
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 76

        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We studied customer recognition and understanding of menu labeling as well as the correlations between customer support for menu labeling and multiple factors, such as demographic characteristics, dinning-out behavior, and menu selection criteria. This study designed a survey and received responses from 351 individuals. The analysis results reveal that most respondents did not acknowledge menu labeling or lacked knowledge of it. Many of the respondents showed experience in ordering from menus with ingredient labels, but many showed no interest in menu labeling. Exactly 114 (32.5%) respondents showed support of menu labeling, and most were interested in levels of trans-fat, fat, and cholesterol. The respondents reported that menu labeling should be implemented more in fast-food restaurants and causal dinning restaurants. This study also analyzed how customer menu selection criteria are related to support level of menu labeling. Respondents were classified into three groups based on their support level for menu labeling (low · medium · high), after which correlations between customer menu selection criteria and support level were examined. Respondents in the high support group considered all menu selection criteria (i.e., ingredients, health, and consideration of calories). GLM analysis showed that monthly dining-out expenses were highly related to support level with a significance level of 0.05, and the interaction between monthly dining-out expenses and respondents' jobs also affected support level with a significance level of 0.01.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 한우를 이용하고 있는 초․중․고등학교 급 식소를 대상으로 한우 이용 실태 및 한우 메뉴 활용 실태를 파악하고, 이를 토대로 한우 저지방 부위를 이용한 메뉴를 개 발하여 학교급식 메뉴로서의 적합성을 평가해 보고자 하였다. 조사 결과, 학교급식에 다양한 한우 메뉴가 이용되는 것을 알 수 있었으며, 이용되고 있는 한우 메뉴들은 전반적으로 학 생들에게 인기가 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 또한 한우를 이용 한 후 모든 학교에서 학생, 학부모, 교사 모두 급식에 대한 만족도가 증가하였다고 응답하였다. 그러나 이에 비해 한우 이용 메뉴의 제공 빈도수는 높지 않았으므로, 한우를 활용한 메뉴 제공의 횟수를 높일 필요가 있을 것으로 보인다. 특히 한우의 저지방 부위를 이용할 경우 급식소에서는 다른 부위 에 비해 상대적으로 저렴하게 구매할 수 있으며, 한우 유통의 측면에서는 수급 불균형을 초래하고 있는 저지방 부위를 대 량으로 유통시킬 수 있는 한 가지 수단이 되므로, 급식소에서 의 한우 저지방 부위의 활용은 적극 권장되는 것이 바람직한 것으로 생각된다. 그러나 조사 결과, 한우 자체가 다른 육류 에 비해 높은 가격으로 형성되어 있으므로 원활한 한우 저지 방 부위 활용을 위해서는 관할지역 지원이나 정부 지원이 확 대되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. 경제적 어려움 이외에 조리법 과 관련하여 한우 저지방 부위를 급식에서 많이 활용하기 위 해서는 육질 개선(3.80), 다양한 소스 개발(3.74), 기존 메뉴를 위한 양념 개선(3.61) 등이 필요하다는 의견이 많았다. 본 연구진에서는 또한 위의 학교급식의 한우 이용 실태 조사를 바탕으로 한우 저지방 부위의 육질 개선 및 다양한 소 스, 양념 개선 등을 고려하여 급식에서 이용할 수 있는 저지 방 부위 활용 한우 메뉴 8종을 개발하였다. 개발된 메뉴의 특 징은 저지방 부위에 따른 질긴 식감을 부드럽게 만들기 위하 여 주 조리법 이외에 다양한 부 조리법을 사용하는 등 복합적 조리법을 활용하였다는 점과 메뉴에 이용되는 소스나 양념 을 다양화하였다는 것이다. 개발된 메뉴에 대해서는 다량조 리임을 감안하여 제조방법을 단순화시킨 공정도를 함께 제 시하여 추후 조리방법의 간소화를 위한 기초를 마련하였다. 개발된 메뉴의 급식 적용 가능성을 평가하기 위하여 단체급 식 종사자 및 외식업 종사자 30명의 JARS를 평가한 결과, 모 든 메뉴의 조사항목별 JARS도 모두 설정 기준을 충족하여 학교급식에 적용하였을 경우 높은 만족도를 기대할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 본 연구는 한우의 주요 조리법인 구이에 소비되고 있는 등 심, 안심 이외의 상대적으로 저렴한 한우 저지방 부위를 이용 한 급식 메뉴 개발의 필요성 및 타당성을 제공하는데 있어서 의미있는 시도라고 할 수 있다. 현재 한우를 이용하고 있는 학교급식의 만족도가 사용 전에 비해 향상된 것을 볼 때, 향 후 학교급식에서는 성장기 청소년들에게 영양적 가치가 뛰 어난 양질의 단백질 공급을 위하여 수입산 쇠고기가 아닌 저 지방 한우의 사용은 아직 한우 사용을 본격적으로 시도하고 있지 않은 학교급식에서도 신중히 고려해볼 만한 사항이라 고 생각된다. 이는 학생들에게 우리나라에서 생산된 안전하 고 품질 좋은 쇠고기를 섭취하게 하는 한편, 한우 제공자의 측면에서 이용 부위의 편중화를 줄이고, 다양한 부위별 판매를 이루어 한우의 수급 불균형 완화 차원에서도 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대할 수 있다. 이러한 다양한 기대효과를 거두기 위해서는 학교급식에 활용 가능한 한우 저지방 부위 를 이용한 다양한 메뉴의 개발이 더욱 활발히 진행되어야 하 며, 개발 메뉴에 대한 영양사 및 조리사 등을 대상으로 한 조 리교육이 필요할 것이다(Han & Lee 2010; 한우자조금관리위 원회 2006). 또한 한우 저지방 부위 사용 증대를 위하여 정부 나 지자체의 정책적․경제적 지원이 확대되고, 강조되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined 389 customers visiting restaurants located in the Guemo mountain resort who filled out self-administered questionnaires. The results showed that 60% of the participants dined out monthly. The 30 to 40-year-old age group did so the most frequently, dining out one to two times weekly. For men, the favorite menu item was the sanchejeongsik along side traditional liquor and for women was the samgaetang. By age, the 20, 30, and 60-year olds selected samgaetang as their favorite, the 40-year-olds selected traditional liquor, and the 50-year-olds selected the sanchejungsik. The reasons for selecting the dishes were because participants previously enjoyed them or considered the dishes healthy, regardless of sex or age. Participants suggested that the sanchejeongsik and samgaetang be promoted for tourism, without significant differences between gender. The current findings suggest that the quality of certain local menu such as sanchejungsik and samgaetang could be improved to become more nutritious for future customers. Also, traditional Korean liquor may become even more popular with visitors to the Guemo mountain resort if paired with simple menu items such as jeon or muk.