
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the sensory properties and consumer preference of Korean menu for different cooking water. Mineral water (MW) and bottled water (BW) were used as cooking water. Sensory attributes were derived by qualitative evaluation, and preference tests were conducted using the duo-trio test and 9 point likert scale. Mechanic properties were also evaluated. For the sensory attribute, properties such as tough, greasy, glossy, salty were derived when cooked with MW. For consumer preference, overall taste, aftertaste, and degree of sticky of bap were significantly higher in MW than in BW (p<0.05). The preference for the rich flavor of sagol broth (p<0.05) was significantly higher in MW than in BW. Preference for taste and flavor of omija-hwachae was higher than BW (p<0.01). In the mechanical properties test, food material boiled with MW showed higher property for cohesiveness and gumminess (p<0.05). In conclusion, cooking water with high calcium and magnesium content has been evaluated to enhance the palatability of Korean menus such as bap and sagol broth, and thus it is considered that various Korean menus can be applied. This suggests that dietary calcium and magnesium intake can be increased by using cooking water with a high calcium and magnesium content.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to gather precise information on the real fabric color and texture, and purchasing intention of mobile shoppers buying clothes. Eighty volunteers participated in the sensory test on three smartphones with four colors and two fabricssmooth taffeta and hairy doeskin. This study carried out the posteriori test using the one-way ANOVA and Duncan test by SPSS21.0. In the analysis’ results of color preference, there were no differences among the four colors of taffeta between the smartphones, but different preferences between the red and yellow doeskin exist. In the case of the Samsung phone, which has an immense color distortion, the red fabric has a low color preference. In contrast, on the Apple phone yellow fabric had the highest preference because of its brightness. The Apple phone also has the highest purchasing intention of yellow colored taffeta, which is similar to the color preference results, although the real fabric has the opposite result. For doeskin, the real red and blue colored fabric has the highest purchasing intention. The Samsung phone has the biggest color mismatch with the real fabric. It also has the lowest purchasing intention of red taffeta fabric, while the LG phone has the lowest purchasing intention of blue fabric. Using the paired comparison method of the similarity between ‘real’ fabrics and the mobile version of fabric colors has a low similarity on all four colors of taffeta and doeskin fabrics. Therefore it can be concluded that phones do not represent the ‘real’ fabric color.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 열대지역적응 자포니카인 진미벼, IRKR 1 (IRRIRice and Korea Rice 1 약칭, 계통명은 IR 68333-R-R-B-22)및 인디카인 IR 64 품종에 대하여 필리핀인을 주요 대상으로쌀 외관 및 밥맛 선호도를 평가하여 개발된 품종의 농가 재배확대 및 새로운 품종개발의 기초자료로 이용하고자 수행하였다. 1. 쌀의 외관품질 선호도 평가에서 패널로 참여한 필리핀인은 투명도·외관 > 향·색깔 > 쌀의 길이·모양 순이었다. 한국인은 쌀의 길이·모양· 투명도 > 외관 > 색깔·향 순이었다. 따라서 필리핀인은 완전미율이 높고 향이 나는 쌀을, 한국인은 단원립이면서 완전미율이 높은 쌀을 선호하였다. 2. 식미관능평가 결과 필리핀인은 인디카 고아밀로스 품종인 IR 64보다 자포니카 중간아밀로스인 진미벼와 IRKR 1을선호하여 기존에 알려진 인디카를 선호한다는 선행 연구결과와는 상이하였다. 3. 따라서 패널로 참여한 필리핀인의 자포니카 쌀에 대한 선호도를 보다 정확하게 평가하기 위해 식미관능평가 5개 항목별 선호도를 분석한 결과, 밥의 모양, 냄새, 맛, 질감은 통계적차이가 없었다. 반면 찰기는 진미벼 보다는 IRKR 1을 선호하였다. 반면 한국인은 진미벼 보다 IRKR 1이 밥의 찰기가 적고 질감이 거칠면서 딱딱한 촉감으로 인해 진미벼를 선호한것으로 고찰된다. 4. 이상의 결과를 요약하면, 패널로 참여한 필리핀인이 선호하는 자포니카 쌀의 식미는 한국인이 선호하는 것 보다는 찰기가 적고, 질감은 좀 더 딱딱한 것으로 사료된다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 벼 생태형별 자포니카 1품종, 인디카 1품종 및 통일형 2품종에 대하여 아프리카인들이 선호하는 쌀의외관품질과 밥맛을 평가하기 위하여 한국인의 선호도와 비교하여 수행되었다.1. 쌀 외관품질 항목 중에서 패널로 참여한 아프리카인이 선호하는 쌀의 외관품질은 쌀의 길이>향>모양 순이었으며, 반면 한국인은 쌀의 외관 > 쌀의 길이 순이었다. 품종별 선호도에서 아프리카인은 인디카 태국 수입쌀을, 한국인은 자포니카하이아미를 가장 선호하였다. 따라서 아프리카인은 장립이면서 향이 나는 쌀, 한국인은 단원립이면서 완전미율이 높은 쌀을 선호하였다.2. 아프리카인 패널을 대상으로한 밥맛 선호도 평가결과 품종간 통계적인 차이는 없었으며, 반면 한국인은 하이아미>다산1호=한아름>인디카 쌀의 순으로 뚜렷한 선호도를 나타냈다. 한국인대상의 선호도에서 차이가 뚜렷했던 자포니카와 인디카를 대상으로 분석한 결과, 자포니카인 하이아미를 선호한패널은 카메론, DR 콩고, 탄자니아인 이였으며, 반면 우간다,말리 및 나이지리아인 패널은 인디카인 태국 수입쌀을 선호하는 것으로 평가되었다. 그 외 케냐, 말라위, 가나, 수단인 패널은 자포니카와 인디카 품종간에 유사한 선호도를 보였다. 3. 