
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 82

        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        표고버섯좀나방(Morophagoides moriutii)은 최근 버섯 에 심각한 피해를 주는 해충으로 유충이 골목이나 종균, 자실체를 직접 가해하여 생산량을 감소시키고 상품성을 저하 시킨다. 표고버섯좀나방의 환경 친화적 방제에 이용 할 수 있는 가능성을 알아보기 위하여 국내 토양에서 탐 색된 토착 곤충병원성 선충 Steinernema carpocapsae GSN1 계통의 접종 농도별 병원성, 침입수, 증식수를 표고 버섯좀나방의 령기에 따라 조사하였다. 선충의 표고버섯 좀나방에 대한 병원성은 접종농도가 높을수록 증가하였다. 표고버섯좀나방 2령충, 3령충에서 유충 한 마리당 선충 감염태 유충(3령충) 80마리 접종부터 100%의 높은 병원 성을 나타내었고, 표고버섯좀나방 4령충은 한 마리당 선 충 감염태 유충 40마리 접종부터 100%의 치사율을 나타 내었다. 선충의 표고버섯좀나방 유충 체내로의 침입수는 접종 농도와 령기가 높을수록 선충의 침입수도 증가 하였 다. 선충 감염태 유충 5마리 농도 처리에서는 2령충 1.3마 리, 3령충 1.7마리, 4령충 1.8마리 였으나, 160마리 농도 처리에서 2령충 12.3마리, 3령충 21.1마리, 4령충 22.5마 리로 조사 되었다. 끝으로 표고버섯좀나방 유충 한 마리 당 침입한 선충의 증식수는 같은 령기에서는 선충의 접종 농도가 많아질수록 증식수가 증가하였다. 또한 표고버섯 좀나방의 령기에 따라 선충 증식수의 차이는 많았는데, 선충 감염태 유충 160마리 처리농도에서는 각각 표고버 섯좀나방 2령충이 6,335마리, 3령충이 21,660마리, 4령충 이 88,700마리로 조사되었다. 따라서 토착 곤충병원성 선 충 S. carpocapsae GSN1 계통은 표고버섯좀나방의 생물 적 방제를 위한 방제제로 활용할 가능성이 높음을 알 수 있었다.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        무농약 시설재배 오이에서 잎, 꽃 및 과실을 가해하던 응애를 채집하여 동정한 결과 오이긴털가루응애(Tyrophagus neiswanderi)로 동정되었 다. 오이긴털가루응애는 분류학상 응애목(Acarina) 가루응애과(Astigmata)에 속하며 형태적으로는 유백색의 계란형을 띄고 체장은 490.1㎛, 체 폭은 288.1㎛의 매우 작은 응애이다. 오이긴털가루응애는 잎, 꽃, 과실에 모두 발생하여 피해를 주었다. 피해증상은 정식 초기 유묘의 경우 신초가 수축되면서 연노란색으로 탈색이 되고, 심하면 신초가 멎는 피해가 나타난다. 또한 오이가 생육을 하는 과정에서 잎이 피해를 받으면 처음에는 오이 잎에 흰색의 반점이 나타나고 시간이 경과함에 따라 반점에 구멍이 나고 찢어진다. 꽃에서도 흰색 반점과 찢어지는 증상이 나타난다. 과실에서는 어린 과실일 때 피해를 받으면 과실의 비대가 저해되거나 기형과가 나타나며, 과실이 비대하더라도 코르크증상으로 인해 상품성이 떨어지게 된다.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1990년대 초반 이후 국내 시설 원예작물 재배면적은 급격히 증가하였지만 농가당 재배면적은 협소하여 생산성 증대를 위한 생력관리기술 개발이 절실히 요구되고 있다. 하지만 시설하우스에서는 해충들이 다발생하고 방제가 어려워 많은 양의 살충제를 사용하고 있어 생력재배를 어렵 게 하고 있다. 또한 과도하고 부적절한 살충제의 사용은 저항성 해충의 출현과 농약중독이라는 문제를 야기하였다. 본 연구에서는 시설 재배 온실 에서 무인 연무방제기를 이용한 목화진딧물(Aphis gossypii)과 복숭아혹진딧물(Myzus persicae)의 효율적 방제 가능성을 조사하였다. 무인 연무방 제기를 가동시키는 동안 시설 내 측창과 출입구가 완전히 폐쇄된 조건하에서는 시설 내 상대습도가 높게 유지되었고(>95%) 관행방제 약제처리 구와 유사한 방제 효과를 보였다(방제가 61.0∼94.1%). 반면 무인 연무방제기 가동 시간 동안 측창과 출입구를 50% 정도 개방한 조건에서는 시 설 내 상대습도가 상대적으로 낮았고(<95%) 측창과 출입구가 모두 폐쇄된 온실 조건보다 방제 효율이 낮았다(방제가 36.0∼54.4%).
