
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 24

        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was aimed to determine the effects of grow media on the mineral contents of the leaves and growth characteristics of strawberry grown under aquaponics system in a plant factory. For aquaculture, 12 fish (Cyprinus carpio) (total weight, 2.0 kg) were raised in an aquaponics tank (W 0.7 m × L 1.5 m × H 0.45 m, 472.5 L) filled with 367.5 L of water at a density of 5.44 kg·m-3 and total 34 of strawberry seedlings were transplanted in the pots filed with 200 g of orchid stone, hydroball or polyurethane sponge in the growing bed (W 0.7 m × L 1.5 m × H 0.22 m) laid out with holly acrylic sheet (140×60 mm, Ø80) on the top of the system. The pH and EC of the aquaponic solution was ranged from 7.6 to 4.9 and 0.24-0.91 dS·m-1, respectively. The concentration of NO3-N was about 28% lower than that of the hydroponic standard solution, and K, Fe and B were 10, 27 and 3.8 times lower, respectively; however, the mineral contents of strawberry leaves were in the appropriate ranges with lower contents in the leaves grown with sponge media. The organic content (OM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) of the sludge were 61.5, 5.72, 8.92, and 0.24%, respectively. The leaf area, leaf number, and dry and fresh weights of shoot at 81 DAT were significantly higher in the hydroball, and the average number of fruits per plant was significantly higher in both the orchid stone and hydroball. There was no significant difference in the fresh and dry weights of fruits. Integrated all the results suggest that the orchid stone and hydroball media are more effective to utilize nutrients in solid particles of aquaponic solution, compared to the polyurethane sponge.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A diverse group of plant-growth promoting bacteria were isolated in button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) media to investigate the plant-growth promoting traits of compounds including indole acetic acid (IAA), ammonia, 1-aminocyclopropane-1- carboxylic acid deaminase, siderophore, and hydrogen cyanide. Twenty-one bacterial strains showing positive effects for all the test traits were selected and classified to confirm bacterial diversity in the media habitat. Plant-growth promoting traits of the isolates were also assessed. All strains produced IAA ranging from 20 μg/mL to 250 μg/mL. Most of the isolates produced more than 80% siderophore. Four strains (Pantoea sp., PSB-08, Bacillus sp., PSB-13, Pseudomonas sp., PSB-17, and Enterobacter sp., PSB-21) showed outstanding performances for all the tested traits. In a bioassay of these four strains using mung bean plant, the best growth performances (23.16 cm, 22.98 cm, 2.27 g/plant, and 1.83 g/plant for shoot length, root length, shoot dry weight, and root dry weight, respectively) were obtained from the plants co-inoculated with Bacillus sp., PSB-13. The resultant data indicate that button mushroom media have got a diverse group of bacteria with plant growth promoting abilities. Thus, the media could be a good recycling resource for using to an effective bio-fertilizer.