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        검색결과 100

        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2018년 10월 29일부터 11월 1일까지 G시의 간호대학 3학년 139명을 대상으로 간호대학생의 성격유형, 학업 스트레스 및 스트레스 대처방식이 대학생활 적응에 미치는 영향요인을 파악하기 위하여 실시하였다. 연구결과, 대학생활 적응은 성별(t=-3.55, p=.001), 전공만족도(F=9.38, p<.001), 대인관계 만족도(F=12.24, p<.001), MBTI 선호유형 중 삶의 양식(JP)과 유의한 차이가 있었다(t=2.54, p=.012). 대학생활 적응은 학업 스트레스(r=-.56, p<.001)와 유의한 음의 상관관계가 있었다. 대학생활 적응에 영향을 미치는 요인으로는 학업 스트레스(β=-.40, p<.001), 대인관계 만족도(β=-.27, p<.001), 성별(β=.22, p=.002)로 나타났으며 설명력은 40.6%였다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 간호대학생의 대학생활 적응을 위해 학업 스트레스 감소 및 대인관계 향상을 위한 성격유형을 고려한 맞춤형 교ž내외 프로그램 개발 및 적용이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연구목적 : 본 연구의 목적은 국내 작업치료 임상가의 응급처치 교육경험에 따라 실제 응급상황에서의 대처능력과 교육필요성을 조사하여 교육경험이 응급처치 대처능력과 교육필요성에 미치는 영향을 알아봄으로써 향후 작업치료사의 역량강화를 위한 응급처치 교육의 필요성을 제시하기 위함이다. 연구방법 : 본 연구의 대상자는 현재 의료기관 및 사회복지시설에서 근무하고 있는 작업치료 임상가로서 총 150명에게 본 연구에서 구성한 설문지를 배포 및 회수하였다. 설문지는 일반적 특성(6문항), 응급처치 교육경험(7문항), 각 응급상황에 따른 대처능력과 교육필요성(총 24문항)등 총 37문항으로 구성하였다. 응급처치 교육경험에 따른 응급상황별 대처능력과 교육필요성의 차이를 분석하기 위해 t-검정을 시행하였으며 두 종속변수 간의 상관성은 Pearson 상관분석을 시행하였다. 결과 : 응급처치 교육경험에 대한 빈도분석 결과, 전체 대상자(n=150) 중 115명(76.7%)이 응급처치 교육을 받은 경험이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 응급처치 교육경험 유무에 따른 응급처치 대처능력은 경험과는 상관없이 모두 ‘대처할 수 없다’라고 응답하였으며 ‘호흡장애(t=2.721, p<.05)’를 제외한 모든 항목에서 두 집단 간 통계학적으로 유의하지 않았다(p>.05). 교육필요성에 대한 집단 간 차이 분석에서는 심정지(t=-2.646, p<.05)와 경련 및 마비(t=4.17, p<.05) 항목에서만 통계학적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 두 종속변수간의 상관관계는 확률적으로 유의한 것으로 나타났다(p<.05) 결론 : 본 연구결과, 응급처치에 대한 교육경험이 있더라도 실제 응급처치 대처능력은 무경험자와 크게 다르지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 실제 응급상황에 적절히 대응할 수 있도록 보다 지속적이고 현장감있는 교육과 훈련이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 신체기능장애와 발달장애아동 어머니의 장애수용, 스트레스, 대처방식, 웰니스 정도를 비교하여, 유형별 장애아동 어머니를 위한 효율적인 관리 방안을 마련하는데 필요한 기초자료를 제공하기 위한 조사연구이다. 연구대상은 장애아동을 양육하는 어머니이다. 자료수집은 2018년 10월부터 2019 년 4월까지 실시하였고, 두군 간의 차이는 t-test, ANOVA, Pearson 상관관계로 분석하였다. 연구결과, 신체기능장애와 발달장애아동 어머니의 장애수용, 스트레스, 대처방식, 웰니스 정도에 따라 두군 간의 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 신체기능장애아동 어머니의 장애수용과 대처방식(r=0.23, p=.033), 장애수용과 웰니스(r=0.51, p<.001)는 정적 상관관계를 나타냈고, 장애수용과 스트레스(r=0.72, p<.001)는 부적 상관관계를 나타냈다. 발달장애아동 어머니의 장애수용과 웰니스(r=0.40, p<.001)는 유의한 정적 상관관계를 나타냈고, 장애수용과 스트레스(r=-0.71, p<.001)는 유의한 부적상관관계를 나타냈다. 신체기능장애아동 어머니는 장애수용 정도가 높을수록 스트레스는 낮게, 대처방식과 웰니스는 높게 나타났다. 발달장애아동 어머니는 장애수용 정도가 높을수록 스트레스가 낮게, 웰니스 정도가 높게 나타났다. 신체기능장애아동 어머니의 장애수용 증진을 위해서는 스트레스를 낮춰주는 전략 및 대처방식과 웰니스를 모두 증진시켜주는 전략이 필요하고 반면 발달장애아동 어머니에게는 스트레스를 낮춰주는 전략과 웰니스를 증진시켜 주는 전략이 필요함을 알 수 있었다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 군 장병의 스트레스 요인과 대처방안을 새로운 분석의 틀을 통하여 종합적으로 분석하기 위하여 장병 스트레스와 관련된 선행 연구를 분석하였다. 선행연구 자료는 2000년에서 2018년까지 군 장병들의 스트레스와 관련된 14건의 논문을 대상으로 하였다. 스트레스 요인 분류는 외적 원인과 내적 원인으로 구분하고 외적 원인은 다시 군 내부요인과 군 외부요인으로 분류하였으며, 내적 원인은 개인적 요인으로 한정하여 분류하였다. 스트레스 대처방안은 스트레스 요인별 대처방안과 소프트웨어 및 하드웨어적 대처방안으로 분류하였다. 스트레스 요인의 빈도는 군 내부요인, 군 외부요인, 개인적 요인 순으로 높았다. 군 내부요인으로는 직무가 제일 높았고, 다음으로는 관계, 역할, 상급자 태도 등의 어려움이었으며, 다음으로는 부대 환경과 계급, 마지막으로 생활관 분위기와 부대행정이었다. 군 외부요인으로는 이성과 가정문제가 동일하게 높았으며 다음이 진로와 친구문제였다. 개인적 요인으로는 분노/적대감과 자존감/우울이 욕구/가치관과 개성/통제력보다 높았다. 스트레스 대처방안은 45건이 제시되었으며 군 내부요인 관련 대처방안이 27개, 군 내·외부 요인 관련 공통 대처방안이 8개, 개인요인이 6개, 군 외부요인이 4개 순이었다. 소프트웨어적 요소의 대처방안으로는 스트레스 관련 교육의 강화가 가장 높았고, 다음으로는 스트레스 관련 새로운 프로그램 개발 및 기존 프로그램 활용, 전문 인력 배치, 자유시간 보장, 직무여건 마련, 선진병영 추진 순이었다. 하드웨어적 요소의 대처방안으로는 환경 및 시설 개선과 다양한 공간구성이 제시되었다.
        2019.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 감정노동 종사자들의 감정노동이 직무소진에 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 스트레스대처능력과 사회적지원의 매개효과를 검증함으로써, 감정노동종사자들의 건강한 삶을 위한 다양한 교육 및 상담프로그램 등을 개발하여 확장하는데 목적이 있다. 연구결과, 감정노동이 직무소진에 미치는 영향을 확인하였으며, 스트레스대처능력과 사회적지원이 매개역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 스트레스대처능력과 사회적지 원이 직무소진을 완화시키는데 중요한 변수임을 확인하였다. 이에 따라 개인과 조직차원에서 감정노동종사자들의 정신건강 증진을 위해서 직무소진의 유발요인을 파악하고 직무소진을 완화시킬 수 있는 대책을 마련해야 할 필요성이 있다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 중년 여성의 원예 활동 프로그램이 회복력과 스트레스 대처 능력에 미치는 영향을 입증 하고자 실시되었다. S시 문화 센터에 등록 된 12명의 중년 여성이 본 연구 대상으로 선정되었다. 6명의 중년 여성은 실험군에 무선 배정되었고 일주일에 두 번 원예 활동 프로그램으로 치료를 받았으며 나머지 6명의 중년 여성은 대조군에 무선 배정되었으며 프로그램 진행은 하지 않았다. 이 연구의 결과는 원예 활동 프로그램을 진행한 실험 그룹은 회복력과 스트레스 대처 능력을 배양하는 데 통계적으로 유의미한 것으로 나타났으며 대조군은 유의한 변화를 보이지 않았다. 