
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 71

        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 흑염소 비육에 있어서 조사료원이 볏짚 단용인 경우 농후사료 급여수준이 흑염소의 사료섭취량, 체중변화, 도체특성 및 경제성에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 실시하였다. 비육 흑염소 40두를 공시하여 농후사료 급여수준을 체중의 1.5% (T1), 2.0% (T2, 농가관행), 2.5% (T3) 및 자유채식구(T4)로 나누어 급여 하였고 조사료는 볏짚을 자유채식 시켰으며그 결과는 다음과 같다. 볏짚인 조사료 섭취량은 농후사료 급여수준이 증가 할수록 감소하였으며, 흑염소의 일당증체량은 체중대비 농후사료 급여수준 1.5, 2.0, 2.5% 및 자유채식구가각각 22, 50, 69 및 94 g으로 농후사료 급여수준이 증가할수록 유의적으로 증가하였다(p <0.05). 비육 흑염소의 도체율은 농후사료 급여수준을 체중비 1.5, 2.0, 2.5% 및 자유채식 시켰을 때 각각 41.77, 42.78, 46.12 및 49.78%로농후사료 급여 수준이 증가할수록 증가하였으며(p<0.05), 지방률도 농후사료 급여수준이 증가 할수록 유의적으로 증가하였다. 경제성 분석에서는 농후사료 급여수준이 증가할수록 소득은 증가하였으며, 자유채식구가 두당 34,270원으로 가장 소득이 높았다. 이상의 결과를 종합적으로 고려할 때 조사료 자원이 볏짚 단용일 경우 비육 흑염소의 농후사료 급여 수준은자유채식 시키는 것이 사료이용성, 발육, 도체율 및 경제성에서 가장 유리할 것으로 사료되며, 흑염소의 비육을 위한 조사료 자원으로서볏짚 단용은 농후사료비의 가중을 가져오므로앞으로는 흑염소 비육을 위한 새로운 조사료자원의 개발이 필요하다고 하겠다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 기능성 곡물로 이용되고 있는 아마란스(Amaranthus ssp.)를 어린잎채소 용도로 개발하기 위하여 국내에 보유되어 있는 유전자원에 대한 어린잎 생육특성, 엽 적색도 발현 정도 및 기능성 물질의 함량 변이를 평가함으로써 어린잎채소로서 이용 가능한 유망 아마란스 자원 선발을 위하여 수행되었다. 국내에 수집․보존되어 있는 아마란스 유전자원 262 종에 대하여 색도색차계로 측정한 엽 적색도 발현 정도를 기준으로 전체 자원의 상위 15%에 해당하는 39종을 1차 선발하였다. 1차 선발된 유전자원에 대하여 고온기 및 저온기의 재배를 통하여 어린잎 생육과 유전자원 별 적색소 발현을 검증 평가하여 안정적인 적색 강도를 보이는 고색도 자원을 최종 선발하였다. 아마란스의 엽 적색도는 모든 1차 선발 계통들에 있어서 고온기에 비해 저온기 재배 시 적색도 발현이 우수하였으며 2회의 재배를 통한 평균 적색도 발현 정도를 기준으로 IT199970 등 11종의 자원을 선발하였다. 이들 선발된 유전자원들에 대한 어린잎 생체중 및 총페놀 함량, 총플라보노이드 함량 정보를 제시하였다. 이들 선발 종들은 5개의 아마란스 종에 속하였으며 엽 적색도 발현이 우수하여, 향후 적색 풍미를 더하는 어린잎 샐러드 채소의 소재로서 이용 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 제주조릿대의 성장단계별 영양소 함량을 분석하고 말에서의 소화율을 검정하여 말 사료자원으로써의 활용가치를 평가하고, 제 주조릿대 군락지 내 말 방목에 따른 제주조릿대의 생산성, 생육특성, 주변 식생의 변화 등을 구명하기 위해 수행되었다. 제주조릿대를 구초 (1년생)와 신초 (당년생)의 성장단계로 분류하여 조단백질, NDF, ADF 및 무기물 함량을 분석했다. 제주마 5두를 이용 제주조릿대 구초와 신초의 전분채취법을 이용한 외관상 소화율을 검정했
        2007.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The paper presents a new approach for analyzing mold growth risk in buildings, based on a mixed simulation approach with consideration of uncertainties in relevant building parameters. The approach is capable to predict and explain unexpected mold growth occurrences that would typically not show up in standard deterministic simulation. This study simulates the local environmental conditions at material surfaces in buildings by using a mix of standard simulation tools. By introducing uncertainties in relevant input parameters, this approach generates a statistical distribution of time aggregated mold growth conditions at a number of "trouble spots"in a specific building case. This distribution is then translated into an overall mold risk indicator. In addition, our method identifies those parameters whose uncertainty range has a dominant effect on an increase in mold risk. By thus identifying the critical influence of building components, building operation and maintenance factors on the increase in risk, appropriate actions during the building design and procurement process can be set up to address these risks.
