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        검색결과 265

        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        건물군 내의 난류 유동에 의한 오염물질 확산을 LES 기법을 이용해 해석하였다. 본 연구의 동기는 복잡한 건물 내의 오염물질 확산을 효과적으로 예측하려는 노력에 기인한다. 결과적으로 확보될 예측 기술은 화학적으로 치명적인 재난을 예방하거나 기발생된 사고에 대한 빠른 대처를 가능케 할 것이다. 우선, 채널 내 난류 유동에 의한 농도 확산 및 단일 큐브 주위의 농도확산에 대한 타 연구 결과와의 비교를 통해 본 코드의 검증을 수행하였다. 그 다음에 도심 도로변의 배기가스에 의한 대기 오염을 모사하였다. Lagrangian dynamic subgrid-scale model이 유동장 및 농도장에 대한 난류 모델기법으로서 사용되었으며 log-law에 기반을 둔 유동장에 대한 벽모델이 바닥면과 건물 표면에 적용 되었다. 건물의 형상은 가상경계법을 이용해 직교좌표계에서 구현되었다.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Effect of dispersion methods for Vapor Grown Carbon Fibers (VGCF) in epoxy caused the change in mechanical properties of VGCF/epoxy nanocomposites, such as tensile modulus and tensile strength. The influence of VGCF types - atmospheric plasma treated (APT) VGCF and raw VGCF - and their contents was discussed in detail. Treating VGCF with atmospheric plasma enhanced the surface energy, therefore improved the bonding strength with epoxy matrix. Two different methods used to disperse VGCF were ultrasonic and mechanical homogenizer methods. When using dispersion solutions, the VGCF demonstrated good dispersion in ethanol in both homogenizer and ultrasonic method. The uniform dispersion of VGCF was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) which showed well-dispersion of VGCF in epoxy matrix. The tensile modulus of raw VGCF/epoxy nanocomposites obtained by ultrasonic method was higher than that of one obtained by homogenizer method. APT VGCF/epoxy nanocomposites showed higher tensile strength than that of raw VGCF/epoxy nanocomposites.
        2007.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The surface of magnetite () nanoparticles prepared by coprecipitation method was modified by carboxylic acid group of poly(3-thiophenacetic acid (3TA)) and meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA). Then the lysozyme protein was immobilized on the carboxylic acid group of the modification of the magnetite nanoparticles. The magnetite nanoparticles are spherical and the particle size is approximately 10 nm. We measured quantitative dispersion state by dispersion stability analyzer for each nanoparticles with and without surface modification. The concentration of lysozyme on the modified magnetite nanoparticles was also investigated by a UV-Vis spectrometer and compared to that of magnetite nanoparticles without surface modification. The functionalized magnetite particles had higher enzymatic capacity and dispersion stability than non-functionalized magnetite nanoparticles
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this work, the dispersion behavior of particles in binary aluminum (Al)-copper (Cu) cast alloy was investigated with respect to Cu contents of 20 (hypoeutertic), 33 (eutectic) and 40 (hypereutectic) wt.%. In cases of hypo and hypereutectic compositions, SEM images revealed that the primary Al and phases were grown up at the beginning, respectively, and thereafter the eutectic phase was solidified. In addition, it was found that some of particles can be dispersed into the primary Al phase, but none of them are is observed inside the primary 6 phase. This different dispersion behavior of particles is probably due to the difference in the val- ues of specific gravity between particles and primary phases. At eutectic composition, particles were well dispersed in the matrix since there is few primary phases acting as an impediment site for particle dispersion during solidification. Based on the experimental results, it is concluded that particles are mostly dispersed into the eutectic phase in binary Al-Cu alloy system.
        2006.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Dispersion-strengthened copper with was produced by ball-milling and spark plasma sintering (SPS).Ball-milling was performed at a rotation speed of 300rpm for 30 and 60min in Ar atmosphere by using a planetary ball mill (AGO-2). Spark-plasma sintering was carried out at for 5min under vacuum after mechanical alloying. The hardness of the specimens sintered using powder ball milled for 60min at 300rpm increased from 16.0 to 61.8 HRB than that of specimen using powder mixed with a turbular mixer, while the electrical conductivity varied from 93.40% to 83.34%IACS. In the case of milled powder, hardness increased as milling time increased, while the electrical conductivity decreased. On the other hand, hardness decreased with increasing sintering temperature, but the electrical conductiviey increased slightly
        2006.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A new mathematical simulation technique for physico-mechanical properties of multi-component powder materials is proposed in this paper. The main advantage of the technique is that finite elements representing different components are placed into a common mesh and may exchange their properties. The output data are properties of material after sintering. The technique allows us to investigate the influence of each component of a material on the properties and distribution of properties inside the sample. The comparative analysis of materials with different compositions is based on simulation results that are well concordant with the results of the laboratory experiments.
        2006.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Ultra-fine grained and dispersion-strengthened titanium materials (Ti-Si, Ti-C, Ti-Si-C) have been produced by high energy ball milling and spark plasma sintering (SPS). Silicon or/and carbon were milled together with the titanium powder to form nanometer-sized and homogeneously distributed titanium silicides or/and carbides as dispersoids, that should prevent grain coarsening during the SPS compaction and contribute to strengthening of the material. The microstructures and the mechanical properties showed that strength, hardness and wear resistance of the sintered materials have been significantly improved by the mechanisms of grain refinement and dispersion strengthening. The use of an organic fluid as carrier of the dispersoid forming elements caused a significant increase in ductility.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The influence of several experimental parameters on the formation of stable Alloy 625 nanoparticles dispersion in ethanol was investigated. Several analyzing methods were applied, like transmission profiles measured by Turbiscan, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, gas chromatography, and particle size analyzer. The correlation among the increase of particle sizes, caused by nanoparticle coalescence and collision, concentration of dispersant and time was presented and discussed. The optimum conditions for the formation of stable dispersion are evaluated.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The present study investigates the behavior of the sintering and hardness of stainless steel samples reinforced with NbC and TaC. Matrixes of pure stainless steel were compacted with addition of up to 3% wt NbC or TaC in a cylindrical die of steel at 700 MPa and sintered in an electrical resistance furnace under argon atmosphere. The sintered samples were characterized by density and hardness measurement, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The preliminary results show that the size and distribution of carbides influence in the sintering and hardness of the sintered samples.
        2006.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The alumina dispersion-strengthened (DS) C15715 Cu alloy fabricated by a powder metallurgy route was annealed at temperatures ranging from in the air and in vacuum. The effect of the annealing on microstructural stability and room-temperature mechanical properties of the alloy was investigated. The microstructure of the cold rolled OS alloy remained stable until the annealing at in the air and in vacuum. No recrystallization of original grains occurred, but the dislocation density decreased and newly formed subgrains were observed. The alloy annealed at in the air experienced recrystallization and grain growth took place, however annealing in vacuum at did not cause the microstructural change. The mechanical property of the alloy was changed slightly with the annealing if the microstructure remained stable. However, the strength of the specimen that was recrystallized decreased drastically.