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        검색결과 121

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구를 통해 국내 주요 한약재인 복령의 유해물질에 대한 안전성 확립과 허용기준치 설정의 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. 국내 유통 중인 복령 10건(국내산 5건, 중국 산 5건)에 대한 잔류농약(321종), 중금속(7종), 방사능(3종), 회분 함량을 분석하였다. 잔류농약은 국내산 1건에서만 농약 성분인 cypermethrin 0.03mg/kg이 검출되었으나 기준치 이하로 나타났다. cypermethrin은 과수 및 원예농업에서 해충 방제의 살 충제로 사용되는 성분이다. 중금속은 Hg를 제외한 Zn, Pb, Ni, Cu, Hg, Cr가 모든 시료에서 검출됐지만 기준치 이하로 나타났다. Cd는 중국산 1건에서 0.011 mg/kg이 검출되었다. 방사능 농도도 모든 시료에서 MDA값 이하로 나타나 불검출 수준이었으며, 회분 함량도 모든 시료에서 기준치인 1.0% 이하로 나타났다. 이번 조사에서 국내에 유통 중인 복령의 유해물질에 대한 위해성은 안전하게 나타났다. 일반적으로 버섯류는 중금속 함량이 높다고 알려져 있다. 복령은 토양 속에서 생장하는 재배 특성상 유해물질에 항시 노출되어 있으므로 재배, 저장, 유통 등 생산단계 전반에 대한 지속적인 모니터링과 체계적인 관리기준 설정이 필요할 것으로 보인다.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper presents basic supporting data necessary for planning an educational intervention strategy as part of a communication strategy that would form an extensive national consensus on and enhance national understanding of irradiated foods. A survey was conducted to collect data on the knowledge, attitude, and behavior with regard to irradiated foods among community. It appeared 133 male (36.5%) and 231 women persons (63.5%). After irradiated food were analyzed, whole knowledge, attitude, and behavior standard to the irradiated food is 2.32, 11.90, and 12.92 scores respectively. The knowledge, attitude, behavior of irradiated foods according to person characteristics were analyzed. The knowledge on irradiated food was statistical difference by gender, age, education standard and occupation (p<0.05), whereas no statistical difference marriage (p>0.05). The attitude on irradiated food was statistical difference by age, education standard and occupation (p<0.05), whereas no statistical difference gender (p>0.05). The behavior on irradiated food was statistical difference by age, education standard and occupation (p<0.05), whereas no statistical difference gender and marriage (p>0.05). The coefficient of correlation of knowledge and attitude in irradiated food showed positive correlation of r=0.324 (p<0.01). The coefficient of correlation of knowledge and behavior in irradiated food showed negative correlation of r=-0.118 (p<0.05). The coefficient of correlation of attitude and behavior in irradiated food showed negative correlation of r=-0.316 (p<0.01).
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지질 함량이 많은 식품에 방사선 조사여부 판별방법으로 적용가능한 hydrocarbons법의 전처리 추출공정을 개선하고자, 추출시간을 효율화 하고 추출용매의 사용을 줄일 수 있는 마이크로웨이브 추출법을 적용하였다. 국제 교역량이 가장 높은 농산물중 대두를 대상으로 방사선 조사(4 kGy)를 하여 hydrocarbons 분석에 대한 전처리 조건을 최적화하고자 하였다. 예측된 대두의 최적 추출범위는 extraction time 1.3-3.2분, microwave power 61-133 W로 나타났고, 예측된 범위에서 임의점을 설정하여 회귀식에 대입하여 최적값을 예측하였을 때 값은 microwave power와 extraction time이 각각 97W과 2.2 분으로 확인되었다. 방사선조사 허가식품에 대해서 검지법의 분석결과의 정확성과 더불어 신속성이 요구되는 상황에서 hydrocarbons검지법 적용이 가능한 대두를 대상으로 MAE (micarowave-assisted extraction) 추출법을 적용한다면, 식품공전상의 현행 추출전처리(12-24시간)에 따른 분석시간을 줄이고 추출공정 개선이 가능할 것으로 본다.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigated the applicability of the photostimulated luminescence(PSL), thermoluminescence( TL) and electron spin resonance(ESR) methods for various foods which are not allowed to be irradiated in Korea. All 15 foods including sesame, almond, peanut, cocoa powder etc. were analyzed. Samples were irradiated at 1~10 kGy using a 60Co gamma-ray irradiator. In PSL study, the photon counts of all the unirradiated samples showed negative(lower than 700). The photon counts irradiated(1 kGy) dried shrimp, roasted peanut and seasoned peanut showed positive(higher than 5,000) and the other samples were negative or intermediate(> 700 and < 5,000). In TL analysis, results showed that it is possible to apply TL method to all foods containing minerals. In ESR measurements, the ESR