
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 154

        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, chemical properties and functional ingredients of ginger and ginger pomace discarded after juice were analyzed. Ginger and ginger pomace were subjected to hot air drying, steaming, followed by hot air drying, soaking in vitamin C for 1 hour and 3 hours. When soaked in vitamin C for 3 hours, the moisture content was highest at 9.2% for ginger and 7.3% for ginger pomace. Among inorganic ingredients, the potassium (K) content was high at 2,633.6 mg% in hot air-dried ginger after steaming and at 1,584.3 mg% in ginger pomace. Total flavonoid content of ginger pomace was high at 67.3 mg/g when soaked in vitamin C for 3 hours. Gingerol content was the highest at 9.8 mg/g when ginger was dried with hot air. It was 10.5 mg/g in ginger pomace. After ginger pomace was steamed and dried with hot air, shogaol content was as high as 2.0 mg/g.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to investigate the physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of cereal bars containing various concentrations (0, 10, 20, or 30%) of apple pomace (AP). Highest vitamin B1 and C contents were observed in 30% AP-containing bars, but vitamin B2 and B3 contents were highest in the control (0.347 and 3.566 mg/100 g, respectively). Cutting strength decreased significantly in an AP concentration-dependent manner. Total polyphenol and flavonoid contents in 10% AP bars were 2.949±0.157 mg of GAE/g and 1.001±0.009 mg of CE/g, respectively. Antioxidant activities were assessed by measuring free radical scavenging activities, and 10% AP bars had the highest activities, as determined by ABTS (2,2'azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) and DPPH (α-α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl) assays (0.412±0.008 and 0.492±0.021 mg GAE/g, respectively). These results suggested that apple pomace should be regarded a potential nutritional and antioxidant source.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the optimum supplementation ratio when replacing cotton seed meal with rapeseed meal for cultivating oyster mushrooms. The chemical properties among the treatments were pH 4.5~4.7, total carbon content was 46.3~46.5%, total nitrogen content was 1.6~1.7%, and carbon-nitrogen ratio was 27.0~27.8. These did not differ significantly from the control. Mycelial growth was 85.1 mm (Heuktari), and 72.8 mm (Suhan-1Ho) in medium containing 5% rapeseed meal, with no significant difference in mycelial density between cultivars. Fruiting body characteristics are as follows: In 'Heuktari', the color of the pileus was darker than control with an L value of 32.5, and pileus thickness and diameter were 3.2 mm and 27.6 mm, respectively. Stipe length and diameter were 86.0 mm and 9.1 mm, respectively. Valid stipe number per bottle (1,100 cc) was 25.9, and a yield of 189.7 g/1,100 cc was recorded in mixed medium containing 5% rapeseed meal (higher than control). In mixed medium containing 10% rapeseed meal, the yield was 184.5 g/1,100 cc (comparable to control). In 'Suhan-1Ho', supplemented with 5% rapeseed meal, pileus color was darker than control color, with an L value of 28.8. Pileus thickness was 4.5 mm. Stipe diameter was 12.3 mm (higher than control), and yield was 145.5 g/1,100 cc (comparable to control).
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Preventive pavement maintenance is an economical and efficient method of infrastructure management. This study aims to improve the performance of cold thin-layer asphalt pavement, which is mainly used in earthwork pavement, and for bridge overlays and structures. METHODS : A cold asphalt mixture of modified emulsified asphalt and RAP was prepared for cold recycled thin-layer asphalt pavement. The performance of the mixture as a function of fiber reinforcement to improve flexural strength and crack resistance was evaluated. RESULTS : The use of RAP aggregate in cold asphalt mixture was found to increase the cohesive strength of the mixture and improve the wet abrasion resistance due to the effect of the residual binder. As a result of the loaded wheel test and flexural tension test with the addition of fiber reinforcement, it was found that the crack resistance of 0.4 % glass fiber was the best, and especially, the flexibility at low temperature was excellent. CONCLUSIONS : The cold recycled thin-layer asphalt pavement mixture has improved cohesive strength, flexural strength, and crack resistance compared to existing cold asphalt pavement materials, so it will contribute to economical and effective maintenance in preventive maintenance of bridge overlays and structural pavements.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        과거부터 해상은 육상의 도로와 같이 선박이 통항할 수 있는 항로가 지정되 어 있거나 선박 통항의 자유가 보장되는 공간이었다. 하지만, 자원 개발이나 안 보 등의 여러 이유로 연안국의 관할권 확대가 이루어지면서 선박 통항의 자유 가 보장되는 수역인 공해가 점점 축소됨으로써 선박 통항의 제한이 이루어질 수 있다는 우려가 커졌다. 그 결과 연안국의 주권이 미치는 수역에서도 항해 의 자유는 보장할 수 있도록 무해통항권과 같은 제도가 마련되었다. 무해통항권이란 말 그대로 선박이 연안국의 관할권 수역을 통항함에 있어 연안국에 무 해할 경우는 선박 통항을 보장해 주는 것을 의미한다. 