
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,092

        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중국사에서 약 400여년에 걸친 魏晋南北朝시대는 오랜 전란, 이민족의 침입, 잦은 왕조 교체 등으로 인해 역사상 유례가 없는 대혼란의 시기였다. 언어상으로는 대규모의 인구 이동 등으로 인해 북방어와 남방어가 융합되는 국면이 형성되었고, 또한 불교의 성행, 운문(韻文)의 발달, 문학비평의 번영 등으로 인해 언어학 발전에 큰 영향을 끼치는 기초가 마련된 시기이기도 하다. 한어사에서 이 시기는 上古音시대부터 中古音시대에 이르기까지 언어체계의 변천 과정을 규명할 수 있는 중요한 시기라 할 수 있다. 漢語音韻史에서 魏晋南北朝시대는 上古와 中古의 과도시기라 할 수 있다. 특히 魏晋시대는 兩漢시기와 南北朝시기의 교량 역할을 하는 과도기라 할 수 있다. 본고에서는 양성운(陽聲韻)은 몇 개의 운부로 나누어지고, 또 각 운부 속에 어떠한 운류(韻類)의 글자들이 포함되어 있으며, 周祖謨가 분류한 魏·晉의 운부 및 劉宋시기의 운부와 비교하여 어떠한 차이점이 있는지에 대해 살펴보고자 한다. 각 운의 독용과 통압 상황으로 分部한 결과 이 시기의 陽聲韻은 魏代에 11운부(東部, 鍾部, 眞部, 元部, 寒部, 陽部, 庚部, 蒸部, 登部, 侵部, 談部), 晋代에 12운부(東部, 鍾部, 眞部, 文部, 魂部, 元部, 寒部, 陽部, 庚部, 蒸部, 侵部, 談部)로 나누어짐을 볼 수 있다.
        2008.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        소고는 倭亂(1592年~1598年)과 胡亂(1636年~1637年) 이후 조선후기의 사 상을 ‘実心’과 ‘実心実学’을 키워드 삼아 고찰하였다. 조선후기는 전쟁의 폐허를 재건하고, 보다 견고한 왕조지배체제를 제구성해야 한다는 당면과제가 있었다. 따 라서 그 이전과는 다른 氣流가 정치․경제는 물론이고 사회와 문화 등 여러 분야 에 흐르게 되었다. 특히 ‘実’이라는 개념을 자주 눈에 띠는데, 이는 兩亂의 原因을 반성한 결과일 것이다. 즉 ‘虛’에 대한 대응으로서의 ‘實’이다. 따라서 英祖․正祖時期의 文書에서 발견되는 ‘実心’과 ‘實心實學’의 용례는 ‘實’을 내용을 고찰함에 좋은 실마리를 제공해준다. 儒學의 텍스트에서 ‘実’은 ‘誠’의 내용을 설명하는 말이었다. 특히 中庸에는 ‘誠’은 하늘의 道이고, ‘誠之’는 사람의 道라고 하는 規定이 있는데, 이는 ‘実心’을 분석하고 논의함에 있어서도 중요한 거점이 된다. 용례를 정리하면 실심은 크게 두 종류로 나누어진다. 하나는 공식문서에서 신하가 군주에게 요구하는 ‘実心’이 다. 이 경우 군주는 끊임없이 신하의 忠告과 警告를 받아들이고, 그것을 정책에 반영하는 ‘実心’을 갖추어야 한다. 政治的의미가 강한 실심으로, 君民共治를 위한 實心이라고 할 수 있다. 다음은 行動主体로서의 군주 自身의 文書, 혹은 신하 의 個人的文書에 사용된 ‘実心’이다. 하늘에서 부여받은 本然의 마음을 실심으로 보는 것이다. 朱子学적 修養論인 ‘存天理去人慾’과 ‘戒愼恐懼’의 자세를 갖추고, 内面의 純粋性으로서의 실심을 보존하는 것이다. 이런 ‘実心’은 他者에게 感動을 주어 共感하고, 他者와의 疎通을 꾀하며, 他者의 마음과 하나가 된다. 여기서의 ‘実心’은 實事에 임하여 實政을 행하고 백성에 도움이 되는 實效를 거두는 원동력이다. 또 이 실심에 근거한 학문이 ‘實心實學’이다. 이 ‘實心實學’은 陽明学的絶対純粋의 마음을 자각하고 그것을 重視하는 観点이 기초를 이룬다. 실심을 강조하는 人士들은 文字에 얽매여 있는 知識을 実践에 옮기는 ‘實心實學’ 의 구현을 위하여 노력한다. 즉 朝鮮後期의 새로운 학문기류에서 보이는 實心이 란, 자신을 향한 엄격 수양의 필요성을 자각한 데서 나온 개념이다. 이런 실심을 전제로 하는 실심실학이란, 이상적 민생실현을 위한 의식의 표현이라고 생각된다.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, solar eclipse records were investigated during the Three Kingdoms era of ancient Korea using astronomical calculations and numerical simulations. Under the condition that the solar eclipses were actually observed at the well known capitals of the Three Kingdoms, I investigated the probabilities that the optimal observation areas of the Early Silla, Goguryeo, and Baekje records would appear around Chinese continent. I found higher probabilities than those suggested by Park and La (1994), although the numerical values are still low, especially in the case of the Early Silla records. On the other hand, the probability that the optimal observation area of the Later Silla records will be present around South Korea is only 13.6%, although the area shows a good match with the known capital. I also analyzed the number distribution of the eclipse records for the Three Kingdoms (except for the latter Silla's) according to the observers' locations: at the optimal observation areas and at the known capitals. And then I compared with the number distribution of all eclipses observable from those locations. From the χ2-test, I found that the Goguryeo and Baekje records had better representation of their population distributions at the latter regions (χ2=27.93 and 205.5) than at the former ones (χ2=34.19 and 211.5). Therefore, it is difficult to conclude that the observers' locations during the Three Kingdoms period were either near China, as suggested by Park and La, or in the Korean peninsula, solely based on these results. It is thus recommended that more studies are required to confirm the real observers' locations during the Three Kingdoms era.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          기간차량경로 문제는 차량용량제약을 고려한 차량경로문제를 다 기간으로 확장한 형태의 문제로 역방향 로지스틱스의 폐기물 혹은 재활용품 수거에 관련된 주요한 운영 문제들 중의 하나로 각 고객에 대해서는 계획기간 중에 방문해야 하는 횟수가 정해져 있어 방문날짜 조합을 결정해야 하며 주어진 방문날짜 조합 하에 각 기간의 차량경로도 결정해야 한다. 주요한 제약조건으로는 차량의 용량제약과 각 기간의 가용 시간제약이 있으며 소요차량의 대수를 최소화하는 것을 목적으
