
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 571

        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 논문에서는 동아시아적 자연학의 한 갈래이자 계절의 변화를 천 문기상학적 이론으로 접근시킨 고대 월령론이 성립하고 전개되는 문제 를 살펴보았다. 이때 고대 동아시아적 월령론이 정초되는 사상과 이론 의 기초로서 천문학과 기상학 관점의 논의를 주목하였고, 특히 계절의 변화에 따라 배태되는 자연물의 관찰경험적 지식이 광범위한 물후론으 로 성립하는 측면을 드러내고자 노력하였다. 이를 위해 본고에서는 먼저 그 계절의 변화론을 천문관측이론으로 설명하려는 상서 「요전」의 사중성 문제를 살펴보았고, 이를 확대하 여 매월의 별자리 관찰과 물후로 연결시킨 대대례기 「하소정」의 월 령론을 고찰하였다. 이어서 진제국의 통일이념서 역할을 하였던 여씨춘추 「십이기」에 서 비로소 본격적인 1년 12월령 체계가 수립되었고, 이는 전한시기회남자 「시칙훈」과 예기 「월령편」으로 계승되었는 바, 이 세 종류 문헌에 수록된 구체적인 천문과 물후월령의 관계를 살펴보았다. 이러는 사이에 월령론은 자연의 계절변화를 설명하는 적합한 이론틀 로 인식되고 확산되었으며, 그 끝에 후한대 성립으로 추정되는 일주서  「시훈해」는 1년 12월 24절기 체제를 더욱 공고하게 만든 1년 72후법 을 처음으로 규범화하고 체계적 설명틀로 수립하였다. 이제 자연의 계 절 변화가 매뉴얼화되어 달력이 없더라도 규범화된 각 절기의 물후 곧 절후법을 통해 쉽게 자연의 변화를 인지하고 생활 속에서 활용할 수 있게 된 것이다. 그 72후의 절후법에는 1년 태양의 변화에 따라 규칙적으로 발생하는 기상상태와 동식물의 반응양태가 다분히 경험학적으로 반영되었으므 로 이 규범체계의 확산력은 매우 광범위하였다 하겠다. 남북조시대에 들어서 6세기 중반에 반포 사용된 위서 「정광력」은 드디어 72절후법을 역법의 주요 요소로 평가하여 수록하였으며, 다만 일주서와는 다른 계통의 72후 체계를 엮어 제시하였다. 이후로 「역 지」 계통에는 반드시 72후법을 수록하는 것이 항례가 되었다. 수나라 의 <황극력 72후법>이나 당나라 전기의 <인덕력 72후법>은 이를 전승한 주요한 흐름들이며, 당나라 중기 <대연력 72후법>은 기존의 72후 순서나 내용을 다소 개변하였고, 당나라 후기 <선명력 72후법> 은 이 대연력 계통의 72후법을 전승한 것이었다. 우리나라의 경우 고려가 국초부터 당나라 <선명력>을 수용하여 사 용하였으므로, <선명력 72후법>의 이론으로 자연변화를 인식하고 설 명하였을 것이다. 고려말에 도입된 <수시력 72후법>은 기존의 72후 내용에 약간의 변화를 주었으며, 이 체계가 조선전기에도 습용되어 조 선의 학인들이 자연을 인식하는 주요 규범틀로 작용하기에 이르렀다. 이와 같이 72후에 기초한 물후월령은 월령론의 천문기상학적 접근 이자 전근대시대 자연의 변화를 해석하는 주요 통로로 기능하였다고 정리할 수 있다. 이에 따라 일상생활을 영위하는 우리로서 그 물후월령을 통해 자연과 동화되고 적응하는 삶을 구가하는 것이며, 이는 달리 말하면 우리의 일상생활을 우주론적으로 성화시키는 자연학적 기제가 여기에 놓인 것이라 이를 수가 있을 것이다. 이런 측면에서 본고의 논의 는 월령자연학으로 열리는 방향이라 하겠다. 조선 후기에 널리 성립하는 각종 세시기 문헌의 세시월령이나 각종 시가 작품으로 전하는 월령체 문학 또는 각종 구비전승으로 전개되는 민속월령 문화는 우리 문화사를 구성하는 주요 영역인 바, 그 문화의 기초가 되는 월령자연학의 역사적 흐름과 이에 대한 천문기상학적 원 리 해명을 시도한 것이 본고의 주요 관심사이자 연구 의의라 이를 수 있다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to analyze seasonal and annual variations in rice quality and factors affecting the quality, for quality evaluation of the brand rice varieties produced in Jeonnam region. Coefficient of variation (CV) values for the seasonal variation in the rice quality were 3.1% in Toyo value, 2.1% in whiteness, 1.6% in protein content, 1.0% in moisture content, and 0.4% in head rice ratio. Quality characteristics of the brand rice varieties generally showed a decreasing tendency after April, as the months progressed. CV values for the annual variation in the rice quality were relatively high at 5.6% in protein content and 5.2% in Toyo value whereas those for whiteness and head rice ratio were relatively low, at 2.7% and 1.8%, respectively. Palatability and protein content showed high correlations with minimum air temperature, sunshine hours, rainfall, and daily temperature range. Head rice ratio had a negative correlation with daily temperature range whereas chalky rice ratio had a positive correlation with rainfall. Based on these results, we formulated a multiple regression equation to estimate palatability of cooked rice using protein content, whiteness, head rice ratio, and moisture content as follows:y =-6.71a + 2.27b + 1.29c + 0.51d - 15.34 (R2=0.51*)(y: palatability of cooked rice, a: protein content, b: moisture content, c: whiteness, d: head rice ratio).
