
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 55

        2024.05 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 1960년대에 향수(Nostalgia) 주제를 가진 트로트 곡의 특징을 연구하였다. 1960년대 트로트 가사가 고향에 대한 향수를 어떤 방식으로 다뤘으며, 해당 트로트 가사가 의미하는바가 무엇인지를 고찰하였다. 그리고 고향에 대한 그리움과 회상을 표현하는 가사 속 단어들 및 타향을 부정하는 단어들 속에 내재된 감정을 분석하였다. 본 연구는 트로트 곡에서 드러나는 고향에 대한 향수에 관한 내용의 가사를 분석함으로써, 가사 분석의 다양성을 고찰하는 것에 목적을 두고 있 다. 1960년대 트로트 가사에는 고향에 대한 그리움과 회상 그리고 가족과 연인에 대한 사랑이 주 로 나타났으며 한국적 정서가 드러나는 시대를 반영한 이야기들을 표현한 단순 명료한 가사로 이 루어져있었다. 또한 1970년대에는 추상적인 이별이야기를 담는데 주력하는 양상을 보인 반면, 1960년대에는 직접적인 단어로 표현함으로써 곡의 애절함과 씁쓸함이 보다 더 잘 드러났으며 대중 들 기억에 남는 가사로 공감을 더했다. 대중가요에서 고향을 주제로 한 가사에서는 사람의 감성을 움직이게 하며 향수를 불러일으키지만 시대적 배경과 대중들의 상황과 상태, 염원을 분석한다면 가사에 담긴 함의를 구체적으로 파악할 수 있으며 많은 창작자들이 가사를 분석하는 것에 도움이 될 것이라고 예상한다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 중국불교철학의 핵심인 열반사상을 살펴보려고 한다. 이것은 중국 불교문화와 불교철학이 담고 있는 지혜와 그 깊이를 가늠해 볼 수 있을 것이다. 중국과 한국은 지리적으로 가까운 곳에 있으며, 중국으로부터 불교를 유입한 한국으로써는 중국불교사상을 이해하는 것은 한국불교의 근본을 아는 것과 같 다. 불교는 중국 한국 모두에게 소중한 문화유산이고 중요한 정신적 자산이다. 종교로서 불법은 심오한 철학사상을 지니고 있으며, 철학으로써 불법은 강렬 한 종교적 정서를 담고 있다. 이것은 불법의 의미와 이치가 이론과 학설이라는 측면에서 나타나고 있지만 동시에 이론과 학설을 초월하는 부분도 있다. 불교사상은 깊고 오묘하여 말은 간략하지만, 도법(道法)은 넓고 깊다. 불교는 마음으로 체득하지 않으면 내재 된 깊은 뜻을 알 수 없다. 즉 심성을 연마하고 체득하는 것이 필요하다. 내적인 심성의 수양을 통하여 생명의 지혜를 승화 시 키고 정신을 정화하여 인생의 진실을 깨달아야만 정확한 내용을 알 수 있다. 중국불교 열반사상은 가장 전형적이고 집중적이며 형상적으로 불교의 이상 을 오묘하게 설명한 핵심적인 개념이다. 불교에서 추구하는 궁극적인 경지인 열반은, 불교철학에서 먼저, 선행되어야 할 내용이고 물음이다. 이 논문의 전반부는 중국불교 사상으로 불법의 철학적인 부분과 중국불교 사 상 체계를 개괄적으로 논술하였다. 다음으로는 열반에 대한 다양한 의미와 해 석의 열반 개념을 경전 중심으로 연구하였으며, 중국불교 열반 사상에 대하여 시기별로 전개 과정을 살펴 보았다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        『법화경』은 다른 불교경전에서는 보기 힘든 개혁적인 성격을 담고 있는 대승 경전이다. 『법화경』은 서두에서 경전이 추구하는 이상향을 제시하고 그것을 이 루기 위해 법화행자가 가야 할 길을 설하고 있다. 이 이상향을 상징하는 것이 「서품」에 등장하는 ‘피토육서(彼土六瑞)’이다. 법화행자가 추구해야 할 법화정 토의 실상을 제시하고 있는 ‘피토육서’는 『법화경』 전편에 걸쳐 현실을 극복하 려는 개혁적인 성향으로 나타난다. 아만과 아집으로 가득한 현실의 세계를 모 두가 부처가 될 수 있다는 일불승의 불국토로 만들려는 굳은 의지가 ‘피토육서’ 로 상징되어 있는 것이다.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전통적으로 기독교의 구원에 관한 견해는 전 인류를 두 진영으로, 즉 구원받은 자와 구원받지 못한 자로 나누어왔다. 하지만 20세기에 들어서 많은 사람들이 하나님의 사랑과 은혜, 그분의 주권으로 인해 모든 인류의 미래를 낙관하는 신념을 공유하기 시작했다. 이 주장을 지지하는 신학적 근거는 하나님의 무한한 사랑이나 구원의 전능성과 같은 하나님의 본성에 기초한다. 심지어 복음주의자들 사이에서도 타종교인과 비종교인들의 운명에 대한 명확한 신학적 합의가 없다. 하나님은 그분의 자유로운 의지와 은혜를 통하여 특정 종교전통 안에 있는 개인들을 구원하실 수 있을까? 여기서 기독교인으로서 반드시 인식해야 하는 가장 우선적인 것은, 타종교의 가르침이나 종교적 관행 들이 근본적으로 하나님이 예수 그리스도를 통하여 어떻게 인간을 구원하셨고, 그리고 어떻게 구원하시는지에 대한 기독교인의 인식과 분명히 다르다는 것이다. 따라서 본 연구는 그리스도인으로서 모든 인간의 궁극적인 구원에 대한 하나님의 능력과 자비에 대해서 어떤 시각을 가져야 하는지 다양한 신학적 견해들을 조사한 후, 연구자의 개인적인 신학적 결론을 제안하였다.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Today’s society has become increasingly sensitive to humanity’s impact on the environment. Corporations are now measured by their scores pertaining to the environment, sustainability, and governance, or benchmarked for their level of corporate social responsibility. Another dimension of individuals’ environmental practices is purchasing merchandise such as clothing in the secondhand market. Consumers’ intention to buy in the secondhand market is rarely just related to economic concerns regarding such purchases, but rather to a deliberate nod to utilizing products fully rather than wasting them, therefore helping to reduce the negative environmental impact caused by human activities.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Social media influencers have become a powerful tool in marketing in the past decade; consumers who engage with the influencers are more likely to trust their recommendations. A VI is a very attractive marketing tool for brands and businesses. However, there is little empirical work about why and how consumers react to the anthropomorphism of virtual agents. Therefore, this study develops an understanding of how consumers interact with VI, emphasizing the perceived anthropomorphism's role. Consequently, we aim to investigate antecedents and outcomes of perceived anthropomorphism of the VI from online consumers' perspectives to develop and implement effective marketing strategies on social media platforms.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 수용자가 유해간행물에는 해당하지 않으나 청소년유해간행물로 지정된 선정적 내용을 담은 도서를 구입하고 교정기관에 반입하고자 한 사안에서, 교정기관 은 「형의 집행 및 수용자의 처우에 관한 법률」 제47조 제2항에서 수용자가 구독을 신 청한 도서가 「출판문화산업 진흥법」에 따른 유해간행물이 아닐 경우에는 구독을 허가 하여야 한다는 의무 규정으로 인해 위 도서의 교부신청에 대해 거부처분을 하는 것은 재량권을 일탈・남용한 위법한 처분에 해당한다는 판결에서 시작되었다. 수용자는 형 집행의 대상자로서 신체의 자유가 제한되어 교정기관에서 생활하게 되 나 그 과정에서 기본권을 보장받아야 하는 존재라는 점은 당연하다. 위 사안에서 수용 자는 청소년유해간행물 교부가 불허되자 알 권리 및 소비자로서의 권리의 침해를 받 았다고 주장했다. 수용자의 기본권 보장・인권 보호 측면에서 알 권리의 충족은 이루어 져야 한다는 점은 다툼의 여지가 없다 할 것이나 자극적인 내용을 통해 왜곡된 성인식 을 심어 줄 여지가 있어 청소년유해간행물로 지정된 도서가 수용자의 알 권리의 대상에 포함되어 교정기관에 아무런 제재 없이 반입되어야 하는지에 대해서는 논의가 필 요해 보인다. 이러한 맥락에서 수용자에게 음란한 도서를 포함한 범죄 관련 내용이 담 긴 서적들을 교부하는 것이 타당한 것인지, 그런 도서들이 수용자의 건전한 사회 복귀 및 교정・교화에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것은 아닌지에 대한 의문이 드는 것도 사실이 다. 