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        매실의 낙과 피해를 일으키는 복숭아씨살이좀벌은 경기도, 충청남북도, 전라남북도 지역의 매실과 살구, 그리고 중국산 복숭아 종자에서 확인되었다. 복숭아씨살이좀벌은 땅에 떨어진 핵과류의 핵 속에서 유충 상태로 월동하고, 노숙유충은 4월 중순까지, 번데기는 3월 하순에서 4월 하순까지 관찰되었으며, 성충은 4월 하순~5월 상순 사이에 90% 이상이 우화하는 것으로 조사되었다. 암컷 성충은 핵이 경화되기 이전 씨앗이 액 상일 때 과실 씨앗의 외피 바로 밑에 산란하였으며, 산란관의 길이가 5 mm를 넘지 않아 산란이 가능한 매실의 크기는 직경이 2 cm를 넘지 않았 다. 하나의 과실에 최대 5개의 알이 관찰되었으며, 알 기간은 2일을 넘지 않았다. 부화한 유충은 먼저 고형화되는 배로 이동하여 이를 섭식하면서 성장하는데 이 과정에서 유충들 사이의 경쟁으로 인해 한 마리의 유충만 생존하였다. 6월 상순경 피해를 받은 과실의 대부분이 부패증상을 보이 며 낙과하였다. 땅에 떨어진 과실의 핵 속에서 이듬해 봄까지 노숙유충으로 월동하였다.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Apolygus spinolae (Meyer-Dür) (Heteroptera: Miridae) is an important pest of fruit and tea trees in Korea and Japan. Analyses of extracts of metathoracic scent glands revealed that those of female bugs contained hexyl butyrate, (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate, and (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal in a ratio of 20:100:7. The glands of males contained the same three compounds, but the ratio of the components was quite different, with hexyl butyrate being the most abundant. Field trapping tests with various blends of the synthetic compounds dispensed from high-density polyethylene tubes showed that (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate and (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal were essential for attraction of male A. spinolae, and catches with a wide range of ratios of these two compounds did not differ significantly. However, adding hexyl butyrate at 50% or more of the (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate to the binary blend strongly inhibited attraction of males. Trap catches increased with increasing amounts of a 10:1 blend of (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate and (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal from 0.011 to 11 mg loaded into the tube. Catches of males in traps baited with lures containing 1.1 mg of the binary blend were not significantly different from catches in traps baited with live virgin females.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The sex pheromone of Stathmopoda auriferella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Stathmopodidae), an important pest of kiwifruit in Korea, was studied. Two candidate pheromone components detected in the gland extracts of females were identified as (E)-5-hexadecenyl acetate (E5-16:OAc) and (E)-5-hexadecenol (E5-16:OH) in a ratio of 75:25 by mass spectral analysis of natural pheromone components and dimethyldisulfide adducts, and retention index comparisons with synthetic standards. In the kiwifruit orchards, E5-16:OAc alone was attractive to S. auriferella males and caught significantly more males than live virgin females. However, addition of E5-16:OH strongly inhibited attraction to E5-16:OAc. These results suggest that the major component of the female-produced sex pheromone of S. auriferella is E5-16:OAc. This hexadecenyl acetate is a novel moth sex pheromone component.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        유리나방류는 사과, 복숭아, 포도와 같은 과수의 주요 해충으로서, 유충이 기주식물의 줄기 속에서 형성층을 섭식한다. 수원지역에서 3년에 걸쳐, 성페로몬 트랩을 이용하여 사과유리나방, 복숭아유리나방, 포도유리나방, 큰유리나방의 연중 발생소장을 조사하였다. 사과원에서 사과유리나방 성충은 트랩에 5월부터 10월까지 유인되었으며, 6월 상중순과 8월 하순~9월 상순에 각각 발생최성기를 보였다. 비슷하게, 복숭아원에서 복숭아유리나방은 5월부터 10월까지 유인되었으며, 발생최성기는 5월 하순과 8월 하순~9월 중순이었다. 포도원에서 포도유리나방은 5월 하순부터 6월 중순까지 유인되었으며, 5월 하순~6월 상순에 발생최성기를 보였다. 한편, 포도원에서 큰유리나방은 6월 상순부터 7월 하순까지 유인되었으며, 발생최성기는 6월 하순~7월 상순이었다.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The sex pheromone of Synanthedon bicingulata (Staudinger), a major pest of peach trees in many regions of northeast Asia, was identified. Two major components from the pheromone gland extracts of female moths are E3,Z13-18:OAc and Z3,Z13-18:OAc, and the average ratio of these components is about 4:6, respectively. In addition to the major components, four minor components, Z13-18:OAc, E2,Z13-18:OAc, E3,Z13-18:OH, and Z3,Z13-18:OH also were identified from pheromone gland extracts. Field tests showed that E3,Z13-18:OAc and Z3,Z13-18:OAc are essential for attraction of male S. bicingulata moths, and males are optimally attracted to the blend ratio found in pheromone gland extracts of conspecific females. Addition of the minor glandular components (Z13-18:OAc, E2,Z13-18:OAc, E3,Z13-18:OH, and Z3,Z13-18:OH) did not affect captures of males to the primary binary blend. Thus, the blend of E3,Z13-18:OAc and Z3,Z13-18:OAc at the natural ratio can be used for monitoring populations of this species.