
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the Maillard reaction–related physicochemical properties of three maize varieties (Kwangpyeongok, Sinhwangok2ho and Gangdaok) after roasting them for different times (0, 15, 25, 40, and 55 minutes). The Maillard reaction is a non-enzymatic browning reaction involving reducing sugars and amino compounds. The content of reducing sugar, the causative agent of the Maillard reaction, decreased as roasting time increased. Gangdaok showed the lowest reducing sugar content of 1.04 mg/g after 55 minutes of roasting. In the elapsed roasting time, chromaticity ‘L’ and ‘b’ values decreased. At 55 minutes of roasting, wherein the Maillard reaction occurred most actively, Gangdaok showed the lowest ‘L’ value of 56.37 and the highest ‘a’ value of 7.60. Gangdaok had superior conditions for inducing the Maillard reaction compared to other varieties, and it is consider that 'flint–type', an endosperm characteristic, may have been the influencing agent. This study detected a total of 52 types of volatile aroma compounds (VACs), of which 28 were produced after roasting. Of the total VACs detected, 2-Formyl-5-methylfuran and 2-Furancarboxaldehyde accounted for 43.8~45.5% and have been confirmed to be the major VACs present in roasted maize. Most of the correlations between the Maillard reaction–related characteristics showed high correlation coefficients.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To increase the utilization of Centella asiatica (CA), enzymes such as cellulase and pectinase were added and the physicochemical properties of the treated CA were analyzed. In addition, apple-CA jam was prepared using the enzyme-treated CA, which had the best antioxidant properties, and the physicochemical and sensory qualities of the jam were measured. There was a high content of ascorbic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, reducing sugar, amino acid, minerals and DPPH radical scavenging activity in the enzyme-treated group. The antioxidant component and activity in the jam prepared by adding enzyme-treated CA increased with an increase in the amount of enzyme-treated CA. In the soluble solids, the higher the amount of enzyme-treated CA, the higher the value, but there was no significant difference in pH. The sensory evaluation of the jam, in particular the taste, showed that the highest preference was observed when the enzyme-treated CA was added in the range of 5.0~6.7%, and the control group showed the lowest preference. There was no significant difference in flavor and spreadability among the treatment groups, however, the control group showed the highest color preference. In the overall acceptability, when 5.0% of enzyme-treated CA was added, the highest acceptability was shown.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The change of quality and physicochemical characteristics of mung-bean flours after germination and roasting treatment were evaluated. The moisture content of the roasted mung-bean flours decreased significantly according to the roasting temperatures and times, and the crude ash, protein and fat contents increased. The lightness of the roasted mung-bean flours significantly decreased, and the redness and yellowness increased. The water binding capacity of the roasted mung-bean flours without and with germination were 151.71 and 192.77% at 240℃ for 20 min, respectively. The water solubility index and swelling power decreased with an increase in roasting temperatures and times. The phenolic compounds and radical scavenging activity of the roasted mung-bean flours increased with an increase in the roasting temperatures and times. The total polyphenol contents of the roasted mung-bean flours without and with germination were 4.81~7.71 and 4.22~5.63 mg GAE/g, and the total flavonoid contents were 2.46~3.05 and 2.45~2.87 mg CE/g, respectively. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of the roasted mung-bean flours, without and with germination, were 106.83~376.08 and 174.41~346.70 mg TE/100 g, and the ABTS radical scavenging activity was 251.67~534.31 and 274.39~430.02 mg TE/100 g, respectively. As a result, it is necessary to set quality standards for each application considering the quality and antioxidant properties of the roasted mung-bean flours.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was conducted to clarify the effect of the high temperature on physicochemical properties of barley kernels during ripening stage. High temperature treatment was lasted from each 10, 17 and 24 days after heading(DAH) until the harvest time at 21oC, 24oC, 27oC in artificial climate room. The results showed that ripening period from heading to maturity was tend to be shorter at higher temperature treatment condition and at longer duration treatment condition. and 1000-grain weight was decreased as the ripening period shortened. Furthermore, gelatinization properties was changed by high temperature due to the reduction of starch and amylose contents. As the shortening of grain filling period by a high temperature treatment, the protein content was increased. In the 10 DAH at 27oC treatment, the grain filling period was shortened by 9 days. The starch contents was reduced by 5.7 %, and the protein content was increased by 5.6 % in a such condition. Protein contents was showed negative correlations with amylose, starch contents and gelatinization properties, respectively. Starch contents, however, showed positive correlations with amlyose content and gelatinization properties.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 잠재적인 생균제제 Lactobacillus plantarum P1201에 의한 유색 소립콩 분말 두유의 젖산발효 중 이화학적 특성, 총 페놀릭스와 이소플라본 함량 및 항산화 활성(DPPH와 ABTS 라디칼 소거활성 및 FRAP 환원력) 변화를 연구하였다. 콩 분말 두유의 발효 중 pH는 감소하였으나, 산도, 생균수 및 β-glucosidase 활성은 증가하였다. 총 이소플라본 함량은 풍산나물콩이 다른 유색 소립콩보다 함량이 높았다. 발효과정에서 배당체 이소플라본인 daidzin과 genistin 함량은 감소하였고 이에 상응하여 비배당체 이소플라본인 daidzein과 genistein 함량은 급격히 증가하였다. 특히, 발효 60시간 후 발효된 풍산나물콩 분말 두유의 daidzein과 genistein 함량은 87.37 μg/g and 51.29 μg/g으로 다른 시료들보다 함량이 가장 높았다. 총 페놀릭스 함량은 다른이 다른 유색 소립콩보다 함량이 높았다. 총 페놀릭스 함량은 색 소립콩 분말 두유의 젖산발효 중 0.44-2.92 mg/g(0 h)에서 1.79-3.03 mg/g(60 h)로 급격히 증가하였다. 끝으로, 발효된 콩 분말 두유는 DPPH와 ABTS 라디칼 소거활성 및 FRAP 환원력은 각각 28.7-40.6에서 90-95.3%, 25.1-42.3에서 51.4-82.8% 및 0.73-1.54에서 0.98-1.79(OD593nm)로 증가하였다. 발효된 콩 분말 두유는 유색 소립콩의 가치를 증대시킬 수 있다.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        바이오매스의 저장 및 취급 여건은 바이오매스의 형태 및 종류에 매우 달라진다. 바이오매스의 종류는 매우 다양하며, 어떻게 저장하고 취급할지는 바이오매스의 특성에 따라 달라진다. 바이오매스의 저장시설은 어떠한 조건에서도 지속적인 원료공급, 자체 영양물질의 감소와 분해를 저감시키기 위한 것이다. 한편, 저장시설 내부에서는 저장물의 물리적, 생화학적, 생물학적 그리고 화학적 반응 등에 의해 내부 온도가 상승하고, 온도상승에 의한 자연발화에 의한 화재 및 폭발 등의 안전성이나, 곰팡이 생성 등의 위생적인 면에서 문제될 수 있다. 특히 저장기간 동안 또는 저장 후 바이오매스의 수분함량은 원료의 적합성과 밀접한 관계가 있다. 대부분의 목재 및 농업부산물과 같은 바이오매스는 4–50% 범위의 수분함량을 가지고 있으며, 음식물류 폐기물은 최대 94%의 수분함량을, 혼합 도시고형폐기물 중 유기물의 평균 수분함량은 53.7%의 수분함량을 나타낸다고 보고하고 있다. 