
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 118

        1998.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        상백피에서 추출한 단백질 분해효소의 효소적 성질을 분석하였다. 상백피 추출액으로부터 분리한 단백질 함량은 1.12mg/ml, protease는 비활성도로서 5.14U/mg 수준이었다. 효소의 기질에 대한 특이성은 casein을 100으로 하였을 때 albumin 63, collagen 58, hemoglobin 45, gelatin 36의 비율로 가수분해하여 육류 단백질에 주로 함유된 collagen, hemoglobin을 분해하는 능력이 비교적 큰 것으로 나타났다. 효소의 최적온도는 60℃, 열안정성은 50∼80℃로서 비교적 열에 안정하였다. 효소의 최적 pH는 6.0이었으며 pH 6.0∼7.0에서 안정하였고 pH 9.0 이상에서는 활성이 급격히 저하되었다. 따라서 옛날부터 가정에서 고기를 삶을 때 연회를 위하여 사용하였던 상백피 중에 단백질 분해효소력이 존재함을 확인하였다.
        1998.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현재 자동차용 소재 및 기계부품에 폭넓게 이용되는 SCM415강의 플라즈마 침탄 특성을 연구하기 위해 가스조성, 압력, 전류밀도, 온도 및 시간을 변수로 사용하였다. 가스조성의 경우 저합금강에서는 수소 가스 효과보다 메탄가스에 의해 주로 침탄특성이 좌우되며 메탄가스 100%일 때 시편 내의 모든 방향에서 경화층 분포가 일정하고, 최대의 유효경화깊이를 얻을 수 있었다. 가스압력이나 플라즈마 전압이 상승할 때 전류밀도가 상승하게 되는데, 이에 따라 최표면의 탄소농도가 증가되어 강의 유효경화깊이는 증대되었다. 침탄 온도일 경우 적어도 850˚C이상되어야 유효경화깊이를 얻을 수 있었고, 온도가 상승할수록 유효경화깊이의 증가를 나타내어 침탄 효과가 우수하였다. 탄소의 확산 깊이는 침탄 시간의 제곱근에 비례하는 것으로 나타났다. 플라즈마 치탄한 강의 피로강도를 평가한 결과 열처리하지 않은 시편이나 재가열처리한 시편에 비해 높은 피로강도를 나타내었다.
        1997.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sputtering 방법을 통해 Si기판 위에 Ti와 TiN박막을 증착하고 저압 반응관내에서 Cu*hfac)(TMVS)를 precursor로 사용 MOCVD Cu박막을 증착하여 Cu/TiN/Ti/Si구조의 다층박막을 제조하였고 이에 대한 열처리 방식 및 분위기 변화 등을 통해 열처리 조건에 따른 Cu 박막의 특성 변화에 대해 조사하였다. 열처리 방식으로는 Cu박막을 형성한 후 공기 중에 노출이 없이 바로 열처리하여 Cu산화물 형성을 억제할 수 있는 in-situ열처리 방식이 유리하고, 열처리 분위기로는 Cu 박막의 표면이나 결정립계 내에 존재하는 Cu 산화물을 환원시켜 줄 수 있는 H2(10%)/Ar분위기가 표면평탄화, 결정립 크기 증가 및 비저항 감소측면에서 우수한 특성의 Cu박막을 얻을 수 있음을 확인하였다.
        1997.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        쌀 20%, 엿기름 4%를 가하여 7시간 동안 당화시켜 제조한 식혜는 말토오스 11.01%, 이소말토올리고당 5.31%, 말토트리오스 1.75%, 글루코오스 0.28%를 나타냈다. 알코올침전, Toyoperal HW-40S의 겔 크로마토그래피로 식혜의 이소말토올리고당. 말토오스, 말토트리오스를 분리 정제하였다. NMR분석 결과 말토오스와 말토트리오스는 α-1, 4-글루코시드 결합만으로 이루어졌고, 이소말토올리고당은 α-1, 4-글루코시드 결합과 α-1, 6-글루코시드 결합이 5 : 1로 이루어진 것으로 나타났다. 이소말토올리고당을 pullulanase처리한 결과 말토오스와 말토헥사오스까지의 분포를 나타냈다.
