
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 152

        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Although many synthetic pesticides have played important roles in pest management in agriculture, forest, housings, gardens, and managed landscapes for several decades, increased concerns to human health and environmental contamination have limited their usages and application in integrated pest management (IPM). Many plant essential oils have a variety of biological activities including adulticidal, acaricidal, larvicidal, ovicidal, repellent, antifeedant, and oviposition deterrent ones against insect pests. These oils and major terpenoid constituents show neurotoxic effects by interference with the cockroach octopamine and nematode SER-2 tyramine receptors. Most plant volatile oils contain plentiful phenylpropanoids, mono and sequiterpenes, and related phenols. They have been widely used in the flavor, fragrance, aroma therapy, food additives, and cosmetic industries. Some volatile plant essential oils have traditionally been used as stored product protectors and mosquito repellents, while their successful cases in commerce have been recently applied. Especially, these essential oils have not only been treated against house and garden pests, but these oils also have higher potential to be employed as “green pesticides” in the field of stored products, green house, and medical insect pests due to their fumigant action. Eventually, considering resistance development to many synthetic pesticides, it is likely that plant volatile or essential oil-based pesticides would play an essential role as an alternatives since they typically consist of the complex mixtures of constituents responsible for slow resistant development. In addition, the mixtures of these oils with conventional insecticides and the application of their capability to to enhance the efficacy of conventional products remains a main market niche. In this presentation, several cases of test evidences under laboratory and field conditions will be discussed. Ultimately, plant volatile-based pesticides and repellents would play an important role in future IPM programs due to their relative safety to non-target organisms and the environment.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A phytoremediation study has been conducted to see if some known aquatic plants can remove the pesticides, endosulfan-α, β and fenitrothion which are frequently used in the crop protection and golf course management, and are likely to exist as residual pollutants in the aquatic ecosystems. Among the five aquatic plants tested in the microcosms, water lily Nymphaea tetragona Georgi showed the highest degradation efficacies (85~95%) for the three pesticides as opposed to the control(13~26%). The efficacies for the other plants were in the range of 46~80% in the order of Pistia stratiotes, Cyperus helferi, Eichhornia crassipes, and Iris pseudoacorus. Fenitrothion, an organo-phosphorus pesticide, was much more vulnerable to the phytoremediation than the organo-chlorine pesticides, endosulfan-α and endosulfan-β. The kinetic rate constants (min-1) for removal of the three pesticides were more than 10 times higher than the control (non-planting) in case of Nymphaea tetragona Georgi. This aquatic plant showed kinetic rate constants about 2 times as much as the lower kinetic rate constants shown by Iris pseudoacorus. The reason for the highest degradation efficacy of water lily would be that the plant can live in the sediment and possess roots and broad leaves which could absorb or accumulate and degrade more pollutants in association with microbes. These results indicate that some of the selected aquatic plants planted near the agricultural lands and wetlands could contribute to remediation of pesticides present in these places, and could be applicable to protection of the aquatic ecosystems.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수입과일을 대상으로 captan, chlorpyrifos, methidathion 및 kresoxim-methyl 을 각각 1000, 250, 400 및 157 mgkg−1 농도 로 수확 후 처리 하여 저장 기간에 따른 경시적 변화를 관찰한 결과 captan 은 처리 직후 과일 전체에서 0.9-12.5 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.23 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었으며, 4주 후에는 과일 전체에서 0.7-3.2 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.67 mgkg−1 으로 조사되었다. chlorpyrifos 은 처리 직후 과일 전체에서 0.4-2.2 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.32 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었고, 4주 후에는 과일전체에서 0.3-0.9 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.02 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었다. methidathion 은 처리 직후 과일 전체에서 0.7-3.1 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.05 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었고, 4주 후에는 과일 전체에서 0.4-2.0 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.05 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었다. kresoxim-methyl 은 처리 직후 과일 전체에서 1.3-2.1 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.16 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었고, 4주 후에는 과일 전체에서 1.3-1.8 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.15 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었다. 농약처리 4주 후 농도의 감소율은 captan 이 52% 로 가 장 높았으며 다음으로 chlorpyrifos, methidathion 및 kresoximmethyl 이 각각 47, 41 및 11% 순으로 조사 되었다.