The changes of rainfall pattern and impervious covers have increased disaster risks in urbanized areas. Impervious covers such as roads and building roofs have been dramatically increased. So, it is falling the ability safety of flood defense equipments to exist. Runoff coefficient means ratio of runoff by whole rainfall which is able to directly contribute at surface runoff during rainfall event. The application of accurate runoff coefficients is very important in sewer pipelines design.This study has been performed to estimate runoff characteristics change which are applicable to the process of sewer pipelines design or various public facilities design. It has used the SHER model, a long-term runoff model, to analyze the impact of a rising impervious covers on runoff coefficient change. It thus analyzed the long-term runoff to analyze rainfall basins extraction. Consequently, it was found that impervious surfaces could be a important factor for urban flood control. We could suggest the application of accurate runoff coefficients in accordance to the land Impervious covers. The average increase rates of runoff coefficients increased 0.011 for 1% increase of impervious covers. By having the application of the results, we could improve plans for facilities design.
The recent rise in SARS and bird flu infections around the world has raised the interest in studying the habits of air borne pathogens such as germs and viruses. In this study, simulations were carried out to predict the performance of UVGI air sterilizer at preventing airborne infections inside a car, based on the installation position and the removing effect of the UVGI air sterilizer. Simulation results showed that the UVGI air sterilizer was most effective when located at the rear side of the front seats. It was also showed that when the out-air mode and the UVGI air sterilizer were set to the highest capacity, the microbial safety levels were maintained in a car for 21 hours.
In this paper, the wakes behind a square cylinder were simulated using two kinds of different turbulence models for the eddy viscosity concept such as the zero- and the one-equation model in which the former is the mixing length model and the latter is the k-equation model. For comparison between numerical and analytical solutions, we employed three skill assessments: the correlation coefficient(r) for the similarity of the wake shape, the error of maximum velocity difference(EMVD) for the accuracy of wake velocity and the ratio of drag coefficient(RDC) for the pressure distribution around the structure. On the basis of the numerical results, the feasibility of each model for wake simulation was discussed and a suitable value for the empirical constant was suggested in these turbulence models. The zero-equation model, known as the simplest turbulence model, overestimated the EMVD and its absolute mean error(AME) for r, EMVD and RDC was ranging from 20.3 % to 56.3 % for all test. But the AME by the one-equation model was ranging from 3.4 % to 19.9 %. The predicted values of the one-equation model substantially agreed with the analytical solutions at the empirical mixing length scale L=0.6b1/2 with the AME of 3.4 %. Therefore it was concluded that the one-equation model was suitable for the wake simulation behind a square cylinder when the empirical constant for eddy viscosity would be properly chosen.
PURPOSES: This study performs fundamental research on ramp-metering design criteria. METHODS: We carefully review previous studies in terms of ramp-metering design criteria and then consider applicability in Korea. For this, traffic simulation model is employed to analyze actual effect according to specific location of stop-line when implementing rampmetering. RESULTS : When a stop-line moving forward with a 50m interval, travel speed at mainline relative to current stop-line location tends to decrease. However, traveling speed at approach roads increase about 5~18% under the same condition. When a stop-line location moving backward with a 50m interval, mainline travel speed increase approximately 17~32% whereas traveling speed at approach roads decrease. All cases are compared with the current stop-line location. CONCLUSIONS : We believe that both cases are useful with respect to freeway management. For example, moving forward a stop-line case can be used management for queuing area at ramp section and approach roads. Moving backward a stop-line case can be used for traffic control, focusing on mainline of freeways.
차량, 수송, 조선 등 많은 산업이 발전함에 따라 기계장치를 구성하고 있는 각종 재료의 특성 또한 날로 발전하고 있다. 과거 단순 강만 사용하여 기계를 설계하던 것과 달리 현재는 특수합금강과 복합재료를 사용하여 기계의 성능을 향상시키고 있다. 이처럼 많은 산업 분야에서 재료의 특성을 파악하여 적시 적소에 사용하여 기계를 설계하는 것은 기계설계자들에게 매우 중요한 과제가 되었다. 본 논문에서는 알루미늄 폼 복합재료로 된 TDCB(이중외팔보) 시험편의 파괴 거동을 시뮬레이션 해석과 실험 검증하였다. 실험과 해석에 사용된 모델은 영국 공업규격과 ISO국제규격에 의거한 3D 형태로 하였다. θ=12°일 때의 해석 결과로 한쪽 Beam이 일정한 속도로 이동하면서 접착력에 대한 반력이 발생하는데 Beam이 약 5mm 이동하였을 때 약 270N의 최대 반력이 나타나는 것을 볼 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 실험과 유한요소법을 통한 비교분석으로 물성데이터를 확보하고, 실험결과와 해석결과의 유사성을 검증하여 보다 쉽고 빠른 소재의 특성을 파악하는 방법을 검증해 보았다.
