
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 294

        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed with Korean adults to investigate Makgeolli drinking behavior, preference, and perception about Makgeolli and health, as well as Makgeolli complaints and prices. A survey questionnaire was formulated to obtain information on demographic variables, drinking habits, and perceptions about Makgeolli's function, price, and complaints. The questionnaire was distributed to 468 adults living in the capital area. The results are as follows. Makgeolli (16.1%) was third preferred, following Soju (45.1%) and beer (30.7%), and no significant differences were observed by gender and income, but the preference for Makgeolli increased with increasing age (p<0.001). According to the survey, the largest reason both genders drank Makgeolli was that it tastes good. Men preferred Makgeolli for its health effects and cheap price, while women preferred it for the atmosphere while drinking it. Also, older people and those with higher incomes preferred drinking Makgeolli for its health effect rather than its good taste (p<0.001 for each). No significant difference was observed by gender for the question "Do you think that Makgeolli has a health-promoting effect?" Overall, 51% of the subjects gave positive answers and only 5.9% gave negative answers. Significantly, older people and those with a higher income had a higher rate of answering positively to this question. Belching (45.1%) and headache (29.9%) were the most common symptoms among the side effects of drinking Makgeolli. No significant difference was observed by gender or income, but older people had a higher rate of belching and fewer headaches than younger people (p<0.001). Women had a significantly higher rate of perceiving that Makgeolli was cheap than men. Age and income differences did not influence price perception. To the question "What is the ideal price for high quality Makgeolli", 32.1% answered that the present rate (1,000 won) was ideal, and 59.4% answered that a price between 1,000 and 2,000 won was ideal. These results indicate that the high preference for Makgeolli is due to its good taste and health effects. However, belching and headache caused by drinking Makgeolli were the most common complaints and, thus, must be solved. Some opinions indicated that Makgeolli must eliminate its low-quality image, but, according to this survey, most subjects answered that the ideal price of higher-quality Makgeolli should be increased slightly, which would cause price resistance.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study surveyed care giver's perceptions of baby food and evaluated the quantitative and qualitative aspects of Korean websites related to the baby food for atopic dermatitis infants. Sources of care giver information about baby food were the internet (93%), clinics (57%), television (52%), oriental clinics (37%), and neighbors (6%). The five most commonly-used internet search engines (Daum, Google, Nate, Naver and Yahoo) were searched using the terms "atopic dermatitis", "weaning food" and "baby food". The searched websites included oriental medical clinics (38.8%), online merchant companies (13.4%), corporations (13.4%), medical clinics (11.9%), related associations (11.9%), public health centers (4.4%) and personal sites (4.4%). Website food and nutrition information included medical information about baby food for atopic dermatitis (92.6%), baby food for atopic dermatitis (67.6%), related community (58.8%), product information (32.4%) and baby food preparation for atopic dermatitis (23.5%). Qualitative evaluation was conducted based on the American Library Association website checklist; Website operator and information sources were provided for 62.7% and 38.8% of the websites, respectively. The purpose of a website was more explicitly stated in medical clinic sites than nonmedical sites. Only 24.2% of websites had a title that appropriately reflected the site's purpose. The majority (92.5%) of the sites were easy to read and understand. Information was judged to be sufficient in 65% of the medical sites and 74.1% of non-medical sites. A feedback menu and search function were enabled in 85.1% and 28.4% of the sites, respectively. The mean score for quality grade was 14.64 (range 9-19). In conclusion, in order to improve the information of baby food for atopic dermatitis infants in websites, accurate information by experts and continuing monitoring are highly required.
