
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 877

        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리밀(금강밀)과 쑥을 이용하여 식초를 제조하고 이들의 항산화 활성을 조사하였다. 당화액에 S. cerevisiase KCCM 11215를 2.5%(v/v)로 접종하여 30℃에서 4일간 정치발효 하였으며 6%의 알코올이 생성되었다. Acetobacter pasteurianus A8 균주를 종균으로 사용하여 초산 발효 조건을 살펴본 결과발효온도 35℃, 종균 접종량 5%이었으며, 20일간 정치 발효하여 5.6%의 초산이 생성되었다. 최적조건에서 발효된 우리밀 쑥식초의 유기산 및 유리아미노산의 총량은 각각 5.6 g% 및 485.8 mg%로 나타났다. 또한, 우리밀 쑥식초의 총 페놀릭스 함량 및 항산화 활성은 각각 2.09 g/L 및 82.83%로 쑥을 첨가하지 않은 우리밀 식초보다 약 1.45배 및 1.9배 높은 총 phenolics 함량 과 항산화 활성을 나타내었다. 따라서, 우리밀과 쑥을 이용하여 유리 아미노산이 풍부하고 페놀릭스 함량이 높은 기능성 우리밀 쑥식초를 제조할 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The quality characteristics of noodles made from domestic Korean wheat flour added with 0, 1, 3, 5% cactus Chounnyuncho (Opuntia humifusa) powder were investigated. The water absorption and peak time of dough, as determined by farinography, increased with higher cactus powder content. Stability and elasticity of dough decreased as fermentation proceeded. Cooking characteristics of noodles made from dough such as weight, water absorption, and volume decreased with higher cactus powder content. The turbidity of cooked water increased significantly with 5% cactus powder content. For color test, L-value decreased while a-value and b-value increased with higher cactus powder content. In texture analyses, hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, and gumminess increased with higher cactus powder content. In the sensory test, noodles containing 3% cactus powder were the most preferred.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For replacement of methyl bromide(MB) in Korea, there are several chemical options being introduced and developed in preplant and postharvest sections. In soil case, methyl-isothiocyanate(MITC) generating fumigant such as dazomet and metham sodium are currently being adapted for prevent from spreading soilborne disease and nematode, although there will be more successful application technology needed to develop in domestic circumstances. Also, ethanedinitrile(EDN), is newly developed chemical, could be one of the options to eradicate notorious soilborne diseases and nematodes near future. Ethyl formate(EF) now is showing the potential to replace MB in terms of consumer and worker safety and unwanted phytotoxic damage in routine MB fumigation. A phosphine gas(PH3) could be the last option to protect the import and export stored grains from stored grain insects and to solve the current issue such as PH3-resistant insect and consumer safety issues to replace metal phosphide. EDN also should be extended its use in not only timber and log fumigation in quarantine purpose but in use of national heritage and forest to keep wood infested pest safer. This presentation will be good opportunities to share the information and discuss with further research needs in current MB alterative program.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Slips and falls are associated with many public injuries in Korea. It is also estimated that slipping are major contributors to slip, trip and fall injury burden. The primary purpose of the present study is to determine if, and to what extent, the standard could be improved in present environment. In order to fulfill our objective, the regulations in Korea and foreign countries were investigated and reviewed. Many kind of standard, mandatory documents and guideline were also reviewed. And then, regulations, standard, guideline etc. reviewed were compared with each others. Also, some criteria was developed in this study. Standard and criteria developed in this study will help to prevent slip, trip, and fall injuries.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        현행 우리나라 중재법은 국제연합 국제상거래법위원회(UNCITRAL)의 1985년 ‘국제상사에 관한 모델법’(UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration)을 전면적으로 수용하면서 형식적으로는 국제적 규범으로서의 중재법을 가지게 되었다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 우리 중재법이 상거래에 국한된 중재법이 아니고 위 모델법이 채택 된 시기에는 정보통신기술이 현재에 이르는 것을 상상조차 힘들었던 시기였고, 변호사법 등에 의한 국내중재의 억제 등 우리나라의 상황을 참작하였다고 보기 어렵다. 이 논문에서 중재의 중대한 장점인 신속성과 경제성 나아가 갈등감소의 이익을 박탈하여 버리는 중재판정의 집행절차에 대하여 검토하여 보고자한다. 중재제도가 우리보다 활성화된 다른 국가의 경우를 비교법적으로 살펴 현재 국내중재의 집행절차의 문제점을 살피고 그 해결책으로서의 입법론 또는 해석론을 살펴보았다. 우리 중재법은 중재지를 기준으로 중재지가 우리나라인 국내중재와 중재지가 외국인 외국중재를 구별하고 있을 뿐이다. 중재의 활성화 특히 국내중재의 활성화를 위해서는 이를 세밀하게 구분하고 승인 집행의 절차도 국내중재판정의 승인집행은 외국중재판정보다 간이한 절차에 의하여 이루어져야 한다. 일응 선진국은 국내중재판정의 집행에 대하여 대부분 변론없이 결정, 명령, 허가와 같은 간이한 절차에 의하거나 사실상 집행권원으로 인정하는 국가도 있다. 