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        검색결과 72

        2024.05 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 매체 간 전환이 활발하게 진행되는 콘텐츠 시장 분위기에 발맞추어, 뮤지컬 공연이 뮤지컬 영화로 매체 전환되는 것에 긍정적인 영향을 주고자 연구되었다. 또한, 뮤지컬 공연이 뮤 지컬 영화로 매체 전환 시 공간 선택의 용이성과 카메라 기법의 활용이 인물의 세세한 ‘감정’과 ‘심리 상태의 변화’ 등을 보여줌으로써, 작품의 메시지를 강화할 수 있는지 확인하기 위한 목적을 가지고 있다. 연구 방법은 앙리 르페브르의 공간 이론 중 ‘사회적 공간’ 개념과 ‘추상 공간’ 개념, 조지 레이코프와 마크 존슨의 ‘지향적 은유’ 개념을 기반으로 뮤지컬 영화 <레 미제라블> 속 자베 르의 주요 장면인 “Stars”와 “Soliloquy(Javert’s Suicide)”를 분석하는 것이다. “Stars” 장면에 서는 노트르담 대성당과 파리 경시청이 가지는 공간적 가치와 높이에 따른 지향적 은유에 따라 작품의 메시지가 상징되어 강화되었음을 확인했다. “Soliloquy(Javert’s Suicide)” 장면에서는 노트르담 대성당과 대하수구, 세느강의 수로 등이 가지는 공간적 가치와 자베르의 권위를 상징하 는 도구인 총과 훈장 등을 활용해 만든 은유로 작품의 메시지가 강화되었음을 확인했다. 이처럼 본 연구는 뮤지컬 공연이 뮤지컬 영화로 전환할 때의 장점을 확인했다. 또한, 본 연구를 통해서 뮤지컬 영화 제작에 있어 공간과 소품 배치, 카메라 기법을 통한 공간과 소품에 대한 집중 등을 통해 메시지 전달력이 강화될 수 있다는 결론이 도출되었다. 본 연구는 작품의 주인공인 장 발장 이 아닌 안타고니스트 자베르를 중심에 두고 분석했다는 점과 사십 곡이 넘는 넘버로 이루어진 작품을 다루고 있지만 두 곡만을 분석했다는 점에서 한계를 가지며, 범주를 더욱 넓혀 본 연구의 맹점을 해결한 추가 연구가 이어지기를 제언했다.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In response to the global trend of making sustainable development an urgent task, luxury fashion brands actively embrace it in their corporate philosophies and management policies. However, despite the widespread consensus in the related industry and the strong will of companies for the sustainable development of luxury brands, there are still few cases of luxury fashion brands successfully implementing sustainable development. This study examined the impact of the types of message framing on the sustainability marketing of luxury fashion brands, focusing on their effects on perceived message effectiveness, sustainable brand image, and brand attitudes. An online survey was administered to 464 Korean consumers in their 20s to 40s to test the hypotheses. The results showed that perceived effectiveness was higher for negatively framed messages (loss) than for their positive counterparts (gain). The types of message framing did not significantly affect sustainable brand messages, and no significant difference in perceived brand image was found, regardless of message type. Perceived message effectiveness exerted a significant positive effect on sustainable brand image, and such an image had a significant positive effect on brand attitudes. The results provide implications for related research and practical implications for the development of competitive sustainability marketing strategies for luxury fashion—an industry still in its infancy.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : LED based Variable Message Signs(VMS) have been widely used to inform safety messages to the drivers in advance. Legibility Distance of VMS is the most important factor to provide the safety messages to drivers in timely and effective way. However, current National Standards on legibility distance design considers letter size only even there is a difficulty to read the signs at adverse weather conditions such as heavy fog. So, this study examined the legibility issue under fog by evaluating the legibility distance with two design factors such as letter size and luminance. METHODS : Two foggy weather conditions, intermediate and heavy fog, were simulated at real-road-scale Proving Ground. Legibility distance at daytime and nighttime was evaluated by test subjects. Subjects were asked to fill the legible distance on the test sheet and statistical significant was analysed at the lab. RESULTS : The legibility distance(LD) under fog was observed only 22 to 41% of LD observed under normal weather condition at daytime, and 26 to 45% at nighttime condition. Study results showed a consistent increase in LD with higher luminance even at same letter size and vice versa conditions, However, statically significant difference between groups was only revealed when both letter size and luminance level increased conditions. In order to apply the test results in terms of engineering benefits, LD results from significantly different groups was evaluated with relative to Stopping Sight Distance(SSD) within conceptual frame suggested in this study. CONCLUSIONS : From the study results, current National Standard on legibility distance design needs to consider letter size and luminance simultaneously to response the legibility issue in adverse weather conditions.