The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of sea urchin shell powder, used in broiler diet, on Esherichia coli and Salmonella in litter produced by the broilers. A total of 120 broiler chickens were fed 1 of 3 treatment diets (10 chickens per pen) in a randomized block design treatments with 4 replications. Sea urchin shell powder was used in the concentrations of 0.5% and 1% in the basal diets; the control diet was constituted of basal diet. During the 3-week feeding trials, none of the treatments significantly affected the E. coli populations in poultry litter at weeks 0 and 1, nor did they affect the and S. enterica populations at weeks 1 and 3. However, dietary sea urchin shell powder addition affected the population of E. coli at weeks 2 and 3, and that of S. entericaat weeks 0 and 2 (P<0.05). It is therefore concluded that the use of dietary sea urchin shell powder (0.5% and 1%) will be beneficial enough to reduce E. coli, rather than S. enterica in poultry litter over short-term periods.
This experiment was conducted to develop control method for Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) on eggplant using sticky trap method. According to the color of the sticky traps, the attractiveness of the B. tabaci was the highest in the yellow trap, followed by the green and orange. However, white, blue, red, black and green sticky traps have reduced attractiveness of B. tabaci. In order to improve the efficiency and attractiveness of sticky trap to the B. tabaci, the different kinds of sugars such as glucose, fructose, oligosaccharide, starch syrup and pure sugar were added to sticky traps respectively. However, the effect of B. tabaci attractiveness was low in starch syrup, pure sugar, and non-treated sticky traps. The attracting effect of B. tabaci was depending on the location of sticky trap. The highest value was obtained where sticky traps were located in the top of the eggplant, followed by 30 cm above from the top level. In addition, we were installed up to 40 sticky traps to determine the optimal amount of sticky traps to control B. tabaci in eggplant. When increasing the sticky traps, the number of adult and nymphs of B. tabaci were tended to be decreased significantly. This tendency was more effective in the latter stages than in the early stages. As the number of sticky traps increased, not only the growth rate of eggplant, leaf length, and stem diameter were to be better. But also number of fruits and product marketable value were increased at the early stage of growing as well. The study had proven that the sticky traps had an effect on increasing the yield at the early stage of growth, but the efficiency of controlling decreased due to the high density of B. tabaci of the next generation.
‘Pungwonmi’, a new sweetpotato variety, was developed for table use by Bioenergy Crop Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), RDA in 2014. This variety was derived from the cross between ‘Benisatsuma’ and ‘Luby3074’ in 2006. The seedling and line selections were performed from 2007 to 2009, and preliminary and advanced yield trials were carried out from 2010 to 2011. The regional yield trials were conducted at five locations from 2012 to 2014, and it was named as ‘Pungwonmi’. This variety has cordate leaf shape, and its leaves, stems, nodes, and petioles are green. Storage root of ‘Pungwonmi’ has an elliptical shape, red skin, and light orange flesh. ‘Pungwonmi’ was moderately resistant to fusarium wilt, and resistant to root-knot nematode. Dry matter content was 31.2%, and texture of steamed storage root was intermediate. Total sugar content of raw and steamed storage roots of ‘Pungwonmi’ was higher than that of ‘Yulmi’. β-carotene content of ‘Pungwonmi’ was 9.1 mg/100g DW. Yield of marketable storage root over 50 g of ‘Pungwonmi’ was 24.3 MT/ha under the early season culture, which was 46% higher than that of ‘Yulmi’. The number of marketable storage roots per plant was 2.8 and the average weight of marketable storage root was 156 g under the optimal and late season culture. Marketable storage root yield of ‘Pungwonmi’ was 24.1 MT/ha under the optimum and late season culture, which was 26% higher than that of ‘Yulmi’. (Registration No. 6428).
본 연구에서는 영지버섯 균사 배양 시 헛개나무 추출물의 첨가가 영지버섯의 가나도마난디올의 생합성에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위하여 수행하였다. 가나도마난디올은 트리터페노이드 계열의 물질이며 영지버섯의 주 요한 생리효능을 가지는 물질 중의 하나이다. 이와 관련하여, 본 연구자들은 선행연구를 통하여 가나도마난디올 이 B16F10 멜라노마 세포의 티로시나제 저해 활성 및 멜라닌 생합성 저해능에 우수한 효과가 있는 것을 확인하 였다. 본 연구에서 영지버섯 균사 배양 시 15% (v/v)의 헛개나무 추출물 첨가하면 영지버섯의 가나도마난디올 생합성이 첨가하지 않은 대조군에 비해 유의적으로 증가함을 HPLC분석을 통하여 확인하였다. 또한, 15% (v/v)의 헛개나무 추출물을 첨가한 영지균사 배양추출물의 B16F10 멜라노마 세포에 대한 멜라닌 생합성 억제 능이 첨가하지 않은 대조군에 비해 유의적으로 증가함을 확인하였다. 또한, 영지버섯 균사 배양 시 헛개나무 추출물 첨가가 미백활성을 가지는 가나도마난디올 생합성 증가뿐 아니라, 액체 및 고체 배양시 균사의 생장도 촉진하는 것을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과들은 헛개나무가 영지버섯균사의 미백활성 물질인 가나도마난디올 생 합성의 증가를 유도하고 이로 인한 영지버섯 균사의 미백 활성이 증가하는 유용한 소재로 사용될 수 있다는 것을 시사한다.
