
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 98

        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        몇 수종을 대상으로 한 용기 양묘에서 폐암면 혼합 배지 이용 시 폐암면과 다른 배지의 혼합 비율에 따른 생육 특성을 조사하였다. 폐암면 혼합 비율에 따른 소나무의 생육 특성에서 생체중, 건물중 및 수고는 50% 와 70% 혼합배지에서 기장 좋았지만 원줄기 직경은 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 비자나무에서 생체중과 수고는 70% 혼합배지에서 가장 많이 증가하였고 원줄기 직경과 신초수는 50% 와 70% 혼합배지에서 많이 증가하였다. 상수리나무에서 생체중, 수고 및 원줄기 직경은 50%와 70% 혼합배 지에서 좋았고, 건물중은 혼합배지와 대조구간 차이를 나타났으나 혼합 비율간에는 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 잎의 엽록소 함량도 70% 혼합배지에서 높게 나타났으며 이에 광합성도 가장 활발하였다. 들메나무에서 생체 중은 70% 혼합배지에서 월등히 많이 증가하였지만, 수고와 원줄기 직경은 폐암면 혼합배지와 대조구 간 차이만 나타나고 혼합 비율간에는 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 잎의 엽록소 함량은 처리 간 차이를 나타내지 않았지만 혼합 배지에서 다소 높은 경향을 나타내었지만, 광합성은 70% 혼합배지에서 아주 활발하였다.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        시금치 수경재배에 적합한 육묘배지 선발과 육묘 플러그 트레이 크기, 육묘 플러그 트레이 셀(cell)당 종자수 조절로 안정 공정 육묘생산을 위한 실험을 수행하였다. 수경재배 육묘배지에 따른 입모율과 유묘의 생육특성을 조사한 결과 입모율은 보습성이 좋은 입상암면 〉입상암면+펄라이트 혼용배지〉코코피트〉펄라이트〉우레탄 스펀지 순으로 나타나 우레탄 스폰지의 입모율이 가장 낮았다. 육묘 플러그 트레이 셀당 종자수에 따른 엽 면적은 종자수가 많을수록 적어지고, 셀당 생체중은 2립(12.5g)에 비해 4립(33.9g)이 무거웠다. 따라서 셀당 종자수가 적으면 식물체 1개 체중은 증가되지만 전체 셀당 생체중은 감소되는 경향을 나타내었다. 수량은 셀당 2립 파종 10,200kg·ha-1 비해 4립 파종 14,910kg·ha-1으로 46% 증가되었다.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수경재배의 폐암면 처리문제를 해결하고 수입의존도가 높은 육묘용 상토 자재의 개발로 육묘산엽의 발전에 기여하고자 폐암면의 혼합비율을 달리한 플러그용 육묘상토를 조성하여 메리골드의 생육에 대한 효과를 조사하였다. 시판 육묘상토를 대조구로 하고, 시판 육묘상토에 이용되는 코코피트 대신에 폐암면을 10, 30, 50%로 혼합하여 혼합상토를 조제하여 50공 트레이에 파종하고 생육조사를 실시하였다. 메리골드의 발아율은 처리구간에 유의한 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 초장, 엽수, 경경, 엽면적과 지상부 및 지하부의 건물중 및 생체중은 시판상토와 폐암면 50% 혼합 처리구에서 양호하였다. 그러나 폐암면 30 및 10% 혼합처리구에서는 시판상토에 비해서 생육이 낮았는데 그 결과에 대해서는 정확한 원인을 밝힐 수 없었다. 본 실험에서는 폐암면을 플러그용 육묘상토의 자재로서 충분히 활용할 수 있다는 가능성을 보여 주었으며, 폐암면의 적정한 혼합비율에 대해서는 계속적인 실험이 필요한 것으로 생각되었다.
