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        검색결과 1,319

        2022.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The overall process, from the pre-treatment of aluminum substrates to the eco-friendly neutral electroless Ni-P plating process, was observed, compared, and analysed. To remove the surface oxide layer on the aluminum substrate and aid Ni-P plating, a zincation process was carried out. After the second zincation treatment, it was confirmed that a mostly uniform Zn layer was formed and the surface oxide of aluminum was also removed. The Ni-P electroless plating films were formed on the secondary zincated aluminum substrate using electroless plating solutions of pH 4.5 and neutral pH 7.0, respectively, while changing the plating bath temperature. When a neutral pH7.0 electroless solution was used, the Ni-P plating layer was uniformly formed even at the plating bath temperature of 50 oC, and the plating speed was remarkably increased as the bath temperature was increased. On the other hand, when a pH 4.5 Ni-P electroless solution was used, a Ni-P plating film was not formed at a plating bath temperature of 50 oC, and the plating speed was very slow compared to pH 7.0, although plating speed increased with increasing bath temperature. In the P contents, the P concentration of the neutral pH 7.0 Ni-P electroless plating layer was reduced by ~ 42.3 % compared to pH 4.5. Structurally, all of the Ni-P electroless plating layers formed in the pH 4.5 solution and the neutral (pH 7.0) solution had an amorphous crystal structure, as a Ni-P compound, regardless of the plating bath temperature.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Despite the long history of mushroom use, studies examining the genetic function of mushrooms and the development of new varieties via bio-molecular methods are significantly lacking compared to those examining other organisms. However, owing to recent developments, attempts have been made to use a novel gene-editing technique involving CRISPR/Cas9 technology and genetic scissors in mushroom studies. In particular, research is actively being conducted to utilize ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs) that can be genetically edited with high efficiency without foreign gene insertion for ease of selection. However, RNPs are too large for Cas9 protein to pass through the cell membrane of the protoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, guide RNA is unstable and can be easily decomposed, which remarkably affects gene editing efficiency. In this study, nanoparticles were used to mitigate the shortcomings of RNP-based gene editing techniques and to obtain transformants stably. We used Lentinula edodes (shiitake mushroom) Sanjo705-13 monokaryon strain, which has been successfully used in previous genome editing experiments. To identify a suitable osmotic buffer for the isolation of protoplast, 0.6 M and 1.2 M sucrose, mannitol, sorbitol, and KCl were treated, respectively. In addition, with various nanoparticle-forming materials, experiments were conducted to confirm genome editing efficiency via the formation of nanoparticles with calcium phosphate (CaP), which can be bound to Cas9 protein without any additional amino acid modification. RNPs/NP complex was successfully formed and protected nuclease activity with nucleotide sequence specificity.