
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 881

        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mobile shoppers have encountered frequent color mismatch in the products that they have purchased, as they can only rely on their sense of sight. Therefore, fabric color and color difference recognized by smartphone display during mobile shopping were studied using instrument analysis method. It aimed to gather precise information on actual fabric color understanding of the mobile shoppers purchasing textile products. Three smartphones were selected from LG, Samsung, and Apple companies, and four colors were researched (red, yellow, green and blue) to both polyester and wool test fabrics for color analysis though color measuring instruments. The results from the spectrophotometer indicated that the color coordinate location of smartphone fabric color is similarly distributed regardless of the type of fabric. The Samsung smartphone displays a relatively high color chroma (especially on red-colored fabric) regardless of the type of fabric due to a high color reproduction range. In contrast, the LG smartphone, which has high color temperature, displays high color chroma on the blue colored fabric with a significant color mismatch between the actual fabric color and smartphone fabric color. From the results of this study, issues related to mobile shopping can be addressed through an analysis of the products sold, the smartphone’s color representation, and user understanding.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mobile shoppers have encountered frequent color mismatch in the products that they have purchased, as they can only rely on their sense of sight. Therefore, fabric color and color difference recognized by smartphone display during mobile shopping were studied using instrument analysis method. It aimed to gather precise information on actual fabric color understanding of the mobile shoppers purchasing textile products. Three smartphones were selected from LG, Samsung, and Apple companies, and four colors were researched (red, yellow, green and blue) to both polyester and wool test fabrics for color analysis though color measuring instruments. The results from the spectrophotometer indicated that the color coordinate location of smartphone fabric color is similarly distributed regardless of the type of fabric. The Samsung smartphone displays a relatively high color chroma (especially on red-colored fabric) regardless of the type of fabric due to a high color reproduction range. In contrast, the LG smartphone, which has high color temperature, displays high color chroma on the blue colored fabric with a significant color mismatch between the actual fabric color and smartphone fabric color. From the results of this study, issues related to mobile shopping can be addressed through an analysis of the products sold, the smartphone’s color representation, and user understanding.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the international competitive landscape deepens, the need to understand foreign cultures and establish effective strategies is increasing. At the beginning of the 20th century, Cartier actively developed exotic designs to secure international competitiveness; theses designs have also been used as design prototypes for Cartier in modern times. The purpose of this study is to analyze the color characteristics and types of exotic designs in the early 20th century, which was a turning point in Cartier's design. After studying the literature, a total of 248 exotic designs were presented in Cartier catalogs. This study also selected overseas monographs from the early 20th century, and their design types were classified and color analysis was performed based on the Natural Color System(NCS). Cartier’s exotic designs cover wide range of styles, such as Chinese, Japanese, Persian, Indian and Egyptian styles. Multicolor, primary colors, and contrast are all strongly expressed. 