The Fuji variety of apple, introduced in Japan, has excellent storage quality and good taste, such that it is the most commonly cultivated apple variety in Gunwi County, North Gyeongsang Province, Korean Peninsula. Accurate prediction of harvest maturity allows farmers to more efficiently manage their farm in important aspects such as working time, fruit storage, market shipment, and labor distribution. Temperature is one of the most important factors that determine plant growth, development, and yield. This paper reports on the beta distribution (function) model that can be used to simulate the the phenological response of plants to temperature. The beta function, commonly used as a skewed probability density in statistics, was introduced to estimate apple harvest maturity as a function of temperature in this study. The model parameters were daily maximum temperature, daily optimum temperature, and maximum growth rate. They were estimated from the input data of daily maximum and minimum temperature and apple harvest maturity. The difference in observed and predicted maturity day from 2009 to 2012, with optimal parameters, was from two days earlier to one day later.
Yogurt is produced by fermentation of milk using bacteria known as “yogurt cultures”. Most of these bacteria are probiotics such as Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Lb. rhamnosus, Streptococcus thermophilus, and Bifidobacterium. The domestic fermented milk market is increasing, and about 30 companies are producing yogurt. The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality characteristics of domestic commercial liquid yogurt. Total 30types of commercial yogurts were sampled and their physicochemicial properties, including pH, sugar content, acidity, viscosity, and microbial characteristics of lactic acid bacteria counts, were measured. Commercial liquid type yogurt showed a pH of 4.5, sugar content of 7.4-21.2%, total acid content of 0.4-0.9%, and viscosity of 0.1-250 cP. In terms of microbial populations, lactic acid bacteria counts were 7.2-11.3 log CFU/mL and anaerobic lactic acid bacteria counts were 8.0-11.5 log CFU/mL. The quality characteristics differed depending on the constituents of the sample and the microorganisms used. These results are related to the quality characteristics of yogurts and are useful for identifying new trends in the domestic fermented milk industry.
In this study, the effect of probiotic supplementation on growth performance, blood metabolites, and meat quality of Hanwoo steer was investigated. A total of 32 Hanwoo steers (15-17 months, average body weight 462±37.9 kg) were randomly allotted to 4 dietary treatments (0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5% mixed probiotics), with four Hanwoo steers per pen (two replicates per treatments), and reared for 12 months. There were no differences among treatments in growth performance of Hanwoo steer (P>0.05); however, feed intake decreased linearly with increasing levels of mixed probiotics. Growth hormone and Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) levels responded linearly with increasing levels of dietary mixed probiotics (P<0.05), but not insulin and blood glucose did not. In particular, total cholesterol was significantly lower for the 1% mixed probiotic treatment in comparison with that of the other treatments (P<0.05). The pH, Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS), cooking loss, and meat color were influenced by increasing levels of mixed probiotics (P<0.05), but the carcass characteristics and shear force were not. Regarding sensory evaluation, the addition of mixed probiotics resulted in significant difference in meat color, tenderness, aroma, off-flavor, juiciness, and marbling score, but not in overall acceptability. In addition, fatty acid profiles indicated no differences between control and mixed probiotic treatments. In conclusion, mixed probiotic treatment at 1% levels can enhance consumer preferences possibly by reducing cholesterol and TBARS.