signal(single-line) intensity of irradiated foods was higher than non-irradiated foods. In particular, the specific ESR signals of irradiation-induced crystalline sugar, cellulose and bone radical were detected in dried plum, raisin, dried cherry, mango(dried, frozen), rambutan, cocoa(powder), cinnamon, parsley, carrot, broccoli, dried arrow squid, dried pollack and dried shrimp. According to the results, PSL, TL and ESR methods were successfully applied to detect the irradiated foods because TL method is not able to detect the irradiated foods rarely composed of minerals. ESR is also a difficult method to detect the changes of ESR signal patterns of food. It is concluded that TL analysis or ESR assay is suitable for detection of irradiated samples and a combined method is recommendable for enhancing the reliability of detection results.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고등식물은 고정된 장소에 서식하기 때문에 주변 환경의 오염에 따른 부정적 영향을 회피할 수 없다. 대기 오염 지역과 청정지역에 서식하는 가로수의 이온화 방사선에 대한 효소활성 변화를 이용하여 대기오염 정도를 진단하는 방법을 개발하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 오염된 대기 속에 서식하며 대기에 포함된 오염물질로부터 지속적으로 산화스트레스를 받아온 식물체의 경우 이를 극복하기 위한 수단으로 생화학적 저항성을 발달시키게 된다. 항산화 효소와 자유라디칼 제거능,
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was conducted to assess applicability of photostimulated luminescence (PSL) and Thermoluminescence (TL) methods for investigation of infant and young children products, nut, seasoned dried fish,spice, dried fruits, fruit & vegetable, grain and marine products, which are not approved for irradiation in Korea. PSL results show that the photon counts of non-irradiated samples were lower than 700, while those of irradiated samples were higher than 700. In TL measurement, TL ratio of irradiated samples were higher than 0.1 or ones can decrease below 0.1 whereas the temperature range of TL Glow curve was between 150-250℃. Monitoring result about 8 class of 325 not approved to irradiated foods, photon counts of samples were less than 700, and after re-irradiation TL Ratio (TL₁/TL₂) through re-irradiation step at 1 kGy were higher than 0.1 for the all samples. Therefore, these results suggested that PSL and TL measurements were useful detection methods for 8 class food products not approved to irradiation in Korea and all sample (325 cases) were not irradiated when we analysed by PSL and TL methods.
        2010.03 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When radiation is irradiated onto biological tissue, the occurrence of biological change has been already demonstrated and the change of blood composition and chromosome abnormality could be suggested as the representative biological markers which can identify the disturbance caused by radiation exposure. Recently, radiation treatment is performed for the treatment of cancer. Since the protection of blood within normal tissue is very important, the development of radioprotective has been made continuously to protect normal tissues. Squalene is a very important precursor in the biosynthesis of cholesterol. It is the hydrocarbon contained in the liver of deep sea sharks and in olive oils, and large quantity of it is contained in skin, abdominal fat tissue, subcutaneous fat tissue, lymphatic gland, pancreas and in heart muscle. Because of 6 double bonds in SQ, it could easily bind with oxygen ions to have the hazardous oxygen removal capacity along with the effects of scar treatment, blood vessel expansion, inhibitory action of arteriosclerosis, and has been reported to have the effects on myocardial infarction and liver disease, treatment for burn. It has been reported to have active effect of fibroblast. Therefore, the current study was conducted to know the change of total protein, albumin, total cholesterol and glucose in serum after the injection of whole body radiation of SQ in mouse.
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