
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 867

        1991.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        김치에 인삼 2% 및 4%를 첨가하여 20℃에서 9일간 저장하면서 숙성기간별로 pH, 산도, 염도와 환원당의 변화를 관찰하고, Instron에 의한 경도측정, HPLC에 의한 유기산 분석 및 관능검사로 가식기간과 기호성에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. 시료김치는 약 2.3% 정도의 염도를 유지했으며 발효기간 중 인삼 첨가군이 pH, 환원당함량 및 기계적 측정에 의한 경도가 높게 나타났고 산도는 낮게 나타났다. 유기산 분석결과 oxalic acid, lactic acid, malic acid의 함량이 많았으며 발효가 진행됨에 따라 succinic acid, lactic acid와 acetic acid는 증가하고 oxalic acid는 크게 변하지 않았으며 tartaric acid와 malic acid의 함량은 감소하였다. 관능검사결과 인삼첨가군이 대조군보다 높은 경도를 나타냈으며 감칠맛과 탄산미가 좋게, 신맛과 이취가 적게 평가되었으며, 인삼으로 인한 쓴맛과 전체적 취식특성이 좋게 평가된 것으로 보아 인삼의 첨가가 김치의 기호성을 증대시킬 수 있을 것으로 여겨진다. 또한 관능검사와 분석한 성분과의 상관관계를 알아본 결과 김치의 기호도는 이취, 탄산미, 신맛, 그리고 감칠맛에 의해 결정됨을 알 수 있다. 결국 김치에 인삼을 첨가함으로써 기호성을 증대시키고 가식기간을 연장할 수 있었으며, 인삼첨가군 사이의 유의적인 차이가 없는 것으로 보아 인삼 2% 첨가군이 기호성 및 경제성에 있어서 우수한 것으로 나타났다.
        1991.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1986~1990년에 3년근 인삼포장에서 참검정풍뎅이 유충에 의한 춘기 피해 양상을 조사한 결과 인삼포장의 바깥쪽일수록 피해가 심하였는데 이는 참검정풍뎅이 자성충의 dirks 이동 습성 때문으로 보인다. 3령 유충에 의한 3년근 인삼의 피해부는 뿌리 동례의 상부, 중부, 하부 또는 뿌리 전체였으며 드물게 지하부 줄게에도 피해가 있었다. 섭식기 3령층의 평균 서식 깊이는 인삼 유묘, 2년근, 3년근, 쑥에서 각각 3.2cn, 5.6cm, 6.6cm, 4.9cm 였다. 춘기의 참검정풍뎅이 유충에 의한 인삼의 피해는 주러 5월 중순에서 7월 상순에 발생하였고 강우량이 증가할 경우 피해가 일시적으로 감소하는 것으로 보였다.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인삼 추출물인 saponin이 Bacillus cereus의 성장에 미치는 영향을 세포의 성장 및 영양물질의 세포내 유입 정도와 효소 활성도를 관찰함으로써 알아보았다. 인삼 saponin을 Bacillus cereus의 배양액에 첨가하였을 때, 영양물질의 세포내 유입이 증가하고 이들 물질의 대사와 관련된 효소의 활성도가 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, saponin에 의해 Bacillus cereus 개체군의 전반적인 성장이 증가하였다. 성장의 증가 현상은 인삼 saponin이 세포막에 먼저 작용하여 세포의 영양물질 흡수 통로인 영양물질 결합 부위를 노출시켜 영양물질의 흡수를 증진시킨데 기인한 것으로 사료되는 바이다.
        1986.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The antioxidant activity of petroleum ether extract of Panax ginseng roots in the oxidation of mixed methyl esters of unsaturated fatty acids(MEUFA) was investigated in vitro. The petroleum ether extract of panax ginseng roots showed the antioxidant activity and inhibited the weight gain in the autoxidation of MEUFA. And the induction periods in the autoxidation of MEUFA were related to te addition concentrations of petroleum ether extact. The antioxidant effect of petroleum ether extract on the autoxidation of MEUFA was caused by the protective formation of lipid peroxides and carbonyl compounds. From the results obtained, it was confirmed that petroleum ether extract of panax ginseng roots contained antioxidant substances.
