
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 28

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The odors emitted from wastewater treatment plants are not only a health and hygiene problem, but can also lead to complaints from residents and have wider social ramifications such as bringing about falling property values in the surrounding area. In this paper, based on the data measured at domestic and overseas wastewater treatment facilities, the concentrations of complex odors and odorous compounds were compared for each treatment/process: primary treatment, secondary treatment, and sludge treatment processes. Odor compounds that contribute greatly to complex odors were summarized for each process. In addition, the characteristics of odor wheels for each wastewater treatment process, which provide both chemical and olfactory information regarding odors, were reviewed. For domestic wastewater treatment facilities, the complex odor concentrations (unit, dilution factor) of the primary and secondary treatment processes were 4.5-100,000 (median, 32.1) and 2.5-30,000 (median, 10.7), respectively. However, the complex odor concentrations in the sludge treatment process were 3.0-100,000 (median, 118.7), which was more than three times higher than that in the wastewater treatment process. In the wastewater treatment process, those odor compounds making the greatest contributions to complex odors were sulfur-containing compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, and dimethyl disulfide DMS. In order to properly manage odors from wastewater treatment plants and minimize their impact, it is important to understand the status of odor emissions. Therefore, the compositions and concentrations of odors from wastewater treatment processes and odor wheel information, which are reviewed in this paper, are used to evaluate the potential risk of odor from wastewater treatment facilities in order to derive strategies to minimize odor emissions. Moreover, the information can be usefully used to introduce the best available technology to reduce odors emitted from wastewater treatment facilities.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This review comprehensively summarizes the livestock odor reduction method by dietary manipulation, in-housing management, and manure management. The gut microbial metabolism of animals can be stimulated by low-crude protein feeding and the addition of probiotics, enzymes, plant extracts, and/or organic acids to their feed. These methods can result in reduced odor emissions from manure. For in-housing management, it is important to maintain the proper breeding density in the barn facilities, regularly remove dust and manure, and periodically clean the barn facilities. A barn using litter on the floor can reduce odor at a relatively low cost by adding adsorbents such as zeolite, biochar, etc. Although masking agent spraying can be the simplest and quickest way to control odors, it is not a fundamental odor mitigation strategy. Odor emissions can be reduced by installing covers on manure slurry storage facilities or by acidifying the manure slurry. It is necessary to install a solid-liquid separator in an enclosed facility to minimize odor emissions. Other methods for reducing odor emissions include covering manure composting plants with semi-permeable membranes or using reactor composting technology. In order to minimize odor emissions in the liquid manure composting, sufficient oxygen must be supplied during the fermentation process. Furthermore, the odor reduction effect can be achieved through the liquid manure pit recharge system which supplies matured liquid manure fertilizer to the slurry pit in the pig house.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this review paper, the sources of odor, major odor compounds, and emission characteristics from livestock farms are summarized. The main sources of odor on livestock farms are barn facilities, manure storage facilities, manure composting facilities, and wastewater treatment facilities. High concentrations of odor are emitted during the manure removal process, and livestock odor tends to be the most severe in summer. There was a remarkable difference in odor intensity depending on the farm size and the cleaning condition, and odor intensity varied greatly depending on the weather parameters such as wind direction and speed. The concentrations of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were high among the odor compounds emitted from livestock farms, and these compounds also contributed to odor intensity. The odor intensity in poultry and swine farms was higher than in cattle farms. Information on livestock odor emission is very useful for managing livestock odor complaints and designing odor abatement technologies.