97% of designs contained multiple colors, with at least two colors and maximum of six colors. The most frequently used colors are red, green, and blue, which means that only 9% of the designs do not contain the three colors, showing a high preference for theses three colors. In addition, color combinations of red and green, red and blue, or all three colors are used to show high contrast and utilize complementary colors, or near complementary colors, for coloration. This study is meaningful in that it analyzes the color characteristics of Cartier’s exotic designs and translates them into practical data for establishing the color strategies of companies in the global market.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the international competitive landscape deepens, the need to understand foreign cultures and establish effective strategies is increasing. At the beginning of the 20th century, Cartier actively developed exotic designs to secure international competitiveness; theses designs have also been used as design prototypes for Cartier in modern times. The purpose of this study is to analyze the color characteristics and types of exotic designs in the early 20th century, which was a turning point in Cartier's design. After studying the literature, a total of 248 exotic designs were presented in Cartier catalogs. This study also selected overseas monographs from the early 20th century, and their design types were classified and color analysis was performed based on the Natural Color System(NCS). Cartier’s exotic designs cover wide range of styles, such as Chinese, Japanese, Persian, Indian and Egyptian styles. Multicolor, primary colors, and contrast are all strongly expressed. 97% of designs contained multiple colors, with at least two colors and maximum of six colors. The most frequently used colors are red, green, and blue, which means that only 9% of the designs do not contain the three colors, showing a high preference for theses three colors. In addition, color combinations of red and green, red and blue, or all three colors are used to show high contrast and utilize complementary colors, or near complementary colors, for coloration. This study is meaningful in that it analyzes the color characteristics of Cartier’s exotic designs and translates them into practical data for establishing the color strategies of companies in the global market.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A multi-disciplinary approach is used to analyze current trends in environmental and technology color research to provide better understanding of how color plays a crucial role in engineering, medical science, law, design, arts, marketing, and business. The study shows that understanding the complexities of color perception can contribute to better product and building design and the use of color therapy in medicine.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 폭주부족안과 정상안의 컬러렌즈 착용 전과 후의 시기능과 읽기능력을 측정하여 컬러렌즈 착용이 폭주부족안에게 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 방법 : 색각이상이 없고 안질환이 없는 39명을 대상으로 CISS 설문을 실시하여 폭주부족군과 대조군을 분 류하였다. 굴절검사를 실시하여 최대교정시력이 1.0 이상으로 완전교정을 한 후, 시기능 검사와 Intuitive Colorimeter Mk.3을 이용하여 근거리 독서 시 선호하는 컬러렌즈 색상을 선택한 후, 읽기능력을 검사하였다. 분석 방법은 SPSS 18.0 통계프로그램을 사용하였으며, 통계적으로 유의수준은 p<0.05을 기준으로 하였다. 결과 : CISS 점수는 폭주부족안이 정상안 보다 높았다. 폭주부족안의 근거리 외사위량이 더 크게 나타났 으며, 폭주근점도 더 길게 나타났다. 양성상대조절력과 조절래그값은 폭주부족안이 정상안보다 더 큰 값을 보였으며, 조절용이성은 정상안보다 속도가 느렸다. 폭주부족안은 컬러렌즈를 사용했을 때의 맞은 단어의 개수와 읽기 속도가 증가하였다. 반면, 정상안에서는 컬러렌즈의 사용 전과 후의 읽기 능력 변화에 큰 차이 를 나타내지 않았다. 