더욱이 해당 도서의 교부신청자가 왜곡된 성인식을 지닌 성범죄라면 이를 허가하 는 것이 국민의 법 감정에 부합하지 않다는 점에서 더욱 그러하다. 관련하여 신문・잡지 또는 도서는 「형의 집행 및 수용자의 처우에 관한 법률」 제27 조에서 규정하고 있는 금품(돈과 물품을 아우르는 말)에 해당하기도 하므로, 수용자가 외부로부터 금품을 반입하려면 수형자의 교화 또는 건전한 사회복귀를 해칠 우려 및 시설의 안전 또는 질서를 해칠 우려가 없는 경우에만 가능하다. 그렇다면 음란한 내용 이 포함된 도서는 교화 또는 건전한 사회복귀 등에 악영향을 준다고 볼 여지가 상당하 므로 반입을 불허할 수도 있다는 주장도 제기된 바 있으나 반입 대상 물품이 출판물이 라는 점에서 구독은 허가하면서 교부를 불허하는 것은 모순이라는 지적이 있었다. 결국 「형의 집행 및 수용자의 처우에 관한 법률」 제47조가 「출판문화산업 진흥법」 에서 정한 유해간행물 외에는 그 구독신청을 불허가할 수 없도록 분명하게 규정하고 있는 이상, ‘수형자의 교화 또는 건전한 사회복귀를 해칠 우려’등과 같은 일반적인 목 적만 내세워서 수용자의 알 권리를 제한할 수는 없다. 법률 규정이 제대로 마련되지 않는다면 교정기관에서는 과도한 재량권을 행사할 수 밖에 없고 이는 위법한 행정처 분으로 귀결될 가능성이 매우 높으므로 궁극적으로는 교정행정 인력과 비용이 낭비되 는 결과를 초래한다. 따라서 출판물 반입 등과 관련한 문제는 입법을 통해 해결할 수 밖에 없고, 개정안을 통해 당면한 현실적 문제를 풀어가는 것이 바람직하다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근, 구조설계 기준 및 평가방법의 전문화로 인하여, 선급 규칙의 통합화가 이뤄졌었다. 그 좋은 일례가 국제공통규칙(CSR, Common Structural Rule)이다. 그러나, 종강도 하중이 크게 작용하는 화물창 구역에만 국한하여 세부규정이 제시되어 있고, 선수와 선미부 구조에는 별다른 평가 지침이 없다. 언급한 구역의 구조설계는 조선사의 설계 경험에 의존하여 진행하고 있으며, 선급에서도 명확한 기준 이 없으므로 구조 손상 문제가 발생하더라도 근본적인 원인을 파악하기가 힘들다. 본 연구에서는 선미부에 주로 발생하고 있는 좌굴 손 상의 대표적인 사례에 대한 근본적인 원인을 파악하기 위한 엔지니어링 기반의 해법을 제시하였다. 유한요소해석 모델링 기반 구조 강도 검증을 위하여, 하중 조건, 경계조건, 모델링 방법 그리고 평가 기준에 대한 합리적인 해법을 제시하였다. 선미부에 작용하는 휨 모멘트에 의하여 높이 방향으로 압축하중에 의해서 좌굴이 발생할 가능성이 있으며, 좌굴 강성 증가를 위하여 판 두께 증가 혹은 수직 보강재의 추 가가 필요하다. 앞으로도 이 결과는 유사 운반선의 선미부 구조 강도 검토 시 도움을 줄 것으로 기대된다.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        『三國志演義』는 元代 建安 虞氏의 『三國志平話』를 시작으로 현전하는 통행본인 毛宗崗本에 이르기까지 약 350여 년의 발전 과정을 거쳤다. 이러한 발전 과정 안에서 상업성을 목적으로 한 福建地方과 江南地方의 출판 경쟁이 시작됐고, 江南地方에서 刊行된 演義系列 版本과 福建 建陽地方에서 刊行된 志傳系列 版本이 생겨났다. 그리고 이 두 系列의 版本은 回目과 內容 등에서 독자적인 특색을 갖고자 여러 가지 변화를 시도하였다. 두 系列의 版本들을 살펴보던 중 필자가 주목한 것은 『花關索傳』 과 『三國志演義』에 대한 영향 관계였다. 본 연구는 『三國志演義』에 『花關索傳』이 揷 入되면서 系列 분류 및 관련 版本에 어떠한 영향을 주었는지에 대하여 살펴보고, 시간이 지남에 따라 『三國志演義 내에서 『花關索傳』이 점차 사라지게 된 근본적 이유가 무엇인지에 대하여 毛宗崗을 비롯한 몇 가지 이유를 들어 살펴보고자 한다. 그리고 그럼에도 불구하고 현대까지도 잘 보존되어 이어지는 關索과 관련된 전설과 민간 고사 등을 통해 『花關索傳』이 갖는 의미와 가치에 대하여 살펴보고자 한다.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study compared the lifestyle patterns, dietary patterns, and health care practices of Korean middle-aged people by household type, and ultimately analyzed their relationship with different risk factors for the prevalence and severity of metabolic syndrome. We analyzed the data from 4,755 subjects who were from 40 to 64 years old, and gathered our sample from participants of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2013 to 2015. Our results showed that single-person households had lower economic income levels, lower subjective health statuses, and higher levels of food instability than households with two or more individuals. The incidence of metabolic syndrome was 1.64 times higher in single-person households than in households with two or more individuals. After adjusting for potential confounding factors (sex, age, education, household income, smoking status, health status, and dietary factors), single-person households showed 1.75 times higher hypertriglyceridemia ORs than non-single-person households. In the conclusion of our study, we suggest that middle-aged people in single-person households may be at greater risk for metabolic syndrome and hypertriglyceridemia.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study identified several antecedents that create perceived resistance to supply chain management (SCM) change. This work particularly emphasizes SCM change, which is notable given its central role in reacting market orientation and varied environmental and managerial conditions. A careful case study on a small and medium sized food production company in South Korea leads to the formulation of our framework including one second-order construct of ‘resistance’ as well as eight first-order constructs of ‘implementing the payment terms’, ‘balancing of business process’, ‘fear of responsibility’, ‘business sustainability transparency’, ‘past experience of failure’, ‘competence of work personnel’, ‘cooperation with third parties’ and ‘sharing personnel information with partner’. The hypothesized relation of first- and second-order construct was validated using survey sample data collected from 350 respondents who completed their questionnaire instrument. Results from confirmatory factor analysis revealed that nomological validity was established at statistical significance level by identifying six first order constructs of ‘implementing the payment terms’, ‘fear of responsibility’, ‘business sustainability transparency’, ‘past experience of failure’, a conbined construct of 'competence of work personnel/ cooperation with third parties’ and ‘sharing personnel information with partner’. The findings from our work are expected to provide important insights to the strategy for SCM risk management for small and medium sized company.