향후, 아프리카 국가별 밥맛 선호도 차이 여부에 대하여다양한 분야의 적정 수의 패널과 현재 아프리카 국가별 소비자가 선호하는 쌀 품종을 포함하여 다양한 품종에 대한 추가적인 연구가 이루어져야 할 것으로 사료된다.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the awareness, eating experience, and preference of kimchi, and the sensory evaluation of kimchi from Chinese and Korean students residing in Korea. General information (including age, sex, duration of staying, living status) was collected. A questionnaire was used to collect the information on awareness, eating experience, and preference of kimchi and dishes made with kimchi. Sensory evaluations were carried out on a 10 point scale. All subjects (37 Koreans, 43 Chinese) were aware of kimchi, with 98% of the Chinese subjects recognizing kimchi as a Korean traditional food and 65% having eaten kimchi at least once a day. The types of kimchi preferred by Chinese subjects were generally sweet and not over-bearing in seasoning, hotness, or ripeness. The more frequently eaten foods made with kimchi were jjigae, bokkeumbap, bibimbap and kimbap. However, the more preferred dishes made with kimchi were bossam, jeongol, bokkeum, jeon, and ramyeon. The Chinese subjects were especially sensitive to spicy odors (4.6±2.2/10), salted seafood odors (4.6±2.3/10), offodors (4.4±2.3/10) and aftertaste (5.9±2.1/10) compared to Korean subjects. Taken all together, the perception as well as sensory characteristic of kimchi needs to be improved for the globalization of kimchi.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to evaluate the sensory characteristics and consumer preference of dog meat foods as compared with beef ones. The sensory evaluation was conducted by a 10-member trained panel and 109 persons ranging in age from 23 to 59 participated in the consumer research. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The sensory characteristics. 1) In case of the meats boiled in water, it did not show any significant differences between dog and cow's meat in color as well as off-flavor. On the contrary, the other characteristics such as odor, tenderness, juiciness and oiliness of dog meat were evaluated stronger than those of beef. 2) when the meats were cooked as Tang (a kind of soup), the dog meat did not show any significant differences from beef not only in color and off-flavor but also in odor. 2. The consumer preference. 1) It appeared that consumers somewhat preferred beef Tang to dog meat Tang. However, they rated dog meat Tang as the 'neither liked nor disliked' food on an average. 2) Male consumers showed higher preference than female did for the dog meat tang. On the overall, dog meat foods are regarded to have some desirable sensory characteristics and can be acceptable to most people.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study was to evaluate grain appearance and cooked rice taste preferred by Africans for the rice ecotype of one Japonica variety, one Indica variety, and two varieties of Tongil type as compared with Korean’s preference. The preferred grain appearance by Africans who have participated as panelists was in the order of grain length, aroma, and shape, while Korean preferred rice quality in the order of appearance(head rice) and grain length. Africans preferred imported Indica rice from Thailand the most, while Korean preferred Japonica Haimi the most. Overall, African preferred aromatic rice with long grain, while Korean preferred short grain rice with high head rice ratio. In the evaluation of cooked rice taste, there was no significant statistical difference between varieties preferred by Africans. Whereas, Koreans showed clear preference in the order of Haiami > Dasan 1 = Hanareum > Indica rice. The preference analysis results of cooked rice taste subjected to Japonica and Indica which showed clear preference by Koreans revealed that Africans from Cameroon, DR Congo, and Tanzania preferred Haimai. Meanwhile, the Africans from Uganda, Mali, and Nigeria preferred imported Indica rice from Thailand. The Africans from Kenya, Malawi, Ghana, and Sudan showed similar preference among Japonica and Indica varieties. The study results indicated that Africans had different preference of cooked rice taste for eco-type rice varieties by different nations. It is regarded that additional research would be conducted to evaluate cooked rice taste by the appropriate numbers of panelists from various field and by the various rice varieties including rice variety preferred by different African countries.