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        검색결과 114

        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sorghum is a rich source of various phytochemicals including phenolic compounds that have potential to significantly benefit human health. Phytochemical production may be induced not only by genotype but also by a number of environmental factors including temperature and an amount of sunshine. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of planting dates and harvesting stages on the quality traits of ‘Donganme,’ a grain sorghum variety developed to produce high antioxidants. ‘Donganme’ was planted in three locations on four dates from early May to early July. Each planted fraction was harvested 35, 40, 45, 50, and 55 days after the head shooting date, respectively. The results showed that significant differences existed between the growth period and content of polyphenol and flavonoid. The sorghum harvested at 35 days after head shooting had the higher polyphenol and flavonoid content in all planting times and the tannin content was increased as the planting date was delayed. So the sorghum grown in late planting dates (July 5) had highest polyphenol content (2.07 gGAE/100g) at early harvesting (35 days) while late planting gave the low grain yield (1.3 ton/ha). Polyphenol index to average temperature during 35 and 45 days after heading of ‘Donganme’ showed that total polyphenol contents were decreased by 5.2% and 4.4%, respectively, with increasing average temperature of 1oC. And high correlation (R=0.85) was observed between accumulated temperature and the amount of polyphenol of ‘Donganme’, confirming the major contribution of the quality traits is temperature. To produce high quality grain from sorghum the relation between the yield and nutrition components must be considered simultaneously (i.e., Sorghum produced the highest polyphenol and flavonoid when planted in June 15 and harvested at 40 to 45 days after head shooting .
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the past years, few grain sorghum varieties with limited yield potential have been developed and grown in Korea. Hybrids tend to be more productive and resistive to unfavorable environmental conditions than pure line varieties. However, no hybrid cultivars are available and never have been planted for grain sorghum in Korea. The main aims of this study were to (i) verify if US x Korean and US x US hybrids increase grain yield in Korea; (ii) assess the performance of waxy hybrids in Korea and the US; (iii) estimate general combining ability and specific combining ability for the lines studied; and (iv) identify superior lines and hybrids for future use in breeding. Two distinct sets of waxy-endosperm sorghum hybrids derived from Korean landraces and US lines (Texas A&M University) were tested in the US and Korea. Compared to the parental lines, hybrids derived from US lines and Korean landraces showed yield increase that ranged from 2% to 127%. Hybrids created from US lines showed higher heterosis than US x Korean hybrids. Hybrid vigor was observed in the US and Korea, but shifts in ranks of hybrid performance occurred. The results indicate that it is feasible to develop grain sorghum hybrids adapted to Korean conditions only if delibrate selections take place in Korea. A combination of Korean and US sources could provide an acceptable germplasm base for developing Korean landrace based sorghum hybrids.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted in order to investigate the antioxidant capabilities and quality characteristics of instant porridge made of foxtail millet (Setaria italica Beauv.) from different varieties with different endosperm characteristics and processing using different methods. The two foxtail millet varieties used in this study were waxy foxtail millet, ‘Samdachal’, and non-waxy foxtail millet, ‘Samdame’. The means of processing food to create instant porridge were dry cereal frying, wet cereal frying, freeze drying after steaming, popping, and no treatment. The WAI (water absorption index) of instant porridge made of waxy foxtail millet was higher than that of non-waxy foxtail millet, and popping created the highest WAI among the treatments tested. Whean we analyzed RVA characteristics of non-waxy foxtail millet instant porridge, peak viscosity and setback values were decreased in