
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,832

        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한반도의 Gutenberg-Richter b값에 관한 기존 국내 연구결과로부터 최적값을 전문가 패널을 통해 도출하였다. 전문가 패널에 의한 평가 결과, Gutenberg-Richter b값은 지진원 구역에 상관없이 한반도 전체에 걸쳐 비교적 일정하며 그의 평균값은 0.96으로 추천되었다. 지진지체구조는 4가지로 의견이 수렴되었다. 패널평가 결과를 신울진 1.2호기 원전부지에 적용하여 지진재해도에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 연구대상 부지의 평균재해도 수준은 전문가 패널평가결과 적용 이전에 비해 0.2g에서 최소 약 70-80% (0.6-0.7 order) 감소하였고, 지진재해도의 불확실성 폭은 0.2g (15%-85% 신뢰구간)에서 현저하게 감소하였다. 향후, 지진재해도분석 시 b값을 지진원 전체에 균일하게 보수적으로 0.95를 적용할 것을 제안하였다.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The unique features of spark plasma sintering process are the possibilities of a very fast heating rate and a short holding time to obtain fully dense materials. -SiC powder with 0, 2, 6, 10 wt% of -SiC particles (seeds) and 4 wt% of Al-B-C (sintering aids) were spark plasma sintered at for 10 min. The heating rate, applied pressure and sintering atmosphere were kept at , 40 MPa and a flowing Ar gas (500 CC/min). Microstructural development of SiC as function of seed content and temperature during spark plasma sintering was investigated quantitatively and statistically using image analysis. Quantitative image analyses on the sintered SiC ceramics were conducted on the grain size, aspect ratio and grain size distribution of SiC. The microstructure of SiC sintered up to consisted of equiaxed grains. In contrast, the growth of large elongated SiC grains in small matrix grains was shown in sintered bodies at and the plate-like grains interlocking microstructure had been developed by increasing sintering temperature. The introduction of -SiC seeds into -SiC accelerated the grain growth of elongated grains during sintering, resulting in the plate-like grains interlocking microstructure. In the -SiC seeds added in -SiC, the rate of grain growth decreased with -SiC seed content, however, bulk density and aspect ratio of grains in sintered body increased.
        2010.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Si nanowire/multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposite arrays were synthesized. Vertically aligned Si nanowire arrays were fabricated by Ag nanodendrite-assisted wet chemical etching of n-type wafers using HF/AgNO3 solution. The composite structure was synthesized by formation of a sheath of carbon multilayers on a Si nanowire template surface through a thermal CVD process under various conditions. The results of Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and high resolution transmission electron microcopy demonstrate that the obtained nanocomposite has a Si nanowire core/carbon nanotube shell structure. The remarkable feature of the proposed method is that the vertically aligned Si nanowire was encapsulated with a multiwalled carbon nanotube without metal catalysts, which is important for nanodevice fabrication. It can be expected that the introduction of Si nanowires into multiwalled carbon nanotubes may significantly alter their electronic and mechanical properties, and may even result in some unexpected material properties. The proposed method possesses great potential for fabricating other semiconductor/CNT nanocomposites.
