
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 891

        2011.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to examine the effect of various discontinuous Percoll washing conditions on motile sperm recovery rate and motion kinematics. Frozen semen samples from 3 bulls (0.5 ml plastic straws, 6% glycerol in egg yolk-Tris-glycerol extender) were thawed in 37℃ water bath for 1 min. After thawing, the mixed semen samples were randomly allocated to 12 treatment groups. Briefly, the spermatozoa were centrifuged for three different time lengths (10, 20, and 30 min) at two gravities (300×g and 700×g) through two concentrations of discontinuous Percoll density gradient of 1 ml 90%: 1 ml 45% Percoll and 2 ml 90%: 2 ml 45% Percoll to remove extender, debris, and dead spermatozoa. Motile sperm recovery rate and motion kinematics were evaluated by computer assisted sperm analyzer using Makler counting chamber. Sperm motility (%) and motile sperm recovery rate showed similar pattern in all treatment groups. However, sperm motility (%) and motile sperm recovery rate were highest at 700×g for 30 min through a discontionous Percoll density gradient of 1 ml 90%: 1 ml 45% Percoll. There were no significant differences in motion kinematics after various Percoll washings. These results suggest that force of centrifugation, centrifugation time, and Percoll volume significantly affect motile sperm recovery rate.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        KASI and Seoul National University developed the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) as one of major scientific instruments for the 1.6 m New Solar Telescope (NST) and installed it in the Coude room of the NST at Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) in May, 2010. The major objective of the FISS is to study the fine-scale structures and dynamics of plasma in the photosphere and chromosphere. To achieve it, the FISS is required to take data with a spectral resolution higher than 105 at the spectrograph mode and a temporal resolution less than 10 seconds at the imaging mode. The FISS is a spectrograph using Echelle grating and has characteristics that can observe dual bands (Hα and CaII 8542) simultaneously and perform fast imaging using fast raster scan and two fast CCD cameras. In this paper, we introduce briefly the whole process of FISS development from the requirement analysis to the first observations.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라는 2007년부터 벼 DUS-Test를 위한 표준품종 선정에 관하여 국제미작연구소가 주관하는 국제연락시험(INEVDUST)에 참여하고 있으며 벼 재배국가에서 공통으로 사용할 표준품종 선정을 위한 2007-2008년 동안의 시험결과를 요약하였다.76개의 품종을 이용하여 수원에서 출수된 56품종에 대해UPOV Guidelines를 기준으로 엽이색, 생육일수 영의 윤활도등 16개의 주요특성을 조사한 결과 엽이가 자색인 것은 WC1240, IR 69682-132-1-1-2 등 2품종, 매끄러운 영은 DV35,K 39-96-1-1-1-2 등 8품종, 줄기의 마디가 자색인 것은 K39-96-1-1-1-2 등 3개 품종이었다. 출수일수는 116-115일 사이에다수가 분포하였고 이삭의 형태는 약간 숙여지는(Semi-uplight)것이 48%를 차지하였고 지경의 형태는 반직립(Semi-errect)의 것이 61%, 장폭비는 2.6-3.5에 해당하는 품종이 가장 많았으며 56개의 품종은 16개의 형질을 변수로 하여 6개 그룹으로 구분되었다.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인도네시아의 기후는 적도 바로 밑의 열대우림기후와 그 남북의 열대계절풍기후로 크게 나누어진다. 기온은 전역이 항상고온으로 연평균 25~27oC이며 연교차도 매우 적다. 농지면적은 전체 국토면적중 약 19%인 3,039만 ha이다. 전체 농지 중 관개수리 면적은 16% 정도로 농업기반 시설이 미흡한 실정이다. 농가의 영농규모도 영세하여 1ha 미만의 농가가 전체 농가의 약 75% 정도 차지하고 있다. 2003~2005년의 곡물생산량이 47,202천 톤, 구근 류가22,387천 톤, 채소가 14,695천 톤, 설탕 2,335천 톤, 육류가2,238천 톤이고, 식용으로 공급되는 양은 곡물이 38,282천 톤,구근 류가 12,002천 톤, 채소가 1,525천 톤, 설탕 3,584천 톤,육류가 2,259천 톤으로, 곡물은 자급을 하고 있으며, 채소와구근 류는 수출을 주도하고 있으며, 설탕, 우유 등은 수입을하고 있다. 농산물 가공식품 량은, 팜 오일 생산량이 2008년도에 16,900천 톤으로 매년 증가하는 경향이며, 코코넛오일과 대두오일도생산량이 점점 늘어나는 추세이다. 1인당 곡물 소비량은 연간 약 170 kg 수준인데, 쌀이 124 kg,카사바가 약 40 kg 정도, 옥수수 27 kg 정도이다. 오일작물의 소비가 약 30 kg 정도로 연차 간 변이가 적다. 농기계 보급 동향을 보면 트랙터, 콤바인 및 탈곡기도 매년 늘어나는 경향을 보이고 있다. 농기계의 수출입 현황은 수출량보다 수입량이 6~10여배 많은 상황이다. 농업분야 연구개발 및 기술보급은 농업연구개발국(IAARD : Indonesia Agency for Agricultural Research and Development)에서 담당하는데, 농업의 새로운 기술을 개발하고 농업기술을평가함으로써 농업부의 정책을 지원한다. 우리나라의 해외농장 개발 또는 식량자원 확보차원에서 기관단체 또는 민간기업의 입장에서 인도네시아 농산업 투자진출의 유망분야로는 작물생산 농장개발 및 농산가공 분야, 농기계 및 농자재 분야, 관개시설과 수자원 절약기술 분야, 농업과학기술 및 인력개발 분야 등이 있다. 인도네시아에 우리 농업관련 기관이나 민간기업 등이 진출하려면, 무엇보다도 인도네시아의 투자환경과 여건을 사전에 숙지하고, 또한 외국기업과 외국인과 관련된 법규 및 사례를 충분히 검토하여야 하며, 특히 인도네시아 농업의 강점과 약점을 적절히 활용해야 투자의 성과를 기대할 수 있을 것이다.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The incidence of multidrug-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus continues to increase in hospitals and the community all over the world. As the importance of miner surgery in dentistry gets greater recently, the frequency in use of antibiotics has been increasing. Although several cases of acquired infection in oral cavity in dental hospital has been reported, the research on isolation of S. aureus and evaluation of its antibiotic resistance from outpatients in the dental clinic has not been found yet. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial resistance of S. aureus isolates. The isolation rate of S. aureus were 41.7% in dental hospital personnel, 60.4% in outpatients and 62% in dental hygiene students. S. aureus which showed resistance to penicillin were 88.6%, ampicillin 88.6%, erythromycin 8.6%, tetracycline 4.3%, oxacillin 4.3%, cefoteten 4.3%. Six strains of S. aureus showed the susceptible to all antibiotics tested. Sixty-four(91.4%) strains were multiple antibiotic resistance. Fifty-two strains(72.8%) resisted to AM-P. and Seven strains(10.0%) resisted to AM-P-E, AM-P-GM, AM-P-TE.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the previous molecular cloning study from human salivary gland cDNA library novel clones (C75‐014, C76‐022) were known as candidate genes for proline rich proteins by GenBank data base search and RNA in situ hybridization. C75‐014 and C76‐022 genes were characterized as those expressing excretory basic proteins primarily composed of alanine, proline, and leucine residues, mimicking basic proline‐rich proteins (bPRPs) with helical structures and multiple consensus sequences of phosphorylation sites. In the immunohistochemical stainings using polyclonal antisera against each C75‐014 and C76‐022 peptide showed strong reaction in the secretory granules of striated and excretory ducts. And in Western blot for the different salivary specimens relatively distinctive bands appeared at lower molecular weight, ranging about 15‐50 kDa. This study was aimed to identify the molecular characteristics of C75‐014 and C76‐022 proteins, which showed properties of basic proline rich protein. These data suggest that C75‐014 and C76‐022 are candidate genes for proline rich proteins in human salivary gland, which may play a role for protecting and stabilizing the mucosal epithelium against numerous proteolytic damages and stresses.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A 37 years old male patient had suffered from fibrous nasal polyp for more than 10 years even though careful medical treatment, and recently aggravated with severe nasal stiffness and pain. In the radiological observation the lesion was continuously extended into the ipsilateral maxillary sinus by poly cystic radiopacities gradually destroying the anterior wall of antrum. During the Caldwell-Luc operation a cystic fibrous granulomatous tissue was removed, and its microsections showed multicystic and tunnel-like spaces, of which lumens were usually round and filled with parts of parasitic worm e xhibiting parasitic t eguments and eggs. The granulomatous l esion showed relatively mild inflammatory reaction with the infiltration of eosinophilic PMNs. The histological features of tunnel-like penetration of parasitic worms, and their teguments and eggs were competent with the diagnosis of sparganosis. Especially, although the patient had no experience of raw foods such as frog or snake, he used to drink the untreated natural stream water obtained in the mountain area of Gangwon prefecture in Korea. Therefore, the present study demonstrated a rare lesion of antral spanganosis, and we suppose that the frequent incident of oral sparganosis in Gangwon prefecture is possibly related to the usage of untreated stream water in the mountain area of Gangwon prefecture in Korea
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the previous molecular cloning study from human salivary gland cDNA l ibrary a novel clone (C77-091) was known as a candidate gene for antimicrobial protein by GenBank database search and RNA in situ hybridization. This study is aimed to identify the molecular characteristics of C77-091 protein, which showed an antimicrobial activity on E.coli, thereby named as salivary antimicrobial protein (SAMP). SAMP consisted of a typical hydrophobic amino acid rich domain in the N-terminus, a cluster of basic amino acids, carbohydrate attachment site, a possible transglutaminase catalyzed cross-linking site, and multiple consensus sequences of phosphorylation site in the C-terminus. Western blot analysis of human organs and tissue with the monospecific antibody to the synthetic SAMP peptide showed strong interacting protein from the extracts from submandibular gland and parotid saliva but absent in the mixed saliva, and the immunohistochemical staining detected a strong positive regions in the secretory granules in the luminal cytoplasm of interlobular ductal cells of salivary gland. The SAMP was also distributed in the human sebaceous gland and prostate. These data suggest that C77-091 named SAMP gene is a novel antimicrobial protein in human salivary gland, which may play a role for the innate immunity by protecting and stabilizing the mucosal epithelium to maintain homeostasis of oral mucosa.