우리 중재법은 제35조에서 이미 중재판정이 확정판결과 효력이 같다고 천명하고 있다. 또한 제38조에 의하여 제36조 제2항의 사유가 없으면 집행되어져야 한다는 것도 명시하고 있다. 그런데 위 취소사유에 의하여 중재판정의 취소를 구하는 자는 중재판정의 정본을 받은 날부터 3개월 이내에 제기하여야하고 이는 제척기간임은 의심의 여지가 없다. 따라서 판정서 정본이 송달 된 이후 3개월이 경과하였다면 국내중재판정에 대하여는 더 이상 심리할 이유나 명분이 없다. 생각건대 당사자의 신청에 의하여 법원이 중재법 제32조 제4항에 의하여 보관된 중재판정원본과 그 송부사실을 증명하는 서류 등에 의한 심사를 거쳐 집행문을 부여한다. 위 제척기간이 도과하지 않은 경우에는 집행절차도중 중재판정 취소의 소송이 제기되면 집행정지, 집행문부여에 대한 이의 신청이나 이의의 소를 제기하여 혹여 발생할 부당한 집행에 대한 구제가 가능하기 때문이다. 이는 법률의 제정이나 개정 없이 현행법으로 가능하므로 이는 법적용 또는 해석의 문제일 뿐이다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Domestic 105㎜ HE (High Explosive) shell is composed of three parts that are Fuze, Projectile and Propellants. Among three parts, propelling charge of propellants part consists of single base propellants. It has been known that the lifespan of single base propellants is affected by a storage period. These are because Nitrocellulose (NC) which is the main component of propelling gunpowder can be naturally decomposed to unstable substances similar with other nitric acid ester. Even though it cannot be prevented fundamentally from being disassembled, a decomposition product (NO2, NO3, and HNO3) and tranquillizer DPA (Diphenylamine) having high reactivity are added into a propellant to restrain induction of automatic catalysis by a decomposition product. The decay rate of the tranquillizer is also affected by a production rate of the decomposition product of NC. Therefore, an accurate prediction of the Self-Life is required to ensure against risks such as explosion. Hereupon, this paper presents a new methodology to estimate the shelf-life of single base propellants using data of ASRP (Ammunition Stockpile Reliability Program) to domestic 105mm HE (propelling charge of propellants part). We selected four attributes that are inferred to have influence on distribution of the DPA amount in a propellant from the ASRP dataset through data mining processes. Then the selected attributes were used as independent variables in a regression analysis in order to estimate the shelf-life of single base propellants. 1)
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to use the Kano model to compare and analyze the educational service quality attributes of domestic and foreign culinary arts schools. For this purpose, a questionnaire-based survey was completed by 312 students who were studying in domestic and foreign culinary schools. The results of the study indicated that 23 of the total 25 attributes were significantly different between domestic and foreign culinary arts school.; the “minium 4 hour-kitchen class" and “mandatory internship program” were classified into “indifferent quality” for domestic schools and a “must-be quality” for foreign schools; “well-organized internship guidebook”, “kitchen class limited to 20 students”, “introducing the latest food or restaurant trends”, “library with the latest publications related to major”, “objective instructor's evaluation”, “detailed instructor's evaluation”, “instructor's field experience”, and “decent communication skills on the part of the instructor” attributes were classified into “attractive quality” for domestic schools and “must-be quality” for foreign schools; and “kitchen classes operated by block system”, and “foreign instructors for each ethnic cuisine” attributes were classified into “indifferent” and “attractive quality” for both domestic and foreign schools, respectively. Also, according to the Better and Worse quotient designed by Timko, there were more attributes for domestic school than for foreign school that scored over 0.5 in the Better category and fewer attributes for domestic than the foreign scored over 0.5 in the Worse category. The results also indicate that, students in foreign schools receive an educational service of better quality than students in a domestic school. As a result, this research suggests significant implications to develop culinary educational services.