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nokona regalis (Butler) and Toleria romanovi (Leech) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) are economically important pests of grape in northeast Asia. We compared the overwintering, damage and seasonal flight activities of these two species in Korean vineyards. Mature larvae of N. regalis overwintered in the infested shoots of grape, while T. romanovi overwintered as mature larvae enclosed within a cocoon in the soil. Larvae of the former species fed primarily in grape shoots (97.2%), whereas larvae of the latter species burrowed into main trunks (57.4%) and branches (40.4%), causing significant damage and frequent mortality. The seasonal fluctuation of male catches was monitored with pheromone traps in 2010. Male moths of N. regalis were present from late May until middle June, and peak abundance occurred in early June. T. romanovi males were trapped from early June to early August with peak catch in middle July in Suwon.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The two related species in the tribe Archipini, Adoxophyes paraorana and Pandemis heparana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), are insect pests of fruit trees in Korea. We investigated differences in pheromone system and seasonal flight of these two species. GC-MS analyses of pheromone gland extracts revealed that females of both species produce blends of Z11-14:OAc, Z9-14:OAc, and Z11-14:OH in similar ratios. The average ratio of three components in extracts was estimated to be 3:100:0.3 for A. paraorana and 3:100:2 for P. heparana. Field tests showed that Z11-14:OAc and Z9-14:OAc were essential for attraction of A. paraorana males and the presence of Z11-14:OH in primary binary blend did not induce any synergistic or inhibitory effect. For the attraction of P. heparana males, however, all three components, Z11-14:OAc, Z9-14:OAc and Z11-14:OH, were indispensable. These results suggest that male A. paraorana do not discriminate between conspecific females and those of P. heparana in the field. Comparison of the flight phenologies in apple and pear orchards showed that the two species are sympatric and overlap in flight periods. This finding eliminates pheromone specificity and seasonal separation as premating reproductive isolation mechanism between A. paraorana and P. heparana.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Synanthedon haitangvora (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) is an economically important pest of apple trees in Korea and China. We report here the identification of compounds in pheromone gland extracts of female S. haitangvora, and the male responses to blends of different components and ratios in the field. Two major components from pheromone gland extracts of S. haitangvora females were identified as Z3,Z13-18:OAc and E2,Z13-18:OAc, and the average ratio of these components was about 1:1. Seven minor components, Z9-16:OAc, Z11-16:OAc, Z9-18:OAc, Z13-18:OAc, E3,Z13-18:OAc, Z3,Z13-18:OH, and E2,Z13-18:OH, also were identified from gland extracts. Field tests showed that male S. haitangvora were attracted to Z3,Z13-18:OAc alone, but the maximum number of males was attracted to the binary blend of Z3,Z13-18:OAc and E2,Z13-18:OAc mimicking the blend found in female extracts. The addition of minor components to a 1:1 blend of Z3,Z13-18:OAc and E2,Z13-18:OAc did not increase the numbers of moths captured. The only significant effect of minor components was the strong inhibitory effect of adding Z3,Z13-18:OH to the primary binary blend. Increasing doses of the optimum pheromone blend in the lures from 0.1 to 2.0 mg increased trap catches of male S. haitangvora.