
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 457

        2014.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Multivariate control charts are widely needed to monitor the production processes in various industry. Among the several multivariate control charts, control chart have been used of the typical technique. The control chart shows a statistic that represents observed variables and monitors the process through the statistic. In this case, the statistic generally have the limit that any variables affect to that statistic. To solve this problem, some studies have been progressed in the meantime. The representative method is to disassemble total statistic into each of the variable value and make a decision the parameters with large values than threshold value as a main cause. However, the means is requested to follow the normal distribution. To settle this problem, the bootstrap technique that don't be needed the probability distribution was introduced in 2011. In this paper, I introduced the detection technique of the fault variables using multiple regression analysis. There are two advantages; First, it is possible to use less samples than the ascertainment technique applying to bootstrap. Second, the technique using the regression analysis is easy to apply to the actual environment because the global threshold value is used.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is the sequel of a companion paper (I. Performance Evaluation) evaluating the relation between the seismic performance of steel intermediate moment frames (IMFs) and the rotation capacity of connections. The evaluation revealed that the seismic performance of IMFs having the required minimum rotation capacity suggested in the current standards did not meet the seismic performance criteria presented in FEMA 695. Therefore, thepresent study evaluates the causes of the vulnerable seismic performance for steel IMFs and proposes alternatives to satisfy the seismic performance suggested in FEMA 695. To that goal, the results of nonlinear analysis, which are the pushover analysis and the incremental dynamic analysis, are examined and evaluated. As a result, high-rise IMF systems are seen to have the lower collapse margin ratio after connection fracture than row-rise IMF systems and, the actual response isfound to compared tothedesign drift ratio acting on design load design. Finally, the minimum design load values are proposed to meet the seismic performance suggested in FEMA 695 for IMF systems having vulnerable seismic performance.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study considers the proper repair techniques by examining the most representative repair cases of the Korean arch bridges and proposes the constructional manual which can apply similar occasions. The cases are Seonamsa Seungseongyo and Songgwangsa Geukrockgyo where this researcher had taken part in the repair works. This Study proposes the maintenance construction manual about the performance degradation drew by performance degradation of the both Korean arch bridges in the maintenance process. First, arch bridge maintenance should be carried out in the dry season, when water is impermeable in the bottom surface of the bridge. Moreover, risk factors of the maintenance should be excluded to secure the water vally flow, the bypass and the temporary bridge. Second, prior to repair, it has to precede ①3D shooting ② formal examination ③structure safety test ④geological and lithic surveys ⑤arch curvature establishment and makeshift frame settlement before transformation ⑥relationship expert comments. Third, if the baduk and the foundation stones are inevitable to replace due to performance degradation on the foundation, it should use the high quality stones and secure greater stress by extending the standard range. The foundation on irregular rock needs to be flattened and underside on the replaced materials require Grengyijil to deliver the equal loads. Fourth, In the process of dismantling the stones of the arched bridge, it could make heavy weathering degree and not reuse the materials. Charge should converge the expert advices to choose the reuseable, the conservate and the alternative materials, and increase the reutilization of the raw materials by preservation and reinforcement treatments. Fifth, the side wall should be repaired by the rubble work technique which is not able to pile compost satiety, so it must use long depth of masonary stones for reinforcement. It is considered to reinforce the stone wall in shore as much as possible and protect the abutment and the side wall on the upstream for the arch bridge maintenance works.