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study proposes an educational direction to be followed by the clothing departments of Korea's specialized high schools in order to help achieve high levels of job placements and to strengthen their students' competitiveness. A comparison was made of the curricula in Korea's specialized high schools and in several fashion schools in other countries including the United States, Italy, France, Taiwan, and Japan. To this end, publicly available educational records were retrieved from domestic school documentation, vocational high school portals, and domestic/overseas school web sites, and were then reviewed. The archival data extracted from these sources shows that the curricula of the three chosen domestic schools uniformly focus on foundational courses such as general computer skills, general design, accounting principles, design principles, and drawing, as well as practical courses such as the design of western clothing, fashion design, fashion CAD, management of clothing material, design of Korean clothing, and knitting. Unlike these standardized courses, it was found that overseas fashion schools provide a more technically-advanced and design-focused education based on the interests of the individual student. Moreover, their education system nurtures the students' creativity through adequate field experience and history/language education. The findings of this study suggest that Korean specialized high schools should find a way to accommodate their students' interests and to provide them with personalized fashion education by adopting a more flexible curriculum. An educational line that considers the individual student's aptitudes and career path will help foster creativity and novel ideas, which, in turn, will contribute to the development of the fashion industry.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 농식품 수출이 국내 가격지지효과를 가지고 있음을 제시하고자 현재의 국내 경제상황에서 우리나라 농식품의 수출이 감소하는 경우를 가정하여 그 영향을 분석하였다. 방법론은 연산가능일반 균형모형 중 GTAP모형을 이용하였다. 결과를 보면, 감소된 수출에 해당되는 생산량이 국내 시장으로 유입되어 농식품부문 가격 하락을 야기시키는 것으로 나타났다. 가장 크게 영향을 받는 부문은 1차 농축수산물부문에서는 수산물, 기타곡물, 쌀, 과일/채소 순이였으며, 가공식품부문에서는 설탕, 식용유, 일반가공식품 순으로 나타났다. 이중 농산물부문인 쌀, 기타곡물, 과일/채소의 국내 가격수준 하락은 일반가공식품에 비하여 상대적으로 더욱 두드러지게 나타났는데, 이는 수출의 하락이 국내 원료농산물시장에 상대적으로 더욱 큰 교란을 주는 것을 제시하며, 따라서 국내 농업생산자에게 주는 부정적인 영향이 상대적으로 크다는 것을 의미한다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the state of the articles in the Korean Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and overall research trends in this field in an effort to grasp the reality of the Journal and suggest some of the right directions for the development of research in this field. 332 articles that were printed in the Korean Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology over the past decade (2003-2012) were selected for the purpose of analysis. As a result of analysing the 332 articles in 52 issues of the Journal, it's found that a mean of 6.3 articles were contained in each issue. As for the form of article, original articles was more common than case reports, which were respectively used in 275 articles (82.8%) and 57 articles (17.2%). Concerning research methods by year, cell culture was most prevailing (124 articles, 37.3%), followed by clinicopathologic study (68, 20.5%), case report (62, 18.8%), animal experiments (28, 8.4%), clinical trial study (28, 8.4%) and others (22, 6.6%). As to the number of researchers, the majority of the articles were written by two or more researchers. The most common number of researchers was three (66 articles, 19.9%), and the number of the articles written by two (49, 14.8%) was similar to that of the articles written by four (47, 14.2%). 38 articles (11.4%) were written by eight researchers or more. Regarding the language of the articles, Korean was used in 213 articles (64.2%), and English was used in 119 articles (35.8%). As for the number of references, this number ranged from a low of zero(in the articles related to the history of pathology) to a high of 71, and the average number of references was 27.91. In relation to the themes of research, the largest number of the articles (47, 32.6%) dealt with oral squamous cell carcinoma, followed by diseases related to odontogenic carcinoma (21, 14.5%), diseases related to odontogenic cyst (17, 11.7%), salivary gland tumor (seven, 4.8%) and granuloma (five, 3.5%). The efforts by this study to explore the shifts of articles and recent research trends are expected to provide useful information on how to accelerate the identity building of this journal and the development of research in oral and maxillofacial pathology.