Gate valves are hydraulic components used to shut-off the water flow in water distribution systems. Gate valves may fail owing to various aspects such as leakage through seats, wearing of packing, and corrosion. Because it is considerably challenging to detect valve malfunctioning until the operator identifies a significant fault, failure of the gate valve may lead to a severe accident event associated with water distribution systems. In this study, we proposed a methodology to diagnose the faults of gate valves. To measure the pressure difference across a gate valve, two pressure transducers were installed before and after the gate valve in a pilot-scaled water distribution system. The obtained time-series pressure difference data were analyzed using a machine learning algorithm to diagnose faults. The validation of whether the flow rate of the pipeline can be predicted based on the pressure difference between the upstream and downstream sides of the valve was also performed.
본 연구는 여름철 산란계의 더위 스트레스로 인한 생산성 저하에 영향을 미치는 열환경인자들 중 제어 요소를 결정하고 산란계의 생산성을 높일 수 있는 방안을 모색하기 위해 수행되었다. 경상남도에 위치한 산란계사에서 ISA Brown 품종의 산란계 48,451수를 공시하여 생산성 지표를 측정하였다. 또한 산란계사 내부에 온습도로거를 설치하여 건구온도와 상대습도를 여름이 시작되는 6월 19일부터 9월 7일까지 총 81일간 동안 측정하였다. 1일 평균온도, 1일 최고온도, 1일 최저온도, 1일 평균상대습도, 1일 최고상대습도, 1일 최저상대습도, 1일 평균THI, 1일 최고THI 그리고 1일 최저THI와 산란계의 생산성 지표 간의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 분석한 결과에 의하면, 1일 평균, 최고, 최저의 건구온도와 THI가 상승할수록 사료섭취량, 헨데이 산란율, 난중과 FCR은 낮아졌다(p<0.01). 반면, 음수량은 1일 평균, 최고, 최저의 건구온도와 THI가 상승할수록 증가하였다(p<0.001). 상대습도의 경우, 산란계의 생산성 지표에 대해 직접적인 상관관계를 가지지 않는 것으로 판단된다(p>0.05). 특이점으로는 폐사율의 경우, 1일 평균·최고 온도, THI와 1일 평균·최고·최저 상대습도와는 유의적인 상관관계를 가지지 않았지만, 1일 최저의 온도와 THI와는 상관관계를 갖는 것으로 분석되었다(p<0.05). 따라서, 여름철 산란계의 생산성을 향상시키기 위해서는 산란계사 내의 1일 평균, 최고, 최저의 건구온도와 THI를 가능한 낮추는 것이 필요하고, 특히 1일 최저온도를 산란계의 하한임계온도인 20℃에 근접하게 조성해주는 것이 유리 할 것으로 판단된다.
산성가스 제거 공정에서 막-흡수 하이브리드 시스템 적용을 위한 설계를 수행하였다. 상용 공정 모사 기인 Promax version 4.0을 이용하여 아민 흡수 공정과 하이브리드 공정의 산성가스 제거 성능을 비교하였다. 전사 모사 결과를 통해 하이브리드 공정은 아민 용매 순환량, 에너지 소모량, 장치 사이즈가 아민 흡수 공정에 비하여 작아지는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 따라서, 컴팩트한 장치 사이즈와 에너지 절감 공정인 하이브리드 공정은 LNG-FPSO 천연가스 전처리 공정에 적용하기에 적합한 방안임을 확인하였다.