        1985.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인삼의 스트레스에 대한 효과를 알아보기 위하여 스트레스를 가한 흰쥐의 부신피질에 대해 형태학적 관찰을 행하였든바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 이때 실험은 saline 주사후 스트레스를 가하지 않은 군(S-NS-AD), 스트레스를 가한 군(S-S-AD)과 인삼추출액을 주사한 후 스트레스를 가하지 않은 군(G-NS-AD)과 스트레스를 가한 군(G-S-AD) 등으로 나누어 시행하였다. 조직학적으로 S-S-AD군에서는 S-NS-AD군에 비해 작은 지방적이 다수 출현하였으나 인삼 주사군에서는 스트레스에 관계없이 대형의 지방적이 다수 출현하였다. 조직화학적으로는 인삼주사군에서 cholesterol 및 그 ester, glycolipid, phospholipid, glycogen등이 다소 많이 출현하였으나 glycogen과 cholesterol 및 그 ester는 S-S-AD군에서도 많이 출현하였다. 전자현미경적으로 S-S-AD군과 임삼주사군에서 지방적이 다수 출현하고 특히 인삼주사군에서는 대형의 지방적 출현과 중등도의 glycogen 과립의 출현을 볼수 있었다. 또 안삼주사군과 S-S-AD 군에서는 SER의 확장, 세포간격의 확장 및 dense body의 출현 등이 인정되었으며, G-S-AD군에서는 세포간에 filopodia도 인정되었다. 이상의 소견으로 봐서 인삼은 스트레스에 대해 부신피질세포의 대사 및 홀몬 합성에 활성을 주어 스트레스에 대항할 수 있는 효과를 주는 것으로 사료된다.
        1985.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Our country has been produced much amounts of panax ginseng roots which has a stimulating effects on the metabolism of protein, lipid and nucleic acids in the body. And the leaf trunk of panax ginseng were also produced a considerable amounts as the by - products. Therefore, this study was devised to observe the nutritional effect to rats feeding of rice diet supplemented with by - products of panax ginseng, male Albino rats of pure strain weighing 73.8 ± 0.7 g were used as experimental animal to investigate the changes of cholesterol in heart and testis. The animals were divided into sixteen diet group, they were the protein contents of 9%, 12%, 15% and 18% supplemented with 2% panax ginseng roots and its by - products respectively. The group without the supplements were used as the control. The diet group were again divided into 2 groups according to the feeding terms, 4 weeks and 8 weeks. It is concluded that the free from cholesterol and total cholesterol contents in the heart and testis with the supplements of panax ginseng roots and its by - products showed significant difference compared to the control group.
        1985.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to investigate the effect of ginseng saponins on the activity of lipoprotein lipase, it was attempted to conform the enzymatic hydrolysis of chylomicron with post-heparin induced plasma lipoprotein lipase of normal rabbit in vitro. And the activity of lipoprotein llipase was determined by the quantitative determination of liberated free fatty acids on the hydrolysis of chylomicron. As the result, it was observed that the ginseng saponins accelerated the hydrolysis of chylomicron by post-heparin plasma in vitro. And the optimum concentration of ginseng saponins for the activity of the lipoprotein lipase in the 2% bovine serum albumin was 10-4%. But ginseng saponins on the hydrolysis of chylomicron was influenced by the presence and the absence of albumin. And the optimum concentration of albumin and Na-cholate on the activity of lipoprotein lipase was each of the 10-6% albumin and 5mM Na-cholate. From these results, it seems that ginseng saponins might stimulate the intravascular hydrolysis of chylomicron.