        1996.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인삼근, 에탄올-물 추출 인삼박, 에탄올 추출 홍삼박을 Saccharomyces cerevisiae로 알코올 발효시켜 술을 만들었다. 당농도 25%에서 인삼박 농도를 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% 넷으로 나누어 발효시킨 결과, 인삼박의 농도가 높을수록 발효속도가 빨랐으나 기호도는 10%에서 가장 높았다. 인삼근, 인삼박, 인삼박 + 인삼근을 조합시킨 결과, 인삼근의 함량이 높을수록 발효가 빨랐다. 그래서 알코올 12도를 나타내는 데 인삼박 10%만으로 발효시킨 것은 27일, 인삼근 10% 만으로 발효시킨 것은 6일이 걸렸다. 한편, 홍삼박으로 발효시킨 것은 15일이 걸렸다. 색, 향취 맛의 기호성은 인삼박 10% 만으로 제조한 술이 가장 우수하였다. 홍삼박은 6.7%를 사용한 것의 기호도가 가장 우수하였다. 기호도가 가장 우수한 인삼박주의 pH는 3.5, 환원당은 80mg/ml, 유기산 2.6, 알코올 12도, 사포닌 함량 28mg/ml였고, 기호도가 가장 우수한 홍삼박주의 pH는 3.4, 화원당은 58mg/ml, 유기산은 2.8, 사포닌은 44mg/ml였다.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        분별 원심분리와 자당, percoll 밀도구배를 이용하여 목본식물인 Archicitrus와 Metacitrus잎으로부터 mtDNA 분리법을 확립하였으며, 제한효소에 의한 분절양상을 살펴보았다. 3단계의 비연속 percoll 밀도구배 원심분리에 의해 21%와, 45%의 경계면으로부터 미토콘드리아를 분리하여 정제한 mtDNA의 순도는 분별 원심분리나 자당밀도구배 원심분리에 비해 훨씬 높았으며 EtBr/CsCl 밀도구배 원심분리에 의해 분리된 mtDNA는 원심분리 튜브의 중간부위에 단일밴드로 형성되었다. 또한 성엽과 신엽으로부터 분리한 mtDNA 수율은 성엽(0.5∼1㎍/200g)에 비해 신엽 (2㎍/200g)이 약 2배 더 높게 나타남을 알 수 있었다. Eco RⅠ에 의해 나타난 총 mtDNA의 분절 양상은 약 30개였으며 4종의 Archicitrus와 Metacitrus 모두 6.5Kb와 4.3Kb 사이에서 뚜렷한 분절 밴드를 나타냈으나 그 외의 분절양상은 거의 유사하게 보여졌다. Hind Ⅲ로 처리된 총 mtDNA의 분절 양상도 Eco RⅠ의 경우처럼 약 30개였으며 분자량이 큰 DNA 분절들이 뚜렷한 양상으로 나타났으나 Eco RⅠ의 분절양상과는 달리 Archicitrus와 Metacitrus에서 각기 5개(5.5, 4.4, 4.0, 2.3, 1.5Kb), 4개(5.0, 2.4, 2.15, 2.0Kb)의 특이한 밴드들이 나타났다. Pst Ⅰ에 의해 나타난 총 mtDNA의 분절 양상은 40여개였고 C. iyo Tanaka에는 결여된 6.0, 5.0, 2.8Kb 분절이 C. junos Sieb에 특이하게 나타났다. 이상과 같이 4종의 감귤속으로부터 분리한 mtDNA를 세 종류의 제한효소로 분석한 결과 Archicitrus와 Metacitrus사이에 상당한 차이를 보여 주었으며 각 아속내의 종 사이에는 거의 유사한 양상으로 나타남을 알수 있었으며 이는 감귤속의 유전적 특성과 세포질 게놈으로 존재하는 mtDNA의 특성에 따라 감귤속을 분류하는 데 토대가 되리라 사료된다.