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out in order to provide suggestions with regard to optimal control methods for various odor emission facilities (162 companies and 26 industrial classifications) through comparative analysis of effective odor treatment technologies for each type of odor substance by literature reviews, based on measured 22 odor substance data for 162 samples taken from A city. The industrial classification of Pulp showed the highest odor quotient (7,589 as average value) and was followed by the industrial classifications of Wastewater, Woods, and Furniture, indicating average odor quotient values of 2,361, 1,396 and 1,392, respectively. Absorption using chlorine dioxide and sodium hydroxide can be an optimal treatment method to remove the odor substances of sulfide and aldehyde groups. Biofilers with microbial communities will be effective to remove odors caused by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and an absorption method using sulfuric acid is proper for the removal of odor substances caused by nitrogens.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cooking, especially meat and fish grilling, is one of the representative sources of indoor and outdoor particulate matter (PM). Most of PM emitted from cooking is ultrafine dust (PM2.5). Since odorous organic acids, aldehydes, and volatile organic compounds are absorbed by PM and discharged, restaurants and food service industries are major sources of odorous PM emission that cause odor nuisance complaints in cities. PM emitted from cooking also contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are carcinogens. In this paper, the domestic PM emission status of biomass combustion, especially meat and fish grilling, was analyzed temporally and spatially. The results of previous studies on PM emission concentrations, emission rates, emission factors and their compositions from cooking were comprehensively summarized. In addition, the effects of food ingredient types, cooking methods, seasoning and oil addition and fuel types on the PM emission were reviewed. Much more PM was produced when cooking with charcoal rather than electricity or gas. The higher the fat content of food ingredients such as intestines, the higher the PM emission concentration and emission rate. There was a difference in the PM emissions depending on the cooking oil types, and the PM emission concentration was high when olive oil or corn oil was used. It is necessary to accumulate more information through followup studies on the emission concentrations, emission factors and properties of PM emitted from cooking activities. This information can be used for controlling odorous PM in restaurants and food service industries, and predicting the impacts of odorous PM on air quality and human health.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The concentrations of odor and volatile organic compound (VOC)-inducing substances were measured using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometers (SIFT-MS). SIFT-MS can continuously measure the concentration of odor-causing substances and VOCs in real time without pre-treatment steps. Measurements were conducted during the day and at night at 10 spots in the chemical block of the Sihwa industrial complex. Similar measurement results were observed in the daytime and nighttime for materials except methyl ethyl ketone with high concentrations. A high concentration of hydrogen sulfide was also measured at night. It is expected that an amount of emissions of VOCs and odor-causing substances under the absence of inspection can be traced if measured at other industrial complexes in vulnerable times.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, real-time monitoring of air quality using a real-time mobile monitoring system was conducted to identify the emission characteristics and current status of air pollutants and odorous substances that are mainly generated in domestic dyeing industrial areas and to trace the pollutant sources. The concentration of toluene in the industrial area was detected up to 926.4 ppb, which was 3 to 4 times higher than that of other industrial areas. The concentration of methylethylketone was 124.7 ppb and the concentration of dichloromethane was 129.5 ppb. Acrolein concentration was highest at E point at 521.6 ppb, methanol concentration was highest at D point at 208.8 ppb, and acetone concentration was highest at M and N points at 549.3 ppb. The most frequently detected concentration of pollutants in the air quality monitoring results in the industrial area was, in descending order, toluene > methanol > acrolein > dichloromethane > acetone, which was similar to the chemical emissions used in the industrial area by the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register data. The concentration of odorous substances measured in real time was compared with the concentration of minimum detection, and the concentration of hydrogen sulfide was about 10 times higher than the concentration of minimum detection at A point, which was judged to be the main odorous cause of A point. In the future, if the real-time mobile measurement system is constructed to automatically connect wind direction/wind speed, PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) data and SEMS (Stack Emission Management System) data, etc., it was judged that more accurate monitoring could be performed.