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        검색결과 19

        2021.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        배경/목적: 본 연구는 증증급성호흡기증후군(COVID-19)의 확산에 따라 학술행사의 방식이 직접 참석에서 비대면 온라인 방식으로 점차 변화되는 현재의 경향을 고려하여, 2020년 시행된 학술행사 참석자들의 만족도를 분석한 연구이다. 설문조사를 통해 비대면 온라인 학술대회의 장점과 단점을 분석하고, 이를 토대로 향후 이상적인 학술대회를 준비할 수 있는 자료를 수립하고자 하였다. 방법: 2020년 상반기에 서울에서 개최된 ‘IC-KPBA 2020’ 학술행사의 참석자를 대상으로 18개 문항으로 구성된 설문조사를 시행하였다. 설문조사는 네이버 설문조사의 플랫폼을 이용하여 진행되었다. 결 과 : 비대면 온라인 방식의 학술행사에 대해서 학회 참석자들은 전반적으로 만족 혹은 매우 만족스럽다고 응답하였다. 온라인 참석자들은 네트워크 연결, 화면 및 음향 등의 각각의 항목에서 약 70-85%가 만족 혹은 매우 만족으로 응답하였으며, 직접 참석자들을 대상으로 한 설문에서 방역대책 및 현장의 화면, 음향 시설 등의 각각의 항목에서 약 80-90%가 만족 혹은 매우 만족으로 응답하였다. 향후 학회 참석 방식의 선호도 조사에서는 가급적 온라인을 선택하겠다는 답변이 33% 로 가장 높게 나타났다. 결론: 학술행사의 방식이 점차 비대면 온라인으로 변화되는 추세에서 대한췌장담도학회 주관 하에 새로운 방식으로 개최한 국제학술대회에 대한 만족도는 전반적으로 양호-우수한 것으로 확인되었다.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Physical stores are significant contact points for customers to have unique shopping experience with hedonic values (Hirschman and Holbrook, 1982). The value is becoming even more important as a differentiating factor for companies in the digital era when e-commerce is dramatically expanding and growing (Kotler, Kartajaya, and Setiawan, 2017). In order to deepen our understanding on online for offline (O4O) shopping experience, we focus on Visual Merchandizing Design (VMD) as one of the key factors to differentiate physical stores from e-commerce. VMD has a long history since 18th century VMD and has been extensively researched in various ways, but no study has been done in the setting of online for offline (O4O). VMD is defined as an art of displaying the things in a manner to attract the attention of the customer and persuade them to buy the product (Kerfoot, Davies, and Ward, 2003; Krishnakumar, 2014). In the VMD's extant research, many suggest the importance of VMD from the viewpoint of experiential marketing. It has been discussed that VMD is an effective way to impress consumers with company brands (e.g., Kim and Kim, 2011; Park and Jeon, 2004 Sun and Lee, 2017). In order to analyze the effectiveness of VMD, we use the three elements commonly used in practice that include Visual Presentation (VP), Point of Sales Presentation (PP), and Item Presentation (IP). The role of Visual Presentation (VP) is to invite customers from outside to inside of the store. When a customer enters the store, it is expected to encourage customers to stay longer to look around through PP (Point of sales Presentation). Finally, attractive Item Presentation (IP) on the shelves or hangers encourages customers to purchase products. We combine this VP-PP-IP framework of VMD with New AIDA model proposed by Iwamoto, Kawakami and Suzuki (2016). New AIDA model is a revised version of AIDMA that incorporates online related factors such as search, keep and share. Using this framework, we conducted three case studies on JINS BRAIN Lab by JINS Inc. in Japan, LAB101 in South Korea and On and the Beauty by Lotte Shopping in South Korea. We visited the store to observe how these companies realize the elements of VMD (VP-PP-IP) at each store. The results suggest that, for the better O4O experience to shop at a physical store looking at a mobile device, companies need to design the store from VMD point of view in addition to data-driven or artificial intelligence supported merchandizing. Physical stores with better VMD also play a significant role for generating word-of-mouth for engaging other customers.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 고령자를 대상으로 한 대면 방식(offline)의 라이프스타일 중재 및 모바일 앱을 통한 라 이프스타일 중재(online 또는 mobile health)의 효과를 알아본 연구들을 고찰하고, 그 효과를 알아보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구방법 : 2010년 1월부터 2020년 2월까지 데이터베이스 PubMed, Cochrane, Embase, NDSL에 게재 된 문헌들을 대상으로 하였다. 최종적으로 오프라인 중재 연구 6편과 온라인 중재 연구 4편을 체계적으로 고찰하였으며, Comprehensive Meta Analysis 3.0 프로그램을 사용하여 메타분석을 실시하였다. 결과 : 선정된 10개 논문의 평균 PEDro scale은 6.3점으로 비교적 높은 편에 속했다. 10편의 연구 중 프 로그램 구성을 주로 신체활동 및 식이에 초점을 맞춘 연구가 8편, 작업에 기반한 연구가 2편이었다. 메 타분석 결과, 오프라인 중재 방식과 온라인 중재(모바일 헬스) 방식의 효과 크기가 각각 0.13(p=0.035), 0.27(p=0.001)로 모두 작은 효과 크기로 통계학적으로 유의미하였다. 결론 : 본 연구를 통해 오프라인 및 온라인(모바일 헬스) 방식의 라이프스타일 관련 중재가 고령자의 건강에 긍정적인 영향을 줄 수 있는 유용한 중재 방식이 될 수 있음을 확인하였다. 따라서 본 연구 결과는 향후 국내 지역사회 상황과 고령자의 특성에 따른 라이프스타일 관련 중재 기법을 선정할 때 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 사료 된다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The culinary business in Indonesia has become attractive since it gives 41.40% contribution to total creative economy GDP in 2016 (BEKRAF-BPS, 2016). The high contribution of the culinary industry could not separate from the fact that Indonesia has plenty of local foods variety from a different area in Indonesia. Since 2016, on the scope of ASEAN Economy Community, the role of Indonesian millennial is essential. The total of ASEAN population is 625 million. 