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        수열탄화 (HTC, Hydrothermal Carbonization)는 수분함량이 높은 바이오매스를 바로 적용하여 닫힌계에서(closed system)에서 승온 시키면 150℃∼250℃범위에서 열수(hot water)에 의하여 고형물의 유기물 일부가 분해되기 시작하여, 탈카르복실화(decarboxylation)와 탈수(dehydration)반응이 유도되며 O/C, H/C 비율을 낮추고 탄소고정을 통해 바이오매스 고형연료의 에너지밀도를 높여 연료로서의 특성이 향상된다. 또한 수열탄화 반응시 높은 수분함량을 건조하여 수분을 증발시키지 않고 물로 분리함으로서 수분 제거시 소비되는 에너지를 일반 건조기술 대비 50%이상 절감함으로서 하수슬러지 고형연료화의 경제성을 향상 시킬 수 있다. 이렇게 분리된 액체생성물에는 유기물 분해에 의해서 용해성 유기물이 다량 농축되어 혐기소화의 전처리 기술로도 적용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 I시 하수슬러지를 1년간 매달 sampling하여 계절별 하수슬러지 물리화학적 특성 변화와 수열탄화 적용 시 반응 및 연료 특성 변화를 확인하였다. 따라서 상용화 수열탄화 기술을 적용시 계절에 상관없이 안정적인 고형연료 확보 가능성을 확인하였다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, for selected station of 8 clusters in East Asia (Park, 2017) more (less) warming periods than the wintertime mean warming of intra-seasonal fluctuation curves were taken and their means were computed. Long term trends and synoptic features of the mean temperature changes were examined. In most clusters, around the third of January there were less warming periods (LWP) than the mean wintertime warming. On the contrary, in February and the first and second of January there were more warming periods (MWP) than the winter mean or LWPs having a warming trend with statistical signicance. Time series of the daily Siberian High indices showed they had been weakening in February and being stagnant around late January. In most stations, the mean temperatures of MWP or LWP had large negative correlation coecients with the Siberian high intensity. is result explains the occurrences of MWPs in most clusters in February and LWPs in late January. In cluster B there were LWPs in early February due to the influence of the Aleutian Low which were strengthening in that periods. Cluster E showed different features without LWPs in late January. The cluster is considered to be affected by its plateau environment of West Yúnnán and the Tibet Plateau which prevent cold air of the lower atmosphere in Northern Asia flowing southward, and by the regional atmospheric circulation of 500hPa surface centered in this region.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the intra-seasonal fluctuation (ISF) of wintertime temperature change in East Asia was classified by a cluster analysis of complete linkage. A ISF of temperature change was defined as a difference of synthesized harmonics (1 to 36 harmonic) of daily temperature averaged for 30 years (1951~1980, 1981~2010). Eight clusters were gained from the ISF curves of 96 stations in East Asia. Regions of the cluster C, G and A1 seem to be affected by the Siberian High (SH) center, whereas the cluster A1, A2, D, B and F by the SH main pathways. Regions of the cluster E are apart from the SH main pathways and appear to be in the area of influence of other factors. Wintertime temperatures in Northwest China (clusters C, G) and Northeast China (cluster A1) were increased very largely. In most clusters, around late January there were less warming periods than the winter mean of the mean ISF of the clusters, before and after this time there were more warming periods than the winter mean.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The equatorial region of the Earth’s ionosphere exhibits large temporal variations in electron density that have significant implications on satellite signal transmissions. In this paper, the first observation results of the variations in the trough of the equatorial ionospheric anomaly at the permanent Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) site in Chuuk (Geographic: 7.5° N, 151.9° E; Geomagnetic: 0.4° N) are presented. It was found that the daytime Global Positioning System (GPS) total electron content (TEC) values vary according to the 27 day period of solar rotation , and that these trends show sharp contrast with those of summer. The amplitudes of the semi-annual anomaly were 12.4 TECU (33 %) on 19th of March and 8.8 TECU (23 %) on 25th of October respectively, with a yearly averaged value of 38.0 TECU. The equinoctial asymmetry at the March equinox was higher than that at the October equinox rather than the November equinox. Daily mean TEC values were higher in December than in June, which could be interpreted as annual or winter anomalies. The nighttime GPS TEC enhancements during 20:00-24:00 LT also exhibited the semi-annual variation. The pre-midnight TEC enhancement could be explained with the slow loss process of electron density that is largely produced during the daytime of equinox. However, the significant peaks around 22:00-23:00 LT at the spring equinox require other mechanisms other than the slow loss process of the electron density.