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kyeongbokgung succeeded in regaining its status as a royal palace after the reconstruction that began in the second year of King Gojong(1865) only to have most of its buildings taken down in the early 20th century. Fortunately, however, there is the Pukkwoldohyong(Map of North Palace), which drew out each of the buildings of Kyeongbokgung and their arrangement in details in 1907 when the royal palace lost its original appearance. And there is another plot plan of the royal palace at the Korea University Museum, which labeled it Kyeongbokgung-Baechido(Planning Map of Kyeongbokgung Palace). The map presents almost the same plan as Pukkwoldohyong in terms of making and expressive methods, being estimated to have been made in 1888 since its building arrangement doesn't show the changes made after 1890. The map also offers more information about the uses of each building than Pukkwoldohyong and matches the excavation results of the relics. Kyeongbokgung-Jeondo(Map of Kyeongbokgung Palace), which is recorded to be made during the reconstruction of the palace in the early years of King Gojong in historical materials, describes the shapes and arrangements of the buildings in a concrete and realistic fashion. The Kyeongbokgung-Baechido seems to be one of the plans made in the process of restoring and repairing buildings that were lost or destroyed in fire. The Kyeongbokgung-Baschido has the following historic values; 1) it provides dues to estimate the early state of the palace after the reconstruction during the reign of King Gojong. In fact the Sujeongjeon and Heungbokjeon show the early state of the reconstruction; 2) it contains data with which to understand the changes to the palace after 1890, around which they added Hamhwadang and Jibokjae; and 3) it offers information about the uses of the palace's buildings from 1885 to 1880 with its descriptions of the building purposes and relationships regarding the life in the palace.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        郭沫若先生曾经指出:“无论作任何研究,材料的鉴别是最必要的基础阶段。材料不够固然大成问题。而材料的真伪或时代性如未规定清楚,那比缺乏材料还要更加危险。”我們迎接古文物的第一項工作就是考釋文字,有了釋讀上的成果之後我們才能進一步進行斷代分域工作。要正確的判別古文物的時代國別,我們才能夠更往上一層樓,這是不可否認的事實。譬如拿一方璽印來說,它到底屬於那國之物?如不能解結這個問題,擺在我們眼前的古璽印只是個古董罷了。這種大小只有方寸的古代遺物所以被人們看重的原因,就是璽文的史料價値並不低於其他古文字資料。它們可以提供古代官名、地名、姓名、經濟等各方面的資訊,而且這種史料往往是傳統古籍所遺傳的寶貴資料。本文在諸家已有的硏究成果的基礎上重新整理出戰國齐璽的五项選別標準: (一) 以出土地判别 (二) 以字形判别 (三) 以地名判别 (四) 以文例判别 (五) 以印面特征判别 希望爲硏究戰國齐璽者提供一個判別標準。這些判別標準得透過新材料繼續補充下去,才有真正的學術價值。
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the articles of food and nutrition published in the Yeo-Sung magazines from 1936 to 1940 in Korea. Out of the 67 articles about the food and the nutrition from the Yeo-Sung magazines, 28 (41.8%) of them were about the brief information of food and nutrition news, 16 (23.8%) of them were about the recipes, 6 (9.0%) were about the nutrition information, and 17 (25.4%) of them were about others. As the number of recipes mentioned from the Yeo-Sung magazine was 103, 77 items, the majority, were about the Korean foods, 18 of the Western foods, 6 of Chinese foods, and only 2 of Japanese foods. This result showed that the Japanese colonization didn't seem to influence on Korean tastes and gastronomy. During this period, the modernization caused the numerous changes to our traditional cuisine with introduction of new western menu items and concept of nutrition. The nutrition articles highly recommended eating brown rice, vegetables, tofu, and the white meat. Shin-Young Bang, one of the main authors, insisted that "Cookery is not only the skill, but also the one of the very important academic sciences." showed budding modern cookery sciences in Korea.