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, two commercial PCR and ELISA test kits were examined for identification of eight animal species (beef, pork, chicken, duck, turkey, goat, lamb, and horse) from raw meat and meat products in Korea. The detection limit in RAW meat ELISA kit® on three types of meat samples blended with beef, pork and chicken, demonstrated that all meat species were differentiable down to 0.2%. RAW meat ELISA kit® on animal species resulted in differentiation rate of 94.5% for beef, 93.3% for pork, 90% for lamb, and 100% for chicken, duck, turkey, goat, and horse. In contrast, Powercheck Animal Species ID PCR kitTM resulted in 100% specificity at 0.05% limit of detection for all meat species. The detection limit of Cooked Meat ELISA kit® on mixed meat samples heat-treated with different temperatures and times, resulted in 0.1% for all heat-treated mixed meat except for chicken at 1.0%. Additionally, ELISA kit on sixty meat products resulted in specificity of 31.8% for ham, 13.6% for sausages, and 12.5% for ground processed products, and relatively low rate for more than 2 types of mixed meats. On the contrary, meat species differentiation using PCR kit showed higher percentage than that using ELISA kit®: 50.0% for ham, 41.7% for sausages, and 28.6% for ground processed meat. Futhermore, PCR kit on 54 dried beef meats detected pork genes in 13 products whereas ELISA kit showed negative results for all products. Hence, the possibility of cross-contamination during manufacturing process was investigated, and it was found that identical tumblers, straining trays, cutters and dryers were used in both beef and pork jerky production line, suggesting the inclusion of pork genes in beef products due to cross-contamination. In this study, PCR and ELISA test kits were found to be excellent methods for meat species differentiation in raw meat and heat-processed mixed meat. However, lower differentiation rate demonstrated in case of meat processed products raised the possibility of inclusion of other species due to cross-contamination during manufacturing process.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the residual sulfur dioxide residues (SO2) in commercial medicinal herbs in Korea in 2013. Among a total of 116 samples of 11 different kinds of herbs, 71 samples (11 Kinds) were domestic, and 45 samples (10 Kinds) were imported. The residual contents of SO2 in the samples were determinated by a modified Monier-Williams method. Of the 116 samples, 6 samples (5.2%, 4 Kinds) failed to meet the regulations for sulfur dioxide residues of KFDA in medicinal herbs. Among 6 unsuitable samples, 1 samples (1.4%) were domestic, and 5 samples (11.1%, 3 Kinds) were imported. The highest amount of sulfur dioxide residues was 1546.3 mg/kg (Lycii Fructus) in the domestic samples. Regardless of region, SO2 contents were not found at Anemarrhenae Rhizoma, Citri Unshius Pericarpium, Eucommiae Cortex, Forsythiae Fructus, Gardeniae Fructus, Leonuri Herba and Lonicerae Folium et caulis. These data will be used as a basic data for the future legislation on the regulation and control of sulfur dioxide of herbal medicines.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내 진출 외국기업과 국내기업의 인적자원관리가 기업경영성과 및 노사관계에 미치는 영향을 분석한다.2005-2009년간의 사업체 패널자료를 사용하였고 확률효과모형(RadomEffectModel)을 활용하고 있다.주요 분석결과는 다음과 같다.기업의 근로자 수가 많을수록 당기매출액과 영업이익이 높으며 외국기업의 경우 기업규모가 클수록 이직률이 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 국내기업의 경우 임금수준이 높더라도 이직률이 높게 나타나고 있는데 이는 국내기업에서의 이직률은 단순한 임금수준에 의해 결정되는 것이 아니라 업무강도나 환경 등 다양한 요소에 의해 결정되기 때문으로 파악된다.인력계획을 실시하면 국내기업의 경우 당기매출액과 영업이익이 높아지는 것으로 분석되었다.근로자 중 여성비율이 높을수록 당기매출액과 영업이익에는 부정적인 영향을 미친 것으로 분석되었다. 다면평가제를 실시할 경우 대체로 매출액,영업이익은 물론이고 노사관계에도 긍정적인 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 근참법에 근거한 노사협의회가 실질적으로 유지될수록 노사관계가 원만하며 근로자들의 이직률도 낮출 수 있는 것으로 분석되었다.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Over the last decade, 350,000 people have moved from Mongolia’s countryside to the suburbs of its capital, Ulaanbaatar, where they live in abject poverty despite the rapid economic development of the country. This article proposes three complementary international legal analyses of this internal migration. First, because this migration is partly and indirectly induced by the adverse impacts of climate change, States have a common but differentiated responsibility to assist the Mongolian government to address climate migration. Second, Mongolia should bear its own responsibilities to take steps to realize the social and economic rights of its population without discrimination. Third, Mongolia’s commercial partners should be warned against any control or influence that would cause harm to Mongolia, in application to public international law on State responsibility and to States’ extraterritorial human rights obligations. While each narrative reveals an important dimension of a complex phenomenon, this article argues that all policy levers must urgently be pulled to guarantee the rights of Mongolia’s internal migrants.
