
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 22

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, there has been a growing trend of occupational accidents involving foreign workers. As the number of foreign workers continues to increase, the risk of occupational accidents is also on the rise. Therefore, it is crucial to take proactive measures to prevent occupational accidents among foreign workers. To establish a common safety culture among foreign workers with varied backgrounds and educational experiences, and which is harmonized with Korean workplace. Safety communication, which includes culture respect and participation in the workplace, plays a significant role in shaping and developing the safety culture of foreign workers. Therefore, this study aims to assess the level of safety culture in workplace employing foreign workers by analyzing the reliability and validity of factors such as 'occupational accident awareness' and 'safety communication,' which constitute the safety culture at these workplace. Additionally, the mediating effect of 'work proficiency' on the relationship between 'safety communication' and the level of improvement in 'occupational accident awareness' using the validation method proposed by Baron & Kenny(1986). As a result of statistical analysis, The influence of‘safety communication’on‘occupational accident awareness’is β=0.339, and it has been found that this influence decreases to β=0.113 when‘work proficiency’is introduced, indicating partial mediation.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 한국에 체류하는 외국인의 수가 증가함에 따라 그들의 거주지 주변에 있는 공공재의 이용도 증가하고 있으며 도시의 공원도 예외는 아닐 것이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 공원 계획의 기초가 되는 외국인 밀집지역에서 외국인의 공원 이용행태에 관한 연구는 거의 찾아 볼 수가 없다. 본 연구에서는 대구시 달서구의 외국인 밀집지역에서 외국인들의 공원 이용특성과 공원 만족도가 체류 외국인 이용자의 삶의 질에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 검정하였다. 본 연구에서는 자료 분석을 바탕으로 2개의 도시공원을 연구대상지로 선정하고 172명의 이용자들을 대상으로 설문분석을 실시하였다. 설문분석에 따르면 공원 이용 패턴의 경우 응답자의 45.9% 가 매월 1, 혹은 2회 정도 공원을 방문했다. 그들의 공원 이용목적은 운동이었으며 공원의 체류시간은 1시간 이내인 것으로 나타났다. 응답자의 50% 이상이 야간에 공원을 이용하는 것을 선호했으며, 대부분의 외국인 응답자들은 걸어서 20분 이내인 공원 주변에 사는 것으로 나타났다. 공원의 이용특성과 만족도가 외국인 거주자들의 삶의 질에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 ANOVA 검정을 통해 조사하였다. 먼저, 삶의 질 지수가 가장 낮은 외국인 응답자는 일주일에 1회 내지는 2회 정도 공원을 이용한다는 응답자였다. 반면 매일 공원을 이용한다는 외국인 응답자의 삶의 질 지수가 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. 집에서 공원까지 접근시간이 30~40분 거리인 외국인의 삶의 질 지수가 가장 낮고, 접근시간이 10분 이내인 외국인의 삶의 질 지수가 가장 높았다. 한국에서 거주하는 외국인의 삶의 질과 공원 만족도 간의 상관관계를 분석한 결과 유의수준1% 에서 유의한 것으로 나타났고, 공원 시설과 관련된 9개 요인이 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 분석에 따르면, 그 중에서 9개의 요인 중 공원의 ‘자연적 시설’요인이 다른 요인에 비해 외국인 공원 이용자들의 삶의 질에 더 큰 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 본 연구는 이전까지 없었던 외국인 밀집지역에서 외국인들의 공원이용 특성과 만족도를 분석하였고, 외국인의 공원 이용을 긍정적으로 유도하고 그들의 삶의 질 향상을 위한 공원 계획의 기초 데이터를 제공하였다는데 큰 의미가 있다고 생각된다.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국의 국제적 위상이 향상되었음에도 불구하고 동서양의 대부분의 기성세대들은 한국에 대해 잘 모르거나, 변화된 한국사회의 이미지가 반영되지 않은 채 여전히 전쟁과 분단의 위협에 놓여 있는 국가로 인 식하고 있다. 이에 반해 2000년 이후 동아시아에서 불기 시작한 한류 (Korean wave)의 영향을 받고 자란 젊은 세대들은 한국에 대한 관심 이 높고, 특히 한국여행을 했거나, 거주한 경험이 있는 외국인들을 중 심으로 선진적인 한국의 대중교통을 비롯한, 카드 문화, 인터넷, 24시 간 편의점, 안정된 치안을 직접 경험하면서 자국이 거의 모든 면에서 한국에 뒤쳐져 있으며, 귀국 후 자국의 생활에서 불편함을 느끼는 ‘기 술지체’ 현상이 나타나고 있다. 더욱이 서양의 선진국 청년들이 “한국 은 당연히 선진국”이라는 평가를 하고 있어1) 우리를 놀라게 하고 있 다. 이와 같이 기성세대와 젊은 세대 간의 한국에 대한 인식이 매우 다 르게 나타나고 있어 그 인식의 차를 만드는 요인이 무엇인지 밝힐 필 요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 외국의 기성세대들과 젊은 세대 간의 인식의 차가 발생하는 요인과, 외국인들이 자국에 돌아가서 느끼는 기술지체 현상을 소개하고자 한다.