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to develop definite and practical marketing strategies for coffee shop managers or preliminary founders through empirical analysis of the effects of desert menu quality characteristics a mainstay of coffee shop-on store choice and revisit frequency. The results of this study are summarized as follows. The results showed that the menu quality characteristics taste, price, hygienic conditions, and health had significant effects on store choice and repurchase frequency through customer satisfaction, whereas originality was rejected due to the lack of menu originality. Both shop choice and repurchase frequency through customer satisfaction were also significant. This suggests that there is a need for the development of a diverse desert menu to increase competitiveness, creation of new customers, and regular customer management.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the life cycle of menus and made suggestions on the appropriate time for when new menus should be developed. For this purpose, a total of 636 customers who visited ‘T’ Restaurant more than 25 times in the past three years were used for analysis. After estimating product life cycles based on sales and selling period, an empirical study was conducted. In terms of product life cycle, a growth stage was observed in the category of pasta and pizza in both stores A and B, whereas sales in the rice category stayed constant. Regarding trend in seasonal sales, a big difference was detected between the two stores. While store A was already in the decline stage of the life cycle in all menu categories, store B remained in the growth stage. In terms of menu life cycle, the product life cycle of long-lived products was observed in the pasta category in both stores A and B. While the pizza category was in the growth stage, the product life cycle of long-lived products was observed in the rice category. It is expected that the results of this study could be useful in development of new menus and product life cycle management to fulfill diverse customer needs in the dining-out business.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research analyzed the naming standard of Korea menu names divided into two groups, main dish and side dish. The research was conducted by contents analysis of selected literature articles and multiple-response cross tabulation analysis. The result demonstrated that the naming standard of Korea food consisted of the main ingredient name - sub ingredient name - main condiment name and main recipe. On the other hand, the menu name that is in native language or has a historical origin is exempt from this classification. Therefore, this study proposes a new standard, 'Hansik Menu Naming', to assist the food service industry and correct the names of unknown foreign dishes.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The middle school subjects were 65.8% girls and 34.2% boys. Seniors were most abundant at 56.3%. The most abundant location was Gyeonggi-do (54.7%), and 69.3% of subjects were living with 4?5 family members. Approximately 56% of the mothers had graduated from high school, and 58.1% were unemployed. The mother most often prepared the food (78.4%), fish was eaten mostly in the home, and taste was the most important factor (62.6%). The preferred home food menu was fish because it is healthy, and the main cause for disliking the school meal service was poor quality dishes compared to a home cooked meal. The acceptance and type of fish were proportional. Rice was the most favored dish to eat with fish and scored 3.97, the highest rank. Approximately 50% answered that fish was nutritious, and a significant difference was observed regarding the mother's educational background (p<0.05). Students who never had a lecture about fish answered that fish was not nutritious, which showed a significant difference with education (p<0.05). Approximately 44% of students ate fish 2?3 times per week, and male students showed a significantly higher intake of fish than female students (p<0.05). The poorly educated disliked fish the most, and the higher frequency intake of fish resulted in a significantly higher percentile (p<0.001).