65 percent of them who was born in 1980 is around 375 million. Indonesia has approximately 84 million millennial which means 23% of the youth in ASEAN is Indonesia citizen. The current research aims to analyzed millennial behaviors and how they consumed local foods based on the online and offline appearance of the local food. Based on the survey to 121 millennial, this study found that online and offline appearance includes social media, sensory appeal, health and weight control, price, habit, and sociability and social image, have a significant influence to local food consumption among millennial. This study may provide a new perspective on how local food entrepreneurs should manage their online and offline appearance of local food to increase the product’s consumption.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Online social interactions are known to be useful to improve business performances. As l ocal business retailers have limited resources in marketing, they can benefit by using onli ne social interactions for their business performances. In the same line of purpose, the ret ailers also exploit an online platform, such as discount coupon sites: they sell online coup ons for their offline products and services in the platform. Notably, the online platform ca n play an important role in generating online social interactions as well as final sales arou nd the retailing brands. It also provides a distinctive setting for consumers in that they pur chase products and services online only to consume their use offline. Given that consume rs are motivated by different purposes, their online social interactions may differ in the di sparity of purchasing online and consuming offline. Previous studies have witnessed the r elationship between social interactions and sales, but the relationship between environme ntal influences and social interactions remains unexplored. In this paper, we focus on the influences of online and offline environments where consumers are situated with the online platform on generating online social interactions as well as final sales. To this end, we look into two types of social interactions, i.e., product discussion and social referral, and two distinctive environmental influences, i.e., the influences from the same product page and from the local retail revenue where the focal business is located. Using data on online social interactions and offline retail revenues around a major coupon site in South Korea, our empirical analysis demonstrates interesting findings. The two types of social interactions and final sales respond in different way to the environmental influences. To be specific, in the online purchase context, the absolute influence lowers the generation of product discussion and sales while promoting social referrals. In the offline consumption context, however, the proportionate influence plays a role in driving these three outcomes. Our findings suggest that local business retailers should deploy their online platform strategies by concerning online and offline environments, in accordance with the specific marketing objectives regarding social interactions and sales.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We investigate the effect of offline social interactions on online shopping demand and the moderating role of online channel preference in this offline-online relationship. To be specific, we intend to obtain empirical evidence by answering the following questions. First, do offline social interactions affect online demand? Second, to what degree do the active versus passive kinds of offline social interactions have the differential influence on online shopping demand? Third, how does online channel preference affect the effect of offline social interaction on online shopping demand? Drawing on the related literature in the fields of social interactions and Internet retailing, we hypothesize that the active kind of offline social interactions exerts positive influence on online shopping demand whereas the passive kind of offline social interactions has negative effects. We further hypothesize that online channel preference weakens the influence that offline social interactions has for online shopping demand. Both the positive impact of active interactions and the negative impact of passive interactions diminish in determining online shopping demand as online channel preference gets greater. We obtained sales data between January 2008 and April 2010 from a leading Internet retailer that sells baby products in the U.S. The data includes the information of zip codelevel sales and shipping days. We merged this proprietary data with the following three commercial datasets purchased from ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute): (1) 2011 Civic Activities Market Potential, (2) 2011 Internet Market Potential, and (3) 2011 Baby Products Market Potential). Each of these datasets includes the information of offline social interactions, online shopping preferences and offline baby product sales, respectively. Finally, as we focus on the zip code-level interplay between offline social interactions and online demand, we control for regional demographics and market condition. As such, we obtained the 2010 Census data and 2009 ACS (American Community Survey) data to account for overall local environments (e.g. population density of children aged less than five years, percentage with college education). Our empirical analyses and hypotheses testing provide the following important findings. First, active offline social interactions have positive effects on online shopping demand. This indicates that active social interactions reflect information exchange among long ties, and this informational influence in turn reduces any risk and uncertainty associated with online shopping. Second, passive offline social interactions have negative effects on online shopping demand. This suggests that passive social interactions take place among local ties and generate normative influence to conform to the expectations of others about shopping behavior, making online shopping as a new channel less attractive there. Third, online channel preference is significantly positive on online shopping demand, confirming prior studies on the relationship between channel preference and demand (Changchit et al. 2014; Valentini et al. 2011). Fourth, the positive effect that active offline social interactions have for online shopping demand decreases as online channel preference increases. Regions with strong online channel preference are likely to have well-established channel propensity and the informational influence of social interactions in reducing uncertainty becomes weaker. As such, social interactions do not play a role in spreading information about the online marketplace in regions where online channel benefits are well understood (Burt 1992, 2005; Harrigan et al. 2012). Lastly, the negative influence of passive offline social interactions gets smaller as online channel preference gets greater. Online channel preference reflects the locally-determined attractiveness of the online marketplace, and this in turn weakens normative influence to conform to the expectations and shopping behaviors of local ties.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 식품위생교육을 이수하는 국내 떡류 영업자를 대상으로 설문조사를 통하여 우리나라 떡류 영업의 특성을 파악하고 온라인 및 오프라인 식품위생교육에 대한 인식도의 차이를 비교 분석하고자 하였다. 떡류 영업자 연령대는 50대(40.1%), 학력은 고졸(52.6%), 종사기간은 10년~20년(34.3%)이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났고, 영업 및 영업장 관련 종사인원은 2명(79.5%), 면적은 99.17 m² 이하(92.0%), 점유 형태로 임차 사업장(60.2%), 사업장에 대한월 임차 금액 100만 원 이하(54.8%)를 대부분 지불하고있으며, 영업장 안전사고 발생은 3년간 228건(연평균 2.4%),제조·가공 품목수는 20가지 이하(86.7%)로 분석되었다. 식품위생교육 채널별 인식도에서 영업자는 여성, 연령대가 낮을수록, 학력이 높을수록 온라인 교육을 선호하였고, 온라인 교육 선택 이유로 ‘시간적ㆍ경제적ㆍ편리성’(73.7%)가 나타났으며 온라인 이수자는 위생교육이 영업에 더 도움 된다고 인식하였다. 매출액은 온ㆍ오프라인 이수자 간의 유의적 차이가 없었고 위생적 관리에 대해서는 온라인이수자가 오프라인 이수자보다 7.4% 높게 잘 하고 있다고 답변하였다. 이전의 교육기관의 교육 대비 떡류 영업자만을 위한 교육은 온·오프라인 이수자 모두 60.7% 정도 더 만족하는 것으로 분석되었다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we study the bargaining strategy of a manufacturer who sells a product through the online and offline distribution channels. To do this, we derive and analyze the equilibrium solutions for both simultaneous and sequential bargaining games. The result shows that the optimal bargaining strategy heavily depends on the size of the online distribution channel’s loyal customers and the difference between the retail prices of the online and the offline distribution channels. It is also shown that, in some cases, the online distribution channel has incentive to downsize its loyal customers and its retail price for a better bargaining outcome.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This article addresses the potential of reputable brands to overcome the lack of tangibility that characterizes the process of e-commerce. In a sequential argument, the authors propose that (1) the brand becomes more important in online than in offline channels, as a consequence of the intangibility or lack of physical contact in online purchasing processes; (2) the limitations associated with the need for touch and the lack of access to the physical product during the buying process does not have equal importance across all product categories; and (3) the role of the brand in online channels thus is more relevant if the product category is associated with a higher need for touch. To provide empirical evidence regarding the hypotheses, we performed an experiment that combined three treatments: (1) leader versus non-leader brand, (2) online versus offline channel, and (3) product category with higher versus lower need for touch. We show that the most recognized