        2010.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 최근 급속하게 성장한 방송 사업자들 간의 거래 과정에서 발생하는 갈등 요인을 조망함으로써 공정 경쟁을 위한 기초적인 논의와 규제 방향에 대한 지향점을 제공하는데 주요 목적이 있다. 특히, 공정 경쟁의 문제는 시장에서의 경쟁을 통한 이윤 창출 부분과 밀접한 관련이 있다는 점에서 유료 방송사업자들(PP와 SO)의 행위에 대한 인식 조사를 중심으로 분석하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 크게 두 가지의 연구 문제를 설정하였다. 첫 번째는 공정 경쟁에 대한 실제 심결 사례를 분석함으로써, 현행 공정거래법 상의 불공정 거래 행위의 특성과 법적 적용 과정에서 나타나고 있는 문제점을, 두 번째는 방송위원회의 불공정거래 행위 실태 조사를 통해 실제 방송사업자들이 인식하고 있는 공정 경쟁의 현실을 조망해보고자 하였다. 분석 결과, 전반적인 차원에서 기업 결합과 관련한 심결 사례가 부각되고 있으며, PP의 경우 부당 광고 및 경품 제공을 통한 부당한 고객유인이, SO의 경우 거래상 지위의 남용과 같은 시장 지배적 지위 남용, 부당한 고객 유인 등이 주요 불공정거래행위의 특징으로 나타나고 있다. 또한 공정거래법 상의 제재조치는 표면화되고 구체적인 행위 결과에 집중하는 경향이 있어 비공식적인 관행을 중심으로 시장이 왜곡될 가능성이 존재하고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 정부의 공정 경쟁 유도 방안은 힘의 불균형에 입각하여 형성되고 있는 시장 거래 관행을 바로잡고, 시장의 집중과 시장 지배에 따른 힘의 불균형을 최소화하는 방향에서 모색되어질 필요가 있다고 하겠다.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 소년원생의 인식 조사연구를 통해 소년보호기관의 문제점을 도출하고 이에 대한 효율적 운영방안을 제시 하고자하는 목적에서 진행되었다. 조사 결과 소년원생들은 소년원에 대한 인식이 입소당시에는 좋지 않았으나 시간이 지날수록 긍정적으로 변화하고 있었다. 하지만 소년원도 교정시설이기 때문에 느끼는 ‘구속된 생활’이 가장 어려운 점으로 밝혀졌다. 소년원생들은 전체적으로 소년원 입소 후 이전보다 인격적으로나 정서적으로 나아졌다고 스스로를 평가 하고 있었고, 특히 부모님에 대한 죄송스러움이 크게 나타나 과거에 대한 후회가 많은 것으로 분석되었다. 한편 소년보호기관에서 이루어지는 교육과정에 대한 평가에서는 직업관련 교육을 학과교육보다 중요하게 여기고 있었고, 소년보 호기관의 교육과정이 실제적으로 크고 작은 도움이 되는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 교육과정 중 ‘인성교육’, ‘직업능력 개발훈련’, ‘성공적인 사회복귀 지원’등의 프로그램을 매우 좋게 평가하고 있었다. 이러한 실증분석 결과를 통해, 소년원생 의 입소별 구체적인 분류와 이를 통한 체계적인 교육, 선호교육에 대한 개발과 효과적인 적용 등을 정책적 제언으로 제시하였다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적: 본 연구에서는 제조물책임법(PL법)에 관한 안경사 인식도를 연구하고자 한다. 방법: 광주광역시 광산구, 전라남도 나주시, 함평군, 목포시, 강진군, 해남군에 개설한 안경원 50곳에 근무하는 개설 안경사와 종사 안경사 중 설문지를 성실히 응답해주신 117명에 대해서 조사했고, 조사결과는 통계분석 프로그램 SPSS 17.0을 사용하였다. 결과: 대부분의 개설 안경사 및 종사 안경사의 PL법에 대한 인식도가 2003년 조사보다 향상되었으나, 2009년 조사에서도 62%가 인식전환이 없는 것으로 나타나, PL법의 시행 여부, 안경사 인식전환 및 숙지사항 등에 대해서 모르거나, 관심 없는 것으로 판단된다. PL법에 대한 상담 사례가 있었느냐 물음에 2003년 조사 당시는 없다고 응답했었다. 그러나 2009년 조사 결과 상담사례가 13명 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 개설 안경사가 종사 안경사 보다 PL법의 대처방안에 대한 교육 필요도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 결론: PL법에 대비한 제품의 결함 사례 분석 연구가 체계적으로 수행되어야 하고, 안경사들의 소비자에 대한 태도변화 및 인식전환이 필요한 것으로 사료된다.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2009.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of study were to survey the status of nutrition education in school and investigate the perception of nutrition teacher candidates concerning the direction and ideal method for nutrition education. A questionnaire was distributed to 554 nutrition teacher candidates from August to October, 2006. A total of 468 usable data were collected (84.5% response rate). The statistical data analysis was completed by using SPSS for Windows (ver. 10.0) for descriptive analysis, ANOVA and 2-test. About 52% of respondents had nutrition education teaching experience. Half of the respondents indicated that the necessity for nutrition education stemmed from their own need for such education. The main problem in students' dietary life was 'the increasing intake of processed foods, instant foods and fast foods (4.23 out of Likert 5 point scale)' and the major nutritional problem was 'high calorie intake with low essential nutrients (3.96 out of Likert 5 point scale)'. Over half the respondents (53.4%) recommended that nutrition education be oriented towards behavioral change rather than knowledge delivery. Social learning theory was preferred mostly as an theory apt to nutrition education (60.3%) and the most effective means of education was referred to organizing the regular class for nutrition education (50.5%). The 'playing such as songs or game' was reported as both effective and realizable method in nutrition education.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kimchi and soup/stew samples were collected from Korean restaurants in the Jeonju area and their salinity levels were analysed. Restaurant owners were also surveyed to assess their salt acceptability and attitudes. The average salinity of the Kimchi samples was 2.0±0.4% and that of the soup/stew samples was 1.0±0.3%. The average salinity of the soup samples was 0.9±0.2% and that of the stew samples was 1.1±0.3%, and the average salinity of the stews was significantly higher than that of the soups (p〈0.001). The average salinity of bean-paste soups was 0.9±0.2% and that of clear soups was 0.8±0.2%, in which the average salinity of the bean-paste soups was significantly higher than that of the clear soups (p〈0.05). When asked about the saltiness of their side dishes, soups/stews, and Kimchi, the largest number of owners answered 'ordinary'. About 50.4% of the owners also answered 'ordinary' for their salt acceptability, and 59.8% answered that their customers have 'ordinary' salt acceptability. However, a significantly higher ratio of owners in the group whose Kimchi samples had low salinity answered that their customers' salt acceptability was for 'flat' foods as compared to the group whose Kimchi was of high salinity (p〈0.05). About 45.7% of the owners answered that 'they participated in controlling the saltiness of all their dishes', and 40.2% answered that 'they considered the traditional saltiness of their menu items as more important than the saltiness acceptability of their customers.' Also, 82.7% of the owners answered 'they made the Kimchi themselves.' The types of frequently served soup were clear soup, such as bean-sprout soup and seaweed soup, followed by bean-paste soup and thick beef soup, in order. The types of frequently served stews were Gochujang stew with frozen pollack or croaker, bean-paste stew, and clear stew.
