
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,245

        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study estimated sunshine duration in South Korea using cloud detection images; the 2 class and 5 class images of Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS). The images were preprocessed and then compared with the observed sunshine duration from the Automated Synoptic Observing System (ASOS). Based on the result of comparing yearly and monthly sunshine duration, the results of the 5 class were better than the results of the 2 class. In the case of comparing daily sunshine duration, the results of the 5 class also showed relatively better outcome than the 2 class images. The simulation performance of the sunshine duration observed by ASOS and the sunshine duration calculated by COMS were evaluated using Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) technique. The 5 class data showed relatively high efficiency. RMSEs were relatively lower in the 5 class than the 2 class image in all years (2011-2014). Therefore, the 5 class data among the COMS satellite images could provide meaningful information at the points where there is no observation of sunshine duration.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘액체근대 교육’은 우리들에게 주어진 시대적 조건과 환경에 지나칠 정도로 적응을 강 요함에 따라 빠른 가속도의 흐름에 휩쓸리며 ‘전망’과 ‘성찰’이 매몰되고 있다. 이러할 때 교육은 활기찬 생명력이 소진되는 창조성의 결여와 노화와 죽음의 징표인 피로사회와 피로교육으로 전락하고 있다. 이러한 문제의식에서 이 논문은 화려한 전시가치로서 우 선선취경쟁의 흐름에 매몰된 흐름으로부터 내러티브의 교육으로 전회하고자 한다. 내러 티브 교육은 학습자에게 과거의 기억이 현재로 환기되는 과정에서 지속적으로 새롭게 발견되고 재해석되며 미래의 전망이 현실을 충일하게 하는 지평을 품고 있다. 내러티브 교육은 마치 놀이처럼 학습자에게 기억환기를 촉발시키는 ‘피크노랩시스의 창조성’에 기 반을 두고 있다. 따라서 내러티브 지평에서 교육 세 주체는 내면세계의 거주에서 ‘순례 의 교육 분위기’를 시너지적 협력으로 새롭게 조형할 수 있다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        『바람 부는 밤의 광시곡』 은 T. S. 엘리엇의 초기시 중에서 가장 의미 파악이 힘든 시라고 볼 수 있다. 이 시는 전체의 이미지를 “비틀림,” “냄새,” “기억”이라는 단어들과 서로 연결시켜 놓았다. 『바람 부는 밤의 광시곡』 에서 화자는 바람 부는 밤 자정부터 새벽 네 시까지 도시의 가 로등 불빛과 달빛에 흔들리고 재배열되는 기억을 통해서 과거 속에 잠 자고 있는 또 다른 시간을 경험하게 한다. 본 논문은 엘리엇이 직·간접 적으로 베르그송의 시간 개념을 어떻게 광시곡에 펼쳐내는지를 살펴보 고자한다. 시인은 『바람 부는 밤의 광시곡』 에서 기억을 중심으로 비틀 어진 시간의 속성을 다시 흔들고 재배열하여 직선적 시간관을 극복해 보려한다. 본 논문은 『바람 부는 밤의 광시곡』 에서 엘리엇이 추구하는 베르그송적인 순수 기억이 순수과거, 즉 “버추얼”과 일맥상통하고 있음 을 밝혀내고자 한다. 그리고 시인은 “바람 부는 밤에”가 아닌 “바람 부 는 밤을 무대로” 해석할 만큼 시간과 기억의 타협 공간으로 “밤”을 사 용하였음을 보이고자한다.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new prediction scheme has been proposed for the robust teleoperation in a non-visible environment. The positioning error caused by the time delay in the non-visible environment has been compensated for by the Smith predictor and the sensory data have been estimated by the Grey model. The Smith predictor is effective for the compensation of the positioning error caused by the time delay with a precise system model. Therefore the dynamic model of a mobile robot has been used in this research. To minimize the unstable and erroneous states caused by the time delay, the estimated sensor data have been sent to the operator. Through simulations, the possibility of compensating the errors caused by the time delay has been verified using the Smith predictor. Also the estimation reliability of the measurement data has been demonstrated. Robust teleoperations in a non-visible environment have been performed with a mobile robot to avoid the obstacles effective to go to the target position by the proposed prediction scheme which combines the Smith predictor and the Grey model. Even though the human operator is involved in the teleoperation loop, the compensation effects have been clearly demonstrated.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        염해에 콘크리트 구조물의 내구수명 평가는 매우 중요한데, 결정론적 방법 및 확률론적 방법에서 평가된 결과는 큰 차이를 보이고 있다. 본 연구에서는 시간의존형 확산계수와 고정 확산계수를 고려하여 내구수명을 모사하였다. 기본확산계수, 콘크리트 피복두께, 표면염화 물량을 3조건으로 분류하여 각 평가방법에 따라 변화하는 내구적 파괴확률과 내구수명을 평가하였다. 시간의존형 확산계수의 도입을 통하여 두 방법 간의 차이를 감소시킬 수 있었으며, 합리적인 해석결과를 유도할 수 있었다. 염화물 확산계수가 2.5×10-12m2/sec에서 7.5×10-12m2/sec으 로 증가할 때 내구수명은 25.5~35.6%수준으로 감소하였으며, 피복두께가 75 mm에서 125 mm로 증가할 경우, 267~311%로 내구수명은 증가 하였다. 또한 표면염화물량이 5.0 kg/m3에서 15.0 kg/m3으로 변화할 때, 내구수명은 40.9~54.5% 수준으로 감소하였다. 피복두께의 변화에 따른 내구수명의 변화는 기본확산계수 및 표면염화물에 비하여 8~10배정도 크게 평가되었으며 내구수명 확보를 위한 중요한 인자임을 알 수 있다.
