struggle between Islamism and secularism. This study also attempt to apply missional contextualization between Islamism and secularism. Contextualization can be defined as the set of process that yields missional situation in Turkey. It is the process by which Turkey culture become interdependent in aspects of their values, social, economics, and political. It is easy to connect interdependent conflicts through Islamism and secularism in Turkey. The Islamism in Turkey begun by political, social, and cultural motivation with the 19st. This Islamism movement appeals strongly nationalism, liberalism, and modernism in Turkey. This Islamism reveals itself society and community. They are important faith with religion solidarity in their community. The secularism includes Turkey’s constitution, political tradition, social policy, cultural point of view, and religious education. They were complicated the conflict and struggle between Islamism and secularism from a long time in Turkey. The missionary should be consider mission ministry and activity in this Turkey situation. They also careful apply to contextual mission in Turkey. I think that we can be pray to get the Holy Spirit’s support and guide for Turkey’s mission and evangelization.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1.5 μm-thick copper films deposited on silicon wafers were successfully bonded at 415˚C/25 kN for 40 minutes in a thermo-compression bonding method that did not involve a pre-cleaning or pre-annealing process. The original copper bonding interface disappeared and showed a homogeneous microstructure with few voids at the original bonding interface. Quantitative interfacial adhesion energies were greater than 10.4 J/m2 as measured via a four-point bending test. Post-bonding annealing at a temperature that was less than 300˚C had only a slight effect on the bonding energy, whereas an oxygen environment significantly deteriorated the bonding energy over 400˚C. This was most likely due to the fast growth of brittle interfacial oxides. Therefore, the annealing environment and temperature conditions greatly affect the interfacial bonding energy and reliability in Cu-Cu bonded wafer stacks.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        High-efficiency phosphorescent organic light emitting diodes using TCTA-TAZ as a double host and Ir(ppy)3 as a dopant were fabricated and their electro-luminescence properties were evaluated. The fabricated devices have the multi-layered organic structure of 2-TNATA/NPB/(TCTA-TAZ) : Ir(ppy)3/BCP/SFC137 between an anode of ITO and a cathode of LiF/AL. In the device structure, 2-TNATA[4,4',4"-tris(2-naphthylphenyl-phenylamino)-triphenylamine] and NPB[N,N'-bis(1-naphthyl)-N,N'-diphenyl-1,1'-biphenyl-4,4'-diamine] were used as a hole injection layer and a hole transport layer, respectively. BCP [2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline] was introduced as a hole blocking layer and an electron transport layer, respectively. TCTA [4,4',4"-tris(N-carbazolyl)-triphenylamine] and TAZ [3-phenyl-4-(1-naphthyl)-5-phenyl-1,2,4-triazole] were sequentially deposited, forming a double host doped with Ir(ppy)3 in the [TCTA-TAZ] : Ir(ppy)3 region. Among devices with different thickness combinations of TCTA (50 Å-200 Å) and TAZ (100 Å-250 Å) within the confines of the total host thickness of 300 Å and an Ir(ppy)3-doping concentration of 7%, the best electroluminescence characteristics were obtained in a device with 100 Å-think TCTA and 200 Å-thick TAZ. The Ir(ppy)3 concentration in the doping range of 4%-10% in devices with an emissive layer of [TCTA (100 Å)-TAZ (200 Å)] : Ir(ppy)3 gave rise to little difference in the luminance and current efficiency.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, 3,301 domestic and foreign patents, established from 1980 to June, 2007, were reviewed in order to examine the technological trends in treating or preventing liver disease. Primary focus was placed on countries such as Korea, Japan, and the United States - the leading nations with regard to liver function research. This paper explores the systematic search that utilized a research-focused database and research analysts. Since the year 2000, Korea has demonstrated increased developments in the area of diet and liver disease, as shown by an increase in relevant patent caseloads and submissions especially for medicinal preparations containing compounds or reaction products with undetermined constitutions. In addition, there was up to a 29% increase in themarket share and the frequency of patent submissionshad increased. Japan has shown a similar trend to Korea with an increase in research, but has focused more on medical preparations containing active organic ingredients. In the United States, an increase in the number of patents was shown after the year 2000.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        어류개체군에 대한 탁수의 영향을 파악하고자, 2004년부터 2005년까지 탁수하천(대기, 자운천)과 비탁수하천(봉산천, 계방천)에 분포하는 금강모치 개체군의 체장-체중 관계와 비만도지수의 변화를 알아보았다. 탁수하천과 비탁수하천간의 금강모치 평균전장을 비교해본 결과, 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 남한강에서 체장-체중 관계에 따른 회귀계수 b값은 봉산천에서 3.21, 그리고 대기천에서 3.07로 나타났다. 