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A cDNA of PBAN receptor (Plx-PBANR) isolated from female pheromone gland of the diamondback moth encodes 338 amino acids and has 7 transmembranes, belonging to G-protein coupled receptor family. The fact that Plx-PBANR expression was only found in female pheromone gland revealed that pheromone gland is the only molecular target of Plx-PBAN. Plx-PBANR expressing cells increased level of Ca2+ influx when challenged with PBANs. When RNAi fragment for PBANR was injected into pupae, suppression of PBANR expression was maintained for at least 2 days at post-emergence. Injection of RNA fragment for inhibition of Plx-PBANR expression also inhibited mating behavior and suppressed sex pheromone production, suggesting that some molecular target was affected by reduced Plx-PBANR expression. We cloned partial Δ9 and Δ11 desaturase gene and investigated expression level in Plx-PBANR-RNAi moth. It is of interest that desaturases expression was reduced by RNA fragment injection. These results suggest of PBANR expression affects the molecular biological events of PBAN and eventually suppresses mating behavior.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sex pheromone production in lepidopteran is stimulated and regulated by a pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN). A cDNA of PBAN receptor (Plx-PBANR) isolated from female pheromone gland of the diamondback moth (DBM, Plutella xylostella (L.) encodes 338 amino acids. Plx-PBANR has conserved biochemical motifs and 7 transmembranes, indicating it belongs to G-protein coupled receptor family. Plx-PBANR expression was only found in female pheromone gland, demonstrating that pheromone gland is the only molecular target of Plx-PBAN. Human uterus carcinoma (HeLa) was stably transfected with Plx-PBANR gene and its expression was confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. Plx-PBANR expressing cells increased level of Ca2+ influx when challenged with Plx-PBAN and Hez-PBAN from Heliothis zea. When RNAi fragment for PBANR was injected into pupae, suppression of PBANR expression was confirmed by RT-PCR and maintained for at least 2 days at post-emergence. Injection of RNA fragment into pupae for inhibition of Plx-PBANR expression also inhibited mating behavior, revealing that reproductive organ of the female has no spermatocyte and that there are no successful reproductive behaviors. These results suggest of PBANR expression affects the molecular biological events of PBAN and eventually suppresses mating behavior.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A cDNA of PBAN receptor (Plx-PBANR) isolated from female pheromone gland of the diamondback moth (DBM, Plutella xylostella (L.) encodes 338 amino acids. Plx-PBANR includes 7 transmembranes, indicating it belongs to G-protein coupled receptor family. Plx-PBANR showed high similarities with other moth PBANRs and its expression was only found in female pheromone gland, demonstrating that pheromone gland is the only molecular target of Plx-PBAN. To accomplish the funcional expression of Plx-PBANR, Human uterus carcinoma was stably transfected with Plx-PBANR gene and Plx-PBANR expression was confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. Plx-PBANR expressing cells increased level of Ca2+ influx when challenged with Plx-PBAN and Hez-PBAN from Heliothis zea, as ionomycin as a positive control does. To inhibit Plx-PBNAR expression in vivo, RNAi fragment for Plx-PBANR was injected into pupae. Suppression of PBANR expression was confirmed by RT-PCR and also induced inhibition of mating behavior in adults, revealing that reproductive organ of the female has no spermatocyte and that there are no successful reproductive behaviors. RNAi-treated adults showed reduced pheromone production. These results suggests that inhibition of PBANR expression affects the molecular biological events of PBAN and eventually suppresses mating behavior.