        1982.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인삼 재배포장에서 병원균인 Fusarium spp.의 밀도와 근부에 영향을 미치는 토양환경요인을 조사하였다. 2년근 포장의 토양을 토성별로 분류하여 결주율, Fusarium spp. 밀도, 화학적 성질을 비교해 본 결과 점토 함량이 들었고 결주율과 질산태 질소는 줄어드는 경향이었으며 다른 성질은 뚜렷한 차이가 없었다. 6년근 포장에서는 근부율과 유효인산 함량이 정의 상관(r=0.3162, p=0.05)을 보였으며 Fusarium spp. 밀도와 Streptomyces spp. 밀도는 고도의 부의 상관(r=-0.3976, p=0.01)을 나타내었다.
        1981.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        These experiments were conducted to investigate the nematicidal effects of the insecticides, Mocap(O-Ethyl-S, S-dipropyl phosphorodithioate), Carbofuran(2,3-Dihydro-2,2-dimethyl benzofuranyl ethyl carbamate), Terbufos (S-tert-buthylthio methyl O,O-diethyl phosphordithioate) and their mixtures (Mocap+carbofuran, Mocap+Terbufos, Carbofuran+Terbufos) on growth of 2year-old ginseng, Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer, and the control of root-knot nematodes. There was no evidence of plant injury from insecticide treatment of ginseng, although the rate of emergence of the treated ginseng was slightly inhibited. The insecticide treatments showed no of-flavor of ginseng plant. Terbufos and Mocap provided heifer confrol of the root-knot nematodes than carbofuran alone and their mixtures. Mixtures of the insecticides showed antagonisitic effect to the root-knot nematodes.
        1981.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        D-D외 3종의 토양훈증제를 인삼의 연작토에 15cm, 30cm 깊이로 처리하였을 때 2년생인삼의 생육과 화학적조성에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해서 본 시험을 실시하였다. 1980년 3월 7일 처리, 4월 1일 이식, 8월 19일에 채취하여 근, 경, 엽으로 나누어 일반 무기성분(N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn)을 분석한바 그 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 훈증제처리가 2년생인삼의 지상하부의 생육을 촉진하였는데, 지하부 생체중의 경우 , 건물중의 경우 증가하였다. 2. 지상하부의 질소와 인산의 함량은 훈증제처리구에서 무처리구에 비하여 증가하였으나, a의 경우에는 오히려 감소하는 경향을 보였다. K의 경우에 있어서는 지하부에서는 함량이 감소하였으나, 지하부에서는 증가하였다. 3. 미량요소의 경우에 있어서는 Mn, Fe의 함량은 훈증제처리구에서 증가하였으나, Na, Zn의 함량에는 큰 영향을 미치지 못하였다. 4. 훈증제의 처리깊이(15cm, 30cm)에 따른 차이에서 보면 2년생인삼의 생육과 화학적조성에는 별다른 차이를 볼 수 없었다.