brands exert a positive effect on product evaluations, regardless of the technical characteristics and other objective product attributes. This advantage may be greater in online channels, though only for product categories for which the lack of physical contact with the product during the purchase process is an important limitation. In such cases, brand associations can compensate for intangibility during purchase.We also confirm that the product categories differ in their level of need for touch and the extent to which consumers desire physical contact with the product during the buying process. These results demonstrate that building strong brands is a key competitive advantage for manufacturers. Brand reputation becomes even more crucial when selling products in electronic channels, at least if the product itself entails a greater need for touch prior to purchase. For such products, strong brands can make up for the intangibility of e-commerce, so this effort represents a key competitive strategy in such channels. Moreover, leading brands can leverage their competitive advantage to enhance their performance in the increasingly prominent realm of e-commerce. E-retailers need to make careful decisions regarding the configuration of the assortment, taking into account the nature of the product category. They should strengthen their focus on developing highly recognizable brands, because the lack of physical contact is an important purchase inhibitor in this shopping channel. However, the brand criterion may be less important if the choice between online and offline shopping is not particularly affected by the opportunity to touch or feel the products.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper examines the impact of proctoring environments on student performance in two different exam proctoring environments: online versus offline proctored exams. This study employs a set of aggregated data from 1,762 students over the eight-year period from 2009 to 2016 in a university. Although there were nine courses offered, they could have been counted more than once as students may appear several times to take exams for different courses. This study employs independent samples t-test and regression analysis to compare the means of two independent groups and to test the hypothesis. The results of the independent samples t-test and the regression analysis indicate that there is no difference in the mean scores of exams and, therefore, the findings suggest that the exam proctoring environment is unlikely related to student performance even when students take their exams either in online proctoring or offline proctoring environments. This study concludes that the proctoring environment unlikely results in a statistically significant difference of exam scores and, thus, the exam proctoring environment does not appear to cause any change in student performance. The findings suggest that the exam proctoring environments does not appear to impact on student academic achievements and assessments.
        2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the new era of rapid development of e-commerce and increasingly convenient mobile payment, the online and offline business model is increasingly becoming an important direction for the transformation and upgrading of retail enterprises, affecting the management and investment decisions of retail enterprises. Whether online and offline integration has a synergistic effect on physical retail enterprises remains to be seen. This paper analyzes and evaluates the performance of online and offline integration of Rainbow Shares by using the catastrophe progression method combined with the entropy method. The combination of these two methods provides new ideas for research in retail development.
        2016.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        중국의 인터넷과 스마트폰 보급률이 높아지고, 중국 전자상거래시장의 규모가 지속적으로 커짐에 따라 중국 O2O(Online to Offline)시장은 연 30%이상의 고속 성장을 통해 중국전자상거래의 일부분에 서 빠르게 국민 경제의 일부분 전환 되었다. 또한 그 관련 산업 규모와 활용도가 커지고 있다. 특히 2015년 3월 3일~15일까지 열린 한국의 국회격인양회(两会)에서 리커창총리의 발언과 2015년 7월 국 무원에서 '인터넷플러스 적극 추진에 관한 행동 지도의견' 즉, “인터넷 플러스(互联网+) ”발표를 통해서 향후 3년~10년간 인터넷플러스 발전 목표를 제시 하였다. 특히 2015년까지는 네트워크•스마트 •서비스화를 촉진하고 융합 인터넷플러스 산업생태계를 완비하여 중국 경제사회발전의 중요한 원동력 이 되도록 준비하는 것이다. 이로서 중국은 민간 기업 뿐만 아니라 정부에서도 관심을 가지고 정부, 기업, 가계에 실용적으로 응용될 수 있는 인터넷 O2O시장에 적극적 이다. 본 연구를 통해 중국의 O2O 서비스의 가장 효율적인 영업 전략은 상품 및 서비스 할인 혜택으로 보인다. 중국 내에서 공동 구매 는 소비자의 접근성이 가장 높은 영업 전략으로 소비자는 공동 구매 홈페이지를 통해 각 종 할인 혜 택을 비교와 선택을 하는 것으로 나타났다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        다문화 가정 한국어 교육 발전을 위해서 이를 담당하는 전문 교원의 육성은 매우 중요한 문제이다. 온라인-오프라인 통합 한국어 교원 양성과정이 다문화 가정 한국어 교원의 전문성 확보에 중요한 역할을 하고 있음을 전제로 하여, 본고에서는 기존 온라인-오프라인 통합 한국어 교원 양성 과정과 다문화 가정 한국어 교원 육성의 관련성을 검토하고 다문화가정 한국어 교원 육성의 주요 대안으로 온라인-오프라인 한국어 교원 양성 과정의 가능성을 살펴보고자 한다. 그리고 이를 통하여 보다 효과적으로 다문화 가정 한국어 교원을 육성할 수 있는 방안을 모색해 보고자 한다.