이와 관련하여 본 연구는 원예 활동 프로그램이 긍정적 회복력 증진 부정적인 심리적 요인 감소 스트레스로 침착하게 대처하는데 심리적 문제를 겪은 중년 여성에게 유용 할 수 있다고 결론지었다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A wide consensus of research points to an increasing responsibilization of individuals, as consumers engage in self-improvement through services and products (Giesler & Veresiu, 2014). Self-tracking services, with which consumers can monitor physiological and cognitive attributes such as breathing, pulse or mood, are a common manifestation of this change. This responsibilization means that solving structural well-being problems is left to individual consumers (Anderson et al., 2016). However, how this takes place in practice, and how service providers construct their service in this context of responsibilization has not yet been studied within Transformative Service Research. Through qualitatively analyzing text content from the websites of eleven different wearable devices and applications for self-tracking, this paper shows a novel conceptualization of how service providers present well-being capabilities to responsibilized consumers. The findings show that while well-being is in almost all cases concerned with managing a stressful work life, or enhancing the presentation of a healthy self, service providers present consumers with differing types of capabilities for tackling these issues. The first type refers to changing, which implies actively conforming to norms by changing one’s appearance or physique. The second type entails coping, i.e. more passively withstanding and learning to live with stress or pressure. The third type of capability, countering, refers to an active, non-conformist stance towards external norms, instead advocating well-being through self-knowledge. This study contributes to Transformative Service Research by responding to calls for research on well-being as a socio-culturally constructed phenomenon (Anderson & Ostrom, 2015). The findings show how “consumer capabilization” (Giesler & Veresiu, 2014) takes place in practice through services. In addition, it extends discussions on service providers’ abilities to transform or reproduce structures (Edvardsson, Tronvoll & Gruber, 2011; Blocker & Barrios, 2015) and how this can affect well-being.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Offering an apology is one of the common service failure recovery strategies. Previous studies focused on examining the effectiveness of apology from the customer perspective. It is not clear whether and how customers perceive firm remorse after an apology influence their blame attribution and coping behaviors. Integrating a cognitive-emotive model and an empathy model, this research proposes and empirically tests a remorse-empathy-coping model to explain how customers respond to apology after mobile application service failures occur. Specifically, this research examines how perceived firm remorse influences blame attribution and emotional empathy, which subsequently affects coping behaviors (revenge and avoidance) in the mobile app service recovery context. The moderating role of technology anxiety in the proposed model is also identified. Four hundred and fifty-two mobile application service users were recruited for a survey study and the Structural Equation Modeling was used in order to test the research hypotheses. Our findings show that perceived firm remorse negatively influences blame attribution but positively influences empathy. Empathy negatively affects revenge and avoidance behaviors. In addition, technology anxiety moderates the effect of perceived firm remorse on blame attribution. The negative effect of perceived firm remorse on blame attribution becomes weaker when technology anxiety increases.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This study aimed to observe coping strategies and career identity in nursing students, and examine the influence of coping strategy on career identity. Methods: Data from 329 third- and fourth-year nursing students was collected using structured self-reports questionnaires for two months. Descriptive statistics were calculated and the data analyzed with independent t-tests, Pearson correlation coefficients, and hierarchical multiple regression. Results: The nursing students scored highest on the passive coping style of hopeful thinking. Positive coping strategies were positively correlated with career identity. The final regression model showed that coping strategy and satisfaction with the participant’s major accounted for 37.6% of the variance in predictions of career identity, with problem-focused coping strategy as the single most influential factor. Conclusion: These findings suggest that a range of active efforts are needed to increase the use of problem-focused coping strategies to improve the career identity of nursing students.