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We tested differences in female pheromone production and male response in three species of the genus Adoxophyes in Korea. Females of all three species produced mixtures of Z9-14:OAc and Z11-14:OAc as major components but in quite different ratios. The ratio of Z9-14:OAc and Z11-14:OAc in pheromone gland extracts was estimated to be 100:198 for A. honmai, 100:23 for A. orana, and 100:3880 for A. sp. Field tests showed that males of each species were preferentially attracted to the two-component blends of Z9-14:OAc and Z11-14:OAc mimicking the blends found in pheromone gland extracts of conspecific females. The effects of minor components identified in gland extracts on trap catches varied with species. Addition of 10me-12:OAc or E11-14:OAc to the binary blend of Z9-14:OAc and Z11-14:OAc significantly increased captures of A. honmai males, whereas E11-14:OAc exhibited a strongly antagonistic effect on catches of A. sp. males. Moreover, Z9-14:OH or Z11-14:OH added to the binary blends increased attraction of male A. orana but not A. honmai and A. sp. males, suggesting that these minor components, in addition to the relative ratios of the two major components, play a noteworthy role in reproductive isolation between Adoxophyes species in the southern and midwestern Korea where these species occur sympatrically.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Scopolamine induces cholinergic dysfunction and oxidative stress, and the impairment of memory function. Therefore, oxidative stress and cholinergic dysfunction are important role of the brain pathology of amnesia. In this study, we investigated the impact of Safflower seed against oxidative stress and cholinergic dysfunction on scopolamine-induced amnesic mice. Methods and Results : Mice were orally pretreated with safflower seed (100 ㎎/㎏ body weight) or vehicle for 7 days, and scopolamine (1 ㎎/㎏ body weight) was injected intraperitoneally, 30 min before the behavior tests such as T-maze and novel objective recognition test on first day. To evaluate learning and memory function, the Morris water maze task was performed for 5 days, consecutively. The results showed that spatial perceptive ability and novel object recognition was significantly increased by preadministration of safflower seed compared with scopolamin-induced control mice in the behavior tests. Consistently, immuno blot revealed the elevated expression of superoxide dismutase 1 in the safflower seed pretreated mice, compared to the control mice. Moreover, protein expression of acetylcholinesterase was decreased in safflower seed pre-treated group. Conclusion : Subsequently, our results suggests that the Safflower seed extract improved memory impairment through inhibition of cholinergic dysfunction and oxidative stress.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : In the previous results, antidepressants and anxiolytic Effects were reported from the leave extracts of Valeriana fauriei. The major compounds of leave were valeranone and valerianate. The purpose of this study was to the investigation of nerve related bioassay correlation and of low-molecular’s chemical constituents from different parts of V. fauriei. Moorover, we proposed the biochemical pathways from the low molecular’s chemical constituents of V. fauriei. Methods and Results : First, in order to investigate the chemical constituents of V. fauriei, we were analyzed the references of V. fauriei. And, we were analyzed the low molecular’s chemical constituents by using GC-MS from extracts of different parts from V. fauriei. As a result, 39 compounds, which are (+)-8-hydroxypinoresinol, (+)-hydroxipinoresinol, 2S (-)hesperidin, 4a, 10a-epoxy-aromadendrane, 6-methylapigenin, 8-hydroxypinoresinol, acetoxy- valerenic acid, acetylvalerenolic acid, actinidine, anismol A, baldrinal, dihydrode hydrodiconiferyl alcohol 9-isovalerate, E- (-)-3,4-Epoxyvalerenal, E- (-)-3,4-Epoxyvalerenyl acetate, E-valerenyl acetate, E-valerenyl isovalerate, hydroxy- valerenic acid, linarin, mononorvalerenone, orientalol