        2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        건전묘 생산을 위한 육묘 콘테이너의 선반 간격과 상자간의 배치간격을 달리하여 육묘하면서 이들이 모 생육에 미치는 영향을 조사하여 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 콘테이너의 선반 간격이 17 cm 에서 23 cm로 넓어짐에 따라 묘초장이 증가하였고 그 증가폭은 6월 10일 파종에서보다 5월10일 파종에서, 육묘일수가 길어질수록 큰 편이었다. 콘테이너의 선반간격뿐만 아니라 상자간의 배치간격도 모의 생장에 미치는 영향이 매우 컸으며 상자의 배치간격이 넓을수록 초장이 짧아지고 묘충실도는 증가하는 경향이었다. 육묘 콘테이너에 치상된 육묘상자의 위치에 따른 조도는 하단에서 상단으로 올라갈수록 높아졌고, 묘초장은 상단에서 하단으로 갈수록 큰 편이었다. 육묘콘테이너의 선반간격을 20 cm로 하고 육묘상자와 상자사이를 3 cm 정도 띄웠을 때 모의 황화현상은 크게 감소하였다.
        2001.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        벼 자동화 육묘시설에서 상토의 종류와 파종량이 묘생육에 미치는 영향을 조사분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 상토의 성분분석 결과 산도(pH)는 '삼경상토'가 8.6으로 가장 높았고 '부농 2호'는 5.1로 가장 낮았다. 유효인산 함량은 '부농 1호'가 843 ppm으로 가장 높았고 '자가상토'에서 74 ppm으로 가장 낮았다. 전질소함량은 '원조상토' 및 '부농 1호', '부농 2호', '부농 3호'에서 다른 상토에 비해 높은 경향을 나타내었다. 상자당 파종량이 250 g 일때 상토의 종류에 따른 15일묘의 초장은 '부농 1호', '부농 2호', '부농 3호'에서 14.2~14.9 cm로 나타난 반면, '자가상토'에서의 초장은 13.1 cm로 짧았다. 상자당 파종량이 300 g으로 증가하면 상토 종류에 관계없이 묘초장은 길어졌고 그 차는 10일묘에서 보다 15일묘에서 크게 나타났다. 상토의 종류에 따른 15일묘의 건물중은 '부농 2호'가 13.3 mg으로 가장 무거웠고, 묘충실도도 '부농 2호'에서 0.96으로 가장 높았으며 '자가상토'와 '자가상토'에 시판상토(부농 2호)를 혼용한 처리구에서의 묘생육은 본 시험에 공시된 6종류의 시판 상토에 비해 저조하였고,매트형성도 불량하였다.
        1987.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        남부지방(南部地方) 시설원예내(施設園藝內)의 문제(問題)되는 해충(害蟲)과 선충(線蟲)을 알아보기 위하여 진주, 집현, 금산, 창녕, 남지, 밀양, 김해, 합천, 부산, 순천, 광양 등의 시설재배지(施設栽培地)에서 1984년(年) 12월(月)부터 1985년(年) 12월(月)까지 충(蟲) 발생(發生)을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果), 선충(線蟲)은 6과(科) 9속(屬) 9종(種)이 검출(檢出)되었고, 곤충(昆蟲)은 4목(目) 17과(科) 23속(屬) 24종(種), 응애는 1종(種)이 채집(採集)되었는데, 가장 문제(問題)되었던 선충(線蟲)은 뿌리혹선충(線蟲)인 M. incognita였으며, 딸기에서는 A. fragariae의 피해(被害)도 컸었다. 해충(害蟲)은 목화진딧물인 A. gossyphi였다. 고추역병의 피해주(被害株)는 반드시 뿌리혹선충(線蟲)에 심(甚)하게 감염(感染)되어 있었다. 한편, 상토원별(床土原別) 뿌리혹선충(線蟲)의 발생(發生)에서 밭의 표층토(表層土)를 이용했을 때 발생(發生)이 심하였으며, 살선충제(殺線蟲劑)로 처리된 표층토(表層土)나 논흙에서는 피해(被害)가 없었고 생육(生育)도 좋았다. 염류농도(鹽類濃度)별로는 EC 에서 뿌리혹선충(線蟲)의 피해(被害)가 가장 심(甚)하였고, 다음은 4mS, 2mS순(順)으로 4mS의 범위(範圍)에서는 선충(線蟲)의 피해(被害)를 받았으나, 6mS에서는 선충(線蟲)의 피해(被害)가 거의 없었다.