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The heat budget is investigated in the Gumi Reservoir of the Nakdong river. In warm climate season, solar radiation effects play a important role in the change of water temperature. The features of the surface heat balance are almost derived by the latent heat flux and the solar radiation flux. On the other hand, in cold climate season, change of heat stored in the water is mainly dominated by latent and sensible heat transfer between water and air, since flux of solar radiation and loss of outgoing long wave radiation balance approximately. For the annual averages, net flux of radiation, evaporation(latent heat) loss are dominant in the Gumi reservoir. The evaporation losses are dominant from spring to early winter. This means that the Gumi reservoir rolls like a lake of thermal medium or deep depth.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The seasonal appearance and the chemical composition characteristics of cladode of Opuntia humifusa were investigated in this study. The minor (horizontal) and major (vertical) axes, the width, and weight of O. humifusa cladode were compared for its appearance features. Moisture, crude protein, ash, fat, color, dietary fiber, mineral, and amino acids contents were measured for the comparison of their chemical composition characteristics. The cladode of O. humifusa harvested in summer showed higher values of minor and major axis, width, and weight than those harvested in winter. According to the results of Hunter color index, cladode of O. humifusa harvested in summer showed the highest lightness level (Hunter L value). In the meanwhile, cladode of O. humifusa harvested in spring showed the highest Hunter a (redness) and b (yellowness) values. Cladode of O. humifusa harvested in summer had the lowest crude protein and crude fat contents, while it showed the highest crude ash content. The total contents of moisture and dietary fiber were significantly greater than summer-harvested cladode of O. humifusa followed by spring- and winter-harvested cladode of O. humifusa. The major mineral content of all seasonal cladode of O. humifusa was Ca2+. Glutamic acid and aspartic acid were the major amino acids in all seasonal samples. Contrary, the contents of total amino acids and free amino acids were the lowest in summer-harvested cladode of O. humifusa. Taken together, it was concluded that the appearance and chemical quality of cladode of O. humifusa was versatile depending on the harvesting season.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ministry of Environment has been operating water quality monitoring network in order to obtain the basic data for the water environment policies and comprehensively understand the water quality status of public water bodies such as rivers and lakes. The observed water quality data is very important to analyze by applying statistical methods because there are seasonal fluctuations. Typically, monthly water quality data has to analyze that the transition comprise a periodicity since the change has the periodicity according to the change of seasons. In this study, trends, SOM and RDA analysis were performed at the Mulgeum station using water quality data for temperature, BOD, COD, pH, SS, T-N, T-P, Chl-a and Colon-bacterium observed from 1989 to 2013 in the Nakdong River. As a result of trends, SOM and RDA, the Mulgeum station was found that the water quality is improved, but caution is required in order to ensure safe water supply because concentrations in water quality were higher in the early spring(1~3 month) the most.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The government has conducted a plan of total maximum daily loads(TMDL), which divides with unit watershed, for management of stable water quality target by setting the permitted total amount of the pollutant. In this study, BOD concentration trends over the last 10 years from 2005 to 2014 were analyzed in the Geumho river. Improvement effect of water quality throughout the implementation period of TMDL was evaluated using the seasonal Mann-Kendall test and a LOWESS(locally weighted scatter plot smoother) smooth. As a study result of the seasonal Mann-Kendall test and the LOWESS smooth, BOD concentration in the Geumho river appeared to have been reduced or held at a constant. As a result of quantitatively analysis for BOD concentration with exploratory data analysis(EDA), the mean and the median of BOD concentration appeared in the order of GH8 〉GH7 〉GH6 〉GH5 〉GH4 〉GH3 〉GH2 〉GH1. The monthly average concentration of BOD appeared in the order of Apr 〉Mar 〉Feb 〉May 〉Jun 〉Jul 〉Jan 〉Aug 〉Sep 〉Dec 〉Nov 〉Oct. As a result of the outlier, its value was the most frequent in February, which is estimated 1.5 times more than July, and was smallest frequent in July. The outlier in terms of water quality management is necessary in order to establish a management plan for the contaminants in watershed.