본 연구는 식물공장에서 아쿠아포닉스와 수경재배에서 재배된 딸기의 무기양분 흡수율, 생육, 수량을 비 교하고자 수행되었다. 양어는 비단잉어(Cyprinus carpio) 12마리를 수조(W 0.7m × L 1.5m × H 0.45m, 472.5L)에 367.5L 물을 채운 후 입식하였고 5.44kg·m-3 밀도로 사육하였다. 딸기 모종 30개체는 펄라이트를 채운 포트에 정식 하여 아쿠아포닉스 시스템 베드(W 0.7m × L 1.5m × H 0.22m)에 장착하였고, 모종 30개체는 네트포트에 정식한 후 담액수경(DFT)시스템 베드(W 0.7m × L 1.5m × H 0.22m)의 아크릴판(140 cm × 60 cm, Ø80 mm)에 장착하였다. 재 배기간 동안 아쿠아포닉스 수조액의 pH와 EC는 각각 4.3-6.9, 0.32-1.14dS·m-1 수준이었고, 수경재배는 각각 5.1 -7.5, 1.0-1.8dS·m-1이었다. 아쿠아포닉스 수조액의 NO3-N와 NH4-N 농도는 수경재배보다 각각 약 3.6, 2.2 me·L-1 높았다. P, Ca, Mg, S 농도는 수경재배보다 각각 약 0.76, 3.1, 0.8, 0.9me·L-1 높았으며, K와 Fe는 각각 약 0.8me·L-1, 0.5mg·L-1 낮았다. 딸기 잎의 무기이온 함량은 두 재배 처리 간 유의차가 없었으며 엽내 K 함량은 적정 범위를 보였 다. 정식 후 58과 98일 사이에 아쿠아포닉스에서 재배된 딸기의 T-N와 P 흡수율은 수경재배보다 각각 1.5, 1.9배 높 았고 K 흡수율은 유의차가 없었다. 개체당 과실수는 아쿠아포닉스에서 수경재배보다 유의하게 많았으며, 상품과 생체중, 건물중, 과실의 과장과 과폭은 수경재배에서 아쿠아포닉스보다 높았다. 결과를 종합하면, 아쿠아포닉스에 서는 수조액의 물고기 배설물과 먹이 잔여물에 의한 고체 입자의 비료성분을 지속적으로 가용하여 활용한다는 것 을 알 수 있다.
The corrugated steel plate culvert structure was developed and actively developed in the United States in the 1930s and was introduced into the domestic scene in the 1970s. Currently, about 1,000 corrugated steel structures were being used for expressway concrete passage culverts and waterway culverts. Compared to concrete materials that require a basic curing time, corrugated steel plates could be assembled and backfilled, so that the construction speed is fast and the economics were excellent. However, as the number of public years has elapsed, problems in maintenance have been found. Therefore, there is a growing interest in the stability of corrugated steel plate structures. Therefore, in this study, the improvement for the efficient maintenance of the corrugated steel structure constructed on the expressway was examined.
On the expressway, culvert structures serve as a channel or channel connecting villages and towns blocked by clay. The culvert structures are mainly constructed of reinforced concrete or corrugated steel sheets in various ground conditions. Most culverts are divided into aging and damage trends according to the number of public years. However, most of the damage to the culvert structures applied on the soft ground is likely to be caused by the subsidence of the ground. In addition, even if the settlement of the paper sheet is stabilized, if the road is constructed at the upper part, the culvert structure is also expanded at the time of the expansion work, and damage due to a behavior different from that before the expansion work may be found. Therefore, in this study, the behavior of the culvert structures according to the ground supporting force was analyzed. For this purpose, the causes of damage are derived through design review and field investigation.
Recently, maintenance science has been promoted and many advanced equipments have been developed such as GPR surveying, automatic gauging robot, bridge deck inspection robot. And the government - led policy on the fourth industrial revolution affects the R & D field of science and technology, and science for all fields remains a challenge. However, the equipment that has been developed so far is applied separately to each field, so that it is not possible to grasp the state of the entire structure. Therefore, in this study, the applicability of BIM and image information mapping technology in expressway maintenance was analyzed. To accomplish this, a basic analysis was conducted to identify the characteristics of the equipment developed for the current structure inspection and to build a platform to manage the collected data collectively.
