This study deals with the vibration transmissibility of a vibration isolation device, which is composed of frictional damping and nonlinear softening springs, when its base is harmonically excited. The SCAP method, a type of averaging method, is employed to obtain steady-state responses. The vibration characteristics due to excitation of the base are investigated through the analysis of displacement transmissibility in the steady-state response. In this process, displacement transmissibility for design parameters is analyzed, and the stability of the response is also investigated. The vibration isolation effect due to frictional damping is found to be more effective in the case of the softening spring than in the case of the hardening spring. Additionally, the pattern of the jump phenomenon observed during frequency sweeping, both upward and downward, has been identified.
‘갑주백목’ (Diospyros kaki Thunb cv. Hachiya) 감은 현재 홍시 또는 건시로만 식용되고 있는데 탈삽된 생과로서의 활용이 기대된다. CO2 및 ethanol 탈삽 처리와 동시에 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP)를 처리하여 탈삽과 연화억제에 대한 효과를 보고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. CO2 탈삽은 20L 아크릴 용기를 이용하여 95% CO2를 24시간, ethanol 탈삽은 PE 필름(85.0cm×63.5cm)을 이용하여 99.9% ethanol 20ml를 3일간 상온(23℃)에서 처리하였다. 1-MCP는 탈삽 처리와 동시에 1μL・L-1을 처리하였다. 탈삽 처리 후 상온 모의유통과 3주 저온저장 후 상온 모의유통의 두 가지 조건에서 과실의 품질을 조사하였다. CO2는 처리 종료 후 2일에 ethanol은 5일에 식용이 가능한 상태로 탈삽 되었으며 탈삽이 완료되지 않은 과실은 3주간의 저온 저장에서 완전히 탈삽되었다. 1-MCP는 탈삽속도에는 큰 영향을 미치지 않았으며 CO2와 ethanol 탈삽 모두에서 우수한 연화억제 효과를 나타내었다. 특히, 3주 저온 저장 후 상온 유통에서 1-MCP의 연화억제 효과는 더욱 크게 나타났다. 이상의 결과로 볼 때 1-MCP는 감의 탈삽에 있어 별도의 처리시간을 필요로 하지 않는 효과적인 연화억제 수단으로 판단되며, 이러한 ‘갑주백목’ 탈삽 생과는 향후 국내 유통 및 해외 수출이 기대된다.
Pyrolysis fuel oil (PFO) is used for the manufacturing of high-purity pitch for carbon precursor due to its high carbon content, high aromaticity, and low heterogeneous element and impurity content. Pitch is commonly classified with its softening point, which is most considerable physical property affecting to various characteristics of the carbon materials based on pitch, such as electrical and thermal conductivity, mechanical strength, and pore property. Hence, the softening point should be controlled to apply pitch to produce various carbon materials for different applications. Previous studies introduce reforming process under high pressure and two step heat treatment for the synthesis of pitch with high softening point from PFO. These methods lead to a high process cost; therefore, it is necessary to develop a process to synthesize the pitch with high softening point by using energy effective process at a low temperature. In this study, waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET) was added to control the softening point of PFO-based pitch. The pitch synthesized by the heat treatment with the addition of PET showed the softening point higher than that of the pitch synthesized with only PFO. The softening point of PFObased pitch synthesized at 420 °C was 138.3 °C, while that of the pitch synthesized by adding PET under the same process conditions was 342.8 °C. It is proposed that the effect of the PET addition on the increase in the softening point was due to the radicals generated from thermal degradation of PET. The radicals from PET react with the PFO molecules to promote the polymerization and finally increase the molecular weight and softening point of the pitch. In addition, activated carbon was prepared by using the pitch synthesized by adding PET, and the results showed that the specific surface area of the activated carbon increased by the addition of PET. It is expected that the pitch synthesis method with PET addition significantly contributes to the manufacture of pitch and activated carbon.
The purpose of this study was to prevent excessive softening of seasoned spinach by heating and freezing through the pre-heating treatment in calcium chloride solution. The pre-heating temperature was set at 60℃, which supports the highest activity of pectinesterase around 60℃. Pre-heating spinach in calcium solution does not affect the chromaticity characteristics of spinach leaves and significantly improves its texture compared to conventional blanching only and pre-heating in water. The improvement of the firmness is related to the formation of strongly cross-linkages between carboxyl groups and Ca2+ by the action of the pectinesterase in spinach. For reheated spinach, the firmness of calcium chloride treated stems were 37.80~44.44 kg, and the control was 28.73 kg. The firmness of calcium chloride treated leaves was 19.73~40.79 kg, and the control was 9.63 kg. Additionally, the total aerobic bacteria in the fresh samples were 3.25~3.99 log CFU/g and 1.97~2.72 log CFU/g in the reheated samples. And the total coliform was not detected in the reheated samples. Considering the color, texture, microbial characteristics and taste quality, the optimum pre-treatment conditions to prevent excessive softening of spinach were 3% calcium chloride solution and 15minutes of treatment.