        2003.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study aims to describe the progress of the growth of Protestantism during the period of from 1885 to 1980s in Korea and to ana1yze, and explain, this progress so that from thjs we can learn a lesson for the growth of Protestantism in the future. The period to be exarruned by this study is djvided into the three periods of 1890-1910, 1920-1930s and 1960-1980s This study has four major divisions. Thefirst section describes the progress of the growth of Protestantism during the period of 1890- 1910 and analyzes, and explajns, this progress. The second section deals with Protestantism growing slowly for the period of 1920-1930s and examines this growth.The third section treats Protestantism growing rapidly during 1960-1980s and identifies the causes of thjs fast growth. The final section evaluates the growth of Protestantism for the period of 1885-1980s and from tills infers the factors, whjch could exert influence on the growth of Protestantism in the future. The result of this study says that it is the strong tie by blood and region rooted deeply in the Korean society and the small group meeting like Sunday school withjn the church, which has contributed to the growth of Protestantism during the period of 1885-1980s in Korea. In order for the Korean church to grow further, it is important, first of all, that the lay Christians use the evangelistic method of 。Æman to man0 0to propagate the Christian message to their family, relatives, or friends; and it is desirable that the church develops various education programs to train the faith of the children of Christian parents .. 1n addition to this it is necessary that the church leaders develop their spiritual power and socia1 skill, and the church creates various types of sma11 group, to meet the needs of the younger generatJ.On
        1995.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 1991년부터 1993년까지 사료작물과 목초류 7종(호맥, 대맥, 연맥, Italian ryegrass, alfalfa, orchardgrass 및 혼과목초)을 공시재료로 하여 곤포사일리지(BS=baled silage making)조제이용을 위한 수확시기와 이때의 BS 생산성 및 품질을 평가하였다. 시험방법에 있어서 작물재배는 농촌진흥청의 사료작물 및 목초 표준경종방법에 준하여 실시하였다. 사일리지 조제작업중 BS는 자체적으로 제작한 각형 베
        2022.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This field experiment aimed to identify the optimal planting density for establishing a management plan for ground-cover plants under roadside trees. Liriope platyphylla and Hosta longipes both widely used for planting under trees were selected as the plant materials and planted under Prunus serrulata var. spontanea at different planting densities. Based on the distance between each plant, 4 planting densities were used: 11%, 25%, 49%, and 83% with three replications. To estimate plant growth, plant height, number of leaves and tillers, fresh and dry weight, and visual quality were investigated. Liriope platyphylla exhibited relatively better growth at the highest planting density of 83%. For Hosta longipes, however, the lower growth was positively correlated with high planting density. Therefore, the optimal planting density for Liriope platyphylla is 83% and for Hosta longipes is 11%.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the effects of single and binary heavy metals toxicity on the growth and phosphorus removal ability of Bacillus sp.. known as be a phosphorus-removing microorganism, were quantitatively evaluated. Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni were used as heavy metals. As a result of analysis of variance of the half of inhibition concentration and half of effective concentration for each single heavy metal treatment group, the inhibitory effect on the growth of Bacillus sp. was Ni < P b < Z n < Cu < C d. A nd the inhibitory effect on phosphorus removal by Bacillus s p. w as N i < Pb < Z n < Cu < C d. When analyzing the correlation between growth inhibition and phosphorus removal efficiency of a single heavy metal treatment group, a negative correlation was found (R2 = 0.815), and a positive correlation was found when the correlation between IC50 and EC50 was analyzed (R2 = 0.959). In all binary heavy metal treatment groups, the interaction was an antagonistic effect when evaluated using the additive toxicity index method. This paper is considered to be basic data on the toxic effects of heavy metals when phosphorus is removed using phosphorus removal microorganisms in wastewater.