We conducted two experiments to evaluate effects of feeding various types of red ginseng marc and Houttuynia cordata (H.cordata) on blood profiles of poultry in a completely randomized design. In experiment 1 (28 d), a total of 240 broilers (Arbor acres) were used. Four dietary treatments (15 broilers per pen with four replicate pens per treatment) were included: (1) control, (2) 2% red ginseng marc, (3) 1% fermented red ginseng marc with red koji, and (4) 2% liquid red ginseng. There were no significant differences in HDL and LDL-cholestrol among treatments (P > 0.05), but total cholesterol and triglyceride decreased in diets supplemented with red ginseng marc and 1% fermented red ginseng marc with red koji compared to that in the control treatment (P < 0.05). In experiment 2 (38 d), a total of 240 Pekin ducks were randomly divided into 4 groups by dietary treatments (control, 1% fermented H. cordata powder with red koji, 1% fermented H. cordata pelleted with red koji, and 1% fermented H. cordata coated with red koji) with 4 replicates of 15 ducks in each group. Total cholesterol and VLDL-cholesterol were not affected by diet with various types of H. cordata. However, increase in HDL-cholesterol and decrease in LDL and VLDL-cholesterol were greater in treatments with different types of H. cordata than in the control treatments (P < 0.05). In conclusion, using various types of red ginseng marc and H. cordata in poultry diets was effective for increasing HDL-cholesterol and decreasing total, LDL, and VLDL-cholestrol or triglyceride.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of various types of fermented red ginseng marc with red koji to laying hens on eggshell and egg yolk quality characteristics. A total of 240 Hy-line Brown laying hens (40 wk of age) were randomly allotted to 24 pens (6 replicates per treatment and 10 laying hens per replicate). Experimental diets consisted of 4 treatments containing basal diet (control), 1% fermented red ginseng marc powder with red koji, 1% fermented red ginseng marc pelleted with red koji and 1% fermented red ginseng marc coated with red koji. During the 8-wk feeding trial, there were no significant differences in eggshell strength, eggshell thickness and eggshell color among the treatments, except for eggshell strength at 4 and 8 wk and eggshell thickness at 0 wk. In addition, no differences in egg yolk color and egg yolk index were found for all treatments throughout the 8-wk feeding period, except for egg yolk color at 0 wk. Thus, using various types of fermented red ginseng marc with red koji to laying hens did not improve eggshell and egg yolk quality characteristics.
친환경 벼 재배농가에서 혼합유박비료를 관행적으로 이앙 3일 전에 사용함에 따라 분얼 기 이후에 비료효과가 나타나므로 수량이 감소하는 문제를 해결하기 위해 본 연구를 수행 하였다. 실내에서 조사한 혼합유박비료의 무기화는 담수조건에서 7주까지 NH4-N가 증가하 였고, 비담수 조건에서 5주까지 NO3-N가 증가하였다. 벼 이앙 20일에 논토양의 질소무기화 는 이앙 20일 전 처리구가 0.85%로 가장 높았다. 수확기 토양특성은 혼합유박비료 시비시 기에 따라 토양유기물함량을 제외하고 차이가 없었다. 이앙 60일에 초장, 간장, 수장은 이 앙 20일 전 처리구가 가장 길었다. 또한 이앙 20일 전 처리구에서 수수, 등숙비율, 천립중이 높게 나타나 백미수량이 관행처리(이앙 3일 전)에 비해 9% 증가하였다. 백미의 백도와 amylose는 차이가 없었지만, 단백질 함량과 식미치는 이앙 20일과 30일전 처리에서 같은 수 준이었다. 쌀 수량과 품질 등을 혼합유박비료 시용시기와 관계식으로 산출하면 혼합유박비 료의 적정 사용 시기는 이앙 21.3일 전으로 나타났다.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of duck litter in ducks fed diets containing Houttuynia cordata powder. One-day-old ducklings (Pekin) were randomly divided into two groups and fed a control or 1% H. cordata powder-containing diet for an experimental period of three weeks. The results showed that pH for 1–2 weeks and total nitrogen for 1–3 weeks in duck litter were affected by dietary treatments with 1% H. cordata powder (P < 0.05). For Volatile Fatty Acids (VFAs), there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between ducks fed 1% H. cordata and control diets, as shown in the results for acetic acid and propionic acid in duck litter over three weeks; but, this was not the case for propionic acid at 3 weeks. The inclusion of 1% H. cordata powder in the diet had a the positive effect on increasing the total nitrogen and decreasing pH and VFAs in duck litter.