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Seoul has been watched at its symbolic image which is the capital of one nation. since then Joseon was established. So, most of study about Seoul placed too much emphasis on like next; urban organization, palace, government office and public establishment. On the other hand, it is lacking in study of the individual building, the residential district, the change of building-lot. This study is to make up a deficiency from study of Gaokdohyung(家屋圖形site and floor plan). Gaokdohyung(家屋圖形) is drawings of building lots & houses existed in Hanseongbu漢城府(modem Seoul). It is possessed in Jangseogak and all 24 sheets. It is merely 24sheets but has many urban information in that. Housing of number 116 expressed in Gaokdohyung are consist on the house of Sadaebu士天王(noble class) Joongin中人(middle class) Sangmin常民(commoner), Villa(Byeolseo別墅) and connecting stores etc. Houses in Gaokdohyung has characteristic that most building lot is very specious and owners are variety of social position. The study of Gaokdohyung will progress through analyzing diachronic change of individual building lot & house. In the event, results of this study will help to find out change of urban tissue & architecture. So, i intend to seek for entity of urban tissue and urban house in Joseon Period differ from now, and to study out those have been changed continuously forward now.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Temperature and humidity are the vital environmental factors influencing the distribution and abundance of ectothermal organisms. Also, these variables often determine the efficacy of biological control of spider mites using phytoseiid mites N. californicus, N. womersleyi and P. persimilis are promising biocontrol agents of spider mites. The combined effects of temperatures (15,20,25,30 & 35oC) and relative humidity (33,51,75 & 95%) on egg hatch, incubation period from single egg and cannibalism from five eggs experiment were tested for three phytoseiid mites. Photoperiod was set to 16L:8D and neither water nor diet was provided. The result showed that higher temperatures (30&35oC) and lower relative humidity (33&51%) caused increased egg mortality by shrinking and desiccation. The egg hatch of N. californicus and P. persimilis were higher than N. womersleyi in all conditions with the exception of 35oC and 95% RH treatment where P. persimilis did not hatch at all. The incubation periods of egg decreased as the humidity level increased even under the same temperature. The cannibalism, habit of feeding the same species was found from protonymphal and deutonymphal stages under higher humidity levels (75&95%) in the three phytoseiid species. This tendency was higher in N. californicus and N. womersleyi than in P. persimilis. The results partially explain the lower predator performance during hot summer by P. persimilis and the possibility to sustain the predator population when the prey population is low.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the details and characteristics of prizewinning plans of Cho-Sun housing plan competition promoted by Daily Cho-Sun Company during Japanese colonial period. The main features of Cho-Sun housing plan competition were that the competition held with an application of popular newspaper readers and a judging committee was composed of only Korean architects, especially Park, Gil-Ryong as the president of the board of examiners. Cho-Sun housing plan competition put ideological factors for the improvement of living as like advancing to the cultured(modern) life, respecting for family life, respecting for privacy of family members and so on. First of all, the competition suggested the direction of the improvement of dwelling spaces which focused on making harmonious home life. This study found common characteristics of prizewinning plans of Cho-Sun housing plan competition as the result. First, Cho-Sun housing plan competition introduced a centralized house plan as a model of the improvement of small-sized