
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 30

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 서울의 두 주요 축제인 '하이서울페스티벌'과 '서울세계불꽃축 제'를 중심으로 축제와 도시 브랜딩 간의 관계를 탐구하고, 이해관계자 역할 의 중요성을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 특히 공공 주도와 민간 주도 축 제의 특성, 정부의 역할과 규제가 축제에 미치는 영향, 그리고 축제가 서울 의 도시 브랜딩에 기여하는 방식을 중점적으로 살펴보았다. 연구 방법으로는 질적 연구 접근법을 채택하여 46명의 축제 관계자 및 참가자들과의 심층 인 터뷰를 실시하였으며, 수집된 데이터는 주제 분석방법을 통해 분석되었다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 축제의 소유권과 운영 방식이 축제의 성격과 도시 브랜딩 에 미치는 영향이 큰 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 정부의 역할과 규제 수준이 축 제의 창의성, 자율성, 공공성에 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 셋째, 축 제는 서울의 도시 브랜드 강화에 기여하고 있으나, 정치적 변화에 따른 도시 브랜드 슬로건의 잦은 변경이 일관성 있는 브랜드 구축을 저해하는 요인으로 작용하고 있었다. 넷째, 축제의 문화적 콘텐츠가 도시 브랜드 정체성 형성에 중요한 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 이해관계자들 간의 협력이 축 제의 성공과 도시 브랜딩에 핵심적인 요소임이 드러났다. 연구의 결과는 축 제와 도시 브랜딩의 관계에 대한 심층적인 이해를 제공하고, 효과적인 도시 브랜딩을 위한 축제 활용 전략 수립에 실질적인 시사점을 제시한다. 특히 이 해관계자들의 역할과 협력 방안을 분석함으로써, 축제의 성공적인 운영과 도 시 브랜드 강화를 위한 통합적 접근 방식을 제안한다.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 산림 분야 이해관계자를 대상으로 한 설문조사를 기반으로, 산림기능구분도의 현실적이고 효과적인 개선 방향을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구 대상은 산주, 공무원, 임업 분야 종사자, 연구원으로, 이들의 산림기능구분에 대한 인식, 활용 현황 및 개편 필요성을 조사하였다. 설문조사 결과, 산림기능구분도의 활용성과 만족도를 제고하기 위해 기존 제도나 지침에 따른 형식적 경영계획 수립을 지양하고, 현장 중심의 맞춤형 산림 관리 방안을 도입해야 한다는 결론을 도출하였다. 특히, 통합 및 단순화의 필요성과 관련하여 생활환경보전기능이 가장 높은 응답 비율을 보였으며, 그 다음으로 자연환경보전기능과 수원함양기능이 동일한 비중으로 나타났다. 또한, 산림경관 제공, 온실가스 흡수 및 저장, 산림휴양, 생물다양성 보전과 같은 기능은 추가적 고려 및 강조가 필요한 요소로 평가되었다. 이러한 연구 결과는 산림기능구분도의 개편 및 중장기 산림 관리 방향 설정에 실질적인 기여를 할 것으로 기대된다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study attempted to provide implications by analyzing the impact of business Owner’s safety commitment on industrial accidents and examining the mediating role of management supervisors’ safety leadership and worker participation. Analysis was conducted on 2,067 manufacturing sites with 20 to 50 employees in the 10th Occupational Safety and Health Survey data. SPSS waw used to secure the reliability of the measurement variable. Hypothesis vertification was carried out after securing the suitability and validity of the structural model using AMOS. The direct impact of three latent variables on industrial accidents was confirmed: the business owner’s safety commitment, the management supervisor’s safety leadership, and the worker participation. The employer’s safety will and the management supervisor’s safety leadership do not directly affect industial accidents, but it has been verified that worker participation has a diret impact on industrial accident reduction. In addition, it has been confirmed that the safety leadership and worker participation of the management. Supervior have a complete mediating effect on the reduction of industrial accidents by mediating with the safety leadership of the management supervior and the participation of the workers. This study analyzed the impact on industrial accidents by dividing the stakeholders constituting the workplace into three classes: business owners, superviors, and workers, but the results suggest that employers and all workers inside the workplace may be organically linked to achieving the goal of reducing industrial accidents. Therefore, in order to establish an autonomous safety management system for safety and health at workerplaces, efforts are needed to reduce industrial accidents in their respective location by forming an organic community among internal stakeholders.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the buzzword "conversational marketing", especially in the course of a further technological upgrade of marketing management via chatbots, messaging apps etc., the central idea of dialogue-oriented marketing, as has been required since the late 1970s/early 1980s, has received a significant upgrade. However, mostly with a quite narrow focus on the management of transactions and in the sense of a customer-centric and dialogue-driven approach for driving customer engagement, improving customer experience along a very narrowly interpreted customer journey, and growing revenue. There is no question that the consistent use of all available technological options to optimize the exchange processes with customers represents an important challenge. However, conversational marketing should not be interpreted too narrowly. On the one hand, it is important to expand this approach with reference to all stakeholders and not only to refer to 1:1 interactions, but also to explicitly include complex exchange processes within and between relevant stakeholder groups in the consideration. On the other hand, the focus should not be solely on the management of transactions. At the same time, targeted relationship and reputation management as well as consistent context management must be explicitly included in the consideration. This is not least because firstly Marketing measures always tend to have corresponding effects in all three areas, i.e. possible transaction, relationship and reputation as well as context effects must be taken into account and controlled in a targeted manner. Secondly, the developments in market and society are increasingly contributing to the fact that the demands on companies are constantly increasing. On the one hand, this affects the expectations of all stakeholders that companies make significant contributions to the sustainable development of society as a whole through not only the economically successful handling of all their business processes but also consistently pursuing ecological, social and cultural goals. In order to meet these demands, companies must also try to exert a targeted influence on the relevant framework conditions in the market and society and their further development. The range here is extraordinarily large and colorful: from the creation of infrastructural conditions for smart problem solutions (e.g. smart mobility) up to ensuring the sustainable development of social value systems. The latter found its expression, e.g. in various approaches of brand activism ("black lives matter", "everyone is awesome" or the conveyance of a new self-understanding of men in the case of Gillette’s “we believe” campaign).