평판에 설치된 스터드 주위의 천이 유동에 있어 격자 크기의 영향을 알기 위해 대형 와 모사를 수행하였다. 스터드에서 야기되는 주 유동 방향의 와 구조가 스터드 후류의 천이에 미치는 영향이 매우 크기 때문에 주 유동 방향, 벽면 수직 방향 그리고 횡 방향으로 격자 크기를 2배씩 증가시키거나 감소시키면서 스터드 후류에서 주 유동 방향의 와도를 비교하였다. 그 결과 스터드 후류에서 발달하는 주 유동 방향의 와도는 횡 방향 격자 크기에 매우 큰 영향을 받는 것을 알 수 있었으며, 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 Δx+min = 7.6, Δx+max = 41, Δy+wall = 0.25, Δz+= 7.6의 격자 크기를 결정하였다. 이러한 격자 구성에 있어 모든 방향으로 격자 크기를 동시에 2배씩 증가시키거나 감소시키면서 스터드에 작용하는 힘의 변화를 비교하여 격자 검증을 실시한 결과 평균 압력 계수와 항력 계수의 비보정 불확실성이 각각 21.6 %와 2.8 % 정도로 추정되었으며, 보정 불확실성은 각각 2 %와 0.3 %로 추정되었다.
Bloom of small centric diatom Stephanodiscus is quite occasional in winter season in temperate freshwater ecosystems. It often leads to degradation of water quality and affects the quality of supplied drinking water. In a previous study, we have found that naphthoquinone (NQ) 4-6 derivate is an effective tool for efficient mitigation of natural S. hantzschii blooms. In the present research, polylactide (PLA) and agar foam were used as immobilized agent for NQ 4-6 to improve the efficiency of NQ 4-6 compound releasing process for its application under various field conditions. Mesocosm experiments at 10 ton scale suggested that the abundance of S. hantzschii was continuously increased in the control and upon treatment of the mesocosm with immobilized NQ 4-6 from PLA and agar foam. Their algicidal activities were 78.8% and 77.1%, respectively, on S. hantzschii after 10 days. In the mesocosm experiments, the dynamics of biotic (bacteria, HNFs, ciliates, zooplankton) and abiotic (water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, nutrients) factors remained unaffected. They exhibited similar trends in the control and treatment groups. Therefore, the immobilized NQ 4-6 from PLA and agar foam has potential to be used as an alternative algicidal substance to effectively mitigate natural S. hantzschii blooms under various field conditions. In addition, it not only can be used to control S. hantzschii, but also is an effective technique. The immobilized NQ 4-6 showed stable controlled release in desired system.
PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to evaluate the tack-coating material’s properties using the bitumen bond strength(BBS) test and damping test as function of changed curing times. In this study, bonding strength tests were performed according to the curing time of tack coating materials. METHODS : In order to investigate bonding characteristic of tack coating materials, the Pneumatic Adhesion tensile Testing Instrument(PATTI) device is used to measure the bond strength between the tack coating materials and aggregate substrate based on the AASHTO TP-91. Also, damping test as in situ test was used to determine an appropriate traffic openting time for construction vehicle. Four different tack-coating materials were used in this study. The BBS tests were performed a one hour curing and testing temperatures of 5℃, 15℃, and 25℃. Damping test was conducted at 30min, 60min, 90min, and 120 min of curing times with temperatures of 20℃ and 30℃. RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS : The BBS test results show various bond strength as function of tack coat materials. At the same testing condition, A tack coat material shows almost two times higher than D tack coat materials although both materials are satisfied the criteria of material’s physical properties. Also, Dampting test results shows similar trend with BBS test result. The damping test result was significantly changed as function of tack coat materials. Based on this study, the tack coating material’s curing time is very important. Therefore, both curing time and the bond strength’s characteristic has to be considered in standard specification.