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Adverse weather is a big challenge not only for the safety of drivers but the safety of Autonomous Vehicles (AV). The gap between human-driving and AV-driving in terms of adverse-weather-perception can be a new challenge for highway engineers. Solutions minimizing the gap need to be defined. By this, the smart road technologies can be specified and developed. The way how to define and quantify the gap is introduced in this presentation.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the effect of chemically enhanced backwash(CEB) coping with algal(Heterosigma Akashiwo) inflow was evaluated in the seawater desalination pretreatment process using ceramic membrane. In order to confirm the possibility of long-term filtration operation, the recovery rate of transmembrane pressure(TMP) due to the CEB using NaOCl was examined. When the membrane flow rate was 83.3 LMH, the TMP was maintained within 200 kPa for 84 hours in seawater influent. As the algal counts of 30,000 cell/mL were injected into the influent of seawater, however, the TMP rapidly increased and exceed maximum value. Membrane fouling caused by the algae was very poorly recovered by usual physical backwash. The CEB was performed for 30 min(3 min circulation / 27 min immersion) with 300 mg/L of NaOCl. As a result of the CEB application, it was possible to maintain a stable operating of filtration during 10 days and the average recovery rate of TMP by the CEB was 98.1%. It has been confirmed that the CEB using NaOCl is very effective in removal of membrane fouling by algae, resulted in stable membrane filtration for the long-term operation.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the relationship between coping style for stress and emotional eating behavior focused on gender difference. A total of 475 college students(males, 244; females, 231) participated in this study. The results were as follows. First, there were significant gender difference in coping style for stress. The scores of male students were significantly higher than those of female students in the problem-focused and self-comforting coping styles, whereas scores of female students were significantly higher than male students in social support pursuit and emotion-focused coping styles. Second, there were significant gender difference in emotional eating behavior. Female students reported higher emotional eating behavior than male students. Third, male students preferred a problem-focused coping style, whereas female students preferred a social support pursuit coping style the most. Fourth, the interaction of gender and coping style for stress were not related to the emotional eating behavior. Both of male and female students who preferred an emotion focused coping style reported the highest score in emotional eating behavior. The limitations of the present study and suggestions for future research were discussed.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 해결중심 집단상담이 일반 고등학교 학생의 스트레스 대처와 자아존중감에 미치는 효과를 알아보고 현장 적용가능성을 탐색하는데 목적이 있다. D광역시 소재 일반 고등학교 학생 16명을 대상으 로 통제집단과 실험집단에 각각 8명씩 무선배치하고 해결중심 집단상담을 주 1회, 회기별로 90분씩, 총 6회기에 걸쳐 진행하였다. 통제집단과 실험집단에 각각 사전, 사후 스트레스 대처능력과 자아존중감 정도 를 측정하고 수집된 자료는 공변량분석(ANCOVA)을 실시하였으며, 참여자의 자기평가 기록지와 면담 및 연구자의 관찰결과를 종합적으로 분석하여 최종 결론을 도출하였다. 연구 결과, 해결중심 집단상담에 참여한 학생들은 통제집단 학생들에 비해 스트레스 대처능력, 자아존중감이 모두 유의하게 향상되었다. 이 연구는 청소년기 신체적 변화는 물론, 입시 경쟁, 진로문제, 교우관계 및 가치관의 혼란 등 다양한 원인으로 인한 스트레스를 경험하고 있는 고등학생들에게 학교 현장에서 단기 해결중심 집단상담을 적용하여 학생들이 자신의 강점을 인식하고 이를 통해 문제를 해결하도록 도와줌으로써 바람직한 스트레스 대처와 자아존중감 향상을 극대화하도록 하는데 의의가 있다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to find and compare the differences in stress level, stressor, and coping style of high school students according to their personality traits. And to identify the personality traits contributing to stress reduction. The results of the study can be used as basic data for reducing the stress of adolescents to improve their academic achievement and maintain mental and physical stability. The questionnaire survey was conducted for 10 days from June 7 to June 16, 2017 for S high school students in Chungbuk Province. The study employed four measuring instruments as Ego-gram, Ok-gram, stressor scale, and stress coping type