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this paper, we propose a new neural network architecture for item recommendation with structural information. Our model, structural neural recommender (SNR) is based on neural networks and operates on a hierarchy paradigm, aiming to explore the effectiveness of incorporating different structural information for recommendation. Many recent state-of-the-art neural network based recommendation models exploit the nonlinear transformations for modeling the complex user-item interaction patterns and user historical behaviors, ignoring the item-item structural relationship. This structural information, however, is uncomplicated to derive and useful for inferring item characteristics. To utilize this information, SNR simultaneously learns representation from user-item interactions and item-item relationships. Empirical studies on eight real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of incorporating such structural information, by outperforming classic and recent baselines. We also conduct detail ablation studies and hyper-parameter analysis to provide further understanding towards the behaviors of our model. Following the model development, we conduct a field experiment to demonstrate that the effectiveness of algorithmic recommender systems can further increase by using different types of message framing when communicating recommendations to consumers. Our results suggest that recommendations framed with a relevance appeal (e.g. “Top 5 brands for you”) are more effective in general, yet recommendations that are framed with a popularity appeal (“Top 5 most popular brands”) are more effective for customers who were acquired via social media (versus non-social media) advertising or for those who have stronger (versus weaker) social orientation.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities substantially impact a company’s reputation. As companies increasingly embrace social media to communicate CSR activities, they face the challenge of selecting the appropriate message source. In this context, this paper examines the role of message source in the relationship between CSR communication and corporate reputation.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The hospitality industry is widely using customer data to develop successful personalized marketing communication. However, in the event of information leakage, personalized advertising may escalate customers’ privacy distress. Building on Conservation of Resources theory, this study proposes three dimensions for privacy threats that impact the relationship between personalized hospitality advertising and consumer responses. Findings from six experiments across high and low involvement hospitality products demonstrate diverging effects of personalized advertising depending on the type of privacy threat communicated. Results further indicate that customers’ psychological comfort mediates the relationship between high-personalized advertising and the customer response to the advertising when privacy threat is high. Additionally, when the perceived severity and distance of the announced privacy threat are high and low respectively, rational appeals generate higher levels of psychological comfort, while the same happens for emotional appeals when the perceived scope of the threat is high. The study concludes with value-adding theoretical and managerial implications for the hospitality industry.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 이어령이 기독교로 입교하기까지의 과정을 상세히 추적하는 한편, 이어령의 기독교적 메시지가 지닌 의미와 특징을 전반적으로 파악하는 데에 목 적을 둔다. 2007년에 이어령은 세례를 받는다. 여태껏 지성의 길을 밟아온 이가 이제 영성의 길을 좇기로 했다는 사실은 여러모로 주목받았다. 그렇지만, 이와 관련한 면모, 양상을 구체적으로 검토한 사례는 잘 찾아지지 않는다. 여기에 본 논문의 문제의식이 두어진다. 이어령의 회심은 분명 결절점에 해당하는 사건인 바, 충분한 조명이 필요하다고 판단한 것이다. 이어령에게 기독교는 기존의 사 고틀로 포섭되어 이해되거나, 혹은, 기존의 사고틀이 확장되는 계기로 작용했 다. 우선, 기독교가 세계적인 종교이면서도 한국(인)에게 적합한 종교라는 관점 이 그러했다. 또한, 기독교가 말년의 대표적인 사유인 생명자본주의의 발화에 크게 이바지했다는 관점이 그러했다. 인식적 차원에서만이 아니라 실제적인 차 원에서도 기독교는 영향을 끼쳤는데, 성경과 소설을 통해 세속적인 욕망을 넘어 서서 영원한 가치를 추구해야 한다는 주장이 그러했고, 또, 이를 위해서는 교회 로 대표되는 기독교 공동체가 자정의 움직임을 보여야 한다는 주장이 그러했다. 이렇듯 이어령에게 기독교가 미친 영향은 적지 않았다. 본 논문은 이어령의 언 설을 최대한 폭넓게 살피는 방식을 취해 전체적인 상을 그리는 데에 일단 주력 했으되, 차후 다양한 관점에서 다양한 방법으로 후속 연구가 요청된다.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 소비자가 경험재인 웹소설을 선택하는 상황에서 사실적 메시지와 평가적 메시지를 담은 온라인 리뷰를 보았을 때 더 유용하다고 판단하는 리뷰가 무엇인지 탐색하고, 이러한 유용성 평가의 차이에 대한 개인의 분석적 의사결정 성향 수준의 조절효과를 검증하기 위하여 실시되었다. 경험재를 구매하기 전 객관적 정보를 수집하는 소비 자의 성향에 근거하여 웹소설의 소비자는 사실적인 온라인 리뷰의 유용성을 더 높이 평가할 것으로 예상하였다. 