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Culture teaching is little included in the practice of teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, which has lasted for a long time. Taking Chinese teaching in Shaanxi Normal University of China (a splendid university famous for Chinese teaching to foreigners) for example, the explanation and description of basic Chinese language uses is the most important objective in the teaching of reading, speaking, listening and writing, whereas culture teaching is very limited. This results in low motivation for students to learn Chinese, who are then unable to adapt into the local community and culture, and therefore cannot increase their Chinese standards. Based on the theory of culture intelligence firstly put forth by Peterson, one would be influenced by culture intelligence if he studies, learns, and works in a non-native language environment, and culture intelligence is closely related to culture teaching. Students with high culture intelligence could perform better than those without. This thesis is aiming at discussing the present situation of China’s Chinese teaching to foreigners and giving suggestions based on Culture Intelligence Theory. Firstly, it will discuss the concept and values of culture intelligence. After that, it will discuss the present condition of domestic Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and the lack of culture elements therein from the perspective of teacher, teaching and students. Finally, it will utilize Culture Intelligence Theory to make suggestions in related areas and explore students' Culture Intelligence cultivation standard as well.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study presented attempts to analyze and categorize Chosun’s food ingredients and culture through a Western perspective based on 32 representative Western documents pertaining to old Korea. Before modernization, Westerners visited Chosun during their visits to old China or Japan. Westerners were most active in Chosun from the open port period to the annexation of Korea to Japan occupation. They were teachers, missionaries, diplomats, and doctors visiting Chosun with personal goals. In 31 book traveler’s journal, it records Chosen’s mainly produced ingredients, such as grains, spices, fruits, cabbage, chicken, and chestnuts; foods from Chosen include kimchi, soup, and tofu. Foreigners especially liked foods made of eggs and chicken, but they did not enjoy Chosun’s lack of sugar and dairy. Thirty-one book foreigners’ records describe Chosun’s Ondol, kitchen, crock, fermented foods, low dining tables, and chopsticks. Chosun people liked dog meat, unrestrained drinking culture, sungnyung, and tea culture. Foreign documentation on Chosun’s food culture allows modern scholars to learn about Chosun people’s lifestyles, as if their lives were a vivid picture
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Various Korean healthy foods containing Deoduk were developed and standardized recipe. Sensory evaluations of Koreans and foreigners for these developed foods were performed by using the 5-point hedonic scale. The results of the sensory test on foods containing Deoduk were as follows: Deoduk bap (2.90~3.91), Deoduk seolgidduk (3.19~4.40), Deoduk gangjeong (3.00~4.60), riasted Deoduk with red pepper paste (2.73~4.20), Deoduk pine nut juice salad (2.40~3.96), and Seopsansam (3.91~3.81). Deoduk seolgidduk, developed by using a recipe for Sansambyeong which in a Chosun dynasty cook-book, was highly preferred by Africans, Japanese, and Koreans. In particular, all foreigners except Southeast Asians liked Deoduk gangjeong, and both Koreans and foreigners liked Seopsansam. Foreigners’ experience of eating foods containing Deoduk was high at ‘No’ (68.9%), whereas Japanese (60.0%) had previous experience. Exactly 91.6% of Koreans responded ‘Yes’ to the question of whether or not Deoduk food is good for health, whereas the proportion of foreign respondents who said ‘Yes’ was 43.2%, ‘No’ was 5.4%, and ‘I don’t know’ was 51.4%. Deoduk seolgidduk was preferred by Japanese, and most foreigners preferred Deoduk gangjeong and Seopsansam. Therefore, Deoduk could be developed as a healthy food for globalization of Korean food. However, as foreigners’ awareness of Deoduk is low, we must positively promote the health function of traditional food ingredients and develop various menus suitable forforeigners’ tastes for the globalization of Korean food.