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Marketing managers must strategically decide which markets they will serve and which ones they will not serve. This means marketers must strategically discriminate among markets and market segments; this is the logic that underlies segmentation, targeting and positioning. Although such strategic use of discrimination is considered acceptable in marketing, it can also sometimes lead to consumer backlash and criticism. When is strategic discrimination acceptable and when is it deemed unacceptable? Using six domains of marketing practice, this paper seeks to examine the fuzzy boundary of acceptable strategic discrimination—often labelled as ‘exclusive’— and unacceptable strategic discrimination—often labelled as ‘exclusion’— as well as offer suggestions to marketing managers and policy makers to navigate it.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth in sharing service businesses. In B2C sharing-service businesses such as Zipcar, customers share goods and services provided by a service firm with other customers and perform the roles played by service employees in traditional service businesses. Consequently, how well one customer carries out expected tasks influences the quality of service provided to other customers. Extant studies have emphasized the importance of a governance system to prevent such a social dilemma as the personal interest of an individual being pursued at the sacrifice of the interest of the community. However, few studies have empirically examined the effect of different design of a governance system. To fill this gap in the research, this study examines the framing effect of customer messages on customer intention to cooperate by complying with the request by the firm. Theoretical development For customers to be willing to cooperate with a firm, they have to be first motivated to do so. The framing effect of on customer motivation has been well demonstrated (Ganzach & Karsahi, 1995) in diverse service contexts such as healthcare (Christensen, Heckerling, Mackesy, Bernstein, & Elstein, 1991), education (Fryer Jr, Levitt, List, & Sadoff, 2012), and consumer behaviors (Ganzach & Karsahi, 1995; White, MacDonnell, & Dahl, 2011) In the context of service consumption, motivation is defined as the inner driver that triggers an individual to cooperate with the service providers (Tsai, Wu, & Huang, 2017). Whether messages were framed as a gain versus a loss exerted a significant impact on consumer motivation. In the consumer behavior contexts, consumer reactions to frames were mixed (Ganzach & Karsahi, 1995). In this study, we will examine the framing effect in the context of sharing service consumption. H1: In the B2C sharing service context, the framing of customer message (gain vs. loss) will affect customer motivation to comply with the request of the service firm. Customers tend to behave different depending on the value they pursue through consumption (Hwang & Griffiths, 2017). Even in the same consumption context, values of customer pursuit can vary widely. Hence, we intend to examine the moderating effect of customer value perception of sharing service on the effect of message framing on motivation. Studies showed that customers pursuing utilitarian values consider monetary savings and convenience as important, while customers pursuing symbolic value consider status and self-esteem as important and those pursing hedonic values consider entertainment and exploration as important (Rintamäki, Kanto, Kuusela, & Spence, 2006). The framing effect was shown to differ by the emphasized value of the product in the context of advertisement. A gain frame was more effective than a loss frame when the ad highlighting the hedonic attributes of a product while a loss frame was more effective when the ad stressing the utilitarian attributes of the product (Lin, 2007). Taken together, we conjecture that customers pursing different values will react differently to the same frame of messages and the level of motivation triggered by the same message frame will also differ. H2: Customer value perception of sharing service will moderate the framing effect of customer messages (gain vs. loss) on motivation. Specifically, customers pursuing utilitarian values will react more strongly to the messages framed as a loss (H2a), while customers pursuing hedonic or symbolic values will react more strongly to messages framed as a gain (H2b). The effect of motivation on customer behaviors and behavioral intentions have been well demonstrated (Ganzach & Karsahi, 1995). In the service context, customer cooperation behaviors induced by motivation significantly influence the efficiency of service operations (Mills & Morris, 1986). We propose that the motivation enhanced by customer messaged influence customer willingness to cooperate. H3: In the B2C sharing service context, motivation affects customer willingness to cooperate. Methodology Data will be collected from American consumers who have used a car sharing service at least once in the past one year through an online scenario-based survey using a 2 (message frames: gain vs. loss) x 3 (values of sharing service: utilitarian vs. hedonic vs. symbolic) between-subject experimental design. Hypotheses will be tested by an analysis of variance and a regression analysis. Implication The findings of this study will help P2P service firms better design customer messages in inducing customer cooperation and how to customize the design by customers’ value perceptions of sharing service.