        1994.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 생후 17주된 Sprague Dawley종 수컷쥐에게 식이지방량이 총섭취 열량의 40%인 고지방 식이시 n6 linoleic acid, n3 EPA와 DHA 지방산을 충분한 양의 tocopherol과 한께 6주간 투여하였을 때 이들 지방산이 plasma와 RBC, 간조직의 tocopherol, MDA함량과 간의 SOD, GSH-Px의 활성에 미치는 영향을 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. Plasma tocopherol은 지방산의 불포화도가 높을수록 감소되었으나 plasma MDA는 식이 지방산 종류에 의한 차이가 없었다. RBC MDA는 n6 LA에 비해 n3 LL와 EPA + DHA에 의해 증가되었고 RBC hemolysis도 증가되었다 간과 RBC의 tocopherol 함량은 식이 지방산의 종류에 따른 영향이 없없으나 MDA함량은 유의성 있게 증가되었다. 간조직의 SOD와 GSH-Px활성은 식이 지방산의 불포화도가 높을수록 모두 증가되었으나 GSH-Px는 SOD에 비하여 식이지방산에 의한 영향이 덜하였다. 결론적으로, 고지방 식이를 할 경우 SOD와 GSH-Px 활성이 높아져도 RBC와 간조직의 MDA는 오히려 증가되어 지질 과산화물의 생성을 막아주지 못하였다. 최근 우리나라의 경우 동물성 식품의 계속적인 섭취 증가로 식이중 열량과 지방의 양이 계속 증가되고 있는 추세이며 이로인한 여러 순환기계질환의 예방을 위해 n3 PUFA를 섭취할 경우 결국 더 많은 tocopherol섭취가 필요할 것으로 사려된다.
        1993.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        폴리에틸렌 옥사이드(PEO)/리튬 삼불화메탄 술포네이트(LiCF3SO3)착제에 평균 직경 1μm인 미세 세라믹 분말 (γ -LiALO2)을 혼합하여 얻은 복합체 고분자 전해질의 특성을 형태학 및 기계적 성질의 관점에서 고찰하였다. 균일하게 분산된 세라믹 분말을 상온에서 고체 고분자 전해질의 전기적, 기계적 성질을 크게 향상시키는 것으로 관찰되었으며, 그 조성에 따라 그 특성이 변하였다. 본 연구에서 조사된 복합체 고분자 전해질의 경우, 상온에서 최대 이온 전도도를 나타내는 LiAlO2의 최적 함량은 약 20%인 것으로 나타났다.
        1991.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        화학증착법에 의해 Si3N4-TiC 복합재료 위에 코팅된 TiC 박막은 TiN 박막에 비하여 우수한 미세구조와 열충격저항, 계면결합을 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 화학증착법에 의한 TiN 박막은 TiC 박막에 비해 강철과의 마찰계수가 작고 화학적으로 안정하였다. 실험결과는 코팅된 절삭공구가 우수한 내 마모성을 갖고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 다중 코팅된 절삭공구는 단일 코팅된 공구보다 우수한 내 마모성을 보였다.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was conducted to investigate the effect of soluble silicate and germanium on the characteristics of soil and growth in ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) cultivated in blue-white plastic houses. Methods and Results : Seedlings (n = 63 per 3.3 ㎡) of Korean ginseng cultivar were planted on April 10, 2015. Shading material of plastic house [8 m (W) × 3.5 m (H) × 50 m (L)] was blue-white vinyl. From May to September of each year, 1,000 times diluted sol. of germanium and silicate and these mixed solutions were drenched once a month. The chemical properties of the soil are as follows : pH, EC, organic content, and P2O5 of the soil were within the proper range, and the Mg content of the Ex-cations was lower than the standard value in 3 treatments except treatment of germanium 1,000 times. The total nitrogen content was 0.13 - 0.14%, which was higher than the optimum value. The number of soil microorganisms (Actinomycetes etc.) was higher in the treatment than in the non-treatment of inorganic components. The photosynthetic rate of ginseng leaves was 2.25 μmole CO2/㎡/s in the non-treatment and 2.91 to 3.17 μmole CO2/㎡/s in the inorganic treated. The growth characteristics of the aerial parts (leaf and stem) of the ginseng plants were generally better than that of non-treatment. Especially, in the treatment with silicate 1,000 times showed better growth, leaf area and leaf width growth. The growth of the underground part (root weight etc.) were also better than non-treatment. Specially, at 1,000 ppm treatment with soluble silicate, the root length and diameter were longer and the weight was was 72.2 g per plant. The ginsenoside content of each treatment is under analysis. The disease incidence (Alternaria panax etc.) rate was 20.1% in the untreated and 6.4% to 10.0% in the inorganic components treatment. Conclusion : By soil drench of inorganic compononts such as soluble silicate in ginseng blue-white plastic house cultivation, the growth of the aerial and root parts in ginseng were more improved than non-treatment. There are a lot of soil microorganism and less disease.