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bio-based alternative leathers may be produced from biomass fiber, protein polymers, bacterial cellulose, and mushroom mycelia. Of these components, mushroom mycelia are of greatest interest. In this study, the potential of Fomes fomentariusas a mushroom mycelial mat was confirmed, and the optimal strain for the development of the mycelial mat was determined. Moreover, the quality of the mycelial mat was improved by identifying an efficient culture method to increase productivity. Mutant strains whose independence was verified were obtained by treatment with gamma irradiation under various conditions. Biofilm formation by the resulting strains was examined in sawdust and liquid media and the characteristics of the biofilms were analyzed. The biofilm of the mutant strains showed results that were similar to or better than the biofilms of longevity and cypress mushrooms. These findings are expected to be utilized in future research aimed at discovering new biomaterials using mushroom mycelia.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 한국 종교지형을 통시적·공시적 관점에서 탐구하면서 다른 민족들과 차별되는 한민족의 독특한 종교성의 형성 과정과 주요 특징을 분석적으로 제시한다. 이를 위해 선교학의 한 분과인 비교종교학 방법론을 활용해 한국 사회에 상존하는 제(諸)종교들을 토착종교, 세계종교, 신흥종 교 등 삼중적 범주로 분류해 각각이 한국적 종교성의 형성에 어떻게 기여해 왔는지 고찰한 후 한국인의 종교적 심성에 내재한 공유적 속성을 파헤친다. 먼저 II장에서는 한국 종교 생태계의 통계적 정보 및 범주적 해석이 소개된 다. 이어서 III과 IV장에서는 한국의 삼중적 종교계와 한국적 종교성 간의 유기적 상관성이 정체성, 기능성, 다층성의 삼중적 관점에서 탐색된다. 끝으로 V장에서는 한국의 삼중적 종교계의 역사적 중첩성에서 필연적으로 기인하는 한국적 종교성의 내재적 공유성이 사중적 차원에서 소개되고, 그 결과 한국 종교지형에 발현되고 있는 혼합 종교성의 실체가 파악된다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        19-20세기 조선 사회는 격변의 사회였다. 개화기 시점에서 서양 과의 무역통상 조약을 맺음으로 강제화 된 개방을 해야 했다. 조선개화 와 더불어 19세기 서구 선교사들은 조선에 복음을 전하기 위해 다양한 방법을 통해 입국했지만, 폐쇄적이고 서구 종교에 대해 배타적인 자세 로 일관했던 조선에서 선교는 상당한 어려움을 맞았다. 이러한 입장에 서 19-20세기 서구 개신교 의료선교사들은 조선에 입국하여 병원을 세우고 가난하고 병든 조선 사람들을 치료하고 보살핌으로 조선에서 기독교 형성의 발판을 마련했다. 의료선교는 조선 개신교 형성의 출발 점이 되었으며 신앙 공동체의 모체가 되었다. 또한 조선 사회를 새롭게 변혁시키는 변혁의 주체가 되었다. 의료선교사들은 조선에서의 선교적 헌신을 통해 그리스도의 사랑을 실천했으며, 근대 병원 건립을 통해 선진화된 의료기술을 전수했다. 교육의 불모지지였던 조선에 위생교육 을 통해 복음의 접촉점을 마련했다. 나아가 조선간호협의회를 만들어 여성 리더십을 고취시키는 일 등을 마련함으로 조선 개신교 형성과 선교 사역에 지대한 공헌을 하게 되었다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This thesis is a study to Haengnang(行廊, a series of buildings) of Sijeon(市廛, licensed markets), which was built along with palaces, Jongmyo(宗廟) and roads in order to establish Hanyang(漢陽) as the capital of Joseon (朝鮮). Sijeon, built on Jongno and Namdaemun-ro, the main roads in Hanyang, created two-row lands on both sides of the road, and formed Pimat-gil as an inner road between the Jeonbang and Doga. The formation of the city proceeded along with the maintenance of the water path, and the situation of the water path parallel to the flow of Sijeon was achieved. The Sijeon building was a spatial structure managed by independent rooms as a result of reflecting the unique operation method of Sijeon. The Sijeon of Hanyang had an impact on the formation of land, architecture, roads, and waterways, and acted as a major factor in determining the urban spatial structure of Hanyang City.