
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 20

        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          Vehicle routing problem with time windows is determined each vehicle route in order to minimize the transportation costs. All delivery points in geography have various time restriction in camparision with the basic vehicle routing problem. Vechicle rout
        2005.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The mechanical behavior of concrete-filled glass fiber reinforced polymer columns is affected by various factors including concrete strength, stiffness of tube, end confinement effect, and slenderness ratio of members. In this research the behavior of slender columns was examined both experimentally and analytically. Experimental works include 1) compression test with 30cm long glass fiber composite columns under different end confinement conditions, 2) uni-axial compression test for 7 slender columns, which have various slenderness ratios.Short-length stocky columns gave high strength and ductility revealing high confinement action of FRP tubes.The strength increment and strain change were examined under different end confinement conditions.With slender columns, failure strengths, confinement effects, and stress-strains relations were examined.Through analytical work, effective length was computed and it was compared with the amount of reduction in column strength, which is required to predict design strength with slender specimens.This study shows the feasibility of slender concrete-filled glass fiber reinforced polymer composite columns.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Skull X-ray 영상에서 노이즈의 발생은 불가피하며, 이는 영상 화질과 진단 정확도를 저하시키고 디지털 영상 장치의 특성상 오류를 증가시킨다. 이러한 노이즈는 선량을 증가시키면 쉽게 감쇠되긴 하지만 환자가 받는 피폭선량이 더 큰 문제를 야기할 수 있다. 그래서 선량문제를 해결하고 동시에 노이즈를 줄이기 위해 저선량에서 노이즈 감소 알고리즘이 활발히 연구되고 있는데, 초기에 개발되고 널리 사용되어진 median filter와 Wiener filter는 노이즈 감소 효율이 떨어지고 영상경계에 대한 정보가 많이 손실된다는 단점이 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 이전 노이즈 감소효율의 문제점을 보완할 수 있는 total variation (TV) 알고리즘을 sku ll X-ray 영상에 적용하여 정량적으로 평가하고 비교를 하는 것이다. 이를 위해 Siemens사의 X-ray 장치를 사용하여 성인 skull을 모사할 수 있는 팬텀을 통해 다양한 관전압과 관전류량을 사용하여 실제 skull X-ray 팬텀 영상을 획득하였다. 또한, 각각의 팬텀 영상에 noisy image, median filter, Wiener filter, TV 알고리즘을 적용하였을 때의 대조도 대 잡음비 (CNR)와 변동계수 (COV)를 비교 측정했다. 실험 결과 TV 알고리즘을 적용하였을 때, 모든 조건에서 CNR와 COV 특성이 우수함을 확인할 수 있었다. 결론적으로 이번 연구를 통해 TV 알고리즘을 사용하여 영상의 질을 높일 수 있는지에 대해 확인해 보았고, 이론적으로 CNR 값은 관전류량이 증가할수록 노이즈가 감소함으로 인해 증가하는 것을 알아볼 수 있었다. 반면에, COV는 관전 류량이 증가할수록 감소하였으며 관전압이 증가하였을 때 noise는 감소하고 투과량이 증가하여 COV가 감소하는 것을 알아볼 수 있었다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘천량’은 생리장해 저항성 품종 육성을 목적으로 1999년도 경기도 여주 농가 포장에서 수집해 2002년에 개체를 선발하 였고, 2003년부터 2006년까지 특성검정과 2007년도부터 2009년도까지 생산력검정시험을 실시하였다. ‘음성1호’의 계 통명을 부여한 후 2010년부터 2011년까지 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과, 다수성이면서 염류저항성이 강한 품종으로 인정 되었고, 2011년에 직무육성 신품종 선정위원회에서 신규 등 재 품종으로 선정되어 ‘천량’으로 명명하였다. ‘천량’의 잎색 은 녹색이며, 소엽 가로 자른면의 모양이 볼록형으로 대조품 종인 ‘천풍’의 오목형과 비교된다. 줄기의 색깔은 전체가 연 두색이나 엽병 주위와 기부에 연한 자색을 나타낸다. ‘천량’ 의 열매색과 잎노화색은 적색을 나타내나 대조품종에서 등황 색, 황색을 나타내어 확연히 구분이 되었다. ‘천량’은 ‘천풍’ 보다 출아기는 2일, 개화기는 3일 그리고 과육성숙기는 5일 빨랐다. 4년생에서 ‘천량’의 경장은 41.3 cm로 ‘천풍’에 비해 짧았으며, 경직경은 6.4 cm로 ‘천풍’에 비해 더 굵었고, 엽장, 엽폭, 엽병장도 ‘천풍’보다 더 길었다. ‘천량’의 근장과 동체 장은 대조품종과 비슷하며, 동직경은 대조품종보다 5.3 mm 굵었고, 주당 생근중은 57.0 g으로 ‘천풍’보다 더 무거웠다. ‘천량’의 주당 열매수는 ‘천풍’보다 더 적게 맺혔으나 천립중 은 53.1 g으로 ‘천풍’보다 무거웠고 개갑률은 ‘천풍’보다 5.4% 높게 나타나 우량 묘삼 생산에 유리할 것으로 생각되었 다. ‘천량’의 수량은 생산력검정을 한 결과 평균 수량이 536 kg/10 a로 ‘천풍’보다 12% 증수되었다. ‘천량’은 모잘록병과 탄저병에 대해서는 저항성을 나타내었으며, 점무늬병에서는 중도 저항성을 나타내었다. 역병과 뿌리썩음병은 거의 발생되 지 않았고 가루깍지벌레와 선충 등 충해에 대해서는 저항성 을 나타내었다. ‘천량’은 염류 과다로 발생되는 지상부의 황 증 현상과 지하부 적변삼 증상은 거의 나타나지 않았으며, 고 온에는 중도 저항성을 나타내어 천풍보다 강하게 나타났다. 인삼의 주요 성분인 ginsenoside 함량 중 total 함량은 22.18 mg/g으로 ‘천풍’과 비슷하게 나타났으며, 조사한 ginsenoside 8종류 중 Rb1과 Rf를 제외한 6종류의 함량은 ‘천량’이 높게 나타났다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘보원’은 단경, 소분지 계통인 ‘SP8603-16-2-B(찌바한다치 /대광땅콩)’를 모본으로 하고 내병, 대립 특성을 가지는 대원 땅콩을 부본으로 하여 2001년도에 작물시험장에서 육성한 품 종이다. ‘보원’은 신풍초형(Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata) 으로 키가 작고 지상부 생육 습성이 완전 직립형이다. 