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : In recent years, the demand for oriental cuisine has increased due to the increase of multicultural families and dietary changes, and Coriandrum sativum is also consumed steadily. Therefore, this study was conducted to establish the optimum planting density for high-quality seed production of Coriandrum sativum in order to increase the utilization of leafy vegetables and establish a foundation for production throughout the year through house cultivation Methods and Results : This experiment was carried out from March to August 2017 at a house facility located in Namwon-si (500 m above sea level) in Jeollabuk-do. Seeds of Coriandrum sativum were sown on March 10, 2017 and planting density was set at 4 levels of 10 × 5 ㎝, 10 × 10 ㎝, 10 × 20 ㎝, and 10 × 30 ㎝. Seeds were harvested on August 2 and 142 days after sowing. Growth characteristics of C. sativum were investigated on May 16, 66 days after sowing. Plant height, leaf length and leaf width were good at 52.9 ㎝, 3.8 ㎝, and 4.1 ㎝ in planting density of 10 × 10 ㎝, respectively, but there was no statistically significant difference between treatments. As a result of examining the number of leaflets per plant, 20.9 leaves in 10 × 30 ㎝ treatment was the best and the difference was significant. The fresh weight of the overground part was the highest at 2,322 ㎏/10a in 10 × 10 ㎝ treatment. The total fresh weight of the overground and underground parts were 2,633 ㎏/10a and 2,572 ㎏/10a at 10 × 10 ㎝ and 10 × 20 ㎝, respectively. The total weight of seeds per treatment was the highest at 146 ㎏/10a at 10 × 10 ㎝ treatment, but the difference was not significant. Conclusion : As a result of the experiment to determine the proper planting density, the growth characteristics and the total weight of seeds were good at 10 × 10 ㎝ treatment, but there was no statistically significant difference. Therefore, when C. sativum are cultivated for the purpose of seed production, the planting density of 10 × 30 ㎝ is considered to be the most appropriate for seed requirement and labor saving.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was carried out to investigate the possibility of cosmetics materials by comparing growth characteristics, photosynthetic rate and major functional components of Rosa multiflora and Perilla frutescens at different altitudes. Methods and Results : This experiment is being carried out in April 2018 in Namwon (500 m above sea level) and Iksan (15 m above sea level) in Jeollabuk-do. The growth characteristics of R. multiflora were investigated at the end of May. Flowers were collected at this time and used as samples for functional analysis. The growth characteristics of P. frutescens were investigated in the middle of August and the ground part was collected at this time and used as a sample for functional analysis. Photosynthetic rates were measured using LCpro+ (ADC, UK). The marker compound were investigated and analyzed using HPLC Alliance e2695 and 2998 PDA detector (Waters, USA). Photosynthetic rate (based on 1,600 μ mole of light intensity) was measured in mid-June as follows. The R. multiflora showed 9.8 μ mole․CO2/㎡/s in Iksan and 7.9 μmole․CO2/㎡/s in Namwon. The P. frutescens showed 15.0 μmole․CO2/㎡/s in Iksan and 8.8 μmole․CO2/㎡/s in Namwon. Overall, Photosynthetic rate was higher in Iksan. As a result of analyzing 18 kinds of marker compound, gallic acid and astragalin were found in R. multiflora, caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid were found in P. frutescens. Gallic acid and Astragalin of R. multiflora showed 5.4 ㎎/g and 28.4 ㎎/g in Iksan and 3.2 ㎎/g and 21.6 ㎎/g in Namwon, respectively. Caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid of P. frutescens were 2.7 ㎎/g and 49.7 ㎎/g in Iksan and 2.5 ㎎/g and 33.6 ㎎/g in Namwon, respectively. Conclusion : Comparing the yield of the harvesting parts by region, both R. multiflora and P. frutescens was higher in Namwon. As a result of quantitative analysis of four detected elements of gallic acid, astragalin, caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid, all four components were high in Iksan. It is considered that this is due to optical environment difference.