        2013.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대외 한자교육은 대외한어(중국어)교육의 중요한 영역 중 하나이다. 역사적인 문화적 공통성으로 인해 대외한자교육 중 일본, 한국과 같은 한자문화권 국가들은 다른 국가들과는 다른 교육 관점과 방법을 가지고 있다. 본문은 상형 이론을 적당 히 응용하여, 학생들의 흥미를 고취하고, 형성 이론을 이용하여 한자 교육의 효율 을 증대함으로써, 공통 문화를 매개로 삼아 한자 배후에 숨겨져 있는 세 개 방면 을 분석함으로써 한자학에서 이미 이루었던 연구 성과와 대외 한자교육이 서로 결합되는 원칙을 강조하고자 하였다. 한자학의 연구 이론과 대외한자교육을 연결 시키는 과정 중에 “適度教學聯繫”을 전제로 한 것은 대외한자교재 개발에 있어 유효하였다. 마지막으로 현재의 대외한자교육 교재의 단점을 분석함에 있어 그 역 사와 현실적 원인을 분석하고, 향후 개발될 교재 편찬에 대해 의견을 개진하였다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to compare the preference and satisfaction for Korean traditional foods (Jeonju Bibimbap, Daetongbap, Jeonbokjuk, Jorangiddockguk, Hobakbumbuk, Darkgalbee, Eonyang Bulgogi, Moyackgwa, Insam Jeonggwa, Maejackgwa) in foreigners and Koreans. In this study, 27 foreign and 31 Korean university students were surveyed. Statistical analysis and Mann-Whitney U test were performed using the SPSS statistical package (17.0). The major findings were as follows: 1) Foreigners had higher experience of eating Darkgalbee (84.6%), Jeonju Bibimbap (80.8%), Daetongbap (53.8%), and Jeonbokjuk (53.8%) among Korean traditional foods, whereas their eating experience of Insam Jeonggwa (3.8%), Maejackgwa (11.5%), Moyackgwa (15.4%) and Jorangiddockguk (23.1%) was lower. 2) Foreigners and Koreans both liked sweet taste, but disliked sour taste, bitter taste, garlic flavor, sesame flavor, and soy sauce flavor among the sensory characteristics of Korean traditional foods. 3) Foreigners scored their overall satisfaction of Korean traditional foods in the order of Jeonju Bibimbap (7.70±0.95), Eonyang Bulgogi (7.62±2.10), Daetongbap (7.59±1.60), Darkgalbee (7.20±1.56), and Jeonbokjuk (6.67±1.64), whereas Koreans rated higher scores for Eonyang Bulgogi (8.28±1.19), Darkgalbee (8.20±1.00), Jeonju Bibimbap (7.73±1.08), Jeonbokjuk (7.69±1.44), and Moyackgwa (7.43±1.52).