        1976.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수도 수묘형 육묘에 있어서 종자침하에 의한 부패, 발아지연, 종자의 부유에 의한 종자가 한쪽으로 몰리는 등의 해를 야기시켜 발아율이나 성묘율율 저하시키는 조류나 괴불방제를 시도하여 수묘대에서 파종전후 5일에 Cuperic Sulfate, Lime Sulfur, Swep 80wp. Dithane A-40, Dichlone 50wp를 처리하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 조류 및 괴불방제의 효과가 뚜렷한 약제는 Dichlon 50.wp, Dithane A-40, Swep 80 wp 였으나 Dithane A-40, Swep 80wp는 약해등으로 성묘율이 낮었다. 2. Cuperic Sulfate는 조류 및 괴블에 대한 약제효과는 인정되었으나 약제처리후의 파종시 발아억제 및 종자침하현상이 심하였다. 3. 파종후 25일묘 조과결과 Dichlone 50wp를 제외한 기타 약제처리구는 Check구에 비하여 지하부의 근수, 지상부의 생체중 및 건물중비율이 낮았고 초장은 약제처리구가 전반적으로 낮은 편이었다. 4. Dichlone 50wp는 조류 및 괴블 방제효과 과 뚜렷하여 종자발아 및 성묘비율을 높일 수 있었으며 약효의 지속기간은 처리후 4일 정도임이 인정되었다.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The plasma cortisol of nurserypigs was examined using an outdoor efficacy testwith a digital content-based approach in animal welfare convergence types. Nine nurserypigs,without discriminating between female and male, were classified into 2 groups of 3 pigs each: control and group 1 (effect+nature), control and group 2(effect+nature+music). The control group was the same for group 1 and 2 to compare the effects using a t-test. There was no significant difference in plasma cortisol levels between the control group and group 1 until 4 h after stress induction. However, significant differences were subsequently found between the control group and group 1 from 8 h to 72 h (p<0.05). Further, plasma cortisol was not affected in group 2 at 0 h through 8 h and 72 h. At 12 h through 48 h, group 2 showed a reduction in plasma cortisol level compared to the control group(p<0.05). These results indicated that after stress induction, applying effect plus nature or effect plus nature plus music can effectively decrease plasma cortisol levels in nursery pigs within8 h through 72 h and may serve as a better model for digital content-based approach in animal welfare convergence types.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Multi-stage system were used for development of stable ginseng seedling production. Bed-soil for the production of ginseng seedling in the multi-stage was similar to the conventional bed-soil but the weight of the bed-soil was high and the efficiency of operation in the multi-stage was lowered. In this study, the yield and quality of ginseng seedling was investigated by commercial lightweight bed-soil in the multi-stage facilities, and the possibility of application of lightweight bed-soil. Methods and Results : This study was carried out by a 3-stage cultivation bed using a 50 ㎜ sandwich panel in a house shaded with 85% light-shielding net. The width of the cultivating bed was 90 ㎝, the height was 30 ㎝, and the height of each stage was 50 ㎝. In the first and second stages, the amount of light was insufficient, so two rows of fluorescent lamps were installed and the third stage was used natural light. Ginseng seeds were sown on the cultivating bed in November 2016, and ginseng seeds (native species) were sown with a density of 3 × 3 ㎝. The chemical properties of lightweight bed-soil were pH 5.11, and EC 0.76 dS/m. It was suitable for ginseng seedling cultivation. The bulk density was 0.21 Mg/㎥. Among the growth characteristics of the ginseng seedlings, the root length was the longest as 17.0 ㎝ in the conventional cultivation, and the second stage was the longest at 14.8 ㎝ in the multi-stage facility. The root diameter in the multi-stage system was 0.2 - 0.4 ㎜ thicker than the conventional one. Root weights of lightweight bed-soil were similar to those of conventional cultivation. The yield of ginseng seedlings in the 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd stage was 721.3 g, 692.0 g, and 394.7 g/1.62 ㎡ respectively. Conclusion : In the production of ginseng seedling using multi-stage facilities, the commercial bed-soil was better than the conventional bed-soil (light, workability). The differences in yields in the multi-stage facilities can be overcome if the growth management such as moisture management is more systematic. If we develop the technology to reuse the bed-soil after harvesting the ginseng seedling, it will be economical and able to supply to farmers.