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kimchi is the most well-known Korean traditional food, but it is also the main leftover of school lunch and dinner menus. This study aimed to familiarize teenagers with kimchi through school meals and to increase their daily kimchi intake, ultimately by appealing to the young generation's taste. A questionnaire survey was conducted in the Ansan area to examine student's acceptability of kimchi and their attitudes toward kimchi. Approximately 65% of males and 67% of female students liked the moderately fermented and pungent taste of kimchi. Kimchi served in school meals was regarded as nutritional but cheap. Approximately 72% of male and 82% of female students responded that they liked menu items using kimchi. Approximately 48% of students responded that menu items using kimchi in schools are not diverse. Students preferred meat as an ingredient in kimchi. The preferred cooking methods were stir-frying and frying, whereas boiling was the least favorite. Based on the survey results, ten kimchi menu items had been developed. The suitability of the menu was evaluated by students and cooks. Six kimchi items, including Kimchi mixed with rice, chicken, soybean sprouts, Kimchi cheese rice, stewed beef ribs with kimchi, rice topped with kimchi curry, kimchi cheese meat roast, and kimchi udong were considered appropriate for school meals, whereas kimchi kangchong, kimchi topokki, kimchi stew with surimi, and frozen Pollack kimchi soup were not suitable as menu items. Kimchi topokki was not accepted by students, while kimchi kangchong was not accepted by cooks. Cooks judged the suitability of a menu item by the cooking process and cooking times, whereas students judged an item by its sensory preference. Approximately 63% of students responded that kimchi intake has increased by participating in the development of kimchi dishes.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to aide in the design of an improved menu book, which could play an important role as a marketing tool, the current version of the menu books and managers (subjects) of 295 restaurants in the Incheon area were examined. These were managers of Korean (36.3%), Western (25.8%), Japanese (14.6%), cafeteria (12.5%) and Chinese (10.8%) style restaurants. The level of service (self-evaluation, 3-point scale) was average 2.25±0.45. The general colorings of the menu books were green (19.0%), brown (18.6%), black (17.6%), yellow (15.9%), red (13.6%) and blue (13.2%). The material of the menu book cover was mainly leather (35.9%), and the internal material was mainly coated paper (59.7%). Physically, the design was two-panel fold (38.3%), two-panel multi-page (35.6%), die style (10.2%), single panel (8.1%) and tent style (7.8%). The type sizes were unchanged in 49.9% of the menu books and in 61.7% photos were not used. 53.9% of menu books did not explain the menus, and 13.2% did not classify the items into groups. Emphasis of profit-making menus was not done in 66.8%. 51.5% of menu books were irreplaceable in parts. The emphasis of profit-making menus was less among the Korean style restaurants (p<0.001). The possibility of partial replacement of menu books was lower in both Korean and Chinese restaurants (p<0.001). The explanation of the items was lower in the Japanese restaurants (p<0.001). The classification of items into groups was lower in cafeteria (p<0.001). In cases in which there were both seasonal and event menus, the possibility of partial replacements of menu books was higher (p<0.001). Restaurants of which service level was less than ordinary were lower in the differentiation of type sizes (p<0.001), the use of photos (p<0.001), the explanation of menus (p<0.001), the classification of menus by groups (p<0.05), the emphasis of profit-making menus (p<0.001) and the possibility of partial replacement of menu books (p<0.001). If these study findings are applied to the designing of menu books, the role of the menu book as an important tool for marketing could be greatly improved.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Frying is the most popular cooking style used in food service institutions in Korea because fried dishes are well accepted by students. However, trans fat contents reduction have recently been required in many foods for health reasons Therefore, alternatives to frying such as oven baking or roasting are being used in many institutions. Steam convection ovens provide dry heat as well as steam so that they can be used to make a wide variety of Korean dishes. In this study, a menu acceptance test was conducted over 2 weeks. Pork, chicken, fish and potato dishes cooked by conventional cooking methods were served for 4 successive days, after which the same dishes were prepared using the oven. Overall, 322 junior high school students evaluated the traditionally cooked foods, while 316 evaluated the oven cooked foods. Comparison of the foods prepared using both methods only revealed a significant difference in the acceptability of foods on the fish menu (p<0.05). Specifically, the acceptance of fried fish was higher than that of the oven baked fish. Additionally, overall acceptance of the menu by males was higher than the acceptance by girls. Furthermore, students who had the preference for special ingredients showed a higher menu acceptance for the menu cooked with those ingredients. On average, approximately 25% of the meal was not consumed and left as plate waste. The portion of the fried fish not consumed was smaller than that of the oven cooked fish, but the portion not consumed did not vary based on cooking method for any other foods evaluated. Overall, it is expected that the oven cooking method will be a good substitute for frying or other cooking method for traditional Korean dishes.