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The two purposes of this study were to understand service encounters in Korean restaurants by foreigners living in Korea and to examine the effect of service encounters on the customer's emotion feelings, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intention. Based on the reactions of a total of 614 foreigners obtained by empirical research, this study reviews the reliability and fitness of the research model, and verifies a total of 4 hypotheses using the Amos program. The hypothesized relationships in the model were tested simultaneously using a structural equation model (SEM). The proposed model provided an adequate fit to the data: χ2 683.466 (df=216), CMIN/df 3.164, RMR 0.095, GFI 0.911, AGFI 0.886, NFI 0.933, CFI 0.953, and RMSEA 0.059. As a result of empirical analysis, the physical environment, interactions with employees, and interactions with other customers were quantified as service encounter factors in Korean restaurants. These factors were indicated to have an influence on customer's emotion feelings. Also, customer's emotion feelings had a positive influence on customer satisfaction and behavioral intent. Limitations and future research are also discussed.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the perception, evaluation, and the possibility for globalizing Korean foods and Yak-sun among different nationalities of foreigners living in Korea. A survey was conducted with 171 foreigners (eastern Asian, southeastern and central Asian, European, and American). The questionnaire was composed of three parts, including perception, evaluation, and the possibility for globalizing Korean foods and Yak-sun. The reason for choosing Korean foods cited by southeastern and central Asians and Americans was "taste", whereas eastern Asians and Europeans chose "culture" and "curiosity", respectively. Americans and Europeans considered "spiciness" as a reason not to choose Korean foods (P<0.001). Regarding the possibility of globalizing Korean foods, eastern Asians and Americans/Europeans/southeast Asians and central Asians responded "Korean dining culture" and "incomprehensive menus", respectively (P<0.05). An "explanation of the menu to foreigners" was regarded as the main suggestion for globalizing Korean food. Most of the respondents understood that Yak-sun is an oriental medicinal food that provides improved health and disease prevention. A number of Europeans and Americans expressed high interest in the conceptualization of Yak-sun (P<0.001). With regard to the priority for developing Yak-sun, eastern Asians, southeastern and central Asians, and Europeans picked out "health status improvement", whereas "improved nutritional status" was manifested in the majority of the American's responses (P<0.001). Therefore, it is crucial that "localization" be applied to Korean foods and Yak-sun to meet the international standard. Furthermore, it is necessary to provide simplified and correct Korean food content information to foreigners.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to examine the effect of globalization of Korean food according to well-being value perception and the foreign visitor Korean food experience. An analysis of variance and a linear regression analysis were conducted to analyze the hypotheses. The findings are summarized as follows: (1) The most important quality when eating Korean food was "taste" (37.3%). (2) The most important well-being value recognition items for Korean food were "kimchi" and "bulgogi". "Bibimbap is well-being food" (3.82 points) and "Korean food is healthy because it consists mainly of cereals and vegetables" (3.56 points). (3) The subjects highly recognized the "improvement in service quality of Korean restaurants" (3.59 points) with regard to the importance of a globalization strategy for Korean food. (4) High-intake Korean foods were "bibimbap", "baechookimchi", "galbigui", "pajeon", and "bulgogi", in that order. In contrast, the intake frequency for "songpeon", "sikhei", and "guksu" was very low. (5) The subjects thought that the globalization possibility for Korean food was high, as foreigners ingested a lot of baechookimchi. (6) The most effective well-being value recognition item for globalizing Korean food was "Korean food is nutritious and good for the health" followed by "I have much interest in Korean well-being food". and "Korean food is a well-being food because it contains many fermented and seasonal items", in that order. (7) The most effective food for globalizing Korean food with a high-intake frequency was "baechookimchi", followed by "galbigui", "guksu", and "bibimbap".