C, pinorespiol, pinorespiol, spatulenol, valdiate, valeranone, valerenal, valerenic acid, valerenol, valerenyl hexanoate, valerenyl n-valerate, valerianine, valtrate, volvalelactone A, volvalelactone B, volvalerenone A, volvatrate A, volvatrate B, Z-valerenyl acetate, Z-valerenyl isovalerate. were reported as the chemical constituents of V. fauriei. And also, hexadecane, propanoic acid, 3-β-hydroxypregn-5-ene-20-carb oxylic acid, spiro [cyclopropane-1,8’ (1H’) methano, from flower, cis-5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid, 1,1-Dimethyl-1-silacyclobutane, oleamide, 3-β-hydroxypregn-5-ene-20-carboxylic acid, per (trimethylsilyl)-D-lyxose from leaf, N- [(-)-jasmonoyl]- (S)-glutamic acid from stem, 9-octadecenamide, 1-ethyl-4- phosphorinanone, thiosemicarbazone, raffinose from root, were detected. We proposed the biochemical pathway from the chemical constituents of V. fauriei. Conclusion : The results of our study suggest that the proposal biochemical pathway of V. fauriei will be useful in the study of correlation of nerve related bioassay.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Osteoarthritis is an inflammatory disorder related with oxidative stress and apoptosis leading to cartilage damage. Recently, Cirsium japonicum var. maackii (CJM) was reported to play a protective role in various inflammatory response. However, the role of CJM in cartilage degeneration and osteoarthritis progression is still unknown. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the protective effect of CJM in a animal model of osteoarthritis and cartilage degradation. Methods and Results : First, in order to determine active ingredient contents of CJM, we were carried out total polyphenolic content and total flavonoid content analyses. As a result, dried aerial parts of CJM were found to contain 149.2 ± 24.1 ㎎·GAE/g dry weight and 27.9 ± 2.0 ㎎·NE/g dry weight in boiling water extraction. Also, the HPLC analysis of CJM showed major compounds identified as cirsimarin and cirsimaritin. In addition, CJM protected against osteoarthritic cartilage destruction in an osteoarthritis mouse model induced by destabilization of the medial meniscus, as demonstrated by histopathological analysis. Conclusion : The results of this study demonstrate that CJM may protect against the osteoarthritis and cartilage destruction. Further study is needed to identify the mechanism for their improvement effects of osteoarthritis and cartilage destruction.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Oxidative stress and inflammatory response are important features of the brain pathology of Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to the antioxidant activity and biochemical characterization of safflower seed. Moreover, we investigated the impact of Safflower seed on scopolamine-induced memory impairment in mice. Methods and Results : First, in order to determine active ingredient contents of safflower seed extract, we were carried out total phenol content and total flavonoid content analyses. As a result, dried safflower seed were found to contain 35.4 ± 0.4 ㎎·GAE/g dry weight and 45.3 ± 7.5 ㎎·NE/g dry weight in boiling water extraction. Also, the major compounds of safflower seed from HPLC analysis were identified as serotonin and serotonin derivatives [N- (p-coumaroyl)serotonin and N-feruloylserotonin]. In addition, the antioxidant activity of safflower seed showed IC50 values of 331.4 and 168.2, respectively, against DPPH and ABTS in vitro. Finally, with regard to the memory improvement activity, the administration of Safflower seed extract significantly restored memory impairments induced by scopolamine in the behavior tests such as novel object recognition and Morris water maze test. Conclusion : The results of our study suggest that the safflower seed extract possess potent memory improvement activity and are also a good source of natural antioxidants. Further study is needed to identify the mechanism responsible for their memory improvement activity.
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