결론 : 본 연구 결과, 컬러렌즈가 폭주부족안의 근거리 읽기 능력에 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것을 확인하였 다. 추후 컬러렌즈 착용 후의 자각증상에 대한 설문과 폭주 및 조절 검사의 결과를 추가적으로 진행한다면 더 다양한 결과로 분석할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate and characterize the visual preferences of Rural Housing Standard Plans, which are expected to increase in demand as the number of households grows, and the effects of those characterizations on people’s choices in selecting home plans. In this study, Munsell values were extracted and analyzed using color analysis, and I.R.I image adjective analysis was performed to identify the color characteristics of each model type. To analyze the effect of the most influential colors among the visual elements in the plans, questionnaires were carried out according to whether color was present or not. There was a correlation between pre-selected frequency of preference and preference of visual preference. The study tallied the number of downloads for each model provided for the site of the farmers’ village and applied a t-test to confirm whether there was a difference in visual preferences. The results were as follows. First, the colors of Rural Housing Standard Plans were N and YR series, and the image analysis results were “Oriental” and “Rural”. Second, analyzing the number of model downloads and visual preferences on the homepage (www.returnfarm.com). Third, in the results of visual preference, the wooden house ranked 2.98-5.13 and the reinforced concrete house ranked 3.68-4.48. Fourth, comparative analysis of selection frequency and visual preference showed that the rankings of the top-ranked plans were similar; all were wooden houses and had similar roof forms. Fifth, the t-test conducted to analyze preferences in the visual elements of the standard design model of rural housing revealed significant differences in preferences for the color, roof form, and size, but no statistically significant differences (at .111) between preferences for structural wooden and reinforced concrete. The reason for this was that the types of wooden and reinforced concrete were not clearly distinguished from each other by photographs. Therefore, analysis suggested that the visual factors influenced the preference of Rural Housing Standard design model. In conclusion, it is necessary to present a model considering visual factors when providing models to urban and rural residents.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 일련의 문자열들 중 하나의 표적을 탐지하는 데 자극 명암대비와 색상이 미치는 영향을 관찰하였다. 실험 1의 각 시행에서는 네 문자로 구성된 RSVP가 제시되고 각 RSVP 화면상의 문자들이 서로 다른 위치를 점유하였 다. RSVP 배열 내에서는 한 위치에 회색 표적 문자가, 나머지 위치에 세 방해자극들이 제시된 표적화면을 제외하고 나머지 RSVP 화면에서 네 흰색 방해자극 문자들이 상응하는 위치에 제시되었다. 고가시성 조건에서는 회색 배경화면 보다 표적 회색이 현저히 어두웠던 반면 저가시성 조건에서는 그 밝기 차이가 상대적으로 분명치 않았다. 참가자들은 사전에 지정된 표적들 중 각 시행에서 어느 것이 출현했는지를 가능한 빠르고 정확하게 탐지하도록 요구받았으며 그 결과 관찰된 탐지 수행은 고가시성 조건에서 더 정확했으며 신속했다. 실험 2에서는 고가시성 조건의 회색 표적을 고선명도 유채색 표적으로 대체한 것을 제외하고 실험 1과 동일한 RSVP 화면 및 과제가 사용되었다. 그 결과 참가자들 은 고가시성 조건의 표적을 더 정확히 탐지했으나 반응 속도에 있어서는 두 가시성 조건 간 차이가 없었다. 두 실험의 결과는 시각적 부담이 높은 상황일지라도 현저한 명암대비 및 색상이 부여될 경우 자극에 대한 지각이 촉진됨을 시사하 며 자극 색상에 비해 명암대비가 지각적 촉진에 더 중요한 역할을 수행할 가능성을 제안한다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        당나리의 유용 형질을 신나팔나리에 도입하기 위하여 L. formolongi` ‘Raizan Herald’와 L. brownii ‘KDD’를 종간교잡 시켰다. 화주절단수분법과 이어진 자방절편배양에 의해 23개 의 종간교잡체를 획득하였다. 이들 모든 개체들은 개화당일 노란색을 나타내어 당나리의 특성을 나타냈다. 화형, 초자, 개 화기, 향기 등의 절화특성을 조사한 뒤 ‘RHBr 7’ 계통을 임의 선발하였다. 이어서 2년간 UPOV의 품종특성조사 기준에 의 거 특성조사를 실시하였다. 선발된 ‘RHBr 7’계통은 개화당일 노란색(light yellow, RHS 14D)에서 흰색(white, RHS 155D) 으로 화색변이를 나타냈다. 이 특성은 절화를 화병에 꽂았을 때도 동일하였다. 이 계통은 중간 정도의 초장(1m 내외), 대 륜성, 굵은 줄기, 짙은 회녹색의 잎과 달콤한 향기를 갖는다. 측향의 홑꽃은 짙은 갈색의 꽃가루를 갖는다. 선발된 ‘RHBr 7’ 계통은 2013년에 ‘절세가인’으로 명명되어 2015년에 국립종자 원에 품종보호 등록되었다(제5445호).