scale. Individual personality traits were classified into ego-states and ok-states in TA (Transactional Analysis). Stressors are classified into 5 categories (school life, home life, human relationship, myself, environment) and stress coping styles are classified into 4 categories (problem-focused coping, social-support coping, feeling-focused coping, hope-thinking coping) used in the previous studies. The collected data were analyzed using T-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. As a result, the stress level of high school students showed significant differences according to sex, year, grade, sleeping time, personality traits, and coping styles. Personality traits that contributed to the stress increase were NP, AC, ‘you positive’, ‘i negative’ and personality trait that contributes to stress reduction is ‘you negative.’ Therefore, we can judge that individual personality traits have significant effects on stress level, stressor, and coping style and need to find the effective stress management method suitable for individual personality traits using counseling, repetition training, self-suggestion etc.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 국내 작업치료사의 직무스트레스 및 스트레스 대처전략을 조사하고 그 연관성을 분석함으 로써 향후 직무스트레스를 효율적으로 관리하는데 있어 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. 연구방법 : 대한작업치료사협회에 등록 된 지회 및 남녀비율을 고려하여 할당표본추출방법으로 대상자를 선 정하였으며, 설문조사는 2016년 10월 1일부터 31일까지 1개월간 온라인 설문을 통해 실시하였다. 작업 치료사 450명의 응답 중 미응답 항목이 있는 44부를 제외하고 406명의 응답을 분석하였다. 결과 : 작업치료사의 직무스트레스는 직무요구, 보상부적절, 조직체계요인이 평균 이상으로 높았고 그 중 직 무요구가 직무스트레스의 주요인이었다. 작업치료사가 주로 사용하는 스트레스 대처전략은 소망적사고, 문제중심, 사회적지지 추구, 감정완화 전략 순이었다. 직무스트레스와 대처전략 간의 상관관계를 분석한 결과, 문제중심과 사회적지지 추구 전략과 같은 적극적인 스트레스 대처전략을 많이 사용할수록 전체 직 무스트레스는 감소하는 통계적으로 유의한 음의 상관관계(r =-.37, -.30, p<.01)를 나타냈다. 결론 : 작업치료사는 직무스트레스를 회피하는 것 보다는 정확한 원인을 파악하여 자신에게 적합한 대처 방 안을 모색할 필요가 있으며, 근무기관에서는 효율적인 인력관리와 대처전략 지지를 위해 근무시간의 유 연성 및 동료 간 네트워킹 형성 기회 제공 등을 통해 작업치료서비스의 질을 높이길 기대한다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Stress is resistance to stimuli to destroy a balance of mind and body in order to maintain an original steady state : A type of response and avoidance. Mild stress, which happens in tension, has a positive effect to improve concentration, but most of stress is likely to be a main factor to damage health. This is because it causes physical ailments and psychological diseases (e.g., depression, anger, frustration, loneliness, and anxiety). The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference between two groups, daytime and night university students, on ego-state, stressors, and stress coping types to improve their academic achievement by reducing their stress. There were 266 university students, who participated in a survey from November 30, 2015 until September 30, 2016. The study employed three measuring instruments : Ego-gram, stressor scale, and stress coping type scale. All the collected data were analyzed through regression analysis and t-test. The results of the regression analysis showed no significant differences in ego-state, stressors, and stress coping types between two groups. However, the results of t-test showed significant difference between the two groups : In terms of ego-state, a CP (Critical Parent) average of the night university students was significantly higher than the daytime university students’. Also, there is a significant difference in employment, future issues, and economic issues : the daytime university students considered employment and future issues more serious, while the night university students had more mental burdens of economic issues. When it comes to coping stress types, there was no significant difference between the two groups.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Understanding how consumer learning is used to cope with stressful consumption experience is important in today’s competitive marketplace. According to the Customer Dissatisfaction Study (2006), only 6 percent of consumers who experience a problem try to learn about solutions with some help from firms. By understanding how consumers and learn cope and handle service failure, firms can enhance their service recovery process to effectively deal with consumers’ frustration. This knowledge can positively impact corporate image, consumer repurchase intentions, satisfaction, and loyalty (e.g., Mittal and Kamakura 2001). As such, the current research aims at providing insight on the importance of situated learning in coping with