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Texts and icons are used to deliver the safety and health information on pesticide labels. This study surveyed the standards or guidelines regarding the presentation formats of texts and icons used in pesticides. Also, the text and icon formats being used in the 50 pesticide products in Korea were investigated in the aspects of size, font (texts only), color. From the guideline survey, it was found that while the guidelines for the text fonts and colors in pesticides were suggested, there was no detailed guidelines about the text size. For the icon presentation, it was regulated that the icon size for the pesticides should be larger than 7mm×7mm, and this size was equivalent to the size when the reading distance of 28 ㎝ was applied to other two guidelines. From the sample survey of the 50 pesticides, it was found that the small text size being used in the 50 pesticides was 1mm (3pt), and this size was considered to be very difficult to be read, particularly by old people. The minimum size of the texts for the toxicity of the pesticide, the very important safety information, was found to be 1.5 mm, which is considered to be very uncomfortable to be read. The size of icons were varied from 2 to 12 mm, and the total average size was 4.6 mm. The 149 icons from a total 187 icons (80%) were smaller than the icon presentation guideline (7mm×7mm), and the reason for the small icon size might be the small area of the label of the pesticides. Thus, more detailed guidelines for the text size and more practical guidelines for the size of icons are required.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pesticide residues were investigated in 16 commodities (rice, foxtail millet, buckwheat, kidney bean, peanut, sesame, orange, grapefruit, kiwifruit, spinach, perilla leaves, leek, garlic stem, garlic, ginger and oak mushroom)collected from 22 provinces (Seoul, Busan, Incheon, Daegu, Daejeon, Gwangju, Ulsan, Suwon, Seongnam, Goyang,Bucheon, Yongin, Cheongju, Jeonju, Jeju, Cheonan, Changwon, Pohang, Gumi, Jinju, Wonju and Yeosu) in 2009. Pesticides (172 kinds) were analyzed using multiresidue method by GC/MS/MS from 510 samples, and phenthoate in kiwifruit was violated by exceeding MRL. The intake assessment for 24 kinds of pesticide residues including the detected pesticides at multi pesticide residue monitoring (bifenthrin etc.) were carried out. The result showed that the ratio of EDI (estimated daily intake) to ADI (acceptable daily intake) was 0.000007~0.458% which means that the detected pesticide residues were in a safe range so that residual pesticides in the agricultural products in Korea.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Two pesticides commonly used in spinach were subjected to a field residue trial to ensure safety of terminal residues in the harvest. The residual patterns of two pesticides, which were Azoxystrobin and chlorpyrifos were examined after applying with the recommended dose and their DT50 were calculated. Also degradation patterns of pesticides at storage 4℃ were compared to those at 20℃, and removal rates of pesticides by washing spinach with water were measured. Biological half-lives of azoxystrobin and chlorpyrifos were 3.2~3.8 and 3.8~4.7 days, respectively. During the storage period, the degradation patterns were appeared more obviously at 20℃ than 4℃. Removal rates of azoxystrobin and chlorpyrifos were 9.6~90.0% and 17.7~85.8% by various washing methods.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The content of residual pesticides in commercial agricultural products in Gyeongsangbuk-Do area was investigated for 5 years extending the year 2004 through 2008. The detection rates of residual pesticides in agricultural products by year were similar in range of 11.6~16.4%. But the violation rates showed lower values in the last years from 4.5% of the year 2004 to 0% of the year 2007. The highest residual concentration of each pesticide detected in commercial agricultural products was investigated by year. That is, in the year 2004 and 2005, chlorpyrifos, chlorothalonil, diazinon, endosulfan, ethoprophos, fenarimol and procymidone were detected over the tolerance in kale, parsley, celery, chard and lettuce, and in the year 2006, permethrin in the soybean and peanut. The detection rate and violation rate of pesticides were highly increased in the order of the endosulfan, chlorpyrifos, procymidone, chlorfenapyr, fenitrothion, imazalil, isoprothiolane, methidathion and permethrin. The detection rate and violation rate of pesticides were increased after August every year.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006년 5월부터 9월까지 아산만의 유기인계 농약의 분포특성에 대해 조사하였다, 조사기간 중 표층수와 부유입자 시료에서 28개의 유기인계 농약이 검출되었다. 조사해역의 표층수에서 가장 많이 존재하는 유기인계 농약은 IBP와 DDVP로 각각 N.D.~014.4, 3.2~696.3 ng/L의 농도로 측정되었다. 유기인계 농약은 아산만에서 7월과 8월에 가장 높은 농도분포를 보였으며, 이는 농약의 사용 및 강수와 관계가 있었다. 조사 해역에서 유기인계 농약은 상류에서 하류로 갈수록 농도가 뚜렷이 감소하여 육상기원 잔류농약이 연안의 해양환경내로 유입된 후 분해 희석됨을 보여주었다. 조사기간 중의 아산만 해역의 유기인계 농약의 분포는 다른 지역에서 조사된 것 보다 높은 농도를 보였다, 검출된 유기인계 농약의 농도는 우리나라 해역의 수질기준 중 유기인계 농약의 잔류 허용치를 넘지 않았다. 분석된 유기인계 농약 중 DDVP, IBP, Diazinon, Phorate, Azinphos ethyl, Chlorfenvinfos는 부유입자에 흡착하는 성질이 다른 농약보다 큰 것으로 나타났고 흡착계수 (Kd)는 Log Kow와 밀접한 관계가 있었다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Three benzimidazole pesticides commonly used in korean lettuce were subjected to a field residue trial to ensure safety of terminal residue in the harvest. The residual patterns of three benzimidazole pesticides, which were carbendazim, benomyl and thiophanate-methyl were examined after applying with the recommended dose in two types of korean lettuce (Chima and Chuckmeon) and their DT50 were calculated. In Chima lettuce, biological half-lives of carbendazim, benomyl and thiophanate-methyl were 2.56, 1.37 and 2.54 days, respectively and their required time under MRL(5.0 mg/kg as carbendazim) were 4.5, 2.2 and 1.0days. In Chuckmeon lettuce, biological half-lives of them were 3.41, 1.70 and 4.20 days, respectively and their required time under MRL were 5.4, 1.9 and 0.5days.