        2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인쇄에서 종이의 인쇄적성은 인쇄품질을 결정하는 중요한 요소이며, 이를 보완하기 위해 많은 연 구들이 진행되어 왔다. 특히, 잉크젯에 의한 종이의 인쇄적성은 앞으로 전자융합산업의 발달을 고려해본 다면 더욱 주요한 연구가 될것이다. 따라서, 본 연구는 잉크젯 시스템에서 사용하는 CMYK 프로세스 잉 크의 인쇄적성을 파악하고 종이의 특성에 따라 색재현 정도를 ICC 프로파일값을 활용하여 분석하고자 하 였다. 잉크젯의 토출 특성을 이해하기 노즐에서의 잉크 유동을 시뮬레이션 하였고 종이의 재질이 다른 두 종(갱지 및 인화지)의 피인쇄체 위에 각기 다른 망점으로 인쇄하여 색재현 평가를 실시하였다. 각 종이의 관련 특징들 즉, 거칠음도, 투기도, 광택도 및 압축도,과 이에따른 색재현 특성을 ICC 프로파일모니터링에 쓰이는 ΔE값으로 표현하였다. 그 결과 상대적으로 종이의 낮은 거칠음도와 투기도 그리고 높은 압축력을 가지는 인화지에서 더 높은 색재현이 이루어짐을 알 수 있었다.
        2017.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The coat color of mammals is determined by the melanogenesis pathway, which is responsible for maintaining the balance between black-brown eumelanin and yellow-reddish pheomelanin. The melanogenesis-associated genes controlling pigmentation act as a complex and interact with each other to cause phenotypic and genotypic variations in cattle. That the MC1R genotype of Korean native cattle with dark muzzle was e/e or E+/e, while the genotype of Korean native cattle with light muzzle was E+/E+, which is a variant of the MC1R genotype in the Korean native cattle. Especially, the MC1R expression type is shows how much pigmentation, important factor in deciding its status in the coat and nose colours. However, information regarding the coat or nose colours-associated gene regulation of korean cattle is not yet unknown. Therefore, in this study was to investigate the expression patterns of melanogenesis-associated genes in black dot nose(korea brindle cattle) and normal nose(korea native cattle). Using microarray clustering and real-time polymerase chain reaction techniques, we analysed that the expression of genes involved in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and Wnt signaling pathways is distinctively regulated in the dark and light muzzle tissues. Differential expression of tyrosinase was also noticed, although the difference was not as distinct as those of MAPK and Wnt. We hypothesize that emphasis on the MAPK pathway in the Korea brindle cattle induces eumelanin synthesis through the activation of cAMP response elementbinding protein and tyrosinase, while activation of Wnt signaling counteracts this process and raises the amount of pheomelanin in the native cattle. Regarding the increasing interest in the genetic diversity of cattle stocks, genes we identified for differential expression in the brindle cattle vs. native cattle may serve as novel markers for genetic diversity among cows based on the coat and muzzle color phenotype.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In 2015, Baekje Historical Site was listed as a World Heritage Site. Therefore, the interest in Baekje heritage has increased rapidly, but there is insufficient research on how to utilize it. In addition, research on street composition based on historical and cultural resources is increasing, and it is necessary to find a way to establish and utilize local identity. The research method of this study is as follows. First, literature survey was conducted. Second, we used cameras to photograph the current status and color conditions. Third, the color characteristics of the photographs were analyzed through ‘Korea Standard Color Analysis (KSCA)’ program and ‘Easyrgb’ Internet program. For image analysis, we analyzed the I.R.I color sensitivity scale. Fourth, the characteristics of color and image and color characteristics and image of royal tombs in Gongju Baekje Historical Remains District were compared and analyzed by combining the results of Gongsan Fortress and Songsalli Ancient Tomb. The N and YR sequences were the most frequent in the Baekje Historical Remains. Wangneung-ro were N, Y, Y, B and R sequences. As a result of comparing and analyzing them, N and YR series were found, but the colors which were not seen in Baekje Historical Remains District such as B series and R series were derived. In addition, the Baekje Historical Remains District overlapped the ‘noble' image adjective area, and the adjectives such as ‘traditional’ and ‘calm’ were typical, but the ‘modern' adjective region overlapped with the royal tomb, Adjectives appeared as adjectives such as ‘urban' and ‘progressive'. As a result, it was found that the color characteristics and images of Baekje Historical Remains were opposite. It is considered that differentiated utilization methods are needed to establish the characteristics of the historic city and the identity of the princess. Baekje Historical Remains District is a place rich in potential to grow as a burial heritage representative of Korea. Therefore, it can be used as a strategy to strengthen the competitiveness of the region during the development of the history through the above research.