stressful consumption experiences. Situated learning takes into consideration the context as well as existing consumer knowledge in shaping an individual’s ability to cope with stressful service experiences. The interaction with the environment and other individuals, the context of these interactions, and the role of individual cognition through mental models play an important role in situated learning. Such interplay is pivotal in mediating the ability of individuals to cope with unfavorable service episodes. Past research has alluded to learning process in the context of coping (Duhachek 2005; Endler and Parker 1990; Pavia and Mason 2004). Extant research has highlighted the importance of in situ learning as an essential mechanism to coping with anxiety and stress. However, previous research has considered learning as a component of coping. We believe that situated learning is a construct separate from coping that requires further exploration. Therefore, in this research we aim to establish the link between situated learning and coping. We also identify key antecedents of situated learning and relate such antecedents of need for control, need for closure and trust to the central concept of psychological closeness to the consumption problem at hand, which has a positive influence on situated learning and coping. We study the model in context of eastern (China) and western (USA) cultures. Data was collected using online surveys in USA and China. Individuals who have encountered stressful service situations were requested to undertake the survey. The items used to represent various latent variables were pretested in both the cultures to ensure face and content validity. The sample comprised of a total of 318 (186 U.S. and 132 Chinese) participants. Structural equations modeling was used to analyze the data. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted, the latter resulted in good fit for the model. Next, using Steenkamp and Baumgartner’s (1998) guidelines for cross-cultural studies, the measurement equivalence of the measurement variables was tested. Finally, the structural model was tested. For U.S. consumers, need for control, need for closure and trust positively influenced psychological closeness to the consumption problem, which positively affected situated learning and coping. For Chinese consumers, need for closure and trust had a direct influence on psychological closeness. However, there was no relationship between psychological closeness and situated learning, suggesting that the antecedents of need for control and need for closure had a direct effect on situated learning, which positively affected coping. This means that unlike U.S. consumers, Chinese consumers did not necessarily aligned themselves closely to the problem to learn about them. Their need for control and need for closure directly affected their situated learning, which in turn, had a positive influence on coping. Interestingly, unlike U.S. consumers, Chinese consumers did not trust their service providers enough to help them learn and cope.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction The term “coping”refers to the actions or thoughts that people use to deal with stressful encounters (Folkman, Lazarus, Gruen, & DeLongis, 1986). Coping strategies are adopted to change the stressed person-environment relationship by either confronting and/or by regulating the emotions (Lazarus & Folkman, 1987). Research focusing on coping mechanisms has been a prolific area of study, emerged from a wide range of disciplines including psychology, sociology, and anthropology. However, for marketing researchers, questions still remain about the issue of how coping strategies are manifested in everyday consumption contexts. This represents an important area of research in that consumer coping behavior can determine critical post-purchase outcomes such as re-patronage intention, repurchase intention, and word of mouth (Raghunathan & Pham, 1999). When a service failure occurs, consumers frequently experience negative emotions and make decisions under emotionally taxing conditions (Yi & Baumgartner, 2004). Numerous scholars have made attempts to understand various consumption-related emotions and subsequent conditions corresponding to them (e.g., Raghunathan & Pham, 1999; Richins, 1997; Sujan et al., 1999). However, despite the large volume of studies focusing on consumer emotions, very few studies have examined the