또 한 인지적 성향에 따라 구분되는 의사결정 유형 중 분석적 의사결정자는 정확한 정보를 수집하여 논리적인 판단을 내린다. 따라서 분석적 의사결정 성향 수준이 높아짐에 따라 사실적인 온라인 리뷰의 유용성 평가가 높아질 것으로 예상하였다. 실험 1의 결과 사실적인 리뷰를 제시받은 집단이 평가적인 리뷰를 제시받은 집단보다 리뷰의 유용성을 높이 평가하였으며, 실제 웹소설 선택 상황과 유사하게 두 유형의 리뷰를 동시에 제시한 실험 2에서도 리뷰의 유용 성 평가에 대한 리뷰 메시지 유형의 주효과가 확인되었다. 또한 실험 2에서는 분석적 의사결정 성향 수준이 높아짐 에 따라 사실적인 리뷰의 유용성을 높이 평가하는 경향이 드러나 분석적 의사결정 성향 수준의 조절적 역할이 확인 되었다. 본 연구는 경험재인 웹소설을 선택하는 상황에서 리뷰 메시지 유형 및 소비자의 분석적 의사결정 성향 수준 이 소비자의 리뷰 유용성 평가에 영향을 끼친다는 사실을 확인함으로써 웹소설 소비자의 행동 양식을 밝혔다는 이론 적, 실무적 의의를 갖는다.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study investigates the effects of influencer on advertising effectiveness compared to traditional celebrity endorser. Results of an experiment shows that the use of influencer have a better fit with hard-sell appeal and well-known brand to have more favorable brand attitude and higher intention to purchase. The findings provide ample contribution to theory and practice.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of political discourse between South and North Korea in a 2019 New Year Message. To this end, 13we analyzed the text structure of the New Year Message and looked at strategies to persuade the audience in each stage of construction. The text structure of the New Year message is basically a form of persuasive text. However, the persuasion strategies shown in the two texts have commonalities and differences at the same. Both texts commonly take an emotional approach in the introductory and closing sections, but persuade the audience in a rational approach in the main section. However, as there are differences in the way of defining the speaker's position, there are differences in overall tone, paragraph composition, and vocabulary usage. In President Moon’s New Year Message, he defines the president as a supporter of the people, and accordingly maintains the tone of treating people with high honors. In addition, it was an easy-to-understand expression that aimed to win people's hearts through simple but sometimes firm sentences. In contrast, Kim's New Year Message reflects the vertical hierarchy of North Korean society, and the speaker maintains an authoritative tone by defining himself as the highest leader that the people believe and follow. This attitude contributes internally to concretely dictate the tasks to be undertaken by the people and externally to the declaration of the will and position of North Korea.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study aims to investigate the effect of the propagation time of variable message sign (VMS) information and drivers’ detour rate on the VMS performance under non-recurrent traffic states. METHODS: A microscopic simulation model (i.e., VISSIM and VISSIM COM User Interface) was developed at a location where VMS messages were most frequently displaced in 2018 from the Busan Regional Construction and Management Administration. The non-recurrent traffic states realized in this study were one- and two-lane close cases with scenarios involving multiple propagation times from 0 min to 20 min in 2 min increments and detour rates from 0% to 50%, in 10% increments. The measures of effectiveness are the average delay per vehicle, total travel time, and reduction rate of the total travel time based on the average value of 30 multiple simulation runs for individual scenarios. RESULTS:For the one- and two-lane close cases, the reduction rate of the total travel time increased as the propagation time shortened and the detour rate became bigger. The optimal (i.e., 0 min propagation time and 50% detour rate) and worst (i.e., 20 min propagation time and 10% detour rate) scenarios produced 41.1% (8.9 h) and 6.4% (1.4 h) and 26.4% (86.5 h) and 1.4% (4.7 h) of the total travel time for the one- and twolane close cases, respectively. CONCLUSIONS : The study results implied that the late propagation time and the low detour rate might not significantly influence the VMS system. Therefore, it is important to improve the information process time for the shorter propagation time and the reliability of the VMS information for a higher detour rate, which will result in a better VMS system performance.