일반적으로 아편전쟁은 청나라와 유럽 열강 간 무역분쟁의 결과로 이 해된다. 그러나 해당 전쟁은 중화 조공 책봉 체제와 유럽 베스트팔렌 체 제 간 충돌로 볼 필요가 있으며, 이는 프랑스와 영국이 승전의 우선적인 대가로 고도의 정치·외교적 요구 수용을 청나라에 강요했기 때문이다. 근 본적으로 양 세계질서 간 충돌은 이념적 기반 그리고 체제 운영 방식 간 상호이질성으로 인해 불가피하였다. 게다가 중화 조공 책봉 체제가 내포 하는 특유의 극단적 경직성은 유럽 베스트팔렌 체제와의 공존을 불가능 하게 만들었다. 양 세계질서 간 충돌의 결과로서 중화 조공 책봉 체제는 불가역적으로 붕괴하였고, 동아시아는 유럽 베스트팔렌 체제로 완전하게 통합되었다. 결론적으로 이는 유럽발 보편적 세계질서의 세계화 완성을 의미함과 동시에, 그것의 유산은 오늘날 자유주의 세계질서를 통해 지속 되고 있다.
The purpose of this study is to produce virtual models of women aged in their 60s and to implement the virtual clothing with jackets. We referred to 3D images of standard and obese body types from the 8th Size Korea and attempted to create avatars based on their images through the various trials. Final virtual models were made to reflect the appearance of women in their 60s. For the standard body type, a 3D image with average body measurements was selected. Based on numerous trials aimed at turning her image into an avatar, the auto-converted avatar on CLO 3D was slimmer than the woman in the original image, and hence it was not suitable for the virtual model. After blending, we converted the image into an uneditable avatar for which only the joint points could be moved, thereby creating an avatar that was identical to the original image. We also selected an image of an obese woman with a “beer bottle” body shape from the 8th Size Korea. We created an avatar that resembled her shape by also converting it into an uneditable avatar for which only joint points could be moved. To use these avatars in virtual clothing, we removed masks of avatars and made faces, hair styles, and skin tones representing women in their 60s. The moderately-sized classic jackets were smooth on both virtual models and fitted satisfactorily. This study demonstrated the applicability of virtual model production of various body types or ages in special clothing studies.
In this study, four different samples of Se60Ge40-xBix chalcogenides glasses were synthesized by heating the melt for 18 h in vacuum Pyrex ampoules (under a 10-4 Torre vacuum), each with a different concentration (x = 0, 10, 15, and 20) of high purity starting materials. The results of direct current (DC) electrical conductivity measurements against a 1,000/T plot for all chalcogenide samples revealed two linear areas at medium and high temperatures, each with a different slope and with different activation energies (E1 and E2). In other words, these samples contain two electrical conduction mechanisms: a localized conduction at middle temperatures and extended conduction at high temperatures. The results showed the local and extended state parameters changed due to the effective partial substitution of germanium by bismuth. The density of extended states N(Eext) and localized states N(Eloc) as a function of bismuth concentration was used to gauge this effect. While the density of the localized states decreased from 1.6 × 1014 to 4.2 × 1012 (ev-1 cm-3) as the bismuth concentration increased from 0 to 15, the density of the extended states generally increased from 3.552 × 1021 to 5.86 × 1021 (ev-1 cm-3), indicating a reduction in the mullet’s randomness. This makes these alloys more widely useful in electronic applications due to the decrease in the cost of manufacturing.
본 연구는 독일 외교관이었던 리하르트 헤르츠(1898-1961)가 한국에 체류한 시기(1956- 1960) 동안 고미술품 수집과 예술가 후원에 힘썼으며 미술평론에 힘썼던 배경과 활동을 살펴본다. 그가 함부르크 대학에서 어윈 파노프스키 하에 수학했으며 외교관으로서 아시아 미술을 수집하던 컬렉터이며 나치 하의 독일을 떠나 미국으로 망명한 후 미학 저서와 글을 발표했던 독일계 유대인 지식인이었음을 밝히고 그의 지적 배경을 분석한다. 그리고 한국에 서 영어와 한글로 발표한 그의 평론과 잦은 전시장 방문은 당시 취약했던 한국 평론계의 권 위를 세우는데 기여했으며 미술의 ‘현대성’을 두고 방향을 모색하던 시기에 한국 작가들이 서구 모더니즘과 추상미술을 추종하던 분위기에 일조했다는 점을 밝힌다.