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Matricaria recutita and Dendranthema indicum are known to have effects such as antioxidant and antihypertensive effects, and they are used as processed food materials. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the possibilities as a natural material for cosmetics. This study was carried out to analyze the volatile flavor components of flowers during cultivation in order to examine the possibility of cosmetics using M. recutita and D. indicum. Methods and Results : This experiment was carried out from April to October, 2017 at Unbong-eup (500 m above sea level) in Namwon, Jeollabuk-do. M. recutita and D. indicum were planted in late May. Then, flowers were collected in October and volatile flavor components were analyzed by Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) method. Samples of flowers for component analysis were weighed in 0.4 g each and placed in a 20 ㎖ vial. GC/MS was used with Agilent Technologies 7890A/5975C (Agilent, USA). Column and carrier gas were DB-5MS (30 m × 0.25 ㎜ × 0.25 ㎛) and helium gas, respectively. As a result of the analysis of M. recutita flowers, we identified a total of 24 components. The major flavor components were mono terpenes and ketones. The main compounds were β-ocimene (24.08%), artemisia ketone (22.82%), γ-terpinene (16.65%), cis-3-hexenyl isovalerate (3.92%), artemisiatriene (3.72%) and O-cymene (3.44%). As a result of analyzing the composition of D. indicum flower, we identified 33 kinds of ingredients. The major flavor components were monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. The main compounds were sabinene (19.67%), trans-oiperitol (13.22%), α-phellandrene (10.05%), myrcene (7.53%), cineole (4.36%), α-terpinene (3.60%) and trans-ocimene (3.57%). Conclusion : We identified 24 flavor components and 33 flavor components in flower of M. recutita and D. indicum, respectively. Eight of the identified or estimated compounds were common to both samples. The reason why the flavor components kinds of M. recutita flowers were few was thought to be due to the influence of collection time. The main flowering period of M. recutita and D. indicum were May and October, respectively, but the use of the samples collected in October seemed to have influenced.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Although Aster scaber is a perennial plant, it needs to be renewed every three years in the cultivation of the facility, so it is necessary to increase the efficiency of production by extending the cultivation period. This study was carried out to investigate the differences in the growth characteristics of facility grown A. scaber according to the treatment of soil conditioner for the extension of the plant cultivation. Methods and Results : Soil physics improvement material for the extension of cultivated aster scaber was selected from rice straw, rice husk charcoal and coir fiber. In this study, 1,000 ㎏ of coir fiber, 1,000 ㎏ of rice straw, and 1,000 ㎏ of rice husk charcoal were treated per 10a of the soil improvement material, and the untreated control was set as a control. After the test treatment, the growth conditions such as survival rate, plant length, leaf length, leaf width, and stalk diameter were investigated. The control group was investigated as the survival rate was 96.1%, plant length average was 16.3 ± 1.8 ㎝, leaf length average was 7.7 ± 1.2 ㎝, leaf width average was 7.4 ± 0.7 ㎝, and stalk diameter average was 1.97 ± 0.3 ㎜. rice straw treatment is as the survival rate was 95.8%, plant length average was 13.8 ± 1.9 ㎝, leaf length average was 6.5 ± 0.8 ㎝, the leaf width average was 5.9 ± 0.7 ㎝ and the stalk diameter average was 1.85 ± 0.4 ㎜. Rice husk charcoal treatment is as the survival rate was 99.7%, plant length average was 17.4 ± 1.7 ㎝, leaf length average was 8.4 ± 1.1 ㎝, the leaf width average was 7.5 ± 0.8 ㎝ and the stalk diameter average was 2.15 ± 0.5 ㎜. Coir fiber treatment is as the survival rate was 96.9%, plant length average was 16.9 ± 1.7 ㎝, leaf length average was 7.9 ± 1.4 ㎝, the leaf width average was 6.9 ± 1.0 ㎝ and the stalk diameter average was 2.01 ± 0.5 ㎜. The results of the study showed that the growth of rice husk charcoal was good and the survival rate was high and the growth of straw treatment was relatively low and the rate of survival was low. However, no significant difference was found in the treatment of the remedies. Conclusion : As a result of investigating the differences in the growth characteristics of the A. scaber according to the treatments of the soil improvement agent, the growth and survival rate of the rice husk charcoal treatments were relatively high, but no significant difference was found. Therefore, the use of rice straw, rice husk charcoal, and coir fiber as a soil improvement agent does not appear to have much effect on the initial growth of the A. scaber.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 천연 화장품 소재 개발을 위하여 접시꽃 캘러스 생리활성 효능에 대해서 평가하였다. 접시 꽃캘러스 추출물의 항산화 효능은 DPPH, ABTS, FRAP assay를 통해서 확인하였다. 그 결과 접시꽃캘러스 추출물은 농도 의존적으로 강력한 항산화 능력을 확인되었다. 더불어, 접시꽃 캘러스 추출물은 10 mg/mL 의 농도에서 세포 내 ROS를 효과적으로 감소시키는 것으로 확인되었다. 접시꽃 캘러스 추출물의 미백효능을 평가 하기 위해 tyrosinase 저해 효과를 확인한 결과, 접시꽃 캘러스 추출물은 10 mg/mL 의 농도에서 tyrosinase 활성을 51% 감소시키는 것으로 확인되었다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로, 접시꽃 캘러스 추출물은 항산화 및 미백 효능을 지닌 화장품 기능성 소재로서 적용 가치가 높은 천연소재로 사료된다.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This experiment was conducted to study the characteristics of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) growth by LED artificial light source in the plastic house using multi-stage cultivation facility and artificial soil. Methods and Results : Seedlings of Korean ginseng cultivar cultivated from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm by adjusting the ratio of 1 : 1, 2 : 1 and 3 : 1 for red light and blue light for the LED light quality test. Controls were tested by treating the white light (fluorescent lamps) for the same time. The average temperature inside the plastic house remained above 25℃, then below 25℃ after mid-August and below 20℃ after mid-September. The temperature near the roots of the artificial soils was higher than 26℃ in late July and early August and lowered to 20℃ or lower in all treatments in September. The pH of the soil was in the standard range, but the EC value was 2.89 in the soil before the test and 5.83 in the white light treatment, higher than the standard range of 1.0. The light intensities were 95.3 μmol and 94.9 μmol in the 3 : 1 and 2 : 1 ratios of red and blue light, respectively. The photosynthetic rate was 1.72 μmole CO2/㎡/s in 3 : 1 treatment and 1.9 times higher than white light treatment. As the red light ratio increased, the light amount and photosynthetic rate increased. Growth characteristics of aerial parts (plant height, leaf length etc.) by LED irradiation were longer than that of white light treatment in the 2 : 1 or 3 : 1 treatment of red light and blue light. The root length was the longest at 13.7 ㎝ in the 3 : 1 treatment of red and blue light, taproot length were 6.9 ㎝ and 6.6 ㎝ in the 2 : 1 treatment and 3 : 1 treatment, respectively, longer than 4.3 ㎝ in white light. Root fresh weight was the heaviest (3.6 g/plant) in 3 : 1 treatment for red and green lights. Conclusion : It was confirmed that the rate of photosynthesis of Korean ginseng was higher than that of white light treatment and the growth characteristics of aerial and root parts were excellent at the ratio of 3 : 1 of LED red light and blue light in plastic house using multi-stage cultivation facility and artificial soil.