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of phosphorus acid (H3PO3) addition to the horticultural bed soil on the initial growth of red pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv.), and kimchi cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis (Lour.) Rupr. cv.). The stem heights of red pepper and cucumber were 46.1% and 23.0% greater in the 50 mg/L of phosphorus acid treatment than the untreated (control). Further, the stem diameter of pepper and cucumber were 48.7% and 23.0% greater in the 50 mg/L of phosphorus acid treatment than the control. In addition, the number of kimchi cabbage leaves was 47.5% greater in the 50 mg/L of phosphorus acid treatment than the control. The dry weights of red pepper, cucumber and kimchi cabbage were 72.9%, 16.5%, and 30.4% heavier in the 50 mg/L than the control, respectively. Cations (K, Ca, and Mg) and total phosphorus (T - P) were quantitatively analyzed for these three horticultural crops. The concentrations of K, Ca, and Mg, and T - P were higher in the 50 mg/L of phosphorus acid than the control, respectively. Based on the results obtained in this study, it appears that treatment of phosphorus acid in horticultural bed soil enhanced the growth of red pepper, cucumber and Kimchi cabbage.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The effect of insect feed powder on the growth performance and economic evaluation of ducks was investigated. One hundred and twenty-old Pekin ducks were randomly assigned to two dietary treatments (0% and 1% Hermetia illucens powder) with three replicates of 20 birds each for 14-42 d. No significant (p>0.05) difference in growth performance between the control and 1% H. illucens powder was observed, except the feed conversion ratio (p<0.05), for the experimental period. The treatments with 1% H. illucens powder improved the economic indicators in comparison with the controls. Therefore, a diet supplemented with 1% H. illucens powder could significantly improve the feed conversion ratios and increase the economic indicators.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out in order to evaluate the growth promotion effects on tomato crops and to assess the mineral nutrient concentrations of farm-made liquid fertilizers used in organic cultivation in South Korea. We hope that this study will help to develop of a standardized manufacturing technique for these organic liquid fertilizers. We collected 62 farm-made liquid fertilizers made from various raw materials including fish, seaweed, food scraps, plant and crop by-products, and other materials. Two groups of tomato seedlings were treated at different times, one at 20 days and the other at 40 days after sowing. We used both foliar and soil applications. These seedlings were treated using liquid fertilizers at various dilution rates (x1000, x500 and x100). When foliar application was used, seedlings after 20 days had a 20-30% increase in shoot fresh weight with 47-48 fertilizers and seedlings after 40 days had a 20-30% increase in shoot fresh weight with 17-32 fertilizers. When soil application was used, seedlings after 20 days had the same increase in shoot fresh weight with 30-31 fertilizers and seedlings after 40 days also saw the same increase with 6-7 fertilizers. Therefore, our studies showed that application of liquid fertilizers to seedlings 20 days after sowing was most effective and that foliar treatment was more effective than soil treatments. We also observed that the higher the concentrations of fertilizer, particularly when applied twice rather than just once, the higher the rates of growth, which promoted shoot fresh weight more than plant height. Our results imply that mineral nutrients in liquid fertilizers seem to be the probable cause for the growth promotion observed in this study. However, more study is required to determine exactly which mineral nutrients are most effective.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        An experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a mixture of bentonite and illite as feed additives on the growth performance and litter quality of 90 Pekin ducks. The ducks were individually weighed and randomly divided into two treatments (control and 1% combination of silicate minerals), with three replicate pens per treatment, and 15 ducks per pen. Growth performance was not significantly affected (p>0.05) by the combination of bentonite and illite, but a trend of increased growth performance was observed in the control groups. Total nitrogen content and pH in the litter decreased following supplementation with the combination of bentonite and illite (p<0.05) when compared with the control group. This data indicates that the dietary supplementation with the combination of bentonite and illite (1% level) has no positive effect on the growth performance and litter quality of Pekin ducks.
