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        검색결과 1,552

        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, there has been a great change in the earth science. Introducing new theories such as sea floor spreading and plate tectonics theories, sophisticated geological phenomena including continental drift, earthquakes and volcanic activities can be scientificaly explained. According to the great change of the concept of earth tectonics, earth science curriculum of domestic and foreign secondary school are now adapting this new concept such as new global tectonics. The aim of this study is to improve curriculum and develope a new efficient teaching-learning method by analyzing the contents of the chapter connected with plate tectonics in the elementary, middle and high school curriculum. For this purpose, American ESCP, CEEP and Korean earth science textbooks were analyzed in terms of general concept, system and construction. As the results, newly setting up the plate tectonics chapter include the contents of the concept of the plate, plate movement and historical back ground of the new global tectonics.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When the educational curriculum that was established and proclaimed by the Ministry of Education in fact apply on the spot of education, to estimate that the intended objectives is being achieved and what should be improved by all means needs for the revise of a educational curriculum and the improvement of a instruction-study process. Here upon, I will try to carry out a part of research about the actual condition for the applience of a educational curriculum by analysis of the relation between the educational objectives and the achievement in the Geology unit of current high school science text book I (1988).
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigate the nutritional contents of lunchbox of students of elementary school located in Sokcho city Kangwon province, the survey was conducted from April 23 to April 26, 1991. Main dishes and side dishes in lunchbox were weighed and nutrients were analyzed from food composition table. Total daily energy and nutrients intake were reach to RDA`s, except for intake of calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B_2 and vitamin C. Children`s height was positively correlated with energy and protein intake. Fat intake was positively correlated with monthly income and intake of vitamin A was positively correlated with number of family. This survey suggests that it need nutritional education program and school feeding to improvement of nutritional status for children.
        1991.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The earth science was set down as a regular subject of high-school curricilum in 1956 and has been constantly transited since then. This study is to discover the theoretical basic of science education by analyzing the background of formation of the curriculum and the process of transition. The aim of this study is to give an important suggestions for the future Earth Science Education. The summary of the study and suggestions for the sixth amendment of Earth Science curriculum are as follows 1. To promote the development of Science Education, Science subjects should be decided to be a compulsory subject by authority and supported financially. 2. It is necessary that the Earth Science be selected as a required subject in both human and natural course ; at least 4 unit for the human study course, and 8 unit for the natural course. 3. In the sixth amendment of curriculum the Earth Science should be fixed as a regular compulsory subject and both experiment and practice should be reinforced.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted a comprehensive sarvey of 39 elementary schools operating school lunch program in Seoul area. The purpose of this study was to investigate the realities of school lunch program. This method of this research was based on the interview survey with dietitian working at each school with prepared questionaire. The survey was conducted for 16 days from Dec. 5 to Dec. 20., 1990. The results of this study were as follows ; (1) The average numbers of children supplied with food were 1, 244 for each school. It was about 44.3% of the students enrolled in the school. The average feeding cost was 738 won per a child for a day. (2) Only one school was operating nutritional education as a regular educational program, and others were operating nutritional education off and on. (3) All nutrient intake except energy were higher than the RDA for school lunch program. (4) The ratio of animal food was 46.2%, and that of vegetable food was 53.8%. (5) The ratio of schools without sterilizer cabinet came to 56.4%, and that of schools without warmer was 97.4%. (6) The facilities for drainage, lighting, ventilation, anti-rat of a cookery were comparatively good.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An ecological study of food and nutrition was conducted among 198 children, 6 to 12 years old, of the Songmyun elementary school and Samsong elementary school, located in remote villages of Chungchun-myun, Goisan-gun, Chung Buk Province between July 11 and 16, 1988. The results were summarized as follows. In regard to frequency of skipping breakfast, 3.3% of subjects skipped every morning; 15% often skipped; and the others never skipped. The most common reason for skipping a meal was lack of appetite. 6.6% of subjects often skipped an evening meal because of delayed meal preparation by a mother who returned home late. The survey found that 5.1% of subjects skipped a lunch at school. The reasons for skipping lunch were the mother’s being too busy to prepare a boxed lunch; a school bag too heavy to carry for a long distance to school; no adequate side-dishes for the boxed lunch. Growth patterns of those children having poor food habits, were reflected in lower figures in arm circumference and weight for height. The percentage of children having meals with their family on weekdays was 84.7% for breakfast; 85.6% for evening meal. About 7% of subjects had many dislikes and 74.1% had some dislikes in what they ate; 18.9% had good food preferences. There was a strong correlation between appetite or food preferences and anthropometric measurements or nutrient intake. Boiled rice was the predominant dietary staple, and principal sources of protein taken by subjects at home were soy beans and soy products. Regarding the boxed lunch prepared at home, most popular was one with only one kind of side-dish, including kimchee. 43.4% of the side-dishes were prepared with vegetables only. As for between meal snacks, milk and milk products, fruits and breads were popular among the subjects. The survey found that the children liked fruits, yogurt, corn, Chajang noodle; in contrast, lowest preference was for soup made with bones, curried meat with rice, and aromatic vegetables. The survey discovered a local dietary characteristics; 46.2% of the children customarily ate frog meat, an unconventional food.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Students' understanding of atmospheric pressure concept was investigated by using the questionnaire method. The results indicated that students' understanding of atmospheric pressure concept was superficial and very various. Despite students' correct answers, their understandings are partial and they have many misunderstandings which are often associated with scientific terms. Especially many students didn't understand the method of measurement, definition and the reason of variation with altitude of atmospheric pressure. The implications of these findings for science teaching are discussed.