        2014.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Domestic 105㎜ HE (High Explosive) shell is divided into three parts (Fuze, Projectile and Propellants). Among three parts, propelling charge of propellants part consists of single base propellants. The lifespan of single base propellants is affected by a storage period. These are because Nitrocellulose (NC) which is the main component of propelling gunpowder can be naturally decomposed to unstable substances similar with other nitric acid ester. Even though it cannot be prevented fundamentally from being disassembled, a decomposition product (NO2, NO3, and HNO3) and tranquillizer DPA (Diphenylamine) having high reactivity are added into a propellant to restrain induction of automatic catalysis by a decomposition product. The decay rate of the tranquillizer is also affected by a production rate of the decomposition product of NC. Therefore, an accurate prediction of the Self-Life is required so that it is ensure against risks. Hereupon, this paper presents a new methodology to estimate the shelf-life of single base propellants using data of ASRP (Ammunition Stockpile Reliability Program) to domestic 105mm HE (propelling charge of propellants part). We selected four attributes that is inferred to have influence on distribution of the DPA amount in a propellant from the ASRP dataset through data mining processes. Then the selected attributes were used as independent variables in a regression analysis in order to estimate the shelf-life of single base propellants.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The physicochemical characteristics of 4 domestic wheat flour products were compared to those of 4 imported wheat flour products marketed in Korea. The contents of moisture, ash, protein, total dietary fiber (TDF), color (L, a, b), whiteness, solvent retention capacity (SRC), water absorption index (WAI), water soluble index (WSI), pasting characteristics by rapid visco analyzer (RVA), and principle component analysis (PCA) were analyzed. The domestic wheat flour products were composed of higher content in ash and protein, compared to the imported wheat flour products. The domestic wheat flour products had lower SRC and WSI characteristics than the imported wheat flour products. The values of lactic acid SRC (LASRC) in the imported wheat flour products showed an increasing trend as the protein content increased. The differences in viscosity were observed in the domestic wheat flour products. However, no major significant differences of viscosity were found among the imported wheat flour products. The result of PCA showed a consistent trend in the imported wheat flour (strong, medium, and weak), while a consistent trend was not shown in the domestic wheat flour products. Therefore, further research is needed to standardize the different types of domestic wheat flour products.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As Crosby notes, the most companies spend 15 to 20% of their sales dollars on quality costs. Generally the most effective way to manage quality costs is to avoid having defects in the first place. In this paper we have studied about the repair(service) problem of domestic gas boiler within warranty period. We develop a system, which man could find the cause of the problem at an early stage and could devise a countermove to the problem under supposing that the service(repair) rate follows exponential distribution and the product is manufactured lot-for-lot continually. Using the developed early sensing system. it is expected to improve the reliability of the product, to save expenses of company and to improve customer’s satisfaction. And the system will be expended to incorporate information technology, which can detect the repair rate automatically.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Accurate information on the genetic and phenotypic characteristics and diversity of the indigenous Farm Animal Genetic Resources (FAnGR) is the basis on which their present and future sustainable utilization and conservation should be made. The paper describes the objectives, structure, functionality, content, utility and future prospects of the Country- Domestic Animal Genetic Resources Information System (DAGRIS) of ILRI. This electronic database is designed to cater for the needs of researchers, policy makers, development practitioners, eachers, students and farmers in developing countries for efficient access to available published and grey literature from past and present research results on the origin, distribution, diversity, present use and status of selected Farm Animal Genetic Resources (FAnGR) of the countries. Development of the country-modules of c-DAGRIS in English and French for Anglophone and Francophone countries is finalized and ready to be used.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the study is to estimate the Green-House-Gas (GHG) emissions from domestic eel farm in the water recirculation system or still-water system by the assessment of energy consumptions and GHG emissions for establishing to reduce standards of GHG from a sustainable perspective. GHG emission components as seeds, feed, fuel, electricity, fixed capital, fish respiration, and others were analysed at the different culture type between water recirculation system and still-water system by 3 stage farm size of small, medium, large scale. The result showed that the mean GHG emission of the eel farm was 18.7kg·CO2 in the stage of production per fish 1kg at different culture type and farm size. Therefore it could be useful for policy, planning, and regulation of aquaculture development with establishing GHG reduction standards.