
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The “Sui” (眭) Clan is a famous family in Zhaojun in the middle ages of China. The heyday of “Sui” (眭) Clan in Gaoyi Zhaojun was the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms. They active in the historical events of the Western Jin, Later Yan, and Northern Wei dynasties. They maintained the survival and development of the gentry in a difficult environment. The surname “Sui” (眭) was erroneously changed to the surname “Qi” (畦) for the first time during the Wei and Jin dynasties. In the writing during the Northern Wei and Northern Qi dynasties, the surname “Sui” (眭) was erroneously mistaken for the surname “Mu” (睦) for the second time. These two surnames have become independent surnames in later generations, but their origin is “Sui” (眭). This is a noteworthy issue of Chinese character miswriting.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 글은 춘추시대 역사서인 󰡔춘추󰡕의 철학적⋅역사학적⋅책력학적 분 석을 진행한 󰡔춘추󰡕왕력① (2017), ② (2017), ③ (2017) 선행연구들에 대한 후속 논의이다. 동짓달부터 3개월 동안을 春으로 명명한 󰡔춘추󰡕왕 력에서의 계절 개념을 실증해 보기 위해, 당시의 절후를 확인할 수 있는 증 의례와 상 의례, 그리고 우 의례 기사들을 고찰해 보았다. 烝 의례는 이상저온 현상이 지속되는 상태에서 기후의 온난함을 기원하고자 한 의 례로서, 그리고 嘗 의례는 음식의 풍요를 기원하는 의례로서 이행된 것임 이 확인되었다. 한편, 전국시대 이후의 기록들에서 증이나 상 의례는 각 각 겨울제사와 가을제사와 같은 사시제로 알려져 있다. 그러나 󰡔춘추󰡕 경 문에서는 그것들의 이행시기가 따로 규정되어 있지 않았다. 단비에 대한 간절한 기원으로서 이행된 雩 의례 기사들은 대부분 한여름이 포함된 ‘秋’ 계절에 집중되어 있다. 문자적인 논증으로서, 갑골문과 금문 등의 고체를 통해 그것들의 초기 형태 및 본원적 의미를 고찰하였다. ‘春’자는 이른바 ‘하나의 양이 막 생 겨나는’[一陽始生] 동지 절후를 묘사한 것이다. ‘夏’자는 춘분 이후 완연 한 봄에 벌어지는 원시적인 전통 축제에서 이성을 유혹하는 춤을 추기 위 해 차려입은 현란한 의복과 거대한 가면에서 유래된 글자이다. ‘秋’에는 벼 수확에 영향을 미치는 여름 곤충이 묘사되어 있으며, ‘冬’의 경우는 1 년의 사계절을 끝마친다는 의미로 사용되었다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기는 우주만물을 구성하는 본질로 눈으로 볼 수도 없고 손으로 만질 수 없는 아주 미세한 물질과 운동의 통일체다. 음양의 대립통일로 기의 승강운동이 생명조절 시스템인 장부에서 일어나며, 각 장 부 기의 승강운동의 협조 평형으로 우리가 정상적인 생명활동을 유지하고 있는 것이다. 배꼽호흡테 라피는 복식호흡법과 마사지로 누구나 손쉽게 할 수 있는 몸과 마음의 호흡마사지 치유프로그램으로 인체의 생체에너지(氣)순환의 촉진과 조절로 자연치유능력을 향상시켜준다. 오장육부에 질병이 생기 면 복부에서 그에 상응하는 단서를 찾을 수 있는데 바로 배의 주름과 그 주위의 응어리가 반응점이 다. 망진과 복진으로 반응점을 찾아 복식호흡과 마사지로 다스리면 자연스럽고 신기하게 배꼽주위가 부드러워져 질병이 치유되어 건강을 유지할 수 있다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Traditionally, food and medicines are considered as having common roots. That is, their energies share the same source (藥食同源), which has created a unique food culture, and nurtured a unique academic area of dietary medicine (藥膳食料 學). This study aimed to develop a desirable dietary life-style based on the oriental dietary medicine theorem originated from the schema of four qi as well as five flavors of foods (四氣五味), originated from the yin-yang and five phase theory based on a clear understanding of a modern point of view, and experimental analysis of nutrients and dietary effects of clear heat effect materials. This study can promote more healthy life-styles and prevent adult diseases by following oriental dietary medicine theory. We should develop a Yack-sun theory and dietary culture that is suitable for physical and genetic health.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Xin Qi-ji advocated war through all his life, he contacted with those elite society to get the opportunity to win favor and vote his Against of the Jin Dynasty. However, he suffered a lot of attacks and plots of the reconcilable party, since his special identity and their Government's corruption. In his homebound and official career for about sixty years, Jiaxuan leaved much wealth for others. This article analysed the historical background of Jiaxuan, combined with expressions of his life, and put forward to the opinion about his poem style.