        2009.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to examine the superior factors and the perception of Korean traditional foods by college students studying in food related industries. The subject group consisted of 65.0% of the students majoring in food service & culinary arts, 12.9% of the students majoring in food & nutrition, and 7.3% of the students majoring in baking & pastry. The nutritional value was evaluated as the top superior factor of Korean traditional foods by the study subjects. In addition, 92.4% of reported that they had eaten Korean traditional foods in the past, 76.8% of whom responded that the reason for having Korean traditional foods was its time-honored tradition. 'Cooking for oneself' was considered to be the most popular way (78.2%) of obtaining Korean traditional foods, while the traditional market (58.6%) was the most popular place to purchase the foods. 'Not having enough time' (47.2%) was the primary reason for not having Korean traditional foods, although 72.9% of the subjects reported that they wanted to learn about Korean foods. 'Standardization of taste, nutritional value, and recipes' was found to be the most important factor (41.3%) required to increase the consumption of Korean traditional foods. Additionally, 56.1% of the subjects responded that they feel there is a need for modernization of the cuisine to meet the taste of the general public. However, 61.4% of the subjects responded that the succession of traditional dietary culture was the primary reason for developing traditional cuisine, which indicates that there is a bright future for Korean traditional foods.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to generate fundamental data required by food coordinators and food space creators for planning and directing table settings. The results of this study were then used to suggest an ideal model of table settings for Korean-style food equipped with simple, sophisticated, and practical characteristics. Specifically, this study evaluated the importance of hygiene (safety, cleanness, arrangement), decoration (dignity, form, stylishness, presentation of food on plates), naturalness (seasonal beauty, comfortableness, natural beauty), and modernity (modern style, chic style, urban style). These factors were evaluated according to the preference of the table setting and the characteristics of the meeting, which fit various meal cultures, times, places, and objectives. The results of this study indicate that people prefer hygiene and decoration for family meetings (bansang setting), hygiene and modernity for friendly meetings (simple buffet setting), hygiene and decoration for company meetings (simple buffet setting), and hygiene and decoration for academic meetings (tea party). Hygiene and decoration were highly evaluated in most cases, which indicates that individuals at meetings for special purposes give weight to the meeting's atmosphere, but also consider the hygiene and cleanliness of the food.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the perception and understanding parents had regarding environment friendly agricultural products being used for school foodservice. A trained practitioner surveyed 221 parents of children at elementary schools in Daejeon using a questionnaire, after which the resulting data were analyzed by a Chi-square test. Overall, the parent's responses regarding the foodservice were positive. However, most of the parents do not participate (65%) in the school foodservice if they work, and those that do participate primarily work as meal service aides (58.1%). Parents indicated that the work of urgent field of inspection on food materials (69.9%), and the reason of an agreement (98.2%) for them were the students' health (68.4%). In addition, most parents were positive about the possibility of replacing foods used in the school with environment friendly products (51.6%) and felt that the government should pay the additional expense associated with their replacement. Furthermore, the majority of the parent's surveyed felt that children should be supplied with vegetables (54.9%) purchased directly from farms. The parents' satisfaction with the meal service (25.1%) was lower than that of the students (54.1%). The reason for the satisfaction reported by the parents was concern regarding the health of their children (53.3%). In addition, the majority of the parents (47.3%) responded that environment friendly agricultural products differ from general agricultural products because insecticides and fertilizer were not used. The main objection parents had to using environment friendly products was their cost (59.1%), and most parents felt that a realistic solution to this problem was unified purchase (41.4%). Besides, a problem when replacing with them was the expensive price (38.1%) and true or false (37.7%), and the students' satisfaction (59.5%) was selected the most in an effect of using them, diversity of the product (39.1%) and price reduction (32.6%) for a solution of the increase of using them.