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We analyzed volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of petroleum-based laundry solvents in closed systems by static headspace analysis and investigated the emission characteristics of odorous compounds emitted from organic solvents in the small-scale dry cleaning process. The compounds containing eight to eleven carbon atoms were analyzed to account for 96.92% of the total peak area in a GC-MS chromatogram. It was found that the compounds with ten carbon atoms showed the largest proportion. In the small-scale dry cleaning process (3 kg of laundry and 40 min of drying time), a total of 36 VOCs was quantified, and the odor contribution of these compounds was evaluated. The sum of the odor quotient (SOQ) was analyzed up to 151±163 in the first 12 min of operation. The main odor-causing compounds were acrolein, ethylbenzene, hexane, acetone, and decane, and their odor contributions were 32.28%, 13.47%, 10.52%, 10.20%, and 8.08%, respectively.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, public complaints about unpleasant odor are increasing, particularly in urban areas. One of the odor sources is meat grilling restaurants in the vicinity of the residential areas. In this study, we characterized the odorous compounds generated from the stack of grilling restaurants, and evaluated the removal efficiency of the control facilities. As a result of the field investigation, the dilution index of the complex odor exceeded 500 times that of all test restaurants. The main substance was acetaldehyde. In addition, the correlation coefficient (R2) between the total odor and the sum of odor activity values (SOAV) was 0.73, a value high enough to indicate significant responsibility. The performance of the control facility has been shown to be strongly influenced by maintenance activities, such as cleaning and filter replacements.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Two sewage treatment facilities were selected to identify odor emission characteristics, focusing on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sulfur compounds. The complex odor, 5 kinds of sulfur compounds and 23 kinds of VOCs were analyzed from gas and sludge storages. Hydrogen sulfide was detected in the highest concentration and had the highest odor quotient among the odorous compounds monitored in this study, demonstrating that the contribution of hydrogen sulfide to the complex odor reached up to 90%. For VOCs, the overall contribution to the complex odor was not critical but VOCs can sufficiently trigger an odorous sensation because the sum of the odor quotient reached up to 2.89.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Seasonal emission characteristics of odors and methane were investigated throughout the period of 17 months in which the emission status of odors and methane from soil cover layers in a sanitary landfill was measured. Complex odor emitted from soil cover layers fluctuated largely at the range of 7~20,800 OU (Odor Unit) in odor dilution ratio, and the median and average values were 2,080 and 4,203 OU, respectively. The intensity of complex odor showed higher values in the spring (5,663 ± 4,033 OU) and winter (6,056 ± 8,372 OU) than in the summer (1,698 ± 3,676 OU) and fall (1,761 ± 451 OU). Based on average concentrations, the compounds with high contribution values for the sum of the odor quotient (SOQ) were hydrogen sulfide (46.1%), methyl mercaptan (26.4%), and dimethyl sulfide (16.8%). This result shows that sulfur compounds were the main odor-causing compounds in the target landfill. The flux of complex odor was 0.17~70.36 OU·m−2·min−1 (Median 0.47, Average 5.40), and the flux of hydrogen sulfide was 0~114.70 μg·m−2·min−1 (Median 0.13, Average 5.91). The methane flux was 0.59~312.70 mg-CH4·m−2·min−1 (Median 25.61, Average 47.99). The methane concentrations emitted at the soil cover layers showed the highest values of 1.0~62.5% (Median 33.0, Average 21.1) in the spring, and the lowest values of 0.1~11.7% (Median 2.3, Average 3.7) in the winter. The methane concentrations in the summer and fall were similar with the average of 17.9% (range of 0.2-44.2%) and 12.5% (range of 2.2-42.5%), respectively. The emission data of odors and methane from soil cover layers can be utilized to establish management policy and apply mitigation technologies for the control of odor and greenhouse gases emitted in landfills.