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction With awareness of the importance of environmental protection, encouragement of green consumption has been an important part of the Chinese government's efforts to promote sustainable development. Green consumption is similar to the concept of environmental responsible consumption, which refers to individual’s behavior with a consideration of the environmental impacts in the process of purchasing, using and disposing of various products, or use of various green services (Stern, 1999). Previous studies tried to predict pro-environmental behavior with social-psychological factors, such as values, attitudes and beliefs. However, researches about the relationship between environmental attitudes and behaviors do not produce consistent results. Some prove that they are positive related, and others argue that their relationship is very weak. Studies have testified that lots of consumers declare that they concern about the environmental situation, but hesitate to pay for green products due to this affect (Chang, 2011). Advancing knowledge about the motivations and obstacles that shape intention and behavior of green consumption is important. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991) is appropriate as an initial framework for studies investigating consumers’ pro-environmental behaviors. With the inclusion of a new construct perceived behavioral control, the explanatory ability of this model is strengthened. However, simple adoption of this model does not give us deep insight into consumers’ behavior. Later studies apply TPB in different contexts (e.g. Paul, Modi, Patel, 2016; Mancha & Yoder, 2015; Han, Hsu, Sheu, 2011). The mechanism of how attitude, norms and perception of behavioral control are formed may differ in different circumstances, which is still under research especially in China. The purpose of this paper is to (a) identify applicability of TPB model in predicting green purchasing intention and behavior in China and capture which factor including attitude, perceived behavioral control and norm is the most influential determinant; (b) to examine the most useful psychological and situational antecedents, which indirect influence consumers’ green purchase behavior through the factors in TPB framework. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development Green products refer to those produced with consideration of less harm to the ecological environment such as air, water and land. Green purchase behavior should be considered as a typical socially conscious behavior that is different from other types of consumer behaviors, which can deliver instant personal gain and gratification (Kim & Choi, 2005). Most of the time, pro-environmental purchasing is future-oriented and benefits society as a whole (Author, Mccarty, & Shrum, 2001). Previous research models seek to explain green purchase behavior from two aspects of causal factors. Some emphasize intra-personal determinants from within and others may stress that from outside. However, a single consideration of any one set of these factors will weaken the interpretation of consumers’ green consumer behavior. The research model of this study is based on the most influential TPB framework. Some significant psychological and situational factors are integrated into the framework with the purpose of further understanding Chinese consumers’ purchase behavior. Theory of planned behavior According to the TPB model, individual’s decision making is oriented by a rational evaluation of behavioral consequences (Bamberg & Moer, 2007). The intention to perform a behavior, is considered as the central factor in the TPB model (Tarkiainen & Sundqvist, 2005). Attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm about the behavior, and perceived behavioral control regarding the performance of the behavior are three principal factors that determine behavioral intention. H1: Intention to buy green product has a positive relationship with the green purchase behavior. Attitude refers to individuals' beliefs about the outcomes of the behavior together with an evaluation of the importance of these outcomes. Consumers who feel positive toward green products and have agreement on their environmental goodness will most likely to consider buying products with pro-ecological features. H2a: Attitude toward buying green