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the preference for Korean Kimchi by Chinese people in Shandong Province was evaluated. Specifically, this study was conducted to aid in the introduction of Kimchi to China by providing information and developing local types designed to meet regional taste preferences. The subjects were comprised of 298 Chinese (male 108, female 190) residents of Weihai, Yantai and Qingdao, in Shandong province, China. The subjects were provided with a self administered questionnaire form designed to evaluate their views on Korean Kimchi. The collected data were then analyzed using the SAS software package. The results revealed that 95.3% of the respondents were aware of Korean Kimchi. In addition, 100% of the respondents who had visited Korea and 98.1% of the respondents who had an interest in Korea were aware of Kimchi. With regard to the origins of their interest in Kimchi, 26.8% of the subjects answered 'through mass media', while 23.9% reported that they learned about Kimchi 'through friends'. Most subjects recognized Kimchi as a 'Korean traditional food' (92.6%), a 'delicious food' (53.2%), and a 'fermented food' (38.0%). Baechu Kimchi was found to be the most well-known Kimchi, followed by Kkakdugi, Oi Kimchi, Yoelmu Kimchi and Nabak Kimchi. Additionally, 69.1% of the subjects knew how it was prepared, most of whom reported that they learned how Kimchi was prepared through 'Korean movie and/or drama'. Moreover, 88.9% of the subjects had eaten Kimchi. Overall, 43.8% of the subjects reported that they ate Kimchi 1~2 times per month, while 32.1% reported that they ate Kimchi 1~2 time per year. The most common places that Kimchi was eaten were a 'Korean restaurant' (67.6%) or with a 'colleague' (32.8%). The primary reasons for not having eaten Kimchi were 'no knowledge or dislike of Kimchi by family' (30.3%), 'difficulty purchasing Kimchi' (21.2%), 'high priced Kimchi' (21.2%), and 'dislike the smell and shape of Kimchi' (12.1%).
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objectives of this study were to: a) examine foreign customers’ satisfaction and expectations for the food and service attributes of Korean restaurants located in the U.S., b) measure the gap between the satisfaction and expectations for food and service attributes, c) analyze through IPA analysis the crucial attributes needing improvement in order to minimize the discrepancy between customers’ expectations and performance, and d) analyze the effects of factors related to the food and service attributes on overall customer satisfaction in regard to Korean restaurant selection. A total of 255 American customers who had visited four Korean restaurants located within metropolitan and rural areas of the U.S. were surveyed for this study. Statistical analyses, including t-tests, factor analysis, and multiple regression, were performed using the SPSS statistical package (12.0). The American customers’ overall satisfaction of the food and services offered by the Korean restaurants was relatively high, with the exception of tangible service attributes such as comfortable chairs, restroom cleanliness, and restaurant interior. The urban foreign customers, however, were dissatisfied with the use of healthful ingredients in Korean food, because their expectation level toward this aspect exceeded their satisfaction level. In terms of Korean restaurant selection, tangible services related to the restaurant facilities were identified as the critical factor having an effect on American customer satisfaction.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main objective of this research is to analyze the concept of gender difference through the language used by different genders shown on TV advertisements. Along with TV advertisements, this study further investigates on the cognition of gender differences through the questionnaire specifically discussing the language used by male and female students. In order to set the background, this research surveys the definitive characteristics of the language with respect to gender difference. Further, by examining the language used by different genders shown on all mass media including TV advertisements, there is an existence of gender differences in terms of linguistic expressions. Second, the field research on cognition was conducted by collecting the data of the middle and high school students. The result of the questionnaire reveals that male and female students choose their words without recognizing the gender differences in their oral or written expressions. As indicates, the cognition of language used by people reflects the explicit use of the language which plays a central role in linguistic change. This research concludes that the language used by male should include the characteristics of the female language in order to change the perception of gender difference.