        1981.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인삼 조사포닌과 인삼즙액이 인삼 근부패를 일으키는 병원균 Fusarium solani와 Erwinia carotovora의 생장과 증식 및 포자발아에 미치는 영향을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 인삼 조 Saponin의 농도가 증가됨에 따라 F. solani의 대형분생포자의 발아율은 억제 되었으며 500 ppm 이상 첨가시 현저하게 억제 되었다. 2. 토양 추출액은 초기에 F. solani의 포자 발아를 억제하는 효과가 있었으나 24시간후에는 무효화되었다. 3. 인삼 조 Saponin의 첨가 농도가 증가됨에 따라 F. solani의 포자형성량이 감소되었으며 고체배지에서 이러한 현상은 더욱 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 4. 인삼 Saponin을 첨가 했을시 균사생장량은 약간 감소되었으나 농도에 따른 감소율은 인정되지 않았다. 5. 인삼 조 사포닌은 농도가 증가 될 수록 F. solani의 Colony 형성을 억제하였으나 인삼즙액은 농도가 증가될수록 현저하게 F. solani의 Colony수를 증가시켰다. 6. 인삼 조 Saponin과 인삼즙액 모두 E. carotovora의 생장을 촉진시켰다.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ginseng (Pnanx ginseng C. A. Meyer) is famous worldwide, and is very important cash crop and medicinal herb in Korea. It takes four to five years to produce harvestable ginseng roots, and ginseng is attacked by several pathogens during cultivation. We investigated the disease rate caused by ginseng root rot from 6 years old ginseng cultivation fields (Chungnam; 9 fields, Chungbuk; 11 fields, Gangwon 5 fields). The highest disease severity was Dangjin D (2.9) and the lowest one was Gaesan C (0.6). Of the 625 isolations, 340 isolations were classified as Ilyonectria radicicola and Fusarium solani. Finally, genetic diversity of I. radicicola and F. solani was confirmed by sequence analysis. Among the I. radicicola group, I. mors-panacis, which is known as highly virulent pathogen, and I. liriodendri, I. robusta and I. cyclamicicola, which are weakly virulent pathogens, were identified. In the case of F. solani, it is divided into two groups, but it is necessary to conduct diversity research through genetic analysis and pathogenetic studies using various markers. Based on these results, it could be used as a basic data for control of ginseng root rot pathogens.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: Ginseng produced by hydroponics can be cultivated without using agricultural chemicals; thus, it can be used as a raw materials for functional foods, medicines, and cosmetics. This study aimed to determine the optimal harvesting time to obtain the highest levels of ginsenoside and ginseng, as this was not previously unknown. Methods and Results: One-year-old organic ginseng seedlings were transplanted and cultivated using hydroponics for 150 days in a venlo-type greenhouse, using ginseng nursery bed soil and a nutrient solution (NO3 −-N; 6.165, P; 3.525, K; 5.625, Ca; 4.365, Mg; 5.085, S; 5.31 mEq/ℓ). Ginsenoside content and fresh and dry weights were higher at 120 days after transplanting than at 30, 60, 90, and 150 days. Total ginsenoside content was 11.86 times higher in the leaf and stem than in the root at 120 days after transplanting. Ginsenosides F1, F2, F3, and F5 were detected in ginseng leaves and stems. These chemical compounds are known to be effective in altering skin properties, including whitening, anti-inflammation, and anti-aging. Conclusions: Optimal harvesting time for ginseng cultivated using hydroponics was 120 days after transplanting when the biomass and ginsenoside content were highest.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: In Korea, seeds of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer need to be stored under cold temperature and high humidity condition for months to break physiological dormancy, making storage difficult until spring-sowing. This study was conducted to test the effects of seed storage conditions and seed treatment on the emergence of seedling after spring-sowing in a nursery greenhouse. Methods and Results: After dehiscence, endocarp dried seeds in mild or completely, and wet seeds were stored in 2℃ and −3.5℃ during winter. Storage at −3.5℃ resulted in a lower emergence rate (ER) than that at 2℃, and additional cold (2℃) treatment before or after storage at −3.5℃ increased the ER. Endocarp dehydration prevented pre-germination at 2℃ storage and increased the ER of seeds stored at −3.5℃. ER was also dependent on the batch of seeds. However, seed treatments before sowing had only limited effects on ER. Root loss was the main reason for damping-off; prolonged cold storage of seeds increased damping-off, as the detection of pathogens was not high. Conclusions: This study showed that storage conditions such as temperature and moisture content of seeds, affect the ER after spring-sowing and vitality of seedlings, suggesting further attention on seed control for secure seedling stands after spring-sowing.