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 시멘트 공장의 소성로 배출가스 악취로 인해 불편을 겪고 있는 민원이 지속적으로 제 기되고 있으며, 생활환경질을 향상시키기 위한 노력이 다양하게 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구에 앞서, 시멘 트 공장에서의 악취 발생 원인을 규명하고, 대안을 마련하기 위해 사업장 주요 악취발생원으로 예상되는 소성로 배출가스를 분석하였다. 본 연구는 악취 유발 가스의 대기 흐름과 희석, 확산 효과를 수치적으로 해석하고, 지역생활 환경 개 선 및 친환경적 시멘트 생산시스템 구축을 위한 기초자료로 활용하고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 일정한 풍향 및 풍속이 지속될 경우 특정 지점에서 악취의 영향이 발생될 수 있으며, 풍향 및 풍속의 변화율이 증가 될수록 악취 영향은 감소될 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, swine and cattle farms located in Jeollanam-do were selected to analyze and evaluate the components of odorants in livestock facilities. In addition, a preliminary survey of the literature was conducted to establish a sampling and analysis method for phenol and indoles which are major components of odor emissions from livestock facilities, yet are not regulated by the laws. To establish a sampling and analysis method for phenol and indoles, Tedlar bag and Tenax-TA sorbent tube was used as background concentration of blank sample and samples according to the elapsed time. The results obtained indicate the GC/MS analysis with Tenax-TA sorbent tube sampling was an effective method for measuring the compounds of phenol and indoles. In the swine facility, the rankings of the odorants in order, from highest to lowest, were ammonia, sulfuric compounds, phenol/indoles, volatile fatty acids. The main odorants were hydrogen sulfide (41.3%) and 4-methylphenol (p-cresol, 13.9%). In the swine slurry storage, hydrogen sulfide (33.7%), ammonia (18.8%), and 3-methylindole (skatole, 15.7%) were the main odorants, and hydrogen sulfide (31%) and i-valeric acid (32.4%) were the main odorants in the cattle farms.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to measure the concentration of odorous compounds and dilution ratio values at each part of the anaerobic digester process with composting facilities using swine manure and food waste. Complex odors, ammonia, volatile fatty acids and sulfur compounds were measured at each part of the process. Complex odors measured during swine manure storage, food waste storage and in the digested liquid tank, were 35,312 Odor Unit(OU), 39,086 OU and 17,733 OU, respectively. The odor contribution index was calculated by the concentration of odorous compounds during each process divided by the threshold limit. As a result, the major odorous compound that appeared during swine manure storage, food waste storage and in the digested liquid tank was hydrogen sulfide. On the other hand, the major odorous compound in the other processes was ammonia. The overall average concentrations of ammonia were highest in the digested liquid tank(337 ppm) and the separated liquid tank(131 ppm). Wastewater treatment process(10.9 ppm) and deodorization process(11.6 ppm) revealed the lowest concentration of ammonia. The overall average concentration of total volatile fatty acids(TVFAs) was 102.8 ppb during food waste storage and among the TVFAs, the main element was propionic acid(66.1 ppb). Sulfur compounds were only detected during swine manure storage, food waste storage and in the digested liquid tank. The dominant sulfur compound was hydrogen sulfide during swine manure storage(96.3 ppm) and methyl mercaptan during food waste storage(17.7 ppm) and dimethyl sulfide during food waste storage(34.5 ppm).
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, leachate treatment facility (outlet, facility inside) and landfill sections (vent systems, landfill surface)of nine landfills is being buried in korea were studied emission characteristics of odor compounds. Air dilutionvalue in ventpipes of landfill section was generally highest and was more 3 times higher than emission standard(air dilution value of facilities outlet : 500) in Daejeon, Tongyeong, and Busan landfill. Outlet of leachate treatmentfacilities in Tongyeong and Daegu landfill, in case, was higher respectively 20 times, 6 times than other landfills,commonly show that a large contribution to the odor of hydrogen sulfide. In case of ordor emission rate, ammoniaand hydrogen sulfide were surveyed to comprise a high rate for odor emission rate. Odor emissions based onlandfill scale, large landfill (Sudokwon) and small landfills (Yeosu, Chuncheon, Chungju) is low in odor emissionsper unit area, whereas medium landfill (Busan, Daejeon, Daegu) was estimated to be high odor emissions. In caseof large landfill, leachate treatment facilities is management in good condition and discharged odor emission oflandfill sections was low into ambient air. In case of small landfill, decay gases and leachate is few. Thereforeodor emissions is fewer than estimated medium landfill. In case of medium landfill, management condition ofleachate treatment facility was in poor and landfill sections was under not stabilization stage. Thus, mediumlandfills was identified that needs to be intensive care.