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to improve the prediction of the regional air quality modeling in the Seoul metropolitan area, a sensitivity analysis using two PBL and microphysics (MP) options of the WRF model was performed during four seasons. The results from four sets of the simulation experiments (EXPs) showed that meteorological variables (especially wind field) were highly sensitive to the choice of PBL options (YSU or MYJ) and no significant differences were found depending on MP options (WDM6 or Morrison) regardless of specific time periods, i.e. day and night, during four seasons. Consequently, the EXPs being composed of YSU PBL option were identified to produce better results for meteorological elements (especially wind field) regardless of seasons. On the other hand, the accuracy of all simulations for summer and winter was somewhat lower than those for spring and autumn and the effect according to physics options was highly volatile by geographical characteristics of the observation site.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity were investigated in leaves of organic apricot, filbert, mulberry, persimmon, and pomegranate trees during growing season. Total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in leaves of organic apricot and filbert trees were gradually increased from May to June, attained peak in July, thereafter decreased to minimum level in October. In leaves of organic mulberry tree total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity were simultaneously increased from May to June and sharply decrease to very low level. The leaves of organic persimmon trees showed very high level of total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity from May to June, thereafter gradually decrease to October. The leaves of organic pomegranate trees showed extraordinarily highest level of total phenolic compounds among five fruit trees investigated in the study during growing stages, as well as maintained higher than 91 percent of antioxidant activity from May to October. Correlation coefficients between total phenolic compound and antioxidant activity of the leaves of five organic trees were the highest in mulberry leaves, and then persimmon, filbert, apricot, and pomegranate, respectively. However, correlation coefficients between total phenolic compound and antioxidant activity of the leaves of organic pomegranate were very low level, and not significant in their relationship.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study we were to explore the seasonal variation of water temperature distributions before and after weir construction at Gumi, Chilgok, Gangjung(Goryung), Dalsung in the Nakdong River using Landsat satellite images. Relationship between in-situ water temperature and radiance values of Landsat-5, 7, 8 satellite images showed high correlation. Seasonal variation of water temperature in Nakdong River showed that the fluctuation ranges of water temperature before weir construction were larger than those after weir construction. This indicated that the variation of water temperature is due to the difference of heat storage volume by weir construction and dredging work. In particular, the water temperature after weirs construction in autumn was 4-8 times lower than that before weirs construction. Water temperature after weir construction decreased in spring and summer at the downstream of Gumi weir and Gangjung(Goryung) weir, and the upstream of Dalsung weir. In autumn and winter, the water temperature after weir construction increased in the upstream and downstream of the whole weirs except upstream of Gumi weir. Relationship between water temperature and meteorological elements (air temperature, wind speed, sunshine, radiation) showed high correlation of above 94% in air temperature, and then radiation was high correlation before and after 65%.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The seasonal variation of phytoplankton communities and its standing crops in accordance with environmental factors were investigated at Yeongrang-ho, Cheongcho-ho, Mae-ho and Hyang-ho which are located in the East coast of Korea during April to October 2011. High concentrations of T-N and T-P were observed in four lagoons due to the inflowing nutrients from farmlands and residential areas near lagoons. Nutrient salts mainly composed of nitrogen and phosphate caused the eutrophication of the lakes, leading to the robust growth of phytoplankton. During the period of investigation, 64 to 107 taxa of phytoplankton were observed in four lagoons. Diatoms were the most dominant species with high density. Non-point pollution source was estimated as the main cause of water pollution of lagoons. Trophic states of lagoons evaluated using the value of TSI and TSIKO indicated that all the investigated lagoons were in the eutrophication state.