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was planned and executed to evaluate how the composition of Yack-sun (oriental diet therapy) tea can effect the health conditions of people who are suffering from diet-related diseases such as being overweight, obese and hyperlipidemic, by taking Yack-sun tea in a form of nutritional supplement with daily meals. We produced Kangjieum with Lycense Mill., Polygonum multflorum Thunb, Cassia tora L., Crataegus pinnatifida Bge and Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. We evaluated the effects of this tea on serum lipids, on homocysteine concentration, and on active oxygen contents, oxidative stress by clinical practices. We have determined that this tea has a significant effect on decreasing body fat content, decreasing total cholesterol, decreasing LDL-cholesterol, and decreses triglyceride and homocysteine concentrations. In addition, blood active oxygen content and oxidative stress were significantly decreased. We think that scientific and objective evaluation was performed on the components of Kangjieum prescription. We concluded that we could apply the components, not only in a form of tea, but also in other forms of various foods. The information we received from this conclusion will be basic information on how we can apply oriental medicinal resources into other food and will be a steppingstone for medicinal herbs to place a foot in the field of functional food research, which already draws sizable attention world-wide.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was planned and executed to evaluate how the composition of Yack-sun tea can affect the health conditions of people who are suffering from diet-related such as being overweight, are obese and have hyperlipidemia, by taking Yack-sun tea in a form of a nutritional supplement with our daily meals. We produced Kangjieum with Lycium chinense Mill., Polygonum multflorum Thunb, Cassia tora L., Crataegus pinnatifida Bge and Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. Thus, we approach of oriental diet therapy area research of Kangjieum and analysis proximate composition, water soluble antioxidant content. The content(%, dry basis) of total carbohydrate was 60.23%, crude protein was 18.18%, crude ash was 11.36% and crude fat was 10.23% in Kangjieum. Total water soluble antioxidant content was 1.027 ㎍/㎖ of Kangjieum. We think that scientific and objective evaluation was done on the components of the Kangjieum prescription. This basic data could help guide the application of oriental medicinal resources into other foods and serve as a stepping-stone for use of Kangjieum in the burgeoning field of nutraceutical foods. Last, the scientific effects of oriental medicinal foods developed according to oriental medicinal theory. This theory is believed to be essential for government policy development concerning validation of medicinal effects and assessment, with the aim of fostering systematic development and providing guidance to food development in the interest of national health.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        呂祖謙, 字伯恭, 婺州(今浙江金華)人. 生于宋高宗紹興七年(1137), 孝宗淳熙八年(1181)歿. 祖謙南宋之著名經學家史學家敎育者, 與朱熹張栻 齊名, 稱東南三賢, 爲浙東學派之中心, 金華學派之鼻祖, 世人尊稱爲東萊 先生. 呂祖謙出於權門, 家學傳承, 文獻藏書無比. 曾祖父刑部尙書呂好問伯 祖父中書舍人呂本中等之學問, 傳於祖謙而發揚廣大. 隆興元年(1163)及第, 同年選博學宏詞科, 歷任太學博士秘書郞國史院編修官實錄院檢討官. 重修 徽宗實錄, 受命撰聖宋文海, 纂輯皇朝文鑑. 呂祖謙爲朱熹理學與陸九淵心 學折衷, 周旋鵝湖之會, 雖不得所期望, 其志願自顯於世. 祖謙反空理空豁, 主讀書力行. 撰著六十餘種, 有近思錄古文關鍵大事記古周易書定考官箴辨忘錄增修 東萊書說呂氏家塾讀詩記等. 其心血之作, 乃關於春秋, 左氏博議二十五卷, 左氏傳說二十卷, 左氏傳續說十二卷, 卽是也. 其中東萊博議, 歷史評論書, 爲諸生科擧時文也. 乾道五年(1169), 呂祖謙三十三歲時作, 淋漓少壯學者 之覇氣與奇拔. 然而不精製, 勿謂正論, 此東萊博議之限界也. 齊桓公春秋 五覇之最, 東萊博議言及甚多, 而呂祖謙之觀點頗否定, 雖然後來走向肯定. 如此觀點至於東萊博議後期著述, 左氏傳說及左氏傳續說中可見. 此實爲呂 祖謙之學者的力量與良心, 後學之所敬服也矣. 其實東萊博議未完著述, 偏重於魯十二公中宣公以前, 宣公以後五公罕 見. 以敎學宦途無暇, 享年短促, 若使其命延二三十年, 學問益加大成, 而東 萊博議亦完成無瑕, 哀哉!