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The road slopes have various problems such as the risk of landslides and soil erosion, and research on stabilizing road slopes using plant greening has attracted the most attention. The overall objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of woody biomass based growing media on plant germination in a slope area. Moreover, we tried to find out what physicochemical properties of growing media affect plant germination on a slope. For experiment, we tested soil, soil mixed with growing media (1:1, w/w), and growing media by itself. Physical and chemical properties were evaluated after a month from the date of treatment application to the experimental slope site. Plant germination of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya was measured for plant growth evaluation. Physicochemical properties were altered by mixing the soil with growing media. Particularly, moisture content, organic matter and C/N ratio were significantly changed in soils mixed with growing media compared to soil alone. We confirmed that plant germination was high when growing media was mixed with the soil. There was a significant linear relationship between particle density and pH of all media tested and plant germination. In addition, in the same trend, the principal component analysis confirmed that the particle density and pH was positive component for plant germination rate, and the C/N ratio was found to be the negative component for plant germination. In conclusion, the particle density, pH and C/N ratio of the soil mixed with growing media was considered effective for plant germination in the experimental slope site, and this wood-based growing media provides a means to improve the harmony between the slope and the surrounding environment.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The physical and chemical properties of corrugated cardboard-based media were evaluated to assess their suitability as substrates for plants. Samples were collected periodically from the same study area over 5 months to determine any seasonal variabilities. In addition to the corrugated cardboard-based media, the rural soil of the study area was used as the control. The corrugated cardboard-based media showed adequate levels of moisture content and bulk density and correspondingly high porosity values when compared with the rural soil. All corrugated cardboard-based media showed adequate levels of electrical conductivity, organic matter, and correspondingly high cation exchange capacity values when compared with the rural soil in all seasons. The C/N ratio of the corrugated cardboard-based media was similar to the optimal values of 15-20. However, the pH values of the corrugated cardboard-based media were lower than the optimum value(pH 4) for plant growth and rural soil. The moisture content value which cycle bobs up and down according to sampling date, and this means that the moisture content is affected by seasonal changes in the components entering the study area. The corrugated cardboard-based media appear to be acceptable for growing plants(Lotus corniculatus var. japonicus). Finally, the use of this media permits better vegetation establishment than the use of rural soil. Our results prove that corrugated cardboard-based media can exhibit higher plant cover over a long period(September-November) as opposed to rural soil. Our study demonstrates the effectiveness of corrugated cardboard-based media for plant growth, and we recommend that future studies should focus on potential materials relevant to revegetation and management.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 잔류함으로써 문제를 일으킬 수 있는 응집제를 사용하지 않고 물리적인 처리만을 사용하는 막여과 정 수처리의 전처리로 F/A 공정을 구성하고자 하였고 이를 구성하는 여재의 성능을 연구하였다. 특히, 탁질 물질과 유기물 제거 가 가능한 것으로 알려진 Filtralite의 도입 가능성을 검토하였다. Filtralite의 탁도 제거효율은 원수대비 83~84%로 여과사와 비슷한 결과 값을 나타내었으며 여재표면에 잘 발달된 공극 때문에 유기물 제거능은 여과사보다 50% 더 높게 나타났다. 