        2010.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        퍼블리시티권은 개인의 identity를 당사자의 동의 없이 사용하여 그 상업적 가치를 손상하는 것으로부터 보호하기 위하여 도입된 것으로, 미국에서는 1950년대 이래로 퍼블리시티권을 독자적인 권리로 규율해 오고 있으며, 국내에서도 명문 규정 및 대법원 판례는 없으나 하급심 판례를 통하여 독립된 별개의 권리로 인정하고 있다. 퍼블리시티권은 그 개념 및 인격권으로는 보호되지 않는 identity의 상업적 측면을 보호하기 위하여 발생하였다는 기원 자체로 재산권의 성격을 가지고, 재산권으로 규정된 권리는 통상적으로 타인에게 양도가능하며, 유증∙상속될 수 있고, 판결을 만족시키기 위하여 압류될 수 있으며, 이혼시 재산분할의 대상이 된다는 특징을 가지고 있다. 그런데, 퍼블리시티권은 재산권으로 분류되기는 하나 개인의 성명∙초상이라는 인격적 측면에서 유래되었다는 점에서 위와 같은 재산권의 일반적인 특징을 그대로 적용할 수 있는지 여부에 관하여 의문이 있다. 이 글에서는 퍼블리시티권이 일반 재산권과 마찬가지로 양도∙상속 가능하며, 이혼시 재산분할의 대상이 되고, 판결을 만족시키기 위한 집행의 대상이 될 수 있는지 여부에 관하여 검토하고 있다. 퍼블리시티권은 종래 인격권으로서 보호되어 오던 개인의 성명∙초상의 재산적인 측면을 보호하기 위하여 새롭게 발생한 권리인바, 퍼블리시티권이 인격적 권리로부터 파생되었다는 이유로 다른 재산권과 달리 취급한다면 퍼블리시티권을 독립된 권리로 인정하는 취지에 어긋나며 퍼블리시티권의 이용가능성을 현저하게 제한하게 된다. 이제 퍼블리시티권은 특허권, 상표권, 저작권등과 마찬가지인 지적재산권의 일종으로 파악되고 있는바, 이를 둘러싼 법률관계 또한 다른 여타의 지적재산권과 다르게 취급할 이유가 없으므로 재산권으로서 그 양도가능성, 상속성을 인정하여야 하며, 재산분할청구, 집행의 대상적격을 가진다고 보아야 할 것이다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Wearable computers can be defined as next generation clothing integrated with various digital functions and devices. Unlike existing computers, they are viewed as human-centric computers customized for information utilization and other specific human needs. This study is intended to discover how consumers are accepting wearable computers, which are different from existing computers, based on Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) and to extend the model by adding variable regarding acceptance of wearable computers. A total of 683 copies of questionnaires, distributed to those aged 19 and older, both male and female, were collected online. The data was statistically analyzed for this study using the extended TAM. In order to test hypotheses, the structural equation model using the Lisrel 8.30 version was performed. For analyzing constructs(or traits) of research model, exploratory factor was conducted and the measurement model was assessed from the result. Reliability was assessed through confirmatory factor analysis and the calculation of Cronbach's alpha coefficients. Overall, model fit was assessed by statistical indexes: Chi-square value, GFI, AGFI, and RMR. This study analyzed the process of acceptance of wearable computers with the extended TAM that includes a variable, perceived value, on the basis of previous studies. The results of the analysis revealed that attitude toward wearable computer was directly influenced by perceived usefulness and perceived value but indirectly influenced by perceived ease of use. Acceptance intention of the wearable computer was directly influenced by perceived value and attitude toward wearable computer. To be more specific, perceived usefulness was significantly correlated with both attitude toward wearable computer and acceptance intention of the wearable computer. Perceived value was also significantly correlated with both attitude toward wearable computer and acceptance intention of the wearable computer. The results of this study also suggested that perceived ease of use was actually a causal antecedent to perceived usefulness and perceived value. This research revealed that extended TAM to investigate the acceptance of wearable computer was appropriate. This study is intended to provide a theoretical framework for adoption of wearable computer and suggest empirical analysis that can serve as a guide for wearable computer.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근에 청보리 사일리지는 국내에서 가장 많이 이용하는 조사료이지만 농가에서 제조한 사일리지의 품질에 관한 분석은 거의 없는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 2008년 사일리지 품질경연대회에 출품한 농가의 청보리 사일리지 33점의 품질을 평가하고자 실시하였다. 품질평가는 생산지역, 생산량, 첨가제 사용유무, 파종시기 및 수확시기에 따라 비교하였다. 청보리 사일리지 생산지역별 품질의 비교에서는 젖산 함량은 생산지역, 건물수량, 첨가제사용유무, 수확시기에서
        2009.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The information about time spent in microenvironments plays a critical role for an exposure assessment of the person concerned, considering the personal exposure relies on the characterization of activity patterns of the population at risk and human activities impact the timing, location, and level of personal pollutant exposure. The purposes of this paper were to present indoor time activity patterns of Korean from a population-based study and to determine individual factors of time spent in microenvironments. The population based study collected time activity pattern of about 32,000 Korean for two consecutive days. The mean times spent at home, other indoors, outdoors, and transportation in related to the whole sample of 19.025 people are 14.23hrs(59.3%), 6.80hrs(28.3%), 1.26hrs(5.2%), and 1.75hrs(7.3%) in weekday, respectively. Database provides information on how the proportion of persons in different locations changes by time of day in weekday. Here, we see that over 90% of respondents were in a residence from about 11 PM to 5 AM, and the largest proportions of respondents in offices, factories, schools and public buildings occur between 8 AM and 5 PM.