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        郭沫若先生曾经指出:“无论作任何研究,材料的鉴别是最必要的基础阶段。材料不够固然大成问题。而材料的真伪或时代性如未规定清楚,那比缺乏材料还要更加危险。”我們迎接古文物的第一項工作就是考釋文字,有了釋讀上的成果之後我們才能進一步進行斷代分域工作。要正確的判別古文物的時代國別,我們才能夠更往上一層樓,這是不可否認的事實。譬如拿一方璽印來說,它到底屬於那國之物?如不能解結這個問題,擺在我們眼前的古璽印只是個古董罷了。這種大小只有方寸的古代遺物所以被人們看重的原因,就是璽文的史料價値並不低於其他古文字資料。它們可以提供古代官名、地名、姓名、經濟等各方面的資訊,而且這種史料往往是傳統古籍所遺傳的寶貴資料。本文在諸家已有的硏究成果的基礎上重新整理出戰國齐璽的五项選別標準: (一) 以出土地判别 (二) 以字形判别 (三) 以地名判别 (四) 以文例判别 (五) 以印面特征判别 希望爲硏究戰國齐璽者提供一個判別標準。這些判別標準得透過新材料繼續補充下去,才有真正的學術價值。
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kinds of 《Lao Qi Da》 was the study book of Chinese used from the 14th century to the 18th century.<BR> This is the important materials to be known as the linguistic features of those days in reflecting used Chinese in an age of the Won, Myung, and Cheong.<BR> One of those, 《FanYi Lao Qi Da》, is the study book of Chinese which is translated Korean based on Chinese Character between the orthoepist and the popular pronunciations by Choi, Se-Jin in the Chosun Dynasty era.<BR> The Verb-complement organizes Resultative Complements, Directional complements, Degree Adverb Complement, Potential Complements, Quantifier Complements showed 《FanYi Lao Qi Da》. However, this article was not explained about the complement of Quantifier Complements.<BR> To be extremely careful in the Resultative Complements, the complement could be the adverb moving ahead of the verb and 「Jiang 將」 which was normalized to preposition in the modern Chinese was used to Directional complements or completion marks.<BR> 「V+de/bu de」 is used a lot among three types in the Potential Complements.
        2001.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are exits bibliographically interrelations among Meridian-Qi, electricity and magnetism. However, it is difficult to provide one dimensional reductionism such a thought that nervous system is meridian system and their function is involved directly to Meridian-Qi, because many unkwon factors are conducted to the function of organism. Furthermore, it's in need of a detail study to understand the characteristics of common feature and difference among Meridian-Qi, electricity and magnetism in the organism.