relationships between negative emotions with consumer coping strategies (Yi & Baumgartner, 2004). With that in mind, the primary aim of this conceptual paper was to propose a model that delineates consumer coping mechanisms derived from negatives emotions in a service failure and recovery context. Conceptual Model Coping strategies are closely linked with an individual’s attempt to manage a given stressful environment (Lazarus, 1991). Lazarus and Folkman (1984) defined coping as “constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of the person”(p. 141). Menaghan (1983, p. 159) defined coping efforts as “specific actions (covert or overt) taken in specific situations that are intended to reduce a given problem or stress.”Duhachek (2005) defined coping construct as “the set of cognitive and behavioral processes initiated by consumers in response to emotionally arousing, stress inducing interactions with the environment aimed at bringing forth more desirable emotional states and reduced levels of stress.”Thus, the key aspects of coping includes a consequence of emotion, a dynamic process, and behavior and emotional domains of consumer responses (Duhachek, 2005). Implicit in this conceptualization is the idea that links the emotions aroused from a particular circumstance, coping strategies, and subsequent behaviors. As shown in Figure 1, our conceptual model classifies a wide range of negative emotions generated by a service failure that are linked to a set of consumer coping strategies. This will in turn influence subsequent consumer post-purchase behaviors. The behaviors will be either retaliatory (vindictive WOM, brand switching, complaining) or conciliatory (positive WOM, re-patronage intention, repurchase intention) responses. Related Literature When an individual encounters a stressful event, different negative emotions are triggered according to one’s distinct appraisals of the situation (Lazarus, 1991). These appraisals, in turn, affect how the consumer responds to the situation emotionally and behaviorally. These emotions remain powerful until the emotion eliciting problems are resolved. Proposition 1. Cognitive appraisal of the service failure situation evokes negative emotions. While some studies use combined negative emotions to explain resultant consumer behavior, others suggest separate emotion inventories (Lerner & Keltner, 2001) as different emotions trigger huge variation in cognition. Consumer negative emotions that are associated with a service failure condition can be categorized into several subsets (Watson & Clark, 1992). Many studies have utilized a limited number of negative emotions to explain consumer behavior in a service failure context (Nguyen & McColl-Kennedy, 2003). Bonifield and Cole (2006) used an appraisal-tendency framework to predict the underlying mechanism of anger and regret, associated with consumers’appraisals about service failure and their effects on post-purchase behaviors. Yi and Baumgartner (2004) focused on four negative emotions of anger, disappointment, regret, and worry in a purchase context to investigate their linkages to consumer coping strategies. Further, Tronvoll (2011) identified a set of negative emotions experienced in unfavorable service experiences leading to consumer complaint such as shame, sadness, fear, anger, and frustration. Although some marketing theorists consider the emotion of frustration to be an overlap with anger, they can be distinct emotions, especially in the context of service failure, because blaming someone else is different from blaming no particular others (Roseman, 1991). Therefore, the subsequent behavior and adapting coping strategy may differ. Thus, this study distinguished frustration separated from anger. Building on the aforementioned research, this study identified five different categories of negative emotions that are frequently found in a purchase-related situation: anger, frustration, disappointment, regret, and anxiety. Anger associates with feeling of attacking someone or yelling, resulting from an individual to be blamed on of the situation (Lazarus, 1991). Frustration tends to occur when people attribute a goal incongruent event to situational factors (Roseman, 1991). Disappointment refers to the feeling occurred due to the outcome insufficient to meet the expectation (Ortony et al., 1988). Regret is evoked when alternative option seems to be better than the selected one (Zeelenberg et al., 