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of 6 Sigma on menu management, work commitment and quality in the culinary division of hotels and family restaurants. In addition, this study sought to identify the effects of menu management, work commitment and quality performance on customer satisfaction. Furthermore the relationship between menu management and culinary quality was evaluated here. The subjects evaluated in this study were employees of culinary division of hotels and family restaurants that implemented or were about to adopt the 6 Sigma program. A total of 385 questionnaires were analyzed using factor analysis, a reliability test, and covariance structural analysis. The results revealed that the 6 Sigma program influenced menu management, work commitment and culinary quality. Moreover, menu management, work commitment and culinary quality performance were found to impact customer satisfaction and culinary quality performance. Based on these findings, culinary divisions of hotels and family restaurants should incorporate the 6 Sigma program as soon as possible. To implement this program, faultless data for the 6 Sigma program should be collected using sufficient preparation procedures. After the data were collected, a task force team should be developed, experts should be cultivated and employees should be trained as necessary. Finally, the current level of product and services should be measured and reported to all employees in the culinary division and a challenge spirit should be brought with understanding for the reason for implementation of the 6 Sigma program. In implementing the 6 Sigma program, the leadership of the top manager and the head of the culinary division is very important.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, increasing interests in local foods have been highlighted along with active efforts and activities from autonomy organizations to develop local cultures and promote local economies by generating value added products and profits through the development of local foods. Subsequently, useful effects might result by making local foods attractive to tourists, such as by using indigenous Gimpo products to makc menu items that incorporate the social, economic, and cultural aspects of the Gimpo area, and contributing to its food culture, the development and use of its indigenous products, and promoting local restaurant businesses, etc. The items of the Survey used to select the local food menu items to be developed were limited to ideas offered by expert groups, and were implemented by a new menu developmεnt process. In order to derive the menu items to develop, the following method was applied: a brainstorming session with experts to generate and draft ideas, a questionnaire to chefs and cooks in special grade hotels is Seoul to select thε menu items to develop from those drafted, and sensory evaluations by experts to evaluate the developed items. Frequency analysis and technical statistical analysis were performed using the SPSS 12.0 program package, where 13 kinds of local foods were ultimately developed using indigenous products of Gimpo. The developed local food menu items werε rice & grape sujaebi, grape sikhae, fried rice embryo bud, grape yanggaeng, rice pancakes, rice spaghetti, grape seed oil dressing, grape sauce, rice pizza, grape pie, rice & grape ice cream, grape chocolate, and rice roll cakes.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the menu of a Japanese restaurant in a first class tourism hotel. The calculations used for the menu analysis were conducted using MS Excel 2003. Several previous studies have been conducted to analyze menus. For example, Pavesic used of the weighted contribution margins (WCM) and potential food cost (PFC%) to evaluate menus, while Kasavana & Smith used the mix margin (MM%) and unit contribution margin (CM) to evaluate menus. The menu engineering method focused on the customer's viewpoints, while the Cost/Margin analysis method considered the manager's viewpoints. The menus that need continuous keeping Kasavana & Smith (Star) and Pavesic (Standard) included 'Assorted sashimi with side dishes (big), 'Lunch box special', 'Tempura course', 'Broiled Spanish mackerel and side dishes', 'Shrimp tempura', 'Special sushi', 'Seafood Udong', 'Buckwheat noodles'. The results of this study should increase customer satisfaction and profits at the Japanese Restaurant.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to survey the current status of bread menus at school, business and industry (B & I), and military foodservice operations and to analyze dietitians' perceptions of applying rice bread in foodservice menus. A questionnaire, which was developed by content analysis, situation analysis, and in-depth interview, was distributed to 183 schools, 31 B & I operations, and 26 air force dietitians. In the school and B & I foodservices, wheat bread was used much more than rice bread and serving frequencies of morning rolls and sliced bread were higher. The military foodservices, however, served much more rice bread as burger buns than the other groups. For the school and B&I operations, consumer preference for wheat bread was perceived as high. In contrast, soldiers preferred rice bread to wheat bread in the military foodservices. The recognized advantages of using rice bread