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is aimed to find out whether there is difference in the physiological change of a human body according to the illumination and color of interior space or not and to specify the effect of the condition of illumination and color, respectively on the attention. In order to do so, White and Green were selected for colors and 4,000k, 5,000k, and 6000k were done for color temperature, and then attention was identified. Examining the results, the more color temperature increased, the more attention improved (P < 0.05), and in the case of EEG, α wave decreased while performing the task of attention (P < 0.01), and β wave decreased more in Green than White in color condition, and it increased more in 4,000k than 5,000k and 6,000k (p < 0.05) in color temperature condition. To sum up, color condition didn't contribute to the attention much, in the case of color temperature, when it is 6,000k, it is judged that it helped to improve attention. It is considered that relaxation contributed to improving attention, as β wave and sympathetic nerve decreased in 6,000k (p < 0.05). It is judged that the relaxation of tensions which happened due to a beta wave and the reduction of sympathetic nervous system activity in 6,000k, a condition of high color temperature, contributed to the improvement of concentration. In further researches, it is intended that a test will be conducted for the subjects of different ages, and the correlation between color temperature and color stimulation and the influence of them on human body would be observed in subdivided, various test conditions through various color temperature and color stimulation.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For several years, keyboard and mouse have been used as the main interacting devices between users and computer games, but they are becoming outdated. Gesture-based human-computer interaction systems are becoming more popular owing to the emergence of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies. Therefore research on these systems has attracted a significant attention. The researches focus on designing the interactive interfaces between users and computers. Human-computer interaction is an important factor in computer games because it affects not only the experience of the users, but also the design of the entire game. In this research, we develop an particle filter-based face tracking method using color distributions as features, for the purpose of applying to gesture-based human-computer interaction systems for computer games. The experimental results proved the efficiency of particle filter and color features in face tracking, showing its potential in designing human-computer interactive games.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this work, we synthesize brilliant yellow color α-FeOOH by controlling the rod length and core-shell structure. The characteristics of α-FeOOH nanorods are controlled by the reaction conditions. In particular, the length of the α-FeOOH rods depends on the concentration of the raw materials, such as the alkali solution. The length of the nanorods is adjusted from 68 nm to 1435 nm. Their yellowness gradually increases, with the highest b* value of 57 based on the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) Lab system, by controlling the nanorod length. A high quality yellow color is obtained after formation of a silica coating on the α-FeOOH structure. The morphology and the coloration of the nal products are investigated in detail by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy, and the CIE Lab color parameter measurements.