본 논문에서는 탄소 섬유 강화 플라스틱 샌드위치 복합재료의 시뮬레이션 해석을 통해 기계적 충격특 성에 대해 연구를 하였다. 스트라이커에 30 J, 60 J, 100 J의 충격에너지를 부여하여 고정 된 시험편에 충격을 가했다. 시뮬레이션 해석 방법은 ANSYS를 이용하여 실제와 같은 경계조건을 주며 유한요소해 석을 진행하였다. 그 결과는 100J의 충격에 에너지를 가해졌을 때 스트라이커가 시험편을 완전히 관통하는 모습이 보이고 충격에너지 30J과 60J일 때는 스트라이커가 시험편을 관통하지 않았다. 본 연구의 결과로 탄소 섬유 강화 플라스틱과 알루미늄 폼으로 조립한 복합재료의 구조적 안전성을 예측과 구조적 안전성이 높이는 사료가 된다.
Tapered double cantilever beam (TDCB) specimens are the most commonly used test configurations to measure the fracture toughness of composites and adhesive joints. The material used in this study is aluminum alloy. For the impact analysis, load and displacement applied from pin onto end block as well as the crack energy release rate are calculated and compared with the finite element analysis results. The energy release rate increases with the velocity increases. As TDCB model with the same condition as experiment is simulated and analyzed, the fracture behavior can be estimated with the analysis result similar to experiment. The simulation results can be agreed with experimental graph and all experimental data at this study can be verified. These experimental results can be applied into real field effectively. It is found that the energy release rates measured from impact tests on the specimens can be predicted by the finite element model suggested in this study.
In this study, simulation analyses on the impact property of aluminum foam are carried and verified by experimental results. When aluminum foams with thicknesses of 25mm and 35mm are applied by impact energy of 14J, impact energy and deformation happened at aluminum foam are investigated by comparing experimental and analysis results. Experimental and analysis results of deformations or absorbed impact energy become similar each other. After verifying these simulation results with experimental results, impact properties of aluminum foams with thicknesses of 45mm and 55mm are also investigated by simulation results. As impact properties of aluminum foam can be studied effectively through only simulation results, it is thought to spare much time and cost by investigating various impact properties of aluminum foams with simulation analysis.
Aluminum foam has many superb properties such as light weight, impact absorption and thermal resistance by comparing with original metallic materials. Composite materials made of aluminum foam have used at various fields as automotive bumper, shock absorption, vessel and aircraft. But it is inefficient to join aluminum foam with bolt and nut because of the property of light weight. In this study, this approach is investigated by joining aluminum foam with adhesive. Impact fatigue and failure toughness at the commissure of adhesive structure are studied by simulation analysis. This study aims to investigate the shear strength evaluation at shear mode of adhesively bonded joint with double cantilever beam(DCB) made of aluminum foam.
Logistics cost of domestic company has been improved continuously and annually, it is still higher than other main comparative countries. So, in this study, as optimizing the logistic network of distribution, it was trying to find methods decreasing logistics cost and storage cost, which occupies 86% of logistics cost of companies. through the efficiency of transportation and delivery routing, it could be also possible to decrease the logistics cost. And, it is also checked to find the logistics cost could be decreased by 10% by optimizing the routes of transportation and delivery, improving the transportation mode, etc.
The OGS model is configured and used for simulation of the LASGIT project. The modeling conditions and the simulation results from the previous work by Walsh and Calder (2009) are analyzed to see if the simulation configuration is done correctly and to apply for the LASGIT project. Except for the unrealistic modeling conditions used previously, the simulation results successfully demonstrated helium propagation that is typical for the two-phase flow. The results indicated that the relations of capillary pressure and the relative permeability against water saturation used previously should be updated. An elaborated simulation with more realistic parameters should be used to improve the weak points of preliminary work.