최근 다양한 기술의 발달로 인하여 시간과 공간의 제약 없이 관람객에게 사실감과 현장감을 표 현하며 관람객에게 실제적인 감각을 선사하는 실감미디어에 대한 관심과 시장이 늘어나고 있다. 모든 미디어는 기술 발전에 따라 더 실제적인 감각을 선사할 수 있는 콘텐츠를 제공한다. 기존 사각형의 영상 프레임에 머물던 디스플레이의 형태를 감상하는 환경과 다르다. 이러한 360도 영상은 콘텐츠 제작, 영상 렌더링 플랫폼 및 영상 이미징 장비 등 다양한 분야에서 적용되고 있 다. 전방위적인 360도를 제공하는 돔 형태를 통한 실감미디어 콘텐츠의 사례가 국내와 국외적 으로 늘어나고 있다. 하지만 이러한 상황에 비하여 360도의 돔 형태를 활용한 실감미디어의 콘 텐츠 사례 연구가 부족한 상황이다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 360도의 영상 개요를 살펴보며 돔 형태 영상의 디스플레이가 가진 특성을 알아보았다. 본 논문을 통해 360도 돔 형태를 활용한 실감미디어의 콘텐츠 사례들을 살펴보며, 이를 통하여 360도 영상을 기반으로 돔 형태를 활용 한 실감미디어 콘텐츠를 기획하려는 다양한 영상 창작자들에게 보탬이 되고자 한다.
본 연구는 1960년대에 향수(Nostalgia) 주제를 가진 트로트 곡의 특징을 연구하였다. 1960년대 트로트 가사가 고향에 대한 향수를 어떤 방식으로 다뤘으며, 해당 트로트 가사가 의미하는바가 무엇인지를 고찰하였다. 그리고 고향에 대한 그리움과 회상을 표현하는 가사 속 단어들 및 타향을 부정하는 단어들 속에 내재된 감정을 분석하였다. 본 연구는 트로트 곡에서 드러나는 고향에 대한 향수에 관한 내용의 가사를 분석함으로써, 가사 분석의 다양성을 고찰하는 것에 목적을 두고 있 다. 1960년대 트로트 가사에는 고향에 대한 그리움과 회상 그리고 가족과 연인에 대한 사랑이 주 로 나타났으며 한국적 정서가 드러나는 시대를 반영한 이야기들을 표현한 단순 명료한 가사로 이 루어져있었다. 또한 1970년대에는 추상적인 이별이야기를 담는데 주력하는 양상을 보인 반면, 1960년대에는 직접적인 단어로 표현함으로써 곡의 애절함과 씁쓸함이 보다 더 잘 드러났으며 대중 들 기억에 남는 가사로 공감을 더했다. 대중가요에서 고향을 주제로 한 가사에서는 사람의 감성을 움직이게 하며 향수를 불러일으키지만 시대적 배경과 대중들의 상황과 상태, 염원을 분석한다면 가사에 담긴 함의를 구체적으로 파악할 수 있으며 많은 창작자들이 가사를 분석하는 것에 도움이 될 것이라고 예상한다.
Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.60 presents the response spectra for the seismic design, especially for the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE), of nuclear power plants. This guide is applicable to a two-step process involving the issuance of construction permits and operating licenses (10 CFR Part 50) as well as the issuance of combined construction and operating licenses (COLs), early site permits (ESPs), and standard plant design certifications (10 CFR Part 52) [1]. New reactor designs, however, require modified design response spectra (MDRS) by broadening the high-frequency range from design response spectra (DRS) in RG 1.60. In order to generate artificial time histories to meet the acceptable criteria described in NUREG-0800 [2], it9s necessary to develop the power spectral density of the MDRS. In this paper, we generate the artificial earthquake time histories of the MDRS for further research.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the possibility of damage to cultural assets resulting from vibrations generated by construction vehicle traffic. The cultural heritage's natural vibration frequency was determined to be 150Hz by measurement. The damping ratios were calculated as 4.7% using the logarithmic decrement approach and 4.3% using the half-power method. The vibration measurements obtained during vehicle operation indicated that, despite an increase in vehicle velocity of up to 15 km/h, the vibrations remained below the detectable level of 0.13 mm/sec. When the road is curved and the terrain is sloped, a suitable speed for vehicle operation was found to be around 17 km/h, at which point vibrations were seen. The highest recorded vibration amplitude at this velocity was 0.217 mm/sec, which remains below the stringent regulation limit of 2 mm/sec. Thus, it can be concluded that there is no actual harm caused by vibrations.
최근 몇 년 동안 인터넷의 급속한 발전과 함께 디지털 멀티미 디어 잡지는 점차 사람들의 관심의 초점이 되었습니다.디지털 멀티미디어 매거진은 멀티미디어 기술을 사용하여 비디오, 오디 오, gif 모션 그래픽, Flash 애니메이션, Html5 페이지 및 3D 특 수 효과를 통합하고 어디에서나 우수한 상호 작용 특성과 멀티 미디어 특성을 구현하여 놀라운 발전 추세를 보여줍니다. 이 글은 'Design 360 매거진'을 예로 들어 멀티미디어 디지 털 매거진의 개념, 개발 과정 및 개발 전략에 대한 예비 논의 를 진행하고 주로 디자인 미학, 커뮤니케이션, 상호 작용 경험 및 기타 관련 이론을 사용하여 매거진의 디지털 전환에 대한 몇 가지 제안을 제시합니다.디지털 잡지의 특성과 종이 잡지와 의 비교, 사람들의 독서 습관 변화 등의 관점에서 전통적인 종 이 매체를 제안하는 것은 현재 시급한 변혁의 어려움에 직면해 있습니다.그리고 'Design 360 매거진'의 관점에서 잡지 자체의 특성과 결합하여 초기 변환 전략, 디지털 전파 경로 및 시각적 디자인 아이디어를 제안합니다.이 기사의 연구를 통해 잡지의 보급 효과를 효과적으로 향상시키다.
In this study, we investigated the change in fracture properties after friction stir welding on Al606. In the L-T direction test, the fracture toughness of the unwelded base material was 275 MPa, and the specimen subjected to friction stir welding (FSW) was 227 MPa, showing that the fracture toughness decreased significantly with friction stir welding. In the T-L direction test, the difference between the base material and the weld material was not large, but the fracture toughness was shown to decrease during welding. In the comparison of the L-T direction and the T-L direction, it was found that both the base material and the weld material showed high fracture toughness in the L-T direction.In this study, the following conclusions were obtained after friction stir welding of Al 6061-T6.
AA1050/AA6061/AA1050 layered sheet was fabricated by cold roll-bonding process and subsequently T4 and T6 aging-treated. Two commercial AA1050 sheets of 1 mm thickness and one AA6061 sheet of 2 mm thickness were stacked up so that an AA6061 sheet was located between two AA1050 sheets. After surface treatments such as degreasing and wire brushing, they were then roll-bonded to a thickness of 2 mm by cold rolling. The roll-bonded Al sheets were then processed by natural aging (T4) and artificial aging (T6) treatments. The as roll-bonded Al sheets showed a typical deformation structure, where the grains are elongated in the rolling direction. However, after the T4 and T6 aging treatments, the Al sheets had a recrystallized structure consisting of coarse grains in both the AA5052 and AA6061 regions with different grain sizes in each. In addition, the sheets showed an inhomogeneous hardness distribution in the thickness direction, with higher hardness in AA6061 than in AA1050 after the T4 and T6 age treatments. The tensile strength of the T6-treated specimen was higher than that of the T4-treated one. However, the strength-ductility balance was much better in the T4-treated specimen than the T6-treated one. The tensile properties of the Al sheets fabricated in the present study were compared with those in a previous study.