따 라서 F/A 공정을 구성함에 있어 여과사보다 Filtralite가 더 효율적이라 검토되었다. 활성탄과 연계한 F/A 공정을 구성하여 막 여과 처리 시스템의 전처리효율을 실험한 결과, TOC 농도는 TMP의 증가에 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 판단되어 막오염 저감에 유기물 제어가 중요함을 확인하였으며 유기물 제거 효율이 뛰어난 여재 사용이 필요할 것으로 판단되었다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 식물공장에서 청경채와 상추의 발아조건과 육묘배지 및 육묘 시 양액농도가 묘의 생육에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 수행되었다. 청경채와 상추의 발아율은 광의 유무와 온도처리(15, 20, 25℃) 간에 유의적 차이가 없었으나, 육묘배지 간에는 우레탄스펀지의 경우 파종 전 후 수분관리 유 무에 따라 큰 차이를 보였다. 즉, 우레탄스펀지 배지에서 파종전 후 수분관리를 하지 않았을 경우 암면에 비해 발아율이 현저히 낮았으나, 수분관리를 해주었을 때에는 암면보다 발아율이 높았으며, 묘의 생육도 암면과 차이가 없었다. 그리고 청경채의 생체중은 EC 1.0dS·m-1에서 1.5dS·m-1에서보다 1.8배 무거웠고, 0.5dS·m-1에서보다는 6배 무거웠다. 상추의 생체중 또한 EC 1.0dS·m-1이 1.5dS·m-1와 0.5dS·m-1에 비해 1.7배와 3.5배 각각 무거웠다.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        바위떡풀의 기내 배양시 MS배지의 농도별로 12주간 배양한 결과 1/2 MS 배지에서 신초길이 1.9 cm, 엽수 24.7매, 뿌리수 8.0개, 신초수 절편당 11.0개로 1 MS나 2 MS 배지에 비해 효과적이었다. 1/2 MS배지를 기본으 로 하여 생장조절제를 첨가하여 8주간 배양한 결과 CPPU 농도처리시 신초길이와 뿌리수는 무처리구에서 많았으나 신초수에 있어서는 농도가 높아질수록 많아져 2.00 mg·L−1농도 처리구에서 8.2개로 가장 많아 증식에 유리한 것으로 나타났으나 TDZ, zeatin과 BA처리는 무처리에 비해 처리효과가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 그러므 로 바위떡풀을 조직배양 방법을 이용하여 대량증식 시키 고자 할 때에는 생장점을 초대배양(MS배지)한 후 신초를 CPPU 2.00mg·L−1을 첨가한 1/2 MS배지에 치상하여 다 신초를 발생시킨 후 다시 신초를 하나씩 분리하여 1/2 MS 배지에 계대하여 배양한 후 순화하면 다량의 식물을 획득 할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sedum속 식물을 이용하여 저관리 경량형 시스템으 로 만든 옥상녹화지에서 무관리 상태에서 3년간 생장 및 인공토양 변화를 조사한 결과 다음과 같았다. 서울 시립대 자연과학관 6층 옥상에 2003년 6월에 9종의 Sedum 식물을 식재하여 3년간 무관리 식물상태를 관 찰한 결과 Sedum 식물 9종(돌나물, 땅채송화, 바위채 송화, 큰꿩의비름, 기린초, 섬기린초, 가는잎기린초, ‘Spurium’, ‘Diffusum’) 중 땅채송화와 바위채송화는 1년차 때도 생육이 좋지 않았고 3년차 때는 완전히 사라지고 다른 이입식물로 채워졌다. 기린초와 가는잎 기린초는 1년차에 비해 생육이 감소하는 경향이 있었 으나 다른 5종의 식물은 대부분 생장이 증가하였고 관 상가치도 높았다. 돌나물을 6가지(Pm1Pr1, Pm1Pr1V1, Pr1C1, Pr1V1C1, Pm1V1, V1C1) 배지에 재식한 후 배 지 간 변화를 살펴본 결과 pH는 2003년과 2005년에 큰 변화를 보이지 않았으며 EC는 2005에 확연히 높 았다. 질소, 인, 칼륨은 식재년도(2003)에 비해 2005 년도에는 유사하거나 낮은 것을 볼 수 있었다.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was aimed to determine effects of soil organic amendment as plant growing media component on restoration of planting ground. The changes of soil physical and chemical properties and germination and growth of kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) were investigated. For treatments, soil was excavated at depth of 0-50 cm (referred as S1) and at depth of 50-100 cm (referred as S2). Then the half amount of S1 soil was mixed with the soil organic amendment (coir dust 40% (v/v), bottom ash 25%, leaf mold 25%, vermiculite 5%, carbonized rice hull 5%) at a rate of 6% (v/v) (referred as S1CC) and also the half amount of S2 soil was mixed with the soil organic amendment at a rate of 6% (v/v) (referred as S2CC) on pot in a 16 cm diameter and 14 cm height. The experiment was replicated 3 times with 3 pots per replication in randomized block design, and 100 seeds were planted per pot. In results, there was no significant difference in soil pH among the treatments with a slight decrease in soil hydraulic conductivity. However, in the S1CC treatment, positive increases in soil chemical properties, including electrical conductivity, organic matter, phosphoric acid, total nitrogen, exchangeable cation, and cation exchange capacity. Also, the germination rate, plant height, and number of leaves were higher in the S1CC treatment than those in other treatments. These results suggest that the addition of organic amendment to the soil at depth of 0-50 cm might be proper for restoring planting ground.