        2016.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        신재생에너지의 보급 확대로 인해 2001년 발전차액제도(FIT)에서 2012년 신재생에너지공급의무화제도(RPS)로 국내 신재생에너지 정책이 변화하였으며 이에 다양한 바이오매스 에너지원에 대한 활용방안이 검토 및 도입되고 있다. 바이오매스를 이용한 연료생산에는 선진기술개발이 요구되고 있으며, 최근 폐목재를 기반으로 한 Torrefaction 기술에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 수분함량이 높고 발열량이 낮은 단독 폐바이오매스를 사용한 고형연료 생산 시, 투입되는 에너지 소비량이 높아 경제성이 낮으므로 발열량이 높은 폐바이오매스와 발열량이 낮은 폐바이오매스를 함께 사용한 혼합 폐바이오매스를 고형연료화함으로써 소요되는 에너지 소비량을 낮출 수 있다. 혼합 폐바이오매스를 이용한 Torrefaction을 통하여 고형연료 생산품질 기준에 적합한 적정 운전조건을 도출하는 것이 Scale-up 설계에서 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 Bench급 간접가열 로타리킬른 방식 Torrefaction reactor에서 폐목재 및 하수슬러지 혼합 폐바이오매스를 이용하여 반응온도 및 체류시간에 따른 고형연료 생산 특성을 조사하였다. 폐목재 단일 시료를 반탄화하여 고형연료 생산 시 발생되는 경제성 및 시료공급의 문제를 개선코자 하수슬러지를 혼합 후 공급하여 혼합 폐바이오매스를 제조하였으며 이를 활용하여 반탄화 고형연료를 생산하였다. Bench급 반탄화 시스템의 반응온도(230~270℃) 및 반응기 내 체류시간(20~40분) 변화에 따라 고체수율은 51~70wt%, 발열량은 5,420~6,070Kcal/kg (HHV 기준)로 고형연료가 생산되었다. 고형연료 수율은 반응온도가 증가할수록 고체수율이 감소하였으나 발열량 등 고형연료의 품질은 증가하여 기존 선행연구 된 실험실 규모의 연구 결과와 동일함을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통한 운전조건에 따른 Torrefaction 결과를 포함하여 Pilot 급 Scale-up 설계인자로 활용하였다.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        현재 국내외에서 제공되고 있는 기후변화 시나리오 자료의 경우 일단위로 제공되고 있다. 그러나 수문 설계 및 계획 시 중요한 입력자료 중 하나 는 시간단위 강우 자료로서 기후변화 시나리오에 따른 수자원 변동성을 평가하기 위해선 신뢰성 있는 상세화 기법이 필요하다. 국내외에서는 일단 위에서 일단위로 상세화 하는 기법, 또는 공간상세화 기법 연구는 다수 진행된바 있는 반면, 시간단위 상세화 기법 연구는 일단위 연구에 비해 상대 적으로 미진한 실정이다. 이러한 점에서 본 연구에서는 기후변화 시나리오에 따른 영향 평가가 가능한 자료생성을 위해 Conditional Copula 모형 을 활용하여 극치시간단위 강우량 상세화 기법을 개발하였으며, 미래 RCP 8.5 시나리오를 활용하여 연대별 극치시간강우량을 생성하였다. 생성 된 결과는 우리나라 기상청 지점별로 빈도해석을 통해 결과를 제시하였으며, 본 연구결과는 수자원 분야에서 미래 기후변화 영향을 평가하기 위한 기초자료로 활용 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The current seismic design parameter demands less distortions and preservation of nonstationary characteristics and phase angle in design acceleration time histories. This research presents an improved iterative spectral matching method in the time domain for generating acceleration time series compatible with the target design spectrum with high frequency enrichment. A modified correction function in time domain referred as windowed adjustment functionto modify the selected initial input ground motion is proposed.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Impact Severity is important parameter to design concrete barrier in South Korea. However, maximum load and load-time history graph showed different depending on parameters under vehicle impact loading. Therefore, in this study, analysis according was conducted to various impact conditions such as vehicle mass and impact velocity under same impact severity. Obtained results from load-time history graph showed key parameter is velocity compared to vehicle mass.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was aimed to investigate the effect of blending cement with crushed aggregate powder on the setting time. crushed aggregate powder was incorporated with the ratio of 0~30 wt.% of cement. The experimental results presented that there was little influence on the intial setting time, whereas the final setting time decreased by blending with higher amount of crushed aggregate powder.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Extended Accumulated SIBIE in order to improve the limit of visibility of Accumulated SIBIE method is a method to significantly improve the performance of measurements by extension the region of visibility to a low-frequency region. Decrease of resonant frequency displayed in the lower frequency region than the thickness frequency is due to reduction in rigidity by essentially degradation and cross-sectional loss of members. It is necessary to clarify the relationship between the resonance frequency and the deterioration or damage patterns to learn these patterns. In this research, by obtaining the vibration mode and the natural frequency by the eigenvalue analysis, it was confirmed that dynamic analysis which take time and effort can be minimized.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        High temporal resolution precipitation data can provide information about rainfall intensity, and can better reveal the essential physical process of precipitation intensity than daily totals do. Using hourly precipitation data at 14 stations during 1961-2014, the changes in the characteristics of summer precipitation in South Korea analysed. Although the precipitation amount in summer has increased at all stations, hourly precipitation in summer shows different directions and magnitudes of changes at each station in South Korea. Results showed that the change pattern of hourly precipitation is mostly attributed to change in the frequency of hourly precipitation of 10mm or more.