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Because the damages of corrosion resulting from the chloride ion are very serious, many research studies have been performed to measure the penetration depth of the chloride ion. However, there is a problem with data selection obtained from collection during experiments. In this study, it appears that the collected data are not conformed to a normal distribution. The result of this study will play a very important role, as a first step for the development and construction of a forecasting system to help determine a reliable service lifetime of marine structures.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the cause of damage to the three storied stone pagoda of Bulguksa temple in GyeongJu. This report is attempted to making reinforcement and conservation plan through investigating and analyzing the cause of damage to that. The damage is caused by occurring of stress, degrading of stone strength, changing of underground soil structure, natural disasters and so on. Compressive stress, shear stress, bending stress and lateral pressure affected to the pagoda since built up. Ultrasonic examination data tells the strength of the stone. According to this result, strength of the stereobate stone materials is enough to support the weight of the upper ones. But we could found many other factors of the damage could consider, for example the problems occurred on building the pagoda construction and the weakness of the stone material(soft rock). And many environmental factors being changed in soil structure(subsidence of soil and degradation of bearing power of soil and freezing and melting of soil) can be seen as the cause of the damage. Natural disasters like earthquake, lightning and heavy rain were also thought to give direct impact to the damage. At last Concentration of compressive stress caused the crack and exfoliation on the stone materials and shear stress, bending stress and lateral pressure were main causes of the stereobate stone materials shearing.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is evaluating about the survival rate and causes of failed implants. In this study, the 371 implants was evaluated for the survival rate and failing factors of implant. The survival rate was 96.5%. The failure rate was 3.5%. The average life time of implants was 50 months. The average age of patients treated was 49 years old. In total 371 cases, 13 cases failed implants were removed. The causes of failing implants were poor oral hygiene, excessive occlusal loading, smoking, and etc. The leading causes of failed implants were improper oral hygiene and excessive occlusal loading. In conclusion, I suggest that the periodic plaque control and occlusal force management can improve the survival rate of implants.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        양서·파충류의 생태계내 중요성으로는 환경 지표종 → 水환경․살이터 환경(습지 /초지/계류), 생태계 먹이사슬의 중간고리, 해충구제, 병원성 세균매체 구제, 안정 된 생태계 유지를 들 수 있으며, 인간적인 측면에서 신약개발에 이용(항균물질/항 독소), 인간의 심미적(정서적) 위안감을 준다고 할 수 있겠다. 국내 양서․파충류 감 소원인으로 자연적인 현상은 세계적 추세인 오존층 파괴 → 자외선 증가로 인한 부 화 및 발생율 저감(생물다양성 감소:개체수 및 유전자 다양성 감소), 지구 온난화 → 기온의 상승(생리․생체적 생물리듬 이상) → 번식시기 이상, 산성비 → 면역체계 → Spleen내 Bacteria수 증가, 환경호르몬 → 내분비시스템계․생식기 이상, 항아리 곰팡이 역습(집단 폐사:양서류 피부 젤라틴을 공격 → 피부호흡을 방해 → 폐사율 90%, 전염성 매우 강함 → 직접 접촉이 없더라도 → 주변 개구리 모두 감염) 사례 파 나마 황금개구리 절멸 2004년까지 한 해에 28㎞정도씩 퍼지면서 파나마 → 황금개 구리 90% 절멸 그리고 흡충류 기생동물번식 → 올챙이 다리 침투 → 발생장애(기형발생) 등을 들 수 있다. 한편인위적인 현상으로는 습지(논 생태계)의 매립 및 훼손 → 환경변화→ 서식 처 및 산란장소 소실, 수변 습지대 감소(하천직강화 및 고수부지 콘크리트화), 보신 문화에 의한 포획, 살충제․농약 → 수질오염 →개체군 감소/기형개체 발생, 농업의 기계화 → 올챙이와 유생 치명적 작용 → 개체군 감소, 신설도로에 의한 이동장애 (이동통로 부재) → Road kill(개체군 감소), 산업화․도시화에 따른 녹지축의 단절화 (이동통로 단절) → 서식면적 감소 등을 들 수 있다. 한편보전 전략으로는 비오톱(Biotop) 조성(복원전략 및 실천계획 수립), 서식공 간 확충(복원․창출 기법 적용), 산란장소 확충 및 주변정리, 정적인 조경설계 → 생 태조경(동적인 조경설계), 무분별한 외래도입종방사 금지(먹이사슬 교란:붉은귀 거북류․베스), 하기 휴가철 행락객에 의한 계류 수질오염 방지, 동절기 매매를 위한 포획금지, 양서․파충류 산란지 유지 및 보호(출입규제 및 산란기에 알 채취금지), 주 기적인 모니터링 및 직․간접 감소원인 규명 등을 들 수 있으며, 개발사업에 따른 멸 종위기종(맹꽁이/금개구리) 보전 전략으로는 대체서식처 조성 및 보전방안을 고려할 수 있으며 1. 보전을 위한 Case Study 1) 1 안(현지내 보전) → 서식처를 훼손하지 않고 생태공원화(보전) 2) 2 안(현지내외 보전) → 번식과 서식에 지장을 주지 않을 정도의 공간을 확보 → 훼손된 면적 이상의 대체서식지 인접지역에 조성(총량제 개념 도입) → 생물․생태공학적인 방법을 공격적으로 도입(Biotop 조성) 3) 3 안(현지외 보전) : 대체서식처 조성 절대 불가능할 경우 → 유사한 서식환경으로 영구적 이주
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        경상북도 안동시 송천동 소재 안동대학교에 인접한 야산과 안동시 도산면 동부 리 소재의 야산의 굴참나무 잎에서 현재까지 알려지지 않은 충영을 발견하였다. 다 른 지역에서의 발생 여부를 문헌을 통해 확인 한 결과 같은 모양의 충영이 대전 월 평동, 일본 규슈지방에서도 발견되었다. 충영이 나타난 잎을 가지와 함께 채집해 실험실에 두면서 곤충의 우화여부를 관찰하였다. 충영에서는 혹벌류와 함께 기생 벌류도 우화하였다. 더듬이, 시맥, 흉부 등의 형태적 특징을 중심으로 비교 동정 한 결과 굴참나무잎에 충영을 만든 혹벌은 Figitidae과에 속하는 것으로 판명되었다. 현재 종 수준에서의 동정을 진행하고 있다.