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nowadays, personal media is a new tool for communication as digital cameras and mobile phones are developing rapidly. We are concerned over Cyworld users who could have different personal characteristics which will influence on buying patterns in on line shopping behaviors. The purpose of this research was to observe fashion attitudes and purchase behavior of Cyworld mini homepage users, for establishing marketing strategies by understanding consumers. For this study, one line survey was used for 500 male and female subjects who are 20 to 40 years old. Only reliable 441 questionnaires were used for analysis. The SPSS program was used for frequency, K-means cluster, t test, and chi-square test. A total of 441 respondents were clustered on the basis of 8 item self-disclosure scale, using the K-means procedures. The results indicated that respondents were clustered into two segments; 267 respondents(active attitude towards self-disclosure) and 164 ones(not active). We examined fashion attitudes in mini home page and buying behavior by self-disclosed variable. Those who are involved actively in self expression and self-disclosure considered more fashion style and trend. The major motivates of web surfing was finding a good design, and good price. High self-disclosure group tends to search many shopping mall for right design and low self disclosure group tends to search them for the right price. High self-disclosure group tend to shop the fashion products more, while low self disclosure group tend to purchase books more through the internet. We realized that active group in self-disclosure purchased their clothing accidently when they visit Cyworld.
        2010.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of storage time on fresh boar semen in Androhep and Beltsville Thawing Solution (BTS). Boar semen samples extended in each extender were stored at 17℃ up to 4 days. Sperm motility kinematics was evaluated by computer assisted sperm analyzer (CASA) and capacitation status by chlortetracycline (CTC)/Hoechst 33258 staining. Sperm motility (%) was not decreased during storage in BTS and Androhep. No significant difference between extenders was observed. Only significant differences in kinematic parameters on linearity during storage were found. The percentage of dead sperm significantly decreased during storage (p<0.05). Also the percentage of noncapacitated, capacitated, and acrosome-reacted sperm significantly modified during storage (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference between extenders except proportion of capacitated sperm. This finding supported that modification in these parameters was not significantly different between extenders during this short-term storage. Our finding strongly indicated that both Androhep and BTS maintained favorable conditions for motility, motility kinematics, and capacitation status during short-term storage. Despite modifications in some parameters were apparent during sperm storage in extenders, these may not affect the fertilizing capacity of boar semen.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since there had been the first human outbreak of novel influenza A/H1N1 in Mexico, it has become pandemic throughout the world. In the Republic of Korea, the first human case was on May, 2009 and National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service (NVRQS) has started monitoring novel influenza A/H1N1 on domestic swine farms. The first positive case was detected on 14, Dec, 2009 and until now, we have had total 17 positive cases. From the first case, we did epidemiological investigation on introduction and transmission of virus to pigs. We have concluded that virus had been introduced from humans to pigs, possibly from October to November, 2009 in our country. There were direct and indirect factors including the vehicles transporting veterinary medicine, feed, etc. related to transmission of virus from farm to farm. However, breeding pigs seem to be extrinsic to transmitting factors. Upon the epidemiological investigation, the off-limits of visitors to farms and the disinfection is thought to be critical for blocking the introduction and transmission of novel influenza A/H1N1. In addition, collecting and analyzing the genetic informations of influenza virus is important for predicting and handling the new pandemic influenza in the future.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper describes an investigation of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Republic of Korea in January 2010. In this paper, we investigated introduction to the index farm from overseas countries, transmission from index farm to other outbreak farms. The introduction factors were divided direct, indirect factors or airborne spread factor. Based on the epidemiological data, clinical information and other data, in these introduction factors, it was likely that outbreak of FMD in index farm was due to international goods or employees from overseas countries (including China). There were other suggested causes in index farm. But it was less likely that outbreak of FMD in index farm have occurred by other causes. The transmission factors from index farm to other farms were also divided direct, indirect factors or airborne spread factor. In these transmission factors it was possible to make assumptions from index farm to other outbreak farms that the FMD virus was transmitted through animal treatment, persons concerned and persons (who were) attended farmers’ assembly.