product is positively associated with the intention to perform green purchase behavior. Subjective norm refers to the responses of important reference group (e.g. family members, close friends) to a particular behavior. Some scholars argue that “subjective norm” is the weakest component in the TPB model when predicting behavioral intentions due to its feature of both self and social interest (Armitage & Conner, 2001; Bagozzi et al., 2000). In this study, “moral norm” instead of “subjective norm” is proposed as a direct predictor of intention toward green purchasing. Moral norm indicates individual’s perception that whether performing a certain behavior is morally correct or not (Ajzen, 1991). H2b: Moral norm regarding buying green product is positively associated with the intention to perform green purchase behavior. Perceived behavioral control is an individual’s perception about if performing a particular behavior is easy or difficult. People tend to be more involved in behaviors that are considered to be easier to realize than what they think is difficult and have less control (Bamberg & Moer, 2007). H2c: PBC of buying green product is positively associated with the intention to perform green purchase behavior. Psychological antecedents of attitude Environmental concern indicates consumers' awareness about environmental issues and people’s worry that the human intervention will have threat to the environment (Kim & Choi, 2005). Literatures reveal an indirect relationship between ecological affect and actual behavior. Bang et al. (2000) concludes that environmental concern has indirect effect on purchase intention through the influence of consumer’s attitude toward paying a premium for renewable energy. The emotional responses to ecological problems help consumers to create a positive attitude toward green purchase behavior. H3a: Environmental concern is positively associated with the attitude toward green purchase behavior. Environmental knowledge represents consumers’ understanding of the environmental conditions, as well as fundamental factors that contribute to environmental change and crucial ecological effects (Pagiaslis & Krontalis, 2014). Knowledge has impact for individual’s cognitive processing. Zhao et al. (2014) confirms knowledge as one of the factors that form people’s attitudes toward environment-friendly behavior. Compared with less knowledgeable consumers, those who have more environmental knowledge incline to be more concerned about the environment, which in turn leads consumers to take attention to products’ ecological features while purchasing (Kim, Park, & Schwarz, 2010). H3b: Perceived environmental knowledge is positively associated with attitude toward green purchase behavior. In the pro-environmental behavior domain, PCE indicates to what extent consumers feel that every single person can contribute to solve environmental problems through their own efforts and their everyday purchase behavior (Straughan & Roberts, 1999).With the absence of belief that individual’s actions have observable outcome in making different solution to a problem, people will hesitate to take into action. Kim and Choi (2005) conclude that PCE has indirect effect on green purchasing through the role of ecological sensitive attitudes. H3c: PCE is positively associated with attitude toward green purchase behavior. Moral norm and subjective norm Bamberg and Moer (2007) suggest that people make use of subjective norms to determine whether a specific behavioral choice is easy to perform or whether it is beneficial. The opinions from “important others” deliver the standards for people to conform when they encounter the same situation. That is, the views about what is right or wrong from reference group will be absorbed and transformed as one’s personal moral norms (Bamberg & Moer, 2007). H4: Subjective norm is positively associated with moral norm regarding green purchase behavior. Situational factors influencing PBC Perceived availability indicates if consumers feel they can easily obtain or consume a certain product. If green products are not easy available, most consumers will not spend too much time and effort for searching. The limited availability and inconvenience in obtaining products is bound to hamper green products purchasing (Vermeir & Verbeke, 2006). H5a: Perceived availability of green product is positively associated with PBC regarding green purchase behavior. Perceived price is one of the most important factors that have impact on consumers’ decision-making of green consumption (Osterhus, 1997). Green products are generally priced higher than conventional products. However Chinese consumers who would like to pay a large premium are still in the minority. The perceived high price is a barrier that influences consumers’ perceived capability over green purchase behavior. H5b: Perceived price of green product is negatively associated with