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: The production method of ginseng seedlings for ginseng cultivation is very important to ensure healthy rooting system as well as high quality, and yield of the resultant plants. This study was carried out to compare the growth characteristics of 2- year-old ginseng plants that were produced from seedlings grown in self soil nursery (SSN), nursery soil (NS) or hydroponic culture (HC). Methods and Results: The shading prop used was composed of four-layered 4 polyethylene (blue 3 + black 1) shade screen. The management of main field was done by inserting oil cake (1,200 ㎏/10 a) and then allowing Sudan grass to grow for a year. Seedling transplantation was carried out on April 6. Root growth was measured on October 25. Root weight was observed to be excellent at 6.0 g, following SSN transplantation. Root length was 21.2 ㎝ for HC seedlings, but these plants had a physiological disorder (i.e., rusty root), in 83.5% plants of this treatment. The ratio of PD/PT (protopanaxadiol saponins / protopanaxatriol saponins) was higher in NS seedlings. Plant analysis revealed that Fe content was lower in HC seedlings with high rustiness. The growth of 2-years-old ginseng was different following these varying seedling cultivation methods, but seedlings from NS were not different from those grown in SSN. Conclusions: For the propagation of 2-year-old ginseng plants, NS seedlings may be a good substitute for SSN seedlings.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Blast resistance of 29 rice cultivars confirmed as a durable resistance in the evaluation of sequential planting from 2004 to 2006 was evaluated to nursery screening in 14 test sites during 11 years in Korea. The average disease severity (ADS) of 29 rice varieties against rice blast showed 3.5 degree; however, the difference of disease severity among the varieties was from 1.9 to 4.8. The 29 varieties were grouped into resistance less than 3.0 ADS degree including 12 varieties and moderate resistance over 3.1 ADS degree including 17 varieties. Among the 12 rice cultivars presented low ADS, 4 rice cultivars, Ungwang, Pungmi 1, Sinunbong 1, and Dasan 1 were constantly appeared high resistant reaction during 11 years in all test sites and the others were showed various diseases severity across the test years and the test sites. Twenty-one rice cultivars including Gopum were more variable among the test sites while the others were higher variable among the test years. These results indicated that durable resistance test against rice blast using sequential planting is a very efficient screening method to predict durability and nursery test for long periods and also useful method to predict indirectly durable resistance of rice cultivars.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In Danseong-myeon (myeon is a subdivision of), Sancheong-gun, and Sugok-myeon, Jinju City, pot seedling culture was used at the rates of 100% and 62%, respectively. Root restriction seedling culture was used relatively more frequently than pot seedling culture in Yangchon-myeon, Nonsan City, Guryong-myeon, Buyeo-gun, and Wolsan-myeon, Damyang-gun. Open-field seedling culture was used at the rates of 80% and 54% in Samnangjin-eup (eup is a subdivision of a gun), Miryang City and Ssangnim-myeon, Goryeong-gun, respectively. In Danseong, Sancheong, and Sugok, Jinju, granite soil was used as the medium for pot seedling culture at the rates of 90% and 80%, respectively. In Yangchon, Nonsan, Wolsan, Damyang, and Ssangnim, Goryeong, commercial bed soil and coir dust were used for seedling culture at the rates of 73%, 64%, and 60%, respectively. At the main production sites, the use of granite soil for seedling culture, highest rate in 2000-2005, continued to decrease; in 2011-2013, granite soil was used at the rate of 37%, while commercial