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: Some phenolics detected in the soil may inhibit the seed germination and seedling growth of ginseng (Panax ginseng). This study investigated the effect of irrigation and ginseng root residue addition on the soil microbial community and root rot disease in 2-year-old ginseng. Methods and Results: Each 20 ℓ pot was filled with soil infected with ginseng root rot pathogens, and irrigated daily with 2 ℓ of water for one month. After the irrigation treatment, ginseng fine root powder was mixed with the irrigated soil at a rate of 20 g per pot. In descending order, NO3 −, electric conductivity (EC), exchangeable Na (Ex. Na) and K (Ex. K) decreased due to irrigation. In descending order, NO3 −, EC, Ex. K, and available P2O5 increased with the additon of ginseng powder to the soil. The abundance of Trichoderma crassum decreased with irrigation, but increased again with the incorporation of ginseng powder. The abundance of Haematonectria haematococca increased with irrigation, but decreased with the incorporation of ginseng powder. The abundance of Cylindrocarpon spp. and Fusarium spp., which cause ginseng root rot, increased with the incorporation of ginseng powder. The abundance of Arthrobacter oryzae and Streptomyces lavendulae increased with irrigation. The abundance of Streptomyces lavendulae decreased, and that of Arthrobacter spp. increased, with the incorporation of ginseng powder. Aerial growth of ginseng was promoted by irrigation, and ginseng root rot increased with the incorporation of ginseng powder. Conclusions: Ginseng root residues in the soil affected soil nutrients and microorganisms, and promoted ginseng root rot, but did not affect the aerial growth of ginseng.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Plants cultivation is hindered by root rot, a major disease caused by the soil-born fungi. The ginseng-cultivated soil is one of the nutritious habitats for soil-borne microorganisms. Bacteria from ginseng-cultivated soil can increase plant growth by supplying nutrients and hormones as well as protecting against pathogenic fungal infections and induced systematic resistance. Methods and Results : The novel species DCY115T was isolated from ginseng-cultivated soil in Gochang province, Republic of Korea. The isolate was assigned to the genus Paraburkholderia due to its 16S rRNA gene sequence closely proximity to P. xenovorans LB400T (98.8%). Strain DCY115T is gram-negative, facultative aerobic, rod-shaped, non-flagellated, oxidase and catalase positive. The predominant isoprenoid quinone is ubiquinone Q-8. The genomic DNA G + C content is 61.3 mol%. Phenotypic tests and chemotaxonomic analysis place strain DCY115T in the genus Paraburkholderia. DNA-DNA hybridization values between strain DCY115T and closely related reference strains were lower than 51%. The DNA relatedness data in combination with phylogenetic and biochemical tests showed that strain DCY115T could not be assigned to any recognized species. Finally, strain DCY115T showed the plant growth promoting activities of siderophores production, phosphate solubilization, and antagonistic activity against root rot fungal pathogen Fusarium solani (KACC 44891T) and Cylindrocarpon destructans (KACC 44660T). Conclusion : The results support the novel strain DCY115T as a potential biocontrol agent against root rot fungal pathogen within the genus Paraburkholderia for which the name Paraburkholderia panacihumi is proposed. The type strain is DCY115T (= KCTC52952T = JCM32099T).
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng seeds are one of short-lived seeds species which loose their viability easily in the condition of conventional storage. Cryopreservation using liquid nitrogen (LN) has been recommended as a alternative storage for this kind of germplasm short lived or dessiccation-sensitive. This study was performed to find out whether cryopreservation could assure initial viability not only for seeds with high germination rate but also for seeds with low germination rate (in aging process). Methods and Results : In this work, 3 cultivars of dehisced ginseng seeds were artificial aged in the condition of 40℃, 95% RH during 6 hours with 3 hours-interval. The germination rate of ginseng seeds was decreased to the range of 71 - 94% of initial viability by artificial aging treatment. After 24 hours of vapor-LN exposure on both of artificial aged and non treated seeds as a cryopreservation, germination rate for each cultivar was decreased with the range of 76 - 95% of initial viability. While the decreasing patterns of germination rate for each cultivar showed similar curves between before and after vapor-LN exposure, the aging effects could be slightly little by cryopreservation for 3 cultivars of ginseng seeds. Conclusion : From the above results, we may suggest that cryopreservation could be recommened for storage tool of dehisced ginseng seeds even with low viability also and expected to make slower seed aging process during preservation period through further study.