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the smooth implementation and success of smart city projects, it is necessary to recognize that there is a difference in the perception of value judgments or strategic goals among major stakeholders in the planning process. And it is necessary to aim the values and goals of smart cities through reconciliation of these differences. The two major stakeholders in the smart city development project are citizens group and government officials group. Government officials are in charge of establishing and implementing policies for smart city projects, and their value judgments and perceptions influence the policy direction. In these respects, government officials can be an important stakeholder group. Citizens are a group that includes ordinary residents and business owners who live in smart cities and are the ultimate users of infrastructure and facilities. This study investigated the importance perceptions of citizens and government officials, who are the major stakeholders, about the core values and strategic goals that the smart city project aims. Responses were collected using a structured questionnaire to which the AHP methodology was applied. And the priority of perceptions for constituent items was compared for each stakeholder group. Through the comparative analysis results, it was empirically confirmed that there is a difference in the values and goals pursued by the smart city project between stakeholder groups. As an empirical study on the stakeholders of the smart city project, this study is meaningful in contributing to the theoretical development in that it suggests that the conceptual structural model of the smart city strategy system presented in previous studies can be applied in practice.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라는 지정학적으로 대륙으로의 육로가 폐쇄된 분단국가이고, 자원빈국 의 무역의존도가 높은 국가경제구조이기 때문에 국가간 교역을 위해서는 해상 운송이 절대적으로 필요하다. 따라서 선박이 안전하게 입출항하고, 화물을 안 전하게 싣고 내릴 수 있는 시설을 갖춘 항만은 국가간 교역에 없어서는 안 되는 필수적인 산업시설이다. 육지와 인접하는 해안을 가진 국가들에게 항만은 국가경제성장을 위한 불가결조건과 같은 시설이라 할 수 있고, 다른 전후방의 연관 산업에도 큰 영향을 미치는 핵심적인 산업시설이다. 정부는 항만관리운영의 전문성과 효율성을 제고하기 위해 2003년 항만공사 법을 제정하여 부산항만공사를 설립하였다. 그러나 부산항만공사는 당초 항만 공사제도를 도입한 취지와는 달리, 「공공기관의 운영에 관한 법률」에 의해 공공기관으로 지정되어 재정 및 임직원 임명 등 경영상의 제약을 받고 있는 것 은 물론, 항만 관련 법령들에서 예정하고 있는 해양수산부의 행정통제들로 인 해 그 독립성과 자율성이 크게 훼손 받고 있다. 따라서 항만전문가 및 항만이 용자 등 이해관계자들로부터 항만관리운영에 관한 자치권 보장을 본질로 하는 항만공사제도의 본래적 목적과 가치를 크게 훼손 받고 있다는 비판이 꾸준히 제기되고 있다. 이 논문은 부산항과 직접 또는 간접적으로 이해관계를 가지는 부산항만공사 (BPA), 부산항과 인접해 있는 지방자치단체 소속 공무원(창원시, 경상남도, 부 산광역시), 부산항에 기반을 두고 활동하는 항만 관련 기업, 지역시민단체(창원 시, 경상남도, 부산광역시)를 대상으로 부산항만공사의 자율성 강화를 위해 항 만관리 법제도 개선과 관련하여 중요하게 생각하는 것들은 어떠한 것들인지 인 식조사를 실시하였다. 이 설문조사를 통해 부산항만공사의 사업범위 확대 등 운영의 자율성을 보장하는 것이 필요하며, 부산항만공사의 자율성 강화를 위해 서는 관련 법제도의 개선이 필요하다는 것에 공감하고 있는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2021.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Teacher professional development is critical because teachers play a pivotal role in students' positive learning experience in schools. In particular, teachers' systematic class goal-setting practice is important for their performance outcomes such as effective classroom management and student learning. This study investigates the effects of teachers' engagement in class goal-setting activities using strategies derived from Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) framework as a systematic guideline by exploring the relationship among the four variables: teachers' class goal-setting, their partnership with stakeholders, teacher effectiveness, and student satisfaction. By using Process analysis techniques to estimate the dual mediation model on data from 55 elementary school teachers and their 1790 students, the findings indicate the positive relationship between teachers' systematic efforts for their class goal setting and student satisfaction was fully and sequentially mediated by teachers' partnership activities with the stakeholders and perceived teacher effectiveness. The findings propose the importance of teachers' systematic goal-setting strategies in their classes, which can be developed for professional development opportunities leading to successful performance outcomes. The study also highlights the various indirect effects produced by teachers' engagement in class goal setting. The practical implications of the research as well as theoretical contributions for teachers are discussed.