        2010.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A number of factors are thought to influence people’s food choices, and there has recently been an increasing emphasis on understanding the consumer’s motives behind choice of food types. For one thing, an individual’s personal food-related tastes are thought to certainly influence personal food choice. This study aimed to discover the new motives for food, and what motives determine the food choice of foreigners living in Korea. Subjects (N=210) completed a Food Choice Questionnaire (65 questions) measuring specific motives and sociodemographic conditions (9 questions). Factor analysis and ANOVA were used to ascertain the food choice motives. Fourteen factors emerged, which were labeled health, mood, convenience, sensory appeal, natural content, price, weight control, familarity, political value, ecological protection. and religion. We also found that motives for new food choices include national image and information, ethnic food, and sanitation. Items were analysed to determine differences according to nationality, religion, occupation, and length of residence in Korea. All subjects thought sanitation is the most important motive in choice of food, and health, natural content, and ethnic food were also important.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        제주도의 대표적 경관인 오름에 대한 경관 선호성을 분석하기 위해 총 18개 오름을 대상으로 경관평가를 시도하였다. 지상과 공중에서 촬영한 총 84장의 사진 슬라이드를 평가매체로 비 제주인(1그룹), 제주인(2그룹) 그리고 외국인(3그룹)에대한 선호도를 비교 분석한 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다.전체 총 84장의 오름경관에 대한 선호도평가 결과, Group 1은 4.93, Group 2는 5.22 로 전체 국내인 평균 평가치는5.11이었으며 Group 3의 평가치는 5.54로 나타나 제주 오름에 대한 외국인의 상대적으로 높은 선호 경향이 발견되었다.전체적으로 평가치가 가장 높은 오름경관은 Scene 8(7.60)의 비양도 부감경관이었으며 다음으로 평가치 7.59를 보인 Scene58과 평가치 7.35를 보인 Scene 48등이 보임에 따라 성산일출봉, 비양도, 송악산 등은 제주도의 대표적인 경승으로서 손색이없음이 실증적 재차 확인되었다. 한편 3개 평가 집단 간 선호도 평가치의 유의성을 확인하기 위한 ANOVA와 Duncun-test결과, 집단 간 평가치의 통계적 유의성이 인정된 평가오름은 총 63개에 이르러 오름별 평가치에 대해 그룹간의 차이가 인정된다.또한 평가그룹 간의 통계적 유의성이 인정되지 않는 21개의 오름 중에는 항공에서 조감된 부감경관은 단 하나도 포함되지않고 있음을 발견할 수 있었으며 21개 오름경관 가운데 전체 평균치인 5.34를 상회하는 오름경관은 Scene16, Scene78 그리고Scene29의 단 3개에 불과하였음을 볼 때, 부감경관에 대한 차별화된 긍정적 선호성이 입증되었다.더불어 총 18개 오름에 대한 평가치 중 민오름과 산굼부리를 제외한 총 16개 평가치가 높은 특성을 보여 하늘에서 부감한오름경관에 대한 뚜렷한 선호경향을 보였으며 이 경향은 특히 Group 3 즉 외국인 그룹에 있어 부각되었는데 지상에서 촬영한산굼부리의 지상경관 또한 굼부리 중심의 부감경관임을 감안하면 이러한 경향을 더욱 뚜렷하다고 볼 수 있다.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is aimed at applying conjunctive adverbs of type of "그러-‘ for education site of Korean language by clearing up syntactical condition and contextual meaning and mutual replacement relation of conjunctive adverbs having similar meaning to be able to use opposition conjunctive adverb of type of "그러-’. According to inclination of foreign learner who want to learn Korean by rule and formula instead of meaning explanation. So this study was represented table and chart as suggesting way of each items, and it could be called as new tryout that we could not find in existing studies. This discussion might be little different with meaning of conjunctive adverbs explained in the study of Korean language. In the selection of example, used example of Korean language text book for foreigners by considering level of learners. Therefore, this study was inconvenienced by impractical sentence and non-suggestion of concrete plan to be able to be used in practice lesson. But if teachers fully understood schematic pictures and used them in class, it could become a little help to reduce learner"s confusion occurred by using opposition conjunctive adverbs of type of "그러-."
        2007.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The employment permit system for foreigners, which stresses introduction of foreign work force in a legal manner rather than in the position of being trainees, is anticipated to efficiently improve introduction and the overall management system of foreign work force and related difficulties such as illegal alien problems, absurdity on sending laborers overseas. In this paper, a prospective model of supply and demand of work force has been developed basing on various categories of industries and patterns about nationally practical foreign employees to look over efficient supply and demand of work force suiting employment of foreigner among foreign work force policies. To propose the prospective model, we have derived industry- and pattern-related matrixes of foreign laborers basing on Inter-Industry Analysis Method put forth by Professor Leontiyef in 1930, and through the derived matrix assessed repercussions concerning overall domestic industries and foreigner types and decided yearly weight; the capacity of supply and demand of foreign laborers can be compared through proposed statistical estimation and government estimation by combining the determined weight with yearly incomes of foreign laborers. This paper has thoroughly considered the particularity of our employment permit system for foreigners and applied the Weibull distribution and incorporated the dependence of foreign laborers during the limited period of 3 years to the industry relation analysis, ultimately proposing an efficient supply and demand method about domestic foreign work force.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Foreigners who arrived in Korea after the age of enlightenment were Japanese,Chinese and‘Westerners’who were Europeans and Americans. The westerners werediplomats who visited Korea for colonization or for increasing their economical profits bytrading after the spread of imperialism, and tourists curious of back countries, artists,explores and missionaries to perform their roles for their religious beliefs. They contactedwith Korean cultural and educational people as missionaries and instructors duringJapanese colonial period. In 1945, the allied forces occupied Korea under the name oftakeover of Japanese colony after Japan’s surrender and the relation between foreignersand Korean cultured men enter upon a new phase. For 3 years, American soldiers enforcedlots of systems in Korea and many pro-American people were educated. This relationshiplasted even after the establishment of the government of Korean Republic and especially,diplomats called as pro-Korean group came