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed for evaluating the applicability of the two stage dual media filtration system in field water treatment plant. The field plant of two stage and dual media filtration system was operated for 2 months. Average iron concentrations of the settled water, existing filtered water and second stage filtered water was 0.041 mg/L, 0.007 mg/L and 0.005 mg/L, respectively. Removal efficiency of iron concentration in the second stage is appropriately 35% more than in existing filtered water. Also removal efficiency of residual chlorine in the dual media filtration system is relatively 42.3% more than in existing filtered water due to adsorption of activated carbon, but the removal of ammonia nitrogen by adsorption is insufficient. Average concentrations of THM and chloroform in the settled water are 0.033 mg/L, 0.026 mg/L, respectively and in existing filtered water are 0.023 mg/L and 0.023 mg/L. Average concentrations of THM and chloroform in the dual media filtration system are 0.008 mg/L and 0.013 mg/L. Therefore removal efficiency of THM concentration in second stage is more than 66.4% in existing filtrated water. Also removal efficiency of chloroform in the dual media filtration system is more than 50.0% in existing filtered water because of the adsorption of activated carbon. In this case backwashing period in dual stage system is 4~5 days, but in existing filtration system is 1~2 days.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In a pilot-scale dyeing wastewater treatment using two-type fluidizing media, each thickness of biofilm was 15 and 30 μm, respectively. The numbers of protozoa inhabited in small-size (PEMT A) and big-size (PEMT B) media were 7.5 x 104 and 1.25 x 105 cells/ml, respectively, and dominant species were Entosiphon sulcatus var sulcatus in PEMT A and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in PEMT B, respectively. Flask experiments using the two media revealed that the percentages of color removal were 25.8% in PEMT A and 27.1% in PEMT B after 72-h cultivation, indicating the necessity of bioaugmentation. Experiments for bioaugmentation effect on color removal were carried out in the pilot-scale treatment for 75 d by three-step operation under the control of wastewater loading rate and microbial input rate. Dye degradation occurred mainly in the second reaction tank, and the attachment of augmented dye-degrading microorganisms to media took at least 35 d. Final value of chromaticity in effluent was 227, meeting the required standard. Therefore bioaugmentation onto media was good for color treatment. In summary, thickness of biofilm formed on the media depended upon the size of media, resulting in different ecosystem inside the media. Hence, this affected microbial community and color treatment further. Accordingly, the reduction of operation cost is expected by efficient color-treatment process using bioaugmented media.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 수수의 성숙 종자로부터 캘러스유기 및 재분화 효율 조사하기위하여 수행되었다. 배발생 캘러스 형성을 살펴보기 위해 생장조절제 효과를 조사하였다. 수수 성숙종자로부터 캘러스 유기에 적합한 생장조절제 종류와 농도는 2 mg/L 2,4-D인 것으로 나타났다. 배발생 캘러스의 고효율 빈도는 B5 배지에 2 mg/L 2,4-D을 첨가하였을 때 가장 양호한 것으로 나타났다. 배발생 캘러스로부터 식물체 재분화는 BAP와 IBA를 넣은 MS 배지가 가장 적절한 것으로 나타났다. BAP 농도가 높을수록 신초재분화가 활발하였다. 따라서, 본 연구 결과로부터 수수 기내배양시 신초와 발근 형성에 효과적인 생장조절제 조합은 0.5 mg l-1 BAP와 0.25 mg l-1 IBA인 것으로 나타났다.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        상수도 슬러지(WSPS)를 분화용 배지로 활용하고자 피트모스 와 휠라이트의 혼합상토에 WSPS를 다른 비융로 혼합하여 HederG helix를 식재 60일과 90일 후 생장과 무기원소함량올 조사하였다. 