‘후지’ 사과(Malus×domestica Borkh.)에 1.0μL·L-1 1- MCP를 처리하거나 또는 1-MCP 처리 후 10μL·L-1 에틸 렌가스를 살포(1-MCP+에틸렌)하여 180일간 0.5oC 저온에서 과실의 저장성을 조사한 후에, 28일 동안 상온에서 보관하면서 연화정도를 비교하였다. 1-MCP 또는 1- MCP+에틸렌 처리된 과실의 산함량과 경도는 저온저장 120일 이후부터 높은 수준으로 유지되었고, 이후 상온보관 28일 동안에서도 높게 나타났다. 1-MCP처리 과실은 저온저장+상온보관 동안 14N 이상으로 경도가 유지되었다. 과피 적색도는 저온저장 기간 중에는 처리에 따라 일관성 있는 결과가 나타나지 않았지만 상온보관 21일 과 28일째에서는 1-MCP처리에 의하여 4.0 이상 높은 수준이 유지되었다. 대조구와 에틸렌 처리구는 저온저장 90일차에 에틸렌과 호흡량이 크게 상승되었고 클라이매 터릭 맥시멈이 지나면서 노화가 더 빨리 진행된 것으로 판단되었다. 따라서 1-MCP가 처리된 과실은 10μL·L-1정도의 에틸렌에 노출되더라도 장기간 저온저장과 약 한달 간의 상온저장 동안 상품성 유지가 가능한 것으로 평가되었다.
In korea, only small amount of nonstructural lightweight concrete is being used through indirect effects such as heat insulation property and soundproofing rather than structural elements due to lack of structural lightweight aggregates and lack of understanding about lightweight concrete development, etc. That`s why structural lightweight concrete to reduce weight has not been put to practical use. This study is a part of high strength lightweight aggregate concrete researches using lightweight aggregates and the purpose of this study is to find out the basic physical characteristics and tension cracking fracture characteristics of lightweight concrete. Crack Mouth Opening Displacement is measured through 3 point flexure experiment about notch beam. Load-CMOD characteristics are examined through rules of countries, characteristics of lightweight concrete and tension cracking fracture experiments. The degree of tensile characteristic alteration according to size changes of specimen and the characteristics about crack surface are analyzed. The changes of softening curve are analyzed and fracture energy is drawn through inverse analysis by the obtained Load-CMOD curve. To decide fracture energy and analysis parametric, inverse analysis is conducted and Ant Colony Method is conducted for optimization and then a way to find out optimal parameterization fracture energy is suggested.
The objective is to investigate effect of liposome coated hemicellulose on softening of carrot. To encapsulate hemicellulose in nanoliposome, 2% hemicellulase and 2% lecithin were processed by using high-speed homogenizer (10,000 rpm, 3 min) and ultrasonification (200 W, 54%). The carrot were cut into cylinder type (3×1 cm) and then immersed in distilled water (DW, control), hemicellulase (He) and nanoliposome coated hemicellulose (He/NL) for 48 h at 4oC. The final concentration of hemicellulose is 1% (w/v). The droplets properties of He, NL, He/NL analyzed using zeta-sizer. Moreover, the carrots treated different immersed solutions were characterized by measuring hardness, color, microstructural observation and enzyme activity (glucose contents). For the results, hardness of carrot immersed in He or He/NL solution decreased after 48 h by 47% or 31% (outline of carrot) and 35% or 31% (center of carrot) respectively compared to control (7,240 g). The total color difference value of all samples increased over immersion time. For microstructural observation, cell was destroyed after 24 h at He solution. For the enzyme activity, glucose contents of carrot in He solution increased than it in He/NL at 0 h sample however the enzyme activity was no significant difference with immersion time.