해안이 기름으로 오염되었을 경우 방제 선진국인 미국, 캐나다, 호주 그리고, 뉴질랜드 등에서는 해안오염평가기술 (SCAT)을 통하여 해안방제작업의 표준과 규범으로 사용하고 있고, 해안방제 종료기준도 마련하여 운영하고 있다. 2007년 12월 7일 충남 태안 앞 해상에서 홍콩 선적 유조선 허베이스피리트호의 기름유출 사고 시 지자체 주관으로 해안오염 합동 조사팀을 운영하였으나 해안오염에 대한 전문평가팀 부재로 효율적인 해안방제의 한계를 실감하였다. 이러한 문제점들을 극복하기 위하 여 해안의 특성 및 오염상태를 고려한 우리나라 실정에 적합한 해안오염평가기술을 개발하였다. 본 연구에서는 해안오염평가 기술 요소 중에 해안오염평가팀에 대한 구성과 역할 및 우리나라 해안형태, 오염상태 등의 특성에 따른 오염해안 구획설정 및 현장평가 지침과 해안오염평가에 대한 결과보고에 관한 내용을 제시하고자 한다.
A new lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) variety ‘Sunny Red Butter’ that belongs to butter-head type has transverse broad elliptical leaf with red color. Crossbreeding of ‘Oriana’ and ‘Cardinale’ was made to obtain seeds of the F1 generation. Subsequent generations were selected using in pedigree methods until 2011, resulting in ‘Sunny Red Butter’. The new variety ‘Sunny Red Butter’ is brown in seeds and the upper part of the leaf is light red and glossy. The leaf stalk is white. It can be harvested from 30 days after planting. The average harvested leaf number is 51 leaves per plant. The average weight is 556.5g per plant, which is 44% higher than a control lettuce variety ‘Germania’. It showed that 30.9 tons/ha production was made in spring, summer, and autumn cultivations for 3 years in 6 areas (Daegwanryeong, Gyeonggi, Chungbuk, Jeonbuk, Gyeongnam, and Jeju) than the control variety ‘Germania’. The shelf-life of ‘Sunny Red Butter’ was 4 weeks for storage at 4℃. Anthocyanin amount (10.3 mg/100g) of ‘Sunny Red Butter’ was lower than that of ‘Germania’. BSL (latucin+8-deoxylactucin+lactucopicrin) amount of ‘Sunny Red Butter’, the bitter ingredients was 26.1 μg/g and higher than BSL amount of ‘Germania’. Leaf hardness of ‘Sunny Red Butter’ was 1,554 kg/cm 2 , which was thicker than ‘Germania’. ‘Sunny Red Butter’ showed better taste (more crispy and sweeter) than ‘Germania’. The new variety ‘Sunny Red Butter’ can be used as lettuce productions during spring and autumn in most area and in summer in highland of Korea.
‘Hyesun’, a new cultivar of leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) with sharply wrinkled oval and red leaf, produced by a cross between 'Nongjeockchima’ (red leaf color) and ‘Jeockchima’ (high yield) has late bolting and high yield in the field. The cross and selection for advanced lines had been done by the pedigree method from 2002 to 2008. The ‘Hyesun’ has gray seed color and medium elliptic leaves. The yield and adaptability of the advanced lines were evaluated at several locations of Korea (Gangwon-do, Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheongbuk-do, Jeollabuk-do, Gyeongnam-do, and Jeju-do) for 3 years (from 2009 to 2012). The type of maturity of ‘Hyesun’ is early-medium. The leaf hardness of ‘Hyesun’ is a 1,237kg/cm2, which is not thicker than ‘Yeolpungeokchima’. The anthocyanin content of 'Hyesun' is a 88.32mg/100g, which is lower than that of ‘Yeolpungeockchima’. The BSL (Bitter Sesquiterpene Lactones, latucin + 8-deoxylactucin + lactucopicrin) content of ‘Hyesun’ is a 5.0ug/g of DW, which is lower than that of ‘Yeolpungeockchima’. Compared to ‘Yeolpungeockchima’, marketable yield of ‘Hyesun’ was higher by 7% (at 381g per plant) and the bolting time of ‘Hyesun’ was remarkably delayed under high temperature cultivation in the field. The shelf-life of ‘Hyesun’ was four weeks longer than ‘Yeolpungeockchima’ at 4℃. Furthermore, because ‘Hyesun’ is more crispy and sweeter than ‘Yeolpungeockchima’, ‘Hyesun’ has the better taste. So, we recommend that the new cultivar ‘Hyesun’ can be suitable for cultivation in both spring and fall season.