        2009.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Indoor air quality can be affected by indoor sources, ventilation, decay and outdoor levels. Although technologies exist to measure these factors, direct measurements are often difficult. Toluene and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations of residential indoor and outdoor were simultaneously measured and compared in 16 houses, using passive samplers during every 3 days for 60 days. Concentrations of toluene and NO2 were analyzed by gas chromatography and spectrophotometer, respectively. Using a mass balance model, penetration factor (ventilation rate divided by sum of ventilation rate and deposition constant) and source generation factor (source generation rate divided by sum of ventilation rate and deposition constant) were calculated by multiple indoor and outdoor measurements. The mean contributions of toluene of indoor and outdoor sources on residential indoor air quality were estimated to be 31.01% and 67.00%, respectively. On the other hand, mean contributions of NO2 were 58.93% and 41.06%, respectively. These results could be explained that contributions of indoor and outdoor air pollutants sources are different to residential indoor air concentrations. In conclusion, contributions of outdoor air and indoor sources affecting indoor air quality were effectively characterized using multiple indoor and outdoor measurements.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research regard it as most meaningful to realize the importance of the hedgerow in cultivated areas functioning as a residual landscape element in rural landscape and set improvement guidelines through landscape character and value analysis to cope with landscape malfunction. The results of summary are as follows. 1) First of all, as a result of landscape character analysis of edge stripe in cultivated land in total of 7 case areas, for example, the edge stripe in cultivated land in case area 4 and 8 maintain the width of 10m and are assessed satisfactory in terms of vegetation development condition, appearance of living species, connectivity, buffer capacity and so on. Also, as a result of structural character of correlation analysis among items, the correlation coefficient between width and appearance of living species showed 0.941, the highest. Following are connectivity and appearance of living species and width and buffer capacity respectively: 0.841 and 0.740. 2) As a result of landscape character analysis of uncultivated stripe in total of 6 case areas, it is analyzed that case area 4 maintains the widest width as almost 4.5m average width and considered valuable as I degree in vegetation development condition, filtering, and connectivity. 3) As a result of problem analysis of uncultivated stripe, for example, case 3, 9, and 10 was analyzed that the width was below 1.25m which is too small to carry out the function of buffer and habitat for living creature, so minimum standard width was set between 4~5m through comprehensive analysis of character of each case area. Based on the result above landscape character, value and problem analysis, main improvement guidelines are set in terms of width, connectivity, filtering, and vegetation development, restrictive practices and so on.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to propose the methodology for introducing green infrastructure that can improve the health of citizens by promoting walkability. The methodology is composed of the following three phases: classification of the types of green spaces, selection of core green spaces with two separate analyses, and introduction of the framework of green infrastructure to promote walkability. In the first phase, the classification of the types of green spaces was carried out in order to understand existing distribution pattern of green spaces in study site. In the second phase, walkable blocks were selected by such methods as walkability value. Through these two analyses, all the blocks were divided into three groups according to the ranking figured up the second analyses' results. The blocks in the first group, the group involved in the top 30% and having the greatest ranking, were defined as walkable blocks. In the last phase, a basic frame of the green infrastructure in study site was introduced by connecting the walkable blocks with using other blocks and the green spaces over 1ha. In case study, 28 important green spaces and 35 walkable blocks were selected through the two analysis process. Then, the basic framework of green infrastructure based on the selected 28 important green spaces and 35 walkable blocks was introduced. The methodology applied to this study can be used to get the best selections of the proper green infrastructure in accordance with the purpose of the ecological and recreational local development. In particular, this study will suggest a specific analysis model to use for the ecological and walkable urban planning with green spaces existing in the city.