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Stakeholder management in construction projects is an important factor in project performance creation. The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of the recognition of the importance of the quality influence factors among the stakeholders of the construction project on the perceived quality and the project performance. The impact of the project management methodology on the project performance has been actively researched, but there is little research result on the project stakeholders. The projects to be researched are apartments and buildings that have been completed within the last five years of domestic large construction company. The method of survey is to measure the consensus of the importance of the quality influential factors among the three parties such as the ordering party, the design supervisor and the constructor, and confirm whether the agreement affects the quality of the actual project. Finally, the research model was verified by surveying the satisfaction of the client on the final product. The results are as follow. The degree of agreement on the importance of quality influential factors among stakeholders has a significant effect on perceived quality. In the relationship between perceived quality of influence factors, organizational (support) quality influenced technological quality and managerial quality, and technological quality and managerial quality also have significant influence on resource quality. The results of analysis showed that perceived quality of resources strongly influenced project performance. The remaining three experienced qualities also significantly affect project performance.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In terms of coastal and marine tourism, Busan’s Haeundae had the nation’s representativeness, and is pushing for many kinds of related policies to revitalize the special tourism zone. Due to a drop in the number of beach users, it is inevitable for the Haeundae Special Tourist Zone to face active responses to new trends emerging in the global tourism market. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present a tourism strategy for making the Suyeong River as a more competitive ourist resource along the zone. First, a language network analysis is conducted through interviews to understand the ideas of interest groups for the river cruise activation project. Second, the frame structure of stakeholders is used to analyze solutions by comparing the similarities and differences in recognition frames of interest groups. Third, we intend to analyze the detailed frame types of stakeholders and present new alternatives based on the structure of relationships between types.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        출연기관은 국가 발전을 위한 연구개발을 수행하는 역할을 수행하고 있다. 최근 환경 등의 사회적 이슈가 확대되면서 출연연의 사회적 책임에 대한 인식도 강조되어가고 있다. 그 결과 출연연이 기본 연구개발의 가치 창출뿐만 아니라 사회적 공헌 또는 기여를 통하여 사회와 더불어 공존하면서 지속가능한 성장을 추구해야 할 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 본 논문은 출연연 이해당사자 교육성과에 대하여 공유가치창출(CSV)의 지표들을 분석하고 도입 시 고려해야 할 정책방안들을 제안한다
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to build a rural landscape industrial network system and establish the roles and relationships of stakeholders within that system. The rural landscape industrial network system was set up systematically, based on five business model components: value proposition, target customer, value chain/organization, delivery design, and revenue stream. The roles and relationships of stakeholders were established using a case study of the typical industrialization using rural landscape. The proposed rural landscape industrial network system consists of core industry, auxiliary industry, and the network service industry that connects the two. It was designed to have a system for landscapes to maintain their rurality, with the mutual effects among government agencies and local governments, specialized organizations, local residents, and visitors all described in the industries. Data from the rural landscape industrial network system proposed in this study can be used as baseline data to set the direction for industrialization using the rural landscape at villages.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The target of this paper is to introduce a general brand experience measurement scale that can be used to measure brand experiences of the stakeholders of a company. It is proposed that also stakeholders’ brand experiences can be measured with a measurement scale developed for consumer marketing research. In literature, there are various different kinds of individual brand constructs and measurement frameworks that have been developed for tracking consumers’ brand perceptions; however, these models have not been frequently used to measure brandrelated aspects outside consumer-centric situations. The tracking of stakeholders’ brand experiences can help companies to position their brands better in the tightening global competition where also stakeholders have a critical role and can influence the performance of the company (Hult, Mena, Ferrell, & Ferrell, 2011). Brands are experienced via stimuli that can be either controlled by the company, including, for example, advertisements, logos, sales environments, sales packages, and services, or then they are out of their control, for example, brand related information can spread freely on the social media or by word-of-mouth (Brakus, Schmitt, & Zarantonello, 2009; Keller, 2013). Thus, it can be said that the measurement of brand experiences can give valuable information to the company on what is the status and reputation of the brand. However, it is not only the customers or consumers that have brand experiences, also stakeholders encounter brands and the way they experience them on the personal level can have a major impact on how they interact and promote the brand in other contexts. Some B2B marketing theories have brought up the importance of understanding long-term relationships between buyers and sellers, including