이에 반하여, 북한강에 위치한 탁수하천의 회귀계수 b값은 비탁수하천의 값보다 약간 높았다. 그 값은 계방천에서 3.20, 자운천에서 3.23으로 각각 나타났다. 우리의 연구 결과는 금강모치 개체군 단계에서 만성 탁수의 영향이 적음을 보여준다.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, tantalum (Ta) compacts were fabricated in a spark plasma sintering (SPS) process and their microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated. Ta compacts with a density of 99% were successfully fabricated by controlling the sintering conditions of the current and the temperature. The density and hardness were increased as the sintering temperature increased. The Ta2C compound was observed at the surface of the compacts due to the contact between the Ta powder and graphite mold during the sintering process. The main fracture mode showed a mixed type with intergranular and transgranular modes having some roughness.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기존의 하중-기반 방법을 대체할 방법중에 성능-기반 방법이 내진설계 및 내진성능평가의 기법으로서 널리 인식되고 있는 실정이다. 탄성응답스펙트럼을 사용하는 역량스펙트럼방법은 비선형 시스템을 등가의 선형시스템으로 치환하여 주어진 지진 하중에 대한 구조물의 최대 비선형 거동을 예측한다. 본 연구의 목적은 철근콘크리트 벽체구조물에 대하여 4개의 등가단자유도방법과 5개의 등가감쇠방법을 사용하여 역량스펙트럼방법의 정확성을 평가하는 것이다. 역량스펙트럼방법의 정확성을 평가하기 위하여 벽체구조물에 대한 진동대 실험결과와 비교하였다. 또한 이선형 곡선변환방법(등가에너지 근사화방법, 유효강성 사화 방법)에 의한 이선형 역량곡선들의 역량스펙트럼 해석에 대한 영향도 비교하였다.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korean society has experienced a significant change during the last couple of decades. The importance of community life to the well-beings of the inhabitants has increased. A community is an area where inhabitants get together with other peoples. A community development is a process by which the inhabitants improve their leaderships to solve problems which are imminent to the people in the same area. The central government entrusts much of its job related to the social welfare to the local government. And the local government has to draw abundant resources from its community for the well-beings of the inhabitants. Korean churches are required to be involved in the process of community development. During last couple of decades, Korean churches have not been active in contributing to their communities. Nowadays people do not have positive opinions towards the Church. The younger generation especially has an anti-Christian attitude towards the Church. It tends to be very hard to evangelize the non-believers because of such bad reputation. To change this situation, Korean churches have to reconsider their responsibilities concerning their participation in their communities. Seoul Jangsin University is located in Kwang-ju, which is nearby Seoul. In comparison to neighboring cities around Seoul, Kwang-ju city is underdeveloped. That is because the government put many regulations to preserve drinking water for the people of Seoul area. When churches located in Kwang-ju city try to participate in the community development ministry, they have to understand the situations related to the welfare system. If they can cooperate with the local government, their services will be more effective and their influence more broad. CHE mission, a mission agency which has lots of experiences related to community development in an international scale, can help the local churches obtain much information and skill related to community development. The churches can cooperate with CHE Mission. In cooperation with CHE Mission, Seoul Jangsin University held a seminar for community development named “Salt and Light Training.” It is to prepare the leaders of the local churches with the necessary concepts and methods needed for community development. The purpose of the seminar is to facilitate the participation of the local churches in the process of community development in Kwang-ju. When the leaders of the local churches cooperate with the three sectors mentioned above, which are the local government, CHE Mission and Seoul Jangsin University, the resources of the churches can be utilized more effectively and strategically. In Kwang-ju city, local churches have to cooperate with each other. In that way, even small churches can discover what they can contribute to the development of the city. CHE Mission has developed a strategy called “the Seed Project.” It is an implementation project starting from small deeds like cleaning the streets or helping chirldren cross the sidewalks. The Seed Project begins with examining the conditions of the inhabitants in the community. When Christians planning a seed project find the need of the inhabitants, they try to satisfy the need. With God‘s help, they can expect great results from small efforts. In the process of community development, it is important to cooperate with the people of the community. Community development has to be operated in cooperation with the inhabitants. Without their participation, developing the community can not persist. To bring about the long-term effects, the leadership of the inhabitants have to be developed. Community development is one of God’s plan of recovering the world. When the people of God participate in obeyance to God’s command, “love thy neighbors,” they will greatly contribute to the well-beings of their communities. At the same time, their beliefs will be confirmed to be correlated to the realization of their beliefs.