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study shows the content production of mobile baseball games. In 2013, mobile games accounted for 23.9% of domestic games, and the global mobile game market is expected to grow to $30.3 billion by 2015. This study examines trends and characteristics of the mobile game industry. Also, this study intends to show mobile game rankings, reproduce the enthusiasm of professional baseball games through mobile games, participate in games to utilize leisure, and contribute to the mobile game industry. Currently, there is Magumagu of Netmarble as a mobile baseball game. By differentiating with mobile Magumagu, this study attempts to produce various and interesting short plays of AI, UI, and FSM from webtoon contents to engage in the realism of mobile baseball games, and to improve the productivity of the mobile game industry. Therefore, we intend to promote the game industry and activate game production contents.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목 적: 정상인이 선호하는 칼라필터렌즈가 안구의 추적운동과 읽기능력에 영향을 미치는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법: 정상시력과 색각이상이 발견되지 않는 20대 23명을 대상으로 크로마젠 렌즈의 칼라 8가지 중에서 선호하는 칼라와 선호하는 않는 칼라를 선택하게 한 후 칼라필터렌즈 착용을 통하여 안구 추적운동과 관련된 주시횟수, 안구운동역행과 읽기능력과 관련된 독서 이해력을 검사하였다. 결 과: 선호하는 칼라는 파란색이 전체 26.1%를 차지하였으며, 선호하는 칼라를 이용한 주시횟수는 평균 23.7±23.65회(p<0.01, t=-4.69) 증가하였으며, 안구운동의 역행은 평균 7.9±6.1회(p<0.01, t=-6.17) 증 가함을 보였으며 통계학적 유의성이 있었다. 독서이해력은 평균 8.2±14.3%(p=0.01, t=-2.77) 향상을 보였 다. 주시횟수에 대한 나안 상태와 선호하는 칼라필터렌즈 사이의 피어슨 상관관계(r=0.87, p<0.01)는 높게 나타났고, 역행에 대한 상관관계는 높은 양의 상관관계(r=0.96, p=0.00)를 나타냈다. 그러나 독서이해력은 약한 양의 상관성을 가졌다(r=0.20, p=0.01). 결 론: 선호하는 칼라필터렌즈 안경을 착용하고 독서했을 때, 주시횟수와 증가와 안구운동의 역행이 증가 가 나타났으며, 이로 인하여 독서 이해력이 증진되었다고 추정할 수 있다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to prepare acorn bread added with soymilk in order to improve its quality and develop the best possible recipe. The loaf volume, color, texture and sensory evaluation of acorn bread added with soymilk 10~40% were measured during the storage period. The L-value significantly decreased upon addition of 40% soymilk. A-value increased, but b-value decreased. During the storage period, the L- and a- values increased except 2 days at room temperature and 7 days in a freezer, whereas b-value decreased. For textural measurement, hardness, springiness, gumminess and brittleness increased significantly upon addition of soymilk. However cohesiveness decreased for 2 days of storage, whereas gumminess and brittleness for 1 day of storage at room temperature. Freezer storage for 1 day reduced cohesiveness, and gumminess for 4 and 7 days, respectively, and brittleness after all storage periods. The sensory evaluation showed that acorn bread added with soymilk 20% produced the best results in color and taste. The bitter aftertaste increased according to addition of soymilk with lower scores. Softness, chewiness and overall preference decreased significantly. Therefore, 10% soymilk addition got the best scores in aftertaste, softness, chewiness and overall acceptances.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science achieved the breeding of the moon cactus cultivar ‘Hahong’ with dark red color in 2013. Initially, the red dark colored 'Seolhong' and 'Gohong' cultivars were crossed in 2009. Their seeds were harvested after 2 months, sterilized by C2H5OH 70% and NaOCl 2%, and then sowed in 100 mL flasks filled with Kyoto medium + Charcoal 0.1%. The bottom of the germinated shoot was cut, grafted in vitro into a young vine cactus, Hylocereus trigonus, and then planted in a test tube with the same medium. After 6 months, the young grafted cactus was moved into the greenhouse and hardened for 7 days. The cactus was grafted in vivo once a year for four years, the characteristics of growth were surveyed three times from 2011 to 2013, according to the guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability of Gymnocalycium mihanovichii. ‘Hahong’ has a flat round shape, dark red skin color (R 46B), an average of 8.3 ribs (8 – 10 ribs) similar to ‘Seolhong’. The spine on the body has gray and brown colors and grows up to 4.1 mm in average in a straight shape. The tubercle on the rib is projecting, with a diameter of 39.6 mm, and produces 14.2 offsets in average at 10 months from planting. The preference score for this cactus is 4.2 on a five-point scale. On June 1, 2015, ‘Hahong’ was registered (registration No. 5561) and is now protected by Korean Seed Industry Law.