If cultural Heritageis located in the downtown, conservation areas was developed or is being developed In most cases Therefore, in this case, the relative height of the building during construction than the regulatory limit is reasonable, is emerging need to be objectified. This study was utilizes GIS analysis techniques for 'View Corridor' and building height standards were determined. First, 'View Corridor' set and building height restrictions for the analysis of urban environmental factors were analyzed in. In particular, the topography and urban planning, and existing buildings, including the distribution of the physical urban environment, with detailed analysis on the major historical and cultural assets with a combination of a review of the impact factor for the formation of the urban landscape recognize the scope has been expanded. Second, the key selection criteria for View point largely focused on cultural Heritageand the surrounding communicative point of view and, consequently, connectivity, and symbolism, accessibility, analysis, factors such as Prospect, setting the standards by applying a detailed assessment of each item the main view point were derived. Third, the derived key View point on the terrain and landscape characteristics simulation analysis carried out by considering together the main axis, and this suggests a reasonable height for the proposed standards.
가로 및 교차로에 설치된 단순입체시설의 현행 분석기법은 시설을 이용하는 주교통류를 분석대상에 포함시키지 않고 있어 불합리한 도로 및 신호운영을 유도하여 엇갈림현상, 병목현상과 같은 도로의 혼잡을 야기한다. 이러한 여건에도 불구하고 단순 입체시설을 이용하는 교통류 분석기법의 연구가 거의 수행된 바 없다. 또한 개략적으로 제시되어 있는 설정기준 역시 여러 가지 도로 및 교통조건을 반영하지 못하고 있는 실정으로, 단순입체시설이 포함된 교차로분석 시 지체도가 과소 추정되는 경향이 있다. 그러므로 본 연구는 도시내 입체시설의 효과를 파악하기 위한 선행과정으로서 대상시설의 효과를 파악할 수 있도록 입체시설의 분석기법을 개발하고 분석교차점의 적정간격을 응용하는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 다음과 같이 수행하였다. (1) 기존 분석기법의 문제점 제기, (2) 새로운 분석기법의 정립, (3) 사례지역의 적용 및 비교검정, (4) 분합류구간의 적정간격에 대한 민감도 분석을 수행한다. 연구결과, 본 연구에서 제시한 분석기법은 기존 분석기법의 모호한 부분을 명확히 하고 합리적인 결과를 추정할 수 있었다. 또한 그 분석기법을 응용하여 분합류구간에 대한 적정간격을 추정한 결과, 본선에서는 65m, 측도에서는 45m로 나타나 최소한 그 이상의 위치에 접속지점을 설치하는 것이 타당하다고 판단된다. 본 연구의 수행으로 얻어지는 가치는 다음과 같다. (1) 당해 시설에 대한 선행연구 또는 분석방법이 없었으므로 대상시설물로 인한 파급효과를 파악할 수 있다. (2) 본 연구의 분석기법은 기존 교차로의 분석방법을 차용함으로써 새로운 분석방법을 숙지하지 않아도 용이한 분석이 가능하다. (3) 본 연구에서 제시한 분석기법에 의하면 기존에 제외된 통과교통량을 포함시켜 분석할 수 있다. 이러한 방법을 통해 교차로 및 가로분석 시에 현황과 동떨어질 수 있는 결과에 대한 오류를 최소화할 수 있다. (4) 새로운 분석기법을 이용하면 신설 또는 기존 시설물에 대한 문제점을 도출하여 도로운영 및 신호운영 등의 개선방안을 제시할 수 있다.
본 논문에서는 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 통해 강재-FRP 합성 교량용 방호울타리의 성능을 분석하였다. FRP는 Surface veil, DB 그리고 Roving 섬유로 구성하였다. FRP의 적층을 고려하기 위해 LS-DYNA에서 제공하는 재료모델 MAT58을 사용하였다. 강관과 FRP의 접촉조건을 고려하기 위해 Spot weld 옵션을 사용하였다. 실차충돌 실무 업무편람에 따 라 구조적 강도성능, 탑승자 보호성능 및 충돌 후 차량의 거동에 대한 성능평가를 실시하였다. 강재-FRP 합성 방호 울타리는 성능평가를 만족하였다.