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explored the possibility of forming a coating layer containing alginic acid on the surface of a magnesium alloy to be used as a biomaterial. We formed a coating layer on the surface of a magnesium alloy using a plasma electrolytic oxidation process in an electrolytic solution with different amounts of alginic acid (0 g/L ~ 8 g/L). The surface morphology of all samples was observed, and craters and nodules typical of the PEO process were formed. The cross-sectional shape of the samples confirmed that the thickness of the coating layer became thicker as the alginic acid concentration increased. It was confirmed that the thickness and hardness of the sample significantly increase with increasing alginic acid concentration. The porosity of the surface and cross section tended to decrease as the alginic acid concentration increased. The XRD patterns of all samples revealed the formation of MgO, Mg2SiO4, and MgF2 complex phases. Polarization tests were conducted in a Stimulate Body Fluid solution similar to the body's plasma. We found that a high amount of alginic acid concentration in the electrolyte improved the degree of corrosion resistance of the coating layer.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 청대 중기 양주팔괴(揚州팔괴)를 대표하며 시.서. 화 삼절로 유명한 판교 정섭(板橋鄭燮1693-1765) 서예의 핵 심적 요소라 할 수 있는 육분반서의 형성과정을 고찰하려 하였 다. 명말 청초 진보적 사인(士人)을 중심으로 싹튼 반권위적 사 상운동의 시대적 배경하에서 정섭의 인생 행로는 한마디로 지 극히 불우하고 비참하였다. 그가 활동했던 시기는 유가적 중화 미를 중심사상으로 삼았으나 양주지역을 중심으로 양주팔괴라 일컬어지는 혁신적인 개성주의 예술가들이 출현한 시기이다. 그들은 자신들만의 개성적이고 창의적인 괴(怪)의 미학을 추숭 하였으며 그 중심에 정섭이 활동했다. 정섭은 세상의 명예나 출세에 초연하여 평생 군자의 인품을 상징하는 전통적 소재에 심취하였는데 그의 이러한 초일(超逸) 한 심미경계의 진솔함이 육분반서를 탄생시킨 결정적 배경이 되었다. 정섭의 학서과정은 유년시기 당시 풍미했던 관각체인 해서를 주로 연마하였고 30대는 첩학(帖學)은 물론 비학(碑學) 에도 많은 관심을 보이며 행서에 예서 필의의 혼융을 시도하였 다. 40대 전후 회소. 안진경, 소식, 황정견, 고기패 등 명 서예가 들의 필적을 두루 연구하여 독창적인 육분반서를 창안하였다. 육분반서의 의미에 대해서는 명확한 기록이 전하는 바가 없고 후대인들의 다양한 해석만 있을 뿐이어서 의견 또한 분분하다. 그중 정섭 스스로 말한 한대(漢代)의 팔분서(八分書)에 해.행.초 를 결합하였다고 한 기록에 주목할 필요가 있다. 이는 육분반 서는 팔분을 바탕으로 전.예.해.행초 등 각 서체를 두루 혼합하 였다는 뜻임과 동시에 하나의 상징적인 용어로 그 의미를 해석 하는 것이 가장 신빙성이 높은 표현이라 할 수 있겠다 정섭의 육분반서에 대한 평가는 청대 초기 의고주의(擬古主 義)와 대립하는 즉, 정감과 개성을 중시하는 `괴`의 발현으로 보았다. 그러나 그의 작품을 분석해 보면 그것은 단순한 기괴 함만을 추구한 것이 아니라 끊임없는 고전의 연마를 통해 변용 시킨 서풍임을 알 수 있다. 특히 정섭의 육분반서에 대한 연구 는 현대 서예 창작에 대한 하나의 방향성을 제시하고 있다는 점에서 그 의의를 찾을 수 있겠다.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Eco-friendly materials, such as alternative vegan materials using various fungal resources, are being actively researched to reduce environmental pollution and facilitate a healthy lifestyle. The fungal mycelium-based mushroom mycelium mat is one such emerging material. In this study, the commonly used mushroom mycelium culture method was modified to reduce the time required to produce the mycelium mat, lower the possibility of contamination, and improve the properties and quality of the mat. Shortening the period required for the previously used primary bag culture and secondary mat production culture. A culture method in which the bag culture was omitted was attempted using a mycelium mutated by gamma irradiation to the mycelium of Trametes orientalis. In addition, various nutrients were added to the fungal solution to observe the change in physical properties of the fungal mat. High-quality mycelium mats were produced in the experimental group containing 1.5% CaCO3 in sawdust medium, and the period was also reduced by more than 10 days compared to the existing production method. In the future, for mass producing mycelium mats, additional selection of medium components and optimization of culture conditions are essential.