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, seasonal customs are analyze the appropriate festival for each 24 seasonal divisions of the year. Recover the intrinsic value of the festival and selected the target villages and each village should investigate elements of the festival. The village were sought activation of a rural village by setting the festive season. ① 24 seasonal divisions of the year festival is a small town festival, the festival's program is based on the experience-oriented. Based on period seasonal customs and season plays are set up 24 seasonal divisions of the year festival's program. ② Survey area is the rural tourism village carried seven villages at Cheongju-si in Chungcheongbuk-do. ③ 24 seasonal divisions of the year festival establish as possible to the festival program is based on 24 seasonal divisions of the yearfestival seasonal customs, seven villages were set on the festival. on the season sesipung through the festive season as possible to the festival program was set up, seven villages were set on the festival. The first standard, festivals and events that are currently made . Second,now ongoing in the village is experience program and a 24 seasonal divisions of the year seasonal customs resource. ④ As a result, each period of the festival was set in the village. ⑤ By festival setting recover intrinsic value of the festival by taking advantage of 24 seasonal divisions of the year. The common interests of the rural town of experience, the rising interest in each town and village festivals activation of the network can be achieved.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 계절별 절임배추의 품질 균일화를 위한 기초 자료를 제공할 목적으로 저온 저장 중 물리화학적, 미생물학적 및 관능적 품질 특성 조사하였다. 전반적으로 계절별(봄배추, 여름배추, 가을배추 및 월동배추) 절임배추의 제조 직후 pH는 저장 초기 계절별 시료 간 차이를 보이다가 저장 후반에는 시료 간 차이가 없었다. 적정산도는 가을 절임배추가 비교적 낮은 산도를 보였고, 가용성 고형분 함량은 월동배추가 비교적 높은 함량을 보였으며, 미생물 균수는 여름배추가 가장 높은 균수를 보였다. 관능검사의 경우 계절별 절임배추의 외관의 변화 냄새와 맛 특성 변화도 계절별 시료에 따라 차이가 있었고, 관능적 품질 특성 항목간의 상관관계 분석결과 유의적으로 양 또는 음의 상관성을 보이는 품질 특성이 많아서 절임배추 저장 중에 한 개의 품질 특성만 변화하는 것이 아니라 여러 가지 특성이 함께 변화한다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 한편 계절별 절임배추 전반적인 품질 특성의 주성분 분석 결과 첫 번째 주성분(F1)과 두 번째 주성분(F2)는 전체 데이터의 51.98%와 14.23%의 설명력을 보여 주었고, 총설명력은 66.21%였다. 계절별로 월동배추는 F1상의 위쪽, 봄배추는 중간, 나머지 시료는 F2상의 아래쪽에 분포하였고, 저장기간에 따라서는 F1상의 왼쪽에 저장 일수가 적은 절임배추 시료가 오른쪽에는 저장 일수가 많은 시료가 위치하였다. 본 연구 결과 계절별 절임배추의 품질 특성이 제조 직후부터 저장 중에도 계속 시료 간 품질 차이가 뚜렷하게 있음을 확인하였다. 그러므로 품질이 균일화된 절임배추를 연중 소비자에게 제공하기 위해서 계절별 절임배추의 품질 특성과 저장 중의 차이를 고려하여 고품질의 절임배추 제조와 품질을 유지할 수 있는 연구 및 계절별 저장 절임배추를 이용한 김치 제조 연구가 지속되어야 한다고 판단된다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to characterize long-term (1973~2012) changes in intra-seasonal temperature and extreme low temperature events in winter observed at 61 weather stations in the Republic of Korea and their associations with changes in atmospheric circulation patterns around East Asia. Maps of long-term linear trends clearly show that both temperature means and extreme events in Korea have asymmetrically changed between early winter and late winter. In early winter, changes with statistical significance are less observable, while in late winter reductions in low extreme temperature events as well as increases in temperatures, particularly after mid-1980s, are obviously observed across the study region. Comparisons of tropospheric synoptic climatic fields before and after the mid-1980s demonstrate that in early winter of recent decades, active meridional circulation from the Arctic appeared in western Eurasia and Bering sea, while in late winter, zonal circulation around East Asia associated with positive Arctic Oscillation-like patterns prevailed. These results indicate that asymmetric changes between early and late winter temperatures in Korea are associated with intra-seasonally inconsistent atmospheric circulation patterns around East Asia.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The seasonal variations of sea surface winds and significant wave heights were investigated using the data observed from the marine meteorological buoys (nine stations) and Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs) in lighthouse (nine stations) around the Korean Peninsula during 2010~2012. In summer, the prevailing sea surface winds over the East/West Sea and the South Sea were northerly/southerly and easterly/westerly winds due to both of southeast monsoon and the shape of Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, the strong northerly winds has been observed at most stations near Korean marginal seas under northwest monsoon in winter. However, the sea surface winds at some stations (e.g. Galmaeyeo, Haesuseo in the West Sea) have different characteristics due to topographic effects such as island or coastal line. The significant wave heights are the highest in winter and the lowest in summer at most stations. In case of some lighthouse AWSs surrounded by islands (e.g. Haesuseo, Seosudo) or close to coast (e.g. Gangan, Jigwido), very low significant wave heights (below 0.5 m) with low correlations between sea surface wind speeds and significant wave heights were observed.