        2000.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 결정트리 분야에서 각 분류알고리즘을 살펴보고 통계학의 판별분석과 기계학습(Machine Learning)분야에서 분류알고리즘을 비교하고, 자료에 따라 오분류율을 분석 하였다.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A Study about the Effect of the Kwang-Dong Qi-Gong Therapy in Bariatrics The purpose of this study is to find out what effects the practice of Qi-Gong shows in controlling obese that is one of the main causes of adult disease. In this study, the researchers chose some overweight or obese subjects over 17 years and divided them into two groups, and gave 4 weeks of twelve treatments to one group with Kwang-Dong Qi-Gong therapy developed by Hong Seong-Gyun in Kwang-Dong, and did not give any treatment to another group. And the effects were evaluated by comparative analysis. Before and after the treatments, the researchers measured the height, weight, body fat, BMI(Body Mass Index), hip size, etc. of two groups of them. And the health condition and eating habits of each persons of the two groups were examined before the experiment, and the difference of eating habits between the two groups was investigated in the course of the experiment, and the effects of the therapy that the treated group felt is investigated with an questionnaire sheet after the experiment. The following shows the result of the comparative analysis about the experiment 1. The result of the experiment about the effect of Kwang-Dong Qi-Gong therapy treated to control overweight or obese shows that: a) The height, body weight, BMI, body fat index, chest size did not make any statistically meaningful difference. b) The measurements of hip, waist, forearms, thighs, calves, and ankles made meaningful differences. 2. In the course of the experiment, the eating habits of the two groups did not make any significant difference except the frequency of dining together. 3. The effect of Kwang-Dong Qi-Gong therapy for the group that was given 12 treatments shows that: a) Regarding the change of their defecation, 81% of the subjects in the treated group said 'Yes' and 19% said 'No', that is most of subjects answered positively. b) Before the experiment, three subjects of the treated group had been taking medicine, but after the practice of Kwang-Dong Qi-Gong therapy, they appeared to stop taking medicine. c) 87% of subjects in the treated group said that they 'feel well' after he practice, 13% said that they 'did not feel well', that is most of subjects were satisfied with Kwang-Dong Qi-Gong therapy. d) 81% of subjects in the treated group replied that they 'feel peaceful in mind' after the practice, 19% replied that they 'did not feel peaceful in mind.'
        2003.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        심신수련의 일종인 기수련이 뇌호르몬계와 면역계에 미치는 영향을 살펴보기 위하여 9명의 건강한 노인을 대상으로 혈중내 코티졸, 성장호르몬과 멜라토닌의 변화와 호중구의 초과산화 이온 분비량을 조사하였다. 한시간의 기수련은 코티졸을 유의하게 감소시켰으며, 성장호르몬과 멜라토닌의 분비를 증가 시켰다. 또한 초과산화이온이 기수련에 의해 유의하게 변화하였으며 수련직후네 수련전에 비하여 유의한 차이가 있었다. 이러한 결과는 기수련이 코티졸, 성장호르몬, 멜라토닌등을 변화시켜 호중구의 기능을 증가시킨것이라 볼 수 있다. 호중구의 기능의 증가는 기수련을 통하여 일반적 감염과 염증반응에 저항력을 높여주는 것으로 생각된다.
        2003.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 스트레스 반응을 측정하는 스트레스 반응 척도 설문지(Symptoms of Stress: SOS)를 이용한 횡단적 연구로서 심신수련의 하나인 기수련이 스트레스 반응에 미치는 효과를 살펴보았다. 72명의 건강한 정상인과 180명의 기수련자를 대상으로 하여 조사하였으며, 기수련자들은 수련기간에 따라 초급군(1-4개월; 64명), 중급군(5-12개월; 50명), 고급군(1년 이상; 66명)로 나누었다. 실험결과 1년 이상 수련한 기수련자들이 말초혈관 증상군, 심폐 증상군, 중추신경계 증상군, 위장계증상군, 습관적 행동 형태군, 우울 증상군, 불안증상군등의 스트레스 반응 하위척도에서 대조군에 비해 통계적으로 유의하게 감소하였다. 전체 스트레스 값은 대조군에 비해 기수련자 집단이 아주 낮았으며 수련기간이 길수록 감소하였다. 이러한 결과는 기수련이 스트레스 중재와 스트레스 증상을 줄이는데 효과가 있음을 나타낸다.