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was conducted to investigate the effect of inorganic compounds (germanium etc) on the characteristics of growth and ginsenoside contents in Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) cultivated in plastic houses. Methods and Results : The experiments were performed in the Jinan (elevation: 300 meters above sea level). Seedlings (n = 72 per 3.3㎡) of Korean ginseng cultivar were planted on March 23, 2015. Shading material of plastic house was blue-white vinyl. From May to September of each year, 500 and 1,000 times diluted solution of germanium and silicate and these mixed solutions were drenched once a month. The chemical properties of the soil are as follows : pH, EC, organic content, and P2O5 of the soil were within the proper range, and the Mg content of the Ex-cations was lower than the standard value in 3 treatments, including 500 times solution of silicate. The rate of photosynthesis in Korean ginseng leaves were 2.2 - 2.5 μmole CO2/㎡/s in germanium and silicate treatment than in the non-treatment (1.5 μmole CO2/㎡/s). In the mixed treatment of silicate and germanium, the growth characteristics of the aerial parts (leaf and stem) of the Korean ginseng plants tended to be higher and longer than the other treatments. In a mixed germanium and silicate treatment, the root length was 33.3 ㎝, diameter was 23.5 ㎜, and the weight was the best at 53.8 g. The ginsenoside content was 16.8 ㎎/g in germanium treatment, 16.3 ㎎/g in germanium + silicate treatment. These were 37% and 33% higher than the control, respectively. The incidence of disease such as Alternaria panax was less in the inorganic treatment than in the non-treatment, and the incidence of disease was significantly decreased in the treatment with germanium + silicate. Conclusion : By soil drench of inorganic ingredients in Korean ginseng plastic house cultivation, the growth of the aerial and root parts in ginseng were more improved than non-treatment and ginsenoside content was increased and decreased the incidence of disease.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The purpose of this study was to establish the optimum organic compost composition and fertilizer application for nutrient management during the cultivation of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) in the greenhouse. Methods and Results : Wood chips, popped rice hulls, and mixed expeller cake were mixed with certain contents, fermented microorganisms were added, and fermented for about 100 days to produce organic composts. Organic compost was applied to the greenhouse soils at a rate of 1,500 – 3,000 ㎏/10 a, and the Korean ginseng seedlings were planted (2015) and cultivated. The growth and quality characteristics of 4-years-old Korean ginseng were investigated as follows. In all treatments, the emergence date were April 17, and the emergence rate were 70 - 74%. Soil chemical properties such as pH (6.7 - 6.8) and trace element Ca (7.9 - 9.2 cmol+/㎏) were higher than the standard values, and EC, P2O5 and OM were appropriate. Disease incidence rate were less than 0.2% in the control (treatments of livestock manure compost 1,500 ㎏/10 a) and treatment 3 (wood chips 60% + popped rice hulls 40%), but there were no disease in other treatments. Plant growth such as plant height, leaf length, and stem diameter were superior to treatment 1 (wood chips 20% + popped rice hulls 80%), and growth of underground part such as root length were excellent in treatment 1 as a whole. In particular, in the application of 1,500 - 2,000 ㎏ of treatment 1, root weight (39.9 g, 42.3 g/plant, respectively) were superior to the other treatments. In general, as woodchip content and usage amount increase, root weight tended to decrease. Conclusion : It is considered appropriate to apply 1,500 - 2,000 ㎏/10 a of fermented compost of organic material which is mixed with wood chips (20%) and popped rice hulls (80%) with mixed expeller cake when growing Korean ginseng in the plastic house covered with blue-white vinyl.
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