PBC regarding green purchase behavior. Information has an impact on individual’s cognitive process. It is an influential factor that leads consumer behavior change (Bator & Cialdini, 2000). Atkinson and Rosenthal confirm that eco-labels have effects on consumer’s trust and purchase intention. If consumers feel hard to recognize eco-labels and cannot understand their difference with regular ones, their perception of control will be highly influenced and the green purchase may be hindered. H5c: Perception of information provided by eco-label is positively associated with PBC regarding green purchase behavior. Methodology This research adopted the survey approach for data collection. A questionnaire that consisted of 46 items was designed according to relevant previous studies. All the items in the questionnaire use five-point Likert scale, which ranging from “strongly disagree” (1) to “strongly agree” (5). The target group of this study was consumer who is over 18 years old in the urban areas of Mainland China. An online survey was conducted for collecting data in the mid-October, 2017 and 500 samples were collected totally. After removing the disqualified questionnaires, 485 questionnaires were identified as eligible for further analysis. To testify the proposed hypotheses, the simple and multiple linear regression analyses using IBM SPSS Statistics was primarily adopted in the study. Meanwhile, the structural equation modeling (SEM) was also conducted as an alternative approach to examine the arguments. Results Firstly, the theory of planned behavior suggested by Ajzen (1991) was proved to be applicable in the green purchasing circumstance. Attitude was identified to play the most significant role in predicting the intention. The construct “moral norm” was resulted to be more predictable for green purchase intention compared with the original “subjective norm”. It indicates that in certain contexts, personal feeling of moral obligation or responsibility is more crucial and direct reason for consumer conducting ethical behaviors. Perceived behavioral control was testified as the third prediction of purchase intention. The proportion of variance explained (R2=0.546) for intention was even better compared with previous studies, which claimed that the three determinants account for between 40% and 50% of the variance in intention (Ajzen, 1991; Amireault et al., 2008; Conner & Armitage, 1998). This model revealed consumers’ mental development of their purchase intention before enacting the buying behavior. Secondly, the results testify that PCE plays as the central role in predicting attitude. Respondents who believe that their consumptions can help to reduce environmental deterioration will be much likely to hold positive attitudes toward green purchasing. Environmental concern and perceived knowledge have a considerable, but only indirect impact on consumers’ attitude. Implications for practice The results of this study suggest that consumers’ intentions to buy green products are directly predicted by attitude, moral norm and their perceived behavioral control. Firstly, enterprises in the green market need to adopt effective communication strategy to inform consumers about the advantages of environmentally friendly products in order to help consumers to develop a positive attitude to pro-environmental products. Moreover, due to the significant effect of PCE on consumer attitude, it's necessary for the government to quantify the effect of green consumption by real cases and data, so that people can perceive the effectiveness of green buying behavior in a more intuitive way. Meanwhile, companies should take more emphasis on consumer’s ability to solve the problem in a positive manner in marketing communications. Secondly, personal moral norm is also found to have direct effects on purchase green products. Thus, normative appeal is needed for creating consumers' emotional connection and should be presented in the promotion programs to stimulate green consumption. Thirdly, this study reveals that the availability is the main factor that affects consumers’ perceived behavioral control over green purchasing.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The number of companies investing substantial marketing resources in sport sponsorship has been growing rapidly. This trend has resulted in more competition among the candidate companies to acquire official sponsorship rights. Not surprisingly, the recent increase in the popularity of sport sponsorship has been accompanied by increased attempts in ambush marketing – a marketing strategy wherein the companies associate themselves with, and therefore capitalize on, a particular sporting event without paying any sponsorship fee (Hoek & Gendall, 2002). The purpose of this study is to examine how such ambush-marketing activities can damage the evaluation of the company when they are noticed by consumers. This