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The concepts of residence time and flushing time can be used to explain the exchange and transport of water or materials in a coastal sea. The application of these transport time scales are widespread in biological, hydrological, and geochemical studies. The water quality of the system crucially depends on the residence time and flushing time of a particle in the system. In this study, the residence and flushing time in Gamak Bay were calculated using the numerical model, EFDC, which includes a particle tracking module. The average residence time was 55 days in the inner bay, and the flushing time for Gamak Bay was about 44.8 days, according to the simulation. This means that it takes about 2 months for land and aquaculture generated particles to be transported out of Gamak Bay, which can lead to substances accumulating in the bay. These results show the relationships between the transport time scale and physical the properties of the embayment. The findings of this study will improves understanding of the water and material transport processes in Gamak Bay and will be important when assessing the potential impact of coastal development on water quality conditions.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CGD3 was used as a starter for fermentation of amaranth and cultural characteristics and biological activities of amaranth were investigated. The viable cells in fermented amaranth was 4.54~8.01 log CFU/mL during 96 hr of fermentation period. Protease activities of amaranth showed the highest by 36.7 unit/mL after 72 hr of fermentation. The total phenolic and flavonoid contents of amaranth increased with fermentation time while its total sugar content decreased. The total protein content was the highest in amaranth fermented for 96 hr (0.25 mg/g). The DPPH scavenging activities, FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power), and reducing power of amaranth were highest in amaranth fermented for 72 hr, showing 84.46%, 551.91 μM, and 2.74, respectively. ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) and α-Glucosidase inhibition rates increased with fermentation time and showed the highest after 72 hr.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: Introduction of the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 as a low cost research tool for various studies and to show how study tools could be built using the LEGO with ease. Methods: To show what the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 could do for studies, programming method was described and some example devices used previous papers were reconstructed; EX1 - Selection of left right device for Stoet(2010), EX2 - Time expectation device for Kim and Ryu(2015), and EX3 - Four digits random number generator for Huh and Lee(2015). Time delay of each example device was tested to evaluate effectiveness of the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 as research device. Results: Combination of single execution structure and button switch on the EV3 brick showed 1 ms error of time measurement, and combination of single execution structure and touch sensor showed 10 ms error of time measurement. 1 ms error of time measurement is same accuracy achieved by Windows based computer system.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The mechanism of micro-bubble generation with a pump is not clarified yet, so the design of water treatment systems with a micro-bubble generating pump is based on trial and error methods. This study tried to explain clearly quantitative relationships of experimental micro-bubble concentration (Cair) of continuous operation tests with a micro-bubble generating pump and theoretical air solubility. Operation parameters for the tests were discharge pressure (Pg), water (Qw0) and air (q0) flow rates, orifice diameter (DO), and retention time (t). The experimental micro-bubble concentrations (Cair) at 4.8 atm of discharge pressure (Pg) were in the range of 21.04 to 25.29 mL/L. When the retention time (t) by changing the pipe line length (LP) increased from 1.22 to 6.77s, the experimental micro-bubble concentrations (Cair) increased from 25.86 to 30.78 mL air/L water linearly. The dissolved and dispersed micro-bubble concentrations (Cair) are approximately 4 times more than the theoretical air solubility.