분지수 가 적고 꼬투리가 달리는 포기주변 반경이 작아 기계화 재배 에 유리하며 조숙형이다. 협당립수는 2립이고 종피색은 살색 이며 100립중이 ‘대광땅콩’보다 더 무거운 91 g으로 대립종 에 속한다. ‘보원’은 그물무늬병 저항성이 ‘대광땅콩’ 보다 강 하며 수확기의 낙엽정도가 대광땅콩보다 낮고 도복저항성도 ‘대광땅콩’ 보다 더 높다. ‘보원’의 수량성은 지역적응시험에 서 3개년간 평균수량이 3,720 kg/ha으로 ‘대광땅콩’ 보다 12 ~18% 증수를 보여 전국평균 17%의 증수를 보였고 연차간 및 지역간 변이가 ‘대광땅콩’ 보다 적어 수량안정성이 높다.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Good quality seedlings produced in the seedbed of Yangjik, traditional seedling cultivation, is one of the most important factors in determining the yield and quality of 4~6-year-old ginseng. This study was carried out to substitute Yacto, traditional organic fertilizer, for economical compost in the cultivation of seedling by fertilizing relatively little amount of compost into seedbed soil. Bulk density and solid phase were decreased in physical properties of seedbed soil, while air phase and porosity were increased by more addition of compost. When the amount of applied compost in seedbed soil was above 8l per Kan, the contents of nutrient were exceeded the range of optimal standard for ginseng cultivation. Chlorophyll content and stem length were increased by more addition of compost, while the length and the width of leaves showed the highest value at the application level of 8l per Kan. Heat injury was also increased distinctly above the application level of 8l per Kan. The number of first grade seedlings and usable seedlings, and fresh root weight per plant showed the peak at application level of 8l per Kan, respectively. Fertilizing the compost of 8l per Kan into seedbed soil was the optimal amount for producing the good quality seedlings.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To investigate seed non destructive and fast determination technique utilizing near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRs) for screening ultra high oleic (C18:1) and linoleic (C18:2) fatty acid content sesame varieties among genetic resources and lines of pedigree generations of cross and mutation breeding were carried out in National Institute of Crop Science (NICS). 150 among 378 landraces and introduced cultivars were released to analyse fatty acids by NIRs and gas chromatography (GC). Average content of each fatty acid was 9.64% in palmitic acid (C16:0), 4.73% in stearic acid (C18:0), 42.26% in oleic acid and 43.38% in linoleic acid by GC. The content range of each fatty acid was from 7.29 to 12.27% in palmitic, 6.49% from 2.39 to 8.88% in stearic, 12.59% of wider range compared to that of stearic and palmitic from 37.36 to 49.95% in oleic and of the widest from 30.60 to 47.40% in linoleic acid. Spectrums analyzed by NIRs were distributed from 400 to 2,500 nm wavelengths and varietal distribution of fatty acids were appeared as regular distribution. Varietal differences of oleic acid content good for food processing and human health by NIRs was 14.08% of which 1.49% wider range than that of GC from 38.31 to 52.39%. Varietal differences of linoleic acid content by NIRs was 16.41% of which 0.39% narrower range than that of GC from 30.60 to 47.01%. Varietal differences of oleic and linoleic acid content in NIRs analysis were appeared relatively similar inclination compared with those of GC. Partial least square regression (PLSR) among multiple variant regression (MVR) in NIRs calibration statistics was carried out in spectrum characteristics on the wavelength from 700 to 2,500 nm with oleic and linoleic acids. Correlation coefficient of root square (RSQ) in oleic acid content was 0.724 of which 72.4 percent of sample varieties among all distributed in the range of 0.570 percent of standard error when calibrated (SEC) which were considerably acceptable in statistic confidence significantly for analysis between NIRs and GC. Standard error of cross validation (SECV) of oleic acid was 0.725 of which distributed in the range of 0.725 percent standard error among the samples of mother population between analyzed value by NIRs analysis and