all processed foxtail millet instant porridge compared to non-waxy foxtail millet instant porridge. In waxy foxtail instant porridge, the peak and final viscosities of processed treated instant porridge increased. The viscosity just after pouring hot water into the instant porridge was higher in waxy foxtail millet porridge treated by freeze drying after steaming, popping, and wet cereal frying; the viscosity of non-waxy foxtail porridge was increased after popping as compared with the other treatments. The polyphenol contents and antioxidant activities were increased in all processed, treated-instant porridge except for freeze dried porridge after steamingnt. The popping treatment showed the highest polyphenol contents (1.5 fold), and ABTS antioxidant activity (1.2 fold), compared to no treatment. Non-waxy foxtail millet porridge produced by popping earned the highest sensory evaluation scores.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The object of this study conducted to investigate the effect of paddy-upland rotation cropping system on soil properties and crop productivity in newly reclaimed tidal land. Five types of paddyupland rotation cropping system were evaluated : Rice-Rice (RR) Rice-Maize (RM), Mize-Maize (MM), Rice-Soybean (RS), Soybean-Soybean (SS). The soil bulk density was the lowest RM treatment, and soil pH was a tendency to be lower in all treatments of the paddy-upland rotation cropping system. RM treatment showed a higher moisture content and lower Electrical conductivity than RR treatment. Results of maize productivity in paddy-upland rotation cropping system, Except for the stem diameter growth, RM treatment showed good growth and productivity than MM treatment. Soybean growth and yield increased in the rotated upland cultivation from rice-paddy field compared to the SS treatment. But, overall treatments indicated poor growth and yield. In this study, we offer the effects of paddyupland rotation cropping system on the soil properties and upland crop growth and yield, and also out results can be provide supporting basic data that introduced paddy-upland rotation in reclaimed tidal land.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        남부 평야지에서 최고품질인 중만생종 ‘수광’ 품종의 적정 이앙시기를 구명하고자 5월 16일, 6월 1일, 6월 16일, 6월 30일에 4회 이앙하여 이앙시기별 벼 생육, 수량구성요소, 수량 및 품질 관련형질을 검토한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 이앙시기별 출수기는 이앙시기가 늦을수록 출수기도 늦어졌으나 5월 16일 이앙은 8월 12일, 6월 30일 이앙은 8월 29일로 안전출수기 이내에 출수되었다. 2. 등숙비율은 6월 1일과 6월 16일 이앙에서 93 ~ 94%로 가장 높았고 5월 16일 이앙에서는 87%로 가장 낮았다. 3. 쌀수량은 6월 1일과 6월 16일 이앙에서 538 ~ 555 kg/10a로 수량이 높고 6월 30일 이앙, 5월 16일 이앙 순이었고 완전미수량은 쌀수량과 비슷한 경향이었다. 4. 단백질함량은 이앙시기에 관계없이 큰 차이를 보이지 않았지만 늦게 이앙할수록 증가하는 경향이며, 아밀로오스 함량도 이앙시기가 늦을수록 증가하였다. 5. 따라서 ‘수광’의 이앙적기는 쌀수량, 완전미수량 및 품질 등을 고려해 볼 때 남부 평야지에서는 6월 10일 경에 이앙하는 것이 바람직 할 것으로 판단되었다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        벼 담수표면산파재배시 주요 품종들의 적응성을 평가하기위하여 1996~1998년에 국립식량과학원 벼맥류부 벼 시험포장에서 공시품종들의 중요한 형질인 입모율, 도복 및 수량성 등을 검토한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 입모율이 80% 이상인 품종은 동안벼, 호안벼, 동진벼,80% 이하인 품종은 화영벼, 팔공벼, 대산벼 등 이었다. 2. 도복이 발생하지 않았거나 경미한 품종은 대산벼, 동안벼,금남벼, 안산벼, 주안벼, 안중벼, 화남벼, 금남벼, 오봉벼, 도복발생이 심했던 품종은 금오벼, 화영벼, 동진벼, 낙동벼 이었다. 3. 당 수수와 수당립수는 조생종이 중생종과 중만생종에 비하여 현저히 적었고, 등숙비율은 중생종과 중만생종간에는 차이가 없었으나 조생종은 다소 낮았다. 4. 쌀 수량은 중만생종과 중생종간에는 별 차이가 없었으나,조생종은 4품종 모두 중생종과 중만생종 품종보다 0.79~0.85MT/ha정도 낮았다. 5. 따라서 벼 담수표면산파재배시 주요 품종들의 입모, 도복 및 수량성 등을 평가해 본 결과 적응성이 양호한 품종은 동안 벼, 대산벼, 호안벼 이었다.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        직파품종 개발을 위한 특성검정으로 저온발아성을 조사하여 직파적응성에 알맞은 품종개발을 위한 기초자료로 활용하고자1994년부터 2008년까지 육성된 89개 품종을 이용하여 저온발아성을 검정한 결과 최근에 육성한 품종일수록 저온발아율이80% 이상으로 높았으며, 조생종이나 중생종보다는 중만생종의 저온발아율이 높은 경향이었으나 통계적인 유의차는 인정되지 않았다. 또한 최고품질이나 고품질 품종이 초다수성이나안전성 품종보다 저온발아율이 높았다. 품종이 육성된 기관별로 볼때는 직파품종 개발을 담당하고 있는 익산의 벼맥류부육성품종의 저온발아율이 다른 기관에서 육성된 품종보다 높게 조사되었다.
        2009.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        딸기 분말의 대체량을 0-6%로 달리하여 쿠키를 제조한 후 물리화학적 품질특성을 측정하고 각 특성사이의 상관관계를 살펴보았다. 딸기 분말 대체량이 증가함에 따라 반죽의 pH와 쿠키의 경도는 유의적으로 감소하였다(p<0.05). 반죽의 수분함량은 딸기 분말의 대체에 따라 유의적인 차이를 나타내지는 않았지만 평균 수분함량은 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 딸기 분말의 대체량이 증가할수록 명도와 황색도는 유의적으로 감소한 반면 적색도는 증가하였다(p<0.05). 퍼짐성 지수 역시 유의적인 증가를 나타내었다(p<0.05). 한편 상관분석결과 딸기 분말 대체수준은 모든 물리화학적 품질특성과 유의적인 상관관계를 나타내었다. 또한 반죽의 수분함량과 퍼짐성 지수 사이에 양의 유의적 상관관계가 관측되었다(p<0.05).
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