본 연구는 복숭아 연화의 기작을 밝히기 위하여 ‘장호원황도’를 공시하여 과실품질 및 세포벽 관련물질의 변화를 조사하였다. 과실을 성숙기에 수확하여 과실 경도별 4그룹으로 구분한 후 25℃에서 10일간 보관하면서 품질특성을 조사하였다. 연화가 진행될수록 과육경도의 유의한 감소와 가용성고형물의 증가가 나타났다. 당의 구성은 서당의 비율이 가장 높았는데 연화초기에 84.0%, 연화말기에서 75.8%로 나타났고 연화과정이 진행되면서 환원당의 비율이 점진적으로 증가하는 것으로 조사되었다. 알콜불용성 물질 함량은 연화만기부터 감소하기 시작하였는데 수용성펙틴의 가용성도 함께 증가하기 시작하였다. 과육이 완전히 용질된 연화말기에는 수용성 및 CDTA 가용성펙틴과 4% KOH 가용성 헤미셀룰로스의 가용성이 크게 증가하였다. CDTA 가용성펙틴의 분해는 연화만기에 시작되어 연화말기에 극심하였고 4% KOH 가용성 헤미셀룰로스의 분해는 연화말기에만 나타났다. 종합적으로 볼 때 복숭아 ‘장호원황 도’의 연화과정은 펙틴과 4% KOH 가용성 헤미셀룰로스의 가용성 증대를 수반하며 셀룰로스에 약하게 결합되어 있는 matrix glycan의 부분적 분해와 관련이 있다고 보여진다.
바이폴라막을 이 용한 전기탈이온(Continuous Electrodeionization-Bipolar Membrane(CEDI-BPM))공정 은 이온교환막의 이온 선택적 투과를 통한 제거의 효율을 높이며, 바이폴라막에서 생성된 수소이온과 수산화이온이 이온교환수지를 전기적으로 재생하여 재생효율을 높일 수 있는 장점을 지니고 있다. 본 연구에서는 CEDI-BPM을 이용하여 경도물질을 제거하고 전기적 재생을 수행하였다. 이를 위하여 이온교환수지의 흡착 특성 및 유량의 변화에 따른 경도제거효율의 영향과 전기적 재생방법을 이용한 재생효율을 조사하였다. CEDI-BPM에서 Ca의 제거율이 Mg보다 높은 값을 보여주었는데, 이는 흡착실험에서 Ca의 높은 흡착능력과 관계가 있음을 보여주었다. 유량이 증가함에 따라 Ca과 Mg의 플럭스는 증가하는 경향을 보이는데, 양이온 교환막의 선택 투과가 경도물질의 제거에 더 큰 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있다. CEDI-BPM의 전기적인 재생 실험결과 재생 전압을 낮게 유지할수록 높은 경도물질 제거효율 및 높은 플럭스를 보여 전기적 재생에 효율적으로 사용할 수 있음을 보여주었다.
본 연구에서는 경도 이온의 화학적 침전을 위하여 지하수에 과량의 Lime-Soda ash를 주입하여 플럭(floc)을 형성한 다음 침전과정을 십자흐름(Crossflow) 방식의 관형 세라믹 분리막을 이용한 한외여과(UF) 공정으로 대체하였다. 그 결과 두유 포장팩 세척수로 사용하고 있는 지하수의 총경도를 10 mg/L as CaCO3 이하로 감소시킬 수 있었다. 한편, TMP(Trans-membrane pressure) 및 유량 변화 실험에서 투과선속(Permeate flux, J) 및 무차원한 투과선속(J/JO) 변화를 조사하여, TMP 및 유량이 무기물로 형성된 응집 플럭에 의한 막오염에 미치는 영향을 알아보았다. 그 결과, 본 실험 범위에서 TMP 및 유량 변화가 막오염과 총경도 제거율에 미치는 영향은 거의 없었다.
Two different commercial aluminium powder grades have been densified by direct hot extrusion. The extrusion temperature was 425 °C, with an extrusion ratio of 1:16. Prior to extrusion, some green compacts were pre-sintered (500 °C). The evolution of the extrusion load during the process and the hardness of the final products have been investigated. Additionally, microstructural characterization by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) was carried out. The obtained results evidence grain refinement. Additionally, inter-metallic precipitation, dynamic recovery and geometric dynamic recrystallization take place depending on some process variables, powder composition, heat treatment, strain ...
Durable softening water repellents such as PODCW, PDDCW, and PEDCW were prepared by blending cationized polymers, fatty carbamide, waxes, and emulsifiers. The cationized polymers included poly (octadecyl methacrylate-co-2-diethylaminoethyl methacrylate) [PODC], poly (n-dodecyl methacrylate-co-2-diethylaminoethyl methacrylate) [PDDC]and poly (2-ethylhexyl methacrylate-co-2-diethylaminoethyl methacrylate) [PEDC]. After the PET fabrics were treated with these water repellents, water repellency, softness, and durability of the PET fabrics were examined by various methods : water repellency by the hydrostatic pressure and the contact angle methods, softness by crease recovery and tearing strength, and durability by washability, respectively. Rating of water repellency of PET fabrics treated with PODCW was 80+, but those treated with PDDCW and PEDCW were not high enough to be used in industry.