analyzed value by GC. RSQ of linoleic acid content was 0.735 of which 73.5 percent of sample varieties among all distributed in the range of 0.643 percent of SEC. SECV of linoleic acid was 0.711 of which distributed in the range of 0.711 percent standard error among the samples of mother population between NIRs analysis and GC analysis. Consequently, adoption NIR analysis for fatty acids of oleic and linoleic instead that of GC was recognized statistically significant between NIRs and GC analysis through not only majority of samples distributed in the range of negligible SEC but also SECV. For enlarging and increasing statistic significance of NIRs analysis, wider range of fatty acids contented sesame germplasm should be kept on releasing additionally for increasing correlation coefficient of RSQ and reducing SEC and SECV in the future.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate spectral irradiance characteristics of blue, yellow, and blue-black colored polyethylene (PE) shading net and the effect on growth characteristics and yield in ginseng seedling. The spectral irradiance (μmol/m2/s/nm) showed the peak at 498 nm in both of blue and blue-black PE shading net, and 606 nm under yellow PE one. The intensity of blue light in blue shading was more strong than that of blue-black shading, control. Blue shading was increased by 17% and 23% in accumulated quantum for daytime, 0.5℃ and 0.2℃ in maximum temperature on June 2 than that of yellow and blue-black shading, respectively, but heat injury ratio of the former was lower than that of the latter. Chlorophyll content and stem length in blue shading were decreased more significantly than those of yellow and blue-black shading. The specific leaf weight was higher under blue and yellow shading than that of blue-black shading. Ginseng seedling harvested in blue shading was increased by 13~17% in the number of root, and 17~20% in root weight per m 2 compared to yellow and blue-black shading owing to the increase of survived plant, and the decrease of specific leaf weight, heat injury ratio, and stem length.
        2000.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to analyze the responses of some agronomic traits to the different cultural environments and relations among the agronomic traits for selecting sesame varieties with higher cultural stabilities. The indexes for stability parameters measured were coefficient of variability, heritabilities, genetic correlations and path coefficients of agronomic traits according to locations and years in Korea. The heritabilities of agronomic traits showed different by locations and years. Number of seeds per capsule and 1000 seeds weight showed higher heritabilities, but stem length and seed weight per plant showed relatively lower heritabilities. Average heritabilities of some agronomic traits in 1998 were comparatively higher than those of 1999. Of six areas, Jinju area showed biggest coefficient of yield variability in 1998-1999. Iksan and Taegu areas showed higher heritabilities in 1998, but Iksan and Jinju areas showed lower heritabilities in 1999. Genetic correlations were slightly higher than corresponding phenotypic correlations. Stem length showed positive genetic correlation with the number of capsules per plant, and seed weight per plant and the number of capsule per plant showed positive genetic correlation with seed weight per plant. On the analysis of path coefficients, stem length and number of capsules effected highly on grain yield. Great regional variations were observed on the effects of agronomic traits on grain yield. Higher direct effects of stem length on grain yield were observed at Suwon, Chungwon, Taegu, Jinju and Naju areas, but in Iksan area was observed higher direct effect of the number of capsules per plant on grain yield in 1998. In 1999, higher direct effect of stem length on grain yield was observed at Chungwon and Suwon areas. Iksan and Taegu areas were also observed higher direct effect of the number of capsule per plant on grain yield.