그런데, 국내 연안에 설 정되어 있는 유조선통항금지해역은 해당 해역을 통항하는 유조선의 유무해성 에 상관없이 통항을 금지하고 있어 국제법인 유엔해양법협약에 저촉될 수 있 다. 이에 일방적으로 유조선의 통항을 금지하기 보다는 유조선의 주의항해 및 연안국의 적극적인 관리가 이루어질 수 있도록 유조선통항주의해역으로의 변 경이 필요하다고 사료된다. 그렇게 함으로써 유조선통항금지해역의 입법 취지 의 달성과 국제법의 저촉 문제도 해결될 수 있을 것이다.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 17~19세기 명․청대 박고문자기의 제작배경, 유형과 시기별 특징, 그리고 조 선과 일본도자에 미친 영향관계에 대한 전반적인 고찰을 목적으로 삼았다. 박고문자기는 고동기에 대한 완상 및 애호가 일종의 문인취미로서 확산되었던 명․청대 사회상을 반영한 대표적인 시각작품이다. 그 제작배경과 관련하여 당대 문헌사료들을 통해 박고취미가 성행했던 시대적 배경을 확인하였다. 이어서 17~19세기 자기 박고문에서 보이 는 고기물 도상, 문방청완, 팔보 등 기타 길상소재 등의 구성요소로 유형 분류를 시도하고, 유형별 자기 박고문의 편년자료와 양식을 통해 17~19세기 박고문자기의 시기별 특징을 살펴 보았다. 그 결과, 17~19세기 자기 박고문은 크게 4가지 유형으로 분류가 가능했으며, 이는 곧 시기별 박고문자기의 변천과 특징으로 이어졌다. 17세기 중후반, 경덕진 민요에서 문인취 향이 적극 반영되어 나타난 박고문자기는 18세기 이후에는 官樣의 내수뿐 아니라 다양한 품종으로 유럽 수출자기로도 크게 성행하였다. 19세기에는 전반적으로 자기의 질이 쇠퇴되며, 민간 잡보를 비롯한 여러 길상적 문양요소로 이전보다 더욱 번잡해지는 구성으로 변모되었다. 한편 박고문자기는 같은 한자 문화권이었던 조선과 일본도자에도 영향을 미쳤으며, 현전 하는 작품들의 비교 분석을 통해 그 영향관계를 확인하였다. 조선의 경우, 조선 후기 골동애 완풍조 등 중국의 복고적 취향을 잇는 주요 매개체로 작용하였으며, 이와 동일한 맥락에서 19세기 민화적 요소와 결합되어 자기의 문양으로 변용되었다. 일본은 조선과는 달리 17~18세기 유럽시장을 배경으로 한 수출자기에서의 수용과 변용이 이뤄졌으며, 일본식 미 감이 가미된 일본 수출자기의 특색으로 자리하였다. 이처럼 조선과 일본 각국에서 중국 박고 문자기를 수용하는 시기와 경로, 모방과 변용양상이 다르게 나타난 점을 통해 동아시아 도자 문화에서 갖는 박고문자기의 의미를 확인할 수 있었다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : On a thin epoxy overlay pavement, epoxy is placed on the existing bridge deck pavement, followed by the spraying of aggregates on it. The bond strength between the existing pavement and overlay pavement is an important factor representing the performance of the thin epoxy overlay pavement, in addition to the skid resistance and roughness. Therefore, the bond strength, skid resistance, and roughness of a thin epoxy overlay pavement constructed for field tests under various field conditions are examined in this study. METHODS : The usability of epoxy and aggregates on a thin epoxy overlay pavement is identified by testing their material properties in a laboratory. A construction test is performed using the pretreatment conditions of the existing pavement surface and the number of layers of overlay pavement as variables. The bond strength, skid resistance, and roughness are analyzed 3 d after constructing the test pavement, and immediately before and after applying repetitive traffic loadings at 6 months. RESULTS : When the existing pavement is in good condition, as in this study, the bond strength of the thin epoxy overlay pavement is affected more significantly by the existing pavement condition than the material properties of epoxy, in which destruction is indicated in the existing pavement. The skid resistance is affected primarily by the condition of the aggregates sprayed on the epoxy. The pavement on which the aggregates are well sprayed indicate a high skid resistance. The roughness is not affected by any variables, such as the pretreatment conditions, number of thin pavement layers, and repetitive traffic loadings. CONCLUSIONS : A long-term evaluation of the bond strength, skid resistance, and roughness will be conducted on a test pavement. In addition, another construction test will be performed to investigate the performance of a thin epoxy pavement overlaid on a bridge deck pavement under inferior conditions.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, air pollution from fossil fuels is at a serious level, and the IMO proposes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 70% by 2050, and controls greenhouse gas emissions by applying the energy efficiency disign index(EEDI) to each ship type. In this study, the marine fuel oil viscosity of MGO, MDO, HFO and CGO according to the temperature change was compared and measured and the difference was analyzed. As a result, the viscosity of CGO was 3.32mPa·s, which was almost similar to MGO(3.40mPa·s) and MDO(3.51mPa·s) so it was judged that it could be used as a marine fuel, and it was found that there was a significant difference with HFO at P<0.01 there was.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As one of the earliest Buddhist scripture classics, the “Faju Sutra” adopts the form of chanting, and the content is plain and simple. Ganbo 001 “Faju Sutra” contains two parts, “Dao Heng Pin” and “Ni Huan Pin”. This article uses this manuscript as the research object, and divides its glyphs into parts to describe the glyph features of this manuscript. According to Huang Zheng’s “Dunhuang Vulgar Characters Dictionary” (2nd edition), the classification method of the common characters is carried out to study the classification of common characters. At the same time intercept the glyphs that have not been recorded by the predecessors and make a supplement to the “Dunhuang Vulgar Characters Dictionary”.