bed soil and coir dust were used at the rates of 32% and 14%, respectively. The bulk density of commercial bed soil, expanded rice hulls, and coir dust was 0.11-0.16 g/cm-3. Coir dust was the lightest material but had the highest and, 36.7% and 21.8%, respectively. In sandy loam soil and granite soil was low. The pH of all growth media was between 5.4 and 7.0, and the values were in the range of 0.15-0.66 dS·m-1. However it was necessary, to adjust the pH levels and enhance the of expanded rice hulls, sandy loam soil, and granite soil. Similarly, the fertilizer concentration and air permeability of coir dust need to be adjusted.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Green house hydroponic ginseng in the production cycle is shorter than the open field cultivation growers and attention. In particular, this part of the Aerial is a study on the active ingredients and contents. Ginseng has been focused on the past producing soil cultivation, producing hydroponic ginseng aerial part is known to have a high content of ginsenosides, and the active ingredient. Irrigation method, the culture soil and nutrient management are the impacts associated with the product's performance on ginseng growth. Ginseng growth stage is divided into five stages: emergence, foliation, root elongation, root enlargement and defoliation. because ginseng requires a water adjustment for each growth stage. It has been trying to control bottom surface irrigation and nutrient concentrations. Methods and Results : Ginseng seedling has been used for experiments to screen a healthy seedling of around 0.8g. Each of the seedling transplanted box was water supplied to the timer and the individual nozzle was 4ℓ amount per hour. All growth measures and sampling was carried out four times a seedling transplantation from 30 to 120 days. Soil sampling each time was a chemical analysis. In addition, the plant was used to analyze the ginsenosides. Conclusion : 12 of total ginsenosides ingredients were highest in the aerial part is 90 days, total ginsenosides of the 10 components in the root part was the highest in 30 days. The results were different this ginsenosides content from time to time, there were differences with previous reports. Results are shown to be due to the difference in the cultivation method and environment.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Most ginseng seedlings are cultivated in conventional shading facility. However, due to recent climate changes and soil-related bacterial issues, the production of healthy ginseng seedling with its rhizome weigh more than 0.8g has greatly dwindled. Hence, growing seedling system that raises ginseng on nursery soil in greenhouse is being more highlighted. Nevertheless, there are no sufficient researches conducted to study the growth stability after transplantation of ginseng seedling grown at nursery (GSGN). Methods and Results : After categorizing GSGN produced in 2014 according to individual weight (0.5-0.6g, 0.6-0.7g, 0.7-0.8g, 0.8-0.9g), those GSGN with 0.8-0.9g conventional ginseng seedling (CGS) have been transplanted on preparation field in 17, March of the following year. It has turned out that there were no significant differences about seedling emergence rate and weights between GSGN and CGS both same seedling weight of 0.8-0.9g in 25, June after 100 days transplantation. The 2-year-old ginseng growth of transplanted GSGN according to weight has shown strongly positive correlation between the weight of ginseng seedling and their growth. Especially the leaf area and weight have shown significant correlations represented as Y=212.15-567.32X+499.5X2(R2=0.9988) and Y=4.9-12.9X+11.17X2(R2=0.9788), respectively. Meanwhile, there was no significant correlation noticed treatment plot in relationship between seedling emergence rate and chlorophyll content. Conclusion : With the same root weight of GSGN and CGS, it can be judged that the growth of the 2-year-old GSGN is stable.
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