        2013.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 들어 겨울철 날씨가 추운 강원도, 경기도, 충청도 지역의 콘크리트 구조물에 동결손상에 의한 파손이 빈번히 일어나고 있다. 특히 택지개발공사 구간의 도로 소구조물에 다량의 표면박리파손이 조기에 발생하고 있어, 사회적인 문제로 대두되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 도로 소구조물 중 하나인 L형 측구에 발생된 표면박리 파손의 원인을 분석하기 위해, 일부 택지개발공사 구간을 대상으로 건전, 불건전 구간을 구분하여 코어채취를 실시하였으며, 이 코어시료를 이용하여 압축강도실험과 화상분석실험을 수행하였다. 압축강도실험결과, 설계기준강도를 만족하지 못하는 곳이 16개소 중 6개소로 나타났다. 일반적으로 강도는 내부에 발생되는 응력에 저항하기 위한 능력을 나타내는 지표 중 하나이고, 이에 강도가 큰 구간이 파손정도가 작고, 파손시점도 지연될 수 있는 가능성이 있는 것은 분명하다. 그러나 전체적으로 압축강도크기와 상관없이 건전구간과 불건전구간이 무작위로 존재하는 특성을 나타내었다. 화상분석실험결과, 적정 공기량, 간격계수를 확보한 구간이 단 몇 개소 정도밖에 되지 않으며, 전반적으로 콘크리트의 공기량 부족, 공극구조 불량으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과가 실제 현장에서 다량의 표면박리파손을 유도한 주요한 요인일 수 있는 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구결과, 건전구간과 불건전구간에 공극구조가 분명한 차이를 나타내고 있어, 본 구간의 적정 공기량을 확보하지 못한 것이 주요한 파손의 원인이라고 판단된다. 또한 해당 구간의 물-결합재비가 약 60%정도를 나타내고 있어, 높은 물-결합재비가 이와 같은 손상에 일부 영향을 미쳤을 것으로 판단된다.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The annual and monthly fluctuation in the species composition and the catch abundance of dominant species were analyzed using the daily sales slip catch data by a set net in the offshore waters off Dolsan Island in Yeosu from March 2004 to December 2011. Mean catch from 2004 to 2011 is 372M/T and the maximum and the minimum catch are 526 M/T in 2005 and 27 2M/T in 2009, respectively. The dominant species were Engraulis japonicus mainly in spring and Scomberomorous niphonius in Autumn and therefore the set net catch that is dominated by S. niphonius's catch was much higher in autumn than in spring. Through comparative analyses for the environmental factors to the annual catch fluctuation, it is revealed that the water temperature variation affected the recruitment property of S. niphonius to the fishing ground but the effect of typhoon on the catch fluctuation was not distinct. Furthermore, the big blooming event of jellyfish, particularly Nemopilema nomurai, that occurred in 2009 showed a tendency of faster appearance and later extinction until December. The occurring characteristic of N. nomurai became a direct cause that brought about the lowest total catch in 2009 since the dominant species catch of the set net fishery was concentrated mostly in Autumn.