again after Korean War. Among them, therewere lots of foreigners interested in cultures and arts. In particular, government officialsunder American Forces who were influential on political circles or diplomats widened theirinsights toward Korean cultural assets and collected them a lot. Those who were in Korea from the period of independence to 1950s wrote theirimpressions about Korean cultural assets on newspapers or journals after visitingcontemporary Korean exhibitions. Among them, A. J. McTaggart, Richard Hertz and theHendersons were dominant. They thought the artists had great interests in compromisingand uniting the Orient and the West based on their knowledge of Korean cultural assets,and they advised. However, it was different from Korean artist’s point of view that theforeigners thought Korean art adhered oriental features and contained western contents. From foreigners’point of view, it is hard to understand the attitude Korean artistschose to keep their self-respect through experiencing the Korean war. It is difficult todistinguish their thought about Korean art based on their exotic taste from the Koreanartists’local and peninsular features under Japanese imperialism. We can see their thoughtabout Korean art and their viewpoint toward the third world, after staying in Korea for ashort period and being a member of the first world. The basic thing was that they couldsee the potentialities through the worldwide, beautiful Korean cultural assets and they thought it was important to start with traditions. It is an evidence showing Korean artists’pride in regard to the art culture through experiencing the infringement of their country. By writing about illuminating Korean art from the third party’s view, foreignersrepresented their thoughts through it that their economical, military superiority goes withtheir cultural superiority. The Korean artist’s thought of emphasizing Korean history andtraditions, reexamining and using it as an original creation may have been inspired bywesterners’writings. ‘The establishment of national art’that Korean artists gave emphasis then, didn’tonly affect one of the reactions toward external impact,‘the adhesion of tradition’.In theprocess of introducing Korean contemporary art and national treasure in America, differentview caused by role differences-foreigner as selector and Korean as assistant-showed thefact evidently that the standard of beauty differed between them. By emphasizing that thebasis to classify Korean cultural assets is different from the neighborhood China and Japan,they tried to reflect their understanding that the feature of Korean art is on speciality otherthan universality. And this make us understand that even when Korean artists professmodernism, they stress that the roots are on Korean and oriental tradition. It was obviously a different thought from foreigners’view on Korean art that Koreanartists’ conception of modernism and traditional roots are inherent in Korean history. In1950s, after the independence, Korea had different ideas from foreigners that abstract wasto be learned from the west. Korea was enduring tough times with their artists’self-respectwhich made them think that they can learn the method, but the spirit of abstract is in theorient.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study investigated the recognition and preference of foreigner to Korean foods in different nationality. Questionnaires consisted of two languages- Chinese and English were given to 180 residing foreigners in Insa-dong and COEX mall areas and interview methods were used. A total of 157 questionnaires were analyzed for statistical analysis. The statistical analysis was completed using SPSS Win(ver 11.0) for descriptive analysis, χ2-test, ANOVA and Tukey's test. Main results of this study were as follows: First, the factors foreigners considered when they chose food of other countries were; 1.new taste, 2.curiosity, 3.foreign culture, 4.foreign tradition. People from European and Asian countries were inclined to 'New taste' first, while people from American and Oceanian countries were inclined to "curiosity". Second, most of respondents have tried Bulgogi and Galbi before and many of them also have tried Kimchi, Kimbop, and Bibimbop as common Korean foods. Third, the preference was different according to their origins. Asian people liked diverse cuisines including Bulgogi, Galbi, Kimchi, Dubu Doenjan chige, and Samgaetang, while European and Oceanian people liked Bulgogi, Galbi, and Bibimbop. The preference for Kimchi was considerably high among Asian people, however, low among American and Oceanian people(p〈0.05). Fourth, Deviation was little on the taste, color, and table settings of Korean foods; most of the respondents was satisfied on those factors. European and Oceanian people who were familiar with table setting according to time were satisfied at table setting of Korean foods, which focused on space, rather than time. Fifth, most of the respondents, especially Asian people, remarked that Korean foods were spicy. The opinion on the taste of Korean foods was variable according to their nations. Currently many of culinary companies from Korea were leading their active business in foreign countries such as China and United States. Their domain was not limited to traditional Korean foods, but expanding to various fields such as fast foods, bakery goods, and fusion snacks.
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