This experiment was carried out to determine the treatment interval on neem product for control of Bemisia tabaci on eggplant using eco-friendly agriculture. We have investigated the control effect of B. tabaci, growth characteristics of eggplant, economics according to neem product treatment interval on eggplant. The longer neem processing interval tended to decrease control effect on nymphs of B. tabaci. Control effect of nymph of B. tabaci according to treatment interval of 3 days, 5 days, 7 days, 10 days, and 15 days were 96.7%, 89.7%, 76.1%, 73.4%, and 51.0%, respectively. This result was the same tendency in adult of B. tabaci control effects on eggplant. Growth characteristics of eggplant according to neem the treatment interval of 3 days, 5 days, and 7 days, was less damaged on of B. tabaci. However, the 10 days, 15 days, and untreated of neem treatment intervals were badly damaged by B. tabaci. Therefore, neem treatment interval of 3~7 days for control of B. tabaci was high control effect. However, it is considered to be the most suitable to process every seven days considering the economics and so on. The results of economic analysis from income of 7 days neem treatment interval was the most high as 19.505 thousand won per 10a and the most economical treatment for control of B. tabaci.
As a first step of mapping genes conferring resistance to the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål, in Gayabyeo using a population derived from a cross between Gayabyeo and Taebaegbyeo, we performed the whole genome resequencing of these two Tongil-type rice varieties. The amount of raw sequence data was about 18.5X109 bp and 17.9X109 bp in Gayabyeo and Taebaegbyeo, respectively. After quality trimming and read mapping onto Nipponbare reference genome sequence, 9.3X109 bp was mapped in Gayabyeo with mapping depth of 25.0X, and 9.5X109 bp was mapped in Taebaegbyeo with mapping depth of 25.5X. Between Gayabyeo and Nipponbare, 1,585,880 SNPs were detected, while 1,416,898 SNPs were detected between Taebaegbyeo and Nipponbare. Between Gayabyeo and Taebaegbyeo, 284,501 SNPs were detected. Among the SNPs between Gayabyeo and Taebaegbyeo, 21.2% were in genic region and 78.8% were in intergenic region. In CDS region, 15,924 SNPs were detected, among which synonymous SNPs covered 47.3% and non-synonymous SNPs covered 52.7%. We designed Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS) markers with SNPs in the restriction enzyme recognition sites, and 20 CAPS markers were tested. Of the 20 markers, 19 markers showed polymorphism and one marker showed monomorphism between Gayabyeo and Taebaegbyeo. It is expected that sufficient DNA markers for mapping genes with a population derived from a cross between Gayabyeo and Taebaegbyeo can be developed based on the results of the study.
This study was carried out to evaluate the proximate contents and compositions of amino acids and fatty acids in Korean 6 dent, 2 intermediate, and 3 semiflint maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids. The protein content of 11 Korean maize hybrids ranged from 9.0% (Pyeonggangok) to 11.5% (Jangdaok). The crude fat content varied from 4.0% (Pyeonggangok and Yanganok) to 5.6% (Kwangpyeongok), and the crude ash content was 1.3 (Jangdaok) ~ 1.6% (Cheonganok). Total starch contents of maize hybrids were determined in the range of 51.4% (Jangdaok) to 70.9% (Cheonganok). Major amino acid in maize varieties were glutamic acid (27.28~28.68%) and followed by proline, alanine, and aspartic acid. Fatty acid were mainly composed of oleic acid (C18:1, 23.55~31.47%) and linoleic acid (C18:2, 47.55~56.64%) in maize hybrids. Cheonganok, Cheongdaok, and Kwangpyeongok had high oleic acid composition among Korean maize hybrids. Also, Gangdaok and Kwangpyeongok had high composition of saturated fatty acid. Because kernel composition affects maize quality, it is important data for the maize breeding program and food processing.
Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) has been used as a rapid analysis tool to many components in cereal grains. This study was to investigate the potential NIRS application for determination of components in Korean wheat. Main components of wheat quality are protein content, moisture content, SDS-sedimentation volume and ash content. Wheat has screened for quality, hardness of seed by NIRS in CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center). NIRS calibration was used as a rapid and simultaneous analysis method to determine the wheat quality components. A total of 282 wheat samples, collected from a wide range of Korean wheat cultivation region for 2 years, were analyzed by NIRS. NIRS calibration of individual components were developed using first derivation, second derivation and modified partial least-squares regression and internal cross validation method. As a result, calibration formula of protein was y=0.937x+0.786, calibration formula of moisture was y=0.922x+0.911, calibration formula of ash was y=0.933x+0.08, calibration formula of SDS-sedimentation volume was y=0.947x+2.150. NIRS calibration for wheat quality may be useful for determining protein(R2 = 93.6), moisture(R2 = 91.6), SDS-sedimentation volume(R2 = 94.3), and ash(R2 = 93.4). This study shows that 4 calibrations of NIRS is a useful application in the accurate and rapid determination of wheat quality. Therefore, NIRS could be used to rapidly determine the quality contents of wheat for grade evaluation in a purchasing of wheat cultivation region.