The procedure to prepare an acrylic emulsion water repellents by blending of arcylic copolymer, activated polyethylene, wax, and emulsifiers was published in the previous paper. After the treatment of the prepared water repellents on a cotton fabrics with and without textile finishing resin, washability, contact angle, tearing strength, and crease recovery were tested. As the result, there were remarkable improvements in physical properties. Proper curing temperature of the synthesized water repellents impellents was 150℃ : proper using concentration was 5wt% : sodium acetate was the best catalyst for water repellents among the used, and proper concentration was 1.0wt%.
Durable softening water-repellenting agent such as PODCW, PDDCW and PEDCW were prepared by blending cationized compound such as poly(octadecyl methacrylate-co-2-diethylaminoethyl methacrylate)[PODC], poly(2-dodecyl methacrylate-co-2-diethyl-aminoethyl methacrylate)[PDDC] and poly(2-ethylhexyl methacrylate-co-2-diethyl-aminoethyl methacrylate)[PEDC], and cationized compound of fatty carbamide, of which synthetic methods were reported in the previous paper, waxes, and emulsifiers. The results of physical tests of the P/C blended fabrics treated with PODCW, PDDCW and PEDCW with and without textile finishing resin, showed a remarkable improvement of the physical properties. The prepared water-repellenting agents, PODCW-6 and PDDCW-1, were treated on P/C blended fabrics with and without resin. For any cases, there are a little changes between initial water repellency and repellency after 3 times washing of the fabrics. Therefore, the water-repellenting agents proved to be a durable agents, and initial water 100+ and 90+ point, respectively.
Durable softening water repellents such as PODCWs were prepared by blending cationized compound of poly(octadecyl methacrylate-co-2-diethylaminoethyl methacrylate), of which synthetic methods were reported in the previous paper, activated polythylene, waxes, and emulsifiers. Water repellency of prepared PODCWs was measured by performing water repellent finish to various fabrics, PODCWs showed a good water repellency for P/C blended fabrics and their repelling tendency was in the order of P/C blended fabrics〉cotton fabrics〉nylon taffeta. The initial water repellencies of PODCW-1 and PODCW-2 were 100 and 100- points, respectively, for P/C blended fabrics. And also, PODCW-1 and PODCW-2 were confirmed as durable water repellents with the results of making little difference of water repellency as ±5 point after and before washing.
1, 3-Di(dodecanoyl)-2, 7-dioxy-6, 8-di(2-hydroxyethyl)-1, 3, 6, 8-tetraazacyclodecane(DDDT) and pentaerythritol monostearate(PMS) were synthesized as a main component for softner. O/W type softner(DPSA) was prepared by blending DDDT and PMS with polyoxyethylene(10) castor oil, polyoxyethylene(20) oleyl ether, and polyoxyethylene(10) monolaurate. After treatment of DPSA to all cotton fabrics, the physical properties such as tear strength, crease recovery, and flexing abrasion resistance were measured. As a result of the measurement, DPSA was proved to be durable softner with good softness.
To prepare a durable softening water repellent, quaternized octadecyl methacrylate-2-diethyl-aminoethyl methacrylate as a mother resin and quaternized 1, 3-dioctadecyl-2, 7-dioxy-6, 8-di(2-hydroxyethyl)-1, 3, 6, 8-tetraazacyclodecane which increase the softening effect and the hydrostatic pressure blended with waxes and their emulsifier in various proportions to give water repellent PADWC. As the results of the measurement of water repellency, washable, tear strength and crease recovery to polyestercotton(P/C) blended fabrics treated with PADWC only or addition of textile finishing resin, the physical properties were increased. There was no significant lowering effect in water repellency when PADWC was treated the antistatic agent by the one-bath method, and the effect of water repellency by the adding the catalyst was studied. PADWC was confirmed as durable water repellent with the results of making little difference of water repellency as ±5 point after and before washing.
Durable softening water repellents for nylon fiber were synthesized, using two compounds: quaternized octadecyl methacrylate-2-diethylaminoethyl methacrylate copolymer as a mother resin of water repellent and quaternized fatty carbamide for improving softness and hydrostatic pressure, of which syntheses were studied in the previous papers. They were blended with waxes and emulsifiers in a variety of ratios and synthesized into water repellent PADWC, and it was nylon taffeta treated with and without textile finishing resin. The synthesized water repellents can be used either or without resin. The optimum curing temperature was 150 to 160℃ and the optimum concentration was 3 to 5wt%. In the independent and conjunct treatment, the water repellency of nylon taffeta samples have no remarkable changes between initial value and that after three times washing, so these prove that the synthesized compounds are durable water repellent. The water repellency of PADWC-3 and -4 were around 90. Also, comparison of crease recovery and tear strength after repelling treatment showed that the synthesized water repellents have a very high softening effect.