Arabis glabra is a localized common rhizomatous flowering plant, This plant is often used in Korean traditional systems of medicine as a remedy for blood cleaning, detoxification, abscess, gastrospasm, arthritis, contraction and diarrhea. Generally drugs that are used for arthritis have antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties. However, validity of the anti-inflammatory activity has not been scientifically investigated so far. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the anti-inflammatory potential of A. glabra using the ethanolic extract and its sub-fractions. To evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects, we examined the inflammatory mediators such as nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on RAW 264.7macrophages. Our results indicated that hexane and chloroform fraction significantly inhibited the LPSinduced NO and PGE2 production in the cells. The hexane fraction inhibitory activity for NO tests with IC50 values showed in 21.0 ㎍/㎖. The chloroform fraction inhibitory activity for PGE2 tests with IC50 values showed in 18.0 ㎍/㎖. These efficacy are expected to be able to present the potential for the development of health functional food for the prevention inflammatory diseases because it has sufficient preventive medical possibilities. Further, it is determined that it is necessary to further study the mechanism of cytokine and protein expression associated with inflammation.
A new lettuce cultivar ‘Misun’ (Lactuca sativa L.) with wrinkled traverse narrow elliptic and deep red leaf, which has late bolting and high yield. It was developed from a cross between ‘Yeoreum Jeocgchima’ (deep red leaf color) and ‘Yeoreumdukseomjeokchukmyeon’ (high yield). The cross and selection for advanced lines had been done by the pedigree method from 2001 to 2008. The advanced lines were evaluated for yield and adaptability at several locations in Korea (Gangwon-do, Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheongbuk-do, Jeollabuk-do, Gyeongnam-do, and Jeju-do) from 2009 to 2011 year. The ‘Misun’ has gray seed color and traverse narrow elliptic leaves. The shelf-life of ‘Misun’ was four weeks longer than ‘Dukseomjeokchukmyeon’at 4℃. The anthocyanin content of ‘Misun’ (88.32 mg/100 g) was higher than that of ‘Dukseomjeokchukmyeon’(74.78 mg/100g). The BSL (latucin+8-deoxylactucin+lactucopicrin) content of ‘Misun’ (5.0 ug/g, DW) is lower than that of ‘Dukseomjeokchukmyeon’(12.0 ug/g, DW). Compared to ‘Dukseomjeokchukmyeon’, marketable yield of ‘Misun’(289 g per plant) was 11% higher than that of it, showed good yield in fall season cultivation and has particularly improved expression of red leaf color at high temperature cultivation in the field. Furthermore, its taste is better, more crispy, and sweeter than those of ‘Dukseomjeokchukmyeon’. Thus, this new cultivar ‘Misun’ can be suitable for cultivation in low temperature during spring and fall season season.
Aromatase is an enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen. This enzyme, present in the sperm as well as various tissue and cells, has been considered to be related to the fertility of human and mouse sperm. Therefore, we examined effect of aromatase inhibitor on viability and fertility of sperm, and quantity of aromatase in sperm groups with different density in pig. To analyze the effect of aromatase on sperm viability, we treated aromatase inhibitor to the sperm with different concentrations (0, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 μM) at different time (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 hours). After the treatment, the sperm viability was calculated by hypo-osmotic swelling test. We selected 0, 50, 100 μM concentration during 0.5 hour as inhibitor treatment condition before in vitro fertilization. Next, we examined fertility and quantified aromatase protein in sperms with different density. In the first experiment, viability of sperm was decreased following the increasement of inhibitor concentration. The aromatase inhibited sperm showed lower penetration rate and cleavage rate than those of non-treated sperm. Concentration of 50 μM inhibitor had no significant effect on the sperm viability, but it significantly reduced sperm fertility. Second, sperms with low density showed higher penetration rate, but no significant difference between sperms with high density. In conclusion, aromatase is responsible for viability and fertility of porcine sperm similar to mouse and human, however, density of sperm has no correlation with quantity of aromatase protein.
‘고홍’은 ‘DL 1672’와 ‘청치마’를 교배하여 육성한 잎상추 로 누운타원형 잎을 가진 축면 상추이다. 2005년 교배하여 2010년까지 계통육종법에 선발과 고정을 하였다. 신품종 ‘고 홍’은 회색 종자이며 엽형은 누운타원형이다. 잎 상단부는 붉 고 광택이 좋으며 잎 기부는 녹색이다. 다수성 품종으로 기존 품종보다 주당 45매 정도의 잎을 수확할 수 있으며, 주당 무 게는 평균 331 g로 12% 수량성이 많은 품종이다. 전국 6개지역(대관령, 경기, 충북, 전북, 경남, 제주)에서 1년간 봄, 여 름, 가을 재배하였을 때 평균 2,737 kg/10 a을 나타내었다. 특히 수량성에서 봄작형은 36.7톤, 가을작형에서 16.7톤이 생 산되어, 대비품종에 비해 34%, 23% 증수되는 다수성 품종이 다. 숙기는 정식 후 25일 후부터 수확이 가능한 조・중생종이 며, 고온기 비가림하우스 재배시에도 적색이 발현되는 특성을 가지고 있다. 적색발현의 주 요인인 안토시안닌 함량은 7.5 mg/ 100 g으로 대조품종인 ‘뚝섬적축면’보다는 고온기 적색발현이 좋은 품종이다. 쓴맛 성분인 락투신(latucin+8-deoxylactucin +lactucopicrin)은 ‘뚝섬적축면’보다 적어 쓴맛이 적고 단맛이 나며 아삭아삭하여 맛이 좋다. 이것은 잎두께와 엽연이 ‘뚝섬 적축면’보다 조밀하고, 잎의 경도가 21.1 kg/cm 2로 ‘뚝섬적축 면’보다 강한 특성을 가지고 있기 때문이다. 따라서 신품종 ‘고홍’은 봄과 가을작형에 가장 적합한 품종으로 추천할 수 있다.