        1989.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. The aim of this study is to find the theoretical foundation of science education and to offer a basic materials and efficient suggestions for the 2000s Earth Science by analyzing and comparing the new curriculum amended in 1988 and the old one amended in 1981. 2. The main contents of this study is to find the problems in curriculum and to suggest the way to improve the curriculum by analyzing and comparing the new and old curriculum. 3. The problems that may appear in the new curriculum are as follows. (1) It's hard to expect the normal Earth Science Education in high school because Earth Science is designated as an optional subject in natural course. (2) It is contradictory to relation in learning to unify the Earth Science I and Biology I into Science I in new curriculum. (3) If the new curriculum goes in effect it is natural that Earth Science teachers quality should be lowered because able students will avoid entering the Department of Earth Science Education in university. 4. The suggestions to help improve the Earth Science curriculum in 2000s are as follows. (1) For the normal Earth Science Education, Earth Science should be designated as a required subject in civic science course as well as in natural course in high school. (2) The aim of Earth Science Education should be amended not to be dicipline centered curriculum but to satisfy the future society or individual's desire (3) The intergrated science should be researched profoundly and it is necessary to name Earth Science Geophysics, which is unified with physics. (4) Natural science curriculum should be amended by the committee constituted with the specialist in science education, scientists, and science teachers ; it is not proper that science curriculum be reached and discussed by an reorganization in which a few specialists in science education join.
        1989.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This is a report of a decriptive study of the secondary earth science to examine the geology education in the United States. The review of 35 states' science curricula and papers on science education presented the author a guide to this writing on earth science and geology education in the United States. Though the earth science education in the United States is characterized by great variety, the author could find two most common contents in geology curricula : these are $quot;Constitution of the Earth$quot; and $quot;Physical Geography$quot;. Methods of science teaching and use of computer and student assessment in the secondary schools in the United States are also reviewed and summarized in this study.
        1988.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study is to provide useful advices and basic data for the future Earth Science Education by analyzing the High School Earth Science textbooks. The analysis included 1) whether the contents of the textbook are properly selected suiting with Piaget's Intellectual development stage 2) whether the basic concept and successive concept are properly selected and organized. This study arrived at the following conclusions. 1) The greater part of highschool students are not able to think the formal operation when they are in need of thinking power in formal operation in the study of 48.696 of curriculum. 2) The contents of Earth Science textbook should be developed naturally from the concrete operation stage to the formal operation stage, but the methods of approaching curriculum are scattered through out the textbook. 3) There are many lessons that can't be practiced in laboratory. The textbook should be developed naturally from the simple structures to the complicated ones. Also it is necessary for teachers to conceive those problems and to be able to help the students approach the curriculum easily.
        1988.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1988.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1988.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The plate tectonics is the theory which can systematically interpret various kinds of changes of crusts on the earth surfaces. If the concepts of this theory is taken a triangular position and systematically played up at the curricula of the earth science in the high school, this theory may be able to become the most adequate subject for students to interest in the earth science. The aim of this study is the making out the expanded model of the unit of plate tectonics for the purpose of the more effective teaching-learning of the plate tectonics and the improvement of curricula on the plate tectonics in the high school.
        1987.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study on analysis of curriculum of high school Earth Science is; 1) To investigate whether experiment and observation unit are properly organized. 2) To provide useful materials for reorganization of Earth Science curriculum in future. 3) To suggest that the curriculum be operated properly in the era of 2000s. This study reaches the conclusions which are as follows; 1) After classifying the course of experiment and observation, we have found it difficult to help the students inquiry learning for they are organized only to be explained by teacher on the purpose of passing entrance exam. 2) It is difficult to help students make an experiment because of laboratory's lack. So it is necessary for the education authority to require the situation and to support its system actively. 3) Lack of experimental equipments and classroom schedule for experiment make it difficult to make an experiment in most schools(For example 89.1 % of the whole school lack implement, 52.7% lack prepared hours, 73.6% perform less than 5 hours a week). 4) It is not proper to divide the curriculum into Earth Science(I) and Earth Science(II). Most of teachers tell that the teaching material is somewhat difficult for the students to understand and the quantity of those is too much(80.9%). 5) Those who study liberal course are inclined to choose Biology(82.7%) and those who study natural science, Chemistry(76.4%) or Biology(79.1). In most high school they are forced to run curriculum unfairly on account of this present condition.
        1985.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 硏究는 우리나라 國民學校 自然科 敎師用 指針書와 美國(Holt Science)의 敎師用 指針書를 分析 比較하였다. 各國의 科學敎育의 性格과 硏究課程 要素를 比較하여 보고 實際 內容에 있어서는 低學年에서 空氣分野와 高學年에서 海洋分野의 것을 다루었다.
        1985.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        地球科學 敎育에 關心을 갖고 硏究하던 중 1984年 2學期부터 1年間 美國 노-드 카로라이나 주립대학에 硏究敎授로 가서 國民學校 科學中 地球科學 敎育課程 內容을 比較 分析 硏究하게 되었다. 이 硏究는 우리 敎科書와 美國의 敎科書(Holt Science)의 體裁, 開發順序, 內容 및 槪念들을 比較하였다.