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the development of integrated pest management system by harmonizing biological and chemical control, some experiments were carried out to select low toxic pesticides and to evaluate residual toxicity to natural enemies. Leaf dipping method and body dipping method were set up for evaluating toxicity to minute pirate bug, Orius strigicollis adult. We had tested 52 kinds of pesticides (33 insecticides, 19 fungicides) commonly used to control greenhouse insects, mites, and disease pests to natural enemies at the recommended concentration. Fourteen insecticides by body dipping method, 12 insecticides by leaf dipping method and 19 fungicides were selected as low toxic pesticides to O. strigicollis adult. After insecticide spraying at recommending dose on the sweet pepper plant, we examined residual effect of insecticides by introducing natural enemies on different days. Safety interval for introduction of O. strigicollis adult was established according to residual toxicity of pesticides. Safety insecticides at one day after treatment were pyraclofos, methomyl, thiodicarb, esfenvalerate bifenthrin, alpha-cypermethrin, etofenprox, fenvalerate, imidacloprid, acetamiprid, abamectin, emamectin benzoate, spinosad, indoxacarb. However, residual toxicity of neo-nicotinoids last up to 21 days to O. strigicollis adults.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the development of integrated pest management system by harmonizing biological and chemical control, some experiments were carried out to select low toxic pesticides against natural enemies, and their residual toxicity were evaluated. Leaf dipping method, body dipping method, and diet treatment method were set up for the toxicity evaluation against Cotesia glomerata adults. We had tested 46 different pesticides (31 insecticides, 11 fungicides, 4 herbicides) at recommending concentration commonly used to control diamond back moth, disease and up-land weeds in chinese cabbage field. Twenty three insecticides, eleven fungicides, and four herbicides were shown to be low toxic to C. glomerata adults in the treatment of body dipping. After insecticide spraying at recommending dose on the chinese cabbage, we examined residual effect of insecticides by introducing natural enemies on different days. Safety interval for the introduction of C. glomerata adults was established according to the residual toxicity of pesticides. Safe insecticides for the introduction of C. glomerata adults at one day after treatment (DAT) were thiacloprid, acephate, chlorfenapyr, clothianidin and at 3 DAT were imidacloprid, deltamethrin, thiamethoxam, dimethylvinphos, emamectin benzoate.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the results achieved by the evaluation of toxicities on an aphid parasitoid, Aphidius colemani by 79 pesticides registered as horticultural pesticide and 4 adjuvants for pest control, 6 insecticides including a-cypermethrin, 13 fungicides including metalaxyl-M+mancozeb and 4 acaricides including bifenazate showed low toxicity against A. colemani adult. Low toxicity was showed in all the 4 adjuvants as well. In residual toxicity test from 40 pesticides which showed toxicity more than 50%, A. colemani was safe from 11 pesticides from the 3th day after treatment, 7 pesticides from the 5th day after treatment and 14 pesticides from the 7th day after treatment, respectively. But, chlorpyrifos-methyl, diflubenzuron+chlorpyrifos, etofenprox+diazinone and imidachloprid+chlorpyrifos showed high toxicities reaching 100%, 97.7%, 100% and 100% respectively, even from the 7th day after treatment. To evaluate the control effect by A. colemani against Myzus persicae in a greenhouse, A. colemani was released at parasitoid versus aphids rates of 1:50 and 1:100 when the population of M. persicae was 50 per plant. After release, aphids population remained steady for 20 days after release at the level of around 60 aphids per plant During the investigation, insecticides for thrips control and fungicides for powdery mildew control were treated, but didn"t affect the mummy forming of A. colemani. It may be suggested from these results that the selected insecticides, fungicides, acaricides and adjuvent could be incorporated into the integrated M. persicae management system with A. colemani on greenhouse cultivation.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The toxicities of 37 commercial pesticides for citrus pests were evaluated to N. fallacis. Eight fungicides (difenoconazole, imibenconazole, azoxystrobin, dithianon, fluazinam, procymidon, strep-tomycin, tribasic copper sulfate), three insecticides (dichlovos, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam) and four acaricides (milbemectin, tetradifon, dicofol, spirodiclofen) had lower effect to the hatchability of eggs N. fallacis. Six fungicides (propineb, difenoconazole, imibenconazole, azoxystrobin, dithianon, procymidon) and three acaricides (bifenazate, tetradifon, spirodiclofen) showed lower contact toxicity to adult N. fallacis. The secondary toxicity of 26 pesticides to N. fallacis adult were evaluated. Two fungicides (fluazinam, streptomycin) and 3 acaricides (machine oil, cyhexatin, halfenprox) showed low toxicity when the prey (eggs of spider mite) was treated with pesticides.
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