        2013.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        큰느타리버섯은 느타리속에 속하는 버섯으로 재배방법, 저장 및 포장방법에 대한 다양한 연 구가 수행되었으나 자실체의 갈변원인 및 저장기간 연장을 위한 품종별 차이유무를 확인한 연구결과는 확인 할 수 없었다. 갈변원인을 수확후 자실체와 갈변부위에서의 세균을 분리하 여 ItS 부분을 유전자 분석을 통하여 동정한 결과를 비교분석하였다. 또한 품종별 저장력의 차이 유무를 확인은 현재 농가에서 재배하고 있거나 재배하였던 5품종을 재배하여 저장력을 비교 검토하여, 저장능력의 차이를 확인하였다. 수확후 정상버섯에서 분리한 세균은 11종으로 Chryseobacterium indologenes 43.8%로 가장 많았으나 갈변부위의 분리한 세균은 18종이 발견되 었으며, 수확후 버섯 자실체 표면의 병원성 세균인 Ewingella americana의 밀도는 2.7%이었 으나 갈변부위에서 분리한 미생물 중에는 E. americana가. 31.6%가 11배 증가하는 것이 확인 되었다. 이 균은 버섯재배과정에서는 자실체를 갈변 및 흑색의 병징을 발생시키는 것으로 저 장 및 유통과정에서 발생하는 갈변 원인으로 판단된다. 하지만 재배과정에서 유사한 갈변증상 을 발생하는 Pseudomonas tolaasii 균은 큰느타리버섯의 갈변증상에서는 밀도 증가현상을 확인할 수 없었다. 큰느타리버섯 공시균주 중에서 ASI 2887의 경도가 가장 높았으며, ASI 2839 균주가 가장 낮았다. 가장 저장기간이 길며, 품질의 변화가 가장 작은 저장온도는 4℃ 였다. ASI 2394와 2887는 저장 및 저장온도에 따른 명도(L)값의 변화가 작았으며, ASI 2839 균주는 급격히 변화하였으며, 10℃ 저장온도에서 그 변화가 가장 심하였다. 자실체의 채도에 서는 ASI 2394, 2887, 2820 이 낮았으며, ASI 2839 가장 높았다. 품종별로 저장기간, 자실체 경도, 명도, 채도, 육안관찰 결과를 종합하면 ASI 2887이 우수하였으며, 10℃ 저장조건에서는 ASI 2394도 우수하였다. ASI 2839 균주는 전반적으로 불량하였으며, 저장기간도 가장 짧은 것으로 확인되어 균주간에 저장성의 차이가 있는 것으로 확인되었다.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many scholars and church leaders, both Korean and Western, have usually considered Hardie’s repentance as the main reason for the Wonsan great revival from 1903. Therefore, during the centennial anniversary of the Pyongyang great revival in 2007 ‘revival by repentance’ was a popular formular for a resurgence of the great revival among Korean churches. However, Hardie’s repentance was not the cause but the effect of the Wonsan great revival. After experiencing baptism of the Holy Spirit or revival, Hardie confessed his sins. Thus, his repentance was not the main cause of the Korean revival. If it was not contingent on Hardie’s personal repentance, it could be asked why God allowed the great revival to occur in Korea and chose to use Hardie for that work. There may be four possible explanations that can be posed: (1) Hardie’s knowledge of revival, (2) his prayer for revival with devotional Bible study, (3) his pursuit of a high ideal, and (4) his lofty motivation. In other words, Hardie regarded baptism of the Holy Spirit as revival and he had been praying for Spirit baptism with Bible study along with his Canadian supporters and some missionary colleagues. Also, like most early Methodist missionaries in Korea, Hardie tried to gain real Christians instead of nominal or professing Christians, which was defined as ‘a high idea’ by a Presbyterian missionary (Robert E. Speer, 18671947). The main purpose of Hardie's life and missionary work was Jesus Christ. In order to maintain loving Jesus Christ, Hardie remained sincere toward people, and followed not money but God’s will. In short, because Hardie understood the true meaning of revival or Spirit baptism, he prayed for revival with sincere Bible study, pursued a high ideal making real Christians, and kept lofty motivation based on loving Jesus Christ. Thus, God not only allowed the early Korean great revival, but also utilized Hardie to do it. In this writing, the writer mainly deals with whether ‘revival by repentance’ is a biblical idea or not, and why God chose Dr. Hardie as one of the main figures for the early Korean great revival.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        일반적으로 돼지는 어떤 종류의 모색을 가지든 피부는 연분홍색을 띄는 것으로 알려져 있으나, 경 남 김해 H 육가공회사로 출하된 개체 중 흑모색에 검은색 피부를 가진 돼지가 발견되었다. 그 원인 을 규명하고자, 모색과 연관되어 있다고 알려진 MC1R, KIT 유전자와 피부색과 연관되어 있다고 알 려진 ASIP 유전자의 특징을 살펴보았다. MC1R의 sequencing 분석 결과, 아미노산 67, 68번째 자 리의 6개 염기 C(CCC CCC)는 Hampshire와 동일한 ED2/ED2 유전자형인 것으로 밝혀졌고, KIT의 경우 qOLA_CNV, Pyro_Splice 및 sequencing 분석한 결과, Duroc의 i/i 유전자형과 같은 유전자형 으로 밝혀졌다. ASIP의 경우 염기서열을 분석한 결과, 모든 종에서 차이가 없는 것으로 확인되었다. 유연관계 분석을 위해 Phase software와 network 분석을 실시한 결과, MC1R은 Hap22와 Hap23 이, KIT는 Hap22, Hap43과 유색종과 유연관계를 형성하는 것으로 확인되었다. 반면에 ASIP는 Hap04, Hap09이 야생멧돼지와 중국재래돼지를 제외한 품종들과의 유연관계를 확인할 수 있었다. 