        2010.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to investigate the effect of flavonoid treatment on in vitro development of bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos, and their pregnancy and delivery rate after embryo transfer into recipient. In experiment 1, to optimize the flavonoid concentration, parthenogenetic day 2 (≥ 2-cell) embryos were cultured in 0 (control), 1, 10 and 20 μM flavonoid for 6 days. In the results, in vitro development rate was the highest in 10 μM flavonoid group (57.1%) among treatment groups (control, 49.5%; 1 μM, 54.2%; 20 μM, 37.5%), and numbers of total and ICM cells were significantly (p<0.05) higher in 10 μM flavonoid group than other groups. We found that 10 μM flavonoid treatment can significantly (p<0.05) decrease the apoptotic index and derive high expression of anti-oxidant, anti-apoptotic, cell growth and development marker genes such as Mn-SOD, Survivin, Bax inhibitor, Glut-5, In-tau, compared to control group. In experiment 2, to produce the cloned Jeju Black Cattle, beef quality index grade 1 bull somatic cells were transferred into enucleated bovine MII oocytes and reconstructed embryos were cultured in 10 μM flavonoid added medium. When the in vitro produced day 7 or 8 SCNT blastocysts were transferred into a number of recipients, 10 μM flavonoid treatment group presented higher pregnancy rate (10.2%, 6/59) than control group (5.9%, 2/34). Total three cloned Jeju Black calves were born. Also, two cloned calves in 10 μM flavonoid group were born and both were all healthy at present, while the one cloned calf born in control group was dead one month after birth. In addition, when the result of short tandem repeat marker analysis of each cloned calf was investigated, microsatellite loci of 11 numbers matched genotype between donor cell and cloned calf tissue. These results demonstrated that the flavonoid addition in culture medium may have beneficial effects on in vitro and in vivo developmental capacity of SCNT embryos and pregnancy rate.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to unravel unidentified genes from human salivary gland, a cDNA library of human submandibular gland was constructed in the Uni‐ZAP XR vector by use of mRNA from human submandibular gland and ZAP‐cDNA® Gigapack® III Gold Cloning Kit. cDNA of salivary gland was subtracted with cDNA of immortalized human keratinocyte cell line, Rhim Human Epithelial Keratinocyte cell line. The phage cDNA library was converted into a pBluescript phagemid cDNA library, which was subsequently plated on LB plates with ampicillin, IPTG, and X‐gal, and white colonies were selected for sequencing. Among 200 clones analyzed, four clones containing C77‐091, C75‐014, C76‐022, and C76‐012 designated orphan genes that are intensely expressed in the interlobular ductal and serous acinar cells of human submandibular gland. Particularly C77‐091 gene expresses 46 amino acids peptide (pI=9.45). C75‐014 and C76‐022 genes were characterized as those expressing excretory basic proteins primarily consist of alanine, proline, and leucine residues, mimicking a basic proline‐rich protein (bPRP) showing helical structures and having multiple consensus sequences of phosphorylation sites. The strong expression of C76‐012 mRNA in the nuclei of salivary ductal and acinar cells suggests a role of C76‐012 gene as a DNA binding RNA/protein. These data suggest that the identification of four orphan genes from the human salivary glands may add further understanding of greater role of salivary proteins providing innate immunity by protecting and stabilizing the mucosal epithelium in the maintaining homeostasis of oral mucosa.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Functional Concrete Added Titanium Dioxide(TIO2) for photocatalysis was about a result strength Reduction by recent studies. Therefore, The purpose of the study is to review the possibility of TIO2 for using concrete admixture. As a result, Nano TIO2 for concrete admixture helps increased strength of concrete and here are some of the details. The compressive strength and flexural strength of cement mortar added same amount of Nano SF and TIO2 for admixture were development of strength a certain level each other. when Nano admixture use 10%, SF and TIO2 showed development of strength 60% and 40% each other gradually. If I use over 10% Both SF and TIO2, they showed irregular strength variations.