study further examines whether the prior reputation of the company influences the relationships between ambush marketing and company evaluations. Sponsorship and Ambush Marketing Prior research in sport marketing (Meenaghan, 1983; Sullivan & Mulphy, 1998) suggests that the sponsorship of sporting events offers sponsors opportunities to develop favorable brand images by creating goodwill perceptions (Hoek, Gendall, and West, 1990; Marshall, 1992). As noted above, companies unable to fund sponsorship rights have attempted to achieve the same benefits by engaging in promotional efforts associated with the event as if they were true sponsors (McKelvey, 1994). It is, however, only when consumers are unaware of the fact that the companies are, in fact, ambush marketers that these companies can expect positive goodwill perceptions from their ambush marketing practices. This is because ambush marketing has been perceived to be an unethical business practice. Payne (1998) indicated that ambush marketing not only harms the integrity and viability of global sport events, but also infringes on official sponsors’ rights; similarly, O’Sullivan and Murphy (1998) claim that ambush marketing is just as bad as stealing. Thus, once consumers become aware of the fact that a company is implementing an ambush marketing practice, rather than being a true sponsor, those consumers will be disappointed, and negative evaluations of the company are most likely to result. Based on the discussion above, the following hypotheses are proposed: H1: When an ambush-marketing attempt is not noticed, subjects exposed to an ambush- marketing practice will have more favorable evaluations of the company than the evaluations of the subjects not exposed to an ambush- marketing practice. H2: When an ambush-marketing attempt is noticed, subjects exposed to an ambushmarketing practice will have more unfavorable evaluations of the company than the evaluations of the subjects not exposed to an ambush- marketing attempt. Expectation and Evidences We further predict that the risks associated with ambush marketing are more profound for companies with high levels of a good reputation, rather than low. Such reasoning is based on theories of the interaction between expectations and evidences. In this study, expectation refers to the belief probabilities of attribute occurrence (Olson and Dover, 1976); prior research suggests that consumers may form expectations about a company based on the corporate reputation—the sum of the values that stakeholders attribute to a company, based on their perceptions of the company’s image and behavior over time (Dalton & Croft, 2003). Corporate reputation comprises three dimensions (Graham and Helen 2005) including public responsibility (e.g., ―Are they socially responsible?‖), consumer fairness (e.g., ―Do they treat the consumers with some respect?‖), and leadership and success (e.g., ―Are they successful at what they do?‖). Thus, having established a high degree of good reputation indicates that consumers can expect more positive perceptions on each of the three dimensions of corporate reputation described above. According to research in consumer satisfaction, it is the direction and the degree of disconfirmation resulting from the incongruity between the prior expectation and the evidences that determine the product evaluation and satisfaction (Oliver 1980). In particular, Oliver (1980), and Tse and Wilton (1988) proposed that expectations are thought to create a frame of reference about which one makes a comparative judgment, whereby evidences higher (or lower) than the expectations are thought to be a positive (or negative) disconfirmation. Mandler (1982) further suggests that increasing the degree of discrepancy between a schema-triggered expectation and new information results in heightened arousal and cognitive processing, which leads to a more polarized evaluation of products and services. Therefore, in a sponsorship context, a seemingly true sponsorship activity (i.e., an unnoticed ambush attempt) is likely to lead to a positive disconfirmation of the consumers’ expectations about a company, and the degree of disconfirmation will be greater when the company’s prior degree of good reputation is low, rather than high. On the other hand, when noticed by consumers, an ambush-marketing attempt is likely to lead to negative disconfirmation of prior expectations about a company, and the degree of disconfirmation will be greater when the company’s prior degree of good reputation is high, rather than low. Based on the discussion, the following hypotheses are posed: H3: When an ambush-marketing attempt is not noticed, subjects exposed to the ambush-marketing practice will perceive a positive disconfirmation of expectations, and the degree of disconfirmation will be greater when the company is disreputable than when it is reputable. H4: When an ambush-marketing