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: This study was to verify the difference between reaction time of information processing and decision making information related with physical activity according to exercise self-schema. So it would have the hypothesis that exercise self-schema affected to judgement, remember and expectation of the content related with physical activity. Methods: The participants of experiment were 36(male:15, female21,Mage=21.25). Task was presented at computer screen. Participants reaction time and contents were saved automatically. And it was measured the physical activity’s amount for 7 days through questionnaire. All anaysis were conducted by SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18. Results: It was shown that the participants who had higher exercise self-schema had faster information processing about physical activity content than the participants who had lower exercise self-schema. Also group of higher exercise self-schema had more vocabulary comments. And at the expect behavior related physical activity, the group of higher exercise-self schema seek more physical activity than the group of lower exercise self-schema. Finally, higher exercise self-schema group had more physical activity. Conclusion: it had identified that exercise self-schema was significant factor at information processing related physical activity. So it is needed to study and develop the program which help developing exercise self-schema.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문의 주 목적은 「J. 알프레드 프루프록의 사랑 노래」에 나타 난 근대성과 시간의 의제가 지닌 중요성을 탐구하는 것이다. 산업화 와 도시화의 결과로 인간소외 현상이 심화되는 후기 근대의 도시로 부터 탈주하고자 하는 프루프록은 대립적인 인간관계가 해소된 마법 화된 시공간을 꿈꾼다. ‘상상적인 동일시’를 통해 구성된 이 세계는 기본적으로 여성적인 영역으로, 방안의 여인들로 대표되는 이 공간 에서는 교감과 친밀성을 바탕으로 하는 인간관계가 유지되고 있다. 또한 프루프록은 동일한 것의 반복을 특징으로 하는 근대의 일상적 시간을 특이성과 우발성이 충만한 차이의 시간으로 대체하고자 한 다. 하지만, 프루프록을 표준화하고 사물화하는 근대성의 시선의 회 귀와 더불어 그는 인간의 시간이 중단된 신화적 세계에 감금되며, 이것은 사회적 존재로서의 프루프록의 상징적 죽음을 의미한다.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : From 2000 years ago, Panax ginseng is identified as precious pharmaceutical plant. Depend on growing environment, the name would be vary. For instance, it is called "mountain cultured ginseng (jangnoesam)" which is artificially grown ginseng, "Cultured ginseng (jaebaesam)" which refer to the ginseng grown in the forest, and lastly "Wild ginseng (sansam)" which inhabits in deep mountain. The main active compounds in the Panax ginseng is called ginsenoside and many researches have been performing in biological field. However, most studies focus on functional ability of ginseng. In this study, to seek the suitable extraction condition and antioxidant activity, cell cultured Panax ginseng was extracted according to different ethanol concentration and extraction time. Methods and Results : To establish the optimal extraction condition, the sample was pulverized into 500 μm and added 10% (v/v), 30% (v/v), 50% (v/v), 70% (v/v) and, 90% (v/v) EtOH. After that, the samples are extracted in different time by ultrasonic bath (Power sonic 520, Hwashin Co., Korea). The extracts was filtered by Whatman No. 2 filtering paper. Eventually, the saponin was separated by n-butanol as the ginsenoside, the combination of terpenoid and sugar. The extraction yield of 90% cell cultured panax ginseng EtOH extract was 7.36±0.33%, which was the lowest extraction yield and simultaneously, 10% EtOH extract showed 1.8 times more yield that of 90% EtOH extract. The saponin extraction yield revealed 10% and 70% EtOH extract showed 1.64±0.06% and 3.13±0.08%, respectively. Conclusion : The suitable extraction yield in cell cultured panax ginseng and saponin were evaluated by different extraction condition such as ethanol concentration and extraction time. As a result, when 10% EtOH was applied as solvent, the yield was doubles of 90% EtOH extract. As ethanol became high concentrations, the extraction yield was gradually increased. Among them, crude saponin, the main active compounds in Panax ginseng was extracted the most by 70% EtOH and that value was 3.13±0.08%.