houses. Second, architectural orders of western or japanese style mingled with ones of korean traditional style in prizewinning plans as entrance hall, western style reception room(parlour), maid's room, bathroom for example. And a manner of seating using chairs was brought into the style of living which would be assumed in the prizewinning plans. Third, traditional way of composing dwelling spaces was maintained, receiving the characteristics of dwelling spaces of japanese style simultaneously, which central corridor was put at the heart of house for improving arrangement of rooms and flow lines. Fourth, lavatory and bathroom were placed inside of the house.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서 처리수를 이용한 주기적인 역세척은 세라믹 정밀여과에 의한 고도정수처리 시스템에서 막오염을 저감하고 투과선속을 향상시키고자 수행되었으며, 물 역세척 주기(FT) 및 시간(BT)의 영향과 최적 운전조건을 규명하고자 하였다. FT의 영향을 알아보기 위해 일정한 BT 3초에서 FT를 30∼120초로 변화시켰고, BT 영향 실험에서 일정한 FT 120초에서 BT를 3∼12초로 변화시켰다. 그리고 다른 운전변수인 막간압력차는 1.52 bar, 물 역세척 압력 0.98 bar, 유입유량 0.5 L/min, 공급액의 온도 20℃로 일정하게 유지하였다. 그 결과, 일정한 BT 3초에서 본 실험 범위의 최적 FT는 30초로, 이것은 빈번한 역세척이 막오염의 저감에 더 효과적임을 의미한다. 그러나 너무 짧은 BT로 인하여 FT의 영향은 크지 않았다. 한편, 일정한 FT 120초에서 BT가 증가함에 따라 막오염에 의한 저항(Rf)은 감소하고 투과선속(J)과 무차원화한 투과선속 (J/Jo)은 증가하는 경향을 나타내어, 최대 BT인 12초에서 가장 많은 총여과부피(VT)를 얻을 수 있었다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study intends to consider about the food culture during the latterly Chosun Dynasty through the genre paintings which are depicted realistically about the total food life figures for example not only the foods, but also that people who eat and drink the food and eating implements, eating methods. There are 9 pieces of works Kim hong-do's which are the best appraisal on the incorporated Korean emotion and on the real life of general public. Those are selected for this study's characteristics through the literature consideration. The characteristics of the tableware pottery and food culture are following things. The first is a white porcelain's development and popularization. In the latterly Chosun Dynasty period, the development of the agriculture and commerce made been connected to the affluent food cultures, these made increase the porcelain's use of upper classes and these made been connected to the development of the porcelain's cultures. The second is the development of various pottery with a dark brown glaze manufactures. The development of agriculture and economy power made bring the development of the kinds of sauces and Kimchi culture with an inflow of foreign crops and these made making the large an earthenware pot or jar which could store something during the long time. The third is the development of the small dining table on the eating the bread of idleness. In the Chosun dynasty period, the food style was been unified to he eating the bread of idleness and been lowered. These made developed of various small dining table through the underfloor heating system's generalization. The fourth is the development of the spoon with the soup culture. It is the East Asia called that the spoon culture boundary, this show the characteristic that we use the spoon mainly compare with another countries. Finally, it is universal use of the fixed quantitative implements. They could live quantitative life with the scales which are jar of soy sauce, liquor jug, jar, scoop leading a set of tableware.