experiences associated with the relationship (Hadjikhani & LaPlaca, 2013) as well as purchase risks (Brown, Zablah, Bellenger, & Johnston, 2011). Brands are experienced via stimuli that can be either controlled by the company, including, for example, advertisements, logos, sales environments, sales packages, and services, or then they are out of their control, for example, brand related information can spread freely on the social media or by word-of-mouth (Brakus, Schmitt, & Zarantonello, 2009; Keller, 2013). Thus, it can be said that the measurement of brand experiences can give valuable information to the company on what is the status and reputation of the brand. However, it is not only the customers or consumers that have brand experiences, also stakeholders encounter brands and the way they experience them on the personal level can have a major impact on how they interact and promote the brand in other contexts. Some B2B marketing theories have brought up the importance of understanding long-term relationships between buyers and sellers, including experiences associated with the relationship (Hadjikhani & LaPlaca, 2013) as well as purchase risks (Brown, Zablah, Bellenger, & Johnston, 2011). Brand experiences can be measured, for example, with a measurement scale (Brakus et al., 2009) that has been extended with an eco-friendliness dimension (Saari, 2016). This model has been tested with consumers, and this paper argues that the same scale can be useful for monitoring the brand experiences of other stakeholders as well. The extended brand experience scale can be used to monitor whether consumers and stakeholders experience a certain brand to be ecofriendly, and how positively or negatively they are inclined towards the eco-friendliness of the brand experiences. With the raising focus on stakeholders’ important role in solving environmental problems, the role of stakeholder marketing becomes more critical for a company (Homburg, Stierl, & Bornemann, 2013). And in this situation it becomes also more crucial to follow up what are the brand experiences of stakeholders. The stakeholders’ brand experiences can give a strong indication is the company implementing its strategy correctly and are all the essential elements transparently and authentically communicated to the stakeholders, especially with regard to the environmental development activities that are reflected in the eco-friendliness dimension of brand experiences.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this article is to search stakeholders' recognition related to Fire Construction Surveillance system; a client(order), fire fighting officer, supervision company, construction company, design company, other. The paper provides 4 important things. Firstly, a client(order) suggested the lowest recognition in the needs about the need of separation order, that of contract for any construction work limited registered companies, and that of standard price for engineering.. Secondly, the design company is lowest recognition in guidance and control participating in construction-design phase. Thirdly, the design company is lowest in adjustment about manpower-allocation according to allocation criteria of technical manpower. Fourthly, a client(order) and supervision company are relatively lower than other stakeholder in necessity on special education and training system for auditor in fire protection construction. Almost all related matters are related to more or less stakeholders' interest.
        2013.09 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the perception of government's asbestos management policy for asbestos managers in school and asbestos industries, who are stakeholders related to asbestos, and the general public. The purpose is to suggest preliminary data for the establishment of communication methodology of asbestos risk, fit for the features of each audiences, by grasping the features of risk communication by each element for each group survey. For this study, a questionnaire survey has been conducted from May to August in 2012 and the responses of 617 people including 214 school asbestos managers, 95 managers related to asbestos industry and 308 the general people have been analyzed. As a result of the measurement of asbestos risk, the perception degree of general asbestos risk is higher in general public than the expert group's one, women than men, and nonsmokers than smokers. For the reliability of government's asbestos risk management, it was shown that it is the highest in school asbestos managers with public official personalities, who are a quasi-expert group for asbestos, than any other groups, the expert group of managers related to asbestos industry is in the middle level and general public group is in the lowest level. For trust in of government policy, it was shown that it is higher in school asbestos managers, than in group of managers related to asbestos industry, and the general public has a similar level of reliability with the group of managers related to asbestos industry. After consideration of path coefficient by structural equation modeling in order to investigate the relation between factors that the trust affects of asbestos management policy among the variables of awareness of asbestos management policy, it has been shown that the main factor in reliability of asbestos policy in all investigated groups was an awareness of information sharing for asbestos policy, and the second factor was reliability in government's asbestos risk management.
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