This research is an experimental study on the blocking water leakage for micro asystole cement grout(MAC). This study's purpose are confirmed that effective crack repair, mass change, shrinkage and maintenance shape of MAC.
This study developed a fire risk assessment procedure for the bridges on the highway. The fire risk assessment consists of three part. PRA, SRA, and DRA. with The preliminary risk analysis (PRA), considering the bridge to need analysis. The simplified risk Analysis (SRA) assesses the risk level of the bridge based on bridge information database. detailed risk analysis (DRA) conducts for high risk bridge in the SRA. In SRA, factors which influence fire event occurrence and vulnerability are investigated. based on risk assessment, select proper countermeasures.
Compare to the straight girders, horizontally girders show complex behavior because torsional moments are always acting on the structure. Because of the torsional moments, there can be negative reaction forces at some supports, and that can cause the overturning of super-structure. Sometimes, this stability problem is more important in the construction stage rather than after construction. However, it is rarely considered in design except special case. In this paper, numerical analysis is performed to investigate the reaction forces characteristic of horizontally curved steel box girder.
This study carried out a fire test for the RC beam to investigate fire performance. It includes the analysis for materials strength change of concrete and steel and heat transfer capacity of the concrete beam. Fire curve and standard test method was applied with ISO 834 and KS F 2257, respectively. The result of fire test will be used for parametric study using numerical analysis to verify heat transfer characteristic of RC beam structure.
In this study, we looked at characteristics and properties of polyethylene glycol (PEG) mixed with cement paste. And as a result, brought improvement on strength and durability, discovering the possibility of development of more economical and easily workable injection material.
Post-installed set anchors refer to the anchors are installed after the concrete hardened. The anchor in plain concrete loaded in tensile exhibits various failure modes such as concrete breakout, splitting, steel failure, pull-out and side-face blowout, that depending on the tensile strength of the steel, the strength of concrete, embedment depth, interval, the edge distance and sleeve length, etc. In this study, the objective is to investigate the effects of the variations like anchor embedment depth, anchor interval, edge distance, sleeve length and concrete strength on pullout behavior of post-installed concrete set anchor embedded in plain concrete. Regardless of concrete strength, embedment depth that less than 6 times appeared concrete failure mode. For 18MPa and 24MPa concrete strength has no much affection on anchor interval that more than 1 times of embedment depth. Edge distance that more than 1 time of embedment depth also has no much affection.
In recent years, many potholes in asphalt pavement occurred. In order to facilitate the repair, in this study, repair materials with high durability and excellent productivity appropriate for asphalt pre-cast materials was developed. Physical properties test and durability test of various repair materials(SMA, PMA, guss mixtures, water-reactive mixtures) were performed. In order to evaluate the workability at pre-production time of samples using repair materials were made in different shapes and sizes. Finally, after comparing mixtures, water-reactive mixture was selected as repair material. This was verified through several testing.
The priority order about a rational repair and reinforcement is generally decided by subjective decision of engineer. An appearance investigation carried out to decide about a rational repair and reinforcement through systematic and objective analysis in tunnel. we could prevent expecting leakage through several improvements in the aspects of design, materials and site implementation.
In this study, we model the pillars was actually performed finite element analysis while changing the amount of reinforcement in the top and bottom of the column the FRP sheet. The behavior of reinforced concrete structures and reinforced by examining the optimal amount of FRP reinforcement decided.
This paper was manufactured for Self-compacting mortar using perlite. This results showed a good estimation that It will be able to examine for fire resistance.
It was investigated that two arch tunnel was frozen in the winter. In recent years, winter is getting longer than the past. It need for measures to prevent an icicle occurrence in two arch tunnel due to abnormal climate changes.
Limestone zone in korea have been distributed to diagonal line so that it is wide from the Gangwondo to the Jeonlanamdo. The limestone cavity and fractureed zone is formed by chemical weathering. Limestone cavity and fractured zone was reinforced by high pressure jet grouting to establish bearing capacityon the ground condition like limestone cavity. But it are defective that the essential criteria of design, construction and quality control. The injection grouting method has therefore many difficulty which it is applied in such a limestone cavity.
Ten years have passed since the guidelines for bridge inspection facilities was established. Based on the surveying for bridge inspection facilities and analyzing old guidelines, new guidelines for bridge inspection facilities were proposed.
As the interest in leisure sports is recently increasing domestically and internationally, the number of descending experience in the air facilities is increasing. Study on the cable and wire installed on a bridge has been actively preceded from the past to the present, but for descending experience in the air facilities for leisure sports, an accident occurs frequently and examination the structural safety of these facilities is still insufficient. Therefore, structural safety by dynamic impact is evaluated through 3-dimensional infinite element modeling and analysis of the steel cable for leisure sports previously installed. It is judged that more systematical safety than before could be secured based on this.
In this study, a full-scale test was conducted to analyze the behavior characteristics which are related to roadbed according to steel pipe press-in excavation during construction of underground railway crossing. the value of depth of soil cover that is the most sensitive element gets to increase gradually by 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0(H/D). Then we performed press-in excavation and measured the displacements of roadbed with LVDT. When the depth of soil cover level is 1.0(H/D), the maximum value of 5.2mm were seen at the point of 2mm for pipe press. Also, when depth of soil cover had increased, Uplift decreased more than 3 times in comparison with the one.
Tunnels and underground construction projects directly or indirectly related to the risk for those who may be charged. In particular, various uncertainties related to soil and groundwater conditions, as well as increasing the cost of construction and environmental risks caused construction delays and construction as well as the collapse of the tunnel leads to a variety of risks. Thus, the possible risk of tunnel excavation during construction and throughout the project, including managing active risk management is very important. In this paper, in order to perform risk management, which may occur during construction was formalized type of tunnel collapse.
In this current study, P-M interaction of ICP pile consist of the concrete pile body, prestressing bars, infilled-concrete and longitudinal bars was analyzed. The analyzed result showed that the concrete of pile main body dominated total flexural strength of ICP pile, and the infilled-concrete and longitudinal bars increased the flexural strength of conventional PHC piles.
The objective of this study is to investigated the compressive characteristics properties used cement paste containing 30% blast furnace slag with curing days.
Woods are used as a main material for the domestic Traditional Buildings and most Traditional Wood Structures should be conserved as Traditional Assets. To be conserved, structural performance should be evaluated. So traits of the materials are to be studied. Therefore characteristics of structural deterioration of Traditional Wood Structures are to be analysed on this study.