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Given that large-scale repair works of expressway bridge pavements have high maintenance cost and long traffic blocking time, the thin overlay method that maintains the existing pavement is attracting attention. In this study, because the bridge thin overlay has not been introduced in Korea yet, the basic physical properties of the epoxy thin overlay, which is mainly used for the bridge thin overlay, were investigated, and the skid resistance and bond performance were analyzed. METHODS : Basic physical property tests were performed on each of the epoxy binders, aggregates, and mixtures used in epoxy thin overlay. They were also compared and reviewed against foreign standards. The epoxy binders were tested for viscosity, gel time, and thermal compatibility. The aggregates were tested in terms of water absorption, specific gravity, and gradation. The compressive and flexural strengths of the mixtures were investigated. The epoxy thin overlay has the possibility of detachment of aggregates, so the skid resistance was tested according to the paving phase. In addition, to investigate the bond performance, which is the most important performance of the epoxy thin overlay, the bond strength test was performed by varying the moisture condition and treatment condition of the existing layer surface. RESULTS : The basic physical properties of the materials used in the epoxy thin overlays satisfied foreign standards except for the gradation of aggregates. The skid resistance did not satisfy the standard when the epoxy was exposed, whereas the skid resistance did satisfy the standard when the aggregates were exposed, even after the abrasion test. The bond strength of the epoxy thin overlay satisfied the standard in all cases. The bond strength was the highest when the relative humidity of the existing layer surface was 60%. CONCLUSIONS : The materials of epoxy thin overlay that could be obtained in Korea satisfied the basic physical property standards except for aggregate gradation. Given that the aggregate gradation could be adjusted, it can be concluded that the epoxy thin overlay could be introduced in Korea. In addition, it was confirmed that the skid resistance and bond strength of the epoxy thin overlay were high enough to be used in general road conditions. It was determined that the existing layer surface should maintain an optimal relative humidity of approximately 60% because the moisture condition affects the bond strength.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to severe environmental pollution from ships, IMO(International Maritime Organization) is imposing strict controls on pollutant emission in ECA(Emission Control Area). There have been active studies to find fuel that could replace existing fossil fuel and especially in recent times, diverse studies on recycling of coffee ground are in progress. The annual domestic consumption of coffee was 150,000 tons according to the data of 2017 year and 99% of them are coffee ground to be scrapped. Therefore, in this study, coffee ground was mixed with diesel oil to develop alternative fuel. The analysis result showed that when coffee ground and diesel oil were mixed at a rate of 30%, 20% and 10%, the diameter of coffee ground droplet was 49.1μm, 45.9μm and 17.5μm respectively.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to verify the effectiveness of the developed ultra-thin-continuously reinforced concrete partition (UT-CRCP) overlay method through a comparative analysis of the early-behavior of the UT-CRCP with a 100 mm cutting overlay of the existing JPCP. METHODS : This study aims to minimize the vulnerability of the existing JPCP (joint section behavior) by overlaying the continuous reinforcement form to constrain joint behavior. For this purpose, the early-behavior of the JPCP section was measured and the early-behavior of the UT-CRCP section was compared with that of the cutting overlay of the same section. The testbed was constructed for comparative analysis of the two types of pavements and the early behavior was measured using the pure environmental loads, i.e., situations where there was no traffic load. For the UT-CRCP, which is a comparative test group, UT-CRCP was constructed approximately one year after the JPCP was constructed by milling the top of the existing JPCP by 100 mm. RESULTS : 1) UT-CRCP was shown to effectively reduce the amount of crack width change on the surface by 17 %, compared to JPCP, by placing reinforcement inside the pavement. 2) The restricting effect of the UT-CRCP was analyzed by comparing the strain generated by the cross-section depth for the two pavement types. As a result, the restricting rate by depth (20, 80, 120, and 280 mm) was 68.4 %, 80.2 %, 89.2 %, and 26.7 %, respectively. 3) We reviewed the comprehensive gauge restricting rate at depths of 80 mm and 120 mm (80.2 % and 89.2 %, respectively) and the absolute value of behavior that is located at the ±20 mm of the interface of JPCP and UT-CRCP. Thus, it was possible to estimate that both layers of pavements exhibit the same behavior (tied) at the interface between the two pavement layers. CONCLUSIONS : In this study, the early behavior of the BCO concept UT-CRCP overlay technique was analyzed and quantitatively presented to overcome the limitations of JPCP with relatively weak point behavior and to increase the commonality of aged concrete pavement to the performance of the new pavement.
        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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