Aluminum alloys, known for their high strength-to-weight ratios and impressive electrical and thermal conductivities, are extensively used in numerous engineering sectors, such as aerospace, automotive, and construction. Recently, significant efforts have been made to develop novel aluminum alloys specifically tailored for additive manufacturing. These new alloys aim to provide an optimal balance between mechanical properties and thermal/ electrical conductivities. In this study, nine combinatorial samples with various alloy compositions were fabricated using direct energy deposition (DED) additive manufacturing by adjusting the feeding speeds of Al6061 alloy and Al-12Si alloy powders. The effects of the alloying elements on the microstructure, electrical conductivity, and hardness were investigated. Generally, as the Si and Cu contents decreased, electrical conductivity increased and hardness decreased, exhibiting trade-off characteristics. However, electrical conductivity and hardness showed an optimal combination when the Si content was adjusted to below 4.5 wt%, which can sufficiently suppress the grain boundary segregation of the α- Si precipitates, and the Cu content was controlled to induce the formation of Al2Cu precipitates.
Changes in the microstructure and mechanical properties of as-roll-bonded AA6061/AA5052/AA1050 threelayered sheet with increasing annealing temperature were investigated in detail. The commercial AA6061, AA5052 and AA1050 sheets with 2 mm thickness were roll-bonded by multi-pass rolling at ambient temperature. The roll-bonded Al sheets were then annealed for 1 h at various temperatures from 200 to 400 °C. The specimens annealed up to 250 °C showed a typical deformation structure where the grains are elongated in the rolling direction in all regions. However, after annealing at 300 °C, while AA6061 and AA1050 regions still retained the deformation structure, but AA5052 region changed into complete recrystallization. For all the annealed materials, the fraction of high angle grain boundaries was lower than that of low angle grain boundaries. In addition, while the rolling texture of the {110}<112> and {123}<634> components strongly developed in the AA6061 and AA1050 regions, in the AA5052 region the recrystallization texture of the {100}<001> component developed. After annealing at 350 °C the recrystallization texture developed in all regions. The as-rolled material exhibited a relatively high tensile strength of 282 MPa and elongation of 18 %. However, the tensile strength decreased and the elongation increased gradually with the increase in annealing temperature. The changes in mechanical properties with increasing annealing temperature were compared with those of other three-layered Al sheets fabricated in previous studies.
Various dry active wastes (DAWs) have been accumulated in nuclear power plants since the DAWs are mostly combustible. KAERI has developed a thermochemical treatment process for the used decontamination paper as an operational waste to substitute for incineration process and to decontaminate radionuclides from the DAWs. The thermochemical process is composed of thermal decomposition in a closed vessel, chlorination of carbonated DAWs, separation of soluble chlorides captured in water by hydroxide precipitation, and immobilization of the precipitate. This study examined the third and fourth steps in the process to immobilize Co-60 by fabricating a stable wasteform. Precipitation behaviors were investigated in the chloride solution by adding 10 M KOH. It was shown that the precipitates were composed of Mg(OH)2 and Al(OH)3. Then, the glass-ceramic wasteform for the precipitates were produced by adding additive mixtures in which silica and boron oxide were blended with various ratios. The wasteform was evaluated in terms of volume reduction ratio, bulk density, compressive strength, and leachability.