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research is carried out to investigate the odor emission characteristics in a sewage treatment plant. The plantwas divided into four areas (boundary areas, sewage treatment processes, sludge treatment processes and odortreatment plants), and measured around 27 sampling points. Odor characteristics from each areas were evaluatedby air dilution olfactory method and NH₃/SO₂/VOCs passive sampler, mainly in terms of spatial distribution. Themain odor emission sources were found out to be dewatering plant (S-4) of sludge, sludge transshipment place(S-5), and the outlet of odor treatment plant (B-2, B-3). The correlation between dilution number (OU) and ammoniaconcentration of passive sampler appeared to be low; correlation coefficient 0.49, but correlation coefficient for theresults of sulfur dioxide and toluene were very high, 0.95 and 0.93, respectively. These results indicate that odorcompounds form sewage treatment facility are mainly due to sulfur compounds and volatile organic compounds.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 공공하수처리시설의 효율적인 관리방안 제시를 위하여 2008년~2010년까지 28개소의 공공하수처리시설에 대하여 복합악취와 지정악취물질(22종)을 대상으로 악취실태조사 및 원인분석을 실시하였다. 조사결과 전처리 공정과 슬러지 처리공정에서 주로 고농도의 악취가 발생되고 있었으며, 황화수소와 메틸머캅탄 등의 황화합물류가 주요 악취원인물질로 조사되었다. 공공하수처리시설에서 발생되는 악취는 유입수의 성상에 따라 차이가 있으며, 유입수에서의 복합악취는 67배~66,943배, 황화수소는 ND~66.87 ppm으로 조사되었다. A 하수처리시설 유량 조정조에서의 복합악취와 황화수소는 교반시 각각 3,000배, 6.23 ppm, 비교반시 각각 300배, 0.20 ppm으로 조사되었다. 유입 분배조와 생슬러지 분배조는 하수와 슬러지 이송 파이프 라인의 낙차에 의해 내부에 양(+)압이 형성되므로 파이프 라인의 연장과 악취포집설비를 정상적으로 설치․운영하여 내부를 음(-)압 상태로 유지할 필요가 있다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, emission characteristics of odorants from boiled egg samples were measured through time between fresh and decayed status. Air samples released from boiled egg were collected and analyzed five different periods during the whole experimental period set for 9 days. The concentrations of reduced sulfur compounds (RSC), carbonyl compounds (CC), and NH₃ were generally higher than others like volatile organic compounds over the entire period. Among target compounds, the concentration of H₂S recorded the maximum value of 3.65 ppm immediately after boiling which indicates its maximum contribution as odorant in fresh stage. In addition, some odorants (i.e. CH₃SH, AA, PA, BA, and VA) were detected in the range of 7.52 to 50.8 ppb. Emission of most odorants generally decreased after 1 day of boiling, although their concentrations increased again after 3 days to reach the peak values after 6 days. The dilution-to-threshold (D/T) ratio measured by air dilution sensory test samples between fresh and decayed egg showed patterns similar to H2S. In addition, the result of correlation analysis indicated that there is a strong relationship (p<0.01) between complex odor and H₂S.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Odorous pollutants emitted from the manufacturing process of TFT-LCD were investigated to prepare the odor control plan. Odor measurements in the workplace of clean room were also carried out. The odorous pollutants detected in the organic and acid gas emission duct were acetone, acetic acid, IPA, nbutylacetate, PGMEA, cyclohexane, which were chemicals used for LCD manufacturing. Especially, acetic acid was turned out to one of the major odor substances in the acid gas emission duct because of its low odor threshold value. No odorous pollutants were detected in the toxic gas emission duct. Some organic gases detected in the clean room were due to the leakage from chemical containers or LCD devices.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to show the odor emission characteristics between the well maintained environment fundamental facility and the poorly maintained environmental facility. It also draws major components of odor emission based on facilities, stages, and suggest the proper way to reduce the level of odor for insufficient facilities. Insufficient facilities" air direct sensory and air dilution value levels are following: foodwaste > livestock > wastewater > night-soil > sewage. For the sewage and waste water facilities, the common characteristic of odor emission on each fundamental facility showed higher air dilution value in depositing reservoir and concentrator. And sulfur and aldehyde compounds came out to be the major odor causing components. In the case of night-soil and livestock facilities, the air dilution value was high in flow equalization tank and liquid erosion tank. And sulfur as well as ammonia component was the major malodorous substance. Foodwaste facility showed higher air dilution value than other facility, which sulfur and acetaldehyde compounds were acting as major malodorous substances.
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