attempt is noticed, subjects exposed to the ambush-marketing practice will perceive a negative disconfirmation of expectations, and the degree of disconfirmation will be greater when the company is reputable than when it is disreputable. Disconfirmation and Evaluation Satisfaction literature (Oliver 1980) also suggests a high degree of consistency between the degree of disconfirmation and satisfaction, as well as the traditional criteria of attitudes. Oliver (1980), for example, showed positive relationships between the degree of disconfirmation and the amount of attitude change. Also, given the earlier discussion that the degree of disconfirmation is proportional to the extremity of the attitude, the following hypotheses are posed: H5: When an ambush-marketing attempt is not noticed, subjects exposed to the ambush-marketing practice will have a more favorable attitude toward the company, and the degree of enhancement in company evaluation will be greater when the company is disreputable than when it is reputable. H6: When an ambush-marketing attempt is noticed, subjects exposed to the ambush-marketing practice will have a more negative attitude toward the company, and the degree of reduction in company evaluation will be greater when the company is reputable than when it is disreputable. Method In order to examine the proposed hypotheses, a 2-by-2 by-2 full-factorial experiment will be conducted. A convenient sample of college students will be used for theory-testing purposes. There are three independent variables. Prior reputation (high vs. low reputation), and whether the ambush-marketing attempt is noticed or not (noticed vs. unnoticed) are the between-subject factors, whereas the measurement sequence (before vs. after stimulus exposures) is the within-subject factor. Corporate reputation will be manipulated by exposing subjects to either high- or low-reputation company profiles. Subjects will then be asked to rate the dependent variables the first time. Then, subjects from each company reputation condition will be exposed to hypothetical newspaper articles describing the company as either a true sponsor or an ambush marketer. After being exposed to the stimulus newspaper articles, the subjects will be asked to rate the key dependent variables the second time. The primary dependent variables include perceived corporate reputation, and attitude toward the company. Data collected from the experiment will be analyzed by three-way ANOVA.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Crowdfunding has recently emerged as a novel way for people to collect monetary donation from large numbers of internet users. Since 2009, the volume of crowdfunding has increased exponentially, reaching 16.2 billion in 2014. A growing number of literature starts to investigate social influence in crowdfunding that occurs when former backers, who make contribution to fund a project at an earlier stage of fund-raising period, make influences of the contribution decision of latter backers. Crowdfunding can be classified into four categories, namely, lending-based, equity-based, reward-based, and donation-based. The primary goal of lending-based and equity-based crowdfunding is to raise capital and borrow money from a number of investors or lenders in exchange for interest payment or equity share of a company. In contrast, reward-based crowdfunding or donation-based crowdfunding requires a project initiator to create a project, which raise fund to develop a new product (e.g., private good) or enhance the public interest (e.g., public good). In this study, we focus on the two most popular crowdfunding type: reward-based and donation-based crowdfunding projects. In reward-based crowdfunding, backers (or contributors) give a small amount of money in return for a reward such as a copy of creative work or pre-sell products. In donation-based crowdfunding, backers donate to projects for gratitude and the pleasure of giving and expect no compensation in exchange
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Large retailers use strategic alliances with suppliers in order to obtain customized distribution services from the suppliers. Forming strategic alliances with large retailers requires suppliers to make relationship-specific investments in the retailers. Transaction cost analysis suggests that the investments create a potential of hold up and discourage suppliers from forming the alliance. This study considers that regulatory focus of suppliers is a determinant of forming strategic alliance. It hypothesizes that promotion-focused suppliers are likely to accept an uncertain alliance with larger retailers even if it requires them to make relationship-specific investments. On the other hand, it is suggested that prevention-focused suppliers are unlikely to accept the same offer under the same conditions.
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