1994). Anxiety is linked to uncontrollable circumstances that are not directly under the purview of the provider or the customer (Ruth, Brunel, & Otnes, 2002). Proposition 1-1. Consumer negative emotions associated with a service failure situation are categorized into anger, frustration, disappointment, regret, and anxiety. Appraisal theorists contend that people use different coping strategies to reduce negative emotions accordingly (Lazarus 1991). In this study, consumer coping strategies were categorized into engagement (problem-focused, emotion-focused) and disengagement categories. Coping strategies in the engagement category involves individuals actively trying to manage, control, or change both problem- and emotion-focused aspects of the stressful person and/or environment transaction (Tobin et al., 1989). Problem-focused coping occurs when an individual tries to manage the source of the stress. Emotion-focused coping refers to where the individual changes the meaning of the event or regulates the expressing emotions (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). In the disengagement category, mental disengagement strategy involves doing other things to take one’s mind off the problem, denial (refusing to believe that something has happened), distancing (refusing to think about the problem), and escape/avoidance (wishing problem would go away or somehow be over with). On the other hand, behavioral disengagement strategy involves consumers deciding to give up further action as nothing can be done about the situation. They acknowledge that a goal cannot be reached and that further efforts are futile. As the mechanism behind each type of coping strategy differs, the negative emotions generated from varying conditions are linked accordingly. Since anger arises from appraisals of other-responsibility, angry consumers often manifest in confrontive coping, aggressive action towards the blameworthy organization (Smith & Bolton, 2002). With respect to frustration, one is more likely to foster support-seeking coping as this does not imply blame attribution to a particular person or organization (Roseman, 1991), Further, previous work has suggested that person-related disappointment tends to result in confrontive coping behaviors such as direct complaining (Zeelenberg & Pieters, 2004) and behavioral disengagement (Yi & Baumgartner, 2004). On ther other hand, complaining about it or telling others is unlikely take place for regret as this may highlight he or she mistake (Zeelenberg & Pieters, 2004). Lastly, anxiety tends to be associated with escape behaviors (Roseman, Antoniou, & Jose, 1996). Thus, anxiety consumers often are linked with emotion-focused coping such as mental disengagement. In addition, more proactive, problem-focused coping is likely to take place as stated in some other studies (Yi & Baumgatner, 2004). Proposition 2. Negative emotions have differential impacts on consumer coping strategies. Service failure literature indicates that negative emotions influence diverse retaliatory responses. Romani Grappi and Dalli (2012) contended that negative emotions of anger, discontent, dislike, embarrassment, sadness, and worry are associated with behaviors such as switching, complaining, and negative word of mouth. Maute & Dubé(1999) also indicated that customer anger is liked to exit and negative WOM. Likewise, Blodgett et al. (1999) similarly suggested that consumers are prone to spread negative word of mouth when they perceive service failure. However, even if a particular coping strategy is activated, depending on the strategy applied, the subsequent behavior can be changed. Many researchers indicated that when a service failure is not recovered, it is more likely to lead to negative WOM and complaining behavior (Anderson, 1998). Especially, WOM behavior is more emotion-driven responses (Sundaram, Mitra, and Webster, 1998). Therefore, vindictive WOM behavior is more likely to occur when the emotions are not handled properly. In addition, Kau and Loh (2006) stated that dissatisfied customers who do not directly complain to the firm about their negative experiences may not only engage in vindictive word of mouth behavior, but also switch to another brand. Sabharwal, Soch and Kaur (2010) also suggested that dissatisfied non complaints are likely to exit the service provider more easily resulting in brand switching. Bonifield and Cole (2007) identified conciliatory behaviors to