        2014.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Fatigue crack can be a controlling factor in the life of some welding components, such as vertical and horizontal stiffener. In this study, The fatigue tests were carried out on the out-of-plane gusset fillet welded joint. In addition, investigations of three-dimensional fatigue crack propagation of gusset welded joint using the finite element analysis of FEMAP with NX NASTRAN and FRANC3D. The 3D crack growth simulations can be performed to compute stress intensity factor(SIF), which are used to determine crack propagation cycles.
        2014.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Fatigue crack can be a controlling factor in the life of some welding components, such as vertical and horizontal stiffener. In this study, FE analysis was carried out to examine the three-dimensional fatigue crack penetration of gusset welded joint using the finite element analysis program FEMAP and FRANC3D. Three-dimensional fatigue crack penetration analysis result was compared with two dimensional fatigue crack penetration analysis result. From the FE analysis results, stress intensity factor(SIF) and crack propagation cycles were evaluated.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 색소의 종류가 다른 흑미와 적미의 생리기능 성을 구명하여 천연 기능성 식품 소재로의 이용을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 일반 벼인 일품을 포함하여 흑미인 흑광, 흑설 및 적미인 적진주, 홍진주을 실험재료로 항산화 활성 및 암세포 성장 억제에 대한 실험을 수행하였다. 추출 수율 및 총 페놀함량은 흑미가 적미 보다 높았다. 총 페놀함 량에서 흑미와 적미는 일반벼 보다 4배 이상 높은 수준이었 다. DPPH radical 소거능은 적미와 흑미 간에는 차이가 없었 으나 품종 간에는 홍진주, 흑광, 흑설, 적진주 순서로 높았 다. 반면, ABTS 항산화력은 적미보다 흑미가 높았다. 이는 총 페놀화합물 함량 결과와 경향이 같았다. 암세포 성장 억제 능 측정 결과, 적미는 폐암세포 성장 억제 효과가 흑미 보다 높았다. 반면, 유방암 세포 성장 억제 능은 흑미와 적미 간에는 차이가 없었으며, 품종 간에는 적진주, 흑광, 홍진주, 흑설 순으로 높았다. 흑미와 적미의 생리기능성 비교 결과, 항산화 활성은 흑미가 높은 반면, 적미는 폐암세 포 성장 억제 효과에서 높았다.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Most forage crops growing under field conditions are often being exposed to various environmental stresses such as drought, freezing, high temperature, waterlogging and climate change. A combination of grass breeding approaches will likely be needed to improve significantly the environmental stresses tolerance of forage crops in the field. Attempts have been taken by grass breeders to develop tolerant varieties of different crops for environmental stress. A new tall fescue variety (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) named ‘Purumi’ was developed by the National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration from 1999 to 2007. For synthetic seed production of this new variety, 5 superior clones, EFa9108, EFa0010, EFa0020, EFa0108, and EFa0202 were selected and polycrossed. The agronomic growth characteristics and forage production capability of the seeds were studied at Cheonan from 2004 to 2005, and regional trials were conducted in Cheonan, Pyungchang, Jeju, and Jinju from 2008 to 2010. ‘Purumi’ showed enhanced winter hardiness, disease resistance, and regrowth ability as compared to ‘Fawn’. The dry matter yield of ‘Purumi’ was about 5.6% higher as 16,821kg/ha than that of ‘Fawn’. However, the nutritive value of both varieties was similar. When this new variety of tall fescue, Purumi, has been developed and distributed with its most remarkable adaptability for Korean climates and superior value as a livestock feed, it is expected to play an important role for a new restoration of the pasture industry in Korea.
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