        2009.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The research for computer cooling system has been researched briskly at home and abroad. Most of computer cooling systems are the air cooling method using cooling fan. The air cooling system are most widely used for low cost and easy installation but have limits in cooling. The water cooling system are good for cooling efficiency but bad for installation. This paper presents the developing for cooling system to be inserted in computer using thermoelectric module.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the multilateral weight control program provided by the university health care center for female college students. The program was 8weeks long and composed of nutrition consultation, exercise, and behavior modification. Nutrition education focused on a low calorie and balanced diet, increasing the intake of protein and micronutrients and reducing carbohydrate and fat consumption. Evaluations were made upon completion of an 8-week program and upon follow-up at 6 months after the end of program. A total of 92 women completed the 8-week program, while 20 completed the follow-up survey. Upon completion of the 8-week program, significant decreases in body weight, BMI, body fat (kg), and %body fat were observed, and muscle mass was also reduced. The total energy and carbohydrates intake were also significantly decreased in subjects with weight loss, while the percentage of subjects whose consumption of protein, calcium, iron, vitamin B1, B6, and niacin did not meet the EAR, were decreased. The blood values of glucose, total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol were decreased. The follow-up survey revealed that the subjects continued to lose weight after completion of the program. In addition, a Mini nutrition assessment revealed that diet quality improved, especially with respect to reductions in the consumption frequency of fried, greasy and salty food. In conclusion, the multilateral weight control program with diet education for female college students was effective for long lasting weight control and improved dietary behavior. Nutrition education for weight reduction should focus on balanced nutrition as well as lowering the total caloric intake.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        친환경 농자재로 많이 사용 중인 식물추출물을 사용하여 벼의 중요한 흡즙성 해충인 벼멸구 성충에 대한 살충시험(분무법)을 실시하였다. 실험곤충(해충)인 벼멸구는 고려바이오(주) 부설농업생명과학기술연구소 곤충사육실(25±1℃, 50±10%)에서 누대 사육한 우화 후 3일 경과한 암컷성충과 7일~8일된 건강한 암컷성충을 사용하였으며, 기주로 사용된 벼는 추청벼를 사용하였다. 식물추출물은 고삼추출물, 데리스추출물(rotenone), 님(종자)추출물(azadirachtin), 유카추출물을 이용하였으며, 처리농도(희석배수)는 4,000배, 6,000배, 8,000배, 10,000배, 20,000배로 하여 처리 24시간, 48시간 후 살충률을 조사하였다. 벼멸구의 우화 일수(3일, 7일) 및 추출물의 종류에 따른 결과와 각각의 추출물을 일정한 비율로 혼합하여 처리한 살충률은 다양한 결과를 보였다. 데리스추출물이 벼멸구에 대하여 가장 높은 살충 활성을 보였으며, 우화 3일 경과 성충에 20,000배 처리 48시간 후 91.8%, 우화 7일 경과 성충에 84.0%의 높은 살충효과를 보인반면, 고삼추출믈은 20,000배 처리시각 44.3%와 32.0%로 다른 추출물보다 낮은 살충효과를 보였다. 전처리구에 유카추출물을 4,000배 혼용하여 진행하였으며, 단용으로 처리한 벼별구에 대한 효과는 10%내외로 다른 추출물에 비해 매우 낮은 효과를 보였지만, 다른 추출물과 혼용시 약효상승효과를 확인할 수 있었다.