Focusing on Hwaseokjeong in Paju, the work seeks to clarify the social production of Nujeong (樓亭: Korean traditional pavilions) space, which took place over the 1960s and 70s, and its cultural-political implications. To make the effort as such meaningful, a theoretical framework based not merely on the thesis of ‘social production of space’ advocated by Henri Lefebvre but especially on some discussions related to ‘state production of space’ is prepared, according to which Hwaseokjeong is analyzed and explained. As a consequence, two principal arguments are put forward: one is that Hwaseokjeong was a social space which had been built and constructed in accordance with the unique mode of production dominating Korean society at that time called ‘the state mode of production (le mode de production étatique )’; the other is that what lies beneath the denotation of a ‘social space of tradition restoration’ that Hwaseokjeong appears to carry is in fact the connotation of ‘infiltration of anti-communist ideology’. All of these claims are once again supported both by examining Roland Barthes's semiology and mythologies and by considering Hwaseokjeong's Pyeonaek (扁額: a plaque or framed text) as ‘the practice of naming power through J esa (題詞: inscribing dedications)’. While providing a succinct summary, the paper finally evaluates what ‘social production of space’ implies to social practices of architecture and related criticisms by taking into account the relationship between visibility and readability of space including buildings.
Since 2007, diamide insecticides have been widely used in Korea to control various types of lepidopteran pests including Spodoptera exigua. For nearly a decade, diamide resistance in field populations of S. exigua across 18 localities has been monitored using bioassays. Based on the LC50 values, some field populations showed a high level of resistance against chlorantraniliprole, although regional and temporal variations were observed. To investigate resistance at a molecular level, mutations (Y4701C, I4790M, and G4946E) were examined in the ryanodine receptor (RyR), which is the primary mechanism underlying diamide insecticide resistance. As a result, only I4790M mutation was found in most of field populations. As resistance levels varied significantly despite the uniform presence of the I4790M mutation, we considered the presence of another resistance factor. Further, the I4790M mutation was also found in S. exigua specimens collected prior to the commercialization of diamide insecticides in Korea as well as in other countries, such as the USA. This finding led us to hypothesize that the I4790M mutation were predisposed in field populations owing to selection factors other than diamide use. For further clarification, we conducted whole-genome sequencing of S. exigua (449.83 Mb) and re-sequencing of 18 individuals. However, no additional non-synonymous mutations were detected in the RyR-coding region. Therefore, the high level of diamide insecticide resistance in Korean S. exigua is not caused by mutations at the target site, RyR, but is attributed to other factors that need to be investigated in future studies.
본 연구는 360도 파노라마 동영상을 활용하여 해상풍력 경관의 유형을 분류하고 유형별 경관 선호 매 트릭스 요소에 따른 경관 선호도를 분석하고자 한다. 이를 위해 첫째, 연구대상지로 제주 탐라해상풍력 단지로 선정하였으며, 연구대상지를 조망할 수 있는 지점들을 추출하고 방문하여 360도 파노라마 동영 상을 촬영하였다. 둘째, 구축된 360도 파노라마 동영상 자료를 바탕으로 경관의 미학적 특성을 분석하 고 해상풍력 경관의 유형을 분류했다. 셋째, 해상풍력 경관의 유형별로 경관 선호 매트릭스 요소와 경관 선호도를 설문조사했다. 넷째, 수집된 데이터를 활용하여 해상풍력 경관 유형별 선호 매트릭스 요소에 따른 경관 선호도 관계를 분석했다. 분석 결과 해상풍력 경관 유형이 High Continuity(HCN), High Color (HCL), Low Visual Impact(LVI), High Visibility(HVI)로 분류되었다. 또한, HCN경관 선호도에 영향을 주 는 요소로는 응집성이, HCL경관 선호도에 영향을 주는 요소로는 응집성과 신비성이, LVI경관 선호도 에 영향을 주는 요소로는 응집성과 복잡성이, HVI 경관 선호도에 영향을 주는 요소로는 응집성과 가독 성이 도출되었다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 해상풍력 경관 선호도 향상을 위한 전략으로 (1)시각적 영향 을 줄일 수 있는 식재계획 및 동선설계, (2)해상풍력 터빈의 생상 대비 극대화, (3)해상풍력 터빈 설치전 경관 시뮬레이션을 제안하였다.