식재 전 배지의 유기물함량은 WSPS가 혼합된 처리구에서 대조구 에 비해 다소 높게 나타났고 유효인산은 전반적으로 WSPS가혼합 된 배지에서 낮게 나타났다. 질산태질소의 함량은 WSPS가 부피비 로 각각 25,50%가 합유된 처리구에서 높게 나타났다. 처리 후 60일과 90일이 경과한 후, 초장과 엽수,지상부 생체중은 대조구와 CW구에서 통계적£로 유의성이 없었으나 분지수는 CW구가 가 장 높게 나타났다. 식물체 부위별 미량원소 함량은 Fe과 Mn에서 대조구에 비해 WSPS가 혼합된 배지에서 높았고 특히 Fe는 지상 부보다지히부에서 10배 가까이 높게 나타났다. 중금속의 경우,Cd 는 모든 처리구에서 검출되지 않았으며 Pb는 WSPS가 혼합된 배지에서 미량으로 검출되었다. 이상의 결과에서 WSPS는 H. helix 의 재배용 배지로 이용가능성이 높을 것으로 판단된다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiments were carried out to find out the effects of different explant materials, kinds and concentration of plant growth regulators, and total nitrogen and sucrose contents on the in vitro regeneration of Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai. The effects of growth regulators on regeneration from 3 explant sources (leaf, internode and node) were more or less same. Leaf explants produced only callus with 2ip (Isopentenyladenine) and NAA (Naphthaleneacetic acid) treatment and other regulators had no effects. Test with internode explants yielded about same results but callus was obtained with 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid). Node explants resulted in shoot regeneration by all regulator treatment except NAA and 2,4-D, but control also showed similar results. Callus formation from internode and node explants was vigorous by 2ip, zeatin, and 2,4-D treatments and high NAA concentration resulted in higher callus formation. In this experiment, various mixed treatment of growth regulators were also employed, using node as explant material. Shoot regeneration was obtained with BA (Benzyl adenine) + NAA treatments but the results were comparable with control. Generally shoot and root regeneration was poor with all combined treatment except 2ip + NAA and 2,4-D + NAA. However, callus was formed readily with all treatments. In this experiment, combined treatments of regulators were applied on the callus derived from singular regulator treatment. The results showed no shoot and root regeneration with any combination of 2,4-D, IAA (Indoleacetic acid) and NAA, but soft milky white callus was formed in all the treatments. No shoot and root regeneration was observed with any combination of 2iP, NAA and IAA, but somewhat hard, light green callus was formed in all the treatments. Callus formation decreased with high kinetin concentration in case of kinetin + NAA treatment. The experiments with total nitrogen content of media showed that low concentrations of 15 and 30mM were effective for the shoot and root regeneration. Sucrose experiment demonstrated shoot regeneration with 1~4% concentration, and root and callus formation with 2~4%. No root and callus formation was observed with 0 and 1% sucrose.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        반하의 기내 조직배양을 통해 소괴경 생산을 하고자 적합한 식물생장조절제 처리조건, 배지와 처리 농도, 고형지지물의 종류와 농도를 조사하였다. 기내 소괴경 형성에 적합한 식물생장조절물질과 농도 조건을 연구 한 결과 0.1mg/l 2,4-D와 0.5 mg/l BAP 혼합처리에서 잎 (3.9개)과 엽병 (4.7개) 배양모두 최고치의 소괴경을 생산할 수 있었다. 기내 소괴경 형성에 적합한 배지는 SH배지로 나타났으며 잎과 엽병 배양에서 4.5와 5.2개의 소괴경을 생산하였으며, 최적 농도는 SH 배지의 무기염류를 반으로 줄인 1/2 SH배지가 가장 효과적이었다. 기내 소괴경 생산에 적합한 고형지지물과 그 농도를 조사한 결과, 잎과 엽병 배양 모두 agar보다 gelrite에서 소괴경 형성이 잘 되었으며, 농도별로는 agar 6%, Gelrite는 4% 처리에서최고치의 소괴경을 생산할 수 있었다. 기내에서 생산된 소괴경은 5˚C에서 1개월간 냉장 보관 후에 생장상에서 MS 고형배지가 든 배양용기와 멸균 소독한 상토에 옮겨 발아율을 조사한 결과, MS고형 배지에서 자란 소괴경은 86%의 발아율을 보였으며, 멸균 소독한 상토에서는 43%의 발아율을 보였다. 추후 반하 소괴경의 발아율과 토양 적응성을 높이는 연구보강으로 소경을 번식용 종자로 활용할 수 있는 방안을 모색할 예정이다.
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