국내 재배 당근 품종은 대부분 수입에 의존하고 있어 국내 당근산업의 기반을 유지하고 경쟁력 확보를 위하여 우수한 품종을 개발 보급하고자 본 ‘그라운드 킹’을 육성하였다. 근형은 원추형이고, 근피색, 근육색 및 심색은 주황색으로 근피가 매끈하다. 숙기는 중만생종이고, 육질이 연하고 수분이 많다. 병해 저항성은 검은잎마름병 및 흰가루병이 중간 정도로 대비품종인 ‘양면’과 비슷하고, 추대에 다소 약하므로 조기 파종 할 때 추대 위험이 있다. 수량은 3,228 kg/10a이고, 근장은 16.3 cm, 근중은 171.0 g으로 대비품종 ‘양면’ 166.5 g과 비슷하다. 추대율은 3.9%로 양면 5촌의 2.4%보다 다소 높아 조기 파종시 추대의 위험이 있으므로 적기에 파종하여야 한다.
양파의 웅성불임을 이용한 고랭지 지역 재배에 적합한 장일형 일대잡종 품종, ‘대관황’을 2007년 고령지농업연구센터에서 육성하였다. ‘대관황’은 ‘만추황’의 웅성불임친을 모친으로, ‘NIHA-5001’을 부친으로 하여 2001년 교배하여 육성하였다. 교배 후 ‘고시가-1호’로 명명 후 2003년에 생산력검정 예비시험을 거쳐 2004년부터 2006년까지 생산력 검정 본시험을 고랭지 3개 지역에서 실시하였다. ‘대관황’의 초형은 직립이며 숙기는 중만생형이다. ‘대관황’의 구중은 시판품종인 ‘히구마’와 비슷하며 구형은 원형이며 구피색은 황갈색으로 ‘히구마’ 보다 저장성이 뛰어난 특성을 가지고 있다. ‘대관황’은 ‘히구마’에 비해 가용성 고형분이 높고, 건물중은 비슷하여 저장성이 뛰어나 고랭지 지역 재배에 적합한 품종으로 판단된다. 그러나 고랭지지역은 해발 600 m부터 800 m의 다양한 지역에 위치하고 있어 다양한 환경 변이가 있으므로 대면적 재배 전 지역적응성을 검토하는 것이 좋을 것으로 판단된다.
This study was carried out to Investigate flora of phytoplankton in Milyang River from July 1996 to April 1997.
Phytoplankton were identified 206 kinds and composed of 2 var.-for., 5 forms, 35 varieties, 164 species, 70 genera, 31 families, 14 orders, 6 classes and 5 phyla. According to the seasonal variation, 131 species were founded in summer, 109 species in spring, 108 species in autumn, and 100 species in winter, respectively. Seasonal and stationary variation of standing crops were between 10 and 5,600 cells/㎖. At station 7, Cyclotella meneghiniana was bloomed 5,000 cells/㎖(89.7%) in winter, and Stephanodiscus hantzschii was bloomed 3.400 cells/㎖(74.3%) in spring. The number of species and standing crops were increased with proceeding from upper stream to lower stream.
Important species of phytoplankton were 24 species, that are 4 species of Cyanophyta (Aphanocapsa elachista, Merismopedium glaucum, Lyngbya limnetica, Oscillatoria tenuis), 12 species of Crysophyta (Melosira varlans, Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Cyclotalla meneghiniana, Fragilaria construens var. venter, Navicula cryptocephala, Cymbella ventricosa, Gomphonema olivaceum), and 8 species of Chlorophyta (Chlamydomonas reinhardi, Eudorina elegans, Pandorina morum, Oocystis borgel, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Microspora crassior).
According to the similarity index among the stations, it was generally defied as two water areas such as upper stream(station 1∼3) and lower stream(station 4∼7).