더 나아가 각 품종 간 유사성 분석을 위해 PCA를 실시한 결과, MC1R은 Berkshire, KIT는 Berkshire와 Hampshire가 유사성을 가지는 것으로 밝혀졌고, ASIP는 Berkshire 와 Duroc의 유사 성을 관찰할 수 있었다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was carried out in order to discover acid-forming bacteria during fermentation of Makgeolli, as Makgeolli loses its commercial value due to overproduced acidic materials. In Makgeolli kept at 25℃, a sudden increase of acidity as well as the disappearance of yeast cells occurred at day 6, whereas the total cell count and bacterial type remained unchanged; the result implies that a succession of bacterial types, including acid forming bacteria, occurred. Two acidforming bacteria were isolated from acidified Makgeolli and were identified as Acetobacter pasteurianus and Lactobacillus casei. When fresh and heat-treated Makgeolli were inoculated with Acetobacter pasteurianus and/or Lactobacillus casei, the greatest amount of acid was formed in Makgeolli inoculated with Acetobacter pasteurianus and Lactobacillus casei and also in Makgeolli with Acetobacter pasteurianus alone. This result indicates that Acetobacter pasteurianus is the main acidifier; furthermore, it shows the synergy effect in acid formation with Lactobacillus casei.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dentists are known to be highly exposed to the musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). The present study investigated the prevalence of MSD among Korean dentists and association between their MSD and physical workload. In addition, detailed causes related to the physical workloads were identified in dental operation, and needs for improvement of dental instrument and environment were collected from Korean dentists. The standardized Nordic questionnaire was used to survey body troubles and three types of questionnaires were made to investigate the physical workloads, causes of the physical workloads and improvement priority of dental equipments, respectively. A total of 104 Korean dentists were participated in the survey. Neck trouble (82%) was the most prevalent in Korean dentists, and shoulder (68%) and low back trouble (56%) followed, while low back trouble was reported to be most frequent in previous studies. The body troubles were related to the physical workload of the corresponding body parts, although they were not associated with personal characteristics. Most Korean dentists selected ‘to keep direct view inside patient’s mouth’ and ‘no support of the hand with dental instruments’ as the causes of awkward and strenuous work postures. They wanted design improvement for some equipment in their operating room such as operating light and arrangement of workplace.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Traffic accidents at intersections have been increased annually so that it is required to examine the causations to reduce the accidents. However, the current existing accident models were developed mainly with non-linear regression models such as Poisson methods. These non-linear regression methods lack to reveal complicated causations for traffic accidents, though they are right choices to study randomness and non-linearity of accidents. Therefore, to reveal the complicated causations of traffic accidents, this study used structural equation methods(SEM). METHODS : SEM used in this study is a statistical technique for estimating causal relations using a combination of statistical data and qualitative causal assumptions. SEM allow exploratory modeling, meaning they are suited to theory development. The method is tested against the obtained measurement data to determine how well the model fits the data. Among the strengths of SEM is the ability to construct latent variables: variables which are not measured directly, but are estimated in the model from several measured variables. This allows the modeler to explicitly capture the unreliability of measurement in the model, which allows the structural relations between latent variables to be accurately estimated. RESULTS : The study results showed that causal factors could be grouped into 3. Factor 1 includes traffic variables, and Factor 2 contains turning traffic variables. Factor 3 consists of other road element variables such as speed limits or signal cycles. CONCLUSIONS : Non-linear regression models can be used to develop accident predictions models. However, they lack to estimate causal factors, because they select only few significant variables to raise the accuracy of the model performance. Compared to the regressions, SEM has merits to estimate causal factors affecting accidents, because it allows the structural relations between latent variables. Therefore, this study used SEM to estimate causal factors affecting accident at urban signalized intersections.