include positive WOM, willingness to return to a service provider, and feeling sympathy for the service provider. Blodgett et al. (1993) suggested that when service failure is recovered, positive word of mouth will take place. Voight (2007) revealed that when certain platform is provided for customers to express their feeling regarding their purchase, customer loyalty increases. Proposition 3. Coping strategies lead to either retaliatory responses or conciliatory responses. Proposition 3-1. Disengaging coping strategies are associated with vindictive WOM, brand switching, complaining behavior more than engaging coping strategies. Proposition 3-2. Engaging coping strategies are associated with positive WOM, re-patronage intention, re-purchase intention. Additionally, our model proposes two individual characteristics as moderators: self-efficacy and self-band connection. Especially, those with high self-brand connection are assumed to counter-argue negative brand information in a service failure situation as this concept captures a strong “self”relevant emotive tie between the brand and the consumer (Escalas, 2004). We contend that these consumers would use prior brand knowledge to neglect their negative emotions and make more brand favoring attributions following service failure. Therefore, depending on the the previous connection with the brand performing the service failure, corresponding coping strategy may change. As self-efficacy relates to the belief that an adequate coping response is available, both factors should relate to the strategies consumers use to cope (Sujan et al., 1999). Proposition 4. Individual characteristics such as self-efficacy and self-brand connection moderates the relationships between negative emotions and coping strategies. Conclusions This paper integrates a broad range of literature into a conceptual framework that delineates consumer coping strategies in a service failure and recovery context. In so doing, the model establishes clear categories for classifying negative emotions consumers experience in a service failure situation into testable elements, and it is argued that although the concept of coping is not a simple one, it should be central to any examination of the service failure and recovery phenomenon. Also, the proposed model considers where marketers’recovery efforts should be directed by describing the ways in which consumers cope with a service failure. How a firm responds to its customers when a service failure occurs can say more about that firm than any other customer interaction. If handled well, it can cultivate emotionally intense relational outcomes. However, if the firm handles the situation badly, it may cause highly negative reactions with customers taking their feedback to online reviews and social media conversations in a way that can seriously damage the firm’s reputation. Future research is needed to empirically test and extend the proposed model. Further empirical research in a particular service setting would advance marketing research as well as be of great managerial significance.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Objective : The purpose of this study is to conduct parent education about autism spectrum disorders with sensory modulation disorder and coping skills for parents to nurture. After parental education participation to verify the effects of parenting stress and parenting efficacy.Methods : The study subjects were conducted with mothers Gwangju and Jeonju 20 people twice a week to target a total of seven sessions of four weeks. Research tools to measure the effectiveness of parent education parenting stress (Korean-Parenting Stress Index; K-PSI) and parenting efficacy (Parenting Sense of Competence; PSOC) was used for tests. Data analysis was performed using SPSS Version 18.0.Results : After a parent education parenting stress was statistically significantly decreased in all categories (p<.001). Influence on the child area has shown that most parenting stress the ‘reinforce parent’ impact on the parent area parenting stress is ‘attachment’ appeared to be the largest of its kind. Parenting Efficacy was also statistically significantly improved in all categories (p<.001).Conclusion : In this study, conducted by a parent education program have reduced parenting stress of mothers to nurture and was confirmed to be effective in promoting parenting efficacy.
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