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth in sharing service businesses. In B2C sharing-service businesses such as Zipcar, customers share goods and services provided by a service firm with other customers and perform the roles played by service employees in traditional service businesses. Consequently, how well one customer carries out expected tasks influences the quality of service provided to other customers. Extant studies have emphasized the importance of a governance system to prevent such a social dilemma as the personal interest of an individual being pursued at the sacrifice of the interest of the community. However, few studies have empirically examined the effect of different design of a governance system. To fill this gap in the research, this study examines the framing effect of customer messages on customer intention to cooperate by complying with the request by the firm. Theoretical development For customers to be willing to cooperate with a firm, they have to be first motivated to do so. The framing effect of on customer motivation has been well demonstrated (Ganzach & Karsahi, 1995) in diverse service contexts such as healthcare (Christensen, Heckerling, Mackesy, Bernstein, & Elstein, 1991), education (Fryer Jr, Levitt, List, & Sadoff, 2012), and consumer behaviors (Ganzach & Karsahi, 1995; White, MacDonnell, & Dahl, 2011) In the context of service consumption, motivation is defined as the inner driver that triggers an individual to cooperate with the service providers (Tsai, Wu, & Huang, 2017). Whether messages were framed as a gain versus a loss exerted a significant impact on consumer motivation. In the consumer behavior contexts, consumer reactions to frames were mixed (Ganzach & Karsahi, 1995). In this study, we will examine the framing effect in the context of sharing service consumption. H1: In the B2C sharing service context, the framing of customer message (gain vs. loss) will affect customer motivation to comply with the request of the service firm. Customers tend to behave different depending on the value they pursue through consumption (Hwang & Griffiths, 2017). Even in the same consumption context, values of customer pursuit can vary widely. Hence, we intend to examine the moderating effect of customer value perception of sharing service on the effect of message framing on motivation. Studies showed that customers pursuing utilitarian values consider monetary savings and convenience as important, while customers pursuing symbolic value consider status and self-esteem as important and those pursing hedonic values consider entertainment and exploration as important (Rintamäki, Kanto, Kuusela, & Spence, 2006). The framing effect was shown to differ by the emphasized value of the product in the context of advertisement. A gain frame was more effective than a loss frame when the ad highlighting the hedonic attributes of a product while a loss frame was more effective when the ad stressing the utilitarian attributes of the product (Lin, 2007). Taken together, we conjecture that customers pursing different values will react differently to the same frame of messages and the level of motivation triggered by the same message frame will also differ. H2: Customer value perception of sharing service will moderate the framing effect of customer messages (gain vs. loss) on motivation. Specifically, customers pursuing utilitarian values will react more strongly to the messages framed as a loss (H2a), while customers pursuing hedonic or symbolic values will react more strongly to messages framed as a gain (H2b). The effect of motivation on customer behaviors and behavioral intentions have been well demonstrated (Ganzach & Karsahi, 1995). In the service context, customer cooperation behaviors induced by motivation significantly influence the efficiency of service operations (Mills & Morris, 1986). We propose that the motivation enhanced by customer messaged influence customer willingness to cooperate. H3: In the B2C sharing service context, motivation affects customer willingness to cooperate. Methodology Data will be collected from American consumers who have used a car sharing service at least once in the past one year through an online scenario-based survey using a 2 (message frames: gain vs. loss) x 3 (values of sharing service: utilitarian vs. hedonic vs. symbolic) between-subject experimental design. Hypotheses will be tested by an analysis of variance and a regression analysis. Implication The findings of this study will help P2P service firms better design customer messages in inducing customer cooperation and how to customize the design by customers’ value perceptions of sharing service.
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