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yangbanxi("model plays") symbolize the Cultural Revolution(1966~1976) in China. The Eight Model Revolutionary Works include five Chinese Modern Peking Operas, namely, Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy(智取威虎山), Harbor City(海港), Shaijabang(沙家浜), The Red Lantern(紅燈記), and Raid on the White Tiger Regiment; (奇襲白虎團), ballets such as The Red Detachment of Women(紅色娘子軍) and The White-Haired Girl(白毛女); and a symphony: Shajiabang(沙家浜). On April 24, 1967, Chinese leaders, including Mao Zedong, saw a performance of The White-Haired Girl. Yanbanxi was performed in Beijing between May 24 and June 15 the same year. The Red Lantern was designated as a work for the proletarian classes by Jiang Qing(Mao Zedong's third wife and the most influential woman in China) and spread nationwide. It was also made into a film to be enjoyed by many people. The modern Chinese operas went a long way in their creation of visual images of revolutionary heroes. The Red Lantern, in particular, came to be regarded as the most representative revolutionary opera. In the course of such a process, Jiang Qing used Yangbanxi as a political tool for compelling the people to worship and pledge their allegiance to Mao in an effort to turn the Cultural Revolution into a class struggle on behalf of her husband. During the Cultural Revolution period, artists were made to associate with workers, farmers and soldiers based on the idea of advocating revolutionary arts for the proletarian classes. The characters in The Rend Lantern were portrayed as heroes from the proletarian classes according to the demands of the era. Chinese leaders set forth the principles of artistic expression, stressing three important factors: politics, heroes, and heroic acts, which were to be applied to all the visual arts, including Yangbanxi. This paper attempts to present a new view of fine arts during the Cultural Revolution in China by focusing on the productive significance of a leading style of a specific era in the past. To that end, this paper sheds light on products made in conformance with political instructions, stressing the importance of revolutionary heroes in The Red Lantern.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Preliminary time-series observations for short-period variability survey (SPVS) were carried out using a 155mm refractor and a 2k×3k CCD camera at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory. We found 21 new variable stars in the 90′×60′ test field region : 9 eclipsing binary stars, 5δ Scuti type stars, a γ Doradus type star, and 6 long period variables. The observing field center is R.A. 05 h00m00s, DEC. 50∘00′00" (J2000.0). The period and amplitude ranges for the short-period variables, i.e., δ Scuti stars, were 0.052day - 0.107day and 0.012mag - 0.064mag, respectively.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고에서는 신석기시대에서 무문토기시대로의 이행과정상에 나타나는 3개의 초기양상을 검토함으로써 조기의 내용, 조기의 상·하한을 파악하려 하였다. 본격적인 검토에 앞서, 조기의 기준으로 물질자료의 구성이 무문토기시대에 준하며, 동시에 전기와 시기적·형태적으로 구별되는 유물 조합으로 설정하였다. 위의 초기양상 가운데 돌대문토기의 단독기는 전기무문토기와 유물의 형태적 조합에서 구분되고 시간적으로도 선행한다. 그 밖의 신석기시대 말기에 즐문토기와 함께 종종 확인되는 새로운 요소와 무문토기시대내에 잔존하는 즐문토기요소들은 신석기시대에서 무문토기시대로 이행하는 도정을 보여주는 것이긴 하지만 시기적으로 전자는 조기의 단계에 병행하면서 문화내용으로서는 무문토기시대 조기로 볼 수 없고, 후자는 전기이후로 판단하였다. 조기의 상한은 신석기시대 말기에 나타나는 새로운 요소를 실마리로 이중구연토기의 3 단계와 이러한 새로운 요소의 공반상을 파악하여 빨라도 이중구연토기 수가리단계를 소급하지 않을 것으로 보았고, 하한은 물론 전기무문토기의 시작이 된다. 절대연대상으로 보면 상한은 3,200 B.P.를 전후한 시기로, 하한은 2,900 B.P.를 전후한 시기로 볼 수 있다. 이상의 결과는 조기설정이 한반도 남부전역에 일률적으로 적용할 수 없고, 무문토기시대로의 전환 양상이 다양함을 말해준다. 이러한 개별적이고 산발적인 특징은 신석기시대에서 무문토기시대로의 전환기에 나타나는 한반도의 특성을 대변하는 것으로 생각된다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study we attempted to analyze the change of protein and mycelial activity during low temperature storage progressed. At first, esterase and peroxidase isozymes were detected at third and fourth subculture in Pleurotus ostreatus and peroxidase isozymes in Pleurotus eryngii were detected at first and second subculture but esterase isozymes showed almost same band patterns subculture advanced. The decolorization ratio of media color including indicator were decreased according to subculture advanced in P. ostreatus and P. eryngii. However there were not significantly difference of mycelial growth, fruit body yield, esterase isozyme band pattern and laccase activity of P. eryngii according to storage periods at low temperature. Therefore, it was possible to store sawdust spawn of P. eryngii at 4℃ for 120days.