A stoichiometric mixture of evaporating materials for ZnAl2Se4 single-crystal thin films was prepared in a horizontalelectric furnace. These ZnAl2Se4 polycrystals had a defect chalcopyrite structure, and its lattice constants were a0=5.5563Åand c0=10.8897Å.To obtain a single-crystal thin film, mixed ZnAl2Se4 crystal was deposited on the thoroughly etched semi-insulating GaAs(100) substrate by a hot wall epitaxy (HWE) system. The source and the substrate temperatures were 620oCand 400oC, respectively. The crystalline structure of the single-crystal thin film was investigated by using a double crystal X-ray rocking curve and X-ray diffraction ω-2θ scans. The carrier density and mobility of the ZnAl2Se4 single-crystal thin filmwere 8.23×1016cm−3 and 287m2/vs at 293K, respectively. To identify the band gap energy, the optical absorption spectra ofthe ZnAl2Se4 single-crystal thin film was investigated in the temperature region of 10-293K. The temperature dependence ofthe direct optical energy gap is well presented by Varshni's relation: Eg(T)=Eg(0)−(αT2/T+β). The constants of Varshni'sequation had the values of Eg(0)=3.5269eV, α=2.03×10−3eV/K and β=501.9K for the ZnAl2Se4 single-crystal thin film.The crystal field and the spin-orbit splitting energies for the valence band of the ZnAl2Se4 were estimated to be 109.5meVand 124.6meV, respectively, by means of the photocurrent spectra and the Hopfield quasicubic model. These results indicatethat splitting of the ∆so definitely exists in the Γ5 states of the valence band of the ZnAl2Se4/GaAs epilayer. The threephotocurrent peaks observed at 10K are ascribed to the A1-, B1-exciton for n=1 and C21-exciton peaks for n=21.
백두산은 정상부에 천지가 존재하는 잠재적인 활화산으로 최근 화산활동 분화와 관련된 화산이류 발생가능성에 대한 우려가 높아지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 백두산 정상부의 칼데라 호수 지점의 분화를 가정한 화산이류의 모델링을 수행하였다. LAHARZ를 적용한 본 연구는 다른 해상도의 수치지형모형을 구동모형의 매개변수를 변화시키며 분화로 야기된 다양한 상황의 화산이류 발생 영향을 검토하였다. 매개변수의 민감도 해석은 움푹 패인 곳(sink)을 정의하는 한계치와 수치지형모형의 해상도가 화산이류의 모델링 결과에 주는 영향이 제한적이라는 결과를 보여주었고, 하천격자의 도출을 위한 한계치와 수치모형의 해상도는 하천격자의 공간적 분포에 상대적으로 민감한 결과를 보여주었다. 또한 LAHARZ가 가지고 있는 문제가 흐름 발생 알고리즘 자체의 한계에 기인하는 것을 확인하였다. 한편, 상이한 수치지형 모형의 해상도가 화산이류의 최종 모델링결과에 미치는 영향은 제한적으로 나타났다.
In the DBC (direct bonding of copper) process the oxygen partial pressure surrounding the AlN/Cu bonding pairs has been controlled by Ar gas mixed with oxygen. However, the direct bonding of Cu with sound interface and good adhesion strength is complicated process due to the difficulty in the exact control of oxygen partial pressure by using Ar gas. In this study, we have utilized the in-situ equilibrium established during the reaction of + 1/2 by placing powder bed of CuO or around the Cu/AlN bonding pair at . The adhesion strength was relatively better in case of using CuO powder than when powder was used. Microstructural analysis by optical microscopy and XRD revealed that the interface of bonding pair was composed of , Cu and small amount of CuO phase. Thus, it is explained that the good adhesion between Cu and AlN is attributed to the wetting of eutectic liquid formed by reaction of Cu and .
The effects of conventional rolling (CR) and differential speed rolling (DSR) on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a copper alloy sheet were investigated in detail. A copper alloy with thickness of 3 mm was rolled to a 50% reduction at ambient temperature without lubrication with a differential speed ratio of 2:1; sample was then annealed for 0.5h at various temperatures from 100 to 800˚C. Conventional rolling, in which the rolling speed of the upper and lower rolls is identical, was performed under the same rolling conditions. The shear strain introduced by the CR showed positive values at positions on the upper roll side and negative values at positions on the lower roll side. However, the shear strain showed a zero or positive value at all positions for the samples rolled by the DSR. The microstrucure and mechanical properties of the as-rolled copper alloy did not show very significant differences between the CR and DSR for the microstructure and mechanical properties. However, those properties showed very significant differences in the case of the annealed samples. The effects of rolling method on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the as-rolled and subsequently annealed materials are discussed in terms of the shear strain.