were different among the three groups. The military dietitians perceived the main advantage of using rice bread as an increase of rice consumption, while the school and B & I dietitians viewed it as promoting a healthy image. In all groups, the primary difficulties for using rice bread were the higher cost of rice bread as compared to wheat bread and a lack of facilities (e.g. oven). The military dietitians had the highest levels of positive and active interest as well as intention and opinions toward using rice bread. On the other hand, the school and B & I dietitians had very positive perceptions of rice bread but did not actually apply it in their foodservice menus. Overall, the results of this study suggest that the development of diverse menus using rice bread along with government support of its use, including facilities with ovens as well as rice bread subsidies, should be carried out for on-going expansion of the rice bread supply.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Survey on the food intake status and health condition of the elerly over 65 years old living in Damyang Jeonnam was performed and meal menus for the pavillion were developed using local products. Allowance of the elderly less than 100,000 won was 45%. The local products of the area recognized by the elderly were bamboo shoot (30%) > bamboo (22.5%) > bamboo basket (12.5%) > do not know (15%) > green tea (10%) > rice(7.5%) > vegetable. In dental health, 52.5% of them had bad condition but 62.5% did not use denture at all. The most favorate foods were Korean (92.5%) and Chinese and Japanese were favored by 5%, and 2.5%, respectively. In percentage of eat-out and use of instant foods, 42.5% of them answered that eating-out chances were very rare and 62.5% answered that they do not use instant foods at all. Potassium intakes for the male and female elderly were significantly very low with values of 2579.2 mg and 2601 mg, respectively (p < 0.05). Calorie intakes for men were 1678.5 kcal, which was only 84% of RI and 1470.8 kcal for women (92%). Shortages of nutrition including calcium intake and others were very serious and the meal was not nutritionally balanced based upon the study of GMDFO. The menu for the elderly in busy farming season of the area were developed with the use of local products and the information from the study.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dietary behavior of the elerly over 65 and local products in Yeongi Chungnam were studied during busy farming season and meal menu was developed based upon the information surveyed. In allowance, 45% of them lived with less then one hundred thousand won but 95% had their own residence(P<0.001). The dental health conditions of the male and female elderly did not show significant differences but had tendencies of bad conditions with 68% and 80%, respectively. Percentage of using denture at least one side was only 48%(P<0.05). Meal preparation was mostly done by 75% of the female elderly and only 64% of the elderly in the area took meals regularly. Recommended intakes(RIs) of calorie, protein, dietary fiber, calcium for the elderly were significantly very low(P<0.001), but those of sodium were high(P<0.05). Meal menu was developed for the meal service introduction in the pavilion of the elderly with considerations of the food habits, nutritional status, and local products studied.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of menu price and image on perceived sacrifice and value of tourist restaurant, the mediating effects of perceived sacrifice on the relationships between menu price and value, and between image and value. A total of 273 questionnaires were completed. ANCOVA was used to measure the mediating effects of perceived sacrifice on the relationships among menu price, image, and value. When the menu price and perceived sacrifice were regressed on the value, the menu price and perceived sacrifice were statistically significant. Moreover, when the image and perceived sacrifice were regressed on the value, the image and perceived sacrifice had a statistically significant effects on value. The results demonstrated that perceived sacrifice played a mediating role in the relationship between menu price and value.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the hotel industry, the situations having difficulties in management are becoming we planed by the rises of the cost and labor costs, the imbalance between supply and demand, stiffening competitions between the hotels. Therefore, there has been a plan for a great change to attract customers, escaping from the existing form of management in order to secure competitive powers in the food and beverage field. For that purpose, we plan to investigate into the preference of buffet restaurants in ten 5star hotels in Seoul. By the analysis, we also plan to present the menu concepts that stand out and are preferred by the customers in managing semi-buffet restaurants. Therefore, the linear and planar coordinate values of the H Hotels and I Hotels came out both positive(+) as results of a similarity analysis using MOS, we can predict that they would be positioning on the same dimension. Furthermore we can predict that the menu of antipasto, sushi, sashimi and desserts would be positioning on the same dimension as a result of analysis of the most preferred menu by customers for each station in managing a semi-buffet restaurant. Based on these results, there must be continuous supervision over the menu of buffet restaurants.
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