In this study, the image processing technique referred as night vision was introduced in order to measure the displacement of structure during the nighttime. The validation of the reliability and the applicability of proposed method was evaluated by the scaled model test.
‘Geonhwangmi’, a new sweetpotato variety, was developed for table use by Bioenergy Crop Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), and RDA in 2013. This variety was derived from the cross between ‘Singeonmi’ and ‘Mokpo34’ in 2005. The seedling and line selections were performed from 2006 to 2008, preliminary and advanced yield trials were carried out from 2009 to 2010. The regional yield trials were conducted at five locations from 2011 to 2013, and it was named as ‘Geonhwangmi’. This variety has five-lobed leaf, and its leaves, stems, and petioles are green. Storage root of ‘Geonhwangmi’ has an elliptical shape, red skin, and light orange flesh. ‘Geonhwangmi’ was moderately resistant to fusarium wilt, and resistant to root-knot nematode. Dry matter content was 29.4%, and texture of steamed storage root was intermediate. Sucrose content of steamed storage root of ‘Geonhwangmi’ was higher than that of ‘Yulmi’, and steamed storage root palatability of ‘Geonhwangmi’ was better than that of ‘Yulmi’. β-carotene content of ‘Geonhwangmi’ was 3.4 mg/100g DW, which was 7.8% of ‘Juhwangmi’. Yield of marketable storage root over 50 g of ‘Geonhwangmi’ was 23.0 MT/ha under the early seasonal cultivation, which was 39% higher than that of ‘Yulmi’. The number of marketable storage roots per plant was 2.6 and the average weight of marketable storage root was 151 g under the optimal and late seasonal cultivation. Marketable storage root yield of ‘Geonhwangmi’ was 24.2 MT/ha under the optimum and late seasonal cultivation, which was 45% higher than that of ‘Yulmi’. (Registration No. 5853).
The effects of weather variations on winter hulless barley were analyzed using data obtained from winter crop situation test at Iksan from 1985 to 2015. The wintering stage in the 16 years from 2000 to 2015 has become colder and shorter than that in the previous 15 years from 1985 to 1999. This has resulted in an early sequence of regrowth date, heading date, and ripening date. Heading date of hulless barley was mostly influenced by regrowth date and period of stem elongation. Futher, the regrowth date and period of stem elongation were strongly negatively correlated with the average air temperature in February and the maximum air temperature in March, respectively. The number of spikes per m2 and 1000-grain weight of Saechalssal cultivated from 2003 to 2015 showed strong positive correlations with yield. In early heading years, yield increased with extended ripening period and with increased 1000-grain weight. There was a strong negative correlation between 1000-grain weight and the average temperature during the ripening period. In the 15 years from 1985 to 1999, warm winters contributed to yield increase with increase in the number of spikes per m2 and a long ripening period. In contrast, in the recent 16 years from 2000 to 2015, the large variability in air temperature during the wintering stage, the decreasing number of spikes per m2 and the steadily increasing air temperature and decreasing precipitation during the ripening stage have caused high temperature stress and yield loss in late heading years.
Three-way Philadelphia (Ph) variant translocation is rarely found in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. We report a 3-way Ph variant t(1;9;22)(p22;q34;q11.2) which was detected for the first time in acute lymphoblastic leukemia and a combined novel variant t(1;15)(q11;q24). The patient was a 56-year-old woman and was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Karyotypic analysis showed 46,XX, t(1;9;22)(p22;q34;q11.2),der(15)t(1;15)(q11;q24). t(1;9;22)(p22;q34;q11.2) was reported only in patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia. Additional FISH showed 1q trisomy and supported the accurate detection of der(15)t(1;15)(q11;q24). Further studies are necessary to discover genes involved in development of the novel variant and the significance of the novel variant.
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of replacing 40% corn meal with three different types of barley (Youngyang, Wooho, and Yuyeon) on the chemical compositions, microbial indices, gas emission, and volatile fatty acid (VFA) content in feces of growing pigs. Sixteen pigs (Landrace × Yorkshire × Duroc) with an initial average body weight of 71 ± 2 kg were maintained in metabolic cages and randomly allotted to four treatments containing different sources of barley, for 23 days. The treatment with three different barley types replacing 40% ground corn showed no effect (P>0.05) on fecal chemical compositions, microbial indices, gas emission, and VFA. However, some differences (P<0.05) were noted in the chemical compositions of crude fiber and ash, and in the levels of Lactobacillus and Salmonella in the feces of the growing pigs. In conclusion, methane and hydrogen sulfide decreased by replacing 40% corn meal with Youngyang and Wooho barley, respectively.