일반적으로 에너지회수 시설에 사용되는 바이오매스는 수분함량이 낮아야 한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 현재 이용되고 있는 바이오매스 저장시설의 종류 및 형태, 그리고 발생 가능한 문제점에 대하여 조사하였으며, 저장 기간 동안 수분함량에 따른 바이오매스의 물리·화학적 조성 변화에 대하여 검토하였다.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        뜰보리수 열매 식초 발효 중 이화학적 특성, 생리활성물질(flavonols과 phenolic acids) 및 생리활성 변화를 조사하였다. 자연 발효 중 pH와 환원당은 발효 초기 각각 3.55와 6.88 mg/mL에서 3.34와 2.13 mg/mL로 감소하였고, 반면에 산도는 0.48%에서 5.48%로 증가하였다. 알코올 함량은 20일째까지 증가하여 6.6%로 최대치를 나타낸 후 감소하여 발효 종기 2.0%를 나타내었다. 초산균수는 발효 10일째 4.32 log CFU/mL에서 5.4 log CFU/mL로 증가하였고, 효모균수는 3.23 log CFU/mL에서 5.5 log CFU/mL로 증가하였다. 뜰보리수 열매 식초의 주요 유기산은 초산, 젖산 및 사과산으로 각각 38.84 mg/mL, 4.92 mg/mL 및 1.51 mg/mL를 함유하고 있었다. 수용성 phenolics와 flavonoids 함량은 발효 중에 증가하여 발효 초기 각각 0.79 mg/mL과 0.12 mg/mL에서 1.22 mg/mL과 0.14 mg/mL로 증가하였다. Flavonols 화합물 중 epicatechin gallate는 발효 10일째 168.1 μg/mL에서 115.97 μg/mL로 감소하였으나, phenolic acids 화합물 중 gallic acid는 18.52 μg/mL에서 95.07 μg/mL로 증가하였다. 자연 발효 60일째 DPPH 라디칼 소거활성은 71.35%, ABTS 라디칼 소거활성은 79.27%, hydroxyl 라디칼 소거활성은 68.72%, α-glucosidase 저해활성은 85.42%, α-amylase 저해활성은 52.12% 및 pancreatic lipase 저해활성은 53.66%를 나타내었다.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study, the changes in physicochemical properties and hesperidin content of Jeju-processed citrus fruits according to the harvest date were evaluate. The soluble-solid content, pH, and soluble solid-acid ratios gradually increased , but titratable acidity slightly decreased with a delay in the harvest date. The color index, lightness, yellowness, and turbidity slightly decreased whereas the redness slightly increased with a delay in the harvest date. The hesperidin content slightly decreased with a delay in the harvest date. Hesperidin, which is the major cause of juice cloudiness, decreased with a delay in the harvest date. These results suggest that later-harvested fruit juice is bound to be less cloudy.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        돌산갓의 최적 절임조건을 조사하기 위하여 다양한 절임시간, 수세방법, 저장온도에 따른 돌산갓의 물리화학적 특성을 비교하였다. 또한, 최적조건에서 절임된 돌산갓을 50일 동안 저장하는 동안 유산균의 균수변화를 측정하였다. 절임돌산갓의 관능평가와 아삭거림의 결과로부터 장기간 보존을 위한 최적조건은 8시간 절임 후 염농도를 단계적으로 수세한 방법으로 나타났다. 절임돌산갓은 에서 저장되는 동안 유산균의 증가에 의해 pH가 감소하였다. 저장기간 동안 절단
        2006.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 인산염과 가스첨가제를 첨가한 된장 시료군과 첨가하지 않은 된장 시료군 간의 이화학적 분석 결과 및 관능적인 품질 특성에 대하여 연구하였다. 제조된 된장을 28일간 저장하면서 이화학적 분석 및 색상 변화 측정, 관능평가 등 분석을 실시하였는데, 인산염과 가스첨가제를 첨가한 된장 시료 C의 경우가 된장에 인산염만 첨가했을 때의 된장 시료 B, 인산염과 가스첨가제를 첨가하지 않은 된장시료 A와 비교하여 색상에 있어서 좋은 품질을 유지하였
        1998.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to blow the effect of postharvest physiological changes on garlic quality according to its ecotypes and storage temperatures. The changes of water, total soluble solids, crude stein, md total fructans were measured and the rates of respiration and sprouting were analyzed during storage at 20 and 30. The decrease of water content and the increase of total soluble solids were reversely appeared during garlic storage. The crude protein content was gradually increased during storage but total fructan content was decrased. The respiration late was maximized at 60days after storage and the spouting rate was gradually increased. In the aspect of ecotypic characteristics, the water content, fructan content and sprouting rate were higher in 'Namdo' cultivar than those of southern type. The high storage temperature (30) controlled spouting and loss of fructan, and it was effective to maintain the garlic quality.