        2022.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In view of the activated carbon pore-forming mechanism, the fractal hypothesis of pore interior growth was proposed by optimizing the structure of Sierpinski sponge. Based on the hypothesis and the definition of fractal dimension, the function relationship between the reaction degree, reaction step length, specific surface area and pore volume was deduced, and the pore fractal growth model of activated carbon activation process was established. Semi-coke, apple charcoal and lychee charcoal were used to prepare activated carbon. The pore size distributions of the activated carbons are in accordance with the fractal growth hypothesis. Further, the reaction degree and reaction step length can be determined by the experimental data of pore and surface structure, which verified the feasibility of the pore fractal growth model.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Na, Al, and Si akoxides-based sorbents for iodine capture have higher maximum iodine capture capacity and pore properties than zeolite-based sorbents. However, these sorbents were prepared in the form of granules via a step for cutting cylindrical alcogels. Since as-made sorbents decreased packing density, they must be additionally crushed and then classified into an appropriate size for increasing packing density. The bead formation in the step of sol-gelation could bring about the simplification of sorbent fabrication process and an improvement of packing density. For the formation of gel bead, characteristics such as hydrophilic or hydrophobic property and density of sol solution were investigated to design sol-gelation equipment. The sol-gel bead preparation equipment in the reflection of sol solution characteristics was fabricated through selection of oil for formation of sol bead, solvent for collection of gel bead, and nozzle for spray of sol droplet formation. The continuous or discontinuous formation of sol beads from NaAlSi-OH sol solution were observed according to flow rates of 6 to 8 mL·min−1 and nozzle diameters of 0.4 to 0.8 mm. In the sphericity of sol bead, the best sol beads were obtained from 0.5 mm nozzle without clogging by sol solution in the flow rate range of 6–8·min−1.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The formation behavior of a passive state film on the surface of STS304 in electrolytic solution was analyzed to determine its metallic ion composition. The properties of passive state films vary depending on the Fe and Cr ions in the electrolytic solution. It was observed that the passive state film surface became flat and glossy as the concentration of Fe and Cr ions in the electrolytic solution increased. The corrosion resistance property of the passive state film was proportional to the amount of Fe and Cr in the electrolytic solution. An initial passive state film with high Fe concentration was formed on the surface of STS304 during early electrolytic polishing. Osmotic pressure of Fe ions occurs between the passive state film and electrolytic solution due to the Fe ion concentration gradient. The Fe in the passive state film is dissolved into the electrolyte, and Cr fills up the Fe ion vacancies. As a result, a good corrosion-resistant floating film was formed. The more Fe ions in the electrolytic solution, the faster the film is formed, and as a result, a flat passive state film containing a large amount of Cr can be formed.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, defects generated in the YSZ coating layer of the IN738LC turbine blade are investigated using an optical microscope and SEM/EDS. The blade YSZ coating layer is composed of a Y-Zr component top coat layer and a Co component bond coat layer. A large amount of Cr/Ni component that diffused from the base is also measured in the bond coat. The blade hot corrosion is concentrated on the surface of the concave part, accompanied by separation of the coating layer due to the concentration of combustion gas collisions here. In the top coating layer of the blade, cracks occur in the vertical and horizontal directions, along with pits in the top coating layer. Combustion gas components such as Na and S are contained inside the pits and cracks, so it is considered that the pits/cracks are caused by the corrosion of the combustion gases. Also, a thermally grown oxide (TGO) layer of several μm thick composed of Al oxide is observed between the top coat and the bond coat, and a similar inner TGO with a thickness of several μm is also observed between the bond coat and the matrix. A PFZ (precipitate free zone) deficient in γ' (Ni3Al) forms as a band around the TGO, in which the Al component is integrated. Although TGO can resist high temperature corrosion of the top coat, it should also be considered that if its shape is irregular